xt70zp3vt865_66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. January 1918 text January 1918 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_10/Folder_8/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_66 xt70zp3vt865 H. O. SPANGLEH. PRISIDINT JAB. A. BEAR. VICE-PRESIDENT W. \N. LOWER. SIC'V AND TREAU.
ROANOKE, VA. I. , 1 1.2% ,11).
. u '_ ‘F ' ,
‘ > 1 ‘ ‘ , 7" ~ ’ _ a
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January 3, 1918.
U"1"1flifl_i ""53 fir-hips,
. PF?$tOthTL, Ky.
‘,'Cur'n u! :‘90 :xnimr .Iitl’: ‘ ”:1". 64.21713.
.i.:} to wflngx; Um: I "‘i‘siml‘ j :. (wt of
11ml 2*, 11;-‘- j mt writing but exgwcts to riatmrn
S91urv§1 *, J:‘r111r.1";* it}; 917:3 *5/31]. ui‘r-iié "ON ”T 2;" 5. tings. _
Var)” 11"”1’7 ' 'er'.’
\J L‘ L
I'. Ti 1 WC", ‘3,
x %/ j

a f; mutt/1M

~ 7 . ~l

l'llo-h Dido-kocalc-l

'.FI‘:\R '
a-Ifiawhmfi‘ . .
5%???” G/ '6' M'W
% E is. A Jawé/y/ Wm 423/ ,
& ewg A%99V A$d9
j“ W a/ %
agile-225,3, JVo’ 6 wflwz/I W.
W Jan. 7, 1918
Jos.D.Uarhins Esq.,
c/c Harkins & Harkins,
Dear Sir:—

On December jist. we wrote you your creek #5086 for $37.50
was returned to us from your oark with notation "Not sufficient ffinds"
and to Kindly let us hear from you regarding this but up to this time
have not received a reyly. We will Kindly ask you to mail us another
check and oblige,

Yours truly, ( ;
/ ‘
‘1»/”>1 2 (‘~4 ,. ' f,

axiw §\05,. 2 ’5 ergo: _: 15‘s 5* 2
5‘ fierkiais ft dismiss:
:17 Estimator: one @ntnfir‘llws
\7\ A 7 qflrostonsbxwgfifigyéxf ag/y// . /2 7 3086
(fiyfi ///: 07/7/01’ 3/7/3 ..2: - «3494/ r6 , ,7 ,, , , , i ,, (fro/‘I/ :62
7 ‘ {777 ' ' ,1 /
X,A is; bLMw-r/ 7%/ 7:293 H ,, W 2 : [Aw/”nu
o; (311? flank Zines hint ) 7 ’ ,
73-293 mitiryzstnnahm'g,iliegturkg 3 f ‘7 "’7‘" “ ;W4’\ 5 7

 1 I .‘
, , , MW, 77, 7, Ch+ 7, ,,,7
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Louisville, Ky., _WW ___W-W, W IOIWW
No. -, ~fl_‘
fit‘ii‘fiiwty YW%H%T“fig——*fifl95fi
1: ’W:W:WW:W " _Ww:“_:«"_'

 ‘ ' \

 Louisville Clearing House.
This Check Returned Without Protest.
If you desire sanie Protested sign below.
Please Protest this Item if not paid on.
_ Presentation.

 Lomsnlle Clearing House Assocmtlon

n" \\m\' (':Hit Mil) IH‘TI !:\' T0 /
___.J_____.,_....._7_ _... ..3

L) ' , L, 1 , , ,. ,L VLL LH’L'ELL'LLLL
L 11' 1“”:‘>L , ,, L ,1 LLL ,LL’LL‘L‘P”L'1‘_1 _LL
[‘_’LL” ""“ "‘1 _. LLLLLL L___ LL:L-U,‘L“L‘“’_L, LLLLLL
L WLTL' .L _L L:LL:,;L.,..,L__
'L'BLL L _LLLLLLLL LQ'L‘“‘,___L___
L' ’ ‘ WL',:11}:€Li"!ziiLL LLL:L:1LLFLLL
ELK vtLLLL, LLLLL__ L‘LJLL',_\::'_’;.~:L'___
‘LL' wL‘Mlit ' LL LLM: ”ML _ ___
L ' 'LrW'v".‘;‘.L"LE.__ _ LLL "'--1"L£L~"Y _ _.
<_'-- , V 31:,ng ~'t L __ L:,{31'1'_'_“L‘1'_\L'L\H—_—_—fl
L111: LL LL“ “I‘M" ._.___ _L
No lh-uum UL“) \‘hthots to Siglmture

 (ficrmau Natinnal flank,
Olinrimtafi, (labia.
/ ,I’ 1m; ,5
Return 10k. pN‘V/‘J‘ _ (4"~"/~§“ __-__ _
—* “_j—fiir‘ "f#: “
Not listed. 7 7‘ A — fi—flhr ~ I
T mam; an j:_’;fj ‘_ j:
: _ifiogsigned properly. _
Date. _ #0777“ ,
Clearing. House stanip. ”in
— Sent wrong. A“ I M
Endorsement. ‘ 7
Guarantee endorsement. ‘ ,
Guarantee amountw.
— Signature missing. __.
: Pass book must accompany check.
_ Receipt must be signed. 77‘__7
__ Payment StoppeL
_ BEEP/102$], ___ ._-,

 D .
. Jan. 8, 1918.
' Bracket 93 CO., .
Cincinnati, 0.x
Gcr’x‘fleman: - .
Your letter oz" 7 inst. 1:5 received and noted. Do not under-
::me3 the nszz‘tation on the check wiven you 3.3 .there has been no
time, unless possibly during; a few haura of one 1.1:;3', w‘mxa there
was not sufficient fimda to take care of all sneaks autstmminaa
and at no time at tin: close of business far the bank has there
‘ failed to be a :mi'ficicncy, and much more. I an seaming you anoth-
er check far this sumo. a.)01mt, "am will 33,91: that you ,‘zzimily r93-
turn me «3:15:31: No. 3086 to .:.};- LiiLmC‘t.
“Jury truly 3’:-121‘s, ‘
Q 3
. , .

 \ V\~i
”jag: b, A. E. REINAUER
r H 13!?
gait—x ' '
3:1 w‘» MW WW W ,
9.4.; 22% J15 6‘ %%M W.
WM Cg. .
.anawuuufi’ Jan.9, 1918
c/o Harkins & Harkins,
Dear Sir:—

We are in receipt of your favor of the 8th.inst. enclosing
check #2408 for $37.50 for which accept thanks. We are herewith
returning your first check #3086 together with the several pagers
which were attached to the check when it was returned to us. Ybu
can rest assured we never were worried over this, feeling satisfied
there was a mist he somewhere. Again thanking you and awaiting your
further patronage, we are,

Yours truly, / ‘ ,V
A ,, , , / g’,

 I , 2 _
. H ‘k
/ 7 .
, /
.52).“. ’1, 1.33.1}. ' -
Bear .L’iostcrz-
Your letter came lag-1i. nighz, xvi-.1, the LIL/gym: note enclosd
win.- I 1.291: :‘r'mrsea 1111'.) am lure-.7113 213522.:"112'1‘; to Jon.
‘ ‘:2L:11‘sLo"-re :‘nunu an a ;.sog-Luxzi ;_,2 1::. buy tho ifézici; Foray:
“Dr-Nuns" that: frr'rr- -.--.r.~ty- at a. 11:12::‘1' 13:13.2 than 7E”??i%,.d.f3 and usuriimnd .
us would "or? “17L..:..Linr_; to {my us, gm. clown; up git? ’s’u".'z;-.‘(.i 1°C“:
j”: 7.,,3', to 12.11% eliminateg ;1i:1.:;;: 2;. 1::);3:-:;1.5ilii.;,' £430: .2'3'i'liu; the .
Loyal“: lot to. i nave weary Lou-.'.. our: 13:11:: 3.:; ”Megs. ‘i.r;‘2'.:1,_, ”to by
Luz, 11m rum". ”armory prupcirty ;:,..‘Lzel;,:, win 5.; sag-92? .11: .7 arm. get a
prefer opyortvnity to time; (1).: one; 10» rub- ...i;‘.;, ii 221.111 .14: m5 and.
see whizt cam be done with it. in me ..:e;n';l..i;._L I rensz'r‘m} he two
10*" notes: yesteruay, and in why: so promiocu mole irm‘i}; that
'.‘m'nglz; 3::-range before they 3:..Lu‘; on; 5652.33; 1:.: lave Him .:'olomed
. from :13}; liability on Lin: enoox‘mmnt, 21:: it .'2 unto uguihmfi. 33111! mud
1::; boh:.:. “If! can do min 1;:, gauging the .'LLi’uzu; $222.22 '30 ()4_.‘2,‘7~'i;‘;’ ‘Fllé‘fi; '
"at: pain for the progmr‘uy, {mu giving, am; 72:42."; :.u;‘;t,9.¢;c: on the
lot 31:: it, is”; the: event: we do not; :ngle 77~-332156 that time. "his -
will image i) 302.ij we will uave’ to arrange and guy on this: lot
;.‘itilin ”mint, time, if'xmf. (_.i'lfinjx' 1.4:»: Juli...
It has been 15110225.}.er Acre {walt- Lngry «i..;r:.;,.‘, ;;.._1 it: L'nu.:ring;
now. Hot 2.113%; :f Lulftilillb 5"}1116 2m '.;.i ;ezmrLLI, but 51.33.12. mi; :.z‘e ‘
as busy as can be at the ofiicé. All 1.1;!) folks 1'3;~.3om;bly well.
:;-.;::._ the. bxzbies fine. 2
. Iota of love'i'rom v.5 all,
(, .

VVUL)DS, (1111'1‘\V()(')1) & ( loxr:
7207-8-9-10 TERRY HI‘HJHNu
_ Rququc. VIRUINIA
Roanoke, Va., January 10, 1918.
In re Harold Goal a Coke Co.
Messrs. Harkins & Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Kentucky.

in regard to the deed from the Hatchers for
the right of way needed for siding, it seems that
when Mr. Markley was at Harold, some of the Hatchers
were drinking and some trouble arose. I remember
distinctly it was discussed at the time we made set-
tlement, and my recollection is that the price of
$25.00 was named, though I would not be willing to
state it was definitely agreed to. I am satisfied that
if you will see that we are protected and that we re-
ceive the deed to the strip of land at a reasonable

The Hatchers impressed me as being entirely
reasonable as to price, and if there had been any
suggestion otherwise, I would not have closed up
for the property, and even now I do not anticipate
any serious trouble, as the Hatchers impressed me as
being entirely fair.

Yours ve y truly,

 Jan. 10, 1918. ,
31'. J. B. fiflflim. ‘
State BMW“.
Frankfort, Ear.
that 311':- - ‘
, V111 5m glows have mm: to mm. by ”press. the follow-
ing 131213110an of your dapartmnth
- Vol. 1, mm 1 ma 2 and maps, Feuth series.
I 2" I 2 I I
I 3' fl 3 U I
a ‘. I 1 a Q
And oblige.
,Very truly you”.
Jm. ,
‘ .1.
\ 3

8 , $
‘ 2 3' .
A 5
. .
' ‘7
2 . . .
' 9

! > ‘
W . . .
(_ ' {".’L/ {,{riW

 . . , #23,
.1 v #11,}
‘ Jun. 112, 1:;113. . ‘
131:. x;. 37:. 31:; vard, "
nu? 112, fly. " i;
new; poem :.'. .. '
13321.1»3' -:- $21.; 1;.; gunk-Ca, 1c: Jam—7223.3), 26213 :3 19"?!) noted. E
A22» 1'2: fart-nix“ ‘.1: 52am ;2.421,'32L.;..:;22 L212; ugly»:;:‘u.-;in2a*.tg; 3.23232'ti3n and E,
‘3‘; C' 71.4“; ‘3’: '~.“‘»‘.’1’ .3 £29331“ Mir; "7 $29536 5.1.2:: ,: 3.1.1, 032'" 3.11222, 0;”: 22;“: '7»,
' Cn’lLOifiLf, Lowquagau‘ic sue-tel, :2“; .32.;11; 5,121: kl..2::-v;yz.‘132fi 1.222;) :“
' t' Eutgfi'Litw; ".211 "("352 3:: ,;,«,‘.»=_:;,..‘,1.;3' 'u'm sax/123:, 2 42.3.2123 2. 1.111.? E?
1311,21, r2: £32,3-;- ‘.L=.,2:i;{;« store :xzchusitigm ..:-1 .’./1&2; 31:/2.17.1323“. a 3::- 2*
t. .r; , 2:51:13: 1:.3 1:21:29” ”:..1-113 322:;71’23h 5'95»? ~2'7‘t“31"~4i~a ' ‘
31:7: “'1"; .1 :3;.--:~.;. 1:); 1,221. amaze. 1‘?
21:2, ',-‘lj;.._ 1. .~cg::~.,;1¢2-.;:2, 3227-1: 22:111. 111’ arrw'x‘1:..‘v 3:;;1L/22‘jfi6 5,13
i2: ’E'LL; ,1 £11323. imam 00-52:.2'23. 2‘. {21. can; £221.11; 2122:, 1-52' 27:1";15'
Eye :1.-r: - 2,; 71:05:23?” rim-tr: Ii. 2,131.16 32:-01:. u "1“”125 “3*“? “5351"“? "‘
..2W .,::222-:222.,; :.wuim, mm L925] inma- 1:3 new in czi'flxrrév ‘ :"a’ntar-
thian. 1.; 1113‘,2r';{.='11i€7 ', ’i 131;“: .1 313v? Myi‘nl‘by- ‘... “2111131; 1.:2-2‘2' 22121252233; 115.
1.; _2m2x:«.;,,:ze 1.2,; 32mm 5212.1: parties, 22.13233: L125: 122223.132 (,2‘1317321.~:.-(m‘;~:; 31:12:: :_
-92: Eur-:2. 731m: 34:33. . 5
Liner-c. 25:2: +i12}3§1‘£3lfii336381:?” 1125020 5:er an xxx-atir ..'-.n 'Mkzznzznw
2 «Quinn we have. Twila? m 4.19 319: «:2:?2- all. on Airht-ar, 83.5721 Haw-2?. "lg-3
are “uni :1 22:2": Bumbag, 21:11.2 they ass-zufitcrin-g‘, that. am (3": “mt Wm, g
21m? m 1:129 in per 2111:1312! t1: 72531311769 the name :33‘2nu'3xi it 72a: uneasssmff j;
m: umired. ”no one 1::-11.3.11 356:1“. in fishers.- or mum 132.2 in sin ‘1:‘2;E.r?;?yin;
5.21 13.11521: fixation witfiirvazl‘, 7m: prfl’fi'i-‘flkf'fifi, frieze :2:-2r auras: 19:13:39.3 4
cili'nctingg parts of him ”'1“).1'2€::l“ {2700;263:3133}, one Emmi; ‘m-T‘m'r 'éizmner /
atatiim 122161 :.'".nnim; 21;: 13:9 13:33 221%! or Haws Branch, and over an 7
m Arkansum, includin r: nmximately lfié‘vfl fu‘Jfl’L‘o'; 212.111.1536? an the »
1295:3132: silo {if Prater, iffislrfl'ingj :1.1;;1‘3xi1fln‘aelg’ 2730-11 aortas, and the .
(jump flrmch 1533.68, manning; back over on Pram—2r, 1303.12.15.22 t; 9333;" l
inmtely 14m: mares, 3.14:3:- ”maid nut be included in any sale made -
of the ;.1ro;>erty. The balance of the same can be sold at 1’ 1(:G,Co ,
per acre, or 16:33:35 upcm 3. 3211.513 of 10¢ per ton royalty, Wi tn
. the usual and customary minimum royalties}, 1.5 ., z; 3.60, :2 4T ,Lfi-(J 4
221.1111 :3 5.19:) per were per year, sawdg, third, fourth ymzrs and
mach year thereafter. I regard this coal on Prater (Ira 3; 2213 some
of the: best that were is in Iélzza‘cern Keentuzcicy, and twat aspecial
am, the seam about .2150 feet 0n the hill Wig-jam is; specially 33111.th 3
for bynprmhgct 215-3913. This runs about 5&5 inches; owner all, 7:11:11
about 4 to (2 inches of parting in Various places.
Opposite Harmer. on Janiels areek, we have approximately 1500 “f
acrea in fee. I do not know that they would, consider 2 sale 5f
the mineral er sail and. surface of this tract, but they have. of-
ferrec'a the timber an the same? at E5 36,000.00, which. :58 a. wry
fair priae, cansiuering the high quality of the timber that 13 j‘
on the 1: nd._ . r g
- On Bull 312:3}; we have approximately 2500 acres, which is 7
back of the: lease made by Sam Hatchet, etc 1', and also back of the _.-;§
, lease wharf: the Graham Coal am. 00. have their property, now ~ 1";

 w"- .- ;- 3526‘2121 ..
. . . :2.-
2' . . _ . ‘,‘
2 w ' ’
. J:
‘being operated by Dwale Coal Company(which cpecation, by the way .‘
I am now trying to buy); and also back of the hertha Leal§e mine, 2
ang th3 nine” lutaly taken over by H. H. Merrie, etc. of hcntinghn ‘
inc coal is in; 521m Tfl i:_%ciug mined at each of these polntc, 2
hit tuickur an 1h? Bull wide of the unufiain. The price cf this ._ 2w
' pluperby 1c yi¥?.bfi guy acre, cr law per tar rcyuiLy, ucual min- :
321121.15. '.:.‘Liu ~19 z.‘2-. W1". 75.2“ Ni“? ’37-'- 9‘393571‘172” 17 7732“"0‘7'5' on Linc map as ‘-
if. aha/nun ’02.” ca; 1‘; 32.23122; in 2.2223271“ tn “1.22.2 'z‘iver 2.502.411 2.1.1) the longer
emf, 3..-.7:. 2m “1.:; 21.3.1, 1'3: :2:: >.1r.:;<~.r.‘-‘.-‘.;.' :::.j-».3~:<‘r;::;«3£‘;ghad. In acme in~
file .‘.-Pu: and gas are not (filled, bu". even aware armed, the '
present ::' mum (mg-sec“;- to rapesm and to retain the 135::‘13.
i‘vt the; i‘oz'i‘ILiJum" $241.13; :.‘=;a:;.ti('§: vill 3):; sufficient
for ,',/(71ij ;:':;':n::" ;s, “zit. u: .3.; 7:742“; Dive £3113.» theta; :.:3 may be ‘
.: :.;:zzqcfi.
A's. stratus ."2£Zl’.~'.~;I';LLO'L"t;~. A;.)lti-miu”: l~.“.'.fl~'ev, .:, Laugh, of £335,351 :1:).338
”LO 2:13-13: ”:1! 'gr'einibla.
l “‘;:.lIL :iiifiliwis'lllf" in; L‘.?LJLJ'L'M'; H. iii.wa.mm.b;. {,:.-31¢; 1. me itliin
“git; :1: ::x, . 1“- ..‘4'1313 ;;:;:‘.Ii.i, an L“! Linn: L. ;.; ;; b;t.’r..'.1";:.m.,e ;.<:u
l an ?t-?'=,L ”I, (awe :‘nm'z.;ieg~ <,.5*._;;;.L;;..i..: Lin: 1:. :, .- .;LHLeZ'.
:cc‘la ‘.;J: ".‘:.;‘J-Ls. 2.;}. u. now: L,.(;.t.‘,.r;1. 1:.;.1‘.:;,;.n :_,.._:';.4 '40 take .
t..;L..- ' ‘ «'5. '..;L, ”with .‘.i L}. L‘., LLL: “glam/10L ‘4 ‘3;/bill;, 0.: Lb" '.‘~'I.1/»3..;123L‘rfiesln
ll-Ifl‘fi’lrzn’é, .LI} ”flit-3.3. 1?." .‘. TUEHZLE‘.‘ U: ”if-LA; LiLiL 5:. :)4. L1),\’L' {:.3-l LXI“ 3.;-I
" row; film»: .:3 all, _
~ . L,‘ r; ~1.r1v:'.w:‘.’:y: '1‘ I ,2:
o . . ~ a

 '. ‘ . 7‘53”?"
‘ /
;oe / */, /7/Q
' B T P /
V #1254” M f
‘r’ ‘ ‘ M/I/w QC, 5, e C a cf ,.i /,_ A pMiN 922/ ,éJv/Z/Q .
«a» O ,* p/Vit/LHQ L; ,C, Alf/C, é (1 1‘ , 1 r ‘1’“, ,1: y/L 7“ I A/IL CLf/
' °/ /
, ' /’ , , / ~ ‘ ,_ ‘ i
U?» L Q'C’CL‘ c c 1 , 45,1.4 6; i . xl/ xxb‘k’ W’C / ' k (7 dz (A( "‘9'" (pf/Wig 7
”g [L’L/k V 8’ I “Vb/WV a“. “r v 1' (‘7 '71; ’V , px'rL/L (7 I 07/ ;W/
/ » 7 / / / ' ’ . ~ x
.»’/C :44 v9 '4 L/él/ L/ /<‘/’ ’ ‘ gl ‘4” L .7 ( L// 'r/ “ Lac 1 L {’74 »éq,‘ .v ‘74, 1.7L (7 :a (L LW/
, [I /
é!" f / {/ k C4, ‘1’/L 4 IA ‘9 LL/vnW’7 ‘j" {L7 Mia (,L Li <' (C, alt“ .
, ¢,42*/’ /./ . J
/ I I I I mo;
. L / , / LA. ,4 ,
”;ck/cM‘r ”L C, RI; L (v k "- ” ’ \ (K “’1 L C (I, ’ /:7 f
, ~ 7 . .
‘ ..‘,//’ __1 ,,r’ ,// . / V //, , 7V7 ,,
dry” (f/ ’Lfi/L7/ ngfi/C ohm KN , 5 J“ ‘5’" K' "r ”(‘4’ ’— ‘ 1 ‘4 Z 4'5
We; Zia/L (“k/74 {UL :Kalu—c/ _ (/AL./(/ {Ca/,,A/é‘z/ n/ A? 6 ‘
a /, «l
’1’/5 \ ’ ' //A K / 4 , L, ‘ r /
"I C ’O’FK W " V , C érw~ Cynic" , a Li , c: {.1 Cr 41 , (L ¢//<
, , K g‘¢//L, M
,7:i‘/L/k L, /' , {pi/66' {;'f/ EFL/WW / * / W7 ' q f, /C'/,/
x ’V/ ,4 ( u I \
MW WI]; um " f L7 rth, (L 00’ k (“4% n / , / MM VV/Q/
f K4 ,
\/ ' / ~ ”I r ”I /' W’L/ .
¢’/~.//i/KJ LL“ g e C ( ,/(/<—« .4 x’xirC/w. L . ( 7LOL «7*.
‘ (I I
’ 5 fl/ ,
aw in _, L c ,/

 Jane 15. 1918. _
Won. 13.5. 1?. Wanda, ' .
Dam Size:- - "
Yaur letter of 1!:- 1net. came dung»; to hand. and content. ‘
noted. Like: you I an cal-tam of m recollection that the prm _
at 55% 25.00 m named relative to the m1}. additional want - ‘
of right of way. but» I m not certain that the sane was ensued
to and accepted. I r111 do evarything passable ta properly " .
protect the Gummy in film sanitizer of the clam? of this prop- CK
> canton; and will be in maittm’: *0 take up the same as mu If;
as 13:: 11051de by Mr. 3min that that? work is corrmleted, and
ready to be closed up. ' ‘.‘
. we mare mt aware of the unpleasantneaa referred to in 5*
1;er letter when 123:. Emrklejy was there. and received no 1nd:-
oation that such a condition existed when I was last at Karon
in re amuse to Br. mall‘s 11;-quest to come up relative to 1:111- , .
‘ preparation. J
‘ , Var; truly you’m, '

 (i I I‘”"€§§
‘5‘ i
i' .;
_1 T . 3
Messrs Harkius and Harkins
Ky. .
Dear Sire:-
I Will be down to prestenspurg Friday the 18th en
the eavning train. Will go ever the matter with pendleton and
Come to your effice from their. I am advised by my ether people
that if I am net ready to let them pay in the ir money by the 30th
that they will call the deal off and look for something else.
But I would Rather have the deal go through the way we talked it
and have greed. for it will give me Some money now and the other way
it will be some 4 erfi years befere I would be able to realise mutch
out 9! the deal.
I'aale enquiries fer Same tenage and 3189 fer some going mines
' Beath large and small Mines. Have you any thing to offer.
But rush the Betsy layne deal to Completion at once.
Verry truly yours '
J.u. ranuin

 To Joseph D. Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Ky.

The undersigned, Rogers Bros. Coal Company, a corporation inc.
porated under the laws of the State of Arizona, hereby offers to
sell to you or assigns, at any time on or before March 1, 1918,
the coal operation owned by said Company at chanee, Pike County,
Kentucky, at the price of One Hundred Twenty Five Thousand
($125,000.00) Dollars, cash; and upon acceptance of this offer of
sale and simultaneous with the payment of the purchase price
aforesaid, undertakes and agrees to tenuofar the title to said
coal operation, including its leaseholds and all properties of
every kind and nature, real, personal and mixed by deed of conveyi
ance with covenants of general warranty.

We further agree to make such conveyance to whomever you or
assigns may direct, at the purchase price which may be named by you
to us, over and above said sum of $ 125,000.00, and to protect you
or assigns in any amount for which you may be able to sell said prop-
erty over and above said sum of $ 125,000.00, if any.

The foregoing purchase price includes therein a Sullivan Short
Wall Mining Machine, ordered and now ready for shipment, but not
yet shipped from the factory on account of embargo.

Any additional properties purchased and placed in and upon the
said operation, from this date forward, shall be paid for by you or
assigns, atIcost thereof.

We reserve the privilege of operating said mine to Harch 1,
1918, but should this offer of sale be accepted and sale consum—
mated before said date, we will ship all coal mined from said oper-
ation to the purchaser, or to whomever he may direct, subject, however
to our existing contract with the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company
for the output of said mine.

' The commiosary operated in connection with said mine is not
owned by us, but by our brother; and if this offer of sale is accpet—
ed and sale consummated, the purchaser shall also take over said
commissary at the cost price of the goods therein contained.

This .73.; zuary 18 , 1918 .

Rogers Bros. Coal Company,
By (Sgd) Lon Rogers,
Secretary u Treasurer.

 j , 1 / ', . ' v V ' ' “ 7"37‘Wiztyy;
, t . . _ p 57-17%
u ‘ ~ ' ..~ . ' .31
s ‘ -\ 1;
, ' Jan. lb‘, 1918. '
_ Hon. max Lezvy, ;.
- ' . Cincinnati. (2., ‘
. Bear 32133? ~
I be; tr: advise that I went to :.‘ikeville today, ami saw new. ,
Fen mid inn 3.2013623, and after going; mmr the situation with them,
obtained sombract on the Fetishes :.,:rnpesition, as ‘:.-r cot-:3 here- ,. ,
1 with enclosed. I hereby authorize to offer this pm,g«:sition is? .
\ sale for our Joint benefit mu". profit. "
"then I prepared end sent the emitter: (anntnmt to them about . .
, ten dais ago the}; 115“}. left on that morning. for Western i-iiegntucfgr, “'~
item which. ting; raituxi‘z‘zed 1:1: Sunday night. Ion Rage rza mailed the , '
date to his brother Ian at .:’;amlzmd Mummy and advise-.':. :::.: that the \- “ .
2 name would he :.=.ttcnde:i to the next day, an I wired you; lug-wwez‘, ‘
2m: noggerte left Ashlzmd Eisner-:5 amazing, ‘;:-:pec'tim; to retum there ‘ 1';
. Enema-y and his wife did not florward their nail to him, and he has
' not receives that letter. {in receipt» eff year wire yesterday .'3; an!»
den‘mrcd to get in tonal"; viti}. him by grsimne at Aehlaxld, finally 3.0- Xi?"
* sated 3.1.2}. in .:.3. Ummty, made an engagement in .E-ikevillz: today and . 15;
secured this contract, and wired you to that effect. 2;.
Relative to the ‘.:,...L- a. nontraet, since they" gave me the data , 54:;
on the £243: of December, they new: made (mother centres: with the §
C. 3r «,3. for the entire autput of their mines at 2.45 per ton, wig}.
and have been getting; full our supply. However, this contract can '
_ be terminated by eiti‘zer part? rm thirty day}; name. so that this .“'-fr
shonld not effect the sale of the property. . If}
The provision relative to the additional properties was placed a?
therein because they do not want to stop development, and now are ‘ -
asking for qzmtations an a car-load of steel, miicn they will probe} 1
'- order. and nine an order in for 30 additional mine cars at 3:130 ‘
each. .13th of these would be desired, no doubt, by the purchaser, ‘.:]
”out in the event he did not want them, there would be no difficulty _
in disposimg of the smueelsewhere. ’ ,
I trust that with this contract on hands you can now make real 2'
progress in the matter of the sale of this property. } ._
- ‘ Very truly yours. i
, 13::
JDIi. . .
ERG 1c ‘ ‘ «15‘
. ."5

 1’ , ' I '1 ' I . ' I) ‘55“,
‘ ' I ' K. '1‘""\..
. .'1
. . a
. , ‘u
' Jan. 18, 1918. , /
Egon. max Levy, / 5.

, . Cincinnati, 0. . 1
Dew 3111's ‘:i1JC-rj:- V -‘

4 ‘ _ On receipt of your tfilegram yesterday aftVXAOGfl. i call- .
ed hr. Lon Angers by phone at Asnland,'anu receiVEQ report frem }
there that he was at chanee. I then called him there and laie in i
the afternoén talked with Min kg pnnne. 3 aaked aa to the written 2i
‘agreement sent down to him, and ha atatefl that ha had 15ft his name ,/
at Ashlanu last monday expecting i9 return on Tucsgag, and that f
by reason a! that fact hig wife had nvi forwarded his mail, and ha

_- had not received fine Option. He further stated that he wnula be at
Pikeville today, an: to be sure that ths mutter wauld have prupcr
attentian I made at engagement %9 sec him thyre Loday at noon.

' He exyreaned nimacif as entirely willinb to execute the.v:itten I
‘contruct, and suggfiated that I grfiparfi the same and have fit with me 'Q
when 1 came up, which I have dona- §

1“ I am going up an the morning train, and if the paper is .3
properly executed, the same will be assigned to you, and enclcsed K
to Fun with tnia letter, from bikeville. Will also wire you from 1
there, as indicated. ‘ w!
' waxy truly yours. '
JDH. ‘ . . _
7 ’ 1"
, 1
, 1g

 \ ‘
‘ To Joseph D. Harkina,
Erestnnnbnrg, Ky.
- The undersigned, Rogers vau. Coal Cnmpany, a cor OILtiGn incw
porated under tha lawn of the $tat0 of Arizona, hereby offera_tc
~ sell t0 ynu a: assignfl, di &uy time on or baforc haych l, 1918,
~_ the coal opertiion owned by fimid Cagwany at Kevance, Pike C unty,
Kentucky, at the price of ONE Hundred Twenty Fivw Enousand
{I {$125.UQU.(’,I Tfillitrfi, {39.21:}; 51,116. Upon £10‘jfl;ji,f:k'l(;l—f of V1.3.) gffez’ of
‘ sale and simultaneous with the payment of the purchawe price
aforesaid, angertnkas and agrees in awuuufer the iiilu to 331C
coal opcratien, including itu luaufihuldfi and all properties of
C every Kind and nature, re&l, yaruonnl and mixad by awed a? convcyfi
‘ ance with goveuanta of general walrunty.
; "1'8 leffti’iOI." 8,5336%: to 1,143.10.- such convvyrmov {.0 x-v}m1;gver ygL‘ a:
assigns may airect, at Lhu phgchufic price which ymy he named by you
' to us, CVGr and abOVe said an; cf fl 125,000.00, mun no y'wagct you
. or assigns in any amuunt fox which you may be able to sell said prop-
erty over and abcve said fium or $ 12§,UO0.00, if any.
' whe foregoing purchafie price includea tharein a nullivan short
' Wall Lining Queuing, ordered and now ready for mhinmnnt, but not
:5 ‘ yet snipped from tne factury on account 01 embargo.
T. finy additional pruperties purchased and placed in and upon the
‘ said operation, from thig date forward, shall be paid for by you or
assigns, at cost thereof.
We reserve the privilege of operating saia mine to Larch l,
1918, bu; should this offer of sulu be accepted and h$le canaumo
mated beinxu said date, we will ship all coal mined from said agar-
ation L0 the purchaser, or to whenever he may airccc, subject, however
to cu; unisbing duntraut with the unogmpoakc and Uth xaiivay Company
for the output of said mine.
The Commissary Operated in caunection with said mine is not
owned by us, but by our brother; and if this offer of male is accpet- ,
ed and sale connummated, the purchaser shall also take over said
commiasary at the cost price of the goodu therein contained.
This Januazy 18, 1913.
V Rogers Eros. Coal Company, .
, By (56d) Ion fiogerm, ~
Secretary a Treasurer.

 J ‘ i, ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' . ' ,, ,u/f?
\ . , _
I ,. . -
? ' , T0 Joseph D. Harkins, ., ,
‘ , Prestonsburg, Ky.
The undersigned, Elkhorn & Black Diamond fiining Company,
_ hereby offers $0 sell to you or assigns, at any time on Or before ‘
the day of 1916. the coal operation owned by said “
V company at Hewanee, Pike County, Kentucky, at the price of Lne
- Hundred Twenty-Five :‘housmd ( 4,; 125,000.00) J'Jollars, cash; and
upon acceptaucc of this.offer of sale, and simultaneous with the
payment of the puréhase price heroin named, undertakes and agrees
to transfrr the title to said cual operation, including its lease-‘
hold eatates, and all properties of every kind and nature, real,
geraonxl and mixed, by deed of conveyance with covenants 0f gcnural
warranty, or by the transfer and assignment of all the capital
stock of such corporation, or in such other manner as may be desird
by you, or assigns.
fie further agrea is make auch COHVeynnae, or transfer of stock
or in such other manner ufi may be disignatud, tu‘wnomever you may
direct, at the purchase pfice which may be maxed Lu us by you over »
and.above uald sum of ; 125,000.00, and to protect you or assigns *
in any amount for which you may be able to Sell said pro sxty aver ‘
and above said sum'of'$ 125,000.00, if any.
'| This January 16, 1918. '
. LIKHQRI? 6c ELADK 111,3,th 451.1412ka (10., ,
’ By ...-..._-,._-n..,._-..W...._M.-m...___.

 , - . ' 2?“
s‘ I
. - . Jan. 19, 1918. 2
Dear Doctor:-
Tho bunk husImailed to me the tww enclosed checks of 2
' youra given them the other day in payment of interest on note v
, renewals, and have charged the same to my aeoount. Please send ‘
me another snoox for the agwunt of these two, and got busy and
I'Lalce some of ;,ou.1' patients pay enough to take care; of the 55:22:23.
Scott has just run in on mm a check for $ 40.00, and having to
pay it, and those two checks, and some other‘additionul items is
a putting me in pretty close place.
Trusc that you had a sucoeaoful trip Cown3to Sincinun
nati, an; that you are interexting Home gooa pooyle in those
proyofiitionu; Have a wire from cincinnafii thio mornin;, and
also a lotto? in wgich a follow 1 have usmociaied with me down
there advises that he expects to sell either Coinnizl or Aowanea
on 13nd y or Tuogday, and yrobably both. If he does 1 make a nice
little Eamon of money out of it, and ouftioiont La take care of
a new builoing for the coming aummer. ,
L27 have to so to Ginoinnati almost any day now, as
2911 as some: places whove I will be ourgng tho coming two weeks.
Am finding it very satisfactory on purchmsing and selling going
operations, and very prafitaole. Have three on tho atria; now,
am working for another; and expeofi to have two more ouring the '
course of the nafit’Veek. ‘
By the way, I have an inquiry for a Pocahontas mine '
that can be had aroung $ 200,000.00 with a liberal commission
in it for us. It occurs to me that you might know of something
good that would meet this order. If you do, got busy on tha same,
for sixty day option, and complege information, and we can ’ \
work a nice prurgt iu-it for you.
It 15 still cold here, 333 snowing most all the time.
The little baby has too much aztendency to take cold to have him
out. Reca is'botter and around, and Littl