xt70zp3vt865_69 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. April 1918 text April 1918 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_11/Folder_3/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_69 xt70zp3vt865 »,/
. / Harald Ky
Mr J.D. Harkins. April the a, 1918
Dear JOez- _ Ky
Yeur reenest cf the lst noted and in reply will say that

Any thing I have ‘5 always far sale. think I Could procure another
intrust. the property is fast being put in opporatian and expect ta m
sniping Baal in 30 days.
we will be able to run 500 tenes 1n 6 manths and maby 800 tanes)
the1r is 4 of us that Constitute one Company and part of us form the
Opporating fiampany.
I am a member of the Goal and land Csmpany .ne 4th intrust and I am
always an the market with what I have.

Bay Joe dont get held of any more ferd people unless ya
get next ta henry ford.

Verry truly ynurs
P S. J.u. tannin
I might be in position in a vcrry short time to take what ackrage
you have behind us if the price is right.
J u I

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P1/\)( L.E:\/\’
CINCINNATI Cincinnati,0hio ,
April 4th,1918.
Mr.Joseph D.Harkins,
Care Seelbaoh aotel
Dear Mr.Harkins-
I have an appointment with Mr.Samuel Levy for this
afternoon, as he has just returned.
Solon advises that heAawaiting favorable news from New
York, and that he expects to raise from his i‘I‘ew York parties the
full sum to purchase all four operations, as his clients need
500,000 tons of coal per year, and he is under the impression that
if he takes active charge of the Operations he can double tie output
in four or five months. I am daily awaiting word from the Interstate
as to when their Mr.Clere can come down, but presume this will be in
a few days.
L Will advise you tomorrow as to my interview with Mr.
Please advise me as to what you have been able to ac-
complish in Louisville-
With my kindest regards, I remain,
Sinceng%y, / ,V
‘:II\‘\ If / L/{/
g \U (3,
3% t

 '(Copy) ' ‘ v
. ' l . 01noinnafil.0hio,
Agril 4th.1918.
Mr.Joseph D.Horkinm, ‘
Cara Soclbaah Lotol
InuisvilleJKy. ‘
Dear Nr.Hark1na-
I have an appointment with Mr.3mnu91 Levy for thifi
afternoon. as he has Just returned.
Solon advises that he awaitifig favorablc news from.flew
Yofik, and that he expects to rats: from his owfiXonx parties the
full sum to purchase all four Operations, as his olionto need
, 500.000 tons of coal per year, and he is under the 1m9rosoion that
if he takes active charge of tlc Operations he can double tlo output
in four or five months. I am daily awaiting word from tho‘Intorstate
as to when their Mr.Clare can some down. but pwosumn this will he in
a few days. .
‘ h - W111 advise you tomrw as to my interview with m.
V ‘ evy.
‘ Pleas. natiae me as to what you have been able to aa-
oompliah in Louisville: ‘
' With my kindest regards, I romain, ‘ »
‘ . Sincerely, ‘
, ‘ ' MAX LEVY.
, I

 I”, Eetsy Bayne.
” April the 4th 1918
Hon W.S. Harkins _
Prestonsburg. .
Dear Sir:—
I only Have one fourth intrust in the betsy layne
and have bin offered 810.000.00 ta the geed still i want to sell.
we Have had controll er the preperty over a month and Have expended
a bout 820.000.00 dollars all ready in the way of opporatinz the
preperty. and will be ready seen te ship Coal.
yeu will find out in the verry near future the cause ef the preperty
never paying a dividend while under the Cantrell of the Betsy Layne Cad
CO. had nanagment) we are buying Suplyes by the car load and
Discounting the bills isent that strange.
if I had depended on mr ferd and Dave hatcher I would have bin left
out in the Cold and lost the deal.
it is all right for sutch fellsws as dave hatcher and I to tie up
in an obligation but for your own sake dont you do it
"cu -e that if eaver in life cu should “_ "#~~
J u y acquire any thing at our
hands it would be a surprise to you.
though in my awaward way I might place a bunch of your property bdl
that is Just behind us. if the price is right.
we will seon be sniping coal from 4 mines Heare. when you bring things
te a show down let me no and I will Came down. and go ever evry thing
with you.
With best wishes for yeu *
, Verry truly yours.
J.M. Pannin

N1/\)( L_E:\/‘{
April 5th,1Q18.
Mr.Joseph D.Earkins,
Dear Mr.Harkins--

Enclose you herewith copy of a letter this
day received from Goa; W'sog%sig_8upp1y Co. It did not reach
me until this morning.Eg;§g%§ e plains itself.

Received an inquiry from J.H.Best at
Dayton this morning, who took the matter up with me several
months ago, and he seems to think that he can dispose of
some of these operations if he will be protected. Wrote
him to phone me on receipt of my letter, and that I would make _
satisfactory’arrangements with him.

Had an interview with Mr.Levy last night.

He is going to take the matter up with some of his friends, and
an appointment has been made for Monday morning next, when I am
to meet than all. Personally he is very much interested, and
he stands ready to pay between $25,000. and $50,000.
Veny truly,


-, , . * Apzu 5th,,1918. \, ,
Gore of Central Wisoonmn Supply 00., ’ . p

_ Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. > ,'
‘ ‘ Dear Mr. Stmoethorn ‘1 ; . .
' 1 ’ I sincerely regret that your letter of March 25th.
did, not reach me until this morning-m April 5th.— Hakeem arrived int
time, I assure you that your request for a shipment of: coal from the
Colonist]. would have been grantee. I would have {was at my Memes
to to so, even though it would. have resurrect a personal trig; to the
mines. . ‘ . ,

‘ ‘f It is out of the question considering $150 .000.
for the Colonial- An offer of $175,000. was refused the‘bther day, and,
from inalicetions, believe that 1 can diamoso- of this mm at a figure
above $200,009. gnome toyou. ’ \

, ‘ I believe that you will agree with me that the
price fixaa to you for the Cliff is very reasonabln. fie that as it
way, {should you at any time fuel like oonsid ermg those propositions ’
@3111, 1113.1 be {glad to discuss the setter further with you 1:! they have
not, been previously {flamed of. ‘ .

If you would consider the Earshot-so of mines in
A this ooot‘ion of the oomtry producing a B «Eroduo Coal. which can be
'. shipped all over the 9:111:96: States. I am in a position to talk .
business.» I have one mine twenty-five miles below *roetonsi‘mrg

on the Big; {Sandy Division of the C.&.0.Byfi., which pr ofluceo the highest
grade of EEWORE. and has 3 6.9.11; output of 400 tons per deg. The anti"
out?“ is‘ taken by the e.&.0.Raflroaa. whioh contract samba terminated.
on thirty rleys notifii, The only trouble with this mine is that any
option must be “unrefined "By April 19th, otherwise it, will be taken by

, other people. ' The price on this proposition is $200,000., 8116. o.
bargain. An odflitional aspen-31m“ of about $40,006. wul mama“ / .
the output to 1000 tons per day. There is no better By—froduot Goal
; on the m» moot than is produces at this particular mine. If you fire '
interested, wire mo. and wrong for an 1;:wdmte impaction. ‘ ,
Referring further to the above 3.1512 :0 stir:

. . an on i ~ ‘
mazmmmmpmeartsm léflfibé’tfieflnt’efieffiafim age. ” ‘3‘:
boring 1.260 acres ”Ivfiégefigg‘nr mégwgghgogfleg gave Prestmekwg
Weflaifl with Bituminous, while homes/1 aoo maggot) .3313ng is , h

, ':‘.EWORK It a a By‘Pl’Pflucfi. T1118 mine haw eta t1 \ *9 3

anti has . P 1‘51 011 1&8“ fiermhw _

a aaémam magehmgfi gamma prggintsewipmam °f “Wt 125‘ ”u".

t v- . r crease o 00 as soon as the el V

equipment contracted :vor will be delivered in a tow mont- hefflrmal I

 ' 2313 possibilitiaa in, this oporation am wonélarful. If you mean '
, .meinoss , wouio’. wa‘ 2338 “that you take the 1:12, I: tor up v3.13}: 3! at ‘
M139. and you and I can do business: 1oz: hurry.
‘ ' 2 ' Very truly,

April 5, 1918.
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins,
Attorney at Law, .
Irestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Sir:
This acknowledges your letter of March 27th,

giving a list of coal properties which you have for
sale. ‘

Beg to advise that Hr. Thacker misunderstood
just what I wanted, as my brother and myself were looking
for a piece of property which would cost between @15,000.00
and 425,000.00, and which would have railroad facilities,
or would adjoin a railroad that would furnish us a side
track. ‘

I would be very glad, however, if you wish to


cooperate with me along this line, to takeAthe matter of g
selling, or assisting you in selling, some of the properties i‘
mentioned in your letter. I believe that I have about g
as good coal connections as anybody in the country, and %
would probably be able to handle one or more of these o
properties. If you desire to have me take up this matter, %
I would, of course, have to have general data on whatever it
preperty you wish me to try to sell. ~j

Would be very glad to hear from you, and in case i
you have any small properties, would thank you to furnish a


Sheet No. 2

me with information in connection with same . /;4

Very truly yours , p/Q/Z /
/ /( //

P1/\)( L.E:\/‘{
C'NC'NW' Cincinnati ,Ohio,
April 8th , 1918.
Mr.Joseph D.Harkins,
Dear Mr.Earkine-
Mr. Clere of The Interstate Coal &
Dock 00., is undoubtedly in your vicinity, and he is going
to investigate the Dwale and the Kewanee. Get in touch
immediately with Mr.Rogers and also Carter, and have them notify
you when he comes.
Had a little extended oonfab uith Samuel
Levy and two of his friends yesterday; they stand ready to put
up $25,000. a piece. They are trying to interest friends,
and I am to meet thenlagain the latter part of this week.
Let me know the news from your end of the line.
Sincerely, .

 _, , >
5 . 7 ' ‘
« , ‘ April 8, 1918.
Hon. Max Levy, , ,
’Cincinnati, 0.
Dear 1-‘:i.r:-
I returned from louiuville last night, ::.ch fine. on my a’rriv- .
1'31 at the office your letters of 5 inet. and enclosures therewith .
sent. ' 2
, I am. pleased to note that you will have an iuts'rview with
122-. Samuel Levy and acne of Elia friends this earring, trust 2
that something tmtgi‘olc will come out of thc await. They {should be ‘
able ,to handle the proposition in a no at satisfactory manner, “oath
' to themoelvea and to us.
I also note the copy of the letter from Central '.tmmmoin
Supply company, and of your reply to the some. l‘or your infer: otion »
Ii beg: to aavioe 9.23 follow», and you. any oomamioato sue}; portion of ‘
the game to them by letter as; may ags-pear to you to be proper: We -
kne’w that they 31:21.6. trio mimics expert here, am: that he was making
examination 212.1115. ixmpectioa 61‘ the property; that i also knew within
. twenty four hours; after Kennedy {gave the info laxation the muse of ti:
' party who was offerinu thin propoaition to them at a less; price
. ' tam; that waioa we nweé,‘ and that he had no autho mtg; carotever even
to price or to buy 1.113 552.15. much less to contract it, one that as
- estateo to .111. .‘-.’e:nmj;iiy, Lot]: by Sir. Fromm am; :yoelf, I, an the only
oneumvinfl; a Gauntlet on the some, or any anthori t3; relative to its
male. I wrote you fully" a enort time ago as to hot: this Izzii’ortunate 2
‘ condition came about; You may say to them further that they are ,
than williwjto »amy 1.49232" 1b5,1:oo.oo for the mine, as J..;t‘. Kennedy
offer‘red to? that wwun’t for the some, which was praismtly refused,
and willie consistently refused in the future; that inc-“team of
the ogwigfinent eooti‘fig new only oo,(‘i00.00. our info maztion is that.
. at presmfi, prices it; wo'aalo ooot 3'., and that it so
repo rted’itp them Uterine-c131 gave no the info actuation, tl‘zot that was 1the ‘
- mwuut it"s-.:reuiggflagot as beat they could flare it, ..:-..;: of course he ‘
' i_,ot tin: amb-é‘wfitheir expert}; further, oven with the owl-t aver-
aha: car they had last year at thie {121216. it will 1:13;; for it- .
9617? within 2. 1/2 years; and fur-thrr, and. i‘zz'ially. ii the; ‘29;th it. -
' it will cost than; 2; 2200,2‘..2C20.o{). Ag aim express our regrets that their .
letter did not reach you in time. to give them the mileage requested,
although. fruimly, not soar would have ”been sipped to then: from
any mine we control, maltose one or two samplecors. from Cliff . It is .
“the. general. opinion of one} men that thio zone wotem will not re- 2
main lom; in effect, and that it is ummrkabla; but, notwithstand- , .
, 111;; that fact, mien Kennedy wait: me the offer of 165.12%.00 , he . ’
- said they would. take the mine at “that price. independently of the ~ ‘
zone oysstem, as they could use the: 0'13. mm. in other :.istz'iots where . ~:
we ooulo ship the coal. and ache-ere they had contracts. 1‘ would fur- I
ther amen“: that in writing; 10 Ram you 22.201111: you would be
, glimmer; to haw a, a.:o;:;,-gc1‘ :‘r. Rewiring’a report, shoal; they be ‘11
‘ willing; to furnish you a copy of the mime. 3’. here: just h: on talking ' :f
A to ‘.‘ihite “9,; phone, and he advices: they have a latter from the: oom- “
pzmgf, auxin-.3; for inwioe: COViaI‘ims the our of coal shipped. and ex- T.
' premix»; their entire; satisfaction with the am. “

 o . . \ ?. ‘ 1 .v \ ' ‘ I , 3:147?
, .. J
) .
' G
Supplementing and furthering my letner from Louisville. I -
beg to advise that I Was there from Wednesday noon to Sunday morn- \'. “
ing, and had a 36:19» of oxtendod cofiferonces with Geo. T. Wood &\ _ 7a‘
Son; Er. Uwan, a New York broker, and during the latter yortion of :':.:
‘ the wook with or. Erode, whom I locateo by phone at Winchester, and r~,
hon come over there. it would augment this letter toe extensively _ f
, ' to go into details as to the divers pointo,oioouooed, and as to the '1.:
goints of.varience and divioion Which frequefitly areas, 30 much 30_ j;;
that even Saturday no ooon it lookoo a3 though the deal waa entire-~' f
1y off. However, 1 was able to finally harmonize the poopooition "
along lines tnot were mutually satisfactory. subject to tho approval :3
of the executive conmmttoe of the Pennagrade people. secured Brodo‘l g
apgrovol, and his promise to approVo the some before the oonmdttee. 'Efi;
ono arranged for a Joint meeting between Mr Wood and Er. Owns and e,u
their executive committee at Hmntington on the 10 inot. at which 7
time 1 will also arrange to be preaent to keep them all in line. “. ,_
: Briefly, the proyonition fiaally took the following tangtble 4%
form; toot wood, Owen, and their aoaociates would organize a new H
. corporation to take over theoe leooeo and territories, and oil and r
gas production, and would place a bond igsue thereon of a large ' ,
amount, 10 yvnro, 8%. callable at 195 92 any interest paging.day;- “ J
, that thoy woulfi pdy for those loasoo and the oil and goo production 5 7 *
f 2:.“0 yer Hero, in the bonds or the now GoLgany; that Qwen and 5'
‘ . ' his frfionoo would pnovide furthor from the bonoo a guy ouffioiont .
' to tokoxoure of tho 305% of inatollotion oi tho gasoline plant. - .34
' ano the drilling of tho aéditionol wells provided in our oontracta; _ ::4
. that they will endeavor to arrange with the Iouiovillo Goo intero- ‘ g
. eats to finance and builo the1now pipe line. and to take the gas. ' _5
‘ the new oompowy £0 agroo to repurchase tho sons and take it oft of) .:gi‘
thoir honuo within five years. at costs, interoot and taxes, but ._
E in the event thoy are unable to mako gush agroomont, then they will. ’ 1;
. further cameo to Ba‘provioed the additional rnney necessary to. - [1,
build this pipelifio. While this will result in our.mrofito in the ‘ _
. tranoootion boing in bonds instead oi in cash, nov:rtholeoo, at the . j“
raie of interoot'to ho 1:16, on: witb.thx irxadiot: orningo the ";
- company oill have from the gaoolino ano dry gas, I bolizve that " _'1
the bongo will be able to be $016 yraotically at yam, if dooired; : f
ono that wit in the next 813 months; 1 stated 10 than that it would " a;
‘ be in lino for the intermediate interest to take ooro of our » ‘
proportion of the Matter 50. 1 haliwvo that thio will moot ootiafhot 4,,
.. orily work out of the contracts a ;xofitnble propooitlon, and trust 7
that tho viowo exgreooed maota the approval of goofsolf. ‘ 4";
With boot wiohoa, ’ ~ ‘5 7,
. Very truly young, / x , }_
Jug. : 7 ".hi

 ' April a, 1916. »
' Hon. ”. V. Richardson, ‘
Washingten, *. C. I i
hear Hiuh:- ‘. V
I v
i ten to request that you send me as early as feasible a copy *
of the prtetnt act relative to the sale of unnuritine, that is, the
present law. date one big preposition en hands, and tent profitehle.
Saw Hi in inuisville on Frinay, and he told me that you has '~
. been down in Kentucky lately. Was glad ta hter that your bother was
ihawroviing. ’
With best riches.
Vary trulw yours, .
t‘ if; . ~ .
/ .
J ’ l
v t a
. . p > J
- .'3

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E Second Sheets j;
Glazed on one side ’53"
Put up in sealed packages of 500 sheets '57
Size 8% x l I
55 cents per thousand ,
in 100,000 lots .-
k 60 cents per thousand in 50.000 lots ’5: H
65 “ “ “ “ 25,000 “
”2 70 u u u u ‘0,000 n :4
75 “ ‘* “ “ 5.000 “
i: ‘ F. 0. B. Chicago {;
No Order accepted for less than 5000 sheets |§~
E =‘w.,‘“ H;":“ E:
“mm: egg ’
,3.“ Z;



: ' 732 Federal St., Chicago

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 ‘i . Capy , V_p
Stoney Amick Frank L. Haynes
‘ Civil and Mining Engineers
Pikeville, Ky _
April 9th, 1918.
Rogers Brothers, 1
' Kewanee, Ky.
Gentlemen: '
o In regard to the coal acreage adjacent
to the Kewanee lease, at Kewanee, J01y.
Kewanee Upper seam, including present lease of close
to 150 acres, will cover an area of over 700 acres,
within the crap-line of the upper seam, all of this
acreage could be very handily mined through the Kewanee
mine and tipple, the rise in the elevation of the coal
being in the same direction of the main body of coal
located back of this mine.
Kewanee Lower seam, including present leased area of
close 200 acres, will cover an area of over 850 acres,
within the crap-line of the lower seam, all of this
territory could be very handily mined through the
Kewanee mine and tipples.
» I have been over this prOperty a nimber of times, and
have made surveys covering the entire property, and in
my judgment your location at Kewanee, is the most do-
sirable location for an Operation to successfully mine
and market this adjacent territory.
Yours very truly, I
(Signed? Stoney Amick
P. S. In the Lower seam if you assume an average thick-
ness of 42 inches, would equal 5,176,500 tons gross, assume a
wastage of 20% equal W leaves a net ton-
nage of I.....OOIIOOOOOOIIIOIO 4,041.200
In the upper seam if you assume an average thickness of
48", would,equa1 ...,.. 4,698,000 tons gross, assume a
loss of 25% on this, .. 1,174,500 tons eaves a net
tonnage Ofooooooooooooo 3,525,500.
Total net tonnage for both seams, 7,564,700.
By Stoney Amick ’

P1/\)( L_E:\/\’
CINCINNATI Cincinnati,0hio,
April llth,1918.

Mr.Joseph D.Harkins,
Ere stonsburgjy.
Dear Mr.Earkins-

A.B.Brode is in to r. I have an appointment
with him for tomor ow morning. Told him over the phone this
morning, that if the deal goes through, that is to say, if the
Executive Board of the Pomengrade Co. will sanction the pro-
position submittedithat you and myself, together with 1h. Wood,
will use our best efforts to h%ve him become ”the expert on the
job", which pleased him very much, and he promises to get the
Board in line. .

It looks very much that sufficient money will be
raised within the course of a week for us to take over the
Colonial and the Cliff, and the probabilities are that you will
hear from me within the next few days that an Investigating
Committee will be on the way to your City.

Sincerely, , (a
(f/é I 4/ lg/ ,

April 11, 1918.
Hon. Joseph D. Harkins,
Attorney & Counsellor,
Prestonsourg, Ky.,
Dear Joe:

You will recall that some few weeks
ago you wrote advising that you were interested
in purchasing a small operation producing Poc—
ahontas coal.

I am enclosing you herewith descriptions
of two propositions that may be of interest to
you or your client, and, if so, I will be obliged
if you will communicate with me at once. It may
be that I can secure an option on either of both
of these properties for a limited time.

Kindly give this your immediate attention
and let me hear from you as quickly as possible.
with kindest regards to you and Judge Barkins, I
beg to remain,

SB:B Very truly yours,

encl H
’3 \/
Obxfiuefijiéx &

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Range £®§HERS€RMW§§$
. Wegrgrgflcky _..—._JOBBERS AND SHIPPERS OF._..___—_.. PIZAE/fi/I‘IjlfflééKY.
KH“ BEST 2N :AR;:€ COAL gq§§§§v§‘%§g§§§§§
April 11, 1918
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Ky.
MT 0 MEX Levy ,
Cincinnati, 0.

I have finally succeeded
in getting Mr. Amick who ran the crap survey of the
Kewanee and adjacent preperty, to make an estimate
of the actual area of coal in acres and also in tons,
and I enclose you copy of his letter, which has just
reached us.

This information is more
than I was in position to give you and presents a
better proposition than I had even dreamed.that it
was. I have been over this property twice in the
last two weeks, and find it much better than I for-
merly thought it to be. In my Judgment, there is
no doubt but what this is a good proposition and it
is the only Elkhorn coal that I know of that is av-
ailable. You understand that we propose to de-
liver the 700 or 800 acres of mineral that can be
bounded, in case of sale, and if we cannot deliver
the full acreage, of course there would be no sale.

Very truly ynurs,

‘74 I / "

'1? a
pa; Louisville, Ky.
ff~ ‘ ' April 11,1918.
(z. Mr. Joe. D. Harkins,
;3‘. c/o Harkins e Barking, Attorneys,
; Prestonhurg. Ky.
:_iu Dear Ir. Barkins:
’w In response