xt70zp3vt865_77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. May 1919 text May 1919 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_12/Folder_2/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_77 xt70zp3vt865 ‘7 . ‘ ifmx7 "(Iii-sf": ‘ ’
> , . . V, '- 1 1 4:5
a \ I »d ' ¥
Pennagrade 011 & Gas 00.,
. Bramwell, W. Va.
Dear Sir:-
Tzizficlowsé you wil; 1"in the '
39083332y authority to 3hr United States Trust
Company, whjgm you will plfigge sign.
I am «wading n capy of this
30 fit. Raisins for aim to inutufiu i” fgw ¢inutcu
éi yen: maeting of May Lufi, lfilfi, so that evarything
{ill be 12:23:11.
. You 31117 nut?) that I. 3'1333’3‘be‘é‘.
the amount a: $00,00: shussa, which is the total '
thifimlizamion of the Company. Twig vets; that
$3 wi$i nofi again have tn pass &nuth3r reselulion
' but $0 a: not nfifid 30 $811 uh: 300,0Qfi wharea ,
un;esa Ni fight to.
, - I am ahcloaing a Stfifl§4i wifi33€“8d .
snvelcye. Kinfily 59nd tha original thwt yv* :ttezt
in tht cnvelapa divs; $6 nh‘ 3uitwd Vii as 00$gnny.
Thin baeke up are twlaqrgm wzicr
yum sent taaay at my rfiqunvt.
YzwL‘LX’A wiry firmly, . . ' _
R3135”. Fitz (3&1 Agfmii

 » (Three, :3 = ’9?! -, ”L“:
R. W.‘MOON. Fnscm. AGENT V
THIS is to certify that the following
resolution was passed by the Board of
Directors of the Pennagrado Oil & Gas
Company under data of Ray and, 1919.
"Be it RESOLVED: that the Company iasue
Stock to the amount of Three Hundred
Thousand (590 000) shares, having a par
value of Ten ($10.00) Dollars each and that
the United States Trust Combany of
Louisville, Kentucky be instructed as our
Registrar to register same.‘
G, W, Freeman

B, S, Brown

A copy.- Attest:

Chairmen. Board of Directors
JOHN TOfiKIN. President ROBERT S. HAMPTON. Sec’y and Tress. W. O. WALKER. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.
OIL crrv. PENN’A. May 2’ 1919.
Joseph D. Harkins, Esq.,
Brestonsburg, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:--

Upon receipt of your telegram this morning we wired you
as follows:

"In view of other arrangements which we have made for our

next winter's supply we do not think you would be

Justified in building a 12" line. At the delivery

pressure which you mention we think the proposed ten

inch line would take care of the requirements of both

companies. Have written".

Here is our position at present: We have a contract with
the United Fuel Gas Company under the terms of which we are obliged
to make an estimate on or before May lst of each year of the amount
of gas which we will need for the 12 months beginning the following
December. We made up the estimate for next year and sent it in on
the 29th ult.; so we are under obligation to take the full amount
Which the contract cells for.

Furthermore, last Nogember we contracted for considerable
gas from tne Bed Rock 011 CO., which concern is operating in Johnson
and Magoffin counties. We do not expect this field to be very
extensive and have no doubt that operations during the coming summer
will determine its value to us.

It is our belief that later on we will be in the market
for additional gas, but as our present contract obligations are such
that we can not say Just how soon we will need a further supply, we
do not think that you would be justified in laying a 12" line.

We understand that the length of your proposed line will be
about 27 miles and we take it that you are figuring on discharging
into that line at about 400 lbs. in order to maintain a pressure of
325 pounds at the point of connection with the Louisville line. If
our thought is correct, then your 10" line will carry about 18,000,000
cubic feet of gas per day, which is considerably more than the capacity
of the Louisville 12" line, and we do not understand that the Louisville
Company has contracted for the full capacity of its line.

The writer expects to be in the Eastern Kentucky fields the
early part of June and will be very glad to call upon you.

It was a surprise to us and a most pleasant one, we assure
you, to learn that thereas ch good prospects for an abundant supply of
gas from your territory. We wish you every success and trust that in
the near future we will be able to contract for a part,of y0u£ggfoduction.

very truly yours, ’7%?Z23§§fi.flfififi(/

 , " / ,. Form 1207 ,1 p:
‘ - ‘ _ ,J v ‘ 2;
cuss or SERVICE DESIRED a g \3 v Receivers No. ~ -
' Telegram A}%§ , n.7- / f
* i \ ' L ‘ ‘35 1‘.
D" m“ _ l— ' WESTERN UNION ‘ cm . , , e .7
NIntMessago . ‘ “key a“, ‘ _ A
——-—————m TEL “agat- AM .
- Patrons should mark on X oppo- ‘ ‘ - / _’—‘.—.——""‘_ ~ ‘

site the class of servloe desired; , - 7"“ FM 5


W i

. Send the following message. subject to the terms \ ' “"1: ’(n’ ‘ 7' {711; .
- on back hereof, which' are hereby agreed to ' ‘ ,, f . _ i 5"" _ 191 l a
, if}; . 3” 1 tic/"A > ,) I l " f ( (NE; ' > I; ‘
To “2' f , , ‘ , »' M _., ,w' I ' .- ., ~ - I . -
Street and No.'____-_'___.___.;._i_'*___.__';____.r___._._,l_._ . g”
P lace—m+;;.;__;;l;gm__w, ,, ____.7- . .
"-— 1 ‘ . ‘ e , . f 4 , ' .
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' 4’ ,-.7 .. , I .,. .n ' , ' ,
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f’ . I.” * ‘ .- > g .> . . _ .' a ‘ .;.;.';~«»~« . ‘ .
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4W, :;;f__.;“___l_'_‘r_;f__.;__________-.____.w;____i ,___________l.l ‘
I . V r (f I v . I; ‘ t , J ‘ i r V _> .
“Wm-‘3‘: , > V , 5 t." _ , {N a _ . . _
MWlWW _ —
‘ .7 Jr“... J w w . _ ,. . ,_

. 7 fl WW”.“View“...immmlw“Wm” . _ - ,
_~_______.___me_-_wMg-_~2_Ww_” w.____.l, , ___——_.;u.....,,__.______ - .
senoen's ADDRESS 7 V ______l_e____4 _ __ saunsa-s TELE- f W -

FOR ANSWER . PHONE numesn‘ * . r

 your. k..- _, p . ,
“.1:in «‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ C ‘ \ A .
gm“ ~ 5 * '
we: ' ' ' '
2:375, "1'2 ' ‘ .
‘ ‘_A}7:“ 159. . _ , ‘ . ‘
.‘ u".«'.“";z‘ f- .To guard agamst mrstakcs or delays, the sender of a message should order“: REFEATED, that is. telegraphed back to the originating office for comparison. For
i%tffi;j;,éhis; one—half the unrepeated messagersfie ls charged 1n addmon. Unless otherwlse unheated on Its face, THIS IS AN UNREPEATED MESSAGE AND PAID FOR
’:Tmi _- .‘AS‘SUCH, In consideration whereof rt 18 agreed. between the sender of the message and tins Company as follows: ‘
*g'ff*?;i;-‘ ‘ ' .'. ‘ . 1. The Company shall not. be llable for nustakes or deleys 1n the transmissxon or delivery, or for non-delivery, of any UNREPEAJ‘ED message, beyond the amount
Eilf’fi’. received for sendmg the same; nor for rmstakcs or delays m the transmission or delivery, or for non—delivery, of any RE PEATEI) rncssagc,’beyond fifty times the
.‘3-51;}; \» ,pum received for sendmg the same, unless speclally valued; nor 1n any case for delays arising from unavoidable interruption in the working of its lines; nor for errors in.
35% r ~' cipher or obscure messages. . . .
34.3.3; ., ‘.2. In any event the Company shall not be hablc for damages for any mistakes or delays in the transmission or delivery, or for the non-delivery. of this message,
:4‘ '7 ':; . whether caused by the neghgcnce of Its servants or otherwrse, beyond the sum of FIFTY DOLLARS, at. which amount this message is hereby valued, unless a greater Value
u; ,is stated in writing hereon at the time the message 18 offered to the Company for transmission. and an additional sum paid or agreed to be paid based on such value equal ‘ .
: ‘1 '2 to pne—tenth of one per cent. thereof.
{5 . d . 3. The Company is hereby made the agent of the sender, without. liability, to forward this message over the lines of any other Company when necessary to reach
3'1, .~.: ., Its estxnation. . _ \
f" ‘1 ’ ‘ 4. Messages will be delivered free wrthm one-half mile of the Company's office in towns of 5,000 population or less, and Within one mile of such office in other cities
,,L‘ 33. or towns. 'Beyond these limits the Company does not undertake to make delivery, but will, without. liability, at the sender's request, as his agent and at his expense,
.‘:};j‘ .. endeavor to contract for him for such delivery at a reasonable price.
NS}? 5. No regionsibility attaches to thls Company concerning messages until the same are accepted at one of its transmitting offices; and if a. meSsage is sent to such
r553}: pfice by one of t e Company’s messengers. he acts for that purpose as the agent of the sender.
‘:figpégdl-v‘,‘ 6. The Company will not be liable for damages or statutory penalties in any case where the claim is not, presented in writing within sixty days after the message
, r ’.:” i-Is filed with the Company for transmission. _
" ‘ . 1.7-. Y‘adlfl Special terms governing the transmission of messages under the classes of messages enumerated below shall apply to messages in each of such respective classes in addition.
’;f :::. weaving terms. ,
,._;f ' Ii, , — —8. No employee of the Company is authorized to vary the foregoing. » THE WESTERN UN [ON TELEGRAPH COM PANY
as: f ,7:; I , , - moonwona-rcn
u; 1 ‘ - - - . ‘ - . NEWCOMB OARLTON. Pnzsmsm- ‘
:5: .-’-&-g+~4~:~ _
l‘ ., ';:», .
as 4": TEL GRAMS Letter shall be delivered on the do of its date absolutel and at all
. . _ , Y. . . . y . .
fig-1"»? A full.rate expedited service. . events; butthat the Company s obhgatlon 1n thls respect 1s subject -
1“. ‘ .:. - . > tothe condltIon that there shall rcmcln sufficmnt tune for the traps-
.17 :::;. ,.. ‘ ; 'GHT M ESSAGES " rmsswn and dehvery of such Day Letter on the day of 1ts_ date durmg
.__fi ‘ '2'“; [Accepted up to 2.00 A.M. at reduced rates to be sentduringthc night regular oflice hours, subject to the prmrlty of the transmlssmn of reg- ‘
:53}? "13:1 and dehvered not earher than the mornmg of the ensumg busmcss day. 111531} telegrlams undzr Cw condltlons nimcddabove. h . '
512‘; ' 0 em 0 cc 0 t 6 am an is out orize to car l e are oin .
fey—ego“ LETTER§ . p y f p y y f 9 9 _
a; .. . .- A deferred day service at rates lower than the standard tele- W _ . -
TIT r ' gram rates as follows: One end one-half tunes the standard nght Accepted up to 2.00 AIM. for delivery on the mornmg of the cnsumg
-, letter rate for the transmlsslon of 50 words or less and one—fifth of busmcss day, at rates stlll lower than standard nxght message rates, as
it 1 -. the 1mt1al rates for each addltlonal 10 words or less. follows: The standard telegram rate for 10words shall be charged for the
' transmission of 50 words or less and one-fifth of such standard tclc‘rram
. , ‘ . ' r ’ . . a
f. .. . ' V SPECIAL TERMS APPLYING TO DAY LETTERS ‘ rate for 10 words shall be charged for each oddlt-loual 10 words or less.
I; ‘:. In fm'therlconsldcratlonof the reduced rote forthls spcclal ‘ Day .
' Letter” servme, the followlng special terms m addltlon to those enu-
'> . . morated above are hereby agreed to: , ' , 7 .
. _' ’ ;. >A. Day Letters may be forwarded by the Telegraph Company as a -' SPECIAL TERM-S APPLYING TO NIGHT .LETTERS;
, deferred serVIce and the transmlsslon and dehvery of such Day Letters In further conslderatlon of the reduced rate for thls spcclul “ lVlght
f » ‘ 7 13', .111 all respects, subordinate to- the . pnorlty 0f transmlsslon and Letter” scrv1ce, the followmg specml terms 1n addmon to those
. a _. dehverjys of regular telegrams. . _ . . ‘ enumerated above are hereby agreed to:
y :7 ~_. B. ay Letters shall be written 1n plam Enghsh. Code language A.. _nght Letters may at the optlon of the Telcgraph Company -
>. , ‘:. is not germlsable. ' ~ be mauled at destmetlon to the addresseesh and the Company shall
',_ 3 y. ‘0. . 1115 Day Letter may be delivered by the Telegraph Company be deemed to have drscharged Its obhgatlon 1n such coscs lwrth respect
~’ by telephoning the same to the. addressee, and such dehvery shall be a to dellvery by [118.th such nght Letters at dcstmatlon, postage
jg; ’:v‘complete dlschargc of the .obhgatlon of the Telegraph Company to prepald.‘ . y ' .
its] udehver. _ . . _ _ B. nght Letters shall be wntten 1n plam Enghsh. Code language
';“,_«;:. n. i ’Thls Day Letter ls received subJect to the express understand— Is not perm1ss1ble. .
:2 .f"1»,-';mg;‘and-agreement that the Company does not undertake that a Day N 0 employee of the Company is authorized to vary the foregomg.
~ 1155:. . '«v 4 ' '

 - I i \ I ’ , , g \
\ W sYMBOL w ESTE [AFox-m 120i ; ORIWI‘IF":
“Mm . I—— ' ’2 E A cuss or same: swam.
. Day Lottar Tm“- ébgl.)\a U N10 N Telegram I p ‘41
"'0'“ ”we um ‘ Wisr‘m‘u‘umu M..— an... ‘ ':.
_ _L‘IQEM , ‘(Pfljl J - _NIIM_M_8~_«I° Nm 2: 1?
lagplégrgag‘ferts‘efhmne symbols TE “gig!- ' _ _MM 7 , I ‘35?
wards) this Is a aggtgt‘mgggt L "" 5 A M .lagpmgaafuufimohmm symbols . ,. 1:33;
”smog: flggpnsa'gdlfiedhyme N . word?) this Is 1: “135$?“ ‘ " 4’:
mg or a check. EWCOMB CARLTON. pnzsnnsm GEORGE w. E. ATKINS FIRST v, W'swscharacterislndlmed bythe ’ “-v
‘ WT'PRESIDENT symbol appearing an" the check. ,':;:'$
2581 PN‘BB - — , ~p§§
_ OIL CITY PA 1050A MAY 2 1919 {fig
‘ I ’wF. u: H WVA .. .. - 4
w 0 WALKER . ‘-
, . 121p -i~

Central Kentucky aaturnl Gas 30.,
ar. h. f. fialkur, fisneral ganager,
Q11 City‘ Fenfia.
Bear fir:-

1 . 3 ;’?P‘Ff 11 Ticwive vat? trlegram $cnt ts me 9L éelsh,
tea‘ .., :rf p rife fl1€*“€fi fn vcktuule£gc vflneigt of ycur let-
tér u? . 13 1*r rffiue Here, £32 rsfiativc Lo $ujgly oi gas Iran
{nit ' 3. ~‘, ‘z‘? -

s 7‘ .' ‘a-‘wzri fin: «‘-” 7:” “or ‘I‘.e:3.u-;”mzr:. ..' 1361“ C Faiv'im: that we
mac-..:. -' ".~T‘.;'e”-"‘?. V“ -‘- fix" wrist”; 's;"f5.,’*.€‘»2»1-:F,n.7; :- ”zap-.3177, ‘rfv:‘f9{‘-1§g fur the
001;.3; «mi’s. v.“ 1’“. fiz-nh ."'i_fit».‘i.m s‘rrbr'a , 3.;» ~: grra..:‘:‘c. 13:1: Brush
{3‘}; 49;". . 7‘" .' is 1' ..‘-3‘ War '2, r .'.}:z , :» *‘ ' ",sja: ”J;
1es4;1‘1, tr; .3. = ‘ WA »s. . n .»33 . ‘J'fi r“ :iiz‘r‘s:..30 , 2?11#a z~nd
gt 3;; ‘ 31::t, .« kw .~».1_nww .u ‘.g - n.p ?. 3 ..viinfi in my
Wisp, -. : :- ' W‘s--'. ("‘"ii : I ‘1-urr ‘.x; in: .. .3-:- i‘ii? 1.227: ESL
3:5 ng'v‘r ; s“**1”", »fid 'a? sill :39}: f i:«:* a?" f.g=;:ue at a
sugi‘és ‘ 4“: "'3'“ “31.x; in» " "'lji, :‘s"“wns/;='t. 1.51:: :Ar'nutract
v1 Jiifi 3'“ ”a” ’cvirsiii. 'vuvhhg “w .. ‘ _. . isi' -*iive
Oi} , . . "1‘ *‘i. "‘9‘ ,- 's’: r:A’..1-‘.‘.': ‘..; 'L’ .- , . . L: "Z; fig

.1 o - ' 3 I D .
'l , -'.,.
‘~.‘\, .. y' . . s .-

"1".", “ 4‘ W“ -.'i_'i.:w-; J3. .:.-..' .,;:_ 3,2111 +1.“:
¥Lizi \‘7 ” v ‘A "'1? -nv 7”» 3“; ,u'\ i‘ 4:, +45. in: mate
3’21; . 32,711”: 'i‘ t." "h. in "1 2 '1 " 1‘3! * iirzflu‘
523:: ' ."r‘ "‘2‘: r-nv:3‘-‘1>~;: 1...: Han. this
the ‘ -. “-T.r".*#"'e “2“.” CV." ,..-.5. "sciizxtixn. .5 r1 ‘ws- .‘* ‘i ;;;s§ this
bill, b~ 1 ;. w»~n ‘v€~w” 1‘ v -, tvrl "v” '* 1‘ ifr "2pients;
? ,‘ .L.:t. . “ :.‘ii.3';""." "-’.'."=‘-i“,s.x‘ 'L> "‘- t. i‘ : ‘ uni-'2' , Zuni the
v41;su?fig if ';u* 1;??. ‘fi '”~“%*J/P=MIJ«3, iwglii 1:2 --. .};“:_ust 11‘ the

I 5.55.173; 21".“.1‘1‘2f'3f1 .w' u; .qdjfms‘ 2'.th :11 i; J _;mubtable
fist; ’.. ‘ ":13 i:»-“.'-‘,»‘5 ;‘ "'79:!" ‘."L in? f'lu.j.;i":f‘ki;‘ " VAC“... ”11.58 3.13.1, ‘39
Quint-$32431", 7"‘-‘:0Y;1w“,'3‘*:"”""3*"§"{€‘ 52v“: «"4 1‘}, :.Lnu 34;: 13,551 ,i.;.;.'~_"~‘% 2133‘:
”Apr 27". V 3 A -';:;g§‘:1;_~:; ._="}:2§,.'s.:; '::‘J.1;.1'§..‘: -; ."mi'i while to
fii;;:c: 1” 4:3 Aurylwq géw -? fith uverrunzsflmvc 98s Laufixvilla
cc t:??f, .; *Ktt sucwunt. Fen maing fanrtn an the 'nitad Euel
cautrfitt, 13d sita vgvh : rgé w;"kud& in JLVJJTW 3? your uelivar~
iLC. *; ’;ft twat if ucnlé fia;b‘tean b& dasirlais 1C Lfidk iato
thia 3;;033u41ty at mace.

.3 r2?» fLrifior that yau ?x;$flt is be in Vfiniucxy Curly in
June, my: will 2:111 Ugrffl ..::3 at; thfo time. :1 32:3}. ‘g‘ "1"] 373:3;
pligfiai :5 new gar.

In ~idjtian t: cortrnating far the Llfihfifliflfiifu Eta; and ap-
ert' *nfiafi, kc 27¢: Arthcrlzed ;fiflt?fi?tifl? for wfiilfiional wells
to he “rilled hE ranjéfiy as artrfigeneita can a; nwiv far the aame.

Very truly you3G,
‘33" 3'17?

 . t \
Try 3. 1919.
Hon. W. W. Whyte,
Welsh, W. Va.

Dear Senator:*

in furtner considering telegram I received at Welsh
yestexduy from Mr. E. 0. Walker of the Central Kbntucky
Natural Cue fiompany, X note statement therein that he was
writing me relative to the same. I am noi sure uhether he
has written the Letter to Welsh, or has written as 11 the
office. If not too much treuble, W111 you Kin:i7 requeut
your poetmeerer to forfinee fihfih ;etter to we, in the uw3nt
it esloulu come to Gelsh.

‘ witn very use: wishes, I an,
',’m‘y' truly fame,


 My 3. 1919.
Hr. H. S. Brown, Trea3.,
Pennagrade Oil & Gas Company,
Bramwell, W. Va.
Deer Fr. Brown:-

I an saoloeing you herewith statement covering
contract and supplemental services, and expenses, inci-
dent to the Pennagrade Oil & Gas Company, to date, which
1 true: you will fine in line and to meet your approval.

I am not quite sure as to whether a gortion of the
items covering expense in ionisville should be embraced
or not. Cher: was CVO days extra Lhet l remaingd afar at
Louisville after you other gentlemen‘nad left, on ummpany
anutzers, man it is my exptriennc that by bLLZA at “he
Conlhach ayerage : 3.5e Qul any, or a 15.uu for the two
CLJB uddiiionnl. If the others in interest are not submit-
ing an envcusc nxcount COVrrinfl that trip, then I would
hcf want :0 -u so either, lurfi:€r fiaau Ln; 3&5: is fl
Cogs, ;Ld the item should ue nuungea Iron . 06.;C to i 15.00
Ch the other hand, if ehpanne ch rye is mans Ty the others
in int;rc¢;, than ; uoulo want to include the full amount
of my individual eagernes.

I ;m mtl;hg the statement complete, to cover all
matters 1o mate.

i ‘.l’. 36; i7 1, 73:2. in e L: ,

Eery truly yourn,

 x x
Prestonsburg, Ky. May 3, 1919.
F5731; ‘17)"?‘5'1? 5'33? ,4' 11.5.3 '.‘.CME‘AKTY
III ,-"»".F'.aum TIT}! HARFU‘JS & HARKIES‘, Dr.
7: ewrvicaa incident to organizgfiiou of carpo-
ration, hy-levz, minutes of meeting, etc., as
per contract, 3 QC.GO
10 :tenngrughi: exwenne relative tu same, {813' .
gr ms In? jjstigs, 1U.03
T: viptweru to, frcx and fit fleriiyillr, 0152:" H
i “ticn resting, etc., C ifys, éb.20
Eu expense? to, frcm »n? TE Isuleville, wt re" ,
qufinf cf E.?.Uccn, Fieeal tguflt, Airil Eé-Eé, nglg
10 f); Re“? tc, frow :n’ efi ~¢131,.2y 1*}, 73.92
*3 sepglémrrtcl *crk incident t0 trqnafcrs of (1*
‘.3'? FY ‘1‘?”‘391'37m" "‘;N‘r“ .). ref”: ”::3 .5155: an”:
fun‘i ”cert? lewees; 5. 7. frets :2; e. -. :IhCmFfi,
ED Tiry? awe ‘netf “0:31; ivitcs; Baxnefirufie iii
3- 33:; ”rw,pPer ofi‘i eet ‘.3rgir:iv, 'te ZTLch, .}301.L,
3‘43???" T"I”-'-.’"fin, Tai‘fl-lcr 2“": peter-"1 1::-155:3 {nut
e:1"r.~3"*-’3r.d iz; corvtract) leg“)
7’9 51'4.r"».“1.«::-;~‘:: 5:3 '“C‘unvcl fer ‘:flv‘bl'. 3f ‘F.f:r ._ u n III. , If}; I ., I II I
‘ .. ; v I 5&5‘4‘ E
Lay 4, iyl9.
Mr. Thomas Price,
Hpgee Building.
‘ Eittsburg, Pa.
Dear ?irt~

Your letter of hay 1, from Toronto, Ohio.

In thjlv to the same, we beg TO ndvine that we progooe to
furnish Jan oil and gas leases in a general Boundary, or divers-
ffied, as mav he fiecidea ucon by you, to the extent of any 3000
acre?; upon name of the 19mSenolds embraced therein you are to
drill 7 ve11§jcavmencirq thfiw n fluflnit: fii;r? ' no; in the
even? 911 or fine if puyin: quantifies is [guns 0} Bush firilling,
th?~ 5:: are f0 gay u: “ z.n+or9 o" tn; Pnnnggrnae Li; A” Gas fibngvuj gm Triuay
i?‘ Warfrnct ”an avalfie: 70 tfl? Wei: ‘wgih:W*i;: f Tugply fiompany
for f“0 aonstruwtinn of gas giyeliae from thy HC~sz Creek fields
1; r) .'., fortne?’ti07> "xi "In; ‘ n._.li.=3vi'1'1‘: ".i::‘s: s’. ‘,lezzfrf'L; 23.31; oarsy‘a line
in TDVHan UnnntV, “180 comurcSQicn 5%3L1cr and “Frilihfl giant.
87F. c“n’f1nL?tion.2§ork to 30 cunu;1-+mxi 12$ thzeilw;r ;, 1919.

VP trusn that the foregoing information fully @HciS the
poflnfs TCFGTVVQ to in 38%? ?"tt““, Ln; Thu: me pay H5vc the
pinrvufle of neéing you in ErcsLonsburgz"Lm11n gnu uuuing week.

Very truly yours,

 5":2‘3‘ E: 1919.
lien. ’Yherlesa 35. LsOI‘l‘ik’»,

Attorxwy general,

‘2‘}: (quid or t , My .
Dee-r m. .'.;m'ribi'

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:fiugy-gm-y «H.531. .I $2.: rarities Tutu: agenda? 3,316; “this: of 2.691 Tit:
gin—1:4; eager; :11:-- asrzf':‘rvr~.~=-i=* of." We: "tf’ffor Iii?! :'~;*'l.a”.i‘;e to
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inn. «..L..& ..‘-._7":~.l.{§..=i the I.‘-.,:»._,:; 2' ecu ».i:‘.-...iit.i:..

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