xt70zp3vtd21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vtd21/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19270715  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 15, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 15, 1927 1927 2012 true xt70zp3vtd21 section xt70zp3vtd21 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL




COACHING CLASS Commerce College



TO 13

Increases Faculty

New Professors Hired in Anticipation of Large Enrollment
for Fall Term





In anticipation of a larger enrollment and in keeping with the Will Lecture at First General
Convocation o f Students
general policy of expansion of the
Enrolled for Second Term
university, the College of Commerce
of Summer Session
has enlarged its faculty by two instructors and will offer several addiAT U. X. tional courses the fall semester, ac- ALL CLASSES TO ADJOURN
cording to Dean Edward Wiest of the

Courses in Athletics for Football
and Basketball Mentors Will
Be Conducted by Coaches
Gamage and Ruby



Instruction Will Be Carried on
y Over a Period of Four
Hours Each Day

Summer courses for athletic coach-- "
er in football and basketball will be
offered by the university from August
1 to August 13, according to a bulle-- i
tB recently issued by the department
ef physical education and athletics.
Head Coach Harry Gamage of the
university will teach the class in foot
ball coaching, while Coach J. Craig
Ruby, of the University of Illinois,
will teach the principles of coaching
The summer coaching course, which
is an innovation .for the university,
comprises two weeks of intensive
study and practice. The fee for the
.special intensive course in football
and basketball is ?20 and all who register in the courses are requested to
bring their own uniforms with them.
Description of Courses
Each course will run for a period of
two weeks and will be "made up of two
hours of theory and two hours of
practical work daily. Descriptions of
the two courses are as follows:
Phys. Ed. S9. Principles of Coaching Football. An extensive study of
ythe weaknesses and strong points of
Various types of offenses and defenses
used in the Western Conference, as
.well as many other teams throughout
the country. Special stress on generalship, signal system, scouting and
rules. Also a complete study will be
made of all fundamentals of football,
such as tackling, blocking, handling
the ball, etc A detailed and explanatory practice will be carried out of
all fundamentals, systems of play upon the field, with a great variety of
offensive and defensive work. H. G.
Gamage. 1 2 credits.
Phys. Ed. S8. Principles of Coaching .Basketball. The theory of basketball coaching, fundamentals, various offensive and defensive systems,
used by leading coaches of Western
and Missouri Valley Conferences,
team' organization, training anfi handling of men will be taken up from the
coach's viewpoint. All practice fundamentals as well as theory will be
carried out daily in practice on the
1 2 credits.
floor. J. Craig Ruby.
The football classes will meet daily
from 8 until 10 and from 1 to 3 o'clock. The basketball instruction will
be from 10 to 12 and 3 to 5 o'clock
daily for the two weeks.
According to Dean Taylor, director
of the summer session the call for
teachers who can coach athetic teams
is very strong and the university has
been unable to fill all the requests received for men who can coach.
Students who are enrolled Mn the
second term of the summer session
will be allowed to take some work in
Suqh in.the coaching department.
dividuals should consult "Daddy"
Boles, director of athletics, or ask
for further information in Dean Taylor's office.







Dr. William Eugene Dickersori, of
the University of Chicago, comes to
the commerce college as successor to
Dr. Paul C. Taylor who recently accepted a position with the Western
Electric Company as cost accountant
expert. One of the new members of
the faculty is E. Z. Palmer who is
now working on his doctor's degree
at the University of Wisconsin. Mr
Palmer will teach courses in the field
of 'mathematical economy.
The other new member of the faculty is M.
R. Sullivan, formerly of Eastern State
Normal School, who will teach one
course in economics the fall semester.
Last year the College of Commerce
had an enrollment of 240 students.
The youngest college on the campus,
organized in 1925, it has had a rapid
and steadfast growth and from present indications the enrollment next
fall will surpass previous records, according to Dean Wiest.

Large Audience Attends Performance of 'Trial by Jury' ;
Informal Reception Held
by Deans orf Campus



Will Make

First Appearance at

University on Tuesday


ning in Men's Gym

Rabbi 'Joseph Rauch, of Louisville,
will speak at. the first general convocation of the second term of the summer session which will be held Wed-- :

nesday morning at the .fourth hour
in the men's gymnasium, according
to an announcement made by Dean
Taylor Wednesday. All classes will
be excused the fourth hour and all
students are expected to attend the
Several important announcements will be made at this
time also.
Rabbi Rauch was scheduled to deliver two addresses here at the university next week, one at 11:30 o'clock
Tuesday morning and one at the same
hour .Wednesday morning, and announcements were posted on the camThese bulletins
pus to this effect.
also announced that the lectures
would be held in the Education building. Since that time the whole
scheme has been changed.
Owing to a sudden summons to
New York, Rabbi Rauch will be unable to deliver his talk Tuesday morning. Instead therefore, he will speak
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in
the men's gymnasium. All students
and faculty members of the summer
school are urged to attend this lecture. On Wednesday morning at 11
o'clock Rabbi Rauch will address the
entire student body in the gym.
The subjects for Rabbi Rauch's
talks have been announced as follows:
"The Bible in Making of American
Democracy," and "The Place of the
Bible in Modern Civilization.
Rabbi Rauch is being sent to the
universty by the Jewish chautauqua

KY-- ,



JULY 15, 1927


Is Praised in Booklet
BEGIN TODAY FOR 'Tests for Incipient
of Meats' May Be Adopted
for General Use

Monday's the Day
Classes for the Second Term
Begin on July 18
Classes for the second term of
the summer session will begin at
the regular time Monday morning
and all students are expected to
be present at their classes, according to an announcement made yes-- i
terday from the office of the director of the summer session.
There has been some confusion
as to when classes begin, an im-- .
pression being prevalent in some
quarters that classes are not to
begin until Tuesday. This impression is false, however, a Kernel
reporter was informed, and work
will begin Monday morning.

Hours Will Be From 9 a.m. Until fessor Ralph H. Weaver, assistant pro Miss Nellie Lee Holt, of Stephin the department of bacteriol
4 o'Clock in Afternoon;
ens College, Tells Students
ogy of the university, has been work
Fee Will Be Same As
of Her Experiences
ing on tests for incipient putrefaction
for First Term
of meat for the past five years. The
in India




Classification Will Be Held in
Offices of Deans of the
Various Colleges
Registration for the second term of
the summer session began this morning at 9 o'clock in the Administration
building and will continue until 4
o'clock this afternoon. There will be
no registration Saturday but registration hours Monday will be from 8:30
o'clock until 4 o'clock, according to
a bulletin issued from Dean Taylor's
office. The registration fee is $18.25
the same as for the first term.
Classification is not being held in
the men's gym as it was for the first
term, but is being taken care of in the
offices of the deans of the various
Classes will begin Monday
The bulletin issued by Dean Taylor's office concerning courses to be
dropped, courses to be added, changes in schedule and changes in instructors from those announced in
the summer session catalog, are as
Courses to Be Dropped
.Political Science S15b
in Citizenship.
Education 4 Principles of Education.
Education 38 Scouting and Scout- craft.
Courses to Be Added
Political Science S150 Internation
al Law 2nd hour daily Vanden-bosc-

Former Captain of U. K. Baseball Team Performs Brilliantly for Louisville Club
Against St. Paul
Johnny Riffe, captain of the university baseball team in 1926 who
graduated in June of that year, has
broken into "big time" baseball.
Tuesday he entered the line-u- p
the Louisville Colonels as lead off
man, according to reports, performed
in dazzling style.
Riffe, after leaving the university,
was tried out by the Pittsburg Pirates
and was later "farmed out" by them.
Last spring he secured a place with
the Louisville Colonels and was sent
to a smaller team for practice. Being recalled, it is probable that he will
soon be a regular member of the line-



result of his work has recently been
published by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Michigan State College, where Dr. Weaver spent four
years working for his Ph. D.
. A foreword to the pamphlet contains the following: "Dr. Weaver
spent one year at Allegheny College
and the past four in this laboratory
devoting as much time r3 wi3 available to the study of tests for meat
decomposition or putrefaction particularly in its incipient stages.
seems to have found a test based on
fundamentally correct principles, and
one which tells the story of the condi
tion of the sample. An effort will be
made to put this method into use
practically so that a judgment may
be made of its actual worth."
By Doctor Weaver's test, decompo
sition in meat may be detected even
before it may be perceived by the
sense of smell or sight. In view of
the fact that meat is one of the most
important foods of man, this test
should prove of great value.
Authorities here believe that it will
soon be adopted as the standard test
for meat, just as certain other tests
have been standardized for water,
milk, etc.



J. Richardson Victor in Marksmanship Contest at Camp
Knox R. O. T. C.



Mahatma Gandhi, Great Politi
cian and Leader Has


Describing a day spent at the home
of MrJiatma Gandhi, philosopher and
politician of India, Miss Nellie Lee
Holt, of Stephens College, Columbia,
Mo., spoke at the second convocation
of the summer school at 9:30 o'clock
Tuesday morning.
Mass Holt was introduced by Tom
Skeyhill, one of the best known
speakers of the Redpath chautauqua,
who stated that there Tere three
ways to improve oneself, to read,
travel and to associate with other
people and that Miss Holt had done
all three. She received her master's
degree from the University of Nebraska several years ago and has met
more great people than any young
person of the time, according to Mr.
Skeyhill. Instead of speaking on the
subject, "The Young Woman Looks at
Her World," as previously announced,
Miss Holt's topic was "The Smell of
Gandhi induced his' countryraeH to
put in
in political revolutions and to take oppression without
blows and thus challenge brute force.
He had won with this policy in South
Africa by 1914 and in 1918 and 1919
he accomplished an unheard of thing
when he united the Moslems and Hindus aganist Great Britain. His ideas
are stretching out and will succeed
eventually, Miss Holt said.
Lizard fer Cenpauea
When she arrived at Gandhi's home,
Miss Holt was shown directly to her
room which had stone floors, stone
walls, a table for a bed with no mattress, barred windows, an earthen pet
of water for a wash basin and to her
horror there was a green lizard in
a pool of water on the floor, she told
the students.
After Miss Holt had inspected her
room 9he fell asleep but was awakened by the sound of an alansbell
which rang every morning at 3:30
o'clock to call the people to morning
They came across the
yard with lanterns until they reached
the balcony of the house. They left
their sandals at the edge of the balcony and came and sat tailor fashion
around on the floor. A man came out
wearing only a loin cloth and carrying
a book, a lantern and an alarm clock.
He was followed by a frail man with
shaved head and large ears who sat
down and relaxed into repose. The
first man began incantations and the
people sang.
Sticks for Teethbrasfces
This lasted an hour, then Gandhi
left and the people hurried to their
daily baths. They drew water from
a well, heated it, poured it over their
bodies and wrapped clean loin cloths

An account of the game Tuesday
Physiology lb General Physiology
between the Colonels and St. Paul
5th hour daily Scherago.
contained the following paragraph:
Mathematics S7a Differential Cal SCORED 228 OUT OF 250
Johnny Riffe, former University of culus 4th hour daily Miss Cooper.
Kentucky star, crashed into the line- - Bacteriology 115 Individual Work by
Jack Richardson, of Nicholasville,
senior at the University of Kentucky
rvXT x
ON PAGE FOUR) and next year's colonel in the Univermovement.
vjn a xxt udu win
sity of Kentucky R.O.T.C. unit, won
the expert rifle championship among
some 800 cadets at Camp Knox, Ky.,
for the annual six week' drill according to a report received in Lexington
last Saturday.
Richardson wiil receive a medal and
a beautifully engraved cup at the conclusion of the camp for this achievement. Firing in five pisitions, slow
First Termers Will Be Instruc-- I
and rapid fire, he had a score of 228
by Professors and Student
out of a possible 250. Both infantry
in competition for
and artillery
Assistants Before Upper
Chautauqua Adds $764.30 to the award. were
Extension Teachers to Convene
Classmen Arrive
Amount Raised
at University of Kentucky
Approximately 45 of Kentucky's
men qualified for the finals in the
As a result of the chautauqua, the shoot. About 800 cadets are taking
Dr. Frank L. McYey has called a
Loan Fund of the university the training course at the camp this
conference of teachers of extension
All freshmen entering the univer- Kiwanis
courses to meet at the university July sity in September are being required was enriched by $764.30, according to year, being equally divided between
26 for the purpose of making uniform by the authorities to report on Thurs- figures compiled by Dean Taylor 'and infantry and artillery.
The annual infantry field meet will
the courses, amount of credit, etc., day, September 15, at 9 o'clock for the Student Loan Committee.
A definite the inauguration of the first "Fresh- is $300 more than the chautauqua be held at Camp Knox Monday. Four
of the various colleges.
made for the loan fund last year and University of Kentucky men are on
program has not been arranged as man Week" at the university.
yet but plans are now being made to
Beginning on Thursday, the fresh- brings the total in the Kiwanis fund Kentucky's team which will enter
competition with the several other
make the conference as complete as men will be conducted through six to approximately $3,000.
In addition to the Kiwanis fund the states represented.
days of intensive training which will
university has four other loan funds:
Several of the cadets from the local
At the present time there is no fit them for the best beginning of General, Skain Memorial, Hughes,
Dr. McMullen
state organization of colleges for ex- their university career. They will be and Alumni. The total amount in the institution were visiting in the city (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR)
over the past week-entension work. Whether or not such divided into groups of 30 which will
U. K. Professor to Take New an organization will be formed at be in charge of a faculty member and five loan funds is approximately
Post in Montana
a student assistant.
this meeting is uncertain.
Each day the freshmen, in their
Dr. Lynn B. McMullen, of the uni DR. FUNKHOUSER WILL GO
respective groups, will be required to
To Go
O- report to the various lectures, tests
versity, will leave Saturday for BilDean Edward Wiest, of the College
lings, Mont., where he will be presiand entertainments as if they were Miss Rachelle Shacklette Will of Commerce, is just in receipt of a
o dent of the Eastern Montana Normal Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of the attending regular classes.
Jetter forwarded by Professor Mcln-tyr- e Will Teach Three Courses Dur
Leave Lexington Soon
Marked with a large button carry
from the Proctor. & Gamble
ing Second Term of Summer
policy begun several School this year.
Continuing the
Miss Rachelle Shacklette, assistant
Dr. McMullen was elected as presi graduate school, will be in Boston ing their name and group number, the
of Cincinnati, thanking ProfesSession; Has Been on
weeks ago of publishing for the bene- dent of the school several weeks ago during the week of July
attend- freshmen will be conducted to points! to Mrs. P. K. Holmes, dean 'of women sor
Mclntyre for recommending
Leave of Absence
fit of summer school students a direc- but has been teaching in the summer ing the National Conclave of the Kap- of interest on the campus and will be for the summer session, will leave three university students, Messrs.
tory of students enrolled in the var- session at the university. Mrs. Mc- pa Sigma fraternity, of which he is introduced to others of their rank Lexington about August 1 for New Adams, Caplinger and Hicklin to
ious .colleges for the summer session, Mullen and Miss Lucretia left yester- district grand master for the states who will be their class mates for the York where she will spend next year. the company.
According to the IS WORKING FOR PH.
Kernel is this week concluding day for Indiana where they will visit of Kentucky and Tennessee.
next four years.
Cincinnati confrom the
Miss Shacklette was graduated from letter
Grant Cochran Knight, professor in
Among the tests which will be given the university in 1925 and has been cern all three of the students are the English department, who has been
Dr. Funkhouser's classes for the
this directory. Herewith are printed relatives for a few days. Dr. McMulLex- len will join them Sunday and begin second term of the summer session them will be the mental or psychologto the dean of woman for doing very creditable work in their on leave of absence from the univerassistant
the names, home addresses, and
will begin on Monday, July 25.
respective positions.
ical test, the English test and the the past two years.
ington addresses of students enrolled the motor trip to Billings.
sity for the past year, has returned
These tests are
mathematics test.
in the Colleges of Engineering, Agrifrom Columbia University to begin
given for the purpose of classifying
work as teacher in the second term
culture and Commerce for the first
the student as to his ability to carry
of the summer session.
certain lines of work.
Professor Knight, who is working
Each day they will hear lectures on
College of Engineering
for a Ph. D. degree, will conduct
subjects which will be of special inclasses in Shakespeare, the Novel, and
Askerman, Reyifold H.; Louisville;
as freshmen. Among
University Operator Handles Over 1,200 Calls Each Day; terest to them be given are "How to Feature Writer, After Visit to Flooded Mississippi Delta, Advanced Composition.
433 V.. Maxwell.
the lectures to
In addition to "his teaching work, he
Says People Are Very Polite on Campus, but
Alexander, Julian C; Wheatley; 154.
Indicates That Most Venerable Water Moccasins
Study," "Honor Societies," "Student
will continue his research in preparaN. Upper street.
Course They Get Angry
and Their Wives and Kiddies Are
Government," "Use of the Library,"
tion to writing a biography of James
Anderson, Samuel Wilson; Ewing;
Having Glorious Time
and "Rules and Customs." Each stu
fi5?R Rnuth Lime.
Lane Allen and will also work on two
be required to take notes
dent will
Baker, Parham P.; Louisville; 239
articles for the Dictionery of Amerimay be questioned
sometimes, on the lectures and
How many times Of course they
you're a pessimist in the pipes.
South Lime.
can Biography, which is being comBardstown; 152 would you guess that Miss Bettiej but well they don't really say any by the professor in charge of the
Ballard, Lawrence E.;
And if the snakes and crawfishes piled in Washington and wll be comSt. Patrick may have run all the were annoying
Swope, head operator and her assist- thing. You can tell by their voices,"
after the water had pleted in about 10 years. When comBarnes, Thos. Birkhead; Beaver Dam; ant, Miss Onie McAlpin, intone 6hat she replied, and then broke into a
In the evenings, a general convoca- snakes out of Ireland, but we know been pumped out of the streets so pleted it will.be the standard of
9.77 Smith Lime'
tion of all the freshmen will be held, they weren't exterminated only ex- that we had to wear hip boots for American biography.
calmly into the rapid monologue with the transmitter
Baugh, Charlie R.; London; Triangle word evenlyofand university switch''university yes ma'm I'll ring at which time they will be entertained iled. We wonder now how venture- protection, we had nevertheless the
mouth piece
Professor Knight is writing the bihouse.
in various ways. On the first evening some mariners dared to swim the fun and comparative safety of riding ography of Madison
Swope says that the them again did they answer?
Cawein, KenBeetem, David Howard; Milton; 504 board?
an illustrated lecture by Prof. George waters of the Mississippi, which, hav- in automobiles up and down, skidding tucky poet, and John B. Bowman,
is more than 1,200 and that's thank you Dean Taylor's office?
Columbia street.
Stone; Lexington, 372 not half of what she does have to the line's busy, will you hold the line ? Roberts on the history of the uni- ing flooded the Mississippi delta to deliciously in eighteen inches of mud, founder of the University of KenBell, Grant
On another
oozy mud! tucky. Mr. Cawein's son is a student
university do you want city? yes versity will be given.
Transylvania park.
say during the day.
the eaves of its houses and slowly real,
Berry, Leslie C; Paris; Triangle
Opening the office at 7 o'clock every ma'm you're welcome, yes ma m," evening, Fred Smith, brought to the ebbed its way out again, has called But they cleaned that off before we d at the university at present and is
morning, except Sunday, during the she pulled down the last plug, turned
left in Session a convention had our fill of the sport and that left working for a Ph. D. degree.
Blasingame, Bonner B.; Lexington, year, an operator is steadily at the around and smiled. Can you beat it? (CONTINUED, ON PAGE FOUR) and the biggest and most venerable nothing but crawfishes to persecute,
Rose and Maxwell streets.
The university switch board was inswitchboard until 6 o'clock in the
water moccasins in existence and the snakes being a little too much
Boston, John Philip; Millersburg.
by edict of
At her command are 8 stalled on June 15 two years ago and o
Brandenburg.Estill C; College Hill evening.
o they brought the wives and kiddies like playing with fire and, of the "surauthority, speedy victims
trunk lines leading to the city, 29 since that time has been in constant
Brennan, John O wings; Paris.
vival of the fittest" theory whenever Annual Summer Session Affair
lines to the Experiment Station and use. Before it was installed, the of
Now You
We know the reading public is sick and wherever encountered.
Will Be Held July 27
91 to university offices.
Extension fices on the campus were connected
o unto death of hearing about the flood, So the last few evenings we were
lines in the Experiment Station bring directly to the city. The Experiment o
but we've just come back from there, there were spent in chasing the tail
(Campus Quiz)
Owing to the great increase in the
Station had the only switch board in
their number up to 45 phones.
Being a telephone operator isn't a connection with the university organi
What college dominates "politics" and its snakes and crawfishes are light of our own cars round and size of the first term of the summer
fresh in our memory, not to mention round in a circle under the arc light session, the annual summer school
on the campus in class elections?
"snap" anytime and when the calls zation.
largest on street corners, where the craw- luncheon will be held this year during
2 Which class won the annual tug- - the odor of the place. Our
"What offices get the most calls?
Public Invited to See Work of run as they do at the university,
opera we asked.
last fall at Clifton pond? bodies of water may be fresh tang fishes congregated in thousands, just the second term instead of in the first
it's a wonder that the
Summer School Students
smelling but the
for the thrill of hearing the afore- as was formerly the custom, accordtor isn't a nervous wreck at "Mr. Crutche's office gets the most," 3 What is the Stroller organiza slightly salty
behind them when they mentioned
they leave
crawlers scrunch under ing to an announcement made WedItion?
The art department of the univer- the end of the day. The calls run in she answered and then gave emphasis
go is something known only to
nesday by Dean W. S. Taylor. The
4 What is "Howdy Day?"
our wheels.
sity, which is in charge of Miss Myer, "droves," it might be said. Begin- to her reply by connecting his numand one Keutuckian at
Our intention is not to offend the date probably will be Wednesday,
of Louisville, is giving an exhibition ning with the board as bare as the ber with a city call. "Dean Taylor, 5 What is the
reader, nor to leave the impression July 27.
of the work done this summer. This Sahara desert, the calls will come in I guess is next, and Mechanical Hall 6 Who is captain of this year's
According to Dean Taylor the first
football team? Basketball team?
But it was great sport rowing up that the people of Greenville, that is
exhibition started Wednesday of this until the board is strung up with after his office," she continued. She
week and continues through today. wires like so much choice Italian was keeping a record of the calls on 7 Who was elected Queen of May of and down the main streets of Venice' the young set, have deteriorated in term has outgrown the luncheon.
But you Theie is no hotel in town large enough
newest suburb, watching the giant their passion for sport.
the university last spring?
spaghetti. And she has to tear the Wednesday and at every flash of a
Everyone is invited.
light, a check was put down on the 8 Why is the old cannon in front pumps cajoling muddy water out of must remember, or be now enlight- to take care of the eleven hundred
The work includes drawings done whole mass down.
of the Administratioh building Greenville at the rate of 4,000 gallons ened, that there have been no trains students enrolled this session, and for
"How do people speak to you here chart.
by the drawing and painting class,
plugged with concrete ?
per minute, helping to bale the fish either in or out of the flood district that reason summer school officials
craft work done by both the art struc- at the university?" Miss Swope was Other numbers which are called
decided to postpone the luncheon un9 What are "cadet hops?"
out into bushel baskets just before
ture class and the public teacher's art asked.
they go to their eternal oblivion if (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) til the second term.
"Oh, most of them are very polite. (CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR) 10 What is "the grove?"
"Trial by Jury," the comic oper- etta by Sullivan, was presented Tuesday night in the men's gymnasium by
the students of the summer school
under the, direction of Prof . Carl
head of the music department of
the university.
A large and appreciative audience
witnessed the, presentation of the humorous
suit. The
operetta was given twice during the
regular term of school last year by
the girls' glee club of the university
and was highly praised by critics.
Miss Margaret Gooch, Lexington,
a junior at the .university, took the
leading part of Angelina, the
Professor Lampert had the
role of the judge and Mr. Hendricks
was the defendent Mr. Foster as
the clerk, Mr. Sweeney as the lawyer
for the defendant, Miss Perkins and
Miss Grimes as bridesmaids, demon
strated their ability to play their
parts well.
composed the jury and the spectators.
An informal reception for summer
school students was "held after the
operetta on the campus in front of the
administration building. Mrs. P. K
Holmes, dean of women, and Dean W.
S. Taylor received the many students
who .attended.





Freshmen Must Show Up Early in September
for Six Days They Will Always Remember


Loan Fund



to Leave








Page St. Patrick!

Number Please!







Art Exhibit


* ,





knowledge of good manners. If peo- pie know how to eat correctly they
usually know how to act in good com-

The Kentucky Kernel
Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper of the students and alumni
Published every Friday throughout
of the University of Kentucky.
the college year by the student body of the university.
Entered at Lexington Postoffice as second class mail matter.

Niel Plummer

John R. Bullock

Theresa Newhoff

Irene Brummett


Elizabeth Carter
Don Grote

James Shropshire


"Having passed the eating orI judge a man a gentleman,"

said Chesterfield, who believed that
manners would take a man where
knowledge could not lead him in ways
of success.
And correct speech is the dress in
which we clothe our thoughts. If we
use coarse or slovenly speech we indicate that we have coarse or slovenly
minds. If we "murder English" we
are adjudged by those who know the

English language, either as careless
beings who do not make use of the
knowledge we possess or as poor ig-- i
norants who have not had the opportunity of learning how to speak correctly. Incorrect speech very often
makes us distasteful to
people just as ragged clothes bars us
from going to fashionable receptions.
A person with a cultivated ear for
correct English actually suffers when
hearing the beautiful English tongue
mutilated just as one who loves a
beautiful picture or object does not
like to see it marred in any way.
Now it might be expected that when
men and women get to university
they, at least, would know how 'to
speak their own language correctly,
but unfortunately there is a considerable number who are either too lazy
to be bothered trying to break bad
habits learned in childhood or dre
naturally so coarse or slovenly minded that they simply do not care. Certainly it is not lack of opportunity of
hearing good English spoken. Such
expressions as "aincha goin'," "ain't
it so," "I've got a book," "between you
and I," 'are all too frequently heard
around the halls and corridors of this
university. Some of us may suffer
because we do not have many dollars,
but there are few people who need
suffer for lack of words in which to
clothe their thoughts. Exchange.

hoped and expected

At the close of recitations tomorrow the first term of the summer session will be ended. Short as the time
may have seemed to the individual
or long, depending on the point of
view ifive weeks has elapsed since
registration. One term of the summer session is practically completed.
For some, indeed, in the Kernel's
opinion, for most students this term
has been a profitable one. There has
been an attitude of earnestness, an
air of seriousness, a determination
to get the greatest .possible amount
of good from studying which is gratifying to professors and inspiring to
other students. Not only, in numb