xt70zp3vv39p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vv39p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19781027 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 27, 1978, no. 249 text The Green Bean, October 27, 1978, no. 249 1978 2014 true xt70zp3vv39p section xt70zp3vv39p I ;SP>")~ 
V _________________________________l_........
  10/27/78 T N0. 209
` 27 October — Seminar in Graphic Design: Forms and Letter Forms by Leo
· Wyatt, 2:00 pm, Gallery, King North.
..- 27 October — Library Science Faculty Forum Series — Dr. Philip Dare, I
Library—Use Instruction: The State of the Art, 2:00-5:00 pm,
. _ 214 Student Center; ‘ T. IR:
27 October v The Gallery Series — Schubertfest — Music for Flute & Piano
and Music for Piano Solo — Gordon Cole, flute, Lucien Stark,
‘ piano — Noon in the Gallery, King North.
7 3 November — Administrative Council, 8:30 am,_Gallery, King North
Current Displays: Gallery — Department of Special Collections - '
Selections from the Papers of Earle C. Clements (through October 31).
ng Preview: .Appalachia.
Contributors to this issue: Pat Boyle, Faith Harders, Peggy Lewis, Diane
Carrico, Linda Newman, Rebekah Harleston (Editor), Paul Willis, Bob Turner,
T and Sara Leech. _

At the present we have three standing committees: Constitutional
Revision, Education, and Staff Orientation. Several others have been
suggested, including Working Conditions (not necessarily the physical
surroundings, temperature, etc.) and Technical/Clerical Grading
Structure. If anyone has any ideas for committees that you feel ACTS
should be including or would like to serve on a committee, please
contact Peggy Lewis in GPD, 257-2639.
Education Committee: During the 1978-79 year, the Education Committee
of ACTS is planning a series of tours in departments at King Library
and the branch libraries. Approximately four workshops involving t
departments at King are being considered. The committee members for
this year are: Olivia Buckner, Solinet Unit, King Library; and Diane
Carrico, Cataloging Department, Medical Center Library. Other
interested persons are welcome.
- Staff Orientation Committee: Members — Andrea Bryant, Business Library;
Faith Harders, Director's Office (guest member); Linda Newman,
Reference (MIK) - chairperson; and Mary Ransbottom, Geology Library.
We have been meeting regularly since the beginning of September
(usually once a week). We are preparing some handouts on the basic
tools in the library—vthe public catalog (including filing rules and
LC subject headings); classification systems; indexes and abstracts;
the shelflist; CSR records; BATAB system; and SOLINET. These handouts
would be combined in a booklet with sample questions on each tool and/or
an exercise using many tools. The booklet could be given to the new
staff person for them to complete in a self—paced manner. Members of
‘ ACTS could check back with him/her on the usefulness of the booklet.
We have spent most of our time developing the instructional material,
and have not discussed in depth any plans for actually administering
an orientation program.
We have lost one GQmmittee member, and although we are able to continue
with four members, if someone is interested in this project they would
be welcome to join us.
‘ PE, rgsouwu, gugmggg  
Harry Gilbert will be going to Architecture on a temporary (June 29)
basis, and a temporary replacement will be hired for GPD. Anyone
interested in being considered for GPD should see Faith Harders or
Paul Willis by November 3.
Head, Acquisitions Department. Deadline Friday, October 27. Anyone in
the library who wishes to be considered, see Faith Harders or Paul

 - 5 -
I University Personnel has asked us to remind people of the necessity
of completing the Employer's First Report of Injury on all work-
related injuries and diseases as soon as practical after their
occurence even though the injury may seem minor. Personnel points
out that a late report throws suspicion on the validity of a claim
and might be reason to deny the claim. Also, there is a statute of
limitations beyond which a claim is barred if not filed timely. Any
· employee injured in the Library should report it to the Director's
Office where the staff will help the employee file the necessary
The Supervisor Evaluation Task Force has completed its revision of
Supervisor Evaluation Form. Copies will be mailed on November l,
1978 to all library faculty and staff members. They are to be
returned to the Director's Office by November 15, in order that they
might become a part of the faculty evaluation process.
` · 3 Although the form is designed to examine the performance of department
heads or branch librarians, the Committee believes that its scope is
broad enough to reflect the supervisor role throughout the library
‘ system.
A summary of "A National Periodicals Center Technical Development
# Plan" prepared by the Council on Library Resources, Inc. has been
- ` ‘ placed on reserve for interested staff members. It is listed in Mr.
‘ Willis' name.
There's still time to register for Fall meeting at Natural Bridge,
November 2-3, 1978. Call Janet Stith, Medical Center Library, 233-5727.
‘ Publishing in Kentucky is the theme. There will also be program on the
lifeand art of Paul Sawyier.
11133Agv Fgcunw ggmmmggs, 1928-29  
*· Personnel: Bill Bull, Marie Copeland, Brad Grissom, Faith Harders,
Chairperson, Bill James, Bill Marshall, Judy Sackett, and Mary Welch.
Planning: Cynthia Bott, Bill Cooper, Phil Dare, Dennis Dickinson,
- Chairperson, Norma Jean Gibson, Omer Hamlin, Francis Kelley, Mildred
Moore, and Barbara Gardiner, ACTS representative.
Policy, Guidelines & Rules: Ellen Dahl, Cheryl Jones, Sara Leech,
Russell Powell, Edna Pray, Lynn Shrewsbury, Paul Thompson, and Gerry
Promotion/Tenure: Adelle Dailey, Chairperson, Evelyn Evans, Sandy
Gilchrist, Janet Stith.
Information Coordinator: Dennis Dickinson.

 W Q — ®.-
" be
Salary Review: Bess Clotfelter, David Farrell, Chairperson, and Jane
Staff Development: Lynn Barnett, Trudi Bellardo, Barbara Galik, Chair-
person, Larry Greenwood, Faith Harders (ex officio), Toni Powell, Bill
Richardson, and Emilie Smith.
Occasional Pa ers: Rhoda Channing, Chairperson, Vivian Hall, Rebekah
Harleston, Elizabeth Howard, Tari Keller, Claire McCann, and Ruby
Collection DevelopmentTask Force: Nancy Baker, Chairperson, Terry
Birdwhistell, Mary Davis, Judy Fugate, Harry Gilbert, Gail Kennedy, and
Vivian MacQuown.
Green Bean Editor: Rebekah Harleston.
Paomassgmwgn gmmuxmnawxy 0Pr>0RTuN1ur;s
Business/Science Department, Librarian II, Forsyth County Public
Library, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Open October 30, 1978,
salary, $13,156-$17,389.
Adult Continuing Education Department, Forsyth County Public Library,
Winston—Salem, North Carolina. Open November 13, 1978, salary,