xt70zp3vv43q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vv43q/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2003 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 79, No. 2, Fall/December 2003 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 79, No. 2, Fall/December 2003 2003 2014 true xt70zp3vv43q section xt70zp3vv43q FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  
, Volume 79 Number 2 Fall/December 2003  E éf 
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 US ISSN 0016-2116  
Frontier Nursing Service Introduction I I
FNS Appoints President & CEO · Barb Gibson 2
Wendover News - Barb Gibson 3
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare News - Mallie Noble 6
Frontier Nursing Clinics update - Dr Julie Maifell 12
Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing News —
— Dr Susan Stone 14
Website Information 18
Courier Program News - Barb Gibson 19
Beech Fork Nursing Center Restoration Update · Barb Gibson 22
In Memoriam 24
Urgent Needs 29
Cover: Mrs. Breckinridge reading the Christmas Story to nurses and
and midwifery students at Haggin Dorm in 1954 Qyhoto by Barbara
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service
Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for Institutions
Volume 79 Niunber 2 Fall/December 2003 /,.
Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and at addi-
tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS, ·
Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/Inc. 2000
All Rights Reserved.

  Frontier Nursing Service
U you have never been introduced t0 the Frontier Nurs-
` ing Service we would like to take this opportunity to brief you on
the history and the on-going work ofthe Service.
Born in 188] into a prominent American family, Mary Breckin-
ridge spent her early years in many parts of the world - Russia,
France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death of her
two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected of women
of her class to devote herself to the service of others, particularly
Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Service (FNS)
in Leslie County, Kentucky in l925, then one of the poorest and
most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs. Breckinridge
introduced the first nurse-midwives in this country. Riding their
horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard, fog or flood,
the FNS nurses brought modern healthcare to families throughout
an area of 700 square miles.
Until her death in l965, Mary Breckinridge was the driving force
behind the work of the Service whose influence today extends far
beyond eastem Kentucky. Through the Frontier School of Mid-
wifery and Family Nursing, hundreds of nurses have been trained
and this important concept of family healthcare has been carried
throughout the world.
Today, FNS, Inc., is organized as a parent holding company for
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Frontier Nursing Healthcare,
Inc., which includes four rural healthcare clinics (Community
Health Center, Beech Fork Clinic, Kate Ireland Healthcare Center
~”‘ and Hyden/Wasson Center) and for the Frontier School of Mid-
wifery and Family Nursing - the largest midwifery program in the
‘ United States. The Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nurs-
ing also trains family nurse practitioners.

Frontier Nursing Service ll
Appoints President and Chief Executive Officer
The Frontier Nursing Service Board of
Governors is pleased to announce that, g  
effective December I, 2003, William    
(Bill) W. Hall, Jr., assumed the position   _  
of President & Chief Executive Officer     .  
of the Frontier Nursing Service. ` W   l
Mr. Hall’s first involvement with FNS began in I977 when he was l
employed with First Security Bank in Lexington, Kentucky, and
worked under Homer Drew, FNS Honorary Board Member and
Former Treasurer. In I 986 Mr. Hall was appointed Assistant Trea— I
surer ofthe FNS Board of Governors and since that time his guid— ‘
ance has been instrumental in the continuing development of the `
work of FNS.
Mr. Hall brings to FNS 26 years of experience in banking and
finance. He is a graduate of the University of Kentucky where he
obtained his BA in Accounting followed by post graduate work at
Northwestem University and the University of North Carolina.
Mr. Hall is no stranger to the Appalachia Mountains. His father’s  
family is originally from Blacky, in Letcher County and his mother ’s  
family hails fiom the Cumberland region of Harlan County. Mr. Q
Hall is married to Teresa, his wife of 22 years. They have two .
sons, Will and Justin.  
The Board of Governors and Staff welcomes Mr. Hall and looks S
forward to working with him.

V Wendover News
by Barb Gibson, Assistant to CEO
I Board of Governors Meeting
The FNS Board of Govemors held their fall meetings at Wendover
j October 17 and 18. They began their weekend by attending a rib-
Q bon cutting ceremony at the new Kate Ireland Healthcare Center
? in Manchester. After meetings on Saturday, Board members at-
1 tended the graduation ceremony for 53 nurse-midwives and nurse-
practitioners from the Frontier School of Midwifery & Family
, During the months of September, October and November, we hosted
I 74 overnight guests at our Bed & Breakfast lnn and served dinner
to 199 additional guests.
Totty Lawson, Tour Guide, presents the following report:
Since September, we gave tours to approximately 184 people who
traveled from near and far and have been of all ages. We had nurs-
A ing students that will be graduating soon and plan to leave their
I mark on the world; students that have been in the nursing field for
? years and were in need of restoration; families of FSMFN gradu-
ates; and those just beginning at the FSMFN. We had professors
i from various schools of nursing make their seventh or eighth visit
and some visiting Wendover for the first time.
We had people from all walks of life visit the grounds and walk
along the pathway that Mrs. Breckinridge herself walked. They
have toured her house, sat in her living room, and heard stories
J that have been passed down from nurses and couriers that had the
great opportunity to know Mrs. Breckinridge personally. Our goal
.( being not only to educate them of all that Mrs. Breckinridge began
I but also to give them a small glimpse into the rare and interesting
  individual she was.

Some of our visitors traveled a different path: ln June, we enter- li
tained 20 journalists on a press tour, courtesy of our ftiend George
Percy, Geiger and Associates, based in Tallahassee, Florida. An .
article written from that tour appears in the December issue of ,
"Blue Ridge Country” written by Barbara A. Killmeyer, freelance i
writer, who has gained great acknowledgement with her book  
"Marketing for Success”. Ms. Killmeyer writes of Mrs. I
Breckinridge’s devotion to the people of the Kentucky Mountains  
being without limits. She boasts of Mrs. Breckinridge’s dream and I
mission to do something useful with her life.  
We were also privileged to have Wanda McKinney, Associate Travel I
Editor for Southern Living Magazine, tour Wendover and dine on I
wonderful spoon bread and turkey hash, one of Mrs. Breckinridge’s I
favorite meals. 2
Each individual takes away something different from their visit j
here. Some are inspired to forge their own endeavor and some find .
their hope renewed by her story. lf you have not traveled to Wen- j
dover and visited the home of our founder, Mrs. Breckinridge, we I
encourage you to do so. We extend to you a warm invitation to  
schedule a tour or spend the night at our Bed and Breakfast lnn. I
Maintenance Pr0jects  
Projects this fall included installation of a heating/cooling system l
in the Garden House. Our boiler heating system became very dif-  
ficult to maintain. Maintenance and upkeep ofthe new heat pump  
system will be much cheaper long term. Special thanks to The  
Stone Foundation for providing funds for the heating/cooling sys-  
Annual Bluegrass C 0mmit1ee Luncheon  
The annual Bluegrass Committee Luncheon was held September  
24 at the Louisville Boat Club. Thanks to Committee Member, I
Betty Christie, who is a member of the Boat Club, for arranging  
the Luncheon. {

, Bill Hall, Wee-Chairman of FNS Board of Govemors spoke to the
` group and Dr. Susan Stone, Dean and President of the Frontier
School of Midwifery & Family Nursing updated the group on hap-
· penings at the School. Dr. Julie Marfell, Chair of Family Nursing
i spoke about the Family Nurse Practitioner Program, Mallie Noble,
i Administrator of MBHC spoke about the Hospital and Totty
l Lawson, FNS Tour Guide, gave an update of Wendover guests.
  Special thanks to Marjorie Vogt for providing the beautiful flow-
  ers as centerpieces for the tables. Next year’s luncheon will be
l held in Lexington.
  Holiday Activities
. We are preparing for the traditional Christmas parties at the rural
l healthcare clinics. This involves shopping and wrapping toys and
  filling bags with fruit and candy for the children (see update in
next QB). We are also very busy preparing for our annual holiday
i meals at Wendover.
  Merry Christmas from the staff at Wendover: Barb Gibson, Assis-
Y tant to CEO; Beulah Couch, Director of Human Resources; Patra
  Simpson, Assistant to HR Director; Totty Lawson, Tour Guide;
S AnnDraia Bales, Development Secretary; Christine Collins, Spe-
E cial Projects; Joey Roberts, Maintenance Foreman; Linda Saw-
i yers, C ook/Housekeeper; Carolyn Wells, Cook/Housekeeper; Vicky
l Hacker, PRN Cook/Housekeeper; Michael Brock, Maintenance/
  Security Guard; Ruben Feltner, Maintenance/Securtiy Guard; and
  Josh Lewis, Maintenance/Security Guard.
l Special Thanks
i Special thanks to Ethel W. Ledegand, Norwood,
J Massachusetts, for knitting a total of l,000 baby
Q caps for FNS babies! The caps are given to Level
l lll midwifery students to place on the head of
  the first baby they help deliver.

Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc. News I
by Mallie Noble, Administrator
Critical Access Licensure j °
The Mary Breckinridge Hospital (MBHC) is j .» r*.’ 5; V.¢-’·     e   Y r
now officially a Critical Access Hospital ef`-  Q ` ‘ e  
fective September I, 2003. We received our i.i  ; jj   i
provider numbers for acute care and swing   I
beds on September 30. We appealed the first .    
established rates and have already received M ’    Q
the new rates which are higher reimburse-  TI i
ment rates. The management team at MBHC has done an excel-  
lentjob with this long and tedious process. I want to say thank you  
to all the staff and employees for a job well done.  
Maintenance Projects  
The new paint job is completed and the hospital looks very similar j
to the way it was when it was first constructed. The parking lot  
has been re-sealed and the curbs and fire hydrants have been re-  
painted. We have also re-modeled the public restrooms on the first  
floor with stainless steel partitions and installed a baby changing  
station in the restroom located next to the Pediatric Clinic. All of  
these projects were sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary Committee.  
I would like to express my thanks to these dedicated ladies for I
volunteering their time to raise money for these projects. {
Center of Excellence for Rural Health Meeting i
I received the honor of being chosen as one of five hospital admin-  
istrators in the State of Kentucky by the Center of Excellence for I
Rural Health, to travel to Washington, DC, for a Rural Health All
Programs meeting. The meeting was very informative on issues jj
regarding rural health in rural communities. The Office of Rural I
Health Policy (ORHP) is the leading federal proponent for better if
healthcare services for the 65 million people who live in rural I
America. The Oiiice seeks solutions to healthcare problems in ru-  
ral cormnunities by working in partnership with federal and state  
agencies, foundations and private sector organizations. i

. The meeting was very successful and participants from all over
the United States attended. I express my sincere gratitude to Bethany
Adams, Woody Dunn and Larry Allen, Center of Excellence for
· Rural Health, for their help with issues conceming rural health
_ and hospitals.
i While in Washington, I met Charity Moore, the daughter of former
g Human Resources Director and former MBHC Risk Manager,
  Darrell and Ruby Moore. Charity is the Associate Director of South
i Carolina Rural Health Research Center at the University of South
p Carolina.
I SHIP Grant
. I mentioned in the last Quarterly Bulletin that Mary Breckinridge
Healthcare applied for a SHIP (Small Rural Hospital Improve-
Q ment Program) grant. MBHC received the grant this year. SHIP
I grants provide support to help small rural hospitals with the imple-
mentation of the prospective payment systems (PPS), to comply
p with provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Account-
Q ability ACT (HIPPA) of 1996, and to improve overall hospital
g performance by keeping current on Quality Improvement.
K These funds will benefit small rural hospitals and help ensure that
l they have a strong foundation to provide quality healthcare to the
  people in their community.
i Kentucky Hospital Association (KHA) Meeting
  I attended the Kentucky Hospital Association’s (KHA) annual
l Healthcare Leadership Conference in Lexington, Kentucky, on
i October 30 and 3 I st.
  KHA’s Legislative Priorities for the 2004 Kentucky General As-
-(= sembly were discussed. Issues such as adequate funding for
i Kentucky’s Medicaid budget, revisions to the hospital provider
l tax, increase of tobacco tax and medical liability reform are on the
i` agenda.

Medicaid is a vital program in Kentucky that will cover one out of l
every five Kentuckians this year.
C ertyied Activities Directors i
Belinda Caudill, RN, Medical Surgical Manager, and Deanna Rice,
Monitor Tech/Ward Clark, attended a one week meeting in Louis-
ville, Kentucky, to obtain credentials as Certified Activities Direc-
tors. This is a federal and State requirement in order for the Hos-
pital to have swing beds. The Activities Directors must spend time
with swing bed patients in order to stimulate the patients each day.
Activities include reading from the Bible and other books of inter-
est, playing checkers, card games, and arts and crafts. We are
proud that both Belinda and Deanna became certified.
Blood Drive
On November I3, 2003, MBHC sponsored a blood drive with the
Central Kentucky Blood Center. We do this each quarter to help
the Blood Center gather donors for much needed blood.
On September 5, 2003, officials from the Office of Inspector Gen-
eral were at MBHC for the annual inspection of the Hyden Rural
Health Clinic. There were no deficiencies. On October I3, I4,
2003, the OIG, Division of Community Services visited the MBHC
Laboratory for their CLIA inspection. The Lab was found to be in
compliance with the regulations.
Home Health - Thanksgiving Food Drive
Some of our Home Health patients are not as fortunate as others to
be able to financially provide for themselves a holiday meal. The
Home Health staff decided to make sure that every needy patient p
has a full meal for Thanksgiving. Their way of doing this was to lll
start a food appeal for non-perishable food items within the hospi-
tal and in local stores such as Food Fair, Save A Lot, and Hyden i
Grocery. Dairy Queen also participated by donating $100.00. Each
department within the Hospital participated in a contest to see

4 who could donate the most food. A total of 310 items were col-
lected with Lab and X-ray being the winners. We are thankful that
V several families were able to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal due to the
° kindness and thoughtfulness of the Home Health Staff
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Stroke C are Conference
On November I3, I4, 2003, Linda Craft, RN, Director of Nurs-
ing, Kermit Creech, RN, House Supervisor, and myself traveled
to Lexington to the Central Baptist Hospital for a meeting on Bridg-
ing the Gap in Stroke Care. The Conference was presented by the
Greater Cincinati Northern Kentucky Stroke Team. This Confer-
ence focused on current treatments available for acute strokes and
barriers that may be encountered while developing a stroke pro- I
gram. i
Discussions included the scientific progression of acute stroke care l
during the decay of the brain, current standards for pre—hospital I
and emergency department management of acute stroke, strategies
for implementation of a multidisciplinary stroke team to coordi-
nate care of acute stroke patients, and the future directions in stroke II
treatment. Most rapid treatments of strokes are done in small rural
community hospitals. .

{ The Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Stroke team consists
of forty people who travel to different hospitals when they are
called for stroke victims. At this time they are focusing on educat-
l ing hospitals to create their own centers of excellence in the treat-
p ment of stroke. This is a much needed program in the eastern por-
tion ofthe United States and at this time there are only three insti-
tutions who are doing research in this area.
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  Jane Leigh Powell, Chairman of FNS Board of Governors -
l enjoys ATV riding bdore October 2003 Board Meeting

Frontier Nursing Clinics Update `
by Dr Julie Markli, Executive Director L
The grand opening ofthe new Kate Ireland _ _A*‘==    
Healthcare Center was held October l7"‘,   _  
2003. The Manchester Chamber of Com- g       
merce officially welcomed us to the com-      
munity. The Chamber members extended     I
their thanks and offered their support in -    
our mission of providing health care to the    
Manchester community and area. The Chamber of Commerce mem- I
bers, members from the FNS Board of Governors, faculty, staff i
and patients attended the open house. Refreshments were served I
and flu shots were given to those that requested them including  
several of our FNS board members.  
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Kate Ireland Healthcare Center - Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

{ We are very excited to be implementing an electronic patient man-
i agement system and medical record at all of the clinics. We will
Q begin training in January for the medical record system. All of our
i° patient records will be converted to an electronic record. This means
we will no longer be relying on paper charts. This switch will
allow us to better organize our records and we will no longer have
to search for files. lt will also help us analyze what types of pa-
tients we are seeing. This analysis will help us plan better to meet
the needs of our patients and communities that we serve.
I had the opportunity to attend the Rural Health Clinic Associa-
tion Conference in Washington, DC. This association is a national
organization composed of rural health clinics. There are 3,477
rural health clinics nationwide with the majority of locations being
in the Midwestern and Southeastem states. Kentucky has 90 clin-
ics. Thirty- three percent of rural health clinics are located in
medically underserved areas. Rural health clinics are viewed as
safety net providers serving Medicare, Medicaid and vulnerable
populations in rural areas. Our clinics are part of that safety net.
Our percentage of Medicare, Medicaid and charitable care is com-
parable to other rural health clinics nationwide.
One of the activities at the conference was to meet with our sena-
tors and congressmen to discuss current issues that affect rural
health clinics. Our Kentucky group went to Capitol Hill and met
with representatives from Senator Mc Connell, Senator Bunning
and Congressman Rogers oflices. All of our issues were heard and
supported by all three of our representatives.
l would like to thank all of our donors for the response to the
Christmas appeal. The clinics appreciate your continued support
__ and plan to keep that star shining brightly.

Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing News
by Dr: Susan Stone, President & Dean
lt has been an exciting Fall for the Frontier *
School of Midwifery and Family Nursing. , y  `
Two new classes of students were admitted M . as I
on September 9*** and November 4*** adding  { *Z. I - I 
a total of 59 new students to the FSMFN   S _
roster. -·  I-
Graduation was held on October l8'**. This graduation was a his-
toric event for our school as it was the first time that the FSMFN
granted the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree. Along
with that first went the adomment of the graduates, faculty and
Board of Govemors in formal academic regalia. The ceremony
included the hooding ofthe MSN recipients. Over 150 family and
friends joined our graduates to celebrate their achievement. It was
a wonderful day full of "pomp and circumstance”. A memory that
will last forever came after the ceremony. Upon arriving back up
on the hill I saw a large group of students with their families and
holding their babies and grandbabies as they rang the Chapel Bell.
This brought the graduates full circle as they had all rung that bell
upon starting the program over 2 years ago. It was a wonderful
sight to see.
A new project that we are working on for our current students is to
update our clinical learning laboratory located on the first floor of
Mardi Cottage. The models that students use to practice their skills
on have become very old and worn. We are hoping to re-equip the
learning laboratory with new simulators that will allow students to
practice physical assessment skills, suturing skills, microscope skills
etc. Many generous donations from our alumni and other support- *
ers are assisting us with this project.

• The accreditation process continues to be our most important goal.
We are currently pursuing re-accreditation with the American Col-
lege of Nurse-Midwives, accreditation for the MSN program from
° the National League for Nursing and accreditation from the South-
em Association of Colleges and Schools. This worthwhile process
consumes many administrative hours. We will keep everyone in-
formed of our progress. Best wishes to everyone for a happy and
peaceful holiday season.
Ruth Beeman Named Dean Emerita
Ruth Beeman is a graduate of the Maternity Center Association
(MCA) School of Midwifery, the University of Pennsylvania in
Education, the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Belgium and Co-
lumbia University School of Public Health.
Ruth Beeman is the epitome of Mary Breckinridge’s public health
nurse midwife sewing in fields at distance as a missionary in a
small bush hospital in the Belgian Congo (Zaire) Africa, and the
home birth service of MCA in New York City. She helped to tran-
sition the MCA school and service to the State University of New
York Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn. She has served as pub-
lic health consultant for training many ofthe family planning nurses
in New York State and in supervising the lay midwives practicing
in Arizona. She developed graduate studies in matemity nursing at
Indiana University, New York Medical College and Arizona State
ln 1983 Ruth Beeman brought her talents and extraordinary aca-
demic and clinical experience to the Frontier School of Midwifery
and Family Nursing (FSMFN) where she served as Dean until she
retired in 1988. At the FSMFN she was responsible for all aspects
of the nurse midwife/family nurse practitioner program including
l obtaining funding, accreditation from the American College of
Nurse Midwives and the American Nurses Association. She served
0 on the faculty of Case Western Reserve University and originated
the affiliation between Frances Payne Bolton School Nursing and
the Fronter School. She continued to serve there as liaison and

guest lecturer until l 992, working on research, the community based 7
program curriculum and special projects.
In 1989 Ruth Beeman was called out of retirement to serve as A,
faculty for the distance leaming program. There is no person more _
worthy of being the first Dean Emerita of the Frontier School of
Midwifery and Family Nursing than Ruth Coates Beeman. ,
-Kitty Ernst  
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Dn Susan Stone, FSMFN President & CEO and Ruth Beeman, {
Dean Emeritus @h0t0 by Bill Fliris) C I

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h October 2003 Graduation qahoto by Bill Fliris)

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FNS Board of Governors and Dn Susan Stone (President) 1
Back row Ie]? to right: Dr: Michael Carter; William (Bill) Hall 1
and Mike Rust. Front row [ef to right: John Foley, Jane Leigh  
Powell, Dn Susan Stone and Ken T uggle  
Frontier Nursing Service - www.irontiemursing.org 1
FSMFN Community Based Nurse Midwifery Education Program 1
(CNEP) - www.midwives.org 1
FSMFN Community Based Nurse Practitioner Program (CFNP)  
- www.fr0ntierfi1p.org  

it Courier Program News
During September, AnnDraia Bales and Totty Lawson attended
0 job fairs at Dartmouth College, Smith College and at the Univer-
sity of New Hampshire getting the word out that Couriers again
have the opportunity to observe providers at work. We are looking
forward to an increase in applicants to the Program.
p Anna Carey was here from September until the end of November.
  She wrote the following about her experience as a Courier:
r "As a teacher in a rural town in New York, I came to the Courier
l Program to experience other aspects of rural life outside of the
  school setting. During my 3 years teaching, I became more and
I more aware that there were many things affecting my students
  outside of school which, in tum, affected their behavior in school.
  I felt that having the opportunity to experience rural life, predomi-
l nantly through health care, would help me not only as a teacher,
  but also as a person. As a courier, I was able to experience this and
a more."
4 "EarIy in my program, I shadowed Dr. Varghese at Mary Breckin—
p ridge Hospital and the family nurse practitioners at all four clin-
Q ics. As time went on, I spent one day each week shadowing Angie
  Mitchell at the Kate Ireland Healthcare Center in Manchester. Since
, I had no medical background at all, everything was new to me; I
  sat in with many patients and that alone was an invaluable experi-
  ence, but I also leamed much about the daily running of a clinic
l through my time in Manchester. Every other week I went on home
I health rounds with Willa Morris from the hospital and this gave
  me a first hand look at the living conditions of some area residents.
I During one Frontier Bound week I spent time at FSMFN, at which
time I met new midwifery and family nurse practitioner students
‘ (one a former courier!). Through all of these experiences, the im-
; portance of those involved in health care at all levels was apparent
l to me."

"Outside ofthe healthcare field, I volunteered at the Leslie County
Adult Learning Center. I worked with teenagers and adults, help- ,
ing them to prepare to take the GED. We most often focused on
math concepts and through these tutoring sessions, I met some  
great people who are working hard, overcoming many obstacles, ?
to improve their education level."  
“I also became very involved with the Leslie County Animal Shel-  
ter and the Leslie County Humane Society. I visited the animal  
shelter at least once a week to give the dogs exercise and take  
photos of animals available for adoption. I worked some week-  
days, weekends, and evenings at the shelter, cleaning it up, wel-  
coming visitors, taking in animals, and adopting them out. Through  
the humane society, I helped develop media promoting general in-  
formation about the animal shelter, animal care, and the humane  
society’s program of spaying and neutering."  
"My life at Wendover provided me with a myriad of opportunities.  
At the Big House, I was lucky enough to spend time with Chris-  
tine, Caroline, Linda, and Wcky in the kitchen when guests came i
for meals. These guests ranged anywhere from new students at  
FSMFN to ladies from area churches. With little aptitude in the  
kitchen, I had a wonderful time observing (and trying to help) these  
women in the kitchen. It is a monumental task to prepare food for  
35 people or more at a time — they made it look easy! Along these l
lines, I was also able to occasionally welcome guests to the bed l
and breakfast and host local gatherings."  
"ln the oflices at Wendover, I helped with everyday tasks that in-  
cluded anything from simple filing to help in rewriting the Courier  
Handbook. There I spent time with AnnDraia, Barb, Beulah, Patra, I
Totty, and Joey. On free evenings and weekends, when I wasn’t too  
tired, I visited with security guards: Josh, Ruben, and Michael.  
Through FNS Wendover activities, I was also able to visit Knox-  
ville, Tennessee, and Lexington, Louisville and Covington, Ken- i

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