xt70zp3vwx2b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vwx2b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-09-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1999 1999 1999-09-29 2020 true xt70zp3vwx2b section xt70zp3vwx2b EP


..,.... .m “sulfa! e-—« ~ «w ~ «v





Hard times

Here are some actual
answers found in
papers turned in by
people our age and a
lot younger. And you
thought you would
have a hard time in

"When you breathe, you
inspire. When you do
not breathe, you

“H20 is hot water. and
C02 is cold water."

"To collect fumes of
sulfur, hold a deacon
over a flame in a test

"When you smell an
odorless gas, it is
probably carbon

“Nitrogen is not found in
Ireland because it is
not found in a free

“Water is composed of
two gins, Oxygin and
Hydrogin. Oxygin is
pure gin. Hydrogin is
gin and water."

“Three kinds of blood
vessels are arteries,
vanes and

"Blood flows down one leg
and up the other."

"Respiration is composed
of two acts: first
inspiration, and then

"The moon is a planet just
like the earth, only it
is even deader."

“Artificial insemination is
when the farmer does
it to the cow instead
of the bull."

"Dew is formed on leaves
when the sun shines
down on them and
makes them perspire."

"Mushrooms always grow
in damp places and so
they look like

"The body consists of
three parts- the
brainium, the borax
and the abominable
cavity. The brainium
contains the brain, the
borax contains the
heart and lungs, and
the abominable cavity
contains the bowels, of
which there are five —
a. e, i, o, and u."

“The pistol of a flower is
its only protection
against insects."

“The skeleton is what is
left after the insides
have been taken out
and the outsides have
been taken off. The
purpose of the
skeleton is something
to hitch meat to."

"A permanent set of teeth
consists of eight
canines, eight cuspids.
two molars, and eight

“The tides are a fight
between the Earth and
moon. All water tends
towards the moon.
because there is no
water in the moon, and
nature abhors a
vacuum. I forget where
the sun joins in this


Hi Lo


VOL. 38104






News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:





Fall tuition will be





Saving spaces: Effort to keep people from signing up for
classes they don't show up to, costing others seats

By Kevin Thacker

Tuition for the Fall 2000 semester
will be required to be paid two
weeks in advance of the start of
classes, the Office of Student Billings
confirmed yesterday. This is a
change from the current policy of
paying tuition by the start of classes.

Linda Bradford. director of Stu-
dent Billing, said that the new policy
came as a result of an idea from last
year’s SGA president Nate Brown.

sponse to com laints about classes
being full wit students who no
longer planned to attend the Univer-
Sity. Brown hoped that having stu-
dents pa two weeks before classes
would a low the Registrar’s office
time to open up seats held by
dro ed students.

K has tried other methods to
solve the (problem. but they didn’t
work, sai Bradford. At one time
UK used a deposit system similar to
those used at other major universi-
ties. she said. This system had stu-
dents who planned to attend the Uni-


serve their spots in classes, but it
didn‘t achieve the desired results.

“A student would pay the $50.
and still not come to campus," Brad-
ford said.

UK also used to allow students to
pay their tuition using credit cards.
Bradford said. However, the cost of
this method began to rise. and for
mer Vice Chancellor of Student Af-
fairs Dr. Robert Hemingway felt that
the money would be better spent for
academic purposes. Bradford said,

As another option for student
payment, an installment plan has
been mentioned, but nothing has
ever come to head. “No-one in Ad—
ministration wants to authorize the
installment plan," Bradford said.


‘ What's your

Read the

due early

stallment basis will have to look to
banks, Bradford says. In these iii-
stallment plans. the bank pays the
tuition and the student is then oblig—
ated to an installment plan with an
individual bank. Key Bank in Lex-
ington is one bank that provides this

Now the pre-paytnent is being
worked on. "I‘m a little apprehen—
sive about the process." Bradford

Every part of the student finan-
cial process must be in order for the
pro-payment to work. Bradford said.

“Everyone in the University
tnust have everything done a lot
sooner. Maybe as We get into it and
identify all of the problems we can



Brown had suggested the plan in re-




UK only Ilth university to get special grant

By Brian Granger

Researchers at the UK Col-
lege of Medicine have received a
five-year. $5 million grant to
support a Parkinson's Disease
Research Center of Excellence.
The grant is funded by the Na-
tional Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke. part of
the National Institutes of
Health. The money will be dis-
persed equally over the next
five years.

“This grant plays a key role
in the ability of the University
of Kentucky and the UK College
of Medicine to move forward

into the ranks of becoming a
top-20 research institution,"
said Del Collins. Ph.D.. vice
chancellor for research and
graduate studies for the UK
Chandler Medical Center.

Besides UK. only 11 other
universities have received this
grant. Some included are med-
ical giants such as Columbia.
Duke. Harvard and UCLA.

“Research grants such as
this call attention to the fact
that we need additional biomed-
ical research at UK. and now
we'll be able to begin doing
this.“ said Collins.

The team of researchers is
led by Greg Gerhardt. Ph.D..
and includes Don Gash. profes~

versity pre-pay a $50 deposit to re-

5 iLER


$5 million to Parkinson’s

sor and chair of the department
of anatomy and neurobiology.
and Zhiming Zhang. M.D.. an
assistant professor in the de-

Gerhardt is a new faculty
member recruited through the
Research Challenge Trust Fund.
or the “Bucks for Brains" pro-
gram. set up by the 1997 Ken-
tucky General Assembly.

"There were two key factors
in getting this grant." said
Gash. “We first recruited Greg
(Gerhardt). and his expertise
will round out our program. We
were also able to receive this
grant because of the school‘s in-
vestment in magnetic resident
imaging (MRI)."

Before coming to UK. Ger~
hardt had been working at the
University of Colorado-Boulder.

“I'm happy to be at UK. and

Students seeking to pay on an in-

Greg Gerhardt
shows a pump
designed to deliv-
er drugs to the
brain of a Parkin-
son's disease
patient. The pump
is an example of
research the UK
Chandler Medical
Center is pursu-



it‘s safe to say I wouldn‘t have
received this grant at Colorado,
and I need to gaiii expertise in
this area. I wouldn't be able to
do this without my colleagues.
such as Don Gash." Gerhardt

Researchers will be work-
ing on modifying the Medtronic
SynchroMed Infusion System.
an implantable and programma-
ble pump that delivers drugs to
the brain of ParkitiSon‘s pa
tients. It was developed my
Medtronic Inc. of Minnesota

“We need cutting edge.
state-ofthe-art biomedical re-
search facilities if we're going
to continue being successful.
The continued support of the
state legislature will allow us to
continue retaining key faculty
and receiving major awards
such as this." said (‘ollins



Six-pack’s fate uncertain

By Chris Markus


With another year of inspec-
tions gone by some fraternity
houses are sighing with relief
while others are scrambling to
make the renovations needed to
keep from getting booted off
campus. And even after changes
have been made. some fraterni‘
ties are still left with questions.

“The administration has
kept us in the dark about a lot of
things and has yet to give us
some definite answers." said Bri-
an Roth. president of the Inter‘
fratemity Council.

The members of the group of
fraternity houses known as the
Six-pack. which includes the

FarmHouse. Lambda Chi, Kappa
Sigma. Kappa Alpha. Phi Sigma
Kappa. and Phi Kappa Alpha fra-
ternities, don‘t know for sure
where they will call home in the
next couple of decades.

Their concerns stem from the
University's proposed Creek Park.
The plan. which is to be imple-
mented over the next 20-30 years.
involves buying property in the
square block created by Rose
Lane, Rose St.. Euclid Ave. and
Woodland Ave., and building
Greek housing there.

George DeBin. vice-president
of Fiscal Affairs. said it is the hope
of the University that the Sigma
Chi. Alpha Tau Omega. Sigma Phi
Epsilon, and Alpha Gamma Rho
fraternities surrounding the
William T. Young Library will
have new houses in the Greek

Park within ten years.

The Board of Trustees last
year called for the 23 acres sur-
rounding the William T. Young Li-
brary to be green space.

DeBin said that currently
there are no plans to move the Six-
pack. and as long as the tenants of
the six fraternity houses met life-
safety and maintenance standards.
the Six-pack would stay where
they are.

However. some fraternity
members say that if necessary
changes aren't made soon. the Six-
pack will cease to exist.

“lfall of the houses in the Six-
pack don't have a sprinkler system
installed in the second floor by the
fall of 2003. they're outta here."
said Garry Weston. president of
the FarmHouse fraternity and a
health services management se-

for now


Weston went on to predict
that some of the fratemitics in the
Six-pack will not have the neces-
sary resources to have the sprin-
klers installed.

The Lambda Chi fraternity
has already been forced to close
their house and will not be able to
re-enter until it is renovated to
meet fire code standards.

While becoming part of the
Greek Park may or may not be
come an option for members of the
Six-pack in the following years.
Roth disapproves of the plan as a

“It‘s a good idea to have the
fraternity houses located to-
gether. but not under Universi-
ty rule." he said. “It gives the
University too much control."



make it work." she said,


Tasha Harris

’I‘here appears to be a disap-
pearing act on South Limestone
near IIK’s .\'orth (Jampus this
year. but some area businesses
stick by their location.

"You got to realize as soon as
somebody closes; this is a good
strip to be on. there‘s somebody al~
ways ready to step in immediate-
ly." said Tony Briggs. head chef of
Simple Dish. a Jamaican restau-
rant that took the place of Barry
T's sandwich shop.

Briggs said that he felt that
Barry T‘s did really good business.
but said that they left because of
problems they had with lllt‘ll‘ land

Steve Baron. the owner of CD
(‘entraL which replaced (‘ut (Tor-
ner. said that t‘ut (‘orner had left
because its Chicago-based owner
didn‘t want the Lexington shop

Many of the stores on South
Limestone rely heavily on student
business. and this can cause them
to have a serious case of the sum-
mertime blues.

"It's very tough for a store
that's cxpectell to make revenue
all year round... you re losing a big
bunch of money when school's
out." said Tony Florence owner of
(.‘ollectibles etc. on Limestone

Parking is another big prob-
lem that businesses on Limestone
have had to deal with. With the
exception of the parking lots in
front of the Tolly-Ho restaurant.
and McDonalds. all of the parking
along the strip is meter parking.

Florence said that Tolly Ho's
lunchtime popularity crowds its
parking lot. Willi limited parking.
90% of South Limestone clientele
are walk~by customers. he said.
And one aspect that affects such
customers is the constant panhan«
dling along the street

”A lot of street people scare a
lot of people who walk around
here." Florence said. Carol Behr
manager of Kennedy Bookstore.
said that panhandling and other
issues were matters that business
es along South Limestone wished
to address.

"In other college campuses.
I‘ve seen it‘s a lot cleaner. a lot bet
ter lit. and the police take care of
the transient problem and we‘re
working for that.“ Bohr said

Business owners also feel that
if they make the landscape more
attractive and add better lighting
that they may be able to draw
more customers.

“Were going to try to do
things to make it more of an at—
tractive area by getting decorative
lighting to create a better atmos-
phere.“ Baron said.






International whining


European team has no concept of relief felt
by Americans after Ryder Cup victory




Matt Ellison



5333‘3 Insets
[could 3333 3333

Atttertcatt le:tl31.(‘3illl{l l‘.’
They 333333. 'l'bey't'e

.\lllt3t‘l3‘.333s .33'33333 like

333333333 333 333333 333 the 333333- 3'. 33: 333


13333333 many 333333333313'33s rushed 33333
332333 333 .lose
'il 3. ill '3"

-.'33 33 .'.3 w"
3‘333-3 333:333333. 3\ 3» 3 3333 3333 333.333333 33'.
bis 333333. 33333‘ 33333 3333 333'
their loss \\.'t.~.

'l'hey't'e 3333333 3333'3 3‘l::3tt lt '33.:3s .3 3‘.t3l display

3’3"li\lltlt”.lll3 iii‘ 33 t't‘ii 3333331i3

.\tn33 3‘ 3 .333 team.

3 3333 ‘ sltii‘ 333 3333 333‘ 3 ati 33333333s '3'.
3333 :3333‘3- 3,3 3333:3333 . 3333 333

333333 3.3.3. 3333. 33. x: 333313 3 33333. .33 3333333

3-3 .33 33‘ 3333 33:333 players.

33333 3333:3333333 N33. make t

.333 iilt‘ “33333333 3\3

3333'. 33333 .3.\333333 33 33. 33. 3333 33.333:
.33333333333333-3 3.3 333333 333


33333 \3333 33333333 \333 33" 3 333333: '33

'3‘3333Atnertcan 33

'.3 3x. 3 33 St. ‘3 “.33 33.333333

333333.: '3333333t 33 3i333et 3333 .\lllt'l'l‘
can 33 33333 333 the llut33p3att team :33 this
past 33333333313333 Ryder (‘up 33333 wait. I
guess 3 33333333333 be talking about the

331333333333 333st. '3‘3333'3 '3'33 losers

33333 33333 itht'i‘w are complaining tltat 33333
losers following
.333s33n 3.333333:3r3l's 3.". 333333. 333tuble-breaking.
33313333lliit‘llllllttlll\‘3‘313'8 ptttt that would
not dropped 33 333 33333 center

3.:3'333333. some possibly stepping
\lar‘m Ufa/that‘s 333333333: 333333 when he still had a
.3'\merican team
333d t‘eali/e that their
33 3 33:33 . Ola/abal didn't make
any 333' 31:33- 3.:ttop33ait 33333333 complain that
333333 333 33333 3333333 sportsntansltip displayed by the

sonar-3 3333 333. 333' 33 back 3333 33 took 3333-

'3 3333333 33.33.33 .333\33333‘3'«.
3333'! 3)33\~1333‘. 33333333333 the sig-

Adam Spaw
Sportsdaily Editor

Phone 257 l9l5 | Email: trueolueadameyahoocom


The European
Ryder Cup team
has expressed
its disapproval

of the US.
squad's victory The Denver Broncos an~
celebration, tiounced on Tuesday that the
team has signed former UK
Assoctmn mg; center Jason Watts to their de-

velopmental squad. 'l‘hey re-
leased defensive linetnan Vil-
iatni Maumau to tnake rootn
on tlte squad fot' Watts.

Tet'tns were not disclosed.

Women’s soccer

L'K‘s women‘s soccer teant
is receiving some natiottal

Monday's release of the
National Soccer (‘oaches Asso~
ciation of America poll found
UK in the top-25 for the first
time since 1.996. They are
ranked No. 21. In 1996. they
finished the season ranked
No. 24 with a record of 13-62.

“We appreciate being rec—
ognized in the poll." said head
coach Warren Lipka. “but our
ultimate goal is to continue to
get better. be able to challenge
for the SEC championship and
enter and advance in the
NCAA tournament."

In addition. UK sopho~
tttore forward Annie Gage was
honored by the SEC as their

But. following 33333 usual script of Ryder Cups past, the Ameri-
can team struggled in the opening two days. so ntuch so that they
needed to win eight or nine of the day‘s 12 singles matches. No
teattt 333 the history of" the Ryder (‘up has ever come back from so
great a deficit. 333 fact. the largest deficit previously overcome was
lialf'of what the Americanscame back from. 3

3.3 me the Ryder (‘up on your home soil. and it's disappointing. ‘
Lose with the ntost talent ever assembled on a single team. and it's
downright embarrassing. It‘s the kind of embarrassment that
makes you want 333 order Chinese delivery every night and pay to
have someone else cut your grass just so yott won't have to go out-

ltut it wasn‘t just the fact that the American team won. over-
coming 33333 monumental deficit. which ttiade the players rejoice so
vehemently. it was the way in which the deficit was overcome. 3

The American team started the day strongly. They dominated. 3
They took the first six European players and escorted them out to
the woodslted. where they told them to bend over and lower their


Jason Watts signs with Denver Broncos,
women's soccer scores national ranking

player of the week in women‘s
soccer. Gage scored two goals
and added an assist in UK's
wins over Tennessee and No.
12~ranked Georgia this past
weekend. which propelled the
(Eats into the top 25. She leads
UK in goals scored with six
and has five assists. She also
leads the team in total points
with 17.

UK (6-2-1, 13-] conference)
is currently tied for second
place in the SEC East with


UK’s women‘s golf team
finished third in this past
weekend‘s Lady Seminole ln-
vitational Tournament in Ta]-
lahassee, Fla.

Freshman Rachel Lester
made quite an impression.
She was the highest-place fin-
isher for UK, netting an
eighth-place finish.

The next tournament for
the Lady Kats is this weekend
in Columbus. Ohio. where
they will compete in the Lady
Buckeye Invitational. begin»
ning Oct. 2.


britches. because they were in the mood 333 administer a good ol'
fashioned butt-whipping.

They had 333. If' they didn't gain that early momentum. the
greatest comeback in the history of the Ryder Cup wouldn't have
happened. The players saw the leader boards. They knew what was
going 3333. They knew which side Uncle Mo‘ was on.

Meanwhile. as the world watched Mark O'Meara blow his
match 3333 the final hole which would have secured the cup for
Atnerica. Leonard was busy draining clutch putt after clutch putt.
erasing a f‘ourup lead with seven holes left to play. Each drained
putt brought a little tnore emotion to the normally stoic Texan.

And when be drained his 35-foot. double-breaking. once-in-a-
million years putt to ensure America the (‘up. all the pressure pent
up inside the players exploded like someone taking a Sledgeham-
mer to :3 greenhouse.

And so. with all due respect to the European team. the ques-
tion 3 ntttst ask you is this: (‘an you really blame them?

3333 the

golfing tal»

bat an













‘ x 7‘ 3333 it 303m» .33 333.333 3'
3?t.3333l.3i3'3‘ iltlv3’3. \"
.33: '333.‘.3’3|3'~l 3333133933

3l‘\.\ ( 333:3 \\

33333‘v3‘3 \, 3’3 3

.3ss '3» 33133333 333.3. JL'I‘lT 333‘

3.3 ”335“ '~l '3'!'.'3'3“3' 0 ~3 '3 'l33

3.3‘.I.33 .3.333'3' 't 3‘ .' 3'.' 3’ 3!.33:3‘

"’3 33'.3"'\i‘.'3:‘ .333. i 333 3‘, .33333‘

.titi‘3 3 ‘e‘iti‘


Expertise You (Jan
Count On

lil3i'3"‘/i" 33 li\\( i’ii '3‘-lltllti»
-5 .33‘3‘ "3'3'33'3"l 33 3333333-333 \3t.v'3-.3s

.3333_ '3 '3;3 333.3' : 3'3: 3 33333». \\3~33333333333333331333‘
1333 7.33333 333 3-~3333: 333' 3'3333333 3333' 2.333.33333'
.333333.3t'. .3333‘333i333.‘.333.'3‘3ilii3'x3") 3ltitit'3il
333 3.3333 ‘lt"-‘lltt'i'\l 33'33333333'33l lttl.333.\\'3'

Ensuring the future

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..333 33 e 33333 3.33333 “\I stir i»; in mint in the

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l'l.\ \ (‘Rlil’
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\Vitit 'l‘l.\.\r('l{i‘:i“you.“ lititi iill‘

flexibility and 3333333 33 ‘\3333 new]. hat kcrl 3W

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rcntat‘kaiilv low expenses. and peerless

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llelllll lltlllills


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..--»...~.— c-‘VWMv a.






Robert Ouan
Scene Editor

Phone 257 1915 | E mail: ketnelart =yahoorom




In Twin Falls Idaho Francis orders a hooker for his conjoined twin Blake.

. i iii
. av. Kirk‘s“ “er

‘ilt m



Twin Falls thought provoking

situation. However. she must
return when she forgets her
bag When site rettiriis she is
drawn with eyes wide open into
the world of lilake aiid Francis

.\s tlie thi‘eesoiiie begin to
talk. wt are introduced to tire
loyahiiity and politeness of the
l’all boys. l‘enny asks it she can
make .t phone call and Blake re
spoittis lI'i Li genial ”yes.” The
boys are soft spoken. well

1111th Salaam


The state of mass socializa
tion is more sensitive ilH‘.\ than
ever. We are raised. foi' the most
part. to take heed and resp1ct
other people's i'LtL'e. cultural ii.-
liefs and sexual orientation.

'I'tL'i/i I’LL/ls lt/(ilio I't‘lllll'i(t~-~
its that there are some |H11111it1
for whom there is no sensitty itv
training. ito national charter
organization arid. perhaps. no
hope. yet theii' oppression 1'1
every hit as real

The iiliii is the story of two
conjoined twins. lilake and
Francis i’ail. played by iLienii
cal twins Mark and Michael
Polish. The two are joined at
the ltip aitd share one leg (in
their birthday. I’rLtncis orders a
gift for his brother and (Illlil'

birthday cake.

i’enny eventually falls
L'tsieeIi and awakens to l’rLtncis
vomiting l’eitny tends to I1'ran
cis‘s sickness with unconditioii
:ti lote and affection. bringing
in :1 (t-tt'l111‘ friend ofliers. Miles.
altruistic candor when he
stat-s. “You see two people do
pend on each other for suri ival.

DOS-SINK IIIIIN’H‘ 1'1 tl1l"t\1'l’ it makes .\oti kind oftltteasY-H
named l’enny (Mic lie ll iliL ks) ,\. the story continues we
t’etlliy ltI'Il\i‘\ III the titt'l learn liiitli (if [he seventy of

house th' it the In His otctip1. arid
ilees when she tiiiLle1r.st tnds tiie

I1‘r:iiicis‘ condition and the tin
hound generosity of Penny We



Dear Greeks. 1‘:
Kappa Alpha Theta wants to (I;
personally thank you lot making the his! 1"
annual dodge— ball tournament Lt great it

success. This eant was sponsored by Kappa K
Alpha Theta and Sigma Phi Epsilon last A
Thursday at the Sealon CentLr. It was Li M
single—elimination eyL nt which included 8
seven players to Li team. We raised over 1
$1000 to benefit our' local charities. We want (—)
to congratulate ATS2 and XS). our P
tournament winners and ZAE and AATI the 5
overall winners Thanks again Ior your T
partiLipLition that made evL reything possible! I,






Kappa Alpha Theta



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dressed and Litter her Lt piece of




learn that the Fall's dependence
on each other is perhaps iiioi'e
spiritual than physical. and
that life witltottt his brother
wotild mean not just Lt physical
separation for Blake. bttt an
emotion ti one

The story was \‘IIIILIT by
thL two l’olish hr'otheis and (ii

reL' ted MIL hL tel.

The film is less an unfold
iiig iiai'ratiye than a collection
of situations expressing the
lives of its characters. with
tnucii ofthe story going unsaid
and unexplained. The Polish
show their inexperience by the
saturating the movie with trite
dialogue But what the filtii
lacks in dialogue it makes tip
lot in its Lreatne suhieLt in: it
ter and originality.

'I'It'ltt Val/S [Lin/to leaves its
with many oftlie satire questions
we had about sianiese twins. but
that tnay be because the answers
we are looking for weren't as
simple as we expected.

Rating: I11



By Patriclt Avery


Wouldn't it be cool if you
could .see Li ntovie before
everyone else‘.‘

In the next couple of
weeks. i'K students will have
the opportunity to preview
American Beauty. playing
toiiigitt and The Bone Collect
tor on Oct. 13. The movies will
play at 71:10 pm. in the Wor
sham Theater in the Student
Center Students can pick up
their free tickets at the Stu-
dent ( enter Box Office.

Sponsored by l-800-(‘()l.-
ILI~J(,‘T. these sneak previews
have been organized by SAB
(‘inenia Chair .Iobn
Spainhotir and Hogan (‘onr
municatioiis. Spainhour of-
fered advice to those wlto
plan to attend.

"(let to the \i'orshaitt
Theater by T if yott hate a
ticket so you can make sure
and get a seat." he said.

Six hundred tickets are
given out for the 500».s‘(1a1
Worsham Theater, This is be
cause students can get four
tickets. and some may not
show. If you didn't get a tick-
et. don‘t give tip. There will
be Lt line for people without
tickets to occupy the remain
ing seats if there are any
left after students \\ ith
tickets ai'e in the theater

The iit'st movie. Linierr
can Beauty stars Kevin
Spacey and \nnette Benin:v

This is Li movie with a lot oi
()scar buzz. particularly due
to SthL'ey's performance of Lt
man going through Lt midlife
crisis. Directed by playwright
Sam Mendes. this is sure to
he Lt winner.

The Bone (‘ollector Is the
second preview teaming lleit-
zel Washington with Angeli-
na .lolie. Washington plays a
detective that is in a paralyz-
ing accident. He then relies on
Jolie to help him solve Lt nttir-
der. Phillip Noyce (Clear and
Present Danger. I’utrt’ot
(lorries) directs this thriller.

“Good attendance is
needed for future previews
to come to UK." said
Spainhour. So make your
way to the Worshain The»
Liter for Lt free night Ltt the







77w Student Organizations Center
invites organizational representatives,
advisors, and university guests to
attend an Open House on
Wednesday, October 6. 1999,
from 4 pm - 5:30pm.

)Refreshments will be provided.

Please call 257-1099
if you plan to attend.











Hey Freshmen!j
Interested in Joining the
Student Government

Come pick up a
Freshman Senate

Room 120, Student Center.
Applications due

Sept. 30th




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Since I98!

wwaynaghs. (om :



IIOHQ 0'5 ill? 0' ROUND




lanel lambee
§l$ar I

WW m.

§§ 388 vvoooLAND Ave. 255 5514





The Campus Calendar is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings in the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments Information can be submitted in Rm. 203. Student Center or by
completing a request form on line at http' //www. uILy. edu/StudentCenter.
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information is to
appear in the calendar. For more information call 257- 8867





Res Life Tutoring. Eng 101. 6'. .30— 9 Holmes Classroom and Commons 3088
Res Life Tutoring: Chemistry. 5— 7. 30pm Commons 308A

Res Lite Tutoring: French. 7-10pm. Keeneland

Res Lite Tutoring: Spanish B~ 10pm at Commons 306

Res Lite Tutoring. Math 6-10pm. Haggin Lounge

Res Lite Tutoring: History 108/109. 6-9z30pm. History 104/105. 6:30-8:30pm.
Holmes Study Lounge

Movie: American Beauty 7:30pm WorshamTheatre. Free! sponsored by SAB
SAB indoor Activities Committee Meeting. 5pm 203 Student Center






Toe—Boxing. 5pm, Baptist Student Union


Free Math 109 and 123 Tutoring. RM 119 Student Center Sign up in advance (all
7— 6959 for more info

Res Life Tutoring: Chemistry. 5 7:30pm Haggin Lounge

Res Lite Tutor ing: French 4 6pm. Commons 306

Res Lite Tutoring. Spanish. .3— 5' 30pm at Holmes Study Lounge & 5—7pm at Haggin
Computer lab

Res Life Tutoring: Math 6 10pm. Holmes Classroom

Res Lite Tutoring: History 104/105. 6. 30— 8:30pm Commons 306 5‘


MEEIINL-s (it; “3
UK Snowski Snowboard Club Meeting. 7:30pm Rm 245 Student Cente

Thursday Night Live. 8pm. Christian Student Fellowship building (502 Columbia
Ave. )

Devotion and Lunch 12pm. Baptist Student Center St

Freshman Focus 6pm Baptist Student Center

UK Lambda. The Gay and Lesbian Student Org Meeting. 7 .30pm. Rm 231 Student



Guest [uphoniuni Recital with Neal Corwell. 8pm Singietary
Recital Hall

UK Lab Band and UK lLiz Ensemble ConL ert. 8pm Singletary
Concert Hall

lntramuraIs/RCL reation

Ultimate Frisbee Club Practice. 6—8pm. Band Field

Tee—Boxing. J'BOpm. Baptist Student Union





UK Men 5 Soccer vs Marshall. 7 :30pm

UK Women' s Volleyball vs Alabama 7pm Memorial Coliseum

UK Ice Hockey ((001 Cats) vs Meramec College. Midnight Lexington Ice Center.





UK Ice Hockey ((001 Cats) vs Meramec College. Midnight.
Lexington Ice Center. 34
UK Football vs. Arkansas. 1:30pm. Commonwealth Stadium


Res Life Tutoring. Eng 101. 6. 30- 9. Holmes Study Lounge and Commons 306

Res Life Tutoring: Spanish. 5—7pm. Holmes Classroom

Res Lite Tutoring. Math. 6- 10pm. Commons 308A

Res Life Tutoring: History 108 ’1 09. 6- -9pm at Commons 3080 & History 104/105 2—

5pm at Commons 306
Res Lite Tutoring: Chemistry. 5—8pm, Boyd Study Lounge


Sunday Morning Worship 11am. Christian Student Fellowship
(502 Columbia Ave. )

Catholic Mass at The Newman Center. 9am. 11:30am. 5pm. 8'30pm



Exhibit: ON THE BRINK. The Millenlum Nears. UK Art Museum. 12— —5pm


UK Women s Volleyball vs. Auburn. 2pm. Memorlal Coliseum ‘ -3








 Show In; this
schcia rslup!

still waiting
for lottery



Kentucky's new merit

scholarships funded

by lottery profits are

rolling out somewhat

Some parents and
students are
wondering: Where is
our money?

"Unfortunately this is a
first-year program.
It's not going to go
smoothly," Tim
Phelps. coordinator
of the program, said

lt is believed that about
30,000 members of
Kentucky's high
school class of 1999
will qualify for some
amount of cash,
Phelps said.

Individual awards are
based on grade-point
average and ACT

To date, award notices
have been sent to
27,000 students.
Some had to be
revised because high
schools reported
students' cumulative
averages, not senior-
year averages.
Phelps said.

Under a law enacted last

year, awards for l999
high school
graduates would
range from $125 to
$500 per year of

Students can win a one-

time bonus for ACT

The money can be used

for any education-
related expense at a
public or private
community college or
technical school in

Some institutions bill

students for
expenses then
reimburse them when
the scholarship
money arrives from
the Kentucky