xt712j68614s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt712j68614s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-12-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 04, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 04, 1975 1975 1975-12-04 2020 true xt712j68614s section xt712j68614s  







Civic center

expected soon

Kernel Stall \Vi‘itei

An agreement between the
Lexmgton (‘enter ( oi'p. i1.(‘t'i and
the Us Athletics \ssociatioii ”VLF
use of the civic center arena my the
\\ildcat basketball team is close to
being linalized. according to l.t‘(‘
dirtctor 'l‘homas [) Minter.

Although unwilling to comment
about specilic terms 0’ the
agreement. Minter said Wednesday
a contract should be signed "within
two or three weeks at the latest."
I'l‘he athletics association and the
li('t‘ have been negotiating since
1974 )

l'K Legal ('ounsel .lohn (‘_ [)arsie.
represents the athletics
said there are “no
substantive issues that are
preventing the agreement " We
. l)arsie and Hunter) are trying to be
reasonable and ii't‘v‘. things or: ”

l'se of the « ivic center tor
basketball games - t xt season .muld
gixe the \\ ildcats the largest arena
ill the nation with a seating cap; city
at 22.001). or tenant: seats morc than
Memorial ('oliseizti:

the athletics association and the
l.(‘(‘ had reached an interim civic
center agreement in 1974 but that
agreement expired last March

Major provisions of the interim
agreenwnt included ‘l.e tollow'ing:


xx ho
associa t ion.



athletics (lll‘wtit'iiiifli‘ .. ‘9
receive lirst choice at (lites
scheduling in the civic center;

'lhc athletic s asso iation would
have exclusive supervsien of all
ticket sales and .'~e'u priorities for
[K events; and

.\o alcoholic hex cc'i zes would be
allowed during l'lx' games.

All revenues up to $430.22}; per
year will go to the athletics
association. w'th the athletics
association paying a basic Silent)
rental lee to th! li('(‘ for each
scheduled event.

All rex \“ttues over 5430.228 but
not more than S 19.: 48 would go
the the li("(.

ltevenues ox‘er s5342t.848 would be
divided. \‘.lill the athletics
association receiving 38.5 per cent
and the Mt 17.5 per cent.

ltegardinga linal contract. l)arsie
,stiltl there has liccn no disagreement
between the athletic? association
and the l.(‘(‘ over revenues. He did
say. however. that some
reliiiements have "at 3. made on the
:ntenm agreement

‘l‘m not prepartd "
Dat‘sic .1;

"(ill‘lnt'llt on

According to a spol'i ::man to! Jim
Host and Associates. a local public
relations lirm representing the l.('(‘.
none ol the above intt rim agreement

provisions have prevented the
signing ol a linal agreement.
lhit he said another original

athletics association stipulation may
have been responsible tor a delay in
reaching a linal contract.

\\illiam A. Bow'deii. director of
editorial services ior .lim llost.
said. "The athletics. association
stipulation that professional
basketball games would not be
played at the civic (‘(’!lil r during the
l'K basketball season was a part of
the interim agree'nent "

(‘ontiuued on page X




Vol. LXVll
Thursday December4 1975



an independent student newspaper “1 University of Kentucky



y .






e]Q mas etc (do


From high atop a ladder in the

Grand Ballroom lobby. pre-den-

tistry freshman Keller Jordan

inserted limbs into an artifical

(bristmas tree as part of a

Student (‘enter Board project to

decorate the Student (‘enteiu

—-Bili Pane: son

Cochran says new Senate policy
will have little immediate effect

ix .l.\\ll|‘ ll(KE

Kernel Staff “riter
A new I niversity Senate policy
requiring eligible programs to seek ac-
treditation will have little immediate

etl'ect. according to Lewis ('ochran. vice
president l(‘l‘ academic affairs
'Ene rulc. adopted at a Nov. ttl Senate

iiu-eting. saNs eligible academic units

should apply lor accreditation from ap—
pi opi‘iate agencies.
Agencies recognized by the lnited

States t lll‘ice of Education and the (‘ouncil
on l’ostbecondary Accreditation were
designated as appropriate accreditors.

"We regard the rules and regulations of
these accrediting agencies as minimal
standards." said Joseph Krislov.
l'niversity Senate (‘hairman

The requirement. the tirst accreditation
policy ever established by the l’niversity.
'adopted as a matter of academic
policy.” not in response to specific
iiiuiccredited programs. Krislov said.

Acconding to(‘ochran the University has
always lollowed an unwritten policy of
seeking accreditation when it is beneficial
to a pmgram or appears to be in the best
interests of students enrolled in a

“Where accreditation is important we


try to get it.“ ('oehran said. In some
Iields journalism and clinical
psychology. for example- accreditation

affects students‘ chances for placement in
special pmgrams or jobs. he said.


at .....~

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Accreditation is also desirable for many
large programs as an outside indication of
the quality of the program. (lochran said.
"Fulleblown programs should be ac-

But. there may be instances when ac—
creditation is not desirable, (,‘ochran said.
Some programs which provide valuable
educational opportunities are too small to
qualify for accreditation. he said. These
small programs could apply for exemp—
tions from the accreditation rule. (‘ochran

innovative programs that do not meet
accn-diting agency standards could also
apply for exemptions. Krislov said.

"After evaluating the requirements for

ac c [I ditation and the xalues that would be
gained we may not want to go for ac—
creditation." ('ochran said.

“l thought all our eligible programs
were accredited Sometime within the next
txxo or thiie wet ks we ll be det termining
which piogiams are not accredited.”
He does not foresee any
rearranging of budget priorities as a result
ol the new accreditation policy.

At least two eligible programs home

t ochra n said.

economits and speech pathology and
audiology have never been accredited.
These are the only two eligible unac-

credited programs (‘ochran said
aware of at this time.

Home economics would be eligible for
accreditation by the American Home
Economics Association but the program IS
not ready to apply. said Willodean Moss.
assistant to the home economics dean.

“We don‘t havethe necessary personnel.

he is

money. or time to apply for ac-
creditation." Moss said. “We're a young
school. We were under the (‘ollege of

Agriculture until I968 and we've more than
doubledin size since then."

(‘ochran said the home economics
program may not be old enough to qualify
tor accreditation.

Moss also said the benefits of home
economics accreditation are questionable.
“ll” the lack of accreditation was
something that would bar our students
from getting jobs it would be more

Continued on page 8




Letters and Spectrum articles stuuld he messed to the Edituid Page Editor
Room "4 Journalism Building. They shwld be typed, (biblespaced at! sated.
Letters should not exceed 250 was and Spectrum articles 7!) m

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges Susan Jones
Editor-in—Chief Editorial Page Editor
Ginny Edwards

Managing Editor





’ Apparently there is no way to
hold a reliable General Student
Assembly (GSA).

The first one, held Nov. H, was
no doubt stacked since only about
45 people attended, 30 of whom
were friends of Student Govern
ment lSG) Vice President Glenn

The Doc. ’5 GSA boiled down to a
contest to see whicn group, the
liberals or the conservatives, could
outlast the other --the Winners
began making resolutions as soon
as the losers walked out the door.

The GSA, as outlined in the SG
constitution, could be a viable tool
for gathering students’ opinions on
‘86 policy. University affairs and
any other matters of concern to the
University community.”

But in practice the first two
GSA’s have been a waste of
everyone’s time. 86 has made no
serious efforts at publicizing the
GSA’s Kernel articles and an
nouncemenfs at Student Senate
meetings are not active solicitation

so the results reflect no true
reading of students’ opinions.

‘ And the resolutions which the

GSA has passed are hardly serious

Assembly confuses the issuesi




or of great concern to most UK
students a resolution to play
”Dixie" at all home games, an
anti forced busing resolution, and a
whole gamut of resolutions aimed
at undoing resolutions and bills of
the Student Senate, over which the
GSA hasnopowerinthefirstplace.

This is the first year we’ve had
GSA’s, even thoughthe concept has
been around since the 56 con-
stitution was passed in 1973. If 56
president Jim Harralson had
trying to obtain a true reading of
students’ opinions in mind when he


decided to hold a GSA, he should be

But since these two GSA’s have
not provided Harraison with a
reading of anything other than
Sfith’s friends and the Student
Senate, there seems little point in
continuing the practice.

Apparently a viable GSA cannot
be held without a superhuman
effort on 56’s part to turn out
students. And since 56 seems
unwilling to make such an effort ——
if it is indeed possible —GSA’s i
should be abolished before they do 5
more to confuse the issues. t

l w0uld like to make a few comments

t Racist

. about the Student Coalition Against 1

Racism (SCAR). Every indication that
l have seen, both as a student senator
and reader of Kernel letters and
_‘ Specturm articles, shows SCAR to be
‘ among the most racist argups on this
, SCAR nas snown itself as definateiy
‘ anti—Caucasian anc pro Negro. Any
such favoritism or one racial gr0up fit:
into the definition of racism. By their
support of forced busing, and l w0uld
like to emphasiro the word forced,
SCAR has shown a desire to deny both
blacks and whites their "democratic
‘ right” to go to the school of their choice,
rather than fighting to gain the rights of
all students to a quality education.
: SCAR seems to want to punish whites
for the wrongs perpetrated by their
ancestors against blacks. Revenge is
not the answer. We must protect the
individual rights of all students to a
good educatirir
I know that forced busing is wrong
and I challenge any member of SCAR to
' an Open debate to prove otherwise. The
, saying is old and well-worn, but true:
"Two wrongs do not make a right”—
E even a civil right.
l Steven 0. Petry ,
‘ Engineering senator ,
DonMorgan ;
Agriculture senior i
David Creek t
BGSiunior !


Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter must be set free

Jerk-off liberal “causes” don’t interest
nve much any more. But one issue, newly—
dear to the Radical Chic, has been a sore
spotwifh me for years and I want to get it
wit my chest: Rubin "Hurricane” Carter
must be set free.


Surely ym’ve heard of him by now.
a couple of months ago; so did "Pen



thouse.” Dylan has a new single,
’Hurricane,’, and it tells the story. But,
hell, I'll repeat it. It can’t be told enough.

Hurricane Carter was the number one
contender for the middle weight chamr
pionShip of the world back in 1966. And he
was a helluva fighter, folks. Some friends
and I got the old films of his fights Out of
our library last week and ~ well, yOu had
to. be impressed with the man. He f0ughf
with a rare skill and intelligence. He
fought like a hurricane. And I think he
would have whipped Dick Tiger for the
championship if the b0ut had come off as

Unfortunately for Carter, he was a
helluva man as well as a great fighter. He
saw what was happening to his people as
ghetloes across the country exploded into

flames during the turbulent mid-60’s. He
feltcompelled to speak out. He was one of
the earliest and most eloquent spokesmen
to advocate Black Power, community self-
control and black self-defense against
racist police oppression. He argued
powerfully and intelligently, and as an
international figure of great stature he
was impossible to ignore.

Well, he wasn’t ignored for long. Rubin
Carter had abandoned the traditional role
of the black man in America as Athlete
and Entertainer . he and Muhammad Ali
were among the first to do so ~and imr
mediately Carter became a marked man.
The FBI followed him, intimidated him
and harrassed him. Local boxing
authorities and licensing bodies made it
increasingly difficult for him to get a fight
in America. He was vilified in the boxing
community, and in the mass media. as an
irresponsible firebrand. But he continued
to speak ou t, even as he began to face the
reality of Iosmg his career and his entire
livelihood. And if anyone wants proof of
my contention that great fighters tend to
be men of fine and inspirational moral
stature as well, I need only point to the
Hurricane Carter of those years....

OK, so y0u know what happened.
Shotgun blasts rang oufon a hot June night
in Paterson, NJ. Three white men were
killed. Carter was arrested for the crime.
No witnesses c0uld identify Carter as the
murderer ~--they couldn’t even place him
at the scene. He endured 17 hours of
questioning, and finally passed a lie-
detector test and was released. There was
no case against him. it seemed like the
farce was over.

But no dice: the authorities wanted his

ass. Five months later, Carter was
arrested again for the same. crime, and on
the basis of testimony by Alfred Belle and
Arthur Bradley, two white exconvicts,
was convicted and given a ”forever”
sentence triple-life. Hurricane Carter
was locked up at last.

All right. Fine and dandy. But listen:
eight/ears later, in September 1974, Bello
and Bradley came forth and recanted their
testimony against Carter, saying they had
done so in exchange for police offers of
$10,500 and reduced sentences in their own
pending robbery cases They had lied
about Carter’s involvement. it was a
police frame-up, and Belle and Bradley
had gone along with it to save their own

Jesus Christ! Eight years in the slam.
over on the basis of periurous, bought
testimony! What must Rubin Carter think
of those years? E ight years of intimidation
and torture by prison guards. with the tacit
approval of prison authorities Eight years
of incredible medical neglect, in which he
lost the sight of his right eye due to a

butcher ship operation (it was iound
years later that the Sutures had been left in
his retina!) and the withholding of

critical medication. Eight years of painful
separationfrorn his family. Eight horrible
years of braving every sort of authority,
inspired retribution, as he campaigned
vigorously for prison reform and civil
rights for prisoners. Eight tormented
years, in which he stood as a shining
monument to the possibilities of will and
courage in the human spirit -~one
whispered the name "Hurricane Carter”
with respect and humility.

Eight years! Surely the nightmare

would be over now, with Belle and
Bradley’s testimony in shreds. Surely the
Hurricane would be loosed.

But no; Carter’s petition for a new trial
was denied by New Jersey Judge Samuel
Larner , who, itso happens, was the iudge
who sentenced Carter originally. His
reason? ”To preserve the integrity of our
iury system,” Larner said in an October
1974 New York Times article. Bullshit. To
preserve his own stinking, dim-witted
reputation, and to continue the social
crucifix ion of Hurricane Carter that began
way back in the 60’s...for twisted reasons
only the FBI, Judge Larner, and the
Pabrson police know for sure.

Ah, well, l’ve cranked myself up into a
righteousfury, and there's really nothing I
can do about this mess. Nothing anyone
can do, really, until Carter's appeal gets
out of the New Jersey Kangaroo Courts
and into Federal Disirici Coult where he.
may have a better chance.

Until then, I’ll leave you With Carter’s
own words, taken from his book, ”The
Sixteenth Round (Viking)”: ”For the first
time in my entire existence l'm saying I
need some help. Otherwise there will be no
tomorrow for me; no more freedom, no
more injustice, no more State Prison; no
more Rubin, no more Carter. Only the

"And after him there is no more.”


Scott Payton graduated from UK in 1973.
Heis a former contributor to Rolling Stone
magazine and is now working as a free
lance boxing promoter in Frankfort. His
column, ”Ten Years On,” appears weekly
in the Kernel.



\ .

.~.-i . -
. .» ”min; . __
$ ”fish; .3 .- .‘ . .


- motored:


W. E“.





I‘Hl'. hl‘.\'l‘l‘( K\ KHI(\PII., Thursday. December 1. l973—W5









....... ’_s

i‘i‘ali Ilmiitili it "1' Hell“ i.t‘.il‘i_\ it‘ per til all (he ti I :.i

? titted We. campaign doesnt million driyeg'iai i Get On Edge on 3‘

end ‘llllli lto-r lit. the i niyersity Woodard sau? l inted Way is l 5.

eras surpassed :is ”5H donation 'ookiiig'ortliel l‘lyt‘l‘Sll} topull [I 6
by (Her stump .liein :hrough 'r \e meet our .'


\‘bannon Woodard. assistant :o goal then the "1} “ill meet
the! K driye chairman. said she theirs ” she sa-d


'r;.\':i.i‘.:r.\".;.~‘7' wine:



”Were not going to do any stall. although nearly $4,000 was
more campaigning," W'oodard donated by H‘llt'fi’d l'K employes.
sa id. "But people can still con- Woodard said "'l‘heir Iretired
tribute money until Dec. 10," [K employest per capita gift has

Woodard said she believes this been over what the campus' gift
year's larger donation is a result has been." she said.
ot an improvement in the general
economy. “Last year it was in the We goofed
middle of a recession and people
were tighter with their money." Because of a production error.
Woodard said. ”I think we‘ve a word was not included in a Hal
done a good job in keeping the llaering quote 'n a Wednesday

‘elt l’K would easily reach this Lexuigtonl rater: Way ollicials ‘ ' ‘ '

year's whim: goal “We've announced 1;»? week the $1 ' With Clearer thinklng developed
already got $90343" Woodard million goal .:.s already been ‘ ‘ .,
said. "'l‘bat‘s oyer 5:31:00 more surpassed. thru regUIar practice Of the
than the NH contribution of Most ot’ the l'lx' contributions 3.
583.3%), baye (Omt’ trom laculty and TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION 1:?



Introductory Lecture - Friday, Dec. 5, 3:30 pm. CB 122
Combination Intro and Preparatory Lecture
Friday, Dec. 5, 7:30 pm.




WA".WA‘U’L‘L\'/li_\'/Ji\'{ll}’/Jl}'/.‘L\'/J‘."HEW/119113”.‘.\'/.",\'/J'.\'/.".WNW/1'4"5'."LC-"113.‘1 .1 .". .". J, ." '~


i.v.i7:/.i‘.:i.§‘.r‘r.€1acid:‘idirin‘rim1.7.x":m".ri.\'::'r.i1:7.izriy'trmiridtid‘fig‘tifiiid:”v.4."r i“ " “ "




people informed aboutthe United Kernel article kHSA Students
Way campaign. pass resolution to continue

Dr. Harold Binkley. associate meetings; senators say future of
chairmanol‘thellKdrivesaid he assembly in doubt}. llaering. a
lelt this year‘s l'K donation studentsenator-atlarge, actually
would “go beyond all previous said "i think it -GSA's l'uture) is
years.“ The UK goal represents hurting in the senate."




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Former Kernel Starters 1

Jim Hampton, National Observer senior
Bill Aithur National Press Council

Don Mills, Lexmqton Herald editor
Heniy Homshy, Lexinqton Leader

t): Ray Hanback, Vice president for
Univu sity relations

Gurney Norman, Whole Earth
Catabque cotoundii

James Auseiibauqh, Courier Journal
statt editor

John Ed Pearce, Courier Journal
It porter

Tommy Preston, t0i mer press secretary
Poi Gov and U S Sen. Wendall Ford








$3i3f§ii2.£::gisr" “W W“ K E R N E I-

We need help. We know there’s a lot of stories we’ve missed this semester and
we’re sorry. The only way we know to remedy the situation is to actively recruit
more writers. Anyone and everyone can write for the Kernel you don’i have to
be a journalism major. And it you are thinking of pursuing a writing carcer, the
Kernel offers you an opportunity for practical experience. So help make your
student newspaper more representative of the entire campus.

If you are interested in writing for the Kernel - news,
sports, features or arts - contact Ginny Edwards or Susan

Jones at 257-1740 before the end of the semester.




3" ‘9“
Int tier .1 livim‘itiou \\Il'l 'i E
I‘I{II\I\IlI{I\II\‘ I‘lll_“tudent
i‘()ttl‘(Illl(ttltl‘ tor the National
l'i‘L’ilIIl/illlttll tor the Iii-iorm ot
\larijuana Lau‘ \itltJlLA

“the; «tudent» are a llIIlt‘
paranoid about our name ” she

\i‘i‘iiltltnt’. to teller. this
paranoia urn ltt’ i‘expomilile tor
the small numberol ~tudent> tilio
iza'ti' tum-n attending: the li:
iiiiiiithh RHIHH, Illt‘t‘lllltl,~

lie l l'\ \iilt\‘il. tiroup. \itiivli
Ii-llir \awt lii-i-anie .‘l student
errant/alum earth-l llll.‘
('Illt'rli'l‘. has hid .in average o*

l: ti student.» at its >(‘5>li)ll>

l"oi those ~l‘u(l(‘lIl\. and tor
others \xlio \xould llI\(‘ to par
tieipate. 'I‘eller MINI. "We're
mount; :or deeriminalixation tot
iiiarijuanai on the state levels
and \ie'i‘e pushing tor a lederal
Iait making possession subject to
.i hltl) i'ltatten.

't iirrent lederal law calls 201 a
steel: line and a jail sentenee.“
teller Hiltt.

Hit the other hand. 'I‘eIIer and
the illl’l't‘lll I\('IIIII(‘I\_\' laws
governing marijuana are “mild"
when compared to the law; of
other rtates "In Kentucky arrest





Give the originalgift . . . . . .


tor possession ot marijuana IS
~een as a IIlIMIt‘HIt'ttIIUI'. and
more iitten than not. it it .\
someones tirst ottense. the
person \\lII get a ‘llt da)‘ prohated

‘\\i it like to see marijuana
,ll“~t',“ltl.'i lurilier
deeriiuiiutii/eit ~o that tlieolt‘ei: ie
.tizllld lie equal to a “Mile at
it n~e lt'lIk'." ~ai'l l: tIil> were
«lone. umemnients "\l‘UId \Il\'l‘ a
lot. at Ilti'llt‘} lor i-oui‘t expensw

Ill order to attrait :ittention to
\HIIXII. and aitltl ~tudenl sup
putt. \i llHil ’t'Hlill!‘.i‘I“~ plan~ fi-

~pou>ei to.“ i .llliii‘il.‘ ~lioxiint‘ «it

IllIli‘ llzii‘. e 'Iie'ele!‘ l\l.id
llt“-\ 1i Hr; \gtii't "It ‘\.l>
“lII.\tti"’ "i: 'ii we -eri:lii~ minu-

‘ii‘iien :t tami- out “'1' it was
iiphl) "Ill‘ll“tllill and ridiculous

It the moxie >Ii(l\‘.(‘(t people
ltllllltllitl out ol \\lIItI()\\.‘ atter
lllt‘) had >moked marijuana."
teller ‘itltl

lo tui‘tiier promote .\t tItNIL II
ll1‘('(‘.\.~ill'_\ Hinds are atailalile
teller Hiltl the .\t lItMI. hoard ot
iIll‘t‘CUH'F i-hairnian I\('llI] Stroup
iil \\a.~springs, dresser and night
stand 51(1). 277 8032 409

1967 VW, 50,000 miles, good tires, ecellent
transportation, S750, call 254 0248 Ask for
Mike. 405

'72 VW BUS rebuut motor, new brakes,
radio Best offer over $2,111). 269 3461. 204

HORSE blue roan yearling colt, 14.2, very
handsome. Elellent Christmas gift. $125 or
trade. 2720475. 409

I972 CHEW BLAZER, air, power, re
imveable top, top condition 266 0697 after 5.

QUAD Panasonic convonent system.
Vibrth $400 new; new $300. Perfect shape.
2585361. 409

BICYCLE, mens 10 speed Huffy. Good
condition, call 266 4470 evenin