xt715d8ng46f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt715d8ng46f/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198707 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 1987 text GLSO News, July 1987 1987 2019 true xt715d8ng46f section xt715d8ng46f LEXINGTON GAY/LESBIAN SERVICE; ORGANIZATION P.0- BOX 11471 LEXINGTON, Ky 40575
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If you would like to advertise in the
GLSO Newsletter, please send your camera-
ready copy to: GLSO, P.O. Box 11471, st
Lexington, KY 40575. The deadline for all §§P
submissions is the 15th of each month for
publication in the following month's issue. MEMBERSHlP APPLlCATlON
Anything received after the deadline will not
be guaranteed to be published in the next Pl t e n the GLSO mailing list
iSSUe. - _ ease pu m 0 7
mew be or earrings: 732:3:Earnesanizttzsx
Rough copies are subJect to additional envelopeJ
charges as shown in the rates below. GLSO I would like to become a member of GLso.
will not be responsible for typesetting “—Enclosed is 510.00 (or 55.00 for students)
errors in the ad incured during printing; annual membership dues. .
advertisers are responsible for proofing the __Please let me know how I can be more anOlVEd
ads they submit for publication. in GLSO by calling me at: a___.___lphone) or
The Editor and the GLSO Board of ”rltnm t0 me 3“
Directors reserve the right to censor ads and UEGET*—————*———“———————*——
other submissions which are deemed to be in
poor taste and to edit due to space (Address) (Apt.#)
restrictions and/or grammatical errors. _________'______ ________
Erotica, fantasy, sexually—explicit (City) (State)(ZIP Code)
materials, or material deemed to be in. _
conflict with the purpose 0:- policies of all tozrmGLSO. P.O. Box 11471, Lex. KY 40575 Y
the Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services_ .
Organization will not be accepted for .
p........o.. .IIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
RATES The GLSO Newsletter is published monthly
by the Lexington Gay Services Organization,
Eighth Page $8.00 Quarter Page $15.00 Inc. (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services
(2" x 3.5") (2 1/3" x 7" or Organization) P.O. Box 11471, Lexington KY
4 1/4" x 3 1/2") 40575. The GLSO is a registered non-profit
Half Page $25.00 Full Page 340,00 organization the purpose of which is to
(4 1/4u x 7" or (8 1/2" x 7") provide educational, recreational,, social,
8 1/2n x 3 1/2") and referral services directly involving or
relating to gay/lesbian people. “
Classified $2.00 (up to 4 lines, Views or opinions expressedfi in the
$ .75 each additional line) articles, stories, letters, or advertisements
are those of the authors and\.do not
. necessarily represent those of the GLSO Board
Typesetting $ig'gg of Directors nor the Newsletter staff.
Screens $ ' Publication of the name or photograph of any
person, organization or other entity in
10% offnfiigogNigsues articles or advertising in the Newsletter is
25% off for 6 issues in. no _ way indicative of the sexual
40% off for 12 issues :iiigtation of such person, organization or
50% pff for non—profit organizations gubmissions for the Newsletter are
. . welcome. All submission become the re erty
Discounted ad space W111 be contracted of the Lexington Gay Services Organizagion,
for spe01f1ed terms. Artwork may be changed Inc. (d.b.a Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services
at the advertiser s expense and SUbJECt to Organization). All submissions must indicate 1
the above deadline. Half of the cost of the the full name and address of the author,
discounted ad shall be due grlor to although no by—line will be published without
publication and half shall be 3? upon the express written permission of the author.
COQPlEtlon 0f the térm of the iscount. Non-original material must indicate that the
Failure to comply "IFh the terms 9f the original author has given permission for use
contract may result in future denial Of of the material. Anonymous submissions
contracts. cannot be accepted. The editorial staff
Placement of an ad in the GLSO Newsletter reserves the right to alter submissions
DOES £91 denote a person's sexual orientation (including ads) to meet publishing
or a business’s customer preference. requirements.




In July, GLSO's monthly potluck is
, The Lexington Gay Pride Week Association moving to a cool, wet venue--Michael Baker‘s

it gave our community a very special treat this pool at 716 Swigert, Lexington. The date-'as
, year by sponsoring Sue Hyde as the keynote always--will be the first Sunday of the month,

‘i speaker for Gay Pride '87. Her appearance in beginning at 3:00 pm. Bring a dish and
" Lexington, which was very generously hosted prepare to get wet! For directions/questions,
" by Juice‘s Showroom, was the first stop on call 299-8840, evenings.

, her Southern tour, including Gay Pride events
3 in Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Johnson
1 City, Atlanta, and New Orleans. CARDS AND GAMES MOVES ACROSS TOWN
J Ms. Hyde is presently the director of the _ I . ' .
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force‘s Privacy Attention. On me .10th m addition to
i Project, which was established in order to as- Cards and Games, there M“ be an open house

,J sist local and state organizations in their ef- at Karens new apartment. Thls WIH be a

Li forts to repeal sodomy legislation. Prior to good time to not only meet new people but t3

2; her position with NGLTF, Ms. Hyde was an also help Karen .break m the new place.
.' editor for the Boston newspaper Gay Com- You "bring the" drinks and Karen Will prov1de

' munity News and a founding member of the the munchies. Hope to see you there!

1' Cambridge (MA) Feminist Anti-Censorship

' : Taskforce.
3 In her speech, Ms. Hyde addressed the CKCPJ CIRCULATES ANTI-RACISM PETITION

,l state of sodomy law reform since the infamous by p Weingartner

i 1986 Supreme Court decision upholding state's '

". ' ' ' ' omosexual t'v't . - .

ii :bildifigtotocrlclrgfnfil;§ehseveral sigafiificlaisit gapii‘is The CKCP‘? (Central Kentucky Counc11 for

,3 . ’ Peace and Justice), a coalition of twenty-two
1 have been. made m the past year, one'of the peace an justice oriented groups in the Lexi-
1‘ most pronusmg of which occurred here in Lex- ngton area, is currently sponsoring and cir-
‘ ington. _ culating an anti-racism petition. The council
Recently a Fayette County JUdge “fled is seeking one thousand signatures and a

,1 that Kentucky's sodomy laws are unconstitu- donation of one to ten dollars from each sig-
’ tional. Presently, ”I? éeCFSion is valid only her. The donations will be used to offset the

v, Within that judge's jur15d1_°t_l?n’ but the appeal cost of having the petition and the signatures
f process offers the possibility for a Slfmlar printed in a full-page advertisement in the
l state-wide deciSion Wthh would effectively Lexin ton Heralereader on July 4th
1' decrimitnalize homosixualt acftiliclity Iiin {Kentucky} The council decided to write and circulate
j T e primary t rus o s. y es speec . . . _
; was that in light of this. court decision, m 313$ ifitmt‘iewfiii‘aféfiidéiar’ififit £53? £3 °Kifx
1 15 the time for the. creation 0f local gay and Klan might be holding a demonstration or other
1 lesbian political action groups, and, ultimately, activity in Lexington On Februar 1 the
i such an organization at the state level, with Herald-Leader quoted a Klan official in
j the express purpose 0f working to 391“?“ reference to the January 24th picture burning
5 repeal of the state's sodomy laws. (Conv1ction of Martin Luther King, J1,- in Pleasure Ridge
! under these laws can result in a heavy fine Park, stating, "the organization might do the
g and a prison sentence.) Through her interest same in Lexington soon." Don Ater Grand
% in our local community, her positive, affirming Dragon of the Klan's Kentucky chapt’er, who
! approach, persuaswe arguments, and took part in the picture burning, was quoted
i experience-based knowledge, Ms. Hyde was by the Herald-Leader on February 2: the
g able to convince all of us that such political Klan "mig___ht come to Lexington u

'1 efforts an, indeed, succeed in Kentucky, The purpose of CKCPJ'S petition is
1 ESPECIBHY 31‘“? certain PFCVlSlOPS “Ht-hm the declared by the wording of its first sentence:
‘ state COHStltUtlon- The primary ingredient for "the undersigned residents of central Ken-
t SUCCfESS i_S active, SUStmned’ and organized tucky affirm our belief in the equality of all
1‘ partic1pation from as .many people as' pos51ble. people." The petition goes on to condemn all
, HoperIIY! the next time Sue Hyde “Sits Lem- forms of racism and racial violence such as

i ngton, she will be able to see positive, 0011- the recent cross—burnings at ’Lexington
' crete results of her recent appearance. churches over the King Holiday weekend.

I —j————_— If you wish more information about the
l 5"" .Hl."lfl:1'.|: petition or wish to lend your support by sign-

‘3 1" "tin" "0 '. ” ing and/or making a donation, please call the

, 1, Iblsu (iVII Ill .U-il "QM- CKCPJ office at (606) 233-4949.

. ——-—————‘ GLSO 3

 WOME 7 another lesbian in order to preserve the
‘ . N S NEWS . friendship.)
m Garbage, garbage, garbage! Lesbians
The following is a continuation of an excerpt are "that way" because they prefer other
from Qfi M £2 140$, g Lesbian Resource women for love and emotional support. It's as
Book, which was produced in cooperation with simple as that.
women of the National Gay Task Force. The
book was published in 1978 and is now out of (Continued in next month’s GLSO
...This does not mean that lesbians suffer 12TH MICHIGAN WOMYN'S MUSIC FESTIVAL
less discrimination than gay men. Once the
label "lesbian" is applied, one is seen almost The Michigan Womyn's MUSiC Festival is a
exclusively as a sexual being. In fact, gathering of the mothers and daughters for
studies have shown that lesbians are believed womyn of all ages. We come together to
to be far more sexual than other women. celebrate our common experiences and unique
There is no scientific evidence to support this strengths as womyn - to celebrate our culture,
belief, but that hasn‘t stopped many people our similarities and our diversity. we gather
from thinking that lesbians are sex-crazed. annually on this 550 acre rural, woodland site
This misinformation has led to a host of other to have a good time, see 01d friends, meet new
myths, including: ones, listen to music, enjoy dance and
1. "Lesbians are child molesters." Les- theatre, attend workshops, browse the crafts,
bians are no more guilty of this offense than be in the country, camp, dance teach, learn,
heterosexual women. Women in general are and experience new ways 0f seeing the world
rarely child molesters. More than 90 percent and OUTSEIVGS-
of child molestation is committed by What we create here together in this Fes-
heterosexual fl. tival week is a community village that con- ‘
2. "All a lesbian needs is sex with a tinually reflects a female spirit — in the music,
man to 'cure' her." In fact, many if not most the art, the dance, the crafts, the costumes,
of us have had sex with men and it obviously the humor, and the caring With Which we live
hasn't done a thing for us! Isn't this idea an together. The experience of that for most of
interesting commentary on men's perceptions of us is unique in our lives, and the empower-
their own sexuality? Sex with a man is sup— ment that comes from living in a matriarchal
posed to be so great that lesbians would will- spirit is something tangible that we take home
ingly give up their assumed greater sexual with us. We invite you to come and join us - ,
appetite for it! Needless to say, this idea be part of carrying the vision to yet a new
isn't true; in fact the opposite is true if one place in the creation of this summer's
is strictly looking at sexual performance gathering.
standards. According to Masters and The festival begins on Wednesday this
Johnson, a woman is most likely to have an year, marking the first time it has encom-
orgasm while masturbating, with lesbian sex a passed five full days. This allows for many
close second and heterosexual intercourse a more performances and workshops, comedic
poor third. Of course, the most important and musical performances will include, among
consideration in sexual pleasure is the others, Rhiannon, Ronnie Gilbert, Lucie Blue
psychology of the situation, and a lesbian is Tremblay, Alix Dobbin, Holly Near and Bar-
going to prefer having sex with a woman and bara Higbie. Some of the many workshops will
a heterosexual woman is going to prefer cover Grief 8: Recovery, Mime, Meditation &
having sex with a man. _Laughter, Tai Chi Chuan, Large Womyn's
3. "Lesbians are 'that way' because they Dance 8: Movement, Ritualmaking, Festival
are afraid of or hate men." While this may be Quilting Bee, and the Festival Gospel Choir.
true of some lesbians, there is no evidence Child care is provided from Tuesday af-
that it is true of a large proportion. It is ternoon through Monday morni-.g, as well as
probably just as true that heterosexual women support groups for those coping with chemical
are "that way" because they fear or hate other addition, emotional and physical abuse, and
women. But since straight scientists think physical handicaps. .
that heterosexuality is the norm, which doesn't Ticket prices are set up on a sliding
have to be explained, there hasn't been any scale, ranging from the 5-day gate price of
research on the latter subject. $145 to a 1-day price of $45. Discounts for
4. "All two lesbians want from each advanced sales are only available if purchased
other is sex, sex, sex!" (And to think of all by August 1. For tickets and information,
the times I have avoided sex at all cost with call (616) 757-4766.

July brings “5 t0 the second half 0f There are three very special events in
1987- It's a frightening thought. I'm Still July. Our liturgy at Don's on the 7th, coin-
catching myself scribbling 1986 on checkS- cides with Jim W.'s 70th birthday. We'll be
And while it has hastened on, I find I celebrating after the liturgy.
have accomplished a lot. I have completed a The rap session on the 16th will be at
successful 5011001 year; traveled to Michigan the president's new. house! We'll be discuss-
(Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo), T016410, Ohio; Pit" ing our goals, what we see ourselves doing
tsburgh and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Little "down the road". For some of us that's next
ROCK, Arkansas; and moved into a new house. year, next month, next week, even tomorrow.
All of this has gone on while serving as It should be interesting and lively. Call for
Dignity President, a board member and directions.

program co-chair of the UU Church, and as a A very special event will happen at 7:00
member of the committee for Lesbian/Gay Pride at Jim and John's on the 20th: Lexington's

' Week '87. first Lesbian/Gay Town Meeting. During Pride

' Someone asked me a simple question: Week Sue Hyde from NGLTF helped organize a

‘ Why? political action committee that is looking to

It was a fair question. But I'm not sure begin work on an antidiscrimination ordinance
I have an answer to it. I know that I get in Lexington. We want our community's
bored easily. That has something to do with thoughts. It's a chance for you to provide
it. Also, in doing all of these things, I get input, suggestions, ask questions and listen.
to meet all kinds of neat, interesting people. It's also a potluck so bring a dish and some
I have no shortage of friends. That's another thoughts. Come help us!

Yet there's something else to it. All of -

p the things I do help make my life better. Just m

thinking about who I am now and comparing it , 3
to where I was just at Dec. 31, 1986, makes - »
me realize that I have learned and grown so éfif I
much in 6 months. -___§ / a

I know I'll continue to be involved with W/ /
Dignity and school. There will also be trips ‘ fl W4 ‘
to Wisconsin, San Francisco, and several other _ - ._ Ma ,1/
places. There will also be new projects. I am / «mg? 7’ /

' returning to school to work on my Masters fl 4‘ e. f /
degree in counseling psychology and will be W » 'N‘flr W
actively working on the new political action ”4” a
committee (see related artiCIe in this issue)‘ I "That’aokay,Ms.l\/illiams,comein There'snothingmoresauslw‘ng
will not stagnate. thanpumnganex-lnveronlmld”

The hardest thing about the upcoming 6
months will be helping Kris & Shirley move.
They have become such a wonderful part of
this community and my life. Speaking for
myself (and many of you) they will be missed - .
greatly. I wish them well as they expand
their lives in Columbus.
What about you? What have you ac-
complished in the last 6 months? What will DICNITY/LEXINCTON
you be doing for the rest Of 1987? P.0.BOX 1984. Lexington, KY 40593
Both our rap sessions and town meeting
(see related article) could help answer those 273—8056
questions. Good luck! Come see us soon.
In Dignity, Keith ”MERSHIP
We're still in our membership drive! Help
NEW PHONE NUMBER us reach 25 members by November '87! For
only $25 ($20, students; $45 couples) you can
Dignity/Lexington has a new phone. The be a member of Dignity, receive national in-
number is 269-8417. Don't forget to make a formation and mailings and support a fine or-
note of it and give us a call. ganization.
$.50 5

 .~:3I:-:- Til
3/ .3 \
3:3lv ‘ I ' -l

133,-}? If TION would like to thank the following people, 3:. ;.' ';.'.-'_-. _.'_-."-
" organizations, and businesses for their '1' If:
.‘ fl support: k 5:: 5;.“
‘: ‘.-_ t. ‘ ‘ ‘.'-' :-'
jg]; Pride Week Committee: Craig/Steve, ‘\-':: ‘
' Kris / Shirley , Jerry, Dave , Keith ,
. Mark/ Twyla .
Dance Committee: Marie, Julie, Laura, Mark,
Teri, Gina, Roberta, Sheryl, Debbie, Lisa,
Jerry, Eddie, Judy, Joyce, Traci, Caroline,
1%,: r“: Janette - . .
‘z 993:”
\ £11m m ,._-.1:-',..-.:-'
\\ Elizabeth, David and the musicians _-_‘.'-_'.'-‘ '.'-‘
\ . 2132:?" 222213225 _._2;./
::::::‘ :::. fl @- .-'.-.;
5“" ‘533: Joey, Kenneth, Dena/Marijo, Jerry and ‘ "ifftz'gj
John "5321" I m
GLSO, Interweave, ICBE, Dignity, ACT- _...\
:33' Lexington, Gay/Lesbian AA, Razzmatazz, '-:.°'-:.

3 Juice's Showroom, Unitarian Universalist 2.111%
23'; Church, and special thanks to Sue 1;..311-3
:33 / Hyde, Director of the National Gay 8: Eff}. 2:};
32' '. Lesbian Task Force's Privacy Project. ‘31’. {202:

, **************‘****** "-'


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\ .

Well, Lexington Gay Pride Week 1987 is '
history! The Pride Week Committee did a ——————_
great job this year and deserves much of the
' credit for Pride Week's success. Special ASK AUNT MARY
thanks should go hOWever to the following or-
ganizations and businesses: ICBE, Inter- Dear Aunt Mary: I am a twenty-six year old
weave, GLSO’ GLSO Dance Committee, The lesbian and am totally out to my immediate
Bar 8: Juice's Showroom, Unitarian Universalist family, friends and even at work. This means
Church, and Razzmatazz. A special thanks to I am very open about myself and do not feel
the NGLTF and Sue Hyde, our keynote comfortable trying to hide or disguise my
_ speaker. . orientation. Normally I don‘t have too, but it
Pride Week started Off on Sunday, WIth a does become a problem when I visit my parents
‘ show sponsored by ICBE' The show was or siblings who live in another city. In-
billed as a "Tribute to PTL'" The stars Of variably these visits are on holidays when get
the show were wonderful, especially Tammy togethers are planned with the extended
Faye and Vestal. It was a fun way to start family, which always leads to what seems to be
Off the week, and everyone had a great time. an interrogation by assorted aunts, uncles,
Razzmatazz hosted "Dinner and Movie cousins, etc., etc., regarding my personal
Night" Wednesday evening. Thirty people life. Are you dating anyone, when are you
dined on. an excellent meal prepared by Dena going to settle down, do you plan to have
and Marijo. After dinner, the comedy or children? I'm not really close to these people
Elaine Boosler had everyone nearly rolling in and haven‘t much desire to come out to them,
the aisles. An episode of "Brothers" followed, but how do you answer those kinds of
before the evening concluded with "Desert questions? I might add that my parents and
Hearts". . , brothers and sisters would prefer that I do
> , on Thursday evenlng some Shay people not discuss my orientation with my relatives.
found their way to Juice's Showroom to hear Confused _ Louisville.
9‘ an excellent presentation by the NGLTF's Sue
Hyde. MS~ Hyde seemed to be jUSt what Lexi- Dear Confused: You don't really sound all .
ngton “BBde- Her speech has prompted a that confused to me, maybe you just need
new political action to be formed here in Lexi- someone to confirm your thoughts. You don't V
ngton. An ICBE SPONSOI‘Ed show fOHOWGd Ms. feel close enough to your distant relatives to
Hyde's presentation. come out to them and only see them on oc-
Friday night found the mOSt 13901319 out casional visits to another city, so it doesn't
for any Pride WGEk event. The GLSO Dance really effect you in your daily life. Under
Committee's Coffeehouse and Dance was a those circumstances and giving your feelings
resounding SUCCESS, attracting approximately and the feelings of your immediate family on
200 people from Lexington and surrounding the subject, why bother? As to how to
communities. The entertainment, both local and answer questions, how about the direct but
OUt'Of'tOWD, was excellent and everyone en- brief approach? That would be Yes or No, as
joyed listening to good music, dancing, and the case may be; I am, thank you; and I
mingling. really haven't decided yet, but when I do
i Pride Week closed with the Interweave you'll be among the first to know. As for
Service at the Unitarian Universalist Church. your contention that you are being inter-
As usual, the service was both moving and rogated, my guess is that you are simply over
. thought—provoking. A POtIUCk and volleyball reacting to mild expressions of interest from
match followed the service. relatives who are not particularly close to you
Sound like fun? It W35! If you didn't either, but don't want their conversations with
come 01“ this year, please make plans to "come you reduced to comments about the weather.
out" next year and join us. Aunt Mary
) fig If you would like to write to Aunt Mary, send
Lendafland your letter to: Aunt Mary, c/o GLSO, Post
"' Office Box 11471, Lexington, Kentucky, 40575.
E VOLUNTEER. If you would like a personal reply, please in-
. o clude a stamped, self-addressed envelope. All
names are strictly confidential.

The State Health Department reports 14 Now that we have your attention we want
new cases of AIDS diagnosed and reported in to remind you of last month's article about
Kentucky through May 13th. If you project condoms. Writing in the May let edition of the
‘ that figure for the balance of 1937 you would N. Eng. Journal of Medicine, Dr. James Goedert
expect about three new cases Eer month of the National Cancer Institute expanded the
statewide. By comparison, when they began notion of safe sex by introducing the concept of
I keeping statistics five years ago there were safest sex. He began Wlth tW0_ reasonable
, only 3 cases reported statewide m 1982_ assumptions: no one wants to die from an
incurable disease, and, most people prefer
RIBS Bl; Year 0+ Diagnosis intercourse to the less intimate forms of sexual
: m ,, mm" expressmn .
lmhvmmknmnnm»mv:3 When AIDS was recognized as a sexually
transmitted disease the gay community began to
promote the use of condoms. Dr. Goedert
u a writes, "however, 77 percent of the men in our
H====== studies who practiced anal sex in 1986 did not
—_——_l_-'I use condoms. Furthermore, it has recently
I,———_—: In been shown that condoms failed to prevent HIV
u—_——_ in transmission in 3 of 18 couples, suggesting that
n=====i I” the rate of condom failure with HIV may be as
: __——_: I: high as 17 percent. It is clear that the use of
- n__——- 22 condoms will not eliminate the risk of
ca===1|§i a I” transmission and must be viewed as a secondary
' ll_——| VI II} II: strategy -"
I ::_——| .1 II, Ii, The key phrase is "eliminate the risk of
x x2 In El ’3] Hi '12 transmission." Jerry Falwell would propose
1' __I ll ii "i I“ monogamy, but Dr. Goedert seems to have a
'——| || 1| I]; I: better understanding of human nature. The
fl I I ll fl, ll} I, doctor proposes each partner know the HIV
ZMIIIIIlIlm H 1 iii ifi l2 status of the other and then engage in sexual
' m m m. mg m6 m7 ' activity that is appropriate to the risk. We
summarize his recommendations:
At the current rate chances are good we . .
will see about one new case each month from H0127 Pitiitus ggpossed R15§_ReduCt1°n
Lexington this year. During the past fifteen _______________f__f:{______________e_a_s:1_1:e_s_______
months new cases reported from Lexington have Ne g-Ne g Any activity Absolute condoms
Ego-1:251:21: 120% compared W'lth an 80% increase in with absolute no intercourse,
The message here is simple: AIDS is a mgngfimsy & no Isiiicvufgrsithnsg every
problem in Kentucky and it will get worse. We g ' '
ma have a small number of cases compared to _ _ .
Neg; York or San Francisco, but we also have a PCS PCS §V§E£§S§g or Condoms, 59,0191
. . wn partners With in-
much smaller population. Over 2195 of the high .
. . , . partners. fections .
risk patients (primarily gay men) screened by
the Health Department in both Lexington and _
Louisville have tested positive to the HIV Posorlrleg galgtlgrl-bation [1325;311:163 cgggggms’
antibody. If that is representative of the total Neg-Pos — '
gay male population, the odds are about one in
five that you've already been exposed. Unknown Mutual Absolute condoms,
masturbation monogamy, fig
llllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllIllllllllllllll "W
8 GLSO .

 ‘ If you haven't been tested for the HIV INSURANCE CONFIDENTIALITY
antibody call Greg Lee at the Health Dept. His
number is listed in the Directory section of this Responding to the demands 0f gay rights
Newsletter. If you have been tested and are activists concerned about the confidentiality of
negative, discuss periodic retesting with Greg. HIV antibody tes'CS, the Medical Information
Your health and that of your partner(s) is your Bureau, Inc. (MIB) announced it had stopped
responsibility. keeping those records on applicants for life and
health insurance. MIB is the computerized data
ngggggflzigfgglggkfiggION service supported by the insurance industry as
the central depository of medical records on all
_ , , _ , _ insurance applicants. For several months
, A new organization 15 being estabhtshed 1,“ about 800 insurance companies had been using 3
LeXIngton _to promote. the passage 0 -anti- special code to report HIV test results to MIB.
gfcrtiémncatlont legislation tbyThthI" It‘exm%,t°“ Effective May 14th, the change in policy
ye e oun y governmenil e 111‘s mee'ing included purging HIV results from all existing
was schedule too close t,0 t 'e neg/vs ettler print- files. Applicants may still be tested for the
ing deadline ,to advertise En t: .Juy issue. HIV antibody by some insurance carriers, but
The orggngtloq ls being orme in response nationwide results will no longer be contained in
to the inspiration of Sue Hyde, Lexmgton a central file in Boston
Pride Week's keynote speaker. An organiza- '
tional name and a specific agenda remain to be .
decided. All we need is your enthusiasm and m—
input. Anyone wanting to assist in this wor- STAND
thy effort is urged to contact Keith, at 269- ”MW
8417, evenings.
ORGANIZATION from Lexington: Chuck, Bill, Steve, and
Keith. Everyone bowled well (except for Keith

Memorial Day weekend found four Lexi- who made up for it elsewhere!)
ngton bowlers headed for IGBO '87, the inter- The four bowlers - all of whom have
national gay bowling tournament held this year bowled in GLSO's Rainbow League at Joyland
in New Orleans. Lanes for the past two years - have handed

Bowlers from across the U.S. and Canada together into a permanent team. They'll bowl
joined our home town boys and converged on in Cincinnati in September, next year at IGBO
the Fairmont Hotel, just outside the French '88 in Washington, D.C., and IGBO '89 in Cin-
Quarter, for a memorable weekend. cinnati.

Close to 1000 participants bowled over the A delightful surprise appeared when The
weekend at two different sites. In addition to Bar agreed to sponsor the team by providing
the wonderful sights and sounds of New 01" their shirts which will reflect the team's newly
leans, and the bowling itself, a very nice acquired name, the "Stud's 'n' Silks." The
banquet concluded the weekend. The meal, shirts will be racing silks with studs on them
' the entertainment (a drag show to end all drag (.as well as in them?!). A big thanks to The
shows), and the awards made for a nice wrap- Bar for their support!
up to a great weekend. If you're interested in Bowling next year

It was a memorable weekend for the team in the Rainbow League, call Bill at 278-0048.

6411! to W
for a new
Marci: on Washington for lesbian and Gay Rights
"Deprlving individuals of the right to choose for themselves how to conduct their intimate relation-
ships poses afar greater threat to the values most deeply rooted in our nation's history than tolerance
of nonconformlty could ever do." —U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun,
dissentinx from the Court's 1986 ruling that upholds sodomy laws
October 11 1987
’ GLSO 9

 _ ..
Colorado recently instituted sweeping
legislation requiring doctors to disclose the Rep. Barney Frank, D-MA, after years of
names of people infected with the HIV virus ambivalence about disclosing the nature of his
and granting health officials the power to private life, has decided to acknowledge
quarantine PWA's. Local gay leaders are publicly that he is homosexual. "I don't think
threatening to open their own clandestine HIV my sex life is relevant to my job, but on the 1
testing sites and are urging gays in other other hand I don't want to leave the impres-
parts of the country to boycott Colorado. sion that I'm embarrassed about my life."
Rep. Frank continued, "If you ask the direct
WISCONSIN question: 'Are you gay?’ the answer is: Yes.
The University of Wisconsin recently So what?"
urged Congress to allow gays to enter ROTC. Rep. Frank stated that recent scrutiny of
Regent Ness Flores remarked, "It's (the anti- Gary Hart's private life as well as disclosures
gay policy) to protect against security risks about the homosexuality of the late Rep. .
posed by homosexuals. I'm sure glad those Stewart B. McKinney, R-CN, who recently
Marine guards in Moscow were all died of AIDS, had prompted him to make the :
heterosexual." disclosure. Massachusetts is now the only ‘
state with two openly gay members of a
CALIFORNIA Congress. Rep. Gary Studds acknowledged j
The ACLU filed suit on behalf 0f a 33' his homosexuality in 1983 after his sexual 1
year Old man who was evicted from a hospital relationship with a teenage page came to light. 1
drug-treatment program after he tested posi- The confirmation of Frank's sexuality ‘
tive for the HIV virus. came as n