xt718911pw2d_13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. 30th Annual Commencement State College of KY program text 30th Annual Commencement State College of KY program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p1/2010ua027_p1_2/2010ua027_p1_2_5/7269/7269.pdf 1898 June 2 1898 1898 June 2 section false xt718911pw2d_13 xt718911pw2d B M `iJf}iY¤;»r3,?v `Q ` l
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Q 1898.
` State College Chapel
» Ten 0'cl0ck A. M.
    ‘,l# »   ,   

 Glaze 1b0n0rz.
· first 'lbonor. V
Miss Lila Beatrice Terry. j
Scconb 1bon¤r. {
Miss Margaret lsadora King. —
V .>=  
Walter L. Brock, Chairman.  
R. B. Frisbie, ]. M. Graves, `T
L. Ragan, F D. Bullock, ;
R. H. Ledford, ]. E. Davidson.  
‘ l

i Music. . 1
In vocation.  
SALUTATORY, i I Margaret Isadora King.  
, we ·
— i
ORATION, William Thomas Carpenter. ii
“The Meehanical Engineer in Modem Warfare."   V
Music. ‘  
_. A 41
ESSAY, Ida West Lucas_  
“What the ‘Man in the Moon' Said About It."  
ORATION, LaFayette B. Brozk.  
“The Unappreciated in Scie¤ce."  
Music. A  
VALEDICTORY, Lila Beatrice Terry.  
-—— ‘ 1f
_` rl

 Jl · ·
l .
2 Ganoiozntee for Degrees, -  
I - ·*’° ` ` . · 3 -
  George G. Brock, Bachelor of Arts. ,   ·
  A Brock, LaFayette B., Bachelor of Science. I
  Cahill, William j'., Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. ‘
Q Campbell, Thomas L., Bachelor of Arts. V
{ Carpenter, William T., Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. V
¤Q _· Farley, Frank P., Bachelor of Arts.
  Hamilton, Thomas S., Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. _
j Hamilton, Robert B.,_Bachelor of Agriculture,.
  Hammack, David W., Bachelor of Science. V `
  johnson, Iack S., Bachelor of Arts. - i
  King, Margaret I., Bachelor of Arts. _
  Loevenhart, Arthur S., Bachelor of Science.
  Loevenhart, Edgar C., Bachelor}of Mechanical Engineering.
  Lucas, Ida W., Bachelor of Arts.
  Straus, Charles L., Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering,
  Terry, L. Beatrice, Bachelor of Arts. _ · I
  Trosper, Henderson T., Bachelor of Arts.
ai Turner, job D., Bachelor of Pedagogy. Q V
  Ward, Paul S., Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.
ji Wilson, Henry C., Bachelor of Arts.
  Clarke, Mary E., Master of Science. .
`Z Downing, George C., Master of Science.
, Frazer, joseph C.; Mastermf Science. f
, Gordon, Robert L., Master of Arts. ~
l · V
It _ _ , M

 a Gbeeea.
` - .3
  For the Degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.
g   A “The Design of a Modern Blacksmith Shop for the State College of
{ Kentucky
~ · _ —Chas. L. Straus.
"`I`he Design of a Seventy-Five Horse Power Engine, to be Direct
Connected to a Multipolar Dynamo."
. —Thos. S. Hamilton.
' “An Experimental Study of Simple and Compound Locomotives on
the Cincinnati Southern Railway/'
—Edgar C. Loevenhart and William T. Carpenter.
. “Th¢   of a Duplex Steam Pump,"
{ —William J. Cahill.
“Thc Design of a Five Horse Power Gas Engine."
—Paul S. Ward.
For the Degree of Bachelor of Science,
“A Study of the Oxidation of Formic Aldehyde by Hydrogen Pe-
roxide." .
—-Arthur S. Loevenhart.
i For the Degree of Bachelor of Agriculture.
` "Some Observations on the Structure of Hadenoecus Subterraneous.°'
‘ —Robt. B. Hamilton.
For the Degree of Master of Science.
“A Comparative Study of the Oxidizing Properties of the Oxides
` and Acids of Nitrogen."
_ —1VIary.E. Clarke.
i "Geology of Fayette County, Kentucky."
‘ » —Ge0. C. Downing.
“The Hydrolysis of the Sulphonic Etl1ers."
—]oe. C. W. Frazer.

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Glaze 1b0n0rz. ; 1
· jflmflbonor. V. ~
Mss Lila Beatrice Tssss. ,     A g s ~ STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY
Seconb `llJ0l13i‘. I € (ax g V
Miss Margaret Isadora King. — 9 F     ‘     LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY -
i =%s‘ ‘   1
s J   ‘ -? E ' JUNE THE SECOND
'Clsbcrs. Q 11
Walter L. Brock, Chairman.   g` 1898-
R. B. Frisbie, ]. M. Graves, `Y
L. Ragan, F D. Bullock I
R. H.1.sd10ss1, 5.12. Dsvaasoé.   s Sm C°1l;i;(;{E:;; A_ M_
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so   V Gbeeee.
_ i Music. . 1 ` ` V;
-— 2 Gzmotozntee for Degrees, -   _ _ _
Im,0C,_,iOn_ V, 3 ` _ I. For the Degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering.
——- ri ‘ - A I ‘ u » .
. V sl g A The Design of a Modern Blacksmith Shop for the State College of
SALUTATORY, Margaret Isadora King. jj G°°"g° G' B'°°k¤B“h°l°*` °f A'ts• r   A Kentucky
__ ’   A Brock, LaFayette B., Bachelor of Science. _ _ _Chas_ L_ Straus,
Music.   Cahill, William J., Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, ‘ · ..Thc Design of a Sevemy_F,Ve Home Power Engine, to be Direct
‘—‘   Campbell, Thomas L., Bachelor of Arts. V Comootod to a Mompoya,. Dym_mo_v
ORATION» William Th°ma·$ Ci’~¥`P€¤t¤’·   Carpenter, William T., Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. V —Thos. S. Hamilton.
“Tb€ Muhimical E¤€i¤“*` in M°d€m W%*fa"•" { ~ Fm-ley, Frank P_, Bachelor of Art; V “An Expgrimental gtud; of Sigiple and Compound Locomotives on
Hamilton Thomas S. Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. t c mcmnau Ou em Away'
1v1·. —   ' ’.. t —Ea c.1.¤ an awaua *1*.* .
EC ,.   Hamilton, Robert B.,_Bachelor of Agriculture. NTM f _ 153.1.1 S we Part an m Larpmtcr
3 . . · .   0 a up ex team ump "
ESSAY, rd. wa.   {   grzw;     scm- , · ’ -wm.... J. Cam.
. . ,, i o n ac . ac eoro r · ~
“What the ‘N.[3.I\ in ll’l€ MOOD, slid About Il.   Ki ’ ’ _ 4¢Thc Design of 3 Five Horse Power Gas Engine]:
  ng, Margaret I., Bachelor of Arts. 4 Paul S Wa d
A V — . r .
Mosh   Loevenhart, Arthur S., Bachelor of Science. ·
——   Loevenhart, Edgar C., Bachelor}0f Mechanical Engineering. Fm- the Degree of Bachclmi °f sc'°"c°’
ORATION, LaFayette B. Brock.   Lucas, Ida W., Bachelor of Arts. “A Study of the Oxidation of Formic Aldehyde by Hydrogen Pe-
“Th€ U“a·PP“clat€d in scicnuy   Straus, Charles L., Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, {Oxide` l __AIthur S. Locvmbam
_ ‘   Terry, L. Beatrice, Bachelor of Arts. _ ‘ · i _
Music.   TmsPcr’He¤dersOn T., Bachelor of Arts. { For the Degree of Bachelor of Agriculture.
  T mer J b D Bach lor { P da 'Some Observations on the Structure of Hadenoecus Subterraneous."
vALE1>1cT0RY, Lila Beatrice Terry. fi “ * °. ‘* ° ° ° g°g"· ¤ » -11..;..,1;, Hrmum,
___ {E Ward, Paul S., Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. D _
Music. Q` Wilson, Henry C., Bachelor of A,-ts, FOP the cgree of Master of Science.
"" ` lf A , “A Comparative Study of the Oxidizing Properties of the Oxides
CONFERRING OF DEGREES. n, Clarke, Mary E., Master of Science. , and Acids of Nitmgmo,
  Downing, George C., Master of Science. _ _Ma_,.y_ E C1a_,k€_
PRESENTATION or D11=1.oMAs. r F”“”’i°s°°h C" M“t°"°f S°i°"°°' j D "G¤<>1<>gv of Fayette €¤¤¤w. i