xt718911pw2d_223 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK 86th Annual Commencement Exercises program text UK 86th Annual Commencement Exercises program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p3/2010ua027_p3_4/2010ua027_p3_4_6/3992/3992.pdf 1953 June 5 1953 1953 June 5 section false xt718911pw2d_223 xt718911pw2d Hniuemiig uf 'Keninrkg
{Eighty-Smcih Annual
Qlummenremeni Exerriaez
Nineteen Hnnhreh Efifig-(Uhree
Hrihng, ZUnne the 3Hifih
iliieznurinl Olnlizemn
7:HH lgjml.

Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater!
Loyal sons and daughters sing;
Sound her praise with voice united;
To the breeze her colors fling.
To the blue and white be true;
Badge triumphant age on age;
Blue, the sky that o'er us bends;
White, Kentucky's stainless page.
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky!
Glorious is thy heritage;
Proud thy name and thy traditions;
Proud thy place on history's page!
May we ne’er forget thy fame
Mother of the great and free;
May we e'er uphold thy name,
Old Kentucky, hail to thee!
i * i
Oh say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there,
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
' Words by Josephine Funkhoussr
Music by Carl A. Lampert

H ' ' f 7K k
Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater!
Loyal sons and daughters sing;
Sound her praise with voice united; `
To the breeze her colors fling.
To the blue and white be true; gd OF KEN,
Badge triumphant age on age; $6   $A Q
Blue, the sky that o'er us bends; °   *
_ , _ me  "  nsw
White, Kentuckys stainless page. c " " _T
1 ` *'
3, jL!U j
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky! O"?}. '865 ao`?
Glorious is thy heritage;
Proud thy name and thy traditions;
Proud thy place on history's page!
May we ne’er forget thy fame
‘ Mother of the great and free;
May we e'er uphold thy name, ' • h • h
Old Kentucky, hail to thee!        
Qi i Exvrriam
i * i
° TI 7 ‘ - 1 [I
TNT NATTONAT ANTNTN Ntméizvn Jiuuhrzh Jlrfig Cl rw
Oh say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light, FV • J EH.
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?   1      
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming? A A
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,    
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there,
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave _ lg
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?   °m°
Olmtml. Bmnharh Clltmv
* •
' Words by Josephine Funkhoussr
Music by Carl A. Lampert
iZ0l€‘w@?·7‘.F'?.tl.;} .·

Aide de Camp to the President
Frank V. Ramsey
Second Lieutenant, lnfantry, United States Army Reserve
Marshal of the Day
Colonel C. M. Mount, Jr., United States Army
Assistants to the Marshal of the Day
Colonel E. G. Davis, United States Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel W. C. Hungate, Jr., United States Army
Lieutenant Colonel M. B. Bone, United States Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel E. C. Raulin, Jr., United States Army
Major B. J. Burkett, United States Air Force
Major G. l. Wagner, United States Army
Major E. D. Wonacott, United States Air Force
Major W. M. Hatcher, Jr., United States Air Force
Major A. L. Roberts, United States Air Force
Captain T. D. Longino, United States Army
Captain C. G. Williamson, Jr., United States Army
Captain T. B. Spalding, United States Air Force
Captain A. J. Stern, United States Air Force
Captain J. T. Henderson, United States Army
First Lieutenant A. L. Dudley, United States Army
Chief Warrant Officer J. l. Riley, United States Army
Master Sergeant H. E. Winters, United States Air Force
Master Sergeant E. R. Collier, United States Army
Master Sergeant C. A. Norman, United States Army
Master Sergeant S. A. Shorter, United States Air Force
Master Sergeant R. L. Fugate, United States Army
Master Sergeant F. J. Buldra, United States Air Force
Master Sergeant J. F. Hoffman, United States Army
Master Sergeant L. D. Meacham, United States Air Force
Master Sergeant K. J. Tickle, United States Army
Master Sergeant J. M. Seeley, United States Air Force
Master Sergeant L. G. Sedberry, United States Army
Sergeant First Class C. L. Ormiston, United States Army
Technical Sergeant G. L. Parsons, United States Air Force
Technical Sergeant S. L. Thornburg, United States Air Force
Sergeant G. S. Gordon, United States Army
Staff Sergeant F. A. Cason, United States Air Force
Staff Sergeant W. D. Hartshorn, United States Air Force

The University Band V; A
The National and University Colors lf.
The Marshal of the Day V  
The President of the University and the Speaker of the Day
The Trustees of the University and Official Guests
The Vice President of the University, Dean of Students, and Comptroller
The Deans and Other Administrative Officials
The Half Century Club
The Special Members of the University Staff I
The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics
The Faculty of the College of Engineering
The Faculty of the College of Law
The Faculty of the College of Education
The Faculty of the College of Commerce
The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
The Candidates for Advanced Degrees
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Law
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Commerce
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy
Ushers will be members of Alpha Lambda Delta and
Cwens, Honorary Sororities

INVOCATION — The Reverend Joseph E. McKenna
Pastor, Saint PauI’s Church
Lexington, Kentucky
Prelude and Liebestod from "Tristan and |soIde" .................... R. Wagner-Hindsley
_ University Concert Band
` Patricia Eads Herren, Soloist
INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS .......... Leo M. Chamberlain, Vice President
INTRODUCTION OF THE SPEAKER ........................................ President Donovan
ADDRESS — Strengthening the Fiber of American Life
Arthur A. Hauck, President
University of Maine
Orono, Maine
CONFERRING OF DEGREES AND AWARDS ............................ President Donovan
CHARGE TO THE GRADUATING CLASS .................................... Dr. Chamberlain
ALMA MATER ................................ . ..................................................... Lampert
Audience and Concert Band
BENEDICTION — Alexander M. Warren
Secretary, Kentucky Council of Churches
Lexington, Kentucky
NATIONAL ANTHEM ........................................................................ Key—Smith
Audience and Concert Band
Carillonic Bells

Aide de Camp to the President i i _ J   * · _ ._ . ·· ‘ . [
Frank V- Ramsey . i>RrsiDrNT HERMAN rrr DONOVAN, rroaaoing ·
Second Lieutenant, Infantry, United States Army Reserve The University Barid r r ,/ `Y _. _
The National and University Colors ii r' ,i . il _. r. a  
MARSHALS The Marshal of the Day ’
Marshal of the Day . . .
h k D
Colonel Cr M. Mount, Jr., United States Army The President of t e University and the Spea er of the ay INVOCATION __rh€ Reverend Joseph E. McKenna
The Trustees of the University and Official Guests PBSYOT, Saint P8UIi$ Church
L ‘ t , K t k
Assistants to the Marshai of the Day The Vice President of the University, Dean of Students, and Comptroller Exiiig On En uc y
Celenel E· G- Davisi United States Air Force The Deans and Oiiiieii Admiiiiisiiaiive Oiiiciais Prelude and Liebestod from "Tristan and |solde" .................... R. Wagner-Hindsley
Lieutenant golonel     Hungai, Jr.é lglnited Iitatles Army The Heir Century Club University Corlcerl. Band
Lieutenant olonel . . Bone, nite tates ir orce _ _ _ i Patricia Eads Herrenl Seieisr
Lieutenant Colonel E. C. Raulin, Jr., United States Army The Spiiciiii Members Oi iiiie Uiiiiveiisiiy Siaiii
Mai¤r B- J- B¤il<€*h Uiiiiéd $*3*95 Air F0i€€ The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences M h I _ _ _d A
I Meier G_ i_ Wagner, United stares Army The Faculty Of the College Of Agriculture and Home Economics INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS .......... Leo . C amber am, Vice Pres: ent
Major E. D. Wonacott, United States Air Force
M¤i°' W· M- H·°*°'"€'i J'·· U"‘*€d $*8*85 Air *i°'°€‘ The Iiawliy °‘i *6 e°"€¤° °i E"9""’°""g INTRODUCTION or Tnr SPEAKER ........................................ rraoiooor Donovan
Major A. L. Roberts, United States Air Force The Faculty Or the College or Law
Captain T. D. Longino, United States Army
Captain Q_ G_ Wiiiiamsonr _]r_r United Stages Army The Faculty of the College of Education ADDRESS — Strengthening the Fiber of American Life
Captain T. B. Spalding, United States Air Force The Faculty Or the College Or Commerce Arthur   Hauck, President
Captain A. J. Stern, United States Air Force giiiiveiisilii/ii _Oi Maine
Captain J. T. Henderson, United States Army The FaC‘·‘nY Oli ine College Oli Pna'n"aeY iOiiiO’ Eine
First Lieutenant A. L. Dudley, United States Army ·i-he Cendrderes fer Adyeneed Degrees
Chief Warmnf Officer J. i. Riley. United Sfafes Army , _ CONFERRING or DEGREES AND AWARDS ............................ President Donovan
Master Sergeant H. E. Winters] United States Air Force The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences
M¤Sl’€i' S€i'Q€a¤T E- R- C0IIi€Vi United $*6*95 ANDY The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture and .
Master Sergganr Cr A- Norman, United stares Army Home Ecrmcmrcs CHARGE TO THE GRADUATING CLASS .................................... Dr. Chamberlain
Masiei Sergeant Si Ai Siiioiiiiiiii Uiiiiied Siiaies Air Force The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
Masicr Sdrecani R- L- Fugafel Uniicd Stains Army ALMA MATER ...................................................................................... Lampert
Master Sergeant F. J. Buldra, United States Air Force The Candidates for DGQVGES frdm the College of I-aw Audience end Concert Band
Miisiiii Siiigeaiii `i' F' i_iOiimaiii' Uiiiiied Siaies Army The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
Master Sergeant L. D. Meacham, United States Air Force
Mesrer Sergeant j(_ _i_ Tickle, United States Army The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Commerce BENEDlCT|ON—Alexander M. Warren l
Master Sergaanii ‘i‘ M' Sealeyi United States Air F¤r¤r The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy igciieiiariiyi Klfniliciiy Coiiimiii Oi Ciiiiiiiiciiies
Master Sergeant L. G. Sedberry, United States Army exiiiig On' an uc (Y
Sergeant First Class C. L. Ormiston, United States Army
Tccnnical Sergeant G- L- Parscins, United States Air Force NATIONAL ANTHEM ........................................................................ Kay-Smith
gieCiiinicii§€gg€gnidS' i"UTiii:i:i;uiig’ Ugiied Siaies Air Foice Ushers will be members of Alpha Lambda Delta and Audience and Concert Band
‘i"g°"’" ‘ ‘ °' °"’ "' ° _ nies "“`”_ Cwens, Honorary Sororities
Staff Sergeant F. A. Cason, United States Air Force _ _
Staff Sergeant W. D. Hartshorn, United States Air Force Caniiomc Balls