xt718911pw2d_265 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 105th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 105th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_3/2010ua027_p4_3_4/5401/5401.pdf 1972 May 13 1972 1972 May 13 section false xt718911pw2d_265 xt718911pw2d 1   jx ,
‘ \:_i‘5;i.,· ajax     ; ._ ‘
1 University Archives
Margaret i. King Lib¢·¤f‘/ · H°'d‘
A University of Kentucls
l Candidates for Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees wear the regulation cap with the
tassel appropriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated, with
the exception of those who already hold Doctors’ degrees and are privileged to wear
d gold tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National
Anthem, and prayers, men in academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The
authorized list of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences—Black Medicine-Green
` Agriculture—Maize Nursing—Apricot
4 Engineering—Orange Dentistry—Lilac
Law—Purple Architecture—Brown
{ Education—Light Blue Allied Health Professions-—Light Green
  Business and Economics—Drab Home Economics—Maroon
  Pharmacy—Olive Green Library Science—Lemon
l Social Professions—Citron
  The gown for the Bachelor's degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn
( closed. The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like
g the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of '
A its oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is
‘ designed and supplied with fasteners so that it may be worn open or closed. The
{ gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell-shaped sleeve on which are three velvet bars W
(usually black but sometimes other colors depending on the degree). I
2 The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate
I color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution—blue
i and white at Kentucky.
l The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes _
Q more of the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the ,
  person is receiving.
i The Doctor’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the
  wide panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The
Il colors of the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine,
V and purple for laws; the colors for the honorary Doctors’ degrees are purple for laws,
r white for letters, and golden yellow for science.
 ‘ Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has
’ been conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his honorary degree A
{ consists in his being formally invested with the hood. Q

Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater!
Loyal sons and daughters sing;
Sound her praise with voice united;
To the breeze her colors Hing.  
To the blue and white be true; p
Badge triumphant age on age;
Blue, the sky that o’er us bends;
White, Kentucky’s stainless page.  
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky!
Glorious is thy heritage;
Proud thy name and thy traditions;  ·
Proud thy place on history's page! Y
May we ne”er forget thy fame
Mother of the great and free;
May we ’er uphold thy name, _
Old Kentucky, hail to thee! ·
my Josephine Funkhouser i
Music by Carl A. Lampert  E
Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? p
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous iight,  
O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming? `
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Cave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
6 ,

 I G e
Otis A. Singletary, President
STAR SPAN GLED BANNER ............................................................ (Francis Scott Key)
A INVOCATION ...........................................,.............................. Rabbi William   Lefller
  Temple Adath Israel
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS ...................................................... President Singletary
2 GREETINGS—ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ................................ Mr. ]ohn R. Crockett
  REMARKS .......................................................................................... President Singletary
Dean Winiberly Royster Dean ]oseph Hamburg
_ College of Arts and Sciences College of Allied Health Professions
Dean Charles Barnhart Dean Betty ]ean Brannan
' College of Agriculture College of Home Economics
Dean ]ames Funk Dean Lawrence Allen
College of Engineering College of Library Science
Dean George Denemark Dean Ernest Witte
 ` College of Education College of Social Professions
Dean Charles Haywood Dean William Dennen
  College of Business and Economics Graduate School E
Dean ]oseph Swintosky Dean Robert Lawson
; College of Pharmacy College of Law
 I Dean Marion McKerma Dean William ]ordan
 " College of Nursing College of Medicine
 A Dean Charles Graves Dean Harry Bohannan [
I College of Architecture College of Dentistry .
  GREAT TEACHER AWARDS .................................................. President Singletary l
. RESEARCH AWARDS ...................................... Vice President Lewis W. Cochran
ELSIE O. SANG AWARD .................................................... President Singletary
. PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS ................................ President Singletary  
l Professor Holman Hamilton, University Orator "
B CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ................................ President Singletary
Professor Hamilton
ALMA MATER .................................................................................... (Carl A. Lampert)
BENEDICTION .......................................................... The Reverend Wayne B. Smith
— Southland Christian Church
‘ Lexington §
3 Professor Arnold Blackburn, Organist
l Mr. Manthis Manchikes, Announcer (
A 7

E ]ohn August Moser
  Samuel Milton Nabrit
l Peter A. B. Widener III
  Robert Randall Dawson
{ ]ohn Cliflord Greene *
  Karl Otto Lange A
& I

 Ii 3
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OT Dis
» Le
fl Dis
l Ma
4   Dis
V Na
_ Ma
y Ma
· Dis:
{ Ma
' Diss
g Ma
l Diss
g Mag
g Diss
v~ 1\’1;lj
il Diss~
V Maj
T Disse
" Diss:
° Degree awarded August 11, 1971 Dim
°° Degree awarded December 22, 1971 § K
2 uri
°°° Degrees n0t previously awarded will be conferred May 13,   l\121j(
1972, if all requirements are met   Dlsse

 + ll
f l
1 Graduate School
l Dean: William H. Dennen, Acting Dean
ll DOCl'0l‘ of PllllOS0 l‘l Anthony Burr °° New York N.Y.
l Y , »
Major: Psychology
Ziatl Ali°, Lexington Dissertation: "The Use of Modeling and Direct Reward in the Verbal
T Major.: Nrathematics Conditioning of Good and Poor Premorbid Schizophrenic Patients"
  Dissertation: "Nor1und Summability of Series" Parshall B. Bush°°, Monroe, N.Y.
Louise S. Appel], Reston, Va. Major: Plant PhY$l0l°gY `
·` Mzljorz Education Dissertation: "Physio1ogy of Sterols in Germinating Seeds and Developing
A _ _ rr _ _ Seedlings of Nicotiana Tabucum L.
Dissertation: Effect of an Auditory Training Program on Auditory
Discrimination and Reading Achievement of Educable Mentally Thou-ms   Cheatham¤) Bradfordsville
Retarded Children \{ _ LI th ti
major: ra ema cs
l..()uiS Ccor G Al'nOltl, COlllH]l)llS O. Dissertation: "Finite Dimensional Rings and Torsion-Free Covers"
g »
M·1jor· Physics . .
‘ ' Z l H ° r
I Dissertation: "Inherent Problems \Vith Continuum Shell Model Calcula- 1\;)l;(gu Llgtialn Showdhury ’ L""‘“gt°“
{ tromyr ’H I`: ' 61118 ICS
  · Dissertation: "Zero—Commutative Rings"
; Nanik Bakhru°, Albany, N.Y. _ _
  Major: Mechanical Engineering lun? Splcer Cllur°h> L<*=x¤¤st¤¤
Q Dissertation: “Heat Transfer and Boiling from Cylinders of Small Size Alalorl Educatloll
l or Under Reduced Gravity" Dissertation: “EEect of Individual and Group Cue-Reinforcement
` Counseling as Interventional Techniques for Modifying Elementary
]ean-Claude Ballaux, Ibadan, Nigeria Classroom Behavi¤rs"
l Mmm`: _SO11,SC1cHc? _ _ _ Daniel Irwin Cohen, Brooklyn, N.Y.
» Dissertation: ‘ Adsorption and Desorption of Phosphorus in Five Kentucky Idajor Psychology ·
e Soils" Z
· Dissertation: "An Experimental Investigation of Hypnotic Hypermnesia:
  ROl)€l't F. Benner, F1'z1nl Grand RapldS> Mich' Dissertation; "Spectrochemical and Thermal Studies of Some Metal K
Major; P0lit1C1ll SCIBIICG Complexes Involving u,w-Dinitriles" 4 L€(
Dissertation; "Politica1 Cartography in Kentucky: Legislative Redis- l Ma
tricting, 1971" Robert Horace Grizzzird", McLean, Va. j Dis,
Arscnio Espinoza B.°°, Lexington Melon Psychology V _
. W . Dissertation: "Lat1tudes of Acceptance and Rejection: Some Antecedents
Major; Education and Consequencey ¢ Pat
Dissertation: “Organizational Needs for Organization Development for Mn
the Kentucky System of Vocational Education" Gerald D· Hale, Lexington Diss
Edson VV. Ewing°°, Lexington Major: Animal Sciences  
Niajor. jylathcmatics Disseitliatioln: l “OIr;1ld Versus fAbomasal· Supplemental DL-Methionine,   Doi
Dissertation; "Contributions to the Study of Regular Semigroups" Ulf;ugilimseoyb;’m;°°§I’€a‘?ngr;$iy (§:;e;i;wg§ti;‘“é0y;m°y Or Zem and Q Ma_
i Diss
Carl Farler, Lexin ton _ ?
. . g . Charles Rodger Hammons’°, Paris g Roi
Major: Agricultural Economics M _ M h _
Dissertation; "An Interindustry Analysis of the Florida Economy" _3'·l0r‘ _ at emaucs ‘ M3;
Dissertation: "On Paracompact p-Space Completions of Some Unifomi Diss
Gaston ]uan Fernzindcz°, Clemson, S.C. Slmces
Major: Spanish . i
Dissertation: "La Vida y Poesia De Alfonso Moscoso Sanchez" Cmiia Huiuphrey Hay’ WauL€Sha’ WIS' Thc
Major: History L Maj
]. Douglas Fcrry°, Wellshurg, W. Va. Dissertation: "Crusading Schoolmasteri James Burgh, 1714-1775" Diss
Major; Chemistry 7 _ N _ M,
Dissertation: "Ther1nal- and Photo-Induced Rearrangements of N-Sub- Robert \ernori Hoskins UI » Harrisonburg, P3- 19
stituted Pyrroles and 2-Substituted 2H-Pyrroles" Major; English Ma]
_ , _ Dissertation: "The Symbol of the Severed Head in Twentieth-Century Diss
Ciioeror i-4- Fi€i(i5°i Houma, La- British and American Fiction"
Major: Animal Sciences Lor
Dissertation: "Tapaz0le in Steer Finishing Rations" Etim BEISSCY ItLl€Il, Uyo, Nigeria ` hiili
. . . Major- Education Dist
I- l-··k H rllF if°° L. ll lf. . '.
mf U18 (Pie Gino ’ ii JO a’ Cal Dissertation; "The Role of Education in Nigeria in Modernizing Attitudes
iriiilori SP€mi$h and Values Conductive to National Development" i
Dissertation; "Tirso de Molina’s Vida y Muerte de Herodes—A Study San
of the Ritual Forms in Tragccly" Harry Mason ]0iner°, Athens, Ala. f Mqj
Tcrrcncc Stanley Fox", Concrete, Wn. Maier: _Dipi?maeY   Diese
Major: l\:lcchanical Engineering Dissertation: NATO and MLF   Ma
Dissertation: "Threc Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layer with Mass . i-, . Q I
., Hall Kinney ° Cynthrana ~ ·
Transfer > * Ma]
Major: Education i Diss,
irviiiiiim R0i)€l`i irTi€i)0¤°°, _l0im$i0Wii, P?i· Dissertation: “Principals’ Perceptions of Citizen School Study Committees" L
Major: Microbiology H
Dissertation: "Elucidation and Characterization of the Biphasic Germina- look L· Kr€i(i€r°°, Miami,   é en
tion Kinetics of Bacillus Ccrcus T Spores" Major; Animal Sciences Niai
Paul Eugcnc FunCr¤°’ Lexington Dissertation: "Antifertility Action of 3-Chloro-1, 2-Propariediol in Rams" j Dim
;lg¤i<»r=t_ii·#{{;y Cl d h W _ R, h M n Alice Virginia Ki·iiege1, Lexington T Coy
rsstr .11on. aura ay an t e omans ig ts ovement Major: Chemistry Majx
Ruby Joycc CnU·L.tt¤¤’ Creenvnlc) S_C_ Dissertation:f‘§5B1thesilsA pf Prime gri-, Tetra-, and Penta-Methyl Deriv- ` Dissc
Major: Physiology and Biophysics ii Wes 0 i imet yammoazo Gmane
Dissertation: "Placcntal Transport of Iron in the Rat" James Harold Larson, Grand Forks, N_D_ — Nan
Philip Nathan Gilbcrtson", Moscow, Id. Mmm: Sociology Mai'
M'l.m__ En dish Dissertation: "The Impact of Teacher Education on the Politicization Disse
_‘i ' _ i*__‘ _ _ _ V _ of the Prospective Teacher"
Dissertation: Time and the Timeless in the Poetry of T. S, Eliot, l
Dylan Thomas, and Edwin Muir" Porter Preston Layn€°'°’ Harold i
Michael \Vard Cilcs°, Florissant, Mo. 11;/iaiori ,B1OC}i$mStry . .    
Major: lpolmcal Science issegtxggnsi mimvgéaghromosomal Elements in Escherichia coli And   Dig;
Dissertation: "Dimensions of Support for the Supreme Court"  
Richard W. Leggett Lexington i
z ·l·< T’l l · i r · V ° ' ’ . , i i
Quo 1Q;.nlCoodyltoontz, ]r. , Louisville Mawr: Mathematics   Kent
* 'rllor· 4· *it“ierriaiie?4 } ’ Dissertation: "On the Invariant Subspace Structure of Compact, Dissi- ii Mai(
Dissertation: (connectivity Properties of Hyperspaces’ pative Operat0rs" l Disse

 Man Kon Leung, Lexington Philip ]oseph Pcrricone°°, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Major: Physics Major: Sociology
Using Dissertation: "A Study of Nuclear Levels in “”S By the Reaction Dissertation: "Attitudinal Correlates of Intergenerational Mobility: The
¥”Si(a,a)2‘·Si and Single Particle Potential Representation" Case of a High Status Profession"
Michael Chen-Yun Lung, Lexington Bruce A. Peseau, Lexington
Major; Plant Pathology Major: Education
Inter Dissertation: "A Study of Diiierential Transmission of Isolates of Dissertation: "An Assessment of the Quality of Quick Quantitative
Wm; Caulrliower Mosaic Virus by Aphids" ludgments Among Educational Finance Specialists"
Samir Maamar °, Lexington Maria Petrovska Knoxville Tenn.
_ Y 1 , ,
_ Major: Sociology Major: French
, Dissertation: "Attitude Towards Migration Among Rural Residents: Stages Dissertation: “]ar0slav Vrchlicky Critique De La Poésie Romantique
l and Factors Involved in the Decision to Migrate" Francaise"
lr Leonard Anthony Macaluso, Mobile, Ala. Ruth Ann Phillips, Danville
Major; History Major: Education
Dissertation: "The Political Lives of Antoine Christophe Saliceti, Dl$$€;'smll9¤¥ KATE; EPl$t;?m0l0§l€¤l ]¤$tlll€¤ll0¤ of the Place ef Literary
173()-]3()9” rt m t e urricu um" ·
sd · - · - .
me 4 Paul ]. Martin, Indianapolis, Ind. Arnold Hubert Pieterse, Aerdenhout, The Netherlands
{ M=lj01': PSyCh0l0gy Major; Biological Sciences
` Disseriatipn:T;Anxiety Extinction and Therapeutic Suggestion in Im- Dissertation: "Studies on Flowering and Turion Formation in Lemnaeeae”
E p osive erapy ’
a ° , ·
mine, I Donald Joseph Marxnna Lexington Ronald Ray Proilitt (degree an arded posthumously), Vilas,
and . . N·C.
Major: Mathematics M _ h _
’ Dissertation: "Uniform Semigroups" _alOr: P yslcs
1 Dissertation: "Isobaris Analog States in the “Sr. (p,n) *“Y and '·" Sr.
» Robert Fraser McClure"°, Lexington (P-P) `R S'· R€¤°¤°¤$”
. ` Malori Education ]ames Alfred Ramage, Ft. Thomas l
lfoml Dissertation: "The OPI, the ACT, and the \VAL: Prediction of University Nlajon History
Student Prol le s" '
) m Dissertation: "The Hunts and Morgans: A Study of a Prominent
Thomas Bruce McLean°, Lexington Kentucky F¤m¤1y" _
_ Major: Mathematics Barry Reit°°, Douglaston, N.Y.
Dissertation: “Coniluent Images of Tree-Like Curves" ]\{aj0I-; Animal Sciences
A/Iichael Robert l\{cPh€l_SOn’ Lexington Dissertation: "The Physiological Activity of Calcitonin in Avians" I
Major: Physics ]osé Luis Rey-Barreau°, Louisville ‘
mm.), Dissertation: "A Study of (p,n) Reactions in “*Mo and °°Mo" Niajorz Spanish
Loren Louis Niiuernos Lexington Dissegxggri: “El Concepto de La Muerte en Cuatro Poetas Premodem—
` Major; Psychology `
Dissertation: "Acquisition and Extinction in the Runway as a Function Samuel Anthony R0dg€rS> Wlnchgster _
tudes of Percentage of Reinforcement, Reward Magnitude, and Level of l\lz1jOr: Education (
. Tmmmg with WldelY Slmced Trmlsv Dissertation: "A Comparative Analysis of All Accredited Two-Year
_ _ C ll g *"
n Sanford Stuart Mlll€1'¢, Lexington 0 8 ei so _
{ Major: Mathematics Dale Maurice Royalty , Lexington
i Dissertation: “On Properties of Bazilevic Functions" hllalol-i Hl$t0l'Y
i Dissertation: "Banking, Politics, and the Commonwealth, Kentucky, l
L Manindra K. Mohapatra°°, Norfolk, Va. 1800-1825" ‘
g Maier: Political Science ]ames A. Ryan°, Blandville
l Dissertation: “Intervener and Non-Intervener: A Study of Legislators' ,· _ · ·
wasn l Administrative Role Orientations in an Indian State" l\l°UOr` _S011 Sclence _ _ _
\ Dissertation: "Efl’ect of Salts on Ammomfication in Soil"
H ·Ed.·lM to · ·.°°,Lacat . .
g wily wind On g m€ly’ Jl n S er Ilardeo Saha1°°, Lexington
Major: Chemistry \I_ . _ St t. t.
,, Dissertation: "Applications of Variational Perturbation Theory to i _dlOr‘_ a if ICS _ _ _ _ _
ams l Molecules: Dissertation: Contributions to the Estimation of Variance Components
l in Balanced Random Mode]s”
s Coy Patrick M0ore°°, jonesville, Va. s
Major: Animal Sciences Ronald Lee. Sanders , Carbondale, Ill.  
Dgriv- Dissertation: "Iniluence of One- or Fourteen-Day Flushing on Ovulation l\lil]0Ti Bllsmess and Ecollomlcs
‘ Rate and Litter Size at 28 Days Gestation in Gilts" Dissertation: "The Demand for Distilled Spirits and an Evaluation of
the Quasi-Experimental Method of Estimating Price Elasticity"
M Nancy Becker Munro°°, Lexington _ _ s _
i Major; Physiology & Biophysics Milivant Singh Sandhu , Lexington
ation Dissertation: "Control of Gonadotropin Secretion in the Rat: Effects of lllaloli Plant PhY$l0l0gY
{ Prior Ovariectomy on Prolactin Secretion and Cytology in Adeno- Dissertation: "Physiol0gy of Dwarfism in Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.)"
l Hypophysial Homografts" _
Q Patricia M. Santoliquido°, Arlington, Mass. .
» ]·1ne Elliott Nicholson°° Bardstown · ·
z ‘ > ‘ t Ma or: Chemistr
I _ 1 Y
And { MH]Ol`$ AU?l·lOU`|Y Dissertation: “Thc Determination of Bismuth in Meteorites and Rocks ,
i Dissertation: "Radioactivity in Neonatal Reproductive Organs Following hy Neutron Activation Analysis" ‘
E Administration of "H-Testosterone or i*H-Estrodiol" _ l
L Calvin L. Schoulties", Highland Heights
” Kent R P· tt~rson° Lexin ton -
  _ · *1   ¤ · g l\lZl]Ol'I Plant Pathology
)issi-   Maloli Ellgllsh Dissertation: “Bi0l0gical and Biochemical Aspects of Zoospore Production
{ Dissertation: "The Uncertain Light" in Aphrmomyces cutcichcs Drechs"
i ,

Hubert Donovan Scott°°, Kenly, N.C. Henry Sip-ie Tan", Lexington i Di
Major: Soil Science Major; Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Dissertation; "DifIusion of Selected Herbicides in ¥Vater and in Soil Dissertation: "The Synthesis of Potential Analgetic Agents Based on the . ja
to Soyheans" Pyrazolidine and Piperitlazine Rings" l Ni
_ , , Q i . ‘
Linda Preston Scott, Richmond CBB'? Fhmton Tmwer > MOmO€= La- ii Dl
Miiiriri Erliioliiiori l\’li`t]0I'Z Political Sciencel l U '
Dissertation; "Teaching, Action and Metaphor: Toward a Resolution Dlssegmlllllni SA Cgmparatlve St“dY Of Gubefmltorml Rvles m FONT Ht
of the Cognitive-Affective Debate" °“t em tales L4
i. . . ; ll ' D'1
I)olol< T. H. Sihombmg, Lexington gh lllessvl/‘_r{llOlllaS ll > RlCllmOll(l> V3" 1
Major; Animal Sciences D_;ll;l'l_ Oflgigtly _ P f P_ _ t_ T t f T A I l_ I
Dissertation; "Effects of Iodine Level, Type of Diet and Goitrogens on lh r n mn'. 8 emmmn S O llS?“'?“ lol? ll es 0 . lllll _,,mly lm ·
Pcdonmmm and Thymid Status or Growing Pigs,, Perspectives on Adult Resocialization in Total Institutions R//Y
Christopher Dante Tori°° Lexington ` l
\rVood Carlton Sisarcicl<°, \rVheel1ng, W. Va. M_ijm__ Psychology ° i Di:
‘ .
Nlnlori .Nlutll€I“P*tl?$ _ V l Dissertation: “A Comparison of the Contributions of Counterconditioning, i
D|$$U{`ti;;Wgi V=1¤‘H\U0¤$ of thi? Definition of R Fimcmm Of B0'-\¤d€d Expectancy, and Cognitive Information to Systematic Desensitization" l jg;
n ex
Patricia Lysbeth Tobinll, Westwood, Mass. é ll/ll
Arcnd E. Smid°°, Thedford, Ontario Mriior: Sociology D"
hlujor: Soil Science Dissertation: "Coniugal Role l Expectations, Identity, Evaluation of
Dissertation; "Influence of Potassium and Shade on Carbon Dioxide Ch¤1dr¤¤ and Fmml>’ Planning B€h11Vi01'” S
Assimilation and Potassium and Sugar Distribution in Maize" _ 1
C. j. Waechter°°, Baltimore, Md.  
. . . <
Peter Craig Smith, Lexington Maiorz B10chem1stry Dir
Nliiiori Coogrophy Dissellatgn: "Regul;·:oryhControls Exerted on the. Methylation Pathway il
Dissertation; "Negro Hamlets and Gentleman Farms: A Dichotomous C;?ml1§'ac,EO P OSP ““dYl°l‘°l'“° Blosylltllesls lll Sllccllamnll/ces l R
Rural Settlement Pattern in Kentucky’s Bluegrass Region" — U
• . · M"
_ Patricia Ann VVall