xt718911pw2d_266 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 106th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 106th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_4/2010ua027_p4_4_1/5461/5461.pdf 1973 May 12 1973 1973 May 12 section false xt718911pw2d_266 xt718911pw2d il
lll COlTim€HC€m€l1’( Pregram
l Umvcrslw   i“l¤'*l‘
l B Universml Ol   40506
l L xington, l("’“wc Y
1 i
One hundred and sixth annual
i University 0f Kentucky, Lexington
  Saturday May twelfth, nineteen hundred and seventy-three
  ·•'§’••*$ ••‘@’••*$’•·

Albert G. Clay, Chairman y
Thomas P. Bell, Vice Chairman I
Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secretary
]esse M. Alverson, ]r.
\Villiam R. Black  
WV. Stanley Burlew l
Mrs. Robert O. Clark  
Richard E. Cooper ,
Eugene Goss  
]acob H. Graves .
George WV. Griiiin I
Garvice D. Kincaid i
Paul Oberst S
Zirl A. Palmer _
Paul G. Sears
\Villiam B. Sturgill
]a1nes A. Sutherland
Scott \Vendelsdorf
]oliu R. \Voodyard, M.D.
Otis A. Singletary, President
Alvin L, Morris, Vice President for Administration
A. D. Albright, Vice President for Institutional Planning
Peter P. Bosomworth, Vice President for the Medical Center l
Lewis \V. Cochran, Vice President for Academic Affairs I
Glenwood L. Creech, Vice President for University Relations
Lawrence E. Forgy, ]r., Vice President for Business Afiairs and Treasurer
M. Stanley \Vall, Vice President for the Community College System
Robert G. Zumwinkle, Vice President for Student Aflairs

   One Hundred Sixth Annual

 l University Marshal
· Professor Robert O. Evans
The National and University Colors
The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates for Degrees
from the College of Law, College of Medicine, and College of Dentistry
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Architecture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Allied Health Professions
_ The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Home Economics
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Library Science
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Social Professions
The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of the College of Agriculture
The Faculty of the College of Engineering
The Faculty of the College of Law
The Faculty of the College of Education
The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics
The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
The Faculty of the College of Medicine
The Faculty of the College of Nursing
The Faculty of the College of Dentistry
The Faculty of the College of Architecture
The Faculty of the College of Allied Health Professions
The Faculty of the College of Home Economics
The Faculty of the College of Library Science
A The Faculty of the College of Social Professions
The Directors and Faculty of the Community Colleges
The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units
The Deans of the Colleges and Administrative Officials
The Vice Presidents
The Ofiicial Guests
The Governor and the Board of Trustees
The President of the University of Kentucky

The exercises of the one hundred and sixth annual commencement are enacted  
today at the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each
year on campuses all over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the t
graduates’ years of study and preparation for responsibility. l 
The following description of the academic pageantry is provided for your interest.
The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the Coliseum
through the south entrance. It is led by the University Marshal and followed by the
Color Guard carrying the National and State flags and the University banner. The  
University Marshal bears the ceremonial mace, ernblernatie of the endorsement of the r
State and the University. Led by Assistant Marshals, the candidates march behind the
identification banner of the respective colleges which recommended them for their l
The order of march is as follows:
The candidates for advanced degrees to include
Graduate School
College of Law
College of Medicine `
College of Dentistry
The candidates for degrees:
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Agriculture
College of Engineering
College of Education
College of Business and Economics
College of Pharmacy ·
College of Nursing
College of Architecture
College of Allied Health Professions
College of Home Economics
College of Library Science
College of Social Professions
As the candidates reach their seats, the rnernbers of the faculty of the University of I
Kentucky rnarclr into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges and
universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to _
the platform the Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various colleges, honorary
degree recipients, alumni award recipients, University of Kentucky Research Foundation
faculty research award recipients, Philip D. and Elsie O. Sang award recipient, Sullivan
award recipients, the Vice Presidents, guests, state officials, and finally, the President
of the University. The Trustees of the University can be identified by their blue gowns
with white panels. They wear blue caps with blue tassels.

 l All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University
I oHicials, faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The
 _ basic color for most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different
.)  degrees wear distinctive tassels on their caps (called mortarboards) and hoods of various
hues draped down the backs of the gowns.
Candidates for Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees wear the regulation cap with the
tassel appropriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated, with
  the exception of those who already hold Doctors’ degrees and are privileged to wear
l gold tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National
1 Anthem, and prayers, 1nen in academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The
authorized list of tassel colors follows:
?A Arts and Sciences—Black Medicine—Green
Agriculture—Maize Nursing—Apricot
Engineering—Orange Dentistry—Lilac
Law—Purple Architecture—Brown
Education—Light Blue Allied Health Professions—Light Green
Business and Economics—Drab Home Economics—Maroon
Pharmacy—Olive Green Library Science—Lemon
‘ Social Professions—Citron
The gown for the Bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn
closed. The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like
the others. The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of
its oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is
designed and supplied with fasteners so that it may be worn open or closed. The
gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell—shaped sleeve on which are three velvet bars
(usually black but sometimes other colors depending on the degree).
The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate
color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution—blue l
and white at Kentucky.
The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes
ly more of tl1e lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the
person is receiving.
1 The Doctor’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the
_ wide panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The
colors of the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine,
and purple for laws; the colors for the honorary Doctors’ degrees are purple for laws, I
white for letters, and golden yellow for science.
Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has
been conferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his honorary degree
consists in his being formally invested with the hood.

. E
-  `!
Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater!  
Loyal sons and daughters sing;  i
Sound her praise with voice united;  
To the breeze her colors fling. {
To the blue and white be true;
Badge triumphant age on age; _
Blue, the sky that o’er us bends;  
\Vhite, Kentucky’s stainless page. »_
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky! .
Glorious is thy heritage;  
Proud thy name and thy traditions; i
' Proud thy place on history’s page! A
May we ne’er forget thy fame
Mother of the great and free;
May we ’er uphold thy name,
Old Kentucky, hail to thee! ‘
6 {ESQ by Iosephinc imnkiwuw
Music hy Carl A. Lampert
Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light, p
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? !
\Vhose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous light,
O'er the ramparts we watclfd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, A
Cave proof thro' the night that our Hag was still there.  
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

  U . 7 7 _ 7 r—-—- -—r——— — "7 "‘—" '  7   74- ——)7r"*** ·*‘· ‘ ‘;
 ` Otis A. Singletary, President
  STAR SPANGLED BANNER ....................,.........,......................... (Francis Scott Key)
  INVOCATION ............................................................ Reverend Maurice D. Robertson
? Second Presbyterian Church
  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS .....,......,................................... President Singletary
; GREETINGS—ALUMNI ASSOCIATION .................,.............. Mr. W. Hugh Adcock
REMARKS ..................,..................................................................... President Singletary
l Dean Art Gallaher Dean ]oseph Hamburg
  College of Arts and Sciences College of Allied Health Professions
» Dean Charles Barnhart Dean Marjorie Stewart
, College of Agriculture College of Home Economics
Dean ]ames Funk Dean Lawrence Allen
_ College of Engineering College of Library Science
Dean George Denemark Dean Ernest Witte
College of Education College of Social Professions
V Dean Charles Haywood Dean \¢Vimberly Royster
College of Business and Economics Graduate School
Dean joseph Swintosky Dean Robert Lawson
College of Pharmacy College of Law
Dean Marion McKenna Dean William ]ordan
College of Nursing College of Medicine
Dean Anthony Eardley Dean Harry Bohannan
College of Architecture College of Dentistry
GREAT TEACHER AVVARDS ............................................ President Singletary
ELSIE O. SANG AWARD .................................................... President Singletary
I PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS ............................ President Singletary
Professor Holman Hamilton, University Orator
CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ........................,... President Singletary
Professor Hamilton
l ALMA MATER ..................................,.........,..................................... (Carl A. Lampert)
BENEDICTION .................................................   The Right Reverend Addison Hosea
Diocese of Lexington
Professor Arnold Blackbum, Organist
Mr. Manthis Manchikes, Announcer

   7 7 7-V » —»?f-——r— 
Wendell Hampton Ford
Hecht Simmons Lackey, Sr.
  Lewis Berkley Davis
William Robert Parks
]0hn ]ac0b Niles

1 Grc
 j Dean
7 Doct
~ Arion
· Majo:
Y Disserr
i S
j Majo1
' Disscrl
31 Dissert
Paul l
` Dissert:
{ Str
_ Dale (
' Major
° Degree awarded August 9, 1972 Disscm
°° Degree awarded December 21, 1972 UOWHI
"’°" Degree not previously awarded will be conferred May 12, Disscm
1973, if all requirements are met Im

~ Graduate School
 l Dean: \Vimberly Calvin Royster
1; DOCl'0I' of Phll0S0pl1y David ]ames Burt°, Florence, S.C.
g Major: English
, Arltmtl Alltllllliattllf, Lexington Dissegatiggi] "Iienry Fielding’s Attitudes Toward the Eighteenth Century
_ _ _ _ CII I HH
· Major: Mechanical Eugmeermg
` Dissertation: "Spectral Directional Emittance of Roughened Metal Dali? KGWIUHW Bllrtlwrr lll L(`xlUgt(m
l Surfaces Major: Mathematics
  Nd] ljoughls Adnmscx Eulmuk Dissertation: "Indicators of The Groavth of Entire Functions in Several
_ _ Variables and in Banach Spaces
{ Ma]or: Physics
' DlSSCl’li\il0l'l: “Simpl€ Model for Size Effects Upon The Diamagnetic Pillll ]OSC]}ll Busse°, B€ll(:‘\'ll€
Susceptibility of a Free Electron Gas" hhljm., Chcmistry
{· ., A ~ ‘ · , , · _ , Dissertation: "Synthesis and Characterization of 1,3-Dimethyl-2—Tri-
]Ol1l1 hlllttllf Allfl, l\I1llL(lg( v1llL, Cth methulstannyl-Diazaboracycloalkanes and Some Related Materials”
Major; Biology
J Dissertation: "Digentic Trematodes From Kentucky Fishes" _lilCk “/vlllilfd BUXt()U, L€’XlHglZ0U
I \I·1` ‘· Pl· tPl r·' l r
ry _ .\ . A_ NN,   I .]o1. an iysio ogy
D(u?H`l 1N` Bdlnlb ’ Ch]('°Ig0’ Il' Dissertation: "Respiration Studies of Rose Petals"
Major: Psychology
Dissertation; "A and B College Students as Interviewers of Schizophrenic H0l)L`1`lZ Bruce C&UN€T0Ti¤°, I-·€XlUgt0H
and Neurotic lnpatients: A Test of The Interaction Hyp0thesis” Niajori Psychology
, · _ , _ ou . .· , , , Dissertation: "The Correlation of Reversal of Apparent Depth—Perspective
D"‘}‘°l Aloullt Bllrtdl ’ L(md(m’ Ont(Ul0’ Cdlmdd Organization of Separated but Identical Ambiguous Figures (Necker
l\I2l]0I`2 Pll}’$1CS Cubes) in The Visual Field"
Dissertation: “Time—Dependent Vacuum-Ultraviolet Emission of Helium" `
. ]ohn M. Carroll, Beaumont, 'lx.
Peter Frederick Ba1‘ty°, Lexington Major: History
l\lz1j(>l‘: l'll$t()1`y Dissertation: "The Making of The Dawes Plan 1919-l924"
Dissertation: “The League of Nations Union Between The VVars: The . _ _ . ¤ _V.
Rise and Decline of a British Political Pressure Group" Nhmu II' Chdmblm ’ Llmugum
Major: Psychology
lcflfrcy E' Bassett, Vcrsuiucs Dissertation: "Melatonin; An Assessment of a Possible Role in the
\I_ . _ C r _ I Induction and Maintenance of Sleep in the Normal and Para
A ‘llOr` 'OOAJJP ly _ _ Chlortiphenylalanine Treated Cat"
Dissertation: "Regional Delineation of Levels of Poverty in Appalachia"
` Carl O. A. Charles, New York, N.Y.
\V1ll6l11t Stone Beagle, Lexington Major: Civil Eugiuceriug
B'ltl]()I`Z AI1llH;llSt‘l€11CGS Dissertation; "Optimum Design of Hydraulic Networks Using Steepest
Dissertation: "The Effect of Pantothenic Acid on The Utilization of DGSGGHT (ASCGM) Mffilmd Gnd Dynamic Programming"
Energy by The Chick" _ _ _ B _
hrankhn D. Cheatham , Bradfordsville
Richard Alan Bcll°, Columbia, Md. Major: Mathematics
]\/[aim-; ]\t[;lth(yum{jCS Dissertation: "F-Absolutely Pure Modules"
Dissertation: "Polyn0mials in Approximation Theory" Kvmwth John Ch(WCrt(m’ ljuduulh
\Vilford Allen Bladen, Richmond Mulmi E“glm’¢`Tl“g MC€llimi€$
luajorz Geography Dissertation: "On Generalized Theories of Hyperelasticity"
Dissertation: "Levels of Viability of Sovereign States" Ying L Chim], ]\]0u,]]L.m]
Paul David Blanchard, Richmond Mum _Agu€ultuml_ wuomuis _ _ _ , _
, Dissertation: ‘ Develoung A Multiperiod Linear Programnung-Simulation
_ . , .. . 1
i l\'Inl()Y¥ Iolmcill SCICUCG Farm Firm Growth Model: Application To A Central Kentucky Beef
< .
Dissertation: "Conflict and Cohesion In Small Groups: A Comparative Cattle Farm" '
Study of Kentucky School B0ards"
julia Field Costieh, Lexington
Dale Glenn Blevins°, Ozark, M0. ]\*[uj()I·; French
T l\'Iu]O1`? Phmt PIIYSIOIOEY Dissertation: "The Poetic Structure of Change: A Study of The Surrealist
Dissertation: “The Influence of Nitrate Metabolism on Ion Uptake and \Vorks ol` Benjamin Peret"
Ionic Balance in Barley Seedlings"
Dee Lewis Cross, Pembroke
kvllllltlll Louis Bloomer, Lexington Major, Animn] Nutrition
Mil]0l`¥ Cllcmlstly Dissertation: "Ilind Limb Perlusion and Amino Acid Metabolism In The
Dissertation: "Prediction of Molecular Geometries and Force Fields" Ruminant"
lloward Frank Bracco°°, Lexington jacqueline Bouchard Cross°, Lexington
Major: Psychology Major: French
V 12, Dissertation: "Physiolvgical, Cognitive, and Affective Responses to Film Dissertation: “A Revaluation of Bcroul’s Iioinun De Tristan: An Am-
Induced Stress: An Analysis" lnguous Romance

 l  .
i i
Cary Edward Crun1°°, Newport News, Va. Jitendra Kumar Ghosal, Lexington l Olgi
I\Iajor: Entomology ' Major: Chemical Engineering   Maj
Dissertation; "The Response of The Cat Flea, Ctcnoceplmlidcs Felis Dissertation: "Foam Separation of Hexavalent Chromium Using Long Disse
(Bouchc), and The Oriental Rat Flea, Xcnopsylla Chcopis (Roths- Chain Alkylammonium Surfactants: Eilects of Temperature, Mixing
child), to Radiation in The 300-700 Nanometer Range" Time and Surfactant Chain Lengths"
i` Rus:
Vincent A. CummingS°, l\`lilC()llll), ll. l—·€U`YY AUG!] Glcsmimnlwi Lcxlngtoll ltjqji
. . . . ~ <
xinjol.: Frcucll hl£1.]OI'Z B10lOglC2ll SCIGIICGS l Disse
1)igsei-tation; "'I`he Life and \Vorks of Jacques Goussault" Dissertation: “Studies on the Growth and Sex Expression of Shoot Apex
Cultures of Cucumis Sativus L."
Lewis Berkley Davis, ]r°, Lexington B 1 C I _¤ —
Major: Mccimnicul Engineering anam ositasbpoui, Paisi , Lexington \\/ill
Dissertation; "Energy Transfer in Fur" Millmii Ammill SCIGDCCS » Mali
· l Dissertation: “Dietary Influence on Nitrogen Constituents Reaching the Disse
Lisuullui (lvl Cul BL, Lcxiugiou Omasum and Abomasum of Wethers" · ~
\lajor· Flcctrical Engineering . . .
‘ ' ‘ ‘ ohn \V1ll1'lllIS Green Le; 1 ton ·
Dissertation; "Methods of Analysis of Linear Induction Motors"   _ (_ _ ’ Ul g D°l°
Major: Statistics Miii(
Bl‘lll|() (ltr l\ileC$t(*1‘ (lc BCtZC1ll)1`()CCl<°°, L€XlIIgl0I'l DlS5¤‘l'tk\ii0l1l “EX[U9l'i!T|€D(i\l Designs For Approximating Response Rela- Disse
1\`tujm_: kI(_tullu1_glcu1 Eugmccrmg tionslnps And Detecting Model Inadeqnacies Atl
1)issci·tatinn; "Defomiation Kinetics in Titanium and Titanium Alloys At Kenyon N_ G1·iH'iu¤ Laramie vyy la
Low Teniperatures" . . l ’ l Nlulc
Major; Diplomacy Disse
l_.l_;mciS john ])(_mCu0°’ AuuucnP0lis’ Nh]. Dissertation: "Religious, Citizenshipx and Mission Orientations of _
_ _ _ Protestant Missionaries in East Africa ’ ludji
Major: Microbiology _
Dissertation: "Thc Ellect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on the Spores and Thomas Paul GI'llIICS°°, Lexington  - glam
  (.ells of (.Io.s·Irid1um Pcrfrmgcns Type A in Vitm and i\{uj0l_: Geography { 1556;
Dissertation; "An Analysis of Poverty within the Spatial Sub-Systems of `
. . . . I d'." `
lxarl A. l)cSante°, Ixalamazoo, M1. H m Robe
Major; Pliarmaceutics Gerald Emmett Grinnell, Morehead Malo
Dissertation: "'I`he Influence of a Ilighly Protein Bound Sulfonamide on l\,[ui0i·; Agriculturul Ecuuoiuics DISSEI
, . J 4 . , ' ' .4 . ‘ ~ ) ‘ .’ ' -" _ _ ‘ _ _ l V Y
ll'° u'"""" 1h‘m“‘l°"l""°l'°” Of V‘m°“’ lemullmh Dissertation; ‘Livt-stock Auction Markets in kentucky; An Economic
_ Analysis" LBO `
Vijay lx. l)hir°°, Lexington \I _ ‘
. . - . . r .. .   ..¤   1*10
xiiiioi; xii-t-lianical liiigiiicmiiig fl""“*‘” F““‘°‘* H"l° ’ L°“"gl"" · Digsler
Dissertation; "Viseous Ilydrodynamic Instability Theory of The Peak and hl2l]0l'2 lll$t0I`Y R t-
Mininnun Pool Boiling lleat Fluxcs" Dissertation; "The British Labour Party and the M0narchy" o
Cl\¤'lS l»¢‘¢‘ l)¤l>$°°, lll€l<0I}', N-C· David Lee Irlammell, Crossville Il.
’ Kar
Muwl`1 5]_lillll$ll Major: Animal Nutrition ` fu
Dissertation: "`(Iharacterization in the Prose Fiction of Rafael Arevalo Dissertation; “]]{fcCt uf pmmiii Resuictimi on Rcpmducumi in gms And Nlillft?
Miiflmvf ` Performance And Learning of Their OiIspring" D1$S€Y
lill11¢1¢y Major: Agricultural Economics M, .
l)issi-rtation; "Airit·an Students and Their Attitudes 'I`0ward Pau-Africam Dissertation; "Public Bridget Effects of Eastern Kentucky Migration to A .1110]
ism and Black (Zousciousness in the Uniictl StaiCS” Cincinnati, Ohio" Dlssefl
_ , ._ _ _ . . . . ¤ . tl
Robert ln. l·iaas°, .·\ichl>old, Oh, Aubm Michael IVI1 Y tins }‘tlll`l)()l`II Oh.
’ 7
Major; Chemistry Major: Mechanical Engineering Jesse
Dissertation; "lonic Fragmentation Processes of B-Diketonatc Complexes Dissertation; "In Vivo Determination of Dog Ventricle StifIness" hlajoi
ol the (lroup lll Metals" Disscn
I _ I_ _] I M H I 1 Frederic Lce Iloll, Greenville, Oh. »
,·\‘1.‘ *‘· ·1", A . ‘· vt . . . -·
\; \_ ` llfl ll l` _·l ’ ml K K Major: Agncultural Economics T0]11l<
· 4‘ll°l· V '°mlUllllP* U Dissertation: "An Analysis of the Effect of Burley Tobacco Price and h’l;lj()]‘
llissi-rtntioii; "1’olitical tjoalitious and Resource Allocation" Quota Declines on Production and Income Adjustment? Disscyi
. , . . . , T<
Stcplicn Eilwartl l*r1tx°°, Pikeville Yin-I~lwa 1Iu;j_ng°, Adelphi, Md_
\l=¤i<>¤·= lll$l¢>¤`}' Major: Metallurgical Engineering Hillvo
Dissertation: "Lloyd George and Pcaceniaking, 1918-IS)22" Dissertation; "Microstrueture Study of Superplasticity in the Alloys ` Nlajor
Al-80% ZN and TI-6%AL-4%V" ~ D'~
_ no _ _ rsserti
llowartl li. Calieuncsch , .lLVtIlIS\`lllC, In. T]
xiiiiiiii gu,i(,](,gy jarvis Ellis I*Iudson°, Lexington A
Dissertation; "'I`hc Liberal-(Zonscrvativc Dimension in an Idcologically Nlilllllli Blologlcill Sclcnccs   kgnlu
Arln·ulalv Sample: Structure, Measure, and (Iorrelates" Dissertation; "A Comparison of Breeding Bird Populations at Selected i hlajor
Sites in the Southern Appalachians and in the Boston Mountains" Dissert;
Randall l\cal Catz, Louisville (ji
Miiiiiii ijiiiiiigii mid i>]i}.Si0](,gy Hugh Lawson lluflman, ]r.°°, Florence, Al.
l)is~:crlalion: "'I`he Relative Roles of Dilfusion And Convection in Gas Nlfllfllii Cllcllllslliy kcnnc
l‘Ti|l|*l7l:l`l lo 'lrssucs in The I’lcthodontir.l Salamender Dvsniogmitlius Dissertation; "Physicochemical Studies of Several Liquid 2-OxaZ0lidm1€S l\’lz1j()r
l·uxru.v with Emphasis on 3-Methyl-2-Oxazolidone as Electrolytic Solvent Dissert·
and Ligand" i `
Qucutui Lee Cclile, Blacksburg, Va, K .]
_ _ _ ~ . M . . a1 I
xlulurz luuqllsll DttVl(l l)ttlylIIt)l`lLl Illll]]C , L()UlSVlllC   .
. . ` _ , . l f 'I O1'
l)i~scrlation; ‘;\ Study Of (Bharat-ter Motivation in Chretien’s Cliges, Blilloliz German Disslertr
(il‘=\\¤¤‘l‘¥>i lmllw. uml l\lalory’s Mortc D’.»\rilmr" Dissertation; "The German Literary Achievements of Ola Hansson" (jg

 .` __A__{   ____ ____ V ___ __,,___ M, _,.<_  
ll ·
ll Olga T- IUIDG)/°°, Lexington G. Lynne Lackey°, Green Bay, VVi.
` M¤l01'¤ Slmnlsll Major: Sociology
[Ong Dissertation: "Traduccion, Lengtla Y Estilo En La Version Regia Alfonsi Dissertation: "Socio-Econoinic Status and Occupational/Educational
Xing De Ln ESf0l‘1ll Dc E-Yinllliirl Expectations: A Cross-National Comparative Study of American and
v _ _ _ Norwegian Youth"
‘ Russell Ralph Isbrandt , Cincinnati, Oh.
Major; Chemistry Tsu Hui L1n°, Lexington
` Dissertation: “I. Synthesis of Dibenzothiophene Analogues of p-Di- i\iii]Oi`? EiitOmOiOgY
KDE); methylaminoazobenzene II. Electrolytic Preparation of 1,2-Di- Dissertation: "Influence of Selected Biologically Active Chemicals on the
qurnolyn-I,2—Dlphenylethane—1,2-Dlols Mammalian Metabolism of Carhamate Insecticides"
\Villiam Nathan Isgrigg°, Cecilia ]ens Richard Lindemann°, Loerracll, \V. Gerlnany
I Major: Animal Sciences Major: Economics
the Disseglation; "The Effect of Fat on the Utilization of Energy hy the Dissertation; "\Vest German Demand for Foreign Exchange Reserves"
j ick"
D 1 \V _ I k , L _ _ll Clayton Gary Mammel, Ft. Thomas
oioics LIS Jcc cl _ltlL0lll(,, ()lIlb\l e Mmm.: Ecmwmlcs
Niiiloiii Spiliiisii Dissertation: "The Short-Term Fluctuations Of Regional Housing And
tcla- Dissertation: “The Conquistador Figure in Golden Age Letters" Mortgage Markets"
Athar ]alil, Lexington Scott \\’ills Mansour°, Smithers, \V.V.
Major: Animal Sciences Major: Mathematics
Dissertation: "Relation of Bound \Vater to Freezing Point of Milk" Dissertation: "On Extreme Points in Two Classes of Functions with
of _ _ I _ Univalcnt Sequential Limits"
]ud1th Miller ]anssen’°, Lexington
_ Major: English Charles E. Matkovich, Girard, Oh.
j Dissertation: “Scott’s Use of Setting as a Narrative Device in the i\iiil]Oi`i Cliciiiisiiy
j `Waverley Novels" Dissertation: “The Salting Out Of Acetone From \Vater And Its Use In
js of   _ I The Solvent Extraction Of Trace Metals Prior To Flame Spectro-
Robert Daniel ]oseph°°, Grove Clty, Oh. scopic Analysis"
· a ' ‘: U .
M lim Qcoimphy _ _ _ David Lawrence May°, Portland, Or.
Dissertation: Transportation l\etwork Structure and Economic Develop- V _ _
ment: A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh, India" Biiiiloiii PiiY$iOiOgY
gmjc Dissertation: "The Relationship of High Levels of Ascorbic Acid To
Leo   ]uarez°°, Lexington Bone Mineral Mobilization"
Major: Social and Philosophical Studies in Education B_ _ K. __ .d \I _L _ ,_, A} T
_ _ _ U _ __ _ _ arly lI](.tll l c can , JIIIO, ll.
Dissertation. Role Strain, Training Shock, and Culture Shock. Toward V _ _ _ _
the Operationalization of a Theory of Role Strain in the evaluation Niiiliiiii Pl¤ys1<>l¤t£y and BiOPiiYSics
` of Adjustment and Performance Among a Group of New Directions Dissertation: “Contro1 of Corpus Luteum Function in the Rat"
Peace Corps Volunteers"
- V _ Matthew Anthony McMahon, Lexington
Karan l\aul°°, Lexington Major, Agronomy
And Niiilcii Biological Sciences Dissertation: "Nitrate And Chloride Movement In Soil Profiles As Affected
Dissertation: "Chemical Control of Organelle and Organ Differentiation By Method of Tillage and Soil Type"
in Vitro"
]ay Robert Meddin Carbondale Il.
Thomas john Kehle° °, Kent, Oh. Major, Sociology i i
Niiilm`? Eciiicillioiiili Psyiclioliigy mid Cl-iliiisciiiig Dissertation: "Generations: A Longitudinal Study"
li to Dissertation: "Effect of The Student’s Physical Attractiveness, Sex, Race,
Intelligence, and Socioeconomic Status on Teachers’ Expectations for Valentine Haig l\lIlII`&I]`lItII], Lexington
the Student s Personality and Academic Performance hlajmt Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Jesse Thomas Kejjyc, Jackson: h,IS_ Disseghtgnh ‘·‘I'I`(h:€§§l§o‘fg;a.;iihn,Catalyzed Anaerobic Photo-Decomposition
_ _ - mi   1 .
Major: History
Dissertation; "Monastic Dissolution and Tudor Poverty Care" R()l)G1't Scott hllllcl`, Ozll{ltll`l(l City, IH.
' Major: History
,-· . i· , .¤¤   _ _ _
Tbllndci   kiidiilm e > Lcxmgton Dissertation: "Busmess And Labor: The Social Gospel View"
and Major: Biological Sciences ) G *
Dissertation: “Cytological, Morphogenetic and Physiological Studies on Lliiii iciiiiyilii M<>l>l'3>’ > Siiii(iY iiiolik
T¤l>¤¢¢0 C¤ll¤S” Major: Political Science
_ _ Dissertation: "]ury Decision Making in Student Protest Cases"
Halvor johan lxolshus°, Forestvllle
moys i. Major; Agricujmmj Economics Peter Edward Moore, Lexington
Dissertation: "Modernization of Paddy Rice Farming ill Northeast hIil]()l`I l\l1lfll€lll2liZlCS
I Thailand with Special Reference to Use of Fertilizer" ])i$$gmitii)n; "Cengm1ize;l C0nv»;·xity"
i Kenneth Lee Kolson°", Iliram Oh. Manuel Richard Morman°, Philadelphia, Pa,
• i ·
ecled Y Major: Political Science Major: B1ochem1stry
is" Dissertation: "Tlie Politics of Expression: Political Socialization and Dl$$9Ttt\ll0¤¤”iiPll0$DlI¤\ll(l)’lUliUiil`*€ Bivsliitliesis in Mivrvvvvvus Derri-
Cainpus Activism" Y"!/¤€U’*~Y
, , _ \Villiam Patrick Morrison°° Lexington
lxenneth Nelson lxron°° Lexington . ° `
M El Al i — it ’ E i I
. . . . . l il or: lll 01110 o ’
(limes t_"l"i· _ CUCQUOH (mlmhthitmn Dissertation; "A Revision of The Iilccaliuae (llomopteraz Cicadcllidae)
ilvent Dissertation: “CuIture Shock and The Transfer Teacher" of the (jrjcmuj Rcgjmw
Karl Francis Kuhn, Riqgljmgnd _l0$epll C. l\l(>lllt’tlO\IX°, hl0llll`L‘ill, Qllvllcc, CtlI]il(lll
Major: Education Major: Sociology
Dissertation: "Change In Theoretical Orientation of Freshman In Science l)isscrtation: ‘iBlack Political Ext’rcmism as Related to Class, Mobility,
’ Cmjyges At The Ujjjversjty of K€mjjcky" I)i\l'[I(`Illilll()lI and Satisfaction ’

 i l
i ii
Satecsh jayawant Nabar", Lexington Lorraine Ditzler Rodriguez, Lexington tl Ric
Major: Civil EIlglI'lCCl`lIlg - l\’I3]0Y$ I\4lCI`Obi01OgY S', Aga
Dissertation; "Pnnching and Generalized Failure Modes of Orthotropicaily Dissertation: "Studies in Degradation of Carbaryl by Soil Microorgnnisnis" tl Dig
Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs" °  
]oseph Lee Rose , Murray .
Eldon ]. Nosari°, Tallahassee, Fl. Major: political Science Z Ahi
Major: Economics Dissertation: "Capacity, Participation, and Stability: Political Develop- · MR
Dissertation: "Nationa1 Bank Entry" motif iii Latin Am€fiCa” , Digg
David I). ]. Pang, Lexington Harold D. Rosenheini, Lexington I DO]
Major: Civil Engineering klillori PSYCITOIOEY   hid
Dissertation; "Rt-snnant Footing Tests" Dissertation: "Empathy, Identification, Altruism, and Role Similarity in  y Diss
the Hospitalized Opiate Addict and Hospital Staff"  `
lluhcrt Papailler, Frankfort  
. . Dili R. San 0·d ker Le ' t   Mai
Minor: French \I _P Pl _V I Q _ ’l Simg Oi] E M,
Dissertation: "La Puesié des Caraihes: Une Prise de conscience des poetes I dlmx l‘l·u“‘l(·€uhC‘l CIGHCQP fl]
noirs dc Langue frangaisc" DlSS€1‘t?\il01'li NA Study Of 'Itl Vitro ·And fn,) Vivo Enhancement Of V DISS
Bilirubm Photodecomposition By Hiboflavm I W
4 _ · wr ' _· Y1 )_ l _ _ uq I _ t, I 1*; · . I {la
Litxlini Sgiiilflasiy in larisuram , Calcut a, nut Andrew Arnold Sappmgton UIQ, Balhmom, Md-   lwaj
i tl]()I“l 'llglSl My . P .] ] l ·
Dissertation: "Virginia Woolf: The Treatment of Natural Phenomena ` _li0r`_ SYCIO ogy _ _ l D'SS'
in Six NOVCW, Dissegagonzt {The PRol;—: if Meaning as Measured by the Semantic .
' ' i eren ia in syc rot erapy"
‘ . _ · -° i i . .
iuing (Q] P‘U"_ ’ PLtCrSbm'g’ VL Charles \Vm. Scherer, Hawesville . Ma]
l)itl’(il·t` L0r3‘?h“(-T E t’n Ad' stment in Interstite Com mrison Ninjorz Anhml Sciences i DBM
  2 : · . ' \ 2 I _ _ H _ _ _
ML X lim L ,,"x xpm I g ll 1 Dissertation: Effects Of Dietary Fat And Age On Performance, Digesti- ‘
of Tax Burdens
bility And Pancreatic Lipase Activity In Pigs" ‘ Cllr]
Milfilil DMU Pilrkcrni Lexington Barrett F. Schwartz, Sheboygan Falls, \Vi. ·, Maji
Major: Pharmaceutics hiiajgy; Phummcology t Disse
Dissertation: "The Influence of Anions on the Physical Properties of Dissertation, apulmomuy And Systemic Vascular Egects Of Glyceryl {
BMWmI>h€¤0¤0·T>'l’€ M°l€€“l€> Guaiacolate In The Absence Of Detectable Secretory Changes" j
Edward llardcn Peoples, ]r.°, Richmond, Va. David Lee Sewell°°, Racine, \Vi.  ‘ Dori
Major: Sociology Major: Microbiology   MW
Dissertation: "Rank Differentiation and Somatic Disease: A Systematically Dissertation: “Aspects of the Electron Transport System of Nifrobncfer   DISSE