xt718911pw2d_275 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 115th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 115th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p4/2010ua027_p4_7/2010ua027_p4_7_3/6015/6015.pdf 1982 May 8 1982 1982 May 8 section false xt718911pw2d_275 xt718911pw2d   •*§:’•
V CO|'TITT1€I'lC€IT]€i`\t Program
,, One hundred and fifteenth annual
J University of Kentucky, Lexington
  University Archives
  ivisrgmet i. King; l-ibm:y - North
i i,,inZw<;r;tEiy of ?{<:r¤tuci:ing;i;m, E{er·#.:;·;i:3» 4?{}5€.i#5
  Saturday, May eighth, nineteen hundred and eighty two
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William B. Sturgill, Chairman
Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman
Betty Pace Clark, Secretary
Albert Benjamin Chandler, Honorary Member y
William R. Black J
Edward T. Breathitt j
Britt Brockman j
Opal Skaggs Conley ,
Tracy Farmer l
Ronald G. Geary
Edythe jones Hayes
Sally Hermansdorfer T
Brereton C. jones
R. Larry jones
Thomas B. Kessinger, Sr.
W. Terry McBrayer ,
Robert T. McCowan
A. Stevens Miles
Frank Ramsey, jr. K
William F. Wagner ,
Constance P. Wilson ,
Otis A. Singletary, President  
jack C. Blanton, Vice President for Business Affairs I
Peter P. Bosomworth, Vice President for the Medical Center
Donald B. Clapp, Vice President for Administration  
Art Gallaher, jr., Vice President for Academic Affairs ig
Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations  
john T. Smith, Vice President for Minority Affairs   g
Charles T. Wethington, Vice President for the Community College System  
Robert G. Zumwinkle, Vice President for Student Affairs  

 t One Hundred and Fifteenth Annual
t cc>MMENcEMENT EX1-;Rc1sEs
uN1vERs1;rY OF Kemucxv

University Marshal
Professor Daniel R. Reedy
The National and University Colors
The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates for Degrees from
the Graduate School, College of Law, College of Medicine, and College of Dentistry
X The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences
5 The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture
{ The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Architecture
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Allied Health Professions
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Home Economics
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Library and Information Science
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Social Work
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Communications
The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Fine Arts
The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of the College of Agriculture
r The Faculty of the College of Engineering
l The Faculty of the College of Law
The Faculty of the College of Education
The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics
l The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy
The Faculty of the College of Medicine
The Faculty of the College of Nursing
The Faculty of the College of Dentistry
The Faculty of the College of Architecture
The Faculty of the College of Allied Health Professions
i The Faculty of the College of Home Economics
The Faculty of the College of Library and Information Science
The Faculty of the College of Social Work
The Faculty of the College of Communications
The Faculty of the College of Fine Arts
l The Directors and Faculty of the Community Colleges
l The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units
I The Deans of the Colleges and Administrative Officials
The Vice Presidents
The Official Guests
{ The Governor and the Board of Trustees
The President of the University of Kentucky
i 3

· The exercises of the one hundred and fifteenth annual commencement are enacted today at
l the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantfy is enacted each year on cam-
puses all over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the graduates’ years of
study and preparation for responsibility.
The following description of the Academic pageantry is provided for your interest.
The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the Coliseum  
through the south entrance. It is led by the University Marshal and followed by the Color l
Guard carrying the National and State flags and the University banner. The University Mar· Q
shal bears the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the endorsement of the State and the Univer- {
sity. Led by Assistant Marshals, the candidates march behind the identification banner of the `
respective colleges which recommended them for their degrees.
The order of march is as follows:
The candidates for advanced degrees to include
Graduate School
College of Law
College of Medicine
College of Dentistry
The candidates for degrees:
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Agriculture
College of Engineering
College of Education
College of Business and Economics
College of Pharmacy
College of Nursing
College of Architecture
College of Allied Health Professions
College of Home Economics
College of Library and Information Science
College of Social Work
College of Communications
College of Fine Arts
As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of Kentucky K
march into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges and universities from :
which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to the platform the Trustees i
of the University, the Deans of the various colleges, honorary degree recipients, alumni ‘
award recipients, University of Kentucky Research Foundation faculty research award reci-  
pients, The William B. Sturgill award recipient, Sullivan award recipients, the Vice g
Presidents, guests, state officials, and finally, the President of the University. The Trustees of r
the University can be identified by their blue gowns with white panels. They wear blue caps i
with blue tassels. {
4 E

All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University officials,
faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The basic color for
most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different degrees wear distinc-
tive tassels on their caps (called mortarboards) and hoods of various hues draped down the
backs of the gowns.
I Candidates for Bachelors‘ and Masters’ degrees wear the regulation cap with the tassel ap-
I propriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated, with the exception
  of those who already hold Doctors’ degrees and are privileged to wear gold tassels. Except
{ during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National Anthem, and prayers, men in
I academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The authorized list of tassel colors follows:
Arts and Sciences—White Nursing—Apricot
Agriculture—Maize Dentistry-Lilac
Engineering—Orange Architecture—Brown
Law——Purple Allied Health Professions-Light Green
Education-Light Blue Home Economics—Maroon
Business and Economics—Drab Library and Information Science—Lemon
Pharmacy—Olive Green Social Work—Citron
Medicine—Green Communications——White
Fine Arts—Brown
The gown for the Bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn closed.
The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like the others. The
sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square
cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is designed and supplied with fasteners
so that it may be worn open or closed. The gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell-shaped
sleeve on which are three velvet bars (usually black but sometimes other colors depending on
the degree).
The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate color
(see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution—blue and white at
I Kentucky.
* The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes more of
( the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the person is receiving.
· The Doctor’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the wide panels at
I either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The colors of the edging
3 most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine, and purple for laws; the
  colors for the honorary Doctor’s degrees are purple for laws, white for letters, and golden
I yellow for science. .
Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has been con-
ferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his honorary degree consists in his
being formally invested with the hood.
E s

 i ALMA MA'l`ER*  
, · Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! i
i Loyal sons and daughters sing;
Sound her praise with voice united;
To the breeze her colors fling.
To the blue and white be true;
- Badge triumphant age on age;
Blue, the sky that o’er us bends;
White, Kentucky’s stainless page.  
Hail thee ever, old Kentucky!  
Glorious is thy heritage;
Proud thy name and thy traditions; I
Proud thy place on hist0ry’s page!
May we ne’er forget thy fame
Mother of the great and free;
May we’er uphold thy name,
Old Kentucky, hail to thee!
*W0rds by josephine Funkhouser
Music by Carl A. Lampert
Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming? »
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, 2
Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there. Q
Oh, say does that Star-spangled Banner yet wave ;
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?  
6 l

, Presiding
Otis A. Singletary, President
STAR SPANGLED BANNER ................................ (Francis Scott Key)
INVOCATION ................................... The Reverend Hal S. Daniell, jr.
4% Christ Church Episcopal
  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS ............................. President Singletary
§_ GREETINGS—ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ...................... Morris W. Beebe, jr.
I REMARKS ............................................... Thomas G. Wicker
Dean Michael A. Baer Dean Marjorie Stewart
College of Arts and Sciences College of Home Economics
Dean Charles E. Barnhart Dean Timothy W. Sineath
College of Agriculture College of Library and Information Science
i Dean Roger Eichhorn Dean S. Zafar Hasan
College of Engineering College of Social Work
Dean George Denemark Acting Dean Herbert N. Drennon
College of Education College of Communications
Dean Richard W. F urst Acting Dean Richard C. Domek, jr.
College of Business and Economics College of Fine Arts
Dean joseph V. Swintosky Dean Wimberly C. Royster
College of Pharmacy Graduate School
Dean Marion McKenna Dean Thomas P. Lewis
College of Nursing College of Law
Dean Anthony Eardley Dean D. Kay Clawson
College of Architecture College of Medicine
Dean joseph Hamburg Dean Merrill W. Packer
College of Allied Health Professions College of Dentistry
‘ RESEARCH FOUNDATION FACULTY AWARDS ........... President Singletary
; WILLIAM B. STURGILL AWARD ......................... President Singletary
l PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS .................. President Singletary
; Professor joseph A. Bryant, University Orator
1 CONF ERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES .................. President Singletary
l ALMA MATER ............................................. (Carl A. Lampert)
g BENEDICTION .................................. The Reverend Elmer R. Moore
] St. Paul Catholic Church
QUARTET ......................... Rebecca Hale, Soprano; Aimo Kiviniemi, Tenor;
Phyllis jenness, Alto; Thomas Troth, Base
RECESSIONAL Matthew West, Organist
john Henderson, Announcer
* !

 I 2
  Lucille Parker Markey
  Thomas Grey Wicker
Lewis W. Cochran
1 9

 i E
1 i
. De
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] Dc
' il
1 Ma
*1 Dis
l, Ad
1 M3
I Dis
, Ala
1 Ma
1 Dis
1 Ma
1 Ap
1 M8
` Dis
1 Bal
1 Ma
* Dis
1 Ba;
{ Ma
’ Dis
; Ba
I Me
' Dis
i Be
* Degree awarded August 6, 1981 D_
** Degree awarded December 18, 1981
(N0 asterisks) Degree will bc conferred May 8, 1982
if candidates have met all degree

 L ` l
  Graduate School
Dean: Wimberly C. Royster
Q Dqcfor gf Philosophy ll3,erzin?Lis; Grail Oppenheim, Lexington
ajor: syc o ogy
Q Dissertation: "Reactions to Intelligent Others as a Function of the Per-
Abdclghany Mohamed M ceiver’s Gender, Sex Role Orientation and Intellectual Self-
, Major: Mechanical Engineering Esteem
  Dissertation: "Experimental Study of Axial Flow in a Finite Rod Bottcz, David larncs, Lexington
l Bundle and The Application ol; Finite Element Techniques to Major; History
  Flow m Ducts md Rod Bundles Dissertation: "France, Germany, and The Hague Peace Conference of
l Adibhatla, Sridhar, Lexington *899 md 1907
e MmM¤**~*¤¤*E¤g:¤¤¤:*¤g cimn,iactcnrin.pncr,Lexington
1 Dissertation: "Parametric Optimization and Configuration Optimiza- Major: Higher Education
mm of Englllcel-mg SystcmS_Appllcat10nS to  Owcr Plm-Its' Dissertation: "An Empirical Account of the Decision-Making Role of
l Coal Conversion Processes and Combined Cycles . . . . . ,,
, Governing Boards at Two Large Public Universities
l §i$, §;‘g1*‘d“h Bostock, Richard Matthew*, Lexington
_ _ l H _ AZ 1 D _ t_ fB __ Major. Plant Pathology
l D‘Ss°'“’“°“‘ S“‘d‘°S °“ ° ° °“"a “'°s ° °“’“ Dicscncnnnz ··Tlic Identification of Pclyunsnnimicd Fatty Acids
·°~“€¤· Maw Bafba~·*» B¤ih*€h€m· PA $2‘2Z2£'.T§Zi"§Z'$’§ZZKEST?§ZT£E°¥§E§§2l£i’i‘3F§F§£‘§lf§¥.$ll i"
4 Major: History ,
Dissertation: "The Question of Right: Parliamentary Sovereignty and Brovvstcr, David A_*, Norfolk, V A
i the American Colonies, 1763-1774" Major; l-lighcr Education
~ . Dissertation: "A Study of Systematic Bias in Student Ratings of their
| Appleton, Thomas Howard, ]r.*, MCmph1S, TN Cone C Facul, ,, 4
l Major: History g y
  Dissertation: " ‘.Like Banquo’s Ghost': The Emergence of the Prohibi- Bridwclll Dohorah Ann, Middlctown
i ¤¤¤ Issue m Kentucky P¤l¤¤¤S" Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling I
z Baba Mukhalis Bin* Mala sia Dissertation: "Client Sex-Role and Major Choice: Congruence, Differ-
l Maj0i‘ Economics l y entiation, and Traditionality"
  Dissertation: "Supply Analysis of Natural Rubber of Malaysia under Brown, Patricia Ruth, Ft_ Thomas
l Buffer Stock and Buffer Stock Plus Tax Reduction Programs: A Major; Geography
n System Simulation Analysls Dissertation: "The Relationship of Ethnic Status to Decisions of Res-
, Barnett, Linda Ruth", Yrcka, CA idential Relocation by Older Citizens
l Major: Psychology Bugg, Marvin Wayne, Henderson
j Dissertation: “Sex Role Strain in Women in Medicine" Major: Plant Physiology
l Barton, Terry Wadc**, Eminence Disseglxationz Response of soybean varieties to the herbicide metribu-
, Major: Political Science
` Dissertation: "Attitudinal Stratification in West German Political Par- Burton, David Goodrich, Marlin, TX
l ¤€S" Major: Spanish
i . D`   d1C 'D " fhS`hL-
Bennett, Charles Howard*, Lexington lSsc;,?§;1BBl\;;?dOcdCaiCSS2? mmauzatmn 0 t E palms eg
Major: Physiology and Biophysics
I Dissertation: "The Effects of Chronic Tobacco Smoke Exposure on Carroll, (joristarioo Am·i**, Atlantic, ME
J the Regulation of Arterial Blood Pressure" Major; Spanish
. Dissertation: "Perspectives on Historical and Legendary Women in
V ll?/l€;Ei.lr12g;,g;?;·¥h%?g;l;n**’ Ch‘°ag°‘ IL Twentieth Century Spanish Drama"
Dissertation: "Biological Induction of Physiological Resistence in Cu- Cai-tor, Cathorino D_, Lexington
curbits to Erwinia Tracheiphila, Mycosphaerella Melonis, and Major; Crop Scicncc
Cucumber Mosaic Virus Dissertation: "Tomato Leaf Trichomes and Spider Mite Persistence"
l 1 1

 l i
n T
Crosby, Anthony E., jr., Frostburg, MD Hawes, Martha Canter, Lexington K6!
Major: Sociology Major: Plant Pathology l MQ
Dissertation: "The Spatial Structure of Kingwood, West Virginia: A Dissertation: "Influence of the Cell Wall on Victorin’s Lethal Effects." i Dis
i Small City Test of Urban Models"
Heisler, julius, Lexington I LBF
Crout, Frank Vider*, Lexington Major: Higher Education ` MQ
Maioii Veterinary Science Dissertation: "A Model Provided to Explain the Factors Associated i Div
Dissertation: "Comparison of Three Criteria for the Evaluation and with the Demise of Independent Liberal Arts II Colleges Since  
Standardization of Commercial Equine Influenza Vaccines" 1970" `
Culin, joseph Dayton", Woodlyn, PA Henry, jonathan F., Tuscaloosa, AL I L€\
Major: Entomology Major: Chemical Engineering i MQ
Dissertation: "The Development, Structure, and Persistence of Spi- Dissertation: "Chemical Composition, Physical Properties, and Dy- * Dis
der Communities in Alfalfa and Soybean Ecosystems" namics of Particle Formation under Stratospheric Conditions" i
`i Lei
Demaris, Colleen Herrmann*, Seattle, WA Hossain, Tim Z., Dacca, Bangladesh   MQ
Major: English Major: Chemistry Dis
Dissertation: " ‘Be Hold . . .’ but ‘Not Too B0ld’: The Epic Stature of Dissertation: "Elemental Analysis of Human Brain Tissue by INAA l
Britomart in Spenser's The Faerie Queene" Using Short Lived Radionuclides; Relationships to Alzheimers’ ‘ _
Disease and Aging" l Lis
DeRossett, Sarah Elizabeth*, Prestonsburg { MQ
Major: Psychology Houp, Sarah Katherine Hanke*, Wilmore i Dis
Dissertation: "Effects of Lead on Spontaneous Alternation, Reactiv· MaJOriBiO1Ogy =
ity, and Intracranial Self—Stimulation" Dissertation: "Growth, Production and Caloric Content of Orconectes
Rusticus (Girard, 1852)" L0l
Edelson, jeffrey*, Dixon, IL I Ma
Major: Educational Psychology and Counseling H\1gh€$, Ch¤1'i€S D1‘U<3€*i W11’1St01'1·S&i€mi NC Dis
Dissertation: "The Cognitive Treatment of Chronic Pain" Major: Mathematics
Dissertation: "Local Homotopy Properties in Spaces of Approximate
F eix, jimmy B.**, Bowling Green Fibfati0¤S” Lii=
Major: Chemistry k S h G S h _H TX ii Mai
Dissertation: “Spin Labeling Investigations of Erythrocyte Membrane {G;.;gI2n;I;gi(:g1CiC;i;g’ tgp envi €’ ii Dis
Structure with Applications to Some Inherited Neurological Dis- J `
el.derS·· Dissertation: "Requirements of the Horse for Digestible Energy for l
two Levels of Work and the Effect of Exercise on Selected ` Ma
FOX, lelm Franeisy gleam NY Blood Metabo1ites." ` Ma
Major: Spanish _d L H L_ OH I Dis
Dissertation: "Tirso’s Los Amantes De Teruel as Christomimesis" Jcsseei Da`? awrcncc ’  ma’ i
Major: Agricultural Economics l Ma
Gation, John spaldiiig**, Louisville Dissertation: "An Activity Selection Model for the Smallholder l Ma
Major: English Household Facing Rainfall Uncertainty and Scarcity: An Appli- Dis
Dissertation: "Lord Bryon’s Historical Tragedies: A Study in Form" Canon to Plamlmg m Northeast Machakos Dlsmch Kenya
Gill, William Warren**, Petersburg, TN ilgizigg1i&I;§_lha§;3ii_Englr{nIg;?;2g1On Ma
Major: Animal Sciences _ J ` _ g g _ _ _ Ma
Dissertation: "Glucagon Mediation of Amino Acid and Propionic Acid Dissertation: A Fundamental Equation Dcpmscmmg Water m i Dis
. . . . . ,, Stable, Metastable and Unstable States.
Utilization by the Ovme Liver i
i Mc
ciogo, Debra swim, oiovoiano, on §l;€;·§*l;;f;>; §;1¤¤¢»B¤1=iCv¤Wyd· PA Mo
Major: Biology l J ' i y O gy _   Dis
oissotttion. ··o...t..i ....i i»..i,,i.,..i om, Regulation it. tt. oi. Dm*a¥·¤¤= inicipifiéne Swim P ai€¤ md Amdim and Ai I
. . ,, sociated Introjects ,
monate Mollusc Limax Maximus l
. . 1 M6
Haney, Robert WU Ccdarmwn, GA Keefe, Francis Edward, Lakeville, CT i Ma
M . . Major: German t _
HJOYZ Spanish i ' · · l { Dis
Dissertation: -·ti.., Prose o.ti.otoiR0o..gO i-.»........oo De Rio...·· Dmgjllggz Landichm¤¤dR¤¤m·¤·*·=iC*0¤<=H·=*¤¤¤hi dim L
H ,Mo ·· ~* . . . I Mil
  MOM] ·'?¤m·if· Bmgiidcsh Keith, Verna Morto, Bigoow, AR M.
Major. Mechanical Engineering . . l ¤
D' ' · "P k B '1' H tFl D ' C Fl H Major; Sociology I Di`
'ss°."a"°"‘ Fa T mg ca “" “""g mss °“' °""' °'° Dissertation: ··B1aok Migration to tho South: Factors Affecting oooti- l
izontal Cylinders , _ ,, ~
nation Selection {
12 l

 l l 1
l Kenkel, Stephen William, Lexington Misallati, Abdalla Salem, Libya
Major: Physics Major: Geography
· l Dissertation: "Non—linear Percolation Conductivity" Dissertation: "Tripoli, Libya, Structure, and Functions as an Arab·
Islamic City"
, Lekhakul, Somjintana*, Prasomphol, Thailand
` Major: Soil Science Mohammadi, Seyed Buik, Tabriz, Iran
j l Dissertation: "The Effect of Lime on Chemical Composition of Sur- M¤1¤f=S¤¤¤¤l¤gv
5   face-Mined Coal Spoils, The Growth of Plants on Spoils, and the Dissertation: "Social Change in Iran The Roots of 1978-79 Revolu-
Leachate From Spoils" tion"
j Leverenz, Christine E. Russel, Rocky River, OH Moore, Robert William, Morringsport, LA
i Major: Mathematics Major: Sociology
». l· Dissertation: "Hermitian Forms in Function Theory" Dissertation: "Hospital Stress and Patient Recovery in Two Ward
{ settings
`i Leverenz, Theodore Robert", Lexington
j Major: Higher Education Muza, Stephen Raymond, jr.**, Struthers, OH
Dissertation: "Toward Conceptual Clarity of Non—Traditional Higher Mawr: PhYS’°l°€Y md Blophyslcs
I 4 Education" Dissertation: "Response of Slowly Adapting Pulmonary Stretch Re-
5 ~ ceptors to Prolonged Shifts in Functional Residual Capacity"
1 Lisle, Teddy David, Louisville
{ Major: History Overesch, Lynne Elizabeth*, Cincinnati, OH
l Dissertation: "The Canonical Impediment: john F. Kennedy and the Major: Spalllsh
, Religious Issue During the 1960 Presidential Campaign" Dissertation: "The Neo-Baroque: Trends in the Style and Structure of
S the Contemporary Spanish Novel"
Lott, Timothy james*, McLean, VA
Major: Biology Owen, Thomas Louis**, Louisville
Dissertation: "Cellular Timing in Relation to Senescence in the Myx0— Major: Hlsmliy
mycete, Didymium Iridis" Dissertation: "The Formative Years of Kentucky’s Republican Party,
B 1864—l87l"
Lu, An-Ling A. Terng*, Taiwan, ROC
ii Major: Statistics Pao, Hung-Yi, Taiwan
lf Dissertation: "The Estimation of Implicit Functions of Parameters in Major: Clvll Englneel-mg 4
Nonlinear Regression Models" Dissertation: "Bifurcation and Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of
r W Locally Buckled Structural Elements and F rameworks" ,
d , Majors, james Scoggin, Champaign, IL
Major: Psychology Parsons, Marie*, Pikeville
I Dissertation: "Personality Profile Assessment with A1coholics" Major: Ellgllsh
, Dissertation: "A Critical Analysis of Robert Greene’s james the
l Makowski, Armand Maurice*, Bruxelles Fourth"
r , Major: Mathematics
l` Dissertation: "Dynamic Programming for Problems of Impulse Con- PalF°’S°“· Sandra Susan RCllldl’ A"’ada» CO
t1.O1·· Major: English
Dissertation: "The Catullan Epithalamic Tradition and the Marriage
Mann, Richard Kevin", Stone Mountain, GA Poetry of Spenser and jonson."
Major: Crop Science
ll l Dissertation: "Activity of Fosamine in Woody Perennial Species" Pc(?Vy* Cheryl Allll* Alillllg-tOll* VA
, Major: Spanish
3 MCCane, Eugene Rex, Vanceburg Dissertation: "The Metatheater of Miguel de Unamuno"
` Major: History
l Dissertation: "Anglo·German Diplomatic Relations, january 1933- Qulll· Cal-°l_l“yll€llc*· Yazoo C“Y· MS
;- I March 1936,, Major: Musicology
i Dissertation: "Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel: Her Contributions to
q Meyers, Mark Barry*, Laguna Hills, CA Nineteenth-Century Musical Life"
[ Major: Pharmacology
  Dissertation: "Characterization of Steroid D·Ring Glucuronide-In- Ra9l°ppl· Jem-cy Val°lltln8** Forkcd Rlvclk NJ
ll Y duced Cholestasis in the Rat" Ma-l°ll‘ Entomology
{ Dissertation: "Effects of the Non-Protein Amino Acid L—Canayanine
` Michalski, Krzysztof A.", Wroclaw, Poland on Water Balance and Nitrogen Metabolism in the Tobacco
1 Major: Electrical Engineering Hookworm, Manduca Sexta (L.)"
_ j Dissertation: "Synthesis of Sem—Derived Equivalent Circuits for
l' 1 Energy-Collecting Structures"
. 1]

 in-mw Trim wi K or H H l   or I M   rj _"”iTTT K _
’ s
» l
Ramey, Barbara Ann, Freeport, IL Sloderbeck, Phillip Eugene*, Marion, IN   W
Major: Biology Major: Entomology w M
) Dissertation: "Development of Cerebrospinal Fluid and the Blood- Dissertation: "Population Dynamics of the Green Cloverworm, { Di
Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier to Proteins in New Zealand White Plathypena Scabra (Fabricius) in Conventional and Double- l
Rabbits" Crop, No-Till Soybeans" 2
Reeves, Edward Bradley*, Frankfort Smith, David Stanley*, Independence
Major: Anthropology Major: Physics W
Dissertation: "The Wali Complex at Tanta, Egypt: An Ethnographic Dissertation: "Optical Properties of Acceptor-Type Graphite Interca- M
Approach to Popular Islam" lation Compounds" , Di
Reid, Donald Wayne* *, Cullman, AL Solis, Francisco javier*, Merida, Mexico #
Major: Agricultural Economics Major: Mathematics I W
Dissertation: "A Mathematical Programming Decision Model for Dissertation: "Stochastic Optimization Problems: A Statistical Ap-   M
Farm Machinery and Equipment Replacement" proach"   DE
Reid, Melanie Sovine, Meridian, MS Sparks, jerry Carroll*, Bakersville, NC
Major: Anthropology Major: Sociology `
Dissertation: "The ‘Porter-ghee Indians’: Social, Historical and Cul- Dissertation: "Initiation and Cessation of Cigarette Smoking: Toward i W
tural Implications for Ethnicity" a Sociological Theoretical Explanation"   M
Rush, jeffrey Stewart*, Louisville Stalker, Dennis james, South Bend, IN D
Major: Biochemistry Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences g
Dissertation: "High Molecular Weight Glycans From Mammalian Dissertation: "The Enhancement of Ocular Drug Bioavailability   Z
Erythrocytes and Erythroleukemic Cell Lines" through the use of Micronized Functionalized Polymers as Car-   N
riers of Therapeutic Agents"
Saber, Mabrook Mohamed, Tripoli, Libya D
Major: Geography Stott, john Willard, Berkshire, MD
Dissertation: "Land Development and Settlement in the Kufra Re- Mawr: Alllmal Sclences
gion of Libya" Dissertation: "Influence of Dietary Energy and Conditioning on _
Equine Muscle Glycolysis" ‘
Sachs, Carolyn Elizabeth", Silver Springs, MD a I:
Major: Sociology Sutton, Charlotte Dingels, Lexington
Dissertation: "The Displacement of Women from Agricultural Pro- Mawr: Alllmal Sciences I
duction: The Case of the United States—A Model for the Dissertation: "Effect of Dietary Cholesterol, Fiber, Energy Intake and   E
World?" Genotype on Synthesis, Storage and Excretion of Cholesterol in It
Poultry" , I
Salehi, Saeed, Lexington
Major: Higher Education Sutton, Dorothy Moseley*, Richmond
Dissertation: "Math Educational Development of Students and Its In- Malolli Ellgllsh ` [
Huence on Their Educational Attainment" Dissertation: "Soul Clap its Hands and Sing: Yeat’s Debt to Blake" ly
Shin, Youngwha, Korea Sweeney, Thomas Francis, Bethesda, MD [
Major: Metallurgical Engineering Major: Animal Sciences
Dissertation: "Effects of Microstructure of WC-Co and Al·Si Alloys on Dissertation: "Influence of Zeolite on Growth and Metabolism in the ,
Erosion" Ruminant" l I.
l l\
Shoemaker, john Arthur*, Manhattan, KS Thomas, Robert jerome*, Morehead 4
Major: Political Science Major: Animal Sciences A I
Dissertation: "The Family as an Agent of Political Socialization: An Dissertation: “Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium Response in the l
Observational Learning Theory Approach" Blood and Tissues of the Ovine Injected with Cholecalcifer0l"   I.
. . . . ll
Siddiqui, Akm Shahabuddin, Dacca, Bangladash Todd, Glenn Daniel", Van Wert, OH   I
Major: Chemistry Major: Pharmacology ‘
Dissertation: "Photochemistry of lndenyl Aniona" Dissertation; "Evaluation of Tolerance to a Behavioral Effect of Nic-   J,
_ otine"   It
Silverman, jason Howard", West Haven, CT , I
MaJ0Yi HISKOFY Ward, Andrew David", Lexington l
Dissertation: "Unwelcome Guests: American Fugitive Slaves in Can- Mellor: Agrlcultural Engmccrmg `
ada, l830·l860" Dissertation: "Characterizing lnfiltration Through Reconstructed  
Surface Mine Profi1es" l It
I li
I4 l

 T l ·
l Warden, Dean Allan, Richmond, VA Messmer, Victor C.*, Richmond
I Major: Pharmacology Major: Accounting
m, 1 Dissertation: "Intestina1 Absorption of Glucose Hydrolyzed from Dissertation: "An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of State Rate
le- l Phlorizin by a Brush Glycosidase and an Affinity Chromatog- Regulation on Price Increases in Acute, Short-Term, General
j raphy System Designed to Isolate the Glucose Transporter in Hospitals"
i Human Erythrocyte Membrane"
Moore, john Thomas, Lexington
Watters, Eric Dorsey*, Lexington Major: Accounting
za- . Major: Higher Education Dissertation: "The Effects of Federal Income Taxes On the Cash
v Dissertation: "Citation Counts as a Measure of Institutional Quality Flow, Operating Revenue, and Net Income of Electric Utilities"
for Independent Liberal Arts Colleges"
it Ruwe Marcia Logsdon Cincinnati OH
Q Q 1 1
Q Williams, Gary Raymond, Flint, MI Major: Business Administration
Lp-   Major: Chemistry Dissertation: "A Weighted Tchebycheff Approach to Interactive Mul-
% Dissertation: "Pulse Polarographic Determination of Arsenic in In- tiple Objective O-1 Programming as Applied to the Hospital Cap-
j fant Formula Design and Evaluation of a Totally Automated italBudget”
‘ Photometer for the Precise Determination of Photochemical
v Quantum Yie1ds" Trebby, james Paul, Lexington
+ Ma'or: Accountin
rrd I . . . J g
j Wll11S’ Calvm M'*_*’ HOpC’ AR Dissertation: "An Investigation of the Ability of Differing Accounting
i Ma-lor: Animal Sclcnccs Frameworks on the Prediction Flows to the Equity Investor"
I Dissertation: "Sulfur and Sulfur Coated Urea Supplementation of
i Diets for the Growing Ruminant"
· l
ity , . . .
· h L l WI .
ap { 1%/Eerat , David oyal, P atteville, Docior 0* Educuhon
ajor. Sociology
Dissertation: "The Quality of Life of People in Poor Rural Southern
and Appalachian Areas"
I Beam, Richard K.*, Knoxville, TN
Major: Higher Education
1 Dissertation: "A Comparative Study of Three Categories of American
i Doctor of Business Administration Pf¤*€S*¤¤*$¢mi¤¤r*¢S" =
v Braun, Thomas Graham* *, Frankfort
nd   B K h 1** G1 UH ND Major: Higher Education ·
· l u1ig€r’ ci-met JOB . I mi m’ Dissertation: "An Analysis of Geographic-Demographic Factors Asso-
m Major: Business Administration dated with College Ancndancé.
` Dissertation: "An Empirical Investigation of the Determinants of Cue
Utilization in Intrinsic and Extrinsic Cue Settingsn Byars, Laurgtta Clara Flynn, Lexington
j Major: Social and Philosophical Studies
DuMOm' Paul FI-€d€Il1Ci{**’ Norman OK Dissertation: "A Descriptive Study of the Educational Talent Search
V Major: Business Administration Program at The University of Kcmuckvn
Dissertation: "The Hard Impossible Threshold: An Experimental
Study of the Performance Predictions of the Task Goal Model Dgdd’_]uli5 Em, Oak Ridg·o_ TN
h and the Theory of Need for Achievement" Major; Curriculum and Instruction
; e .
. . . . D' t`:"H`hSchlP"l’ dN Ad"
“ Harem E¤r¤es¤¤e.¤sr¤e*2¤S· Wus¤¤· NC `S“E$.i°LZ.