xt718911pw2d_278 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. Commencement Program: UK 118th Annual Commencement text Commencement Program: UK 118th Annual Commencement 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p5/2010ua027_p5_1/2010ua027_p5_1_3/6217/6217.pdf 1985 May 11 1985 1985 May 11 section false xt718911pw2d_278 xt718911pw2d [ •*§:’• ` · l [ COlTll'T]€l”lC€lT]€l'lt Pl'Ogl`3lT] I 1 l l l · ‘ One hundred eighteenth annual s University 0f Kentucky, Lexington Unlvzrslty Archives 3 Margaret l. Kérag Library - North 2 i.5¤:~mse,i el Kcaiuclzy E Lexlrigtcuiz, lieniuclq $$535 Saturday, May eleventh, nineteen hundred eighty—five l V { · •‘§’••*@ ••·$’••‘§’•· J BOARD OF TRUSTEES I Robert T. McCowan, Chairman Albert G. Clay, Vice Chairman 1 George W. Griffin, Jr., Secretary l Albert Benjamin Chandler, Honorary Member Thomas P. Bell William R. Black Timothy A. Cantrell Tracy Farmer Timothy B. Freudenberg V Ronald G. Geary Edythe Jones Hayes Henry E. Hershey Brereton C. Jones R. Larry Jones James D. Kemp T. A. Lassetter W. Bruce Lunsford Frank Ramsey, Jr. James L. Rose Bobby Watson Constance P. Wilson ADMINISTRATION Otis A. Singletary, President Peter P. Bosomworth, Chancellor for the Medical Center James O. King, Vice President for Administration, Central Administration Art Gallaher, Chancellor for the Lexington Campus Raymond R. Hornback, Vice President for University Relations, _] Central Administration Wimberly C. Royster, Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of The Graduate School, Medical Center and Lexington Campus Charles T. Wethington, Chancellor for the Community College System . 1 I One Hundred Eighteenth Annual h COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY I I I THE ACADEMIC PROCESSION y University Marshal Professor Daniel R. Reedy The National and University Colors The Candidates for Advanced Degrees, including the Candidates for Degrees from The Graduate School, College of Law, College of Medicine, and College of Dentistry The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Arts and Sciences The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Agriculture The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Engineering The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Education , The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Business and Economics The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Pharmacy The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Nursing _ The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Architecture it The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Allied Health Professions gl The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Home Economics lj The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Library and Information Science ll The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Social Work l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Communications l The Candidates for Degrees from the College of Fine Arts l The Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences The Faculty of the College of Agriculture The Faculty of the College of Engineering A The Faculty of the College of Law The Faculty of the College of Education S The Faculty of the College of Business and Economics I The Faculty of the College of Pharmacy , The Faculty of the College of Medicine 2 The Faculty of the College of Nursing The Faculty of the College of Dentistry The Faculty of the College of Architecture The Faculty of the College of Allied Health Professions The Faculty of the College of Home Economics The Faculty of the College of Library and Information Science The Faculty of the College of Social Work The Faculty of the College of Communicatons The Faculty of the College of Fine Arts The Directors and Faculty of the Community Colleges The Faculty and Staff of Other University Units _ The Deans of the Colleges and Administrative Officials The Vice Presidents The Chancellors and Vice Chancellors I The Official Guests The Board of Trustees The President of the University of Kentucky 3 2 . l COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY The exercises of the one hundred eighteenth annual commencement are enacted today at the University of Kentucky. The counterpart of the pageantry is enacted each year on cam- puses all over the world. It is the solemn climax and recognition of the graduates’ years of i study and preparation for responsibility. The following description of the Academic pageantry is provided for your interest. _. PROCESSION The procession, which forms on the Avenue of Champions, will enter the Coliseum through the south entrance. It is led by the University Marshal and followed by the Color Guard carry- ing the National and State flags and the University banner. The University Marshal bears the ceremonial mace, emblematic of the endorsement of the State and the University. Led by Assis- tant Marshals, the candidates march behind the identification banner of the respective col- j leges which recommended them for their degrees. gi The order of march is as follows: T The candidates for advanced degrees to include ‘ The Graduate School i College of Law , College of Medicine p College of Dentistry t The candidates for degrees: ; College of Arts and Sciences College of Agriculture College of Engineering i College of Education College of Business and Economics College of Pharmacy { College of Nursing College of Architecture l College of Allied Health Professions College of Home Economics l College of Library and Information Science College of Social Work College of Communications College of Fine Arts As the candidates reach their seats, the members of the faculty of the University of Kentucky march into the Coliseum wearing the colorful hoods of the colleges and universities from which they were graduated. The climax of the procession brings to the platform the Trustees of the University, the Deans of the various colleges, honorary degree recipients, alumni award reci- pients, The William B. Sturgill award recipient, Sullivan award recipients, the Chancellors, the Vice Presidents, and other University officials, guests, state officials, and finally, the Presi- [ dent of the University. The Trustees of the University can be identified by their blue gowns fl with white panels. They wear blue caps with blue tassels. ’_ 4 l l ( ACADEMIC ATTIRE I All candidates for degrees and those who hold these degrees, including University officials, J faculty, and visiting dignitaries, are attired in traditional cap and gown. The basic color for l most caps and gowns is formal black. However, recipients of different degrees wear distinc- l tive tassels on their caps (called mortarboards) and hoods of various hues draped down the `I backs of the gowns. `° cAPs Candidates for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees wear the regulation cap with the tassel ap- propriate to the school or division from which they are being graduated, with the exception of those who already hold Doctor’s degrees and are privileged to wear gold tassels. Except during the positioning of the Colors, the playing of the National Anthem, and prayers, men in academic regalia are requested to wear their caps. The authorized list of tassel colors follows: il Arts and Sciences—White Dentistry—Lilac l Agriculture—Maize Architecture—Blue-Violet l Engineering—Orange Allied Health Professions—Light Green J Law—Purple Home Economics—Maroon Education—Light Blue Library and Information Science—Lemon l Business and Economics—Drab Social Work—Citron Pharmacy—Olive Green Communications—White Medicine—Green Fine Arts—Brown Nursing—Apricot GOWNS The gown for the Bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves. It is designed to be worn closed. § The gown for the Master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist, like the others. I The sleeve base hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut and the front part has an arc cut away. The gown is designed and supplied with E fasteners so that it may be worn open or closed. The gown for the Doctor’s degree has a bell- [ shaped sleeve on which are three velvet bars (usually black but sometimes other colors, depen- { ding on the degree). E — HOODS j The Bachelor’s hood is rather short with a narrow velvet edging of the appropriate color (see list under tassels) and a lining in the color or colors of the institution—blue and white I at Kentucky. The Master’s hood is considerably longer, has a wider velvet edging, and exposes more of the lining. The outside velvet trim color designates the degree which the person is receiving. The Doctor’s hood is easily recognized by the width of the velvet edging, the wide panels at either side, the greater length, and the full exposure of the lining. The colors of the edging most frequently seen are blue for philosophy, green for medicine, and purple for laws; the [ colors for the honorary Doctor’s degrees are purple for laws, white for letters, and golden l yellow for science. El Candidates for honorary degrees do not wear the hood until after the degree has been con- ` ferred; part of the ceremony of admitting a candidate to his or her honorary degree consists in the candidate being formally invested with the hood. 5 ALMA MATER* Hail Kentucky, Alma Mater! Loyal sons and daughters sing; _ Sound her praise with voice united; l To the breeze her colors fling. `1 To the blue and white be true; Badge triumphant age on age; Blue, the sky that o’er us bends; White, Kentucky’s stainless page. Hail thee ever, old Kentucky! Glorious is thy heritage; Proud thy name and thy traditions; Proud thy place on history’s page! Y May we ne’er forget thy fame Mother of the great and free; May we’er uphold thy name, Old Kentucky, hail to thee! { __+ l *Words by Josephine Funkhouser ! Music by Carl A. Lampert I. l THE NATIONAL ANTHEM ‘ Oh Say! can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twi1ight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that Star—spangled Banner yet wave _ O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave? Music by the University of Kentucky School of Music Band, i l Professor Skip Gray, Conductor Professor Margaret Kennedy, Soloist Announcer, Doug Bruce Ushers from the following University Honoraries: Collegians for Academic Excellence, Lances, Links Junior Honorary, Mortar Board, and Omicron Delta Kappa 6 ORDER OF EXERCISES E Presiding I Otis A. Singletary, President l PROCESSIONAL STAR SPANGLED BANNER ...................................................... (Francis Scott Key) INVOCATION ............................................... The Right Reverend Don A. Wimberly Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS .................................................. President Singletary COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS ........................ The Right Reverend Desmond M. Tutu The Anglican Bishop of Johannesburg W PRESENTATION OF DEGREE CANDIDATES AND CONFERRING OF DEGREES f Dean Michael A. Baer Acting Dean M. O’Neal Weeks .· College of Arts and Sciences College of Home Economics Associate Dean John C. Robertson Dean Timothy W. Sineath College of Agriculture College of Library and Information Science I Dean Ray M. Bowen Dean S. Zafar Hasan j College of Engineering College of Social Work { Dean Edgar L. Sagan Dean Herbert N. Drennon P College of Education College of Communications I Dean Richard W. Furst Dean Richard C. Domek, Jr. College of Business and Economics College of Fine Arts I Assistant Dean William C. Lubawy Dean Wimberly C. Royster College of Pharmacy The Graduate School I Dean Carolyn Williams Dean Robert G. Lawson College of Nursing College of Law Dean Anthony Eardley Dean Robin Powell College of Architecture College of Medicine Dean Tom C. Robinson Dean Merrill W. Packer College of Allied Health Professions College of Dentistry GREETINGS—ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ...................... Honorable Julia Kurtz Tackett President, National Alumni Association RECOGNITION OF RECIPIENTS OF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION GREAT TEACHER AWARDS ................................................ President Singletary li PRESENTATION OF WILLIAM B. STURGILL AWARD .......................................... President Singletary PRESENTATION OF SULLIVAN AWARDS ................................ President Singletary Professor Joseph A. Bryant, Jr., University Orator CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES ................................ President Singletary ALMA MATER ......................................................................... (Carl A. Lampert) BENEDICTION ............................................................... Dr. Wayne Bell, President Lexington Theological Seminary RECESSIONAL 7 T 9 HONORARY DEGREES T DOCTOR OF LAWS Tim Lee Carter F Martha Layne Collins E M. Stanley Wall } DOCTOR OF LETTERS William S. Monroe i Desmond M. Tutu i DOCTOR OF SCIENCE V Eslie Asbury ll 9 1 Deai 3 Doc . 1 Abdi Majc Dissei i Andc Majc Dissei 1 a 1 Atkii § Majc Dissei , i · Baha 1 Majc Dissei j~ 1 Barn r Majc Dissei Barn Majc Q Dissei l E4 Batei 1 Majc { Dissei 1 1 1 1 ' 1 Baya Majc Dissei , 1 Bhaii 1 Majc Dissei K, Boldi 1 Majc A Dissei * Degree awarded August 2, 1984 Bona 1 Majc ** Degree awarded December 13, 1984 ` Dissc] (N0 asterisks) Degree will be conferred May ll, 1985 i A if candidates have met all degree requirements g Graduate School Bosworth, Sidney Carl*, Trussville, AL j Dean: Wimberly C. Royster Mal°l° Cmp S°l°“°° [` Dissertation: "The Vegetative Growth and Adaptation of Tall Fescue [ (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) to Deficit Water Stress" i Doctor of Philosophy Botkin, David Johnt Major: Clinical Psychology Dissertation: "How Therapists Manage Potentially Violent Clients: Toward A Standard of Care for Psychotherapists" Abdullah, Dewan A. M.**, Lexington Major: Economics Brauer, David Kenneth, Wilmington, DE Dissertation: "Dynamic Behavior of the United States Money Market Major: Plant Physwlogy Under Alternative Policy Regimes" Dissertation: "Regulation of Leaf K in Two Selections of Lolium- Festuca Hybrid Derivatives" Anderson, Kevin John**, Sumner, WA Major: Anatomy Bremel, David H., New Hope, MN Dissertation: "Reactive Synaptogenesis in the Hippocampus of Aged Ma-lol: Ammal Sclcnces and Young Adult Rats" Dissertation: "The Dietary Addition of Magnesium in Different Con- ,_ centrations and Forms to Dairy Cows in Early Lactation" ll Atkinson, John Emory, Villanova, PA Major: Toxicology Bronstein, Janet M.** Dissertation: "Evidence for a Causal of Polyamines in the Pathogenesis Mawr: Anthropology E of Experimentally Indused Pulmonary Hypertension" Dissertation: "Brown Lung in North Carolina: The Social Organiza- j tion of an Occupational Disease" Q Baharanyi, Ntamulyango, Bukavu, Zaire i Major: Agricultural Economics Callahan, Franklin Ellis**, Hazlehurst, GA Dissertation: "Structural Analysis of Zaire’s Palm Oil Industry: An Major: Plant Physlology Econometric Approach with Endogenous Government Policy" Dissertation: "Requirements for the Phtoactivation of the Multimeric Water-Splitting Enzyme in Leaf Segments Following Hydrox- 1 Barney, Paul Edward, Jr.**, Erie, PA ylamine Induced Inactivation" ? Major: Plant Physiology Z Dissertation: "lnteraction of Nitrate and Sulfate Reduction in Tobacco" C¤f9¤b¤H· Andrew Malchanh Tampa- FL Major: English Barney, Robert John, Elmhurst, IL Dissertation: "Geology in Modern Poetry" { Major: Entomology l Dissertation: "The Role of Ground Beetles in Kentucky Alfalfa" Cal_aml· Mohamed Sallh Gaslmi Makkah Salldl Alabla f Major: Geography 4 Bateman, Bradley William**, Westland, MI Dissertation: "Makkah: Urban Geography of a Religious City" l Major: Economics I Dissertation: "Keynes’s Unknown World: A Study of The Relation- Ch?“· L°c'Y°llllg*·_Talp°l· Talwall ship Between A Treatise On Probability and The General Theory Ma·l°l‘ Phallmaccutlcal Sclcllccs Q 0f Employment, Interest and M0ney" Dissertation: "Phosphatidylinositol Turnover and Arachidonate Release , in Thrombin-Stimulated Human Platelets" Bayan, Mohammad Reza**, Lexington Major: Soil Science Cochran, Philip M.** Dissertation: "A Comparison of Methods for Quantifying the Com- Maloll Hlstoly ` monly Occurring Minerals in Soils and Sediments" Dissertation: "The Archbishops, The Church of England, and Educa- . tional Reform, 1902-l944" V Bhairi, Srirama Murty**, India Major: Biochemistry Cotton, Jenny P., Oneida Dissertation: "Structural and Functional Analysis of the Promoter Maloli Anammy ,i Region of the B-Galactosidase Gene of Kluyveromyces Iactis" Dissertation: "The Distribution and Functional Significance of Peptide- . Containing in the Female Reproductive Tract" Boldt, Joanne Shuhi, San Antonio, TX . Major: Sociology Cox, Dwayne Davis*, Louisville Dissertation: "Patterns of lntergenerational Helping Among Mexican- Major: H*Sl°'Y Americans: A Three Generation Study" Dissertation: "A History of the University of Louisville" l Bonanno, Alessandro, Italy Cromley, Ellen Louise Krajcovic*, Lexington Major: Sociology Major: Geography · Dissertation: "The Persistence of Small Farms in Marginal Areas of Dissertation: "Activity Space as a Basis for Locating Health Care ` j Advanced Western Societies: The Case of Italy" Facilities for the Elderly" ll Cundy, Kenneth Charles**, London, England Gallagher, Carol T.**, Lexington r Ml Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Major: Studies in Higher Education ll D_` Dissertation: "N-Methylation of Nicotine Enantiomers in the Guinea Dissertation: "A Scottish Contribution to American Higher Education: l` Pig" The Saint Andrew’s Society of New York, 1756-1806, and the l Founding of King’s College" l Dagher, Magid Amin*, Rochester, NY _ ‘| Major: Agricultural Economics Gmeiner, John Porter**, Ridgewood, NJ rO_ Dissertation: "Grain Exporting: An Economies of Size Analysis" Major; Cllmcal Psychology l. M; Dissertation: "Resistance in Individual Psychotherapy" l De Dale, Christopher D.*, Dover, DE l` Major: Sociology Graziano, Michael Joseph, Lexington Dissertation: "From Household Laborers to Millhands: A Study of Major: Toxlcology {tc Women in the Transition to Industrial Capitalism in Antebellum Dissertation: "Influence of Cigarette Smoking on Biotransformation M; New England" Process in Rats" Dr_ DeFelice, Michael Sanford, Eureka Springs, AR Greer, Lillian Sue*, San Mateo, CA Major: Crop Science Major: Sociology E Dissertation: "Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) Competition with Con- Dissertation: "Rati0nalization, Power and the Forest Service: A Case , jet ventional and No-tillage Corn (Zea mays)" Study of Conflict over the Mount Rogers National Recreation M; Area Virginia" . ’ D . DeVerna, Joseph W.**, Wantagh, NY . ll Major: Crop Science Griffin, Patricia Elizabeth, Crescent Springs i Dissertation: ··1n Vitro Faoiiitateti wirio Hybridization in Nic0tiana" Mal": l°¤l¤¤¤¤l S°l°“°"’ Dissertation: "State Senators’ Perceptions of Their Constituencies and Doutrich, Paul E., Harrisburg, PA the Role of the Service Function in the State Legislative Process" . JO] Major: History t M; Dissertation: "The Evolution of an Early American Town: Yorktown, S[lqSSelbJud€Swllllam*’ Ft Thomas Dis Pennsylvania, 1740-i790*· al°r· TOP °‘°“°° Dissertation: "Approaches to Interspecific Hybridization of Red Clover ~ Driskell, Boyce Norman**, Mobile, AL with Perennial TrU”0lium Species Via Embryo Rescue and Somatic Ka Major: Anthropology Cell Fusion" M; D` tt' :"A It tdMth df F t‘o lA al ‘ofCh‘p- · mijduéisns iririigrigrttf Aiscriiitggs Qiiiartsikiigiitstionlrn G¤¤¤» L¤W¤¤¤¤ Kava M¤¤f<><=· LA D" Ptowmne Archaeology, Major: Educational and Counseling Psychology Dissertation: "An Analyzation of the Psychological Symptoms and V Ka Duncan, Cynthia Leavenworth, Berea Mood States of Persons Attending the Rational Behavior Train- Mt Major: Sociology ing Center’s Intensive Self Help Program" . Dis Dissertation: "Capital and the State in Regional Economic Develop- * V ment: The Case of the Coal lndustry in Central Appalachia" HaYVrylak· Pewel ¤ Wl°claW· P°la¤d Major: Physics Kn partner, Bennett Tnnrrnnn, Il»•··•·’ Lexington Dissertation: ,"‘Models of Stage Transformations in Intercalated ~ Mt Major: Chemistry Graphite l Die Dissertation: "Spin Label Investigations of Human Erythrocyte Mem- Hcitholtr James JOscph,,.,,,, Lexington branes: (I) Organization of and Interactions between the Skeletal Major Cmp Science l Network, the Bilayer Domain, and Cell-Surface Carbohydrate; ` I (ll) Model ter the Nenrnnnl Mernbrnnen Dissertation: "The Effect of Source-Sink Alterations on the Char- Kit acteristics of Reproductive Abortion in Soybeans" Me F T B ` . . ' elder, yrone yrori, Jacksonville, FL HO, Allan Benedict, Kailua, Hr Dis Major. Pharmaceutical Sciences Major Music Dissertation: "Pulmonary Disposition of Pharmacodynamics of . ’ . . . . . . 4 . . ,, Dissertation: "The Late-Romantic Piano Concerto Finale: A Stylistic Verapamil in the Rat , and Structural Analys1s" K0 . . Ma Fontana, John·Richard, St Louis, MO Horn, Donna G_’ Mentor, OH Dis Major: Education and Counseling Psychology Mejor; Experimental Psychology Dlsseltallom Ulmelpelsenal Competency and the Communlw Adjust' Dissertation: "Auditory and Visual Temporal Processing in Language mem ¤l Mentally lll 0ff<=¤d¤rs" Impaired and Normal ciii1riron·* Fulks, Nikki J. Kaplan", Lexington Hornby, Pamela Janet**, N Ireland Major: Education and Counseling Psychology Major: Biology I KO Dissertation: "Social Perceptions of Divorced Parents: The Effects of Dissertation: "Neural Control of Heart Rate in Goldfish: Functional- M2 Gender and Custodial Status" Anatomical Studies" Dis; i 12 Huntington, Thomas Gordon*, Lexington Kwag, Young Jik**, Wonju, Korea I Major: Soil Science Major: Metallurgical Engineering _ Dissertation: "The Influence of Tillage, Inoculation and the Regula- Dissertation: "The Material Behavior During Thermo-Mechanical Pro- OI? l tion of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation on the Production of Field cessing and the Effect of Microstructure on the Mechanical Prop- t e 1 Beans, and the Mineralization of Nitrogen from Winter Annual erties of Stretch Formability of Al-1.25% Mn Alloy (3003)" ` Cover Crops" Il Leak, Fred Walter, Jr.**, Jacksonville, FL i Iovannisci, David Mark**, Syracuse, NY Major: Animal Sciences [' Major: Blochcmlstly Dissertation: "The Effects of Boning Time, Mechanical Tenderization Dissertation: "Biochemical Genetic Studies of Purine Metabolism in and Partial Replacement of Sodium Chloride on the Quality and the Protozoan Parasite Leishmania D0n0vani" Microflora of Boneless Tumbled Dry-Cured Hams" Ito, Glenn Mitsuji, Hilo, HI Lee-Bonanno, Lucy**, Statesboro, GA i0¤ Major: Crop Science Major: Spanish Dissertation: "Quantitative Genetics of the Dry Matter Accumulation Dissertation: "The Quest for Authentic Personhood: An Expression [ Rate, Effective Filling Period Duration, and Yield of Maize (Zea of the Female Tradition in Novels by Moix, Tusquets, Matute and il mays L.)" Alos" l ¤S¢ w Jeranek, Gerald Louis* Lin, Chiang*, Taipei, Taiwan 10¤ Major: Educational and Counseling Psychology Major: Civil Engineering Dissertation: "The Relationship Among Five Proposed Characteristics Dissertation: "TheoreticaI and Experimental Analyses of Hot Mix Y of the Humanistic Personality: Humanism, Dogmatism, Locus Asphalt Railroad Trackbeds" ° of Control, Professional Orientation, and Bureaucratic Orien- tation" Luckenbach, Alvin Henry*, Carrollton, TX md Major: Anthropology ss t Johnson, Dennis Joseph, Los Angeles, CA Dissertation; *·Eva1nating Archaeological Models of Spatial Regression ‘ Major: Expcllmelllal Psychology and Exchange Systems: A Distributional Analysis of Coinage (ca. Dissertation: "Commitment in Close Relationships—The Impact of In- 600-300 B.C.)" vestment Model Variables and Social Norms" ~V€f I Maczulak, Anne Elizabeth**, Lexington Mic Kageff, Linda Gibbard*, Richmond Major: Animal Sciences Major: Educallollal and C°“¤S°h¤g Psychology Dissertation: "Nitrogen Requirements in Continous Cultures of Dissertation: "Melody Recognition at Abstract Levels and the Rela- Cellulose Degrading Microbial Populations from the Cecum of tionships to Contour Generation and Tonal Memory" the Horse" md V Karamchandani, Prakash K.**, New Delhi, India Martinez, Louis Arthur**, Scottsdale, AZ lin- Major: Chemical Engineering Major: Spanish Dissertation: "Errors and Parameterizations of Sub-Grid Scale Pro- Dissertation: "An Etymological Lexicon of Barlaam E. Josafat" I cesses in Regional-Scale Atmospheric M0dels" I _ Marzouk, Hassan Ali, Cairo, Egypt Q Khan, Akm Amanullah, Thakwegaon Major: Electrical Engineering ted l Ma-lol: Chemistry Dissertation: "Surface Characterization by Raman Spectroscopy of i Dissertation: "Collective Excitations in the Shape-Transitional Nuclei: *2co and 'ico Adsorbed on Ni(l00) and Ni(lll)" Investigations of l96pT, l°8pT, and 2°°HG by the (n,n’V) Reaction" McClanahan, Judy Strunk*, Somerset, NC ; I I Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences lar- §nlmcl;[_E(lga§ Cl¤Yt<>¤» L"’Xmg*°“ Dissertation: "Synthesis and IN Vivo Disposition of N—Vinyl-2-- a-lor: Oxlco ogy Pyrrolidinone" Dissertation: "Toxicological Studies of the Relationship between Cigarette Smoke and Pulmonary Emphysema: Animal Models of McClanahan, Stephen Francis*, Lexington i Cigarette Smoke—Induced Emphysema" Major: Chemistry suc _ Dissertation: "Resonance Raman Spectroscopic and Photophysical ln- §[°9k· Aglin M¤rk» Lcxmgton vestigations of Ruthenium (II) Bipyridine Complexes" ajor: emistry Dissertation: "A Comparison of NMR Line Width and Two- McVay, Michael E.**, Moses Lake, WA Dimensional Methods for the Determination of Kinetic Major: Crop Science age Parameters: Applications to Two-Site Exchange in Selected - · . i. · - · · Dissertation. Towards a Physiological Basis for Intensive Culture of grganinboranes and Multi-Site Exchange in Molybdenum Alkyne American Syeainoie Plmmius Oeeidemalis Lt ., omp exes" _ _ Miles, Donald Floyd, Jr., Marlette, MI I Kortylewicz, Janrna Baranowska, Wroclaw, Poland Maint: Cmp Science lal` Major: Chcmlslly _ _ Dissertation: "Effect of the Stage of Development and the Desicca- Dissertation: "Platinum (II) Interactions with Nucleobases DCFIVEIIVCSH tion Environment On Soybean Seed Quality and Respiration dun i` ing Germination" t 13 Nassar, Munir Naim**, Amman, Jordan Reynolds, Vincent Louis**, Newark, DE l Shep Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Major: Toxicology MMC Dissertation: "Effects of Structural Variations on the Rates of En- Dissertation: "Elucidation of the Structure of the CC-1065-DNA Ad- l Dlsscl zymatic and Non-Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Carbonates and duct and Determination of the DNA Sequence Specificity of i Carbamates" CC-1065 and the Pyrrolo (1,4) Benzodiazepine Antitumor _ Antibaoncw S10? Ndefru, Zama Kimbi, III, Mankon Bamenda, Cameroon j Malc Major: Political Science Rezayat, Mohsen, Tehran, Iran Dissc. Dissertation: "Differential Foreign Policy Behavior of Anglophone and Ma-lol: Ellgllleel-mg Mcchamcs I Francophone African Nations: A Comparative Analysis" Dissertation: "Direct Boundary Integral Equation Methods for a Class l of Earth-Structure Interaction Problems" , _ Newsome, Teresa I., Selma, NC , Smltl Major: Education and Counseling Psychology Rieke, Alison Rae* MMO Dissertation: "Therapeutic Functions of Friendship Among Elderly Mawr: Ellgllsh DiSS¢¤ Females" Dissertation: "Sense, Nonsense, and the Invention of Languages: James _ Joyce, Louis Zukofsky, Gertrude Stein" l Smit! Newton, Bruce W.**, New Castle, PA { MKJO Major: Anatomy Ritter, Christian James**, Bowling Green f Dissm Dissertation: "The Immunohistochemical Distribution of Putative Major: S°°‘°l°gY z I Neurotransmitters within the Area Postrema of the Rat and Cat" Dissertation: "Stress and Psychological Distress Among Vietnam _ Veterans and Their Peers" - Smiti Nitz, Arthur John*, Geneseo, IL { M¤J0 Major: Anatomy Roach, Debra Calkins**, Rochester, NY i Disse, Dissertation: "Functional and Structural Assessment of Rat Sciatic Ma-lol-I Clllllcal Psychology 1 I Nerve Following Tourniquet Compression and Vascular Dissertation: "Psychological Stress in Parents of Normal, Physically 1 Manipulation" Handicapped and Hyperactive Children" Statcl Majo Ocampo, Aquiles**, Medellin Rodeheffer, David Craig, Portsmouth, OH A Djssgy Major: Chemical Engineering Major: Clinical Psychology V ,¢ Dissertation: "Pore Analysis of Oil Shales" Dissertation: "A Study of Disordered Thought in Schizophrenia" l l Takai Oldham, Cheyenne Beverly Jean, Lexington Rosser, Stephen Wesley*, Maysville , MKJO Major: Communication Major: Crop Science _ Disscr Dissertation: "An Analysis of the Frames Reporters Use in the Iden- Dissertation: "Herbicidal Activity and Selectivity of Fluazifop-Butyl I tification of Newsworthiness DuringaGubernatorialCampaign" in Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) and Soybeans (Glycine Q ( max)" j Pao, Hung-Yi, Republic Of China, Taiwan l ThQ¥T Major: Civil Engineering Rudolph, Bryan Charles**, Poth, TX l MMO Dissertation: "Bifurcation and Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Ma-lor: Ammal Sclences ll Dlsscr Locally Buckled Structural Elements and Frameworks" Dissertation: "Use of Deuterium Oxide as an Estimator of Milk In- ¤‘ take and Body Composition of Nursing Pigs and the Effect of Pervine, Robert Howard, Lafayette, IN Oxytocin Administration to the Dam on Early Lactational l Thqrr Major: Mathematics Performance" E Malo Dissertation: "lc (R) and Other ideals Related to the Analytic Exten- H _ Dlsser sions of a Commutative Ring" RuP°= John Clark · Lexington l: F Major: Plant Pathology { Phillippi, Mary Ann", Beaumont, TX Dissertation: "The Epidemiology of Pod and Stem Blight of Soybeans" ll Thrfll Major: Biology { Maloi Dissertation: "Bethnic Macroinvertebrate Community Structure in a S¤hr¤b¢f· Wlllajld Chaflcs Jn Loulsvlllc l Dlssell Fourth Order Stream System with a Nitrogen Enriched Tributary" Mal Ol; M°°h¤¤¤°¤' Ellgmcclmg U Dissertation: "Natural Convection Between lsothermal, Elliptical Sur- l P Pramuk, Gladys Marian Doherty**, Lexington faces and From An Isothermal, Finite Flat Plate: An Analytical Major: Educational and Counseling Psychology and Experimental Study" Tong, Dissertation: "Teaching Classroom Discussion Skills to High School _ Malo] Students-· Sedlacek, John David, Cleveland, OH Disscr, Major: Entomology C Rajca, Andrzej Tadeusz, Poland Dissertation: "Aspects ofthe Population Dynamics and Field Biology Major: Chemistry of the Blackfaced Leafhopper, Graminella nigryrons (Forbes), in T¤f_¤€ Dissertation: ··orga¤ac Anions and their Alkali Metal saw com Ag*¤¤¤¤SvS¤¤¤¤S =¤¤¤ Mixed-Grass *’¤¤=¤r¤S" Mm * Disseri Randolph, Sharon ROg€nc»*’ wiumal., MN Seman, Dwight Herbert, Greenville, OH , tj Major; Sociology Major: Animal Sciences _Q Dissertation; uovercoming Dismncd Communication: Application of Dissertation: "Dietary Selenium and Its Effect on Rumen Bacteria in l V€€lh€ Habermas' Critical Theory to the Education of Pregnant Patients" Vllmn - Ma-lol Dissert 14 { j Shen, Rong-Fong, Tainan, Taiwan Viau, Chris Joseph", Leominster, MA l Major: Pharmaceutical Sciences Major: Toxicology i_ J Dissertation: "Thromboxane Synthase: Purification Characterization Dissertation: "The Role of Prostaglandins in Retinoid Toxicity" )f and Immunological Studies" W Vimini, Robert James*, Fairfield, CT Sloan, Jewell W.**, Lexington Major: Animal Sciences , Major: Pharmacology Dissertation: "Influence of Maternal Frame