xt718911rj91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911rj91/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-11-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1998 1998 1998-11-17 2020 true xt718911rj91 section xt718911rj91 --'-.'-~u~-- . ‘* . -'. -- .L-.-..-~xvflwhfl“w"" ”H“'....- ' ' v'v ~4~tvl ‘ '
M . . .. - .. wi- .....











Wise words

New words,


deks' '- s) adj,
Posse'sing the ability
to turn the bathtub
faucet on and off with
your toes.

(kar' our pet u a shun)
n., The act. when
vacuuming, of running
over a string or a
piece of lint at least a
dozen time, reaching
over and picking it up.
examining it. then
putting it back down
to give the vacuum
one more chance.

fekt') v To sterilize
the piece of candy
you dropped on the
floor by blowing on it,
assuming this will
somehow remove all
the germs.

ELBONICS (el bon' iks)
n., The actions of two
people maneuvering
for one armrest in a
movie theater.

FRUST (trust) n., The
small line of debris
that refuses to be
swept onto the dust
pan and keeps backing
a person across the
room until he finally
decides to up and
sweep it under the

(Iak' to man gyu lay’
shun) n., Manhandling
the "open here”
spout on a milk E
container so badly I
that one has to resort ‘
to the ‘illegal' side.



PEPPIER (pehp ee ay') I
n., The waiter at a E
fancy restaurant I
whose sole purpose I
seems to be walking
around asking diners
if they want ground

PHONESIA (fo nee' zhuh) E
n., The affliction of E
dialing a phone 5
number and forgetting l
whom you were E
calling just as they E
answer. E

PUPKUS (pup' kus) n., E
The moist residue left i
on a window after a
dog presses its nose
to it.

e kros tin ay' shun) n.,
The act of always
letting the phone ring
at least twice before
you pick it up, even
when you're only six E
inches away. '

- Source:

-RonNorton E

Feet? ‘4: 2352 37;: 125»;

i need you ;
Look, things have I

been going well, but

student input is what we

are all about here, and

we would love some

suggestions and topics.

Send them to


Thanks, pal. .


. v ‘ . ., . ' .
Tamar: rzw
won t. he.“




Come on get happy; E

it's gonna be beautiful i
on Wednesday.


VOL tllO-l ISSUE u59


News tips?







UK defends its
title tonight
against EKU
at Ruppl 3


shock UK

Pure sadness: Students share
thoughts, take look at value of
own lives after weekend accident

By Pat Clem

Many UK students are shocked and saddened
by the deaths of fellow student Arthur Steinmetz
and former student Christopher Scott Brock in an
automobile accident Sunday morning.

“It kind of surprised me to see all the football
players partying and celebrating Saturday night
and grieving Sunday. It‘s amazing how quick it all
happened." said Brian Gaykins. a finance junior.

Arthur Steinmetz was a business sophomore
who had recently transferred from Michigan State
and was a probable starter at defensive tackle next

year .

Christopher Brock transferred from UK after
the 1997 spring semester and enrolled at Eastern

Kentucky University.

The two were passengers in a truck driven by
UK starting center Jason Watts. who is in fair con-

“It kind of

me to see
all the


night and
Sunday. ”

-Brian Gaykins.
finance junior

if necessary.

dition at UK Hospital.

The accident made many
students take a look at their
own lives.

“I thought it was tragic. It re-
ally made me learn to appre—
ciate my friends." said Sarah
Francis. a communications

Danny Sharpe. a business
management junior. said he
was stunned by the accident.
Sharpe grew up in Indepen-
dence. five to 10 minutes
away from Edgewood. Stein~
metz's hometown.

“I didn‘t know him enough
personally to experience a
lot of grief. but it's surpris-
ing to have someone whom
you're acquainted with die."
Sharpe said.

Watts underwent a surgical
procedure yesterday to clean
out a laceration on his right
forearm. Glass. rocks, dirt
and dead tissue were re-
moved and some tendons
were repaired

"l'm glad that he didn't die.
but i really feel for him in
that he will be dealing with
the loss of his friends for a
long time." Sharpe said.
Surgery will be performed
again today and could be
performed a few more times.

“It depends on what we find. if after doing the
procedure tomorrow we feel that we can leave it
closed. we will." said Dr. James Lovett. the plastic
surgeon who performed the surgery.

Visitation for Brock will be from 6 p.m.-10 pm.
today at Dwayen Walker Funeral Home in Hyden.
Funeral services are on Wednesday at 1 pm. at the



Methodist Church in

Visitation for Steinmetz will be from 9 am. to
10:30 am. on Thursday at St. Pius (Thurch in Edge
wood, followed by funeral mass at the same loca»






think you
are tough



had to
walk into
your best

house and
talk to his

after he’s



- Tim Couch.
UK quarterback

UK quarterback
Tim Couch wiped
the tears from his
eyes yesterday
during a press
addressing the
deaths of Artie
Steinmetz and
Chris Brock.
Couch grew up
with Brook and
played with him
at Leslie County
High School.

liOBIE llltEli l
KERNEL stirr



‘Nobody ‘ fault’

Heart of a lion: Couch and Mumme give emotional
news conference on student, player deaths, Watts injury

By Aaron Sanderford

The swells of red around Tim
Couch's eyes made the UK quarterback
look more like a man than a machine.

The hurt in Hal Mumme‘s stare
made him look more like a father than a
coach. And the sympathy in Tennessee
coach Phillip Fulmer's voice made him
sound more like friend than foe.

“i certainly sympathize with all of
the Kentucky family." l-‘ulmer said.
“But there is no way I could feel it be-
cause I haven‘t been through it."

A day after the deaths of Wildcat
redshirt freshman Artie Steinmetz. l9.
and Eastern Kentucky University stu-
dent Scott Brock. 21. UK players and
their coach talked about the car accident

they say put everything in perspective.
“God has a plan for everyone‘s life.
and some plans are shorter than oth
ers." Mumme said. “I think it only
serves as a reminder to each of us that
we are only one brief heartbeat from
eternity. so we better be ready for it."
Senior center Jason Watts was dri-
ving his 1985 Chevrolet pickup Sunday
when his wheels drifted off the roadside
and he overcorrected. sending the truck
across the road where it flipped and
hurled its three passengers out of the
vehicle. Watts. the only survivor. suf-
fered a {ill-centimeter laceration on his
right forearm and had surgery yestere
day at UK Hospital to clean the wound.
Mumme and several players visited
Watts Sunday to show support for their
fallen teammate in his time of need.

Mumme said.

Results from a post-accident blood
test are expected today or tomorrow
but the [K coach declined comment
about unclear circumstances surround»
ing the one-car accident. He said his
only concern is for the living: Watts and
the two families who lost loved ones.

Mumme met with his players short-
ly after his noon news conference yes-
terday. and senior safety Jeff Zurcher
said it started in total silence.

“There were 100 guys in there. and
not a word was spoken." he said. “In re
spect to Artie and Scott. it was appro-

When the silence stopped. talk
turned to. “The last time I saw him . .
Zurchcr said. And the majority of talk
centered on Steinmetz.

Most remembered the Michigan
State l'niversity transfer for his
comedic approach to life. The scout

See WATTS on 3 )0)




Judge halts PLUS account buying

Temporary restraining order stops UK, Papa
John's Pizza deal; no timeframe established

By Jason feldmana


Domino‘s Pizza was grant
ed a temporary restraining or»
der and a preliminary injunca
tion yesterday on the lIK's ex~
clusive PLUS account contract
with Papa John's Pizza.

Fayette County (‘lrcuit
Court Judge Gary Payne issued
the order with no specific time
limit Domino's asked the court
for a restraining order on Oct.
15 to prevent UK from accept-
ing student pizza purchases on
PI.l'S accounts that were exclu-
sive to one vender. Papa John‘s

“All along. we thought it
was in the best interest of stu-
dents. the University and tax.
payers to have more than one
vendor." Domino's attorney
Tom Bullock said. “Before the
bids were placed or the Univer-
sity announced who won. we
voiced the opinion that it
should be open to anybody."

According to the court or-
der and opinion written by
Payne. the court awarded the or-
der in part because Domino's
presented evidence that it was
losing profits because of the ex-
clusive contract with Papa
John's. Payne wrote that the

ing both franchises. Domino's
and Papa John's. to offer the
plus account delivery services to
the students living on campus. if
the parties to this action agree,“

According to the order. UK
must clarify its reasons for
awarding the PLUS account
contract to only one bidder.

“The ball is in their court.
UK would have to put a motion
to ask the judge to overrule the
order. or in other words.
change his mind." Bullock said.

UK will ask Judge Payne to
lift the restraining order at a
hearing this Friday. UK attor-
ney Paul VanBooven said.

Last semester. four pizza
franchises sent sealed bids to
UK offering the following
commission percentages to
UK for all pizza sales through

(25.25 percent). Pizza Hut (2?)
percent). Mad Mushroom (25
percent). and Papa John's (1.3

Other factors involved in
the selection included student
preference. menu and price.
technology provided to inter-
face with l_'K's account system
and the ability to handle high
volume of sales. Mad Mush-
room and Pizza Hut did not
join the suit against l'K and
are no longer eligible for the

Normally. a party could
recover losses in a court of
law But Payne noted that.
“UK has sovereign immunity.
which would prevent Domi
he‘s from recovering any lost
profits or market shares prior
to obtaining a judgment in






Call' 2574915 or write' Pizza, court was not opposed “to allow PLUS accounts: Domino‘s this case."
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President Al
Gore angered
‘ his Nalaysian
' hosts yesterday
at the Asia
Pacific Econom-
ic Cooperation
summit by
praising the
‘ country's antl-
trade minister
told reporters,
"It's the most

a. , ' disgusting

speech l've ever
heard in my



~. MATTER: Bill
Gates appeared
so forgetful and
in interviews

- with govern-

- - ment lawyers
" that the judge
overseeing the
, . antitrust trial
. j. laughed and
- shook his head
while watching


U.S. urges test of Iraqi promises

WASHINGTON — Skeptical that Saddam
Hussein will keep his word, the White House
pressed for a swift test of Iraqi promises to co-
operate with U.N. arms inspectors. The United
States stopped its military buildup in the Per-
sian Gulf but warned it could strike "at a mo-
ment’s notice." The Clinton administration said
it would be up to UN. chief arms inspector
Richard Butler and his team to judge whether
Iraq. in fact, allows unrestricted access to all
sites the inspectors choose. Butler is to return
to Iraq tomorrow.

States outline big tobacco deal

WASHINGTON ~ Cigarette makers have
agreed to a $206 billion settlement with eight
states that could be expanded to include others.
The proposed deal will ban tobacco advertising on
billboards, buses, T-shirts and hats. President
Clinton considers the state settlement “a step in
the right direction" but still wants Congress to do
more to curb teen smoking, the White House said.
Eight state attorneys general reached the pro-
posed deal and have sent the proposal to other
states in hopes they. too, will join in. Thirty-nine
states now are suing the tobacco industry, and
seven that have not sued can participate. Four
states have reached their own settlements.

Israel, Arafat urged to honor pact

WASHINGTON -— The Clinton administra-
tion clashed yesterday with Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over his suspen-
sion of a troop pullback in the West Bank.
Netanyahu announced earlier yesterday he was
suspending the onset of Israel's withdrawal this
week until the Palestinians dropped plans to
declare statehood in May.

But State Department spokesman James P.
Rubin said the withdrawal Netanyahu agreed to
is a commitment without conditions. Rubin also
said Arafat was also wrong to declare "our rifle is
ready" to defend Jerusalem.

Court: No election spending limits

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court is
standing by its landmark 1976 ruling that banned
campaign spending limits in federal elections.
refusing yesterday to let Cincinnati impose such
limits for City Council elections. The court. with-
out comment. rejected a challenge in which
lawyers for Cincinnati argued that unlimited
spending over the past two decades has “serious-
1y undermined public confidence in our electoral
process and in our democratic institutions."

Compiled from wire reports.


Meteroids made up
of iron, nickel and
silica enter the
atmosphere at
speeds in excess

particles appear to “
observers as ‘
"shooting stars."

i. i
_.‘ ' }

monsoon». l KERNELSTAFF

Leonid meteor shower tonight

By Amber Scott

If you‘re in need of some se-
rious wishes, get up at 3 am.
drive out Winchester Road.
stop in a vacant. flat field and
just look up at the sky.

Multiple shooting stars will
be falling from the sky as the
Earth passes through the tail of
Comet Temple—Tuttle. Although
the comet orbits the sun every
year. it puts on a show for the
Earth only every 3'3 years.

These shooting stars are ac.
tually meteors from the comet's
tail that burn up in the Earth‘s
atmosphere. As Earth passes
through the comet's orbit. it
draws the comet‘s particles to
and through its atmosphere.
creating the illusion of falling

The shower will peak above
this area at 3 pm. today. when
the sun‘s light would over-
whelm the light from the burn-
ing meteors. But the shower
can still be seen in the me
dawn hours. away from the
glow of the city lights.

“I would drive east from
here so that Lexington is be-
hind me," said Suketu
Bhavsar. a UK physics and as-
tronomy professor. "It’s any-
body‘s guess how many mete-
ors you‘ll see. I might say
three a minute. maybe more.
maybe less."

The best time for viewing is
3 am. to 6 am. tomorrow. and
the best place would be out of
the city to the east.

The meteors will appear to
come out of the constellation
Leo. which is in the eastern
sky. They are called Leonids be»
cause of their apparent place of

“Every 33 years. this mete-
or shower gets very intense."
Bhavsar said. “It's a spectacu-
lar one."

Bhavsar said a full moon
will be in the sky as well.
which makes it even more nec-
essary to go to a place where
there is little light illuminat»
ing the sky. He does not recom-
mend the UK Arboretum. be-
cause it is in the center of the


Women holding
potluck dinner

Program faculty hosting event to thank
students helping push women into forefront

By Matthew 1’. Patton

Students in the Women‘s
Studies Program are helping
the voice of women be heard
across campus. and tonight
the faculty wants to show stu-
dents they appreciate it.

A potluck dinner will be
held at 5:30 pm. at the Bing-
ham-Davis House on Maxwell
Street. All Women's Studies
Program graduate and under-
graduate students are encour-
aged to attend the free event.
where food will be provided.

“All past. present and po-
tential WSP students are
warmly invited to join us.“
said program director Joan
Callahan. “We don't have
many opportunities just to be
together and for the faculty to
do something for our students.

"The WSP is the primary
place at UK where students
are really shown the gender
dimensions and social
arrangements. front organized
religion to I'niversity athlet-
ics or to elementary teaching.

“It‘s important to see how
those gentler dimensions as
well as race and do» dimen»
sions favor some groups and
disfavor some £1101!in t‘alla-
han said.

The potluck was original-
1y suggested as .i welcoming
event for those mil-tiring in


Women's Studies. said Jan
Oaks. a joint appointment in-
structor in the WSP and Eng.
lish departments. It‘s purpose
has been broadened. and that
is why everyone associated
with the WSP is now invited.

“It's a ‘thank-you’ and
show of appreciation for all
the students who have sup
ported the Women's Studies
Program.“ she said.

“UK needs classes like
this so people can be made
aware of the strength and in-
telligence women possess.
since it is all too often over—
looked,” said Amy Combs. an
English junior whose taking a
class from Oaks called “The
Woman Writer.“

Combs' classmate. middle
school education junior Shel—
lie. Fair. said more speakers
and activities related to
women's studies at UK will
make the program more no
ticeable on campus.

“UK needs a strong
women‘s studies program be-
cause most English courses
have left out the woman‘s
voice." Fair said. “They are
usually based upon the white
male's perception of things."

For more information
about the program. call 257
1388 or visit the program‘s
web page at
http: wwwukyedu,ArtsS»
(:ionces \V’omenStudies.

An article in yesterday‘s Kernel should have identified
Christopher Scott Brock as an Eastern Kentucky University


To report an error, call the Kernel at 25 7-1915.


Take it to the Mountai

on I i ne @ http:/[www.itykernel.


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must] rursmmovrmnmss I s



Title defense
starts vs. EKU

Fourth-ranked Wildcats start 1998 first of two
games without three players tonight at Rupp


The Rupp Arena benches
may look like the set for "Inva-
sion of the Body Snatchers"
when No. 4 Kentucky meets
Eastern Kentucky on Tuesday
night in the season opener for
both teams.

The Wildcats. seeking their
third national title in four
years. will open the season
without center Jamaal Ma-
gloire. forward Myron Anthony
and guard Ryan Hogan. The
three are serving four-game
suspensions handed down by
coach Tubby Smith for offsea-
son troubles.

The 11 Wildcats expected to
dress will give them a one-man
edge on Eastern. Injuries and
academic troubles are expected


' ’\
h. 4 mum DJ
0-0 0-0
3 Il-
liun Arena

to leave second-year coach
Scott Perry with just 10 players
available for the 30‘mile trip
from Richmond to Lexington.

“I know he (Smith) is down
a few. but we're down a few
too.“ Perry said Monday. “I
wish we had all our players."

Academic ineligibility
benched 6—foot-7 forward
Ibrahim Myles. a sometime
starter for Eastern last year.
while back problems have
claimed Perry’s most highly
touted player. transfer Charles

Thomas, a 6-4 swingman
from Harlan, played on Min-
nesota’s 1997 Final Four team,
but has been plagued by back
pain since starting workouts in
August. He is not expected to be
available until January at the

The Colonels were 10-17 in
Perry’s first year as a college
head coach. He came to Eastern
from Michigan, where he had
been an assistant and recruit-
ing coordinator under Steve

Perry has used his old re-
cruiting network to stock East-
ern‘s roster with a number of
Michigan natives, including
sophomore guard Darius Acuff
of Detroit. who sat out last sea-
son while becoming academi-
cally eligible.

Another Prop 48 sopho—
more making his first start for



Heshimu Evens (center) will lead the Cats in their national title defense
when they play Eastern Kentucky University tonight at Rupp Arena.

Eastern against Kentucky is 69
center Ronnie Griffin. a former
Louisville prep standout.

Smith said he anticipates
Griffin being able to challenge
his big men.

“Michael Bradley. Scott
Padgett and Jules Camara will
have their hands full trying to
defend them inside," Smith

Smith has praised the pre-
season play of freshmen Cama-

ra. Tayshaun Prince. Todd
Tackett and JP. Blevins. but
was critical of his upperclass-
men in last Wednesday's 88-74
exhibition win over the Aus-
tralian All-Stars. which was
close until the final three min-

Since then. he said. “I‘ve
been very pleased with prac-
tice. I think the players have
turned up the intensity some-




Continued from paqei

team defender used to joke with
Mumme before every practice.
the UK coach said.

“I saw Artie when we
walked off the field after the
game." said fellow defensive
lineman. sophomore Matt Lay-
ow. “I told him that I would see
him Monday."

Dealing with the loss of a
teammate is not something you
can prepare for. Zurcher said.

but it's something the team
must overcome. UK took Mon-
day otf to mourn, but a date
with No. 2 Tennessee looms.

The player with the longest
road to recovery could be
Couch. In addition to losing a
teammate and facing an injured
friend. the UK junior quarter-
back must cope with the loss of
Brock. his closest friend.

“Being a football player,
you think you‘ve been through
a lot. losing games in the last
second, taking big hits." Couch
said. “You think you are tough
until you‘ve had to walk into
your best friend's house and

talk to his parents after he's
passed away.“

Brock and Couch were high
school teammates at Leslie
County High School. Brock was
Couch's Craig Yeast before he
had Craig Yeast. The pair of Hy-
den friends grew up less than a
mile from one another. as Couch
described it “just down the mad
and around the curve.“

They hung out every Mon-
day in Richmond for ABC‘s
Monday Night Football and
saw each other at least twice a
week until this Weekend. An
early phone call woke Couch
up Sunday morning with the

news. and he immediately set
out for Hyden. He had to see
Brock's parents.

“We started as friends in
preschool." Couch said. “They
had to tie our cribs together so
we wouldn‘t fight. There is no
doubt: this is the toughest thing
I‘ve ever been though."

But the UK quarterback
said he has no ill will toward
Watts. In fact. Couch visited his
injured teammate Sunday night.

"I think it hurt him to see
me. because he knew how much
Scott meant to me." Couch said.
"I just told him it’s not his fault.
it's nobody‘s fault."










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The Campus Calendar Is produced weekly by the Office of Student Activities.
Postings In the calendar are free to all registered student organizations and UK
Departments. Information can be submitted In Rm. 203. Student Center or by
completlno a request form on line athmmmmcem
Posting requests are due ONE WEEK PRIOR to the Monday information Is to
appear In the calendar. For more Information call 257— 8867.

TUESDAY 1 1/17


Creative Writing Workshop. 800pm. The Writing Center—Room Bl oa—c W.T.
Young Library

Flree Math Tutoring for Math 109 8: 123, Room 201 Frazee Hall, call 257-8703 for
t mes

Internships and Shadowing Orientation. 10-12 noon, Rm 111 Student Center
“First Impressions of Kentucky Higher Education” Presented by Dr. Gordon K.
Daviesfi 4pm, Rm. 109 Dickey Hall

SAB Concert Committee meeting, 4pm, 206 Stud. Ctr.

Alpha Phi Omega meeting, 730pm, Room 359 Student Center

Young Life First Year Fellowship meeting, SBOpm, Rm 115 Student Center
TNT Tuesday Night Together at Baptist Student Union, 7:30pm, BSU Chapel
PHAT Tuesday meeting sponsored by the Wesley Foundation, 7:30pm, Rm. 245
Student Center

UK Snowski and Snowboard Club meeting. 8pm. Rm. 228 Student Center
Green Thumb SEAC meeting, 7pm. Room 106 Student Center

Catholic Mass, Newman Center, 12:10pm


UKTMen's Basketball vs. Eastern Ky. 8pm. Rupp Arena

Exhibit: Tim Springstead “What Was Is To Will Be” at UK' s Rasdall Gallery In
Student Center Great Hall; Open weekdays I 1 ~5pm

Piano Kaleidoscope. 8pm, Slngletary Center


3 on 3 Basketball, entries due today at 4pm for tournament .3 ”rs-
beginning Nov. 30 t _ “ ’ .r

Turkey Trot Race entry deadline for race on Nov. 19, register In ’
rm. 14S Seaton Center

Racquetball tournament entry deadline for tournament on 11/21-11/22, Room
145 Seaton Center






UK Jazz Combos, Miles Osland Director, 8pm, Singletary Center
UK Men‘s and Women's Choruses Concert. Bpm. Singletary Center Concert Hall


SAB Indoor Activities Committee meeting. 6:15pm. 203 Stud. Ctr. 9
SAB Spotlight Jazz Committee meeting, 730nm, 203 Stud. Ctr. ,a a;
SAB Visual Arts Committee meeting, 11am Rm. 203 Stud Ctr. &. . &
SAB Multicultural Committee meeting, Spm. 203 Stud. Ctr. Q ’ "
Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting. 9:00pm, CSF Building (corner of
Woodland & Columbia Ave)

Cats For Christ meeting. 7:00pm, Rm 230 Student Center

New Student Dinner and Fellowship. Newman Center-320 Rose Lane. Room 88.

Jewish Student Organization Hillel Foundation Weekly Dinner, 6pm, Commons

Catholic Mass. Newman Center. 12:10pm

UK Black Voices Rehearsal. 6:30—9 pm, Old Stud. Ctr. Theatre

Communication Student Organization meeting, 7pm. Rm 147 Grehan Journalism

UK Alkldo Club meeting 6'30-Bpm. Alumni Gym Loft. for more Info contact Chris
Sweat at 245—5887


was . . .
Torn Dillehay speaks on “Monuments and Moments In Pre-Columbiar 9. . a
History", 730nm. Auditorium of WT. Young Library 9: a 2


Kareoke Night. Student Center Gameroom. 8pm


Free Math Tutoring for Math 109 & 123. Room 201 Frazee Hall, call 257—8703 for




Campus Crusade For Christ weekly meeting. 7:30pm, Worsham Theatre

SAB Contemporary Affairs Committee meeting. 4pm. King Cultural Ctr.

SAB Next Stage Committee meeting, 330pm 203 Stud. Ctr.

Amnesty International meeting, 700nm. Room 113 Student Center

UK Lambda meeting for Lesblgaytrans people, 730pm. Room 231 Student Center
Wesley Foundation Dinner and Prayer, 60m, Wesley Foundation

Thursday Night Live sponsored by Christian Student Fellowship, 7pm, 502
Columbia Ave.

Catholic Mass, Newman Center.12210pm

University Artist Series Features Dawn Upshaw. 8pm. Singletary Center. Tickets
$25 $22 14,ca11257—492910rlnfo


Turkey Trot Race 4pm UK Arboretum


UK Men's Basketball vs. Mercer. Bpm. Rupp Arena
UK Women‘s Basketball @ Ohio State, 730pm

UK Swimming and Diving @ Nike Cup


Devotion ‘n' Lunch. 12.15pm, BSU

Coffeehouse at Student Center Gameroom. 8-10pm



eé‘i’ 'r '


Exhibit: Tim Springstead “What Was Is To Will Be" at UK' s Rasdall Gallery in
Student Center Great Hall: Open weekdays 11—5. Special Reception Today 5-
8pm during Gallery Hop featuring a new Installment
Music For Fun. vocal recital by Phyllis Jenness with Alan Hersh on piano. noon.
Peal Gallery


Information Session on UK In France. 5pm, French Residence. ‘
Blending I basement ~- .

Catholic Mass. Newman Center. 12.10pm

UK Volleyball @ SEC Tournament
UK Rifle @ Walsch Invitational

- “King Cafe" featuring Affrllachlan Poets. 7pm. Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural
Center. Rm 124 Student Center

SATURDAY 1 1/21 3

UK Dance Ensemble Fall Concert. 80m, Singletarv Center. Tickets 810 are avail-
able at SCFA Box Office
Racquetball Singles tournament

Catholic Mass, Newman (enter, 6pm L y ,

UK Rifle vs. Alaska, Lexington. KY


University Praise Service. Christlan Student Fellowship. Item. 502 Columbia Ave
Sunday Catholic Mass Newman Center.9am.1130am.50m.8.JOpm


UK Buddhist Association meeting. 4pm. Room 124 Kastle Rail
Phi Sigma PI meeting, 8.00pm, Rm. 230 Student Center

UK Alkldo Club meeting f-me. Alumni Gym Loft. for more
Info contact Chris Sweat at 245-5087

UK Women‘s Basketball @ Skyhewk Classic

Spaghetti Dinner. Newman (enter. 69m. $2








Ontho record

Ivy League

“I think it’s
poor for the

school to

define itself
according to


else’s terms.

We don’t
need to be

compared to

the Ivy

- Grog Brodsky, a stu-

dent at Wesleyan Uni-
versity, on Wesleyan
University's new mar-
keting slogan, “Wes-

leyan, the Indepen-
dent Ivy." Brodsky

helped lead a student

group called Poison
Ivy, organized to
protest the new

Ivy League

Brown University

graduate student has

been accused of
using a radioactive
chemical to poison
two other students.
including a former
girlfriend. Neither
was harmed.

Cheng Cu, 24, placed a
radioactive isotope
of iodine in a dish of
vegetables and
chicken he gave to
Yuanyuan Xiao, a
fellow student in


pharmacology, police
Lt. Stephen Campbell
said Sunday.

Xiao's roommate.

undergraduate James
O'Brien, also ate the

Gu was arrested Friday

and charged with
poisoning, assault
and larceny.

The attack apparently

was motivated by
“some kind of love
interest,” police
Capt. John Rya