xt718911rk1w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911rk1w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 2000 2000 2000-02-08 2020 true xt718911rk1w section xt718911rk1w  

0n love

They said it



“I fell in
love with
and her
and it’s
things I’d
believe in
even if
the whole
in wild
that she
wasn’t all
should be
I love
her and
that’s the
of every-

F. Scott Fitzgerald


, loving
are the

Bayard Taylor

“All love is
given or


Percy Bysshe Shelley

“To fear
love is to
fear life.”

Mam Russell




Compiled by: Serious


5.2 2.9

A warm little tease




News tips 1’
Call: 257-l9l5 or write:


Fraternity fire: Space
heater possible cause;
house closed for repair

By Jill Gorin

As they packed tip tiieir things. Sig»
ma Pi members (‘had Hyde and David
Higgiiiton were forced to pack tip memo-
ries as well.

"It didn‘t hit me until today." Hyde
said. "I've lived here for three years. and
it's like we don‘t know how to live any-
where else."

The guys were moving stereo equip-
ment down the stairs yesterday inside
the ruined Sigma Pi fraternity house on
Aylesford Place.

"it was out of the blue." Higginton
said. “One minute you're in your room
watching television. and the next
minute you have to move.“

Every resident had to move out. and
the house will be shut down for repairs.
Now. the Sigma Pi members will have an-
other task: looking for a new place to live.

"We got lucky because we live in
Lexington." Hyde said. “But a lot of guys
are out today looking for leases for an

Not only does this mean the stu-
dents will have to fork out more money
for an apartment. but the chapter that
was once unified under one roof will
suddenly find themselves split up.

“Now. we're having meetings in the
Student Center." Hyde said. “but it‘s go-
ing to be weird not having everybody
around like usual."

And by looking around the house, it
is anything but usual. in fact. the only
things left lying around are some burnt
mattresses. clothes ruined by soot and
various personal belongings scattered
about the soggy floor. The smell of burnt
wood lingers and the third floor was de»

The resident who lived in the room
where the fire started was shocked when
he first heard about the accident. frater-
nity members said.

“He thought they were lying." Hyde
said. “He didn’t believe them. But when he
finally realized it was true. he took it well."

And after the fact. no one placed
blame. They all truly acted like brothers.

“He is a freshman.“ Hyde said. “and he
just got activated like three weeks ago."

The fire. which began around 10
pm. Sunday night, damaged the third
and much of the second floor. Sigma Pi
members speculate the fire was caused
by a space heater. but the Lexington Fire
Department is still investigating.

“We all have space heaters in our
room." Hyde said. “The second and third
floors get pretty cold because the heat
doesn’t circulate well up here."

George DeBin. vice~president of fis-
cal affairs. said that the house had not
undergone any life-safety investigations
by UK because it was located off campus.

UK is not responsible for life-safety
investigations off campus and is not per-
mitted to inspect off-campus buildings,
DeBin said.


Pi members


mcxiouzcrit I KERNEt SYAH
Packing tip
David Wiggington, a hospitality management
senior, paclts up Tor a long stay away from
the Sigma Pi Fraternity house, where he
spent the last three years of his college
Members oi the social fraternity moved out of
the house today. Everyone will have to leave
for repairs to be done to the house.




Day: Gift
ideas, lone
thoughts &



Endowed reading chair:
One professor's fight against
learning disorders continues
after move from Vanderbilt

By Nicholas Hatch

The last couple of weeks have been
very exciting for l'K‘s (‘ollt-gt- of iiduca
tioii. and hopefully the best is yet to

Filling what is. as far as he knows.
the country’s only endowed chair in spc
cial education. is ltr. 'l‘cd Stephen Hassle
bring, who comes to l'K aftcr lll years at
Vanderbilt [Tuivi-rsity.

llass'lcbring rcccivcd his doctorate in
special education from liidiaiia l'niversi
ty. and has recently proved to be at the
forefront of learning disability research
with thc completion of a major. national
ly available. literacy program named
"Read lilo."

“Read Hill“ is mainly for children in
grades four through l2. and Hasslebring's
goal now is to move downward. to find
the children with the potentials to have
learning disorders earlier and keep them
from staleiiiatiiig as they are passed along
from grade to grade

“Virtually all of my work has been in
two areas what we call the learning sci
eiices. and what i want to do now is take
that knowledge of how people learn and
figure out how we can leverage technolo-
gy into that.” Hasslcbring said.

“As I look at thcsc kids in fourth.
fiftli and sixth grades not being able to
read. i think. “we can do something about
this.” llt' said.

He plans on doing that by moving
into yoicc recognition technology. which
he says can do a lot in lt'l‘liis ot corrective

llasslobriiig's e\pci‘iencc tclls him
that a \'til(‘l' recognition ol'flfi pcrccnt can
be achieved. While this sounds promis-
ing. he says it is not good enough.

"You get kids that have a history of
failure and they read the corrcct word
and the computer turns around and says
‘iiopc. that‘s not right.‘ and they get furi-
ous." he said.

Hassle-bring said the dccisioii to con-
tinue his research at [K was an easy one.
describing the work in technology within
the special education tlcpai‘tiiieiit over
the past twenty years as “top shelf."

"it‘s my goal to take that to the next
level so that when people think about
technology and special education they‘ll
only think of one place. and that‘s UK."
he said.

"To do that what i scc its building are
world class research areas iaiigiiig from
severe disabilities to mild disabilities.
and in all cases what we‘ll be- lookiiig at is
how technology can enhance the learning
and the lives of those with disabilities."

Young alumnus running for seat in Congress

Rock the system: Will McGinnis wants more civil rights for
folks, more money for education and more casinos for fun

By uiitoio woiie

Old men in plaid suits.

That‘s what most people picture when
they think of congressmen. But not all
representatives fit this description. One
such candidate for Congress is a student at

Will McGinnis. who is currently fin-
ishing up his masters degree in accounting
at UK, is running as a candidate for the De-
mocratic nomination.

His political platforms run the gaunt-
let in an unusual fashion, from legalized
gambling. drugs and prostitution to pour-

ing money into the state’s educational in-

After graduating from Lexington
Catholic High School in 1987. McGinnis
got a bachelors degree in finance from UK.

The alumni member of Sigma Chi so-
cial fraternity said he loved his college
years and felt especially lucky to have had
them at UK.

“Students should feel a sense of pride
to be attending such a great school."
McGinnis said.

McGinnis has many ideas on how to
improve UK. as well as the state. He wants
to move more money into education. and
the University is one of his first priorities.

“1 want to help UK become a very pow
erful research institution." he said.

McGinnis would also like to see casi
nos opened in Kentucky. They would pro
vide fun. safe entertainment for adults and
the money gained from the casinos could
go to improve UK and other schools. be

McGinnis wants to see all drugs and
prostitution legalized as well. While he
doesn‘t personally approve of doing drugs
or soliciting prostitutes. he thinks the peo-
ple should have the right to decide for
themselves. He feels government needs to
get out of people's personal lives.

“You can only preach to people the
right way to take care of themselves." be
said. “Then you have to a step back and al
low them to make choices for themselves."

McGinnis encourages students and
others to vote for him because he has the

ability to change minds and get things ac-

"i can really get in there and tire (‘on-
gross up.” McGinnis said.


Want to vote?
There are two chances to vote for Kentucky's
Congress spots.
The primary election is May 23. 2000.

The general election is November 7, 2000.
















Let her
do what
loses, I
feel very

- Barbara
Bush, former
First Lady. to
Talk maga-
zine, about
current First
Lady Hillary
Clinton, who
launched her
U.S. Senate
race in New
York Sunday.







The Low-down

UConn women still on top

NEW YORK »— Connecticut‘s first loss didn‘t
cost the Huskies the No. 1 ranking in The Associ-
ated Press women's basketball poll. Despite a 72-
71 defeat at home to Tennessee. UConn remained
at the top ofthe poll today. a position the Huskies
have held all season. 'I‘ennessee jumped past
Georgia and Louisiana Tech into the No. 2 spot.

GOP boos Clinton's budget

WASHINGTON President Clinton's $1.84
trillion fiscal 2001 budget proposal was greeted
yesterday by congressional Republicans with
scorn. They declared it a “lame duck spending
spree" that was doomed. (‘linton would cut taxes
for the sick. elderly. poor and college-bound:
spend more for the environment. schools and
gun-law enforcement; and erase the $3.7 trillion
publicly held portion ofthe national debt by 2013.

Israel strikes Lebanon by air

BEIRUT. Lebanon Israeli warplanes
struck a guerrilla stronghold and power stations
across Lebanon early Tuesday. causing wide-
spread blackouts in apparent retaliation for
Hezbollah attacks that killed four Israeli soldiers.
The strike came after a week of bloody attacks by
the Muslim guerrillas. The bloodshed prompted
talk that Israel will expedite a planned withdraw-
al from Lebanon.

4 die in LA. plane collision

LOS ANGELES Two small planes collided
over Los Angeles yesterday. killing four people.
Two men were killed in a plane that plunged
through power lines and hit a San Fernando Val-
ley golf course. and a couple believed to be in
their 60s died in the other plane. which fell into

trees near Interstate 0. No one on the ground was

Airline hijackers negotiate

STANSTEI). England Authorities held
“fairly calm and businesslike" negotiations Monv
day with apparent Afghan dissidents holding a
planeload of at least 131) people at an airport out
side London Eight captives were released. Offi-
cials did not disclose what political demands. if


l. Tcn ticket vouchers per week for the next four weeks will be located at
various spots on campus.
2. One clue will be given per day for four days in the Kernel to direct you to
each location. (Clues 2. 3. and 4 will appear in the Kernel Classifieds).
3. Once you find the voucher. bring it to Coach Johnson's office. Room 42 HH
Memorial Coliseum. by 8: l5 a.m. on February 14‘“ for the Alabama game.

4. All vouchers for that week will go into a drawing for that game.
5. The first winner will be announced on Zl03 on Monday. February 14‘“ for the
Alabama game.
(3. If your name is announced. pick up your tickets in Coach Johnson's office. Room
42H” Memorial Coliseum. by 3:00 on February 16'“. for the Alabama game.

7. During your search you mUst ask the faculty member for the voucher during office
hours or in private.


director Steven
Spielberg had
one of his kid-
neys removed
after doctors
found an
on the organ,
his spokesman
said on Monday.


Dressed in
black with a
gold chain
around his
neck, rapper
and aspiring
fashion star
Sean "Puffy"
Combs pleaded
not guilty on
Monday to
charges he was
in possession of
two illegal guns
after a
shooting in

mun scnuencen HUIIT

Will a 88! 0| 900d, IOWEI' arena W88! tiOlIBIS
IOI‘ the next IOIII‘ UK home men's IIISIIGIIIIII games against
Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas, and Florida.

any. the hijackers put forth. But a diplomat fa-
miliar with earlier negotiations when the airlin-
er landed in Moscow said those holding the plane
sought to free a prisoner held in the Afghan city
of Kandahar.

Mrs. Clinton seeks to emerge

BUFFALO. N .Y. ~ Having lived in the shad-
ow of her husband‘s presidency for seven years.
Hillary Rodham Clinton. a Democratic candidate
for the Senate in New York. said yesterday that
like Vice President Al Gore she must create an
independent image. "I think the vice president
had to say to himself. ‘Hey. I need to go out and
tell my story. People don‘t know anything about
me.“‘ Mrs. Clinton told The Associated Press in
an interview. “I learned the same thing."

Croatia elects Mesic president

ZAGREB. Croatia — A former member of a
Yugoslavia's collective presidency won Croatia‘s
presidential election yesterday when his oppo~
nent conceded. hours before the first results were
to be announced. Stipe Mesic was the victor in
the runoff to succeed the late Franjo Tudjman.
Early. unofficial results showed Mesic with a 10
percent lead over Drazen Budisa.

Yugoslav defense leader shot

BELGRADE. Yugoslavia — An unidentified
attacker shot Yugoslavia’s defense minister as he
dined in a Belgrade restaurant Monday. killing
the official and wounding two dinner compan-
ions. police said. Defense Minister Pavle Bula-
tovic was the highest-ranking victim in a spate of
gangland-style killings.

Stock market watch

NEW YORK 7* The Nasdaq rose 77.63 to
4,321.77. topping the record high it set Friday.
The Dow Jones industrial average fell 58.01 to
10.905.79. On the NYSE. losers led gainers 1.775-

Groom dies in wedding crash

LONDON. Ky. —— A highway crash hours af-
ter a wedding killed the groom. William Perkins.
29. and sent the bride. Daisy Goodin. 18, to jail
on drunken‘driving and manslaughter charges.
Mrs. Perkins. who was not injured. was charged
with manslaughter in the second degree and dri-
ving under the influence. second offense.

Compiled from wire reports








State pressures
coal company
to clean up site


ROWDY. Ky. L, The state
set a deadline this week for a
coal company to clean up a
site with an open dump, a vio-
lation which environmental-
ists say is too common
throughout the region.

The dump. where a trailer
was buried. was included in
ground and water contamina-
tion citations issued Jan. 10
after the Division of Waste
Management inspected the
property in Perry and
Breathitt County.

The site was purchased in
1996 by Piston Coal Co. of
Lebanon. Va. but initially
was developed by mining gi-
ant Addington Enterprises
Inc.. of Ashland.

The subsidiary operated
under the name Addington
Inc.. which was kept by Piston
after the purchase. The state’s
citations are addressed to
Addington Inc. A Thursday
deadline was set for the

A Piston official said the
charges are unwarranted and
will be appealed. But an own-
er of some of the mined prop‘
erty contends the violations
have been occurring for years.

“Where were the regula-
tory agencies? This did not
happen overnight." Eddie
Campbell. whose initial com-
plaint against Piston generat-
ed the state‘s response. told
the Lexington Herald-Leader.

State and federal regula-
tors have met at least twice
with Campbell to monitor the

Environmentalists say
the site and the state‘s re-
sponse to it 4 put a spotlight
on an activity that’s common—

“We know it goes on all
the time, but they are real
hard to catch." said Linda



Tuesday, February 8, 2000

7:30 pm.

University of Kentucky Student Center Theatre


Mike Nietzel, Ph.D. - Dean of the Graduate School

(Race and Juries)
Roberta Harding, JD - Professor of Law
(Race, Crime, and Political Power)


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Inc., Black Graduate and Professional
Student Association

Brock of Knox County. a
member of the Citizens Coal
Council and Kentuckians for
the Commonwealth. "It's vir-
tually impossible to get these
things written up.“

David Gooch. president of
Coal Operators and Associ-
ates Inc. of Pikeville. said that
while some companies have
had troubling environmental
problems in the past. most ac-
tive companies have taken big
steps over the last decade to
improve their environmental

“I think there has been
significant improvement.“
Gooch said.

The state agency report
said there also were buried
tires on the site and a coal
stockpile buried with fill dirt.
In addition. several above-
ground fuel tanks had been
opened and contaminated the

A nearby sediment pond
had been contaminated with
petroleum. the report said.

A small hollow fill also
was found to be littered with
other types of waste. includ-
ing tires. hoses and whole

There is no active mining
on the site and it‘s currently
in a reclamation phase. but
Campbell and others are wor-
ried about the company‘s ded-
ication to the remote. sprawl~
ing area.

Campbell has argued with
company officials for more
than three years about recla-
mation efforts on his proper-

The company has filed
lawsuits twice in Perry Cir-
cuit Court to finish reclama-
tion work on his property. but
Campbell is fighting it be-
cause he said the company
will not do it right. The first
case was settled but the sec-
ond is in mediation.






l J I l D



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Campus Ca enar

February 7 - February 13. 2000

e (ampus (alendar is produud by the Ollite at Student Artwities Registered Student Orgs and UK Oepts (on submit inlormation for FREE online ONF WEEK
PIIIOII to the MONDAY information is to appear at liftp: //www.ulry.edu/Sludent(enler/StodentArtivities


Frazee Hall
'Master Your Time Workshop, I230 I 20pm FinzeeHoII

'Alpha Phi Omega, 7.30pm 359 Student (tr
'TNI, 7:30pm, Baptist Stud. Union
‘(SA, 6pm, Orehan Maggie Room

‘Eyes Wide Shut, 7:30pm, Worsham Theatre S3

‘Tae Kwon Do Club, 6'3078pm, Alumni Gym Lot' R~ i0
‘Tae-Boxing. 3:30pm, Baptist Stud Union
‘Men’s Hall @ Florida, 9pm ESPN?


‘Table Tennis Tournament on 2/]? 2/l3 Etll't 0922- 9 11$ Seaton


' Speaker. D. Swenlr presents. "Relorest the Bluegrass tion 336 Sing


'iiiaiiiruTBnng, l09:3~3 50 ii mo 4 so 203 Tues 8

(all 257-8! 67 Ior more information

1UP. I-l:50pm, 203 Frozee Hall

'Dinner at the Dorms with the Hillel/Jewish Student
Org., 6:IS, Blazer HaII
'TabIe Franrais, 3-5pm, Magir Beans (ale (SH Station)
'UKNOW, 7pm, Rm IIS Student (tr.
'Pre»PhysiraI Therapy Stud Assor.,7pm, 205 Stud (tr.
'Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity Rush, 7pm,
245 Stud. (tr.
'SAB Homeroming (0mm, 7pm, 203 Stud. (tr.

‘Kempo Sellrdelense (Iuh, 8:30pm, Alumni Gym loft
‘Tae Boxing, 5pm, Baptist Stud. Union

‘UK Climbing (Iuh. 6pm, (IimbTime Gym, 56



2-3pm, Rm III Student (tr.
‘Math Tutoring, ”3:13:50 & l09=474.50,
203 From Noll


'Thursday Night IJ've, 8pm, Christian Student Fellowship

' freshman Focus, 7:30pm, Baptist Stud. Union

‘Devotion and lumh, I2pm, Baptist Stud. Union, SI
'Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity Rush, 7pm,?45 Stud


'Golden Key NNS Open House, 6-8pm, 230 Stud (tr

‘Kernpo Sell—defense (luh, 6:30pm, Alumni Gym loft
‘Toe Kwon Do Club, S~6t30pm, Alumni Gym lolt km 19

‘Tae-Boxing, 3:30pm, Baptist Stud. Union

'Nmnan (enter Mass, born
A A P n 'V .

'(eIlo Guest lotital: Fred lIairni, 8pm, Singletary (tr.


‘UK Ire Nodroy Senior NW, vs. Miami, OH , midnifiitlex. Ire


Iillim Li [L IL i l
‘Tohle Tennis Tournament, Seaton (enter

.‘N . ‘1'}

'NTV's l0VElINF, 0pm, Memorial (oliseum. SO w/UKID,

rd 257-“(3

' Internship and Shadowing Orientation,

for 1 1

‘SoltbaII @ U oI lexasArIington Tourney
(thru 7/I3I

sat 'Sunday Mornin Worship, Ilain, (hristian 8".
Student Fellows ip
'Newman (enter Moss, 9am, ll 30am, Spin, and 8 30pm

'Phi Sigma Pi, 7pm, Rm 230 Stud (tr

'Wild Water (ats loll Session 5 7pm Lanraster Ag (tr. S3
'Toble Tennis Tournament Seaton (enter

'( Guest IothaI 3pm, Singletary (tr.


“Kenny ooiimbuann rpm Singletaryftr (all 25] "(S

'Meri's 8 3o“ @ lSU I IF
'Worneri's I be! vs S arolino. 2pm, Neon (oliseoni






Adam J. Spaw
Phone: 2571915 Email: truebiueadameyahooxom



UK looks forward to ‘war'

SEC showdown: Cats set to take on second-
place Gators to retain sole possession of
first place in the SEC Eastern Division

By Matt Ellison

Attention. citizens of (lainesville. Fla:

Your city has been declared a war zone. Proceed immediately
to the O‘Connell (‘enter and join 12.000 other people in uniting
against the enemy from Kentucky. Gen. Billy Donovan and Major
Parker (yes. that‘s his real name) will provide your side with wis-
dom and emotional leadership in the heat of battle.

Players and coaches on both sides are referring to tonight's
l-‘K-Florida game in warlike terms. And why not? The Gators have
an arsenal of offensive bombs. including those that are deadly
from long range. The Wildcats counter with an immovable tank
up the middle and several battle-tested soldiers who can use a va-
riety of weapons to hurt the opposition.

"it's going to he a war." said JP. Blevins. “But I think we're
all looking forward to it.“

And the arena in which these gladiators will fight will be one
of many difficulties that l'K will have to overcome.

"They‘re pretty rowdy down there." said UK‘s top general.
coach Tubby Smith. of the hostile environment. "But that‘s why
their program has grown. It's about as loud as any place in the

Of course. UK might feel better about their
army ifone of their platoon members wasn't
out ofaction. Jules (‘amara will miss his sec»
ond game with a foot injury. which creates
depth problems for UK. especially against a
ravenous. hungry group of UP defenders
who will launch an allout blitzkrieg against
the l'K ball handlers.
"They‘ll definitely look to press and wear us
down.” Smith said of the UP game plan.
pretty “.lules is a big target you can throw to
against the press. and he can convert on
I‘OWdy sortie outside shots. We‘ll miss him in this
style of play.“
down "You‘ve got to be ready and strong." Blevins
there. It’s is)aei:l)ofthr.j 1171f doiensive attack. “'You' can‘t