xt718911rn5b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911rn5b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1969-03-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 10, 1969 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 10, 1969 1969 1969-03-10 2020 true xt718911rn5b section xt718911rn5b     



Minutes of the University Senate, February 10, 1969


' (Candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Degree cont'd.)

USS - y 1
( Norma Rosalie North Mt. Washington I

r Virginia Smith Piersol Lexington

I Jo Ann Schickel Burkesville

‘ Cynthia Sowder Singleton Lexington

? Ann M. Wicklund Independence

Dean Robert M. Drake, Chairman of the Committee on Honorary Degrees,
i presented a recommendation that honorary degrees be conferred on five persons
1 (the fifth having been recommended and approved by the Senate and the Board of “
' Trustees in 1968 but was unable to accept) at the May 1969 Commencement. The l
R Senate approved the four new persons as presented for recommendation to the
' Acting President and Board of Trustees with the request to the press that the
‘ names be withheld until the Board has taken action and the nominees have accepted.




my, .
“‘ Dr. Nicholas J. Pisacano, Chairman of the University Senate Advisory Committee ‘lifl
} on Intercollegiate Athletics, presented a brief tentative interim report of that ‘ h
1 Committee. He stated that the final, full written report would be circulated
. to the faculty to be followed by an open meeting of the Committee with the faculty.
f He further reported that the new Athletic Director, Harry Lancaster, and the new
\ football coach, John Ray, would appear before the Senate at the March meeting, to
a speak to the Senators and to answer questions. Dr. Pisacano urged the Senators
” to feel free to communicate with any of the members of the Committee which is
g composed of Professor David K. Blythe, Engineering; Professor Thomas Brower,
( Surgery; Dr. Stephen Diachun, Agriculture; Dean Lyman V. Ginger, Education;
Dr. Joseph Logan Massie, Business and Economics; Dr. Wimberly C. Royster,
Mathematics; Dean W. L. Matthews, Jr., Law, acting as secretary; and Dr. Pisacano.

( The Chairman announced that a University Convocation would be held on

” Thursday, February 20, 1969, beginning at 2:30, and that classes would be

dismissed from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. The speaker will be Dr. Elvis Stahr. {W

%kk7 The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. }

Elbert W. Ockerman



The regular meeting of the University Senate was held at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
March 10, 1969, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Ogletree presided. }
Members absent: Frederick J. Bollum, Eugene B. Bradley*, Wallace N. Briggs*, C. I
[ Frank Buck, Richard A. Chapman, Virgil L. Christian, Jr., George F. Crewe, Robert J. ‘p
1 DeAngelis, Wendell C. DeMarcus*, Stephen Diachun, Louis D. Dubilier*, Phillip A.

3 Duncan, Fred Edmonds*, Joseph B. Fugate, Eugene B. Gallagher*, Art Gallaher*, i

6% Rebekah Harleston, Meryle Hutchison*, L. Clark Keating, Aimo Kiviniemi", John A. 3;
»‘W M K0epke*, Harold R. Laswell*, Albert S. Levy*, Ray Marshall, William G. Moody*, Dean M.
Me. gl H. Morrow, Blaine F. Parker, J. W. Patterson, Myron G.Sandifer, Kingsley M. StevenS, .

W. C. Templeton, Duane N. Tweeddale*, David R. Wekstein*, James H. Wells, Fred
Zechman*, Alfred Hu*, Lawrence S. Thompson*, William B. Cotter, Ralph Shabetai,

*Absence excused

















7"Absence excused

Minutes of the University Senate, March 10, 1969 (Cont'd)

Michael L. Furcolow, Herbert Greene, Richard P. O'Neill, Albert D. Kirwan,
A. D. Albright, William R. Willard*, Robert F. Kerley, Glenwood L. Creech,
Leonard V. Packett, George W. Denemark, Harold D. Gordon, Jack E. Hall*,
Joseph Hamburg, Ellis F. Hartford, Charles F. Haywood, Raymon D. Johnson,
J. P. Noffsinger, Elbert W. Ockerman*, Doris M. Seward*, and Wallace Bryan.

The Senate approved the requests of the following persons to be permitted

to attend the meeting and report its proceedings:

Kathy Redmon of WBKY

Dana Ewell of the Kernel

Debbie Clark of Student Government

Mason Taylor of the Graduate Student Council
Howard Mason, a photographer from the Kernel
Joe Jenkins of Public Relations

The minutes of the regular meeting of February 10, 1969, were approved

as circulated.

The Chairman read the following letter which had been received from the

widow of Dr. James C. Falkenstine, deceased:

711 River Road
Cumberland, Kentucky 40823
February 24, 1969

Dr. Elbert W. Ockerman, Secretary
University Senate
Lexington, Kentucky 40506

Dear Dr. Ockerman:

Thank you for sending The Resolutions on the death of Dr. Falkenstine

that were heard at the meeting of The University Senate on February 10, 1969.

Carol Sue (age 9), Jim Jr. (age 15) and I appreciate so very much the
expression of deep sympathy from the Senators.

My husband had a deep pride in working for The University of Kentucky
and there was never enough time to do all the things he wanted to do. I

sensed this, and now, after reading over these Resolutions, I know that
others sensed this, too.


Mrs. James C. Falkenstine

On behalf of the College of Business and Economics, Professor William W.

Ecton read Resolutions on the death of Dr. Donald L. Richard, former associate
professor of Accounting, and directed that the Resolutions be incorporated in
the minutes of the Senate and that copies be transmitted to his family. The
Senators stood for a moment of silence in tribute to Dr. Richard and in accept—
ance of the Resolutions.







‘N. 1.,


Minutes of the University Senate, March 10, 1969



Dr. Donald L. Richard, associate professor of Accounting, born
October 17, 1922, at Gibsonburg, Ohio, died of coronary complications on
Saturday, February 15, 1969.

Husband of Eloise Richard and father of four, Don will be remembered
by all with whom he came into contact for his sincerity, unselfishness,
dedication, professional ability, and humility.

After serving as an officer in the U.S. Air Force during World War II,
Don was graduated from Bowling Green State University in 1946, received his
Masters Degree from the University of Maryland in 1952, his Ph.D. from
American University in 1959, and his certificate as a CPA from the District
of Columbia in 1950. He was employed by Owens—Illinois Glass Company as
an accountant from 1947 to 1950, at which time he chose to devote his time
and talents to education. He taught at the University of Maryland from
1950 to 1954, following which he served as an instructor, assistant and
associate professor of Accounting at the University of Missouri until
the fall of 1966, when he came to the University of Kentucky. Don
brought with him academic experience which proved invaluable in the
total review and revision of the undergraduate program in accounting,
the development and implementation of the masters program, and in the
creation of courses suitable for a major area in the College's DBA

Don's contributions to the Department, the College, and to the
University in these, and many other respects, emphasize the extent
of the loss the University community has suffered. His efforts with
and for his students were unstinting and tireless, and were considered
both by his students and colleagues as outstanding.

Don was a frequent contributor to the profession of accountancy, as
evidenced by his publications record over the years, his membership and
active participation in the programs of the National Association of
Accountants, American Accounting Association, American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants, and the Kentucky Society of Certified
Public Accountants.

His work with his church, Beaumont Presbyterian, as Treasurer, is
but one example of Don's desire to serve the community.

Be it resolved, therefore, that the University of Kentucky acknow—
ledge the contributions of Dr. Donald L. Richard, and the loss we have
suffered by incorporating this resolution in the minutes of the University
Senate, and by transmitting copies thereof to his family.

Dean William L. Matthews, Jr. presented the proposed Law calendar for the
1971 summer and fall terms and the 1972 spring and summer terms which had been
prepared within the framework of guidelines set down by the University Senate
for the College of Law and which had been circulated to the faculty under date
of February 7, 1969. The Senate approved the proposed calendar as circulated.

























Minutes of the University Senate, March 10, 1969 (Cont'd)


June 14
June 15
June 19

June 26
July 5
July 27

August 6
August 7—8
August 9—11
August 11

August 30
August 31
September 6
September 7

September 11
November 8
November 25, 26, 27

December 8
December 9—13
December 14—23
December 23

January 10
January 11
January 18
January 24
March 20—26
March 27
April 28
April 29-May 3
May 4—13
May 13

May 14

May 15

1971 Summer Session £/

Monday - Registration

Tuesday — Class work begins

Saturday — Last day to enter an organized class for the Summer

Saturday — Last day to drop a course without a grade

Monday — Independence Day — Academic Holidays

Tuesday — Last day to withdraw from a class before and of
Summer Session

Friday — Law classes end

Saturday—Sunday — Law examinations reading period

Monday—Wednesday — Law examinations period

Wednesday — End of 1971 Summer Session

1971 Fall Semester 3%71‘

Monday — Registration

Tuesday — Class work begins

Monday — Labor Day — Academic Holiday >

Tuesday — Last day to enter an organized class for the Fall
Semester ?

Saturday — Last day to drOp a course without a grade f

Monday — Last day to withdraw from a class before finals

Thursday through Saturday — Thanksgiving Holidays — Academic (

Holidays 7

Wednesday — Law classes end

Thursday—Monday — Law examinations reading period

Tuesday—Thursday - Law examinations period &

Thursday — End of Fall Semester

1972 Sfling Semester %a
‘l‘ /

Monday — Registration

Tuesday — Class work begins

Tuesday — Last day to enter an organized class for the Spring

Monday — Last day to drop a course without a grade

Monday through Sunday — Spring vacation

Monday — Last day to withdraw from a class before finals

Friday — Law classes end

Saturday—Wednesday - Law examinations reading period

Thursday—Saturday — Law examinations period

Saturday — End of Spring Semester

Sunday — Baccalaureate—Vesper Services r

Monday — 105th Annual Commencement @





Minutes of the University Senate, March 10, 1969



1972 Summer Session

June 12 Monday — Registration

June 13 Tuesday — Class work begins

June 17 Saturday — Last day to enter an organized class for the Summer

June 24 Saturday — Last day to drop a course without a grade

July 4 Tuesday — Independence Day — Academic Holiday

July 25 Tuesday — Last day to withdraw from a class before end of
Summer Session

August 4 Friday — Law classes end

August 5-6 Saturday—Sunday — Law examinations reading period

August 719 Monday—Wednesday — Law examinations period

August 9 Wednesday — End of 1972 Summer Session

Dr. Nicholas Pisacano, Chairman of the University Senate Advisory Committee
on Intercollegiate Athletics, presented football Coach John Ray who spoke briefly
to the Senate. Coach Ray indicated his pleasure at being a member of the
University staff. He stated that he felt athletics and academics were very
compatible; that he did not subscribe to exploitment of young men for their
football ability; that he felt an obligation both to the young man and to his
parents to be sure that he got his education and came out of the University
better off for having played football for the University; that he is very
much in accord with the academic program of the University and is not here to
lower the standards but rather that he wants his men to be treated by the
faculty just as any other student — not to be looked down on or to be accorded
any special privileges.

He invited the faculty to be guests, free of charge, at the spring game
to be held on April 26th at 8:00 p.m. in the Stadium. He stated that the only
thing needed to enter the Stadium would be the Faculty Identification Card.
He also reported that practice would be held from March 24th to April 26th and
scrimmages would be held on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at which both
faculty and students would be welcome; that he felt more interest in the program
would accrue if the faculty and students knew the program and how they handled

young men.

Lastly, he stated that they hoped to give the University a football team
of which it could be proud, both on and off the field. Coach Ray was given
an ovation following his remarks.

Dr. Michael Adelstein, Chairman of the University Senate Advisory Committee
on Student Affairs, assumed the chair to present two additional student disciplinary
offenses to be added to the ten previously approved by the Senate and the Board of
Trustees in the document known as the Student Code, and further, to present
a modified version of the proposed Student Bill of Rights which had been circulated
to the faculty under date of February 12th. These two additional disciplinary
offenses and the modified Student Bill of Rights had been handed to the Senators

as they entered the meeting.

On behalf of the Committee Dr. Adelstein moved that Disciplinary Offense ll.
be approved by the Senate and forwarded to the President for presentation to the
Board of Trustees for incorporation into the Student Code. Following extended
discussion the Senate approved the motion as presented, which reads as follows:





















Minutes of the University Senate, March 10, 1969 (Cont'd)

ll. Interference with any registered organization or any individual
on property owned or operated by the University, or interference
with the activities of the University, including but not limited
to disruption of classes or meetings, or prevention of ingress
to and egress from buildings.

Dr. Adelstein next recommended that Disciplinary Offense 12. be approved
by the Senate and forwarded to the PreSident for presentation to the Board of
Trustees for incorporation into the Student Code. The Senate approved this
recommendation which reads as follows:

12. Falsifying, altering, or forging any official University records or
documents, or employing official University documents or records for
purposes of misrepresentation.

Dr. Adelstein than recommended to the Senate that the modified Student Bill
of Rights be discussed in this meeting but not voted upon, and further, that if
discussion were not completed in this meeting, the Senate convene at 4:00 p.m.,
Monday, March 24, 1969, in the Court Room of the Law Building, to continue
discussion. This recommendation was approved by the Senate.

Dr. Adelstein introduced to the Senate the members of the Advisory Committee
on Student Affairs and gave a brief background of the Student Bill of Rights.
Sections A and B of Article I, Right of Admission and Access, were discussed at
length. At 5:30, following the exodus of a number of Senators, motion was made
to adjourn but before it could be acted upon a motion was made from the floor
that the Senate direct the Chairman of the Senate Council to request President
Kirwan to maintain parking regulations unchanged until an opportunity had been
made for an open hearing. The Senator indicated he was making this motion in
response to the change in the parking permit system which had been circulated by
Mr. Dempsey of Safety and Security. Following a second to this motion an addi-
tional motion was made to table the motion. A majority of the Senators voted not
to table the motion. Question was then raised of the presence of a quorum for
the conduct of business. A count showed lack of a quorum and the Senate ad-
journed at 5:33 p.m. to meet next at 4:00 p.m., Monday, March 24, 1969.


Kathryne W. Shelburne
Recording Secretary


The University Senate convened at 4:00 p.m., Monday, March 24, 1969, in
the Court Room of the Law Building, to continue its discussion of the proposed
Student Bill of Rights. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the
Senate Council, Dr. William K. Plucknett, Secretary, presided. Members absent:
Clifford Amyx, Harry V. Barnard, Ben W. Black, Frederick J. Bollum, Eugene B.
Bradley, Wallace N. Briggs, Virgil L. Christian, Jr., David B. Clarkk, Robert L.
Cosgriff, Emmett R. Costich*, Alfred L. Crabb, Jr., Eugene C. Crawford,‘Jr.,
George F. Crewe*, Robert J. DeAngelis, Loretta Denman*, Stephen Diachun, Louis
D. Dubilier, Phillip A. Duncan, W. G. Duncan, W. W. Ecton, Fred Edmonds*,
Robert 0. Evans*, Joseph B. Fugate, Eugene B. Gallagher, Art Gallaher*, Milton
E. Gellin*, Will D. Gilliam, Jr., Joseph J. Gruber, Virgil W. Hays, Meryle
Hutchison, Don R. Jacobson, James B. Kincheloe, Donald E. Knapp*, John A. Koepke,

*Absence excused




