xt718911rq0h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911rq0h/data/mets.xml Bliss, P. P. (Philip Paul), 1838-1876 1873 1 close score (160 pages), 14 x 18 cm. Call Number: M2193.B55 S860 1873 Library copy imperfect: cracked front cover board Library copy imperfect: cracked front cover board.Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C scores (documents for music) M2193.B55 S860 1873 English J. Church Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox collection Sunday school music Hymns, English Sunshine for Sunday Schools: a New Collection of Original and Selected Music, 1873 text Sunshine for Sunday Schools: a New Collection of Original and Selected Music, 1873 1873 1873 2023 true xt718911rq0h section xt718911rq0h '1 ,

' ~: .' fiw~nrw_—-_-mu—P .‘












ifim R’Abmafl: as.» “3,335; 'z
\fl\ 1—4 “TEE—TX V r» 7 .



, ,





~v«.~u: w




{iii rUHXE. ? $2 3? .EE.& Fraziesis. | w»? itk...».?






P. P. 314188.



Entered according to Act of Congress, A.D. 1873. by JOHN CHURCH & Co., in the Office of the Librarian
of Congress, at Washington.


 - mm- w“...





, SUPERINTENDENTS : Try to have the singing a part qf the Sunday-school work, not
apart from it.

CHORISTERS: Try to have the singing spirited and spiritual, but not too fast nor too

TEACHERS: Try to have all your scholars sing, and, if possible, set them the example.

\SCHOLARS: Try to sing the tune pleasantly and correctly, and think of the meaning of
the words; so that you can “ sing with the spirit and with the understanding also.”

May GOD bless “ SUNSHINE,” and all who sing from it. AMEN.


P. P. B.

CHICAGO, FEB. 10, 1873.





After the Song is learned the Scripture selection may at any time be read. either alternately, by superintendent (or teacher)_and
school, or by single voices; but the Song should humediutely follow, while the thoughts are upon the Holy Word and the minds

interested in the subject. This remark applies to all the Songs with Scripture selectioul.




“ For the LORD God is a SUN and a. shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he with-

















hold from them that walk uprightly.” _.
“Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, * * * and the light shall SHINE
upon thy ways.”
Words and Music by P. P. BLISS.
7%.? 9 v. I P‘u l I n 5 I I h I
fin? ." 1 TWIN I'LA I :‘AI‘N ‘nIi‘a' Ii 3|
u a l 5-0 :l'l'l “l‘kdll‘l‘lA-j
mo 1 I "'1li LL} i rlfir'fiIEEaInfi
.j _‘_ '5' ‘ U U r0 + I i, 7 C U 0 I o
1. Welcome, sweet SUNSHINE, Thy bright reign begin; Beautiful SUNSHINE, Come in, oh, come in.
2. Cold and un - lov-mg, Too long have we been; Beautiful SUNSHINE, Come in, oh, come in.
3. Drive out the darkness, The sor-row and sin ; Beautiful SUNSHINE, Come in, Oh, come in.
4. Heavenward, homeward, The wan-der-ing win; Beautiful SUNSHINE, Come in, oh, come in.
fig 1b lb 'KIIIK lb IIKI p Ffii‘l ofil'h 1"" thJ‘IK ,l‘ 'lhl .1.- J '
§;#_o_l. U, T uh :lgthE - '. LL Lrl :l n Lil ;%:l IE -‘l 3|
0V V lrLV Vfiilr’ ' Pfil IV v Vfivw WI! r1 fl
0 I I .9 g g l L i I .2 J {'1 L‘ fi
7 - .






Beau - ti - ful SUNSHINE, Come in, oh, come in,’ Beau - ti
-P- J- '

- ful SUNSHINE, Come in, oh,.come in.



 ~wu.~;v——w ”QM-x
" “-r-E'b‘b‘. any-


r Rug... «4—3: {4-4.7, it


...’Af L h


“ But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings."
“Then Shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”
_ “ And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it : for the glory of God did lighten it,
and the Lamb is the light. thereof.”
“ And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither the light of the sun; for the Lord God
glveth them light: and they shall reign forever and ever."
. Words and Music by GEO. F. ROOT.










1.‘ Oh, the



sun - shine, the sun - shine, so begin - ti ~ ful and free, How it
‘ 0- +







spreads o - ver all, bless-ing ev—ery thing we see, How it points to the glo -ry that






-a- -o- v- +
beams for you and me, In the hap — py land of prom - ise just be - yond.
*— 4; ' o-







' “dag—zany“- ,Hh ,





—<‘-‘.3 ?r a" ai‘fi‘g'fi a r:
t—J-s' fiW‘fi -—L—'——d——d:l—d——$—Er_$_'__‘_L‘_dfi g:‘___ 1"] -,‘_y

1. I know not the hour when my Lord will come To take me a - way to his own dear home;
2. I know not the song that the an - gels sing, I know not the sound of the harp’s glad ring;
3. I know not the form of my man - sion fair, I know not the name that I then shall bear;


P y. . :1
T \

we 3:: F5 E: :3












‘ IL I I l
' 3+6 ., L If“: i I- - l' - I- - I n;
L) I L o \ l o I l I \ l n \
V O 4L, L Lin, . l l ’



fl Uh L
3' www ,2:


But I know that his presence will lighten the gloom, And that will be glo - ry for me.
But I know there’ll be mention of Je-sus our King, And that will be mu ~sic for me.
But I know that my Sav—ior will welcome me there, And that will be heav-en for me.

:_ -ua_ww»«._wo‘_nmawfi_ygv;n:‘_;:.g
: 3 ~ < Vfi+fl :3 z »_



























I If v] L
‘5‘“ u 1 Q g 1'; .71 J 1') LV '
Yes, that will be glo - ry, oh, that will be glo - ry, be glo - ry for me;
Yes, that will be mu - sic, oh, that will be mu - sic, be mu - sic for me;
Yes, that will be heav-en, oh, that will be heav-en, be heav-en for me;
F L I.“ L L L L l‘ K h A L t ’3
11,11 Jj‘ n n J‘ 444 1‘ 1' .H n i
fiesté =5 ' “:1; .1 94'? ' ref-A-
v! 1: L,‘ ——c———o—'fio—o—o—o—-o——0:LF—~——B—Io]
And that will be glo-ny for me, . . . Oh, that will be glo- ry for me; .
And that will be mu-sic for me, . . . Oh, that will be mu - sic for me; .
And that will be heaven for me, . . . Oh, that will be heav-en for me; .
. m
-_ __ __.._________.1__ -. .__._ 44___s.__s_g -_:
ll ’f—i- ———¥—ZlS—FE1F: 7—3. d‘fi—i—‘d—ig’thg —~—->-.
fi - iv v v v v V 1 I ' w I
Yes, that will be glo - ry, oh, that will be glo - ry for me; . .
Yes, that will be mu - sic, oh, that will be mu - sic for me; . ' .

Yes, that will be heav-en, oh, that will be heav-en for me;


But I know that his presence will lighten the gloom, And that will be glo - ry for


But I know there’ll be mention of Je - sus our King, And that will be mu -sic for me.
But I know that my Sav-ior will welcome me there, And that will be heav-en for



























& ‘“'itlI_Spirit. J _g L L '
T1141 1 r 1 a 1.1 1. 1: 1 1 2S R n
a - . 4 1 1 1 1 z 1 L —— 11—41"— __: -
\\1/ [i ‘V‘ 5 - ‘r Fig 6‘ 1L: :‘-‘_fl—i—‘——= l:’+‘ "' "'_.'—*_‘. 1 .
.J I _._ a '1. _g_ : a a 1g
1. WORK, for the night is com - ing, PRAY, f01 the day’s at hand; \VATCH, for the Master
2. WORK for the souls a - round you, W EEP for your sins, your own; FIGHT for the cross up—
3; \VoRK, for the night is com - ing, Prove every precious hour; PRAY, for the day is
- ~9- #' 4.- 4'-
“*"*7" 1 1 sweet—#144
th—ge—e—P—fi 1 1 1. - .. - , -~—:-4
" ”fl -’ Hn—_zH1JC' ' 1 E—‘V—‘é—r —+
' ‘ ‘1 V l 7
V “—
CHORUS. ——\V01k, for the night 18 coming Pray, for the day s at hland, Watch, for the Master
0 1L J FINE- . _
I .i j | h 1 l 1 II L ‘1 A } ‘ _F1‘r 2*
H —‘,? “1'13 i N l aI i l 7’ i'_d link ‘ p '
< 1 1 ' a 4' 1 a ' r—g- . —:1—g—— y—«g—F 0:0 ‘4‘
¥L_G—6J"" L l __._. -m _9._ 1 L A:-
_o, ' a d d ‘

call - eth, STRIVE, ’tis your God’s command, Now is the time to la - bor, THEN is the
on you, \VAIT for the Vic - tor’s crown, \VATCH, wlnle you work for others, PRAY wh1le you
dawn-ing, Day of the Saw - ior’s power. _ REST, when your labor ’5 end - ed, Soon shall the







o— 6— 4'- o- . , ‘ ~0- 0 , f- «1' 11- -1'— -!- 4'- 4 f- 4’- 1'-
“it“? , 1 1 g r 1 ”9::- ll L 41L1r 1 p :55”;
9'4 ‘5—,g—T+n—o———v—v——o—t~———? fin—a—~:~v—m9— Lb~—_»9-—{3—lh——V 4%
l U V. 1 l 14 '
l l ' V ‘— ' V ‘

call— eth, St1ive, ’ti ‘ your God’s command.
I). C. for Chorus.









3112.1 1 1 J, . 1 1‘ 1‘1 g , ~—
figfiiges :1, ~: e111 157111 1 '1‘-—a;1—1:1¢: EH
d 1 ___11__0 "- g :3 g 1 a‘ a‘ 4" a 1“'—"'i"”“—r—“ “"-
judgment hour; WORK for the soul’ s sal-va - tion ev - er, In heav’ns e - ter- nal bower.
wait for power; Watching and waiting, :11 - ways pray-ing, Fill ev ~ ery golden hour.
glad day come ; Day of the blessed Sav - ior's promise, When he shall call us home.
- 49— 11-10— 4!. 4L 19- 10— 4- _1 3 k 1 1








_afi:_s _,11 , I 1'fi 1' 1; ELH
; . . . 1 JJ







 A L
~yxxr~=~wfavvm 1. ,L «7;. who...» .



C. M. WYMAN. From “ The Palm.”


















































_ Earnestly. ' 3 d 14‘
egr— 1 L i r L a 1. L .1. _ . .

@127:§;}EJ:3—_37— _:_‘“J -_ _ ‘— —___.__g: ’ ‘ Lit—4:5: :_——:_f- L_LE—W9L_L~_rr—_,L__$E
.J a a - - ' .5. . ‘4 - v

1. Th 1e sands of time a1e sinking, The dawn of heaven bleaks, The sum — nler mom 1’ ve

2. I’ve w1estled on towaid heaven, ’Gainst storm, and wind, and tide, Now, like a wea - ry

3. Deep wateis c10ssed lite’ s pathway, '1 he hedge of tho1ns was shmp; Now, these lie all be-

I\ '\

L._.p a: t_o_--bll ' a '2" 1" 4" 4" '2 1°4ar-_f 19- N
9—g3 QTFQ_L_§._.Q p,_L_ L“: __p._: g:_{bw:__ ‘p_-,_. ’12-: ___:z__.* ”LQ:L_“:p;:Ci_j

”1) ‘ L‘ I 1 1/1' I r —"*"— ’ i [I t 7 ‘V 1
L .1 L I #1” ' I l
_{1rfi " 'Kl J _i_ #

H I a . 0 £ _ ——-—+:— —:fi——v— .

; 33—' f6 . Era» '. ’1 ‘J; —= ' diva—4E:—~—w~—i

.% vi . i '1 d . —:~ Z ii I 4“] 6L .

sighed for— The fair, sweet morn a-wnkes. Dark, dark has been the midnight But

tmv - ’ler That lean - eth on his guide, A - mid the shades of evening, “'hile

hind me——— O! for a well tuned harp! 0 to join hal - le-lu — jam With
#- 4— J J
3.1———-aa~a ~ . ' 9 0 . .
942 "L if * 7 1:. 5:41” fl
I ’= l l a Li f L __ ' V‘L'“—”'~' J
| V i I

J: j ' L ”’3 I i ' 1 I
§“”_*‘—' 5' a 1 ‘m = ' ' lZi;;.~1wsL::a1; 1 ~.r_ —.———a;——a :ifl

_L1 I 1 l 4' L I' ' _l l." (__L _ L.

#9; . ~0- _,_ 3, a ‘p a 0—6,; ~ 3' W0 "—
day—spring is at hand, And glo - ry, glo - ry dwelleth, In Im-man-uel’s land.
sinks life’s ling’ring sand, I hail the glo - ry dawning, From Im -111an-nel’slzu1d.
yon tri - umphant band! \Lho sing where glo-ry dwelleth, In 1111 - man-1101’s land.

.. fly“ “t .p. ' o 1" A p. ”9' - o a
fi*—r7——-r—!_g* p+g.__m__{a._,—IL_ #442, t—a—L—fl-T- ! F I w
995—4—1 P . r' .52 H I . 19— 9—4—9—1 —

1 ‘ , i L v l; f _-_:_ .J;_T__-_.__:l:_l:fl


























“In chlantlng ntyle.
1- ii 1“ Ix 17 35i1
@m—u—ma 14—: :—~g~1¢4—!-o~—P1~1——~—1- L—-—Lq
1U 'vv v v . v v . r g . "' -‘ + + 4
Is there no balm in Gil - ead, then? is there no Healer nigh? No freshening sp1ing to
1 And seems thy soul for - sak - en now, her ev- ery blessing flown? No soothing for her
Yet stay; the cross thou bear - est thus hath filst been b01 ne for thee ,Thy Lord himself did
11 I II 1I h A __JI
q:$—‘f— H!——l————F— p14— —! P R: !__'F ‘ P 1' ' i ,1 ' I, 3.1 '
, 5V5 r' 5 fl?- : 1 1' 1.5:- 3:11:19?»
T11 1.31 1 .1‘1 ; 1 :F 1 L
U U U ' 5 l 1 4—1 0 0 ij‘ h
V -1 1- L 1 1“” I’)““': JTI— ‘ ' 3
$1“;- + 4. 4 4 11 2 v- #5: firm—4514

cheer the waste so des - o - late and dry?
sor — row sore, no place to make her moan? Is there no balm in GiLe-ad, then?is
hang there-on, thy life and, cure to be.

_ T“ 5fl’1’fi1filfi—‘i‘m

gig—.‘f—L! '—l; .—:1iLl—_E1;iv[w L '













m After last stanza. Repeat.




'1’ .
there no Heal - er nigh? Why, then, thy tears and guilty fears? why, brother, sinner, why?




A ,.A.,121‘:{-.=;1~:~:


 v ..-...s . m MW3ex.a.‘;AAsev.z.s-mjr, ~sfi.wi%s: (sauna 9;




2 For thine own soul he bare it all—the scourge and piercing thorn,
The nailing and the bruising, too, the hatred shame, and scorn ;
Upon his cross he yearned for thee; for thee his heartstrings brake; ,
Himself of all forsaken, yet he could not thee forsake;
Then evermore, when sorroxvs sore thine inmost spirit wring,
Say, My Belov’d is crucified and I to him will cling.

8 He is a Shelter from the storm when winds and waves arise,
A Shadow in the scorching noon, a Light in starless skies,
A Stall” upon the rugged road, 3. Shield when foes assail,
A Charm divine against, whose might no evil can prevail;
For Where the cross of Jesus is, is peace, and there alone,
Beneath the banner of his love he gathereth his own.
4 Is aught too wearisome or hard for Jesus’ sake to bear ?
While he is crowned with thorns, wilt thou a crown of roses wear 7
Draw near, thou reft and drooping heart, draw near and lift thy gaze
To him who yearns with outstretched arms thee from thy grief to raise ;
In Jesus’ cross and passion find the refuge of thy soul,
Find there a. balm, a Healer there, who waits to make thee Whole.


Words end Music by P. P. Buss.







n1 4 \

Jew ‘5”, l “I ‘« lien-tail 'LL hrhjgj
. ' x i l4 1

9 Tfli”~“‘l—7 1 ‘fi an ‘-~_ ‘ find ~i-nj ‘Fl . a £2; oj



j .
+7 M—fi ,L H,=.'~».ia.£- ,T,.f

-;—¢—4——4—~d—7-a—: fi-fi—rc—a—Tr; 0—74—0—0— 7—0—7 0—;4—0— , .
1. More ho - liness give me, More strivings within,
2. More gmti-tude give me, More trust in the Lord,

More patience in suff'ring, More sorrow for sin,

More pride in his glo - ry, More hope in his word,

More freedom from earth-stains, More longings for home,










3. More pu - ri - ty giVe me, More strength to o'ermme, l

_o_,p.: A: D - u 1 l l, 0 -

'___.._ j __j -’ p4} _2._p-:_ if; ._ __'_..__
EL . infirm #— waif—FT
if’"""‘4' 4;: «1' ‘2 1 4. ~74—¢—~—6--—
[ V1 - l 1
l h is h l Kit.
A I l J {K‘ ‘K‘ i" Ji‘ - i i i i - 41 l , ‘w s

l ' 1 i l c - r- . l‘ A II



' ,1-..“ '- a——,:::H



Id! !7§4\..\‘¢ 1,1,,5,
fligggggses-I: :‘1"Ifi14. 4‘ H
—— ' .—l-O—~.—l—-d—O—-6—:—LO-:—O—-l—O—O——,

More joy in his serv ~ ice, More purpose in myer.

More tears for his sorrows,

More faith in my Savior, More sense of his care,

More pain at his grief,

More fit for the kingdom, More used would I be,


More meekness in trial,
More blessed and holy,

More praise for re ief.
More, Savior, like thee.












'ft—E-LP—P—F—fiQ-“fi' 4- 0-1—9—0—0 . 4's : ,3 ' . : z .
83-. v ; .th , :- - p 3T; r lr“-"rP—u'l—n—‘i’“f‘F'Fr—Jo’i:
' , “ +12 1? - 9 94. .J‘ v‘ '1 A p—o‘ff’"‘“'-,'—'j#""
l V V l V P s l



" A vast- fox'time was left in the hands of a minister for one of his poor parishioners. Fearing that it might
beysguhmlel‘cd 1t xliddeilly bestowed upon him, the wise minister sent him a little at a time, with 2i note, sayiuo':
‘ ths is thzne; use it wisely; there is more tofollow.’ Brethren, that ’s just the way God deals with us." a

D. L. M oony.

Words and Music by 1’.P.Btiss.
. gt ‘ A . _ ——


— #r—dflfi—Hfl'
d = = a


1. Have you on the Lord be - lieved? Still there’s more


71 n8





Of his grace have you re - ceived? Still there ’3 more to


fol - low.



Oh, the grace the Fa. - ther shows! Still there’s more to fol - low;

3 15': A



MORE TO FOLLOW.——Concluded.


Still there’s more to fol - low.

9- o-
+— 4.—

Free — ly he his grace be - stows,

9- -O-

4— A









more, more and more, Al - ways more to fol - low,
1: - 3:. - A



matehless, bound - less love! Still there ’s more to fol - low.





2 Have you felt the Savior near? 3 Have vou felt the Spirit’s power?
Still there’s more to follow; Still there’s more to follow.
Does his blessed presence cheer? Falling like the gentle shower?
Still there ’3 more to follow. Still there’s more to follow;

Oh, the love that Jesus shows! Oh, the power the Spirit shows!

Freely he his love bestows, Freely he his power bestowa,

Still there ’s more to follow. Still there ’s more to follow.
" W ' v





Words and Music by JAMES MCGRANAHAN.





:zr; ’__6_,i::d" ,
7 1- n a ! o O u
1. We are trav - ’ling, slow-1y trav - ’ling, To the mar - row riv - er’s shore,


1—K __


















‘. l , ,

" As we near 1t shall we fear 1t, Smce our Sav - 101' ’s gone be - fore.
l a ' p o

' 0 Q_" ' l A Q 0 0 D ' __L - A A
. . . ‘ J " ‘ ' ,__- 1 ‘ L __,_vr ___ " _:_ __ " _, __3,_, _,-

i q“ 9;, 'r) - tr- '0 - ,o :- l’: 3” " f , I? ' F F" :0 f—LiLi—EZ
s M J V V = = h - l 1; a= ° 2—:flv—p—trv #iwo—t—v—u— r-V
‘ "I? ' ‘1 V l n l V




travel-ing home - ward, Gathering on . . . . .

Traveling home

: Jesmmmr


r «a;


'V i/ I
Traveling, trav’linghomcward, Trav g, trav’ling homeward, Gathering slowly



r ~w5v' .






11? “my;






the hea-ven - 1y Bless-ed Sav




gath - er — ing on the hap-py heavenly shore, Blessed Sav-ior may we ev - er, blessed


ev - er, se1ve and praise thee ever, may we serve and praise thee ev- er- more.
serve and praise thee ev - er - more.








#- o-

. i i/

Sav-ior, may we ev - er serve and praise thee ev - er, may we serve and praise thee ev-er- more.


2 Many dear ones have crossed over, 3 In thy service make us faithful,
And they’ re going one by one, And when life’s work here is done,
Tho’ it grieves us as they leave us, Safely mansioned with the ransomed,
’1‘ 1s the Savior’ s call,“ Come home.” Sing thy praise for vict’ry won.

Traveling homeward etc. Traveling homeward, etc.



GEO. F. Roo‘r.

I Q ' I [—l i 1 1 W1,
a I 4
#9—‘¢_'d_FZ_’ a I 0’ 3’ a? l i a :‘i
g 4‘ La_____
_v v I






1. Blow ye the t1umpet, blow! The gladly solemn sound; Let all the nations know, To
2. Ye slaves of sin and hell! Your lib- er- ty receive, And safe in Je-sus dwell, And
3. The gospel trumpetheal, The news of pa1d 11mg grace; Ye happy souls draw near, Be-


-~&~- t—t-flD—4 V)~———0—r——T—— 6i_:_.::'__ J'-
2%: s—r —, —;~Z,F+——+~lt—I: p—fi— I’fifi—T—f;

LI I = ‘Tfl- I



rn 1+“; , , J ‘
tag: I I V, o 1 ar_:_em__,':rr_
@— I .AWFfi—p—f —P3* ~FWr—s— ~fv—tfl—

! .







earth’s re - mot - est bound. The year of ju - — bi - lee is
blest in Je — sus live. The year of ju — bi — lee is come; The year of ju - bi -
hold your Savior’s face. The year, etc.







lo- , -6- '

Return, ye ran - - somed sin — - ners, home.
come; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home; ye ransomed sinners, home.






“All we like sheep have gone astray ; we have turned every one to his own way: and the Lord hath laid on
him the iniquity of us all.”

“ Because Christ also sufl‘ered for us, =¢= * *3 who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree,
by whose stripes ye were healed.”

“ Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.”

“ Come, now, and let us reason together, saith the Loan: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as
white as snow ; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."











\Vgls by L. N. J P. P. B.
n_'_r4___4_,15._, 4 J l Ja_“‘_ .
J «mama— +41% . .w ; I +7 i-fi-d—d' T++EyCEEI
Ell-“:4—lrjwjflfihiaud'a —QT ‘T A l ' d Tt_j 4‘ l7 l F. *i-a- 7—H L
.1 'Je' é .‘ 4 Lafiz 5L“ 5 l él-é“: 5': = .' P La'e 3 :‘l
T a | 7* v - l l
1. \Vhat! “lay my sins on Je - sus?" God’s well-beloved Son! No I ’tis a truth most precious, That
2. Yes ’t is a truth most )recious To all who do believe God laid our sins on Je - sus Who
, l ) 7 y
l o— -P- 4'— 79- ~9- o- ~9- 4— o— !- 3P- ~9- o-
-4_:diln l a a ll i lit—*1 o la . elf L , 3 ll f , 1
3L/-g_; l f [L l; l r j
l 1
Li l





Hal-lo - lu - jah, Je - sus saves me ! He makes me “white as snow.”
Hal-1c — lu - jah, etc.

God e’en that has done.
did the load re-ceive.




3 \Vhat! “bring our guilt to Jesus? ” 5 Oh, may that gracious Jesus
To wash away our stains; Look on us from above;
The act is passed that freed us He, poor and helpless sees us,
And nought to do remains. And pities in his love.
Hallelujah, etc. Hallelujah, etc.
4 \Vhen we, these truths believing, 6 Lord, grant us through thy guiding,
\Vith pure and living faith, That we thy truth be taught,
Shall, his true peace receiving, And in thy love confiding.
Be victors over death. May serve thee as we ought.

Hallelujah, etc. Hallelujah, etc.







Words by ROBERT V. MURRAY. Music by J. R. Mvnnn'.







g—T—Tfi ! 1 oh A 1" 1‘ m A

”"4 1' R 3 311"—i—‘i’*‘,‘1‘1.‘ 115‘ ‘ ~

~ ,—~«— \A—a— , fl v1 4 .7 v1 , 1. ‘

17—11;:3—5g—3—7—1cma—a-a—a-vr-ta—z—g—ri— ,—. Vita—7 1:1in
U 1

1. Oh, W e are little soldiers, Fivhting on our Vv ay, To conquer all our e- vils, And put them all away ; Our
2. Oh, VV 0 are little soldieis, Trusting' 111 our Head, Fighting for the beautiful In thought and word and deed; Our
3 Oh, we are little soldiers, In Hem (311‘ s army strong , We look unto the Savior,“ 110 nm er leads us VV rong He

4 49— H' p— 4-— -

l 1





. —L_‘_ ’-—b— ———}»—
JEZ' ”1— } 1:5:E35;:a—9:9—1~5::I
















', . 1'4 4 i n a 9
9'-$fif——5 —[*§#i9fv—ln—io—o—F__7__—V'— V—V—w— *9—
“f”? L? 1,4 L1 L1 . 1 1 a I." i" 1' ‘1' I“ '1” ' '1’ LV—‘z—z—4—ra—‘x—J
U U V V i V 5
. K 1K K k L Lfl K L m
g; 1 - -_.\n .1 T‘ , a \1 N '1- x 1 l
_' V, W, 7— 1 v. | 1 fl 0, a n_ _'1_. 3 1‘ . n, A,
_:‘F'E:3‘a'—1—:*dw *1” '“Gfi‘ug—ws—i 1:43: ——“9’—a_v‘—:‘—d 1—“: :;:El
6' v a a .
P r rig

en- 0 mies are mighty, Our Captain 5 mightier still; He’ll lead us 011 to vic- -to-1‘y,VA11d all his words iulfill.
en- e- mics are VV atchful—dOur Leader s VVatel1ful,too; They ’11 nm er, never conquer—W e know that he is true.
leads us toa peaceful land,Wh(31'e foes can never come—Where, ’mid the good and beautiful, \\ e 11 ever find our home.







-....4'-~'- -.- ,_!\,+f¢-#—1—An—4 m

w ' F" 1' ' 1,1 '9 ,o p_fa_1c_p_::£:;;£ L':'.”';_i:,

91'; —:wwa~zs—19—a—b—Pmtq—l—j—wV—V—V-«a— 4—t§;—* ——V #pr—o—o—ar“ #V_ —+—v— —

:_:;:‘:;::;a r V $1 :4: 1 V V V“? 1 I; p I? '9,


, \


011, we are lit - tle sol-diers, Fighting 011 our VV'ay,1<‘igl1ting on our way, Fighting on our way—To

1-. .0. .e— 4114:— 41—41— 19.-






'V‘ THE LITTLE SOLDIERS. Concluded. 23


















1 “op-raise thee, we bless thee 0111' lather
2. \Vethnnk thee for blessings 1ecei3ed cv - 13/ (la
3. Pro-toot us, defend

and Friend:

us from sin and fromharm, As

14 h 1 #N 1 M
{m “M. 1‘3”" d:,~,>1_,~1_ 19.4511 11,,1 —I1
4:01:41 —a—J—a —~.~5—a— —~—1‘—e# VAd—aL—Ahk
~c— ajw— ~a~—a- #4:d—- :§:§~:d:; E——¢—»a—o—- — — — a—~g—-d~—1_—~
”m ' 1 ' ' 3 (-
conquer all our e - Vils And put them all away; To conquer all 0111‘ e - Vils And put them all away.
#- 1— #- fi- fi— 4’- 49- -1'- #- -o- 4'— 49- m
._..l 1 ,A, ‘9 _ Off- _
raw—44 Sick—94 42*? 1 1—1 . 5— 5—P-1QF—5— ! ':t 90—
fiF‘V—Vfl'fi—J' Z_ 7" 1'5—_31’__.’_:___:19_—_f _#__E: V— ’17—'J—TFV—7 :J’D_/:‘t:: w” ‘
1,1 / 1'4 1 g 1 75—11...



. s ..



11; t 141—1?”

Oh lot 0111' de - 3 0- t1’011s be- fore thee 115101111.
3'. For \\ hich than hast taught 11s 1111 - ((1151 - int: to pray;
the shephe1d doth gather the lumhs with his arm.


-..A J 1 d- ' H, , l J
. 1 1* i::-_,‘, _a' 5:5 6 a '11:— fi_::‘: ‘9-
ofla—d— a—o— 0—6—30_* 19:15:12: 0— —'a—
—‘ a a r













,_ .1 l
g; In youth and in childhood to- goth-01‘ we come
3;." But, oh for the trenmnes‘ thy 11111110 hath in store——
" 0h, nourish and strc1 lgthen our souls now in 3011111,


1 1 1
To pray that thy will in 01111111111rts111113' be done.
Th3 11111110 0h our lather, we bless 111111 11— (lore.
With the bread of thy 1030 and the wine of tl13 tIuth.










~9- , #- #-P— t o— H l
§?-r1—1—+~-— »-—~~—,'i:- ~11 5»
l l I I d r Ti






From “ Prize.” Words and Music by P. P. BLISS.
n L Tenth-.31). k
fig " NE R—AfiA—l‘l—l >1 !‘ No.5 4},
1' ~—1’l 4 — — — *a— Ha—a— * i
am -, ~...__. ,—., 5 ts 5,15? ., +-——.;—.; “lg—Le
4- -o'- 1- -a- -a'- 1- -o- y-
1. Look to Je - sus, weary one, Look and live, look and aliv;e Look at ‘whzit the Lord has done, Look and live;
2. Though unworthy, vile, unclean, Look and live, look and live; Look away from self and sin, Look and live ,
3. 'lhough you ’ve wandered far away, Look and live, look and live ; Harden not your heart to day Look and live
_ ~9- o— #-
3: 3:42—24—124 p—4— 3E 4 I 5 ,2

i L —"—_*'—~ 1 i l‘ 1 l—l:

/ ‘v V





















AI L K 1 J3 4" \l k
m n 1

_L__4: T _. * w __ ~ -H , d:;:;: dAdjLafi
a .0: .0. 'd' 'd' d z a a‘ _,_ 4 ‘d'
See him lift - ed on the tree, Look and live, look and liV';e Hear him say, “ Look unto me, ” Look and liVe
Long by Sa - tan’s power enslaved ; Look and live, look and live; Look to me, ye shall be saved, Look and live.
‘T is thy F21 — ther calls thee home, Look and live, look ans-live; Whosoev - er will may come Look and live
.9— .





l l I











.‘ : l
—L 19—9—1!


('IH‘ “-






Look! the Lord is lift - ed high, Look to him, he ’s ev - er nigh, Look and live, why will ye die ? Look and live