xt71c53dzz6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53dzz6p/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1932 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. VIII, No. 2, Autumn 1932 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. VIII, No. 2, Autumn 1932 1932 2014 true xt71c53dzz6p section xt71c53dzz6p I `
I The Quarterly Bullehn of  
• • • `
The Fr011t1er Nursun Servwe Inc.
I 5 I
  I I
Q- { VOL. VIII AUTUMN, 1932 NO. 2 ~
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\ From the National Gallery, Millbank (No. 1528), London. l
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SEE PAGES 10 and 11 for information i
about the second annual West Indies Cruise
organized by the Frontier Nursing Service, Mg
on the S. S. BELGENLAND. E
Published quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky.
susscmprrow pmcm $1.00 pm YEAR I
“Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lex- ii;
ington, Ky., under the Act of March. 3, 18'79."  
Copyright 1932 Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. V .

,’ I
*4 Thou Heart! why dost thou lift thy voice? `
The birds are mute, the sky is dark,
  Nor doth a living thing rejoice,
  Nor doth a living creature hark;
,3 Yet thou art singing in the dark.
‘ How small thou art, how poor and frail!
{ Thy prime is past, thy friends are chill;
Yet as thou had’st not any ail
i Throughout the storm thou liftest still
j A praise the winter cannot chill.
Y Then sang that happy heart reply:
{T God lives, Godloves and hears me sing;
  How warm, how safe, how glad am I
{ In shelter ’neath His spreading wing,
? And then I cannot choose but sing.
il —Dao1sl;0 Caroliina Dandridgc.
r (Quoted from "Companions of the VVay," edited by Elizabeth \’Vater-
house), published by Messrs. Methuen & Co.
 1 `

2 THR QU;\I`:'I`ERTlY T}ULliY·}'I‘TN  
It is with profound grief that we have to record the
death in St. Louis, on August seventh, of our trustee,   I l
Frank Victor Hammar. Mrs. Hammar’s work on the national  
board of the American Red Cross, and as head of the division  
in St. Louis during the War and afterwards, made her nation- ,
ally known and admired. The Frontier Nursing Service was  
only one of her many philanthropic interests, but if it had been  
unique s·he hardly could have given more sympathy and insight
to its problems. Her home, her service, her advice, encourage-
’ ment and faith were always ours and we feel her loss more  
deeply than we can express.
Mrs. Hammar had a genius for friendship, personal friend-  
ship, and in addition a breadth of mind and depth of heart I
that made her the understanding friend of every good public I
cause coming within the range of her influence. With the mind  I
of a man and the heart of a woman she clarified the issues of I
her day. We offer our sympathy to her husband and her many  
friends, but to her we can only wish Godspeed as she enters a I
career of larger enterprise. ‘
"Her cabined, ample spirit, l
It fluttered and failed for breath. }
. Tonight it doth inherit
I The vasty hall of death." _ I  

' .
In Two Parts.
il Part I.
  BETSY, 1924
| Betsy wasn’t born yet, but she was getting tired of being
_! in such a cramped position in the dark. The fact that Mother
l Mandy and Father John were not expecting her for another
i week did not worry Betsy. She wanted to be born. She wanted
l to see all the things she had heard about, and above all she
i wanted to see Mother Mandy, who had been "packing" her
l around for so long.
I For months now she had been listening to the talk of Father
, John and Mother Mandy. She knew that Father John had
l chinked up the cabin with mud clay, so that it would be warm
$ for the winter, when "little Betsy" would arrive, and Mother
I Mandy had saved all the sugar sacks to make into little vests,
I petticoats and dresses for the newcomer.
l There hadn’t been much time to do anything until winter
 l came, as Mother Mandy has been working in the fields all day,
t hoeing corn, planting vegetables, and later on gathering fodder.
Q How hot it had been. How often Mother Mandy had had to sit
r down on a rock on the hillside to rest, in between gathering
E bundles of fodder. And how uncomfortable Betsy had been
I when they climbed up and down the steep hillsides.
, Then after a long day in the fields Mother Mandy would
y stand over the hot wood stove and bake corn pones and fry
‘ potatoes. How Betsy wished that Mother Mandy would sit down
l for a while! Only after a long day, from dawn till dusk, did
\ she sit on the home-woven chair, and by the glow of the log
fire, talk with Father John about the arrival of Betsy.
They wanted her—that she knew. Sometimes Mother
Mandy would say she "worn’t right sure whether she wanted
a boy or a girl" but father John would always say he "sure
wanted a girl."

e l
One day as Mother Mandy was coming across the creek she V}
had stumbled and fallen. It hurt Betsy, and it hurt Mother {
Mandy. From then on Betsy hadn’t been so comfortable. Some-  
how she seemed to lie in a different way. She wasn’t all curled i
. up as she had been before, and Mother Mandy, after the fall, had 3
complained many times of a pain, and said s·he believed that ·%
the "little ’un wor pitched in her side." I
And sometimes Mother Mandy would get "plum wor out,"  
and yet she never rested. How Betsy wished she would lie down *l
sometimes. She hated to hear Mother Mandy was "plum wor  
out"; she felt as though somehow it was her fault. E
Betsy pictured to herself what Mother Mandy and Father i
John looked like. She knew that Mother Mandy was sixteen  
years old and had fair bobbed hair, and grey eyes, and she V
knew that Father John was tall, because he had often hit his  y
head on the doorway as he came in. She had heard the neigh- ]
bors say he "were a Sizemore all through" because of his black i
hair and dark eyes. Oh! Betsy must be born. She wanted to
see them. She wanted to see the chinked walls, and to see the  
rushing creek that she had listened to day and night.
Betsy had heard her arrival discussed. They had said that
Aunt Liza was to come next week and stay in the cabin, so as
to be ready to "cotch" Betsy. Aunt Liza was old and couldn’t ‘  {
come very quickly in the dark. Father John had arranged to  `
pay Aunt Liza one hundred bundles of fodder for "cotchin’ the ·_ 
young ’un." I
But Betsy’s desire to be born was stronger than any earthly i
plan. And so she started to push her way out into the world ‘
that she wanted to see.  I
A hard push and a kick. T!
Mother Mandy, standing by the kitchen stove, caught her  ;
breath, put her hand to her side and leaned against the wall. A _
look of pain spread over her face, and her eyes looked startled. .
The pain stopped and she returned to the stove. Several times
this occurred. Then Father John went back to his log splitting.
Just at the edge of dark he returned, and they had supper. p
Betsy still pushed. Somehow she did not seem to be getting I
out as quickly as she expected.  —‘
It was midnight. Mother Mandy had been lying awake. i

 ‘ e
§ .
li Every now and again she would bury her face in the pillows.
ig At last she could bear it no longer. She called Father John.
1 "Recken’s as how you’n’s had better git Aunt Liza."
  Father John looked startled. "D’ye mean you’n’s is pun-
]% ishin’?"
Y "Yea, I’m punishin’ mighty bad, John," and with a little
.,_ groan she clutched the bed clothes.
{1 Father John quickly got out of bed. Dressing was a speedy
 { process, just pulling on a pair of well worn boots.
1 "Recken I’ll be agoin’. You’n’s ’ll be all right till I get back ?"
 } Out into a snowy blizzard he went. Saddling the mule, he rode
1 forth for a five mile ride through frozen creek beds and slippery
I trails.
I  One hour. ——Two hours. Three hours passed.
AQ "Oh! Lord have mercy on me," groaned Mother Mandy. And
 Q Betsy wept. Oh! why couldn’t she get out and save Mother
Mandy all this pain? No matter how she kicked she seemed to
. get no nearer the world. _
 ` Four hours. —Five hours. No father John. No Aunt Liza.
"Oh! Lord send me someone to help me in my misery,"
groaned Mother Mandy.
' { Six hours.
 ` Dawn had just broken when the cabin door opened and
i  Father John and Aunt Liza entered snow clad and frozen.
  "I warn’t able to ford the creek; it wor too frozen, so it
jh  took a mighty long time ter go round the trail."
; There was no response.
A Aunt Liza went up to the bed. Mother Mandy lay groaning.
I Her face was pale, her hands and body cold.
  Throwing off her coat the old woman started to rub the
_ hands of the young girl.
. "Aunt Liza; do something! Oh! do something."
And Betsy, who was worn out and tired from fighting to
get out cried feebly, "Yes! do something Aunt Liza, oh! do
I something."
i Aunt Liza looked bewildered. "Recken hit’s pitched in yer
  side." She tried all she knew, but she knew too little.
 j Weaker and weaker came the cry of Betsy. "Oh! help me ’

 ~ i.
out, Aunt Liza, oh! help me out." But Aunt Liza didn’t hear  
and she didn’t know how.  
Several hours passed. Mother Mandy lay weak and ex-  
hausted. `  
Hours later Betsy was dragged into the world. It was a still, i’
‘ cold Betsy that came into that cabin. xiii
For days Mother Mandy lay weak and exhausted. Father '
John anxiously hovered by her side. Then, one day, Mother gl
Mandy took a turn for the better. Father John once more went
into the forest to chop wood.  
And Betsy looked down from her cloud cradle in the sky.  
On one side of her she saw buildings, houses, roads, cars, crowds  
of people and life. Pre-natal clinics with Mothers going in and  
out. Hospitals, where Mothers were giving birth to babies, ;_
with two or three doctors and nurses in attendance. City after  
city she saw like these. Then slowly looking to the other side  
she beheld hills, forests, rivers and creeks. Little log cabins  
dotted here and there. No roads, no hospitals, no doctors nor  
nurses. Mothers giving birth to babies in lonely cabins unaided t
and helpless.  
Betsy looked back again at the cities then returned her  
gaze to the hills. Two tears welled up in her eyes as she said:  
"Ohl I wanted to live! I wanted to,live!—but you didn’t help F,
me, America."  
Part II. l
BOBBY. 1926.  
Bobby wasn’t born yet and he knew that he was not expected  
for another week, but he was getting tired of waiting so  
decided to do something about it.
He knew so much about the world from hearing Mother I
Mandy and Father John talk with neighbors, that he felt he  
t couldn’t wait any longer to see it.
For months he had heard "Bobby’s arrival" discussed. He  
knew from the conversation that a "brought on woman" in a  
blue riding habit came often to the cabin, every week it seemed A
to Bobby, and talked nearly all the time of him. From what  
. il

 I l
l? . _
tl . . .
{ Mother Mandy and the neighbors said, this "brought on woman"
  was a nurse and they called her "Miss Letty."
  Bobby recognized her voice when she came in. Once during
  the hot weather, Mother Mandy had been up on the hillside
Ji gathering fodder, when a voice from the bottom of the hill
4 shouted up: "Mandy!—come on down. Didn’t I tell you you
_ were to quit going up that hill? Come on down—I want to see
l you." Mother Mandy put her bundle of fodder down and
U descended the hill. How glad Bobby had been. It was too hot
E  out there. It made him feel uncomfortable.
gf Mother Mandy had started to hurry down the hill when the
  same voice called up, "Take it easy, Mandy; I’m in no hurry,"
g and the blue figure seated herself on the rock at the bottom of
  the hill and waited.
  When they were in the house Miss Letty had scolded, and
  Mother Mandy had promised not to gather fodder any more.
l "You can do a little gardening now and then," Miss Letty had
lb said, "but don’t forget—one hour’s rest on the bed every day
ET after dinner," and Mother Mandy again promised. Then they
  discussed food, and water, and baby’s clothes, and all sorts of
gl things that Bobby didn’t understand.
  Months passed and Bobby knew to the day when to expect
tl Miss Letty. One day she announced, "Now Mandy, it’s time you
  got your sister Marthy to come and stay with you. I know
  Bobby isn’t due for another month, but you’ve got to quit wash-
l ing all the clothes and doing all the heavy work. You can do
the light housework and some cooking, and get out of doors a
  certain amount, but Marthy is to do all the washing, and lift-
* ing, and carrying." Mother Mandy had agreed to send for
li Marthy.
One day when Miss Letty arrived Mother had complained
"of a hurtin’ in her side." In a hesitating voice she told the
nurse that she thought the "1ittle ’un wor pitched in her side."
` She paused, then said in a low voice, "Feels like it wor hurtin’
1 jest like Betsy did when she wor pitched in me side."
  Miss Letty put Mother Mandy on the bed, and Bobby felt
—) strong capable hands pushing him around. He tried to resist,
] but those strong hands were too much for him. He felt himself
il ‘

 A 2
fiop around, then something pressing on his back and against _ il
his feet. Miss Letty then spoke. "Now, you young rascal, you {Q
stay put. There, Mandy, you can get up. He’s all headed for ij
the world now. I’ve put pads and a binder on to keep the young  
feller straight? Shaking her finger at Mandy, "And don’t you ll
dare to take that binder off till I see you again. Don’t worry, +
everything is perfectly O. K. Bye-bye till next Tuesday," and  
she was off on Big Red Dan. A
Several times Bobby had tried to kick around but Miss  
Letty’s binder prevented him. A week from the day she came  
again. Y
"On to the bed, Mandy."
Bobby felt the hands· again. ‘fNow, young man, let’s see _
what mischief you’ve been up to. Ah! nothing. I fooled you,
didn’t I? All right, Mandy; everything’s fine. Be a good girl E
again and keep the binder on. Remember what I told you——  .
send for me at the first pain. It’s a long trip, and the roads are  ,'
mighty bad now, so it will take me a long time to get here." And 2
Mother Mandy had replied, "I sure will, Miss Letty."  
It was two days later that Bobby decided to wait no longer.  ,
y He pushed and kicked.  f
Mother Mandy put her hands to her side and a look of pain  
crossed her face. This occurred at different intervals, then  
Father John came in. 1 
"Reckon as how you’d better be fetching Miss Letty, J ohn."  ;
"Are the miseries started‘?" asked Father John.  
"They sure have. They hain’t mighty bad yet, but Miss * 
Letty said fer me to call her as soon as they started." »`
Father John pulled on his coat, saddled the mule, and was
gone in the dusk, and snow. "
Bobby kept pushing and kicking. He heard Mother Mandy -
say, "Reckon you’n’s had better put two large pots of water on  l
the fire to boil, Marthy. Miss Letty said to have one hot, and S
one cold, but both boiled, ready fer her when she come."  
One hour-—two hours-three hours passed.
Every now and again Mother Mandy would hold on to the  F
bed rail. , `

il Four hours. "Oh! Lord, have mercy on me. Oh! Lord, send
ig Miss Letty quick." And Bobby went on pushing.
  Five hours. The door opened and two white, snowy people
i "Well, Mandy, Bobby was in a hurry, wasn’t he‘?" Bobby
i felt the capable hands again.
i "Now, Marthy, a table, newspapers, and a basin. I see you’ve
A got the water ready. That’s fine. See Mandy, I’ve brought the
gi baby bundle." _
*P Marthy undid the bundle and held up two warm wooly vests,
` two canton flannel petticoats, two dresses, a dozen diapers.
Everything that Bobby would need. Mandy’s eyes glowed.
_ "That’s a sure wunnerful bundle, Miss Letty."
Half an hour later.
  "Now, Mandy, you do just as I tell you and the baby will
 g be here in a few minutes."
  A low groan. A silence. Then a thin wail, followed by a
Q lusty yell.
  Bobby, angry at the coldness of the world, after his warm
j  home, continued to yell, but he heard a low voice say:
 A "It’s a lovely boy, Mandy." _
 { "Is it all right, Miss Letty?"
  "Everything’s {ine, Mandy. Now you keep quite still and
 ` rest."
 ; Father John stood at the foot of the bed. A broad smile
1,  spread over his face as he looked first at Mother Mandy,
  then down at the squirming bundle on the bed.
. And Betsy, now aged two, looked down from her little cloud.
— First she looked at the cities, then she turned to the other .
T side, and looked down at the hills. She saw hills, forests, creeks
l and rivers. Little cabins dotted here and there. She saw blue ,
I figures on horseback climbing hills, fording rivers, crossing A
i creeks. She saw blue figures entering cabins. She saw a Mother
on a bed, with a blue figure standing beside her while a squirm-
 Y _ ing bundle at the foot of the bed let out lusty yells.
4 Betsy was smiling.

 · 10 'I`llli QV;\ll'l`lilll.\` I¥Ulil'.lG'|`[N
The West Indies Cruise of the Frontier Nursing Service is now
an annual event. Everyone who took the cruise on the Brittanic
c last February-March has been speaking enthusiastically of the
charm of the crowd that went along, the perfection of arrangements
made for its entertainment, and the splendid time everybody enjoyed
on shipboard and at all the ports of call. We have but one aim in
connection with these cruises and that is to give everybody such a
gorgeous time that they and their friends, when planning a cruise,
will select the one sponsored by the Frontier Nursing Service each
recurring year.
We are again cooperating with the International Mercantile
Marine, but this time we are taking an even bigger and finer boat
than the Britannic, and taking it on a charter basis. This will enable
all of our friends to book direct with the steamship line or with
their favorite agent. We are not going to sell the cruise ourselves,
but we are putting over the social publicity and arranging for all
kinds of special features of unusual interest.
The BELGENLAND is a marvelous boat, 39,000 tons, built for
cruising purposes. Seven times she has gone around the world and
she has made the Mediterranean cruise, but this is her first winter
in the West Indies. She has enormous deck space for sports and 5
outdoor living and two outdoor swimming pools built into the deck. _
Surrounding these pools are six thousand square feet of white sand {
from Ostend. Gay awnings and sun umbrellas are set out over the
. sand in the Tropics so that people can bathe and rest on this fioating
Lido just as comfortably as on any shore. A little Venetian Cafe
close by the pools provides cool refreshments.
Every room in the Belgenland is equipped with electric fans and
hot and cold running water. There are plenty of private suites and
rooms with bath for those who desire them. The lounges, drawing

 |·`l{ oll two days at 'lelllelee for the ollllle eelloss llle 1SlaPd leo
their favorite agent We are not going to SGH the Cruise Ourselves, the marvelous hotel and beach on the- opposite side. This drive 1S
but We are putting Over the Sociai publicity and armiiging for ali considered one of the most beautiful in the world and can only be
kinds of SPM] mms of   interest- 'i?.lE§i3,;il§§.?.? §lE$.§§%§§g§f.E?.El?i..l`LZ.$?$’S tilt.? ».2?l2E‘l;,f ifi
ylllle BELGENLAND is el lllelvelolle beet 39>ooo tollS» blllll for Belgenland’s former patrons and to all who toik the Britannic cruise
elllllslllg pulposee SeYell lllllles Slle lles gone a}`°?“d the Wol`ld_ and last year, to ask them to express a preference. The majority decides.
she has made the Mediterranean cruise, but this is her nrst winter The Saiiiiig date is S3tiii.day’ F€bi.ii3i.y 25, 1933, at midnight;
lll the Wiesjl lll°lleS‘ She has ellolilllolls deck Spaee lol` Sports and Q the length of the cruise, fifteen days. All information, folders and
ollloooll lllllllg and two olllelooll Swllllllllllg pools lolllll; llllo llle deele · charts may be obtained from your local agencies and the headquarters
Surrounding these pools are s1x thousand isquare feet of white sand K Of the Iiit€i.iiaiiOiiai Meicaiiiiie Marine in the iaigei. American
fllolll _OSlelld‘ Gey awnmgs and Sllll umbmllas ele Set ollli ovell Phe cities, where all bookings must be made, or from the New York office
’ Sllllel lll the Tlloplee so that people Cell bathe and lest oll tlllsj lloellllg of the Frontier Nursing Service at 63 East 57th Street, whose
Lldo Just as eolllfollleloly as oll any Sllole A lltlle Velletlell Cafe executive secretary, Miss Anne Winslow, will be delighted to answer
close by the pools provides cool refreshments. qiiestioiish
Every room in the Belgenland is equipped with electric fans and The committees of the Service in Boston, Chicago and other large
hot and cold running water. There are plenty of private suites and cities are, also, supplied with folders and data, and all will be en-
rooms with bath for those who desire them. The lounges, drawing chanted to discuss the cruise with you.

C i l
i ——— 5
Five thousand children to make Christmas for and Christmas  
only four weeks off! Already we are beginning to stir-—and  
well we may. First there must be toys all ’round, gayly wrapped
and labeled. For the girls, dolls·—dolls by the hundreds. And XL
for the boys, bats and balls, toy tools and building sets, har- _»
monicas and knives, many, many knives !—the mountain boy’s .
idea of the perfect gift. Then there must be a bag of candy for .
A everyone. And last but not least, an article of warm clothing  
for the children in need of it—how many they are this year I- ii
for in the mountains Christmas needs to be practical as well  
as gay. Sweaters, stockings, gloves, woollies for the babies, V E,
caps, union suits (you’ve no idea what fine gifts they make until  
you haven’t any), snug jackets, warm frocks——anything to .;
brave the winter’s cold. And finally trees to be found and set up. it
Decorations, candles, tinsel, wreaths, red ribbons, cocoa  
_ and cakes and carols and big fires—parties at every center. · ·  
Our various local committees are busy helping us in all of if
our plans, but the biggest part of our job is carried by our  
indefatigable courier service. The couriers are riding across  
the mountain trails from one center to another linking the A
Christmas plans of each. The couriers are unpacking the boxes  
and barrels of gifts coming in every day from our many friends  
on the outside. As each box is unpacked, one of the couriers _§
who acts as Christmas Secretary, lists its contents on a card  
with the name and address of the donor. Within forty-eight  
i hours at the latest, she writes a note of acknowledgment and E 
thanks and checks the card in red to show the gifts have been  ¤
acknowledged. Other couriers sort the contents of each box  <
in the big attic at the Hyden Hospital. All of the wooden horses, - 
steam engines, balls, and such other delights for the young  *
person of three to ten, are put together in large packing cases. {
All of the dolls are gently laid together in another packing .
case. The things for big boys go in a third, and the things for  
big girls in a fourth. Babies’ woollies, both for the baby who  Y·
has arrived and for the baby expected during the winter, are j 

¥ sorted and put together. The clothing is matched for size and
; age and stacked.
l After all of this preliminary work comes the biggest job of
i all, which is loading the mule-team wagons as they roll in from
  the different centers. Each nurse in advance requisitions what
C she needs in the way of warm clothing and gives the ages,
sexes and numbers of her children. Her wagon is loaded exactly
il. to order by the indefatigable couriers and starts back over the
it long trails towards her distant center. If she is very busy with
‘ her nursing work, one of the couriers will ride over to help her
I unpack its contents and wrap and mark each toy for the happy
  child who will receive it. All of the candy has to be put in
is thousands of little paper bags and tied with red string.
}  Christmas for five thousand children strewn over seven
  hundred square miles, is no light undertaking and can only be .
_ handled successfully with the utmost order and system. The
{ parties, with their Christmas carols and refreshments and the
{ distribution of the toys, are put over at the various centers near
,   which the children live, with the help of enthusiastic local com-
Q mittees of mountain friends. It is the busiest time of the year
  with us and the happiest.
  To all of you who are responding so generously to our annual
f appeal, we extend our grateful thanks. Over ninety percent of
i A our children would have no Christmas at all but for you. The
  dolls you send our girls, the knives you send our boys, the
  "brought-on" toys you give the little ones, are, for thousands
  of children, the only store toys they ever receive. Thank you
Q again and again.

. 14 'l`l·I|·] QU.\ll'l`l·ll{l4Y lllll.LlG'l‘lN  
Note: This letter from Dr. Harlan S. Heim to the Director of the ’
Frontier Nursing Service, was written in reply to a letter from her, telling
him that the work of the Frontier Nursing Service had to be curtailed ‘·
during this year of financial stringency. The Service has had a nurse- .
midwife under Dr. Heim in the Beverly, Bell County area, at the Evan- } 
gelical Settlement School, for two years past, to relieve him of his normal ‘
deliveries. In exchange, he and his assistant have given medical service g
to our Beech Fork (Asher) and Flat Creek districts, which—are nearer to l
him than to our own doctor at Hyden. This cooperation has been the  ~
happiest on both sides. Dr. Heim still hopes to keep up his end and our V
part will be resumed at the earliest possible moment. i 
Beverly, Ky.  ·‘
June 28, 1932. . 
Dear Mrs. Breckinridge:  
I have been away for about two weeks and upon arriving  
home found your letter with the sad news awaiting me. I can’t  _,
tell you how broken up we are about having to give up our nurse { 
' here and also to know that all the work of the F. N. S. must be  V
curtailed. But I understand that it must be under existing K 
conditions. I had hoped against hope, like you have, that things ‘ 
would take an upward swing and that even temporary curtail-  
ment would not be necessary. You have kept the F. N. S. going  if
much longer than most other philanthropic organizations and,  
to tell the truth, I have been expecting that it must come unless  gf
, there was a general betterment in financial conditions. You  
know our work here had to take a 20 per cent cut last October  ’
. and I am fearful of the coming fall les·t we too will have a · 
much greater cut in our appropriation which would necessitate  ¥
us closing up some of the phases of our work. It is a most { 
distressing time but we must LOOK UP. That’s what I keep  L
telling our folks around here. Thus far we have been able to , 
keep going full blast. 3