xt71c53f063s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53f063s/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1945 journals kaes_circulars_004_411 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 411 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 411 1945 2014 true xt71c53f063s section xt71c53f063s Good-Grooming Project For Li-I-I Girls t I
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Circulor 411
riculimf V
‘ College of Agriculture ond Home Economics
_`  Agricultural Extension Division
n Thomas P. Cooper, Dean ond Director

This project is divided into two units of five meetings each. body
The first unit is called "Foundation of Charm." Emphasis is placed . pérso
. on posture, healthful eating, sleeping, body cleanliness, and care kmdl
of hair, face, hands, and feet. T
The second unit is on "Grooming for Personality." This unit Club
stresses personal dress, habits, and social relationships. _ from
Who Should Take This Project? l Gnd (
This unit is adapted to girls l2 years old or over. They should i
be mature enough to have an interest in their clothing and be- t
havior. _
What to do in This Project? y musi
The practices to adopt in this unit are for the general good Work
health and personality of the member. Records should be kept ol » mlm
all exercises and improvements made toward the goals of e¤Cl1 ‘ W¤ll<
meeting. i YW
Sections of the topics may be assigned to different club mom . Gnd
bers ahead of time so that they may come prepared to give purl ol G ll
the subject matter or give one oi; more of the exercises. Gnd
"G0a|s" and "Homework" for the previous meeting should be T Zora
reviewed at the beginning of each meeting. This will bring m€m‘ ‘ dui
bers up to date and will also serve as a check for improvemenls the
made. km
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 . *   I
Good-Grooming Project for 4-H Girls    
By Lois H. SHARP and RUTH LA·mvnzn 1 I
I . 9
Up-to-date 4-H Club girls know that a healthy, well—groomed I I
body gives the best foundation for pleasant living and charming   I  
l f°°lé personality. Sound health makes possible the keenest brain, the A I yg
5 (1; I kindliest heart, and the strongest, steadiest hand. ‘
The Health "H" is what makes the other "H’s" in our 4-H I F
iis unit Club insignia most worthwhile. Health means more than freedom I y y
from sickness; it means vigor, a feeling of energy and strength, `
and a joy in living. ’
md be- What Is Good Posture?
Good posture is putting the whole body in such a position that
_ muscles and internal organs can Q   I ·
II good l work without interference. Everyone   ji . I %
kgptol cdmires the girl who stands straight,   QI __   §g_\ I =
>f each · walks straight, and sits straight. Are I I
YOU Gmong those who are stooped   * i».»_
) mem. y (md found shouldered? Do you have .`_°     ·
purtof G flat chest, protruding abdomen, I _'  __ y
_ Gnd a sway back? lf so, unless you N ‘  
Ould be Correct these faults you will not WIN j'   ·;_
gmem. . G PllZ€ for good looks. How many y  
laments y Club boysgrow baby beeves low in _ _  
Iliff back? How many girls make I-   ’ ,
A IOGVOS of bread that sink down in the   * ` 2
y middle? These are foolish questions   _
because each of you strive to obtain _ I
the most perfect product of its kind, I I
Whether it be a calf, loaf of bread, or
Gldress. Try to be your own best ex- , I
- lilbii. You can do so if you will A I
Sligmigl Tall."h Each club membzf I
H use t is as a common ,
I Si¤¤d TaIl!" Up comes your Cl‘\li'l,    
your chest, and your self-respect! "Stand Tall" and in come the
 _ Gbd°mll'lGl_ muscles, the knees streighten, and USUGIIY 0 smile
L [3 1

 appears. What a feeling of satisfaction it gives you to know that Sll Ll
by your appearance you reflect those characteristics that inspire P
the respect of those with whom you come in daily contact. the c
Building Good Posture gf;
Stand tall! feet
All girls can "stand tall." Check to see that the head is up, the be d
chin is in (but not down). Stand with chest up, shoulder blades of si
flat, abdomen in, knees stiff, feet slightly apart and parallel with prac
weight on balls of feet. Relax by standing with feet apart. Again l
"Stand Tall." Repeat 5 times. (Do this several times every day or d
until it becomes a habit for you to "stand tall.") ° itrci
For the sway back or tl
Stand with the back against a wall or door, heels about four llflg
inches away from the baseboard, hips, shoulders and head touch- banc
ing the wall. Pull in the abdomen as far as possible, and try to l¤Q‘
flatten the lower part of the back against the wall. Relax by step· 5 lll
ping away from the wall. Repeat 5 times. (Do this also several
times each day until you can keep your back straight without the
use of a wall or door to help you.) .
For round shoulders _ thai
Stand tall and push shoulders back, forcing the shoulder bl¤d6S You
to come together. Relax. Repeat. Repeat 5 times. (Do this each fu
day, as often during the day as you think of it, until your round he;
shoulders are corrected.)
For the abdomen wh
Practice drawing in the abdomen many times during the d¤Y.
especially when standing or sitting. i (EZ];
Walk With Grace and Poise v€g
For walking easily
When walking maintain a "Tall" position but swing al0¤9
with grace and ease. Walk as if you were proud of yourself.
For climbing stairs Q
ii" An exercise for walking straight is to balance¤
book on your head. Practice walking on the level
` and then try going upstairs. When this becomes
· l €·¤Sy, use an orange in place of a book. This l$ the
first lesson every model must learn, so take ¤ ll? tal
` from them and build good posture by w¤ll0dl
Everyone needs to play and have fun sometime during the doy. On l
Get yours outside in the fresh air. Play fair and square in every pon
game. Walk briskly to and from school, and don't forget your "`lll
posture rules. OM
cr th
The best way to correct poor posture habits is to "think, think, The
and think" good posture every day. lt will take time but before usr,.
lang you will have more strength while working and more fun while _ is E
playing. Be your own best exhibit.
Goals to Reach _
Each member is to study her posture defects and adopt c0rre€· A hw
tive exercises toward their improvement. Each member should unc
endeavor to eat, sleep, and play her way to good health. the
Homework . bec
l. Practice "Standing Tall" every day. °l"
2. Practice "Walking Tall" every day.
3. Practice "Sitting Tall" every day. ure
4. Adopt at least two additional exercises and carry them out Onr
daily. Report at next club meeting. ` Sm
Cleanliness of body and of clothing are necessary to b€l¤9 ° Oh
"Well Groamed Girl." Give yourself a "Chance to Shine" by bel¤9 ll0l
physically fresh. Re
A Bath Every Day
A bath is the most refreshing of all tonics, and more beoutilY‘ Bo
ing than all cosmetics and perfumes. Use your own washcloth ¤¤d V cor
towel, and don't forget to rinse in cool water, dry the body lld°l‘ cir
oughly and rub vigorously to stimulate circulation. Don't be ° wg
[ 6 ] »’
_ »

 . Y I
th you { "W   ` l , i
Glr ln   5     y y
Q gr?-Q /?/ t
mother ® kw, ` Z i
· § \Q, Zlé % l  
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in the , ,4% , l T 5%.,     l
s for it M  J ___  ··/ /;f l t A
ie, and / A ¥ -   ;
nd you . l = ‘
"one-a-weeker"; be a "once—a-dayer" for your beauty baths. Our i _ ,
bodies sweat mineral salts which, unless washed off regularly, dry Y l
he day on the skin and cause body odor, or "B.O.," as it is often called. l V r
1 even, Don’t be guilty of body odors! Nature has played us a bad trick l
at your in that we are more sensitive to odors on other people than those
on ourselves, so we must be alert. Take a tub bath or shower, or
ci thorough sponge bath, every day during hot weather. i
h_ k ln winter excessive bathing with the use of strong soap dries r
·l; Pl * the skin. Use sponge baths and take tub baths on alternate days,
E (ile using mild soap and carefully drying the body. Olive oil or lanolin
“ Whlle ~ is excellent for chopped hands and ankles. ‘ `
Perspirution Checks   ,
como ` To perspire is normal, but every care should be taken to avoid
Should ~ hcving body odor which results when a bath is needed or when V
underwear is not fresh or when perspiration is not checked under ,
the orms. lt is not harmful to check perspiration under the arms, i
. because the sweat will be secreted elsewhere on the body where l
our can get to it.
"Perspiration Checks" and "Deodorants" as they are called,
ore available on the market in liquid, cream, and powder forms.
tem out One of these should be used under your arms daily to keep you ,
` smelling fresh and to protect your dresses and sweaters from be-  
Coming discolored and ugly. Ordinary baking soda patted on i
underneath the arm often proves helpful as a homemade remedy.  
lD€L'lQ ° ?ld€|‘l$lub girls and leaders may wish to make their OWU p€|'SPl|'¤· l
,y emg lon c eek.
Recipe for perspiration check
_ Use Ten teaspoonfuls of aluminum ehloride to one cup of water. i
eautiiY‘ Boil the water to make it clean, then cool it to room temperature l
mh and V C°mPl€i€ly before stirring in the chloride. Pour into G clean m€dl·
dy thor- cine bottle and cork it tight. Label it. Apply by soaking a small
i't be 0 wod of cotton and patting on underneath the arm. Allow to dry
° [ 7 ]

 before putting on your dress as it may otherwise discolor and to r
destroy the material. is dr
Shaving underneath the arms to remove the superfluous hqir wasl
is also important for older girls. Shave with a safety razor on the to l<
dry skin. Wash with mild soap, rinse, and pat dry with a towe|_ soft
Do not apply perspiration check for twelve hours after shaving Alw
Cleaning Your Teeth  
Have your teeth cleaned and examined by a dentist at least on r
twice a year. Assist the dentist in keeping your teeth in good con- lowr
dition by doing your part. Use your teeth for biting and chewing
food, not for cracking nuts or biting threads and fingernails. Brush erm
r the teeth and tongue thoroughly before breakfast and before Be
retiring, and after each meal if you can. Unbrushed teeth and oth.
decayed teeth and an unrinsed mouth are usually the causes of
an unpleasant breath. Apply powder or paste to the dry brush, cm,
Brush the grinding surfaces of the teeth first; then the inside sur-
faces, and then the outside. Don't forget to brush the gums ond
tongue. Rinse the mouth thoroughly for clean breath. lm
Recipe for tooth powder l
Sift together 2 tablespoons salt and 2 tablespoons soda ond Gm
put in a small glass ready to pour on to your toothbrush. lf you {GC
don't like the taste, add a very little oil of peppermint. » Use
Recipe for mouth wash is l
Fill a sterilized quart jar with boiled water. Add 2 teaspoo¤5 - Or
salt, 2 teaspoons soda, l0 drops of oil flavor (wintergreen, pepper- Sec
mint, or cloves). A little vegetable coloring may be used to make
the solution attractive. Mix well and use regularly after washing
teeth or after meals. US.
Face Facts rec
Good health is necessary for a clear skin and lovely complexion. no
Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day and eating simple whole- bu
some foods will help. YQ·
b ` Check your skin for blemishes l Wil
B Skin troubles are often aggravated bl -
C; lack of proper washing. Slap-dash woshi¤9
(C 6 will not give you good skin. So be spick ¤¤d i °d
span and get off with a clean start every d¤Y· B
Treat blackheads and whiteheads €¤l°'
fully to prevent blemishes on the skin. Whit'?
heads Ore difficult to remove and should ml ,
be irritated. Wash the face carefully Wllh i
lukewarm water and then rub the skirt with
G wash cloth. Do not use the fingéf mills y
[ 8 1  
_ to

 ir and to remove blackheads. Squeezing and picking at blackheads   ` y
is dangerous. Daily cleaning of the skin with lukewarm water, a ,
Is hui, wash cloth and mild soap applied in a scrubbing motion will help r
gn the to keep the skin free of blackheads. Cleansing cream may help l l
towel soften the pores, if you massage in circular and upward motions. { i
,¤v;,,g_ Always wipe off all the cleansing cream. When very much pres- l  
sure is needed to remove the blackheads or whiteheads, don't   y  
remove them. See your doctor if they persist. Never use hot water   .  
l l€¤$l on your face for regular washing. Lukewarm water is best, fol-   V W
ld €°ll· lowed by a cold rinse. f ~ I
l€Wl¤9 Check your diet for fatty foods and too much sugar. Check ` ll
Brush elimination, sleep, rest and the amount of water you drink daily. l E l
b¤t¤r¢ Be sure to use your own washcloth and towel and not those of .
lh Gnd other members of your family. Q ‘ 3
lses °l Dry Skin should be massaged with a small amount of cold ' .
brush cream after washing. Leave the cold cream on overnight. l
1;   Oily Skin needs frequent washing and thorough wiping. Check
your diet—you may be eating too much fatty food!
. "Moke Up" to suit you
Use as little make-up as possible, to create a healthy appear- ~
l° cmd ONCE. No make-up is needed at school for a fresh, clean, youthful
lf Y°u face. Use a little lipstick for dress-up occasions if you need it. _ _
’ Use a clear, bright red lipstick and apply it sparingly. Your skin   . .
is young and soft; do not abuse it! lf you are fourteen years old   l
Spoons _ Or over, you may wish to use the suggestions on make-up in your
Jeppep Second unit, "Grooming for Personality." y t
J m‘fl‘° Neck and Ears l ,
mshmg Give your neck and ears the same daily scrubbing as your face.  
Use a washcloth and mild soap and give every nook and corner a
real cleaning. Don't forget the hair line and behind the ears. Do
ilexion. not use hair pins or sharp objectsto remove wax from the ear canal
whole- but instead place a damp cloth over your little finger and clean
your ears in this method using very little pressure. Rinse, and then ,
 . wipe thoroughly dry.  
ted by - Goals  
vaShl¤9 Every 4-H girl should cheek her daily habits of cleanliness and  
ck and . adopt practices to make herself more charming.
Wy dal" Homework
s care- l. Bathe the body daily.
White- 2. Use perspiration check as needed. i
uid ¤°l , 3- Clean the teeth twice a day. l
ly with y 4. Check your skin for blemishes and start doing something
in with about them.
if "‘“'l$ . Report at your next club meeting
  [ 9 ]

To make herself as lovely as possible is the desire of every me
normal girl. No one is endowed "with hair and features that take On ll
core of themselves. They need constant care and study to make Hui,
the "best better." i
Healthy Hair wgo
Healthy hair is the result of good habits of living, good circu- CMC
lation of blood, and cleanliness of hair and scalp. You already brus
know what we mean by good habits of living. ont
Good circulation . hav
_ Daily brushing the hair with a clean, stiff-bristle brush is a Styj,
good habit to acquire. Massaging the scalp with the finger tips
is another habit to acquire. For good circulation, the scalp should
be loose at all times.
Clean hair and scalp Sm
Hair should be washed about every ten days. Brush the scalp
free from dandruff and dust particles before you shampoo. Wei
the hair first with lukewarm water, apply soap jelly or shampoo
and rub it into the scalp. Rinse in warm water and apply a second  .
soaping. Then rinse and rinse and rinse, until all traces of soup
are gone. Use the juice of half a lemon or M; cup of vinegar to 0 `
cup of warm water for one of the rinses. Always finish with clear
water which may be a little cooler than the other rinses.
Wipe the scalp dry and then comb your hair carefully with G
clean comb. Always wash your brush and comb before using them GH
on your clean hair. · GS.
Recipe for homemade soap jelly Cul
Dissolve 3 tablespoons of mild soap chips or shavings in one
pint of boiling water. Allow to stand until cold. This may be made T
thicker by adding more soap if you wish.
Arranging Your Hair To Suit You
Study the shape of your face, and then dress your hair in 0
style to suit your face and improve your appear-
";®§ ance. Make it your "Crowning Glory." Pin Culls
Q/J}? give the softest waves and make your curl look
natural. Part the hair in sections and keep the °
\ . parts straight. Take o small section at a time Gnd iw
. make pin curls. Pin securely and dry. Comb °“l lg
  and roll soft curls into shape. I
Hair styling for a long narrow face RE
Keep your hair flat on top and full at the sides. Part it in th€
center or on the side, whichever is most becoming. You m¤‘/ W"' »
[ T0] l
. ·* R

 l * i l
bongs but not pompadours. Don't wear your hair close to your Ԥ I y
Every face at the sides, and don’t let it be too long. Wear ornaments l ,
take on the sides; never on the top of your head. * r
mke Hair styling for a round, full face, or a square face ; y
You wish to give the appearance of a longer face, so don't I  
wear bangs or a center part. Braiding your hair and arranging it ~ 3
jrcu. coronet fashion on top gives extra height. Try a pompadour and   l  
rggdy brush the hair back and away from the face, and wear ornaments   K l
on top of your head. { q
lf your face is neither short and full nor long and narrow, you l Y .
have a wider range of possibilities. Probably you could use either l ¢ ‘
is ° style of hair arrangement. y I
r tips I i
hound G¤¤l· t I
Every member should learn how and why good daily and   ~
weekly care is essential for pretty hair. Each member should
study her features for a becoming hair dress. I
Wet Homework
mpoo l. Get a good hairbrush and use it every day.
econd 2. Massage the head well at least once a week. l
soup 3. Shampoo as needed, according to recommendations. y
r to u _ 4. Learn to style the hair to improve the general appearance. . . `
clear i 1 y
wml G Beautiful hands have smooth, firm and clean skin as well as
em A ¤'fTi‘¤Ctive and shapely nails, Hands are constantly getting S0il€Cl .
as the dirt grinds into the skin and under the nails. You must take ‘
care of your hands wisely to keep them useful and attractive. .
21;;; y Protection of Hands
l. Use lukewarm water and mild soap for cleaning.
2. Use a nail brush for thorough cleaning.
3. Dry the skin thoroughly and push back the cuticle gently 2
I. in o every time, .
jpeg;. 4. Use old gloves when working in the garden.  
, curls 5- Wear gloves for warmth in the winter. i
I look 6. Use hand lotion as needed. l
,p the I Het W¤ter and strong soap take the natural oil from the skin
le and Gnd leave it dry and rough Stains from preparing fl’UliS ¤l'\Cl V€Q€·
sb out l°bl€$ €¤n be removed from the hands by rubbing them with
lemon juice. l
R°°lPe for hand lotion
in th€   §IYC€l'l¤¢ 20 drops benzoin h
www » 2<>i==i well. , ened or flattened, the effects may be felt to the top of the head. i ‘
lcle as ¤ l
. What Your Feet Are Mode Of l
:ut1cle ‘ I ,
soften There are 26 bones in the foot, be it long or short, wide or I
narrow. Twelve are in the arches and I4 in the toes. The bones l
Out G Gre held together by ligaments or cords, as well as muscles. You l y
I lime h¤ve a long arch running from heel to toe. Then you have an arch O
across the ball of your foot. Don’t you see how complicated your -
h rt léet are? Well, you had better take care of them so you won't be
ésthin b0lhered with corns and callouses and other foot troubles.
rluticle. Care of the Feet
lowing. I The feet should be bathed daily with warm, soapy water; rinsed 1
oils on in cool water and dried completely. Be sure to wash between the Q
. appl`! gies Ghd around the nails. Trim the nails short and straight aCr0SS. {
ub the cuticle back as you do the cuticle of your finger nails. i
Cool or cold water baths are good for tired feet. l
f°°mf1 Foot Exercises l
mg Tm _ I- Right after you bathe your feet is the time to exercise them. y
Ngspwil lflck up Socks OT marbles with the toes. Do this 5 times with each I
1 I oat. ‘
lor re. 2- Roll the feet outward-count to IO and repeat 5 times.
emails. Rall them inside and count the S¤l’¤€·
It  [ l3 ]

 , / [ . A
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ly i " il V if
 r   ‘ FM if  Q?
li. s ».   _ J 4. {   
 fl l  ‘ . ` V fi i lls `i
3. Walk on your tiptoes. It gives grace to your figure and
improves posture as it makes you "walk tall." I
4. Walk to school with the weight of the body on the balls of T
_ _ _ oc<
the feet and toes pointing straight ahead. for I
Clean Anklets Daily
The feet perspire each day and the anklets absorb this per-
spiration, which, on drying, leaves an unpleasant odor. There-
fore anklets or stockings 1
should not be worn a sec-
L ond time without being .
C,~ i JQ G washed
0/ \ v/ Wear stockings of prop-
/     er size for comfort: not so .
/ \ » large as to make ridges and _
lr bumps and not so short os
to cramp the toes. lll-fit-
ting stockings can cause
A , foot trouble. '
l B Your Shoes Are Important
Shoes should be long
'i . h
  enough and wide enoug  y
y 4, % for the toes to lie straighl _
/ " and uncramped. Wear l0W
l@\gil heels for comfort Gnd
§j* health.
) j Keep your shoes well-
' aired. Changing your shoes ‘
l l after school will rest your
feet and allow the school
A- D. shoes to air.
Brown or black oxfords ·
A Crowded _+Oe'5 ¤f€ Suitable for school WBGY-
Bdl-025 Shfaghl ahead Keep them well-polished lo `
protect the leather from rain and mud. White shoes should lool<
white at all times; therefore unless you can keep them clean, doni
buy them. Wear low-heeled pumps for dress-up occasions. V
[ N]  I
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l Y ’
* Gnd Goals   »
H { Each member should learn the structure of her feet and how f l i
S O to care for them in order to have a strong and healthy foundation { *
for her body. _
_ V Homework I
r per- ~
`here- l. Check the shoe heels to see whether they are wearing more `
kings on one side than on the other. If they are, take corrective
r sec- exercises.
being 2. Start each day with clean feet and clean anklets.
. 3. Keep shoes lookin as neat as possible at all times. .
rot so r
is and _ r ‘
nrt os i l l
lll-fir r r
cause r
long r
nough .
raighi y
Jr low
shoes ‘  
r your  
school I
¤XlOl'€l$ `
I wear. 1  
hed T0 ‘
d look
r, d0¤'*
l [ T5]

NAME   AGE ___
GOOD POSTURE: What have you done to improve your posture? A B
CLEANLINESS: What have you done to improve your cleanliness
HAIR: Do you wash your hair at least every l0 days? ____...
What improvements have you made in caring for your hair? ,..
HANDS: What are you doing to keep your hands looking nice?
FEET: Are you caring for your shoes and anklets? ________.. Are W
your feet comfortable? ____._.... lf not, what are you doing to
correct the faults?  
Write a story about your work on a separate page and hand if ln
to your leader with this record. ‘
Date _____.._..... l94__.' Approved: ______________......»··»
Project leader
Approved: ____________,......-»-r
County Extension Agmi
Lexington, Kentucky Ja¤u¤1'Yi ml
Cooperative Extension Work ln Agriculture and Home Economics: College of AE‘l°“llu" ·
and Home Economics, University ot Kentucky, and me United States Department- M AEI;} _
May 8 ond June 80. 1914. lulfw ,
[ T6 ] n ·
_ {