xt71c53f1q5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53f1q5r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-12-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1986 1986 1986-12-11 2020 true xt71c53f1q5r section xt71c53f1q5r ' l ‘ . .
I C ‘ Vol. XCl. No. 75 I Established 1894 _ . ’ University of Kentucky. Lexington. “Mucky . lndepon'dont since 19‘" Thursday, Docomborll. 19.6 '
F UK 1 d “‘ " ‘ i ii
ormer em 0 cc arreste v ~2 '- " " * '
O ’, '0’." 4 ‘ w ~-«- In...“ no ‘ 1 V ' ’ ' ' ‘I ‘
‘ after 11-hour confrontatlon -~ . “r ........... N WW ; ._ '
' l'n lti? \llt‘tttil’rilt good t'tmtillltlll last night, Van Meter Davis took a couple of‘ steps, , - ~7'”"’"‘f” ' M ' ' ' ~ ,‘ f 2 -, ' , ' ’ 2‘
Assimaiit News Editor sold turned and fired several shots. John» "" "" ,» tr _ _ .3 ’A ""'-"r E. ., -- ' ' ~ ' ' '.
sl~1.\\ \Nlllrilts'tix Dayis, dressed in a black Ninja son said. lTK police returned fire as " ‘ " ' 9 » '~" .. : '1 P‘ ' , "
SpecialProju-tstrlditor outfit. was armed with a .22 semi he ran to the Peterson Service r} J. . ' . ,_ -' ‘2 .. .1 "
and I)“ MASSER’I‘ automatic rifle. a .380 semiautomat- Building. ‘ 3' ."K/ "'4 3? . _ 6 ‘ ‘ I g ‘2.
..., SeiiiorStafl Writer ie pistol. an Remington 870 shotgun, UK police were able to contain "‘ “ . '21. ~ ( t 1 , .‘ ‘ ' '. . ,-
aii artillery simulator and a samurai Davis in the building until Lexmgton ‘7‘ 65*. ’ 2 - ‘ _ ' Uri - .'
.\ loriiier l'K custodial employee sword policearrived. ' “irgflfiégxg, . M, ‘3 - ‘ . g " :1 -.
. . was apprehended by Lexington po- lle holed up in a loading dock in lexingttin police Lt. Drexel Neal ’ - “5 " ‘ W , , ' .- . '1
3 [ice aftei shooting a Physical Plant the southeast portion of the SerVIce said Davis eiitei ed the building at r, 1—4 {r ,0; "" I , ' f “
.' worker and wounding another dur- Buildingoii South Limestone Street. about 6 am and began firing ran- “‘1 I {A " ~ 9 > ‘ ' ': .y -f‘
, mg an ll»hour siege yesterday at the Davis. who police said had coopei- domly. ' '1' u 5 .' " . _ -' .- .
Peterson Service Building ated with negotiators throughout the During the shootout. lfK and Lex- ,“ ‘ -, ' i . ‘ I
; 'I‘he Lexington l’ayctte l'rban day. was taken by the response unit ington police officers were pinned , t a " " '1 ’_
. (unify Police Emergency Respotise with a fire hose at 5 p.m.. shortly down behind their cars on South ’ ~ g 9.; p. ' A. g ' a” .- "
, t ml. which had been on the scene alterbecoiiiing“agitated." Limestone as Davis fired indiscrimi» , , 1y? f ' . " ' .., . ’ . V
since 8 Ito a lit . List-d a fire hose to "iWei shot very pressurized natelyfromthebuilding 0 “kg? ,v ‘ g _ ' ' _ - 1‘.‘ ._
. disarm atid capture l'lysses 5 water and knocked him out of his Skiba said Davis fired shots from i “if“ ‘ ‘ . j ' .'
liayis Ill. 23, of into Redinger (‘ourt chair." said Sgt. Greg Howard. the building's front and side win~ ...-t-~:, ~31; ‘ ,1 . . ~ ' »
. lll Lexington “After the hose hit him. it pushed dows. Bullets ricocheted as far away .' s a, by. ,. .43; .. ¥ ”3‘ w -‘ , . , :-
.‘ Karly yesterday, llavis shot one illlll up against a wall and made as Arby‘sonSouthlamestone. ”a. “ , " , . g _'t ‘ ~ ' I f 3
l‘K employee while another suffered -the at rest i very easy," To protect students from the ‘ ”V ‘ N" ' - ‘ " .' g ‘ ‘ .. '
2 injuries from flying debris caused ;\l the lime. Davis was sitting in a shooting, the Taylor Education tr _. . ‘ wrfi'f‘ y, " , ,. ~ '. 3 _’
liy shots Daiis fired iiithebuilding chairholdmgasamuraisword. Building and Dickey Hall were cor~ ., - .59,” ' y, “ v . ‘ " ' . .
, \tilham lliggiiis, iii. superyisor of Davis was fired from the PhySical doned off. l‘K's Transportation and ‘ “V; ”V j}, _ " ._ . ~ ‘ 1' .'
the Physical Plant Divisions utilit} l’lam during the first week of July Research Budding was also closed .’ .53 9'3; ' . , . i ‘.
crew. was shot in the left shin when for fighting. said Jack Blanton. L'K‘s t'ntil about noon. students were ;o‘&_ 1‘, 3'" i’ "a a... .~‘- ' . V. f . 3
liavis entered the building at about \ice chancellor for administration. not allowed past the Administration 5. \ ff - it; ,- . , A V ' , .' t - .'
ti a m Him!!!» was listed iti good i’iitlllltlll said Davis thought ”he Budding. ,‘ . . ~ fl ‘3, 3' ’ l " ,
condition last lll;‘,lll at the it; “Hit; had been wrongfully discharged by Once in the building. Davis posi- ’ - ':‘- ’1’»? . ~ , . ‘ 9 '1
cal t‘entei. said Donald Barker. the L‘tiiversity.” However. Davis did tioned himself iii a room iii the ,. g "' _' :2; :Jtif; _ g , y .. ‘i v; . ~ 2 ‘ ’ ‘ ~_ 3
. chief of trauma seryice not make any demands of the Uni- building‘s old service area on the t “' T V I 1 4.; at g .. -..-, ‘ . 7' ,
.\ second man, Richard liriscoc. \ersityduringthe confrontation. first floor. which gave him “a field El ‘2 M... , ‘ , "-‘ _. 'V . . ‘ ' '
o2. assistant Sillx‘t'llllt‘lltielll of custo. t’K police were notified at 6:03 of fire encompassing both South ‘i: - y ‘ _l: '2 a '
dial services. received two eye lac- a in by a lady who saw Davis along- Limestone Street and the [‘K cam; . ' .o. » i . . ' ~ ’ ;
erations from flying debris caused side Patterson Office Tower wearing pus." said Tom Baum. a Metro pa- 5‘5 w; ‘ - g '5‘); m. i . ‘ , ‘-
when Davis began shooting early a face mask and carrying a gun. trolman, 4g' “A; at; ,1}, “k- " , it ' ~. , . .
yesterday morning said Walter Skiba. director of After the initial exchange oi gun‘ M5“ ’ ' 9" ‘ 2' , ”,2” e y t . . ‘
“rm”. ““5 held hostage for Human Resource Services and act- fire. police said Davis fired sporadi— ‘ ‘ ‘ 9 , ,.
about three hours before l)a\is \ol- ”Werl’hu'Chlel- cally’ {mm 4")“Ut6‘13t"91‘ m, . ‘
untarily released him. said his doe PK WIN“ called the Lexmgton 90' Police entered the building at “W"? N“ . ~ - ' I - . .’
for, \tnodford \‘an .\lcter, chief of “V"”FUSSL‘lam'Qal5315* about 6:30, There they exchanged 0"” " _ ., r ' ’ _ . .' "
(-ttl‘ll(*.l.\t't'\lt't'.\ Th“ confrontation began when PO‘ gunshots with Davis. but no one was '4'" “1’5" .. "mow.” . g .
_ , . ‘ ‘ ‘ lice ordered Davis to halt when they injured. a... cum “magic“ g ., . p .
. ““5“” 1"“ m“ "\"H'W I’lllmlm‘ spotted him walking across the lawn ‘ 2 , - , , . ,
. limit" hl»“‘Wlll"""“"' lfl front of the Administration Build- Dutch “t?“itkerr an electrtctan Members of the Lexington Police Urgent Re- Peterson Serwce Building yesterday DOVIS had ' .
Briscoe also was admitted to the me. said Robert Johnson. a UK cus- W'mPPD' witnessed the exchange. sponse Unit carry Ulysses S, Davis ill, a former barricaded himself inside the building and held 4' . '
Mt‘tltt'itl t'eiitcr. He was listed in todiim. \ee('()\FR()\TATI()\.Pach UK Physical Plant DiVlSlOfl employee from the police atbayforneorly 11 hours , . ' .
St d t 9 to _——"——"—‘ 0 0
11 en S reac 10118 THE SCENE pmlons 3 out , ..
vary about gunman l L__f'\rl - - - '-
Dav1s lelded
Hy .l.\\'HBEEl.rIR turned the campus temporarily up- D 2 ,i - . - .
SIMHVF‘W“ >|dt"d“\"” [it SCOTT WARD charged $137M in fines and court 1' ‘
_ "North campus should have been PETERSON BUELL ARMORY \laiiaging Editor ma; . , ‘ ‘ ', -- . '
Ry- late morning. almost everyone closed.” said Terri Kemp, a political SERVICE and .l.\\' BI,.\.\'T0.\' In February ”t {my \ear. the Na- . I ' , .
ottL‘imtpub 'MK’W science freshman. “The sniper gave uuuumc \JewsEditol‘ tioiial tiiiartl issued a. warrant for ' . ‘ .: ’
Some heard on the radio ()thei‘s sortie excitement to the everyday-to- his am“ because he was absent W 4 "i 1 a. :. 3
received anxious telephone calls dd." routine.“ “‘ After it was over. police said l'|}'> without lt-aye ,' . ’ ; " .,
from frilnllc parents warning them Kim Bell. a textile and merchan- E ses 5‘ Davis I“ had acted as It he \f‘ter spending l'nree hours m jail. . . , , , ,_ i
not I” got ‘0 classes because a heav- dising freshman. said. “It‘s scary. E w aiitedto die. he was released itito the custody of f.» ~ 7 “ I. ,' -‘
”5 armed man was 0" the loose on “he” I heard, I ran Wt 0f the room E Davis was deSperate. He had a the National Guard. He had missed If . '
campus . amd almost had an anxiety attack. a son to worry about and had been a drill Guard officials said it was a ‘ . . ' .‘
Receptionists used the Blanding- My grandmother called from Louis- ADMINISTRATION l'lt‘t‘d from his )0b in l'K‘S PhyNCill minor offense lssumg a warrant is ' ~ ' ' "
Kirwan (‘omplex' public address 55'» ville and told me not to gotoclass. ‘15 Plant Division. standard procedure for anyone who ‘. -' . .' .
tem to tell residents of south cam- n] was scared and I locked the ‘35 5' He had what his co-workers dev ”my“ a drill ‘ ‘ 1‘ . _ , '
‘ ' y ‘ . ‘ ‘ H ‘ . i - k . , , . ~
pus that a gunman was somewhert (10m. 531d Kim Cates, an education 0 CLASSROOM BUILDING scribed as a bad temper. which In .iuly Of this year. he was fired , i. - ~
on ""“m‘l campus. Students were sophomore. Her sister “We" to tell 5 At about 6 am, a PPD worker spotted ““9” led him ‘0 “I" I“ fight hlh Wit} from his custodial job at L'K‘s Phys- ' ' . 2 " ,' .
told toavoidthe area uiitilnoon. her about the gunman. I was not 2 Davis waking near me 0055,00,“ Build out ofirouble. ical Plant Division. a job he had - . . _ .
Many students were “WNW“ afraid after I found out they (the po- 5‘ ing with a gun. The police were called This time. fighting hi5 way ”l“ held since 1982 [‘K offiCIals say he . . ' . . ‘ ‘_
about the gunman's position, so they “99’ had him contained. \ ‘5” and arrived shortly thereaiter. They ex didn't work. was dismissed for fighting ‘ 7 , - " ,
heeded the receptionists' advice and Many dld“ ‘ find out about the O“ 5 changed guntire with Davis near the Ad- He grew up in a Lexington housing “I v \ fl rd _ . . l I) t h . . b . g ;
- . . , n ntilthe 'wereon cam us. 5‘- ~ ' - - - 9 x d L H an appea ‘ ge '5 JO 9 -.
avotded central campus. bome 5m, gunma u y P Q ministration Building. Davts then fled projtct. back but after gomg through three . .
dents even refused to leave the safe- ”l found out on my way [0 C1155 ( across Limestone and ran into the Peter- He currently lives in a modest. of the four stages of the appeal roc- , g. a
“.01" their residence halls. around 10 am. I have men ducking SOI’I Service Building. He fired several rented house in a [0“'er-mjddle clags (NS he a 'lf‘PniiV dI‘O dp The, V" . ‘ ‘
“ and creeping all morning," said shots inside the building, injuring two neighborhoodin northern Lexington ppi - ppe . . .'
lnstead. they resorted t” scream» Sheldon Lovelace. a mechanical en- UK employees. Police entered the build- In 1984 he was arrested for carrvr ”Sm . . ~ .
ing their frustrations up and down gineering senior. ing almost immediately and tried to con mg a coricealed deadly weapon 7 .a Yesterday, armed truth a .22cali- _ '
the halls. Brian Towels. a communications vince Davis to surrender: After 0" 11- s'mith & Wesson 32-caliber handgun ber semiautomatic rifle. a .380 semi-
t'lvsses S, Davis ”1.21 former cus- freshman. heard on his way to the “9:: “swift P0"? d's‘ibiimiv 00"“ that was found under the front seat automatic pistol, a Remington shot- . t -
todial worker in the Physical Plant Classroom Building around 8 am. unions: KcrnolGrophics mm; "9 03° a" an“ e "n W" of his car. He pleaded guilty [0 the film. an artillery simulator and a , y -
Division. was the gunman who SccSTUDENTS,Page2 ‘ misdemeanor offense and was secoPnIONs', Page} _
m e: ~ UK employees injured aw“ .. . .
6. ~ in barrage o gun ire a m... ... M. i.
.- é * .* gr -~ Y j t ' gaining confldonoo In him: . .
I“. k —- ‘ . By CYNTHIA A.PALORMO low." the doctor said. “There is no so" and from his W
a 5* 4 ‘ , Editorial Edltm‘ associated fracture and he has been during his m ”or m
I- ., ., ’ stable since his admission to the th. WM W
, - ‘ ‘ ' . \1 Two employees of the UK Physi- hospital” pro.
. ; I , d7 i ‘\ cal Plant Division were injured yes— gigging who lives at 711 Paul gram. SIOM‘. N905. .
I ,2 f i ‘ terday when Ulysses 5- Davis 1” Ave, was listed in satisfactory con-
‘ /' c . :"‘°ad§d,§fmsf“1§"§f,de Peterson dition :3: could be releasedBiorLie—
- ,/ ‘- ‘. rvice “i ’n8 or urs. time t or tomorrow. r or ,. .,
/ ‘1 ‘ t William Higgins. a 48-yearold Ulil- does not aynticipate any permanent w D.“ M d M .9 ”
. // 9 ity worker. and Richard Briscoe, a damage. and The NW M “Q“
, 2 62-year-old assistant superintendent, Briscoe, who lives in Keene. Ky, the w, W M W
‘ . ' x C were injured during the first 30 min- has been a PPD employee for 39 M M. ’3 9_
, . . . . . ‘ , ‘,i»:_t‘sj:““ \ utesofthesiege. years. He was injured when con- 0' M II. . ,
_____ ' - ‘ ‘ "l‘ “ ’ l “ 1"“ 1 ( (' A t ' 2’*‘Z.§3‘...fxi ' ' “ ‘i ‘ " Dr. Donald Barker. chief 0‘ trau- crete and shrapnel debris from gun- ' j ' ' = ~' *«
poucs » _ . » m. service. said am. who has fire penetratedmsieneye. "0,“ rs
m . W. - '. Wk.“ '" PPD for 24 years, was Woodford Van Meter, Briscoe‘s at- ‘ H " '
r -" ' I. ' I , \2" 'y Y. i , m In meld! lq. tendlng w - - M h _
. , ,A ”.4 . . . ysman a c ief of cor
I ' ” l ~ ' “3.. ’/ Barker said Higgins. the "m to nea service. said he suffered from
- M. -....-.-- “ ‘ ’ ' V . "4 r be treated, wt: W‘ to g: emer- two cornea lacerations in his left
a“ M ,_ m pncy room tween 7.30 a it am. ey e. The shrapnel penetrated 90 per- , _,H agate»
"" ~1- . with a bullet wound about 4 inches cent of the cornea causi . ,. x.“ 45,191.“...94‘5
- "8 eanswe '9 ' , wiwu‘ . ’. ~~ ‘s“‘*¥é~‘
. as” . mm‘me- swelling Van Meter said tlmt had - i ‘ ' “M
our, ‘Mfi‘gm 5-; ”kW" ‘ m we... wmbly from a ‘m . , , , Its.“ .‘t : r*“’ig%6§:v‘l an.
percent been penetrated, sur- 7 , . . . ,.
“W" “In it “WW into [W0 or formed w . .gys 2%.": “t if ‘
mitten-firm said. ‘ ..,,.f;,:. ‘i
Two mombors of tho Loxlngton-Foyotto Urban oxlt on tho mt std. of tho Paterson Service “On the X-ray. you can see the “'I‘he'eye W not perfumed. ’0 VTVT
County Polico Emergency Rosponu Unit pull on building. Pollco won in tho mid‘ot ot nogotiattng metallic foreign body,“hesaid. we WON have to wry About infec- t§§3“wl r
unidontitiod man from a dangerous oroa near on with thogunmon. “The would itself is fairly shal- Seem.sz "’9 é '

 ‘ ‘ l ' l h ' ‘
- , , ” ‘ 3 IKENTUCKYKERNEL My,Doounbor 11, 1986'
~ ‘ “ L L- " ° ° . t ‘ . '"' J. 3-,! ’ .aot.”3 ‘
. - ‘ _ ‘ I t . '- ' ‘. l‘ . ' . . ‘ tr . . ' b
.. . .: a 10 Free exmgton 0 ill ents .3 ,2, ., - ,t ,. , , my,
' ‘ , .‘ . .‘ a «t ' - a. . '.-'--¥ “in , » an»;
m : .4 .~ ~ ‘ . -~. ~» ;. brat. ' ~ ,
.‘t‘ ”.5.” \ 0 Continued from Page] " "“ a ' ” -.. . "8-3 _ ”,.' I. ”I‘ f "3‘" x,” k ‘ .
-. - .3 in 5 SD ort or oa , .. a - . . - ~. ,- -. ,
’, _ 7‘“ ‘3“ l ' "\ou never know. he said, some- 3 .3 .3 '§ ..ai_...33wv .553 .9 ~3" .""." , :1 _, ~ t - ‘ 7
‘. ':~ '2 ‘~ , w - bodv elsemight start trying this." 3 ' 3 -‘ . .24». “7°”- "~“"t""'»”r"‘ :Slmfifiii: ‘ I " - " , ' n,
‘ -- - ‘- ' “ " , . . . . ~. ~. . . “ '- - . “ ‘ ‘;’¢3 "3”: _ . in ~. .-., t t.
" t '. . ° . Some didnt like the interruption -~ t . ‘3‘? ‘3 .7»; I, ”.“":~‘-_'.‘ "1 . i” * 3
-"i . . .: . ~ ' ~3--.I 3t «.
3, ‘?'\’.‘!""“ In 0 lCla S an S u en S ottheirusualschedules _; , I 733 ‘ . . .1 . ,t ,t ",IAWWT‘W 3. “‘93 m.
‘~-.‘_‘i»; ~. ' ; . ‘3‘: .1 was scared, but I had to go 10 ‘ ‘ 3“»! - ;».; ; -s. .3 .-~ "gjrw'q‘ ; L; 3,‘ M t ..
‘. “,‘.“ - : .33“, In h \itt- \ Hill 1 It’s MIMI!” l‘mllth will limit their im~ my 9 am. class to get the; “01%) . _ 3 t ,, , , a ; . . . .
-‘3-" If. .i‘ ;-‘._ 1”“ I: . s‘ .\ 'tu pact said 'N'alla “Illll'dms, a business Ju- 33
e . N '0 ,t t ' V - t '
3- 3 r '- Student leatlt-is who lime worked mop “It‘s too close to finals to be . ‘
-"f ‘."“:”3 “3:3. 73‘3“,;."‘.'-‘:.3 ' i’rev l:e\tnt.’,ton thanks to on RFl. my the hardest part has missing class —- sniper or no snip— / ‘
IL‘GIS‘flL *::- :i'. {331‘ 's; , ,‘ Sat‘ittilts totaling more than been “\x‘l’t'ttttn‘ 437d ”M Ild‘t‘ begun er.“ . ‘ ”a???” ’
'. 3“.‘3«’.“t at _-'_-_'3 3.. ~‘,-\ \ ‘,_.~ iritiwd 3.103“..- ti; hecom- \\t)t‘k1tl3i.l olt oi hitting; the rest of the "1 don‘t like skipping class one , ‘ ‘ i
. ,” “. LL;- -‘\ ,3 ,‘-'.‘.-,‘ -. '. a. '1 and :s now on the right inone) needed bit." said Mark Rucker, an arts and _ w .. . I .
-,‘..‘3 ~.‘-_,3_‘.3‘3‘, .3 - mg: \i) t i\ student leaders tine posstbwm t \ttIi’thI it" at seience freshman. lm mad this _ ' v ,, . -~
.~.3.,‘. «*h‘ :3 ;.\;{;t_{lti[‘. tdtltttslalttms ttuu‘ing the tttitits has been to get couldhappen.“ . ‘ 3. ; ___3 ___._._.... . _ > 3 . . ' .
. 5“; 5tt‘.."\t~.'i.“;\-v,‘$‘t‘tt,“,.“‘ - iti‘l has the stai‘tiip theiti tront the \ilttlt‘lil t.o‘.t‘t‘ttm€t]l Others treated the shooting inct- ; Ed, .2" 3 _ 3 . 3 . 3
'itt:;,3‘3;-‘-j -'_.‘-‘3-.""3‘.:-t"‘- new: ‘ne :te\! step is to but :hsoeiattoi‘. Jiltl 'he \tudeitt :\L'll\'- dent mm humor. _ 3 ~t . t
I: ,3‘;_‘-5;,;:;'3.33.3_'; ‘7'. fits.” - "‘Nn’ \ eqtttttinent to broad ities Board “The sniper '15 worth a good ‘
f ‘3‘)" 3 '3»; - {3‘5 .\ .. : at”: Itait. a statt and, most “e needed IIA' HUM)“ 10 get laugh. said Rita Mullins, a pre-med
'\ -‘~ 5" ”ff-liztit'i' 3.3m; ' . attgnire another started. we got a and that's tine.“ freshman. "It's overexaggerated. If “Axum/undue!
KEVIN-1:5; “._\"3:i.".‘-_r, 3 \‘fi t-ttn.“ It p1 ‘-itn~] . ., ‘ v , , ,
.‘ ‘t:»”-;':'f\“:-:‘J_"5'..~.'~‘a..'a:t‘ "‘ “‘1” ””9"“ I ‘KI‘ "_“ (“u “0‘, the gU) Stays any longer. hell ha\e Harold Griffin a Physical Plant Division employ- ses Dows who boriicaded house” in the Peter
1.“;7",?~3tt:t"xit3_t‘,ry':;“§ . \ ‘ ;. \ atti' ‘tl that amount said NA and. Nb- ate not the onl) [0 pay property taxes. r Is a a from the line of fire from Ul 5 so” Cervtce Budding yesterday
"-::.'=. ”,4 ,t,'5’;';'t‘;»j;:y,"";_53!}:I t 'i:. Ii‘t‘lilt'l}; tat'tor ill atenties to take tor lllt mollt‘} .3 but Peter Kosky. an undecided fresh- 99 C 0W VV Y Y J - e
12-“? " "I kit-‘5 st", : at ' th:t at t i 'h - \‘L it ‘!1l> because :.- “ , in' te . . ,
I’t-‘.~'.~‘-.”‘I“(It? ‘ ‘ 3 , _ , ‘T ” 3x: II” _I ,‘ ” . .3 d‘ t man. ”d‘d‘ When my ”0‘3“de One student knew Davis. Yestei‘da) s crisis has than} stit an '1 sut't'ited the 1 ix sniper at»
4 «- _rwt n ohm-135,5. - I .i-rtiti Ht aiiothet has been m don t HIM -ilt ut- a ot a s u en told me. 1 went out to the ha _ u3s _ > _ V , 3 _3 3 3. _ 3 ..
-‘ ‘u- " ‘-“‘.:"-‘.‘i‘. .. "i“ . , ” t ‘v \‘J w ml to school With dents \Hmdel In about Lie salt I\ Hi tat l\ N\\ettt>hill
.. t t t . , . . . . : , e a L e E .
* ‘>““""""e‘ L‘é‘i“: -’"~‘-"”:" ~ . " 'ttt~ [ll‘ttlt‘t'l tor tears, tee lllt‘lt‘.t.\t'lt'tht\ m' It were running around “Ith Rambo )ld t bi )th r " itl \litk the ceiitr'ilt'iinpiis
13 .3,_. 3 ~. ,3“va _ ., _ Y : .. 3 , _ , ' I; ~ ) ‘t , , ‘7 i i 3 .‘ ;
Ls t”, a; 3t3'3;3.:,'3."3‘-‘;;*, {I 33 ‘ it its .‘kt’ it mil he the otie l ve rec. I\:‘t‘. mix «it ia\oiahle kmves in their pajamas. ready to go {all h” lib mt ktti‘n 5:) 310mg“
"i "A'.' tit «1:1: -; J t 3 3 , 4; ,. ; 3 _ ‘ ‘ . x t . . » ,-
331-'3."‘- ~,.-Zt-.-{i"-’.".f ._"'.:';:I‘”.."1.‘ _, ta : ilttt: \lheeler. general \‘tHlllHt‘l‘itN tiwt students. she said. L’,€‘l him tDths). “1“lt”e\”gradluatt:(‘lrti:nt”Flehrgt’l “
i, . -:‘,3.V-.,i37i_oyt ‘_ t ' ‘ 3 _ ; . .. , i 3 V 3"”. . _ i.. .3 3 3 _ '3 ;;3 ‘
..3;.-.J\:f:_§3:5~;? a“; ”22535”. _, . t ix s tadio station I! M (ll out it lint ttoik we will "The Holmes Hall militia would But there were some who saw the 1,333” ”mm”: my 3333; my” “3“; ”3;”
:"‘:4’-Lt.'.5"":”’35”1‘35“?‘r"'~":‘L=i“ ‘ I‘ "WWI II“ ”‘II‘I‘ “II IAIN” II‘IW ”I “wan“ I‘I‘II” ‘ItI‘IIm' lake have knocked the guy out by noon." "1 was shocked. I always thought event as a nione_\=inakint_: \entni'e utitiu ind m ANNINlit'i‘l News Editor
-"‘I.~‘L1'-"LILEI‘LI’GXIR‘ ‘”.”-"~'”‘t”tL.‘L-" : \ fttart people realile tt= an) t-[l‘tt‘l‘ pruiet ', i' ”III“ I" 1‘ IIIIP: Koskv said. hHVétSHOI‘maI."MIICIK‘IISUKI One student was et en seen \H‘ul‘lllil It’vaa' Cooper
he?" ‘-‘-t‘.‘;:”"»‘.‘,"‘..‘"‘”i:! -- i 4.3 i t‘ stit't'esstni ‘ but ldon t tinnk s , >
I“: iii-1'33}; 3 3‘ “ :‘filfffi ' ' “tin? makes a station NAB Preside-n: l._\ tine ilunt. who is w M; t 3;; RN 3?
".,“".‘;II4‘L‘}‘ ~ «a. .s {tulllt‘} Wheelei said, on the itl‘L beau; oi directors. said . m 0 ees ”‘ ”I” t “ »
’5: ZI‘L‘t'é-i‘.:_’;",:,‘int?”3:; xix iii-t-aitse it! RH: ~ a .Nl'titlt‘i“ 1"ilt : \ta'on will he 3,! ; 33: -: -- ; g
””i;l,:”'.;t"e3r}) _ ::_ artti mtiit‘attonai goat, \talile adzlttzitrt minors tittt'e it 3 ,-.,:;:,: 3:3; ”‘1' ,1 f3:
,7v‘i7z.‘ I" t"~"'t"‘f”-. 7951;? 'u» atm- 'o eontihtialh nets past it: fi!‘.iltt‘l.i‘! tiltsltit'it’s But Continued from Pagel ”.3433 » 3‘ ‘ 333$?“ :51" t fi
”it,” ‘2‘” - - ' _.-,, L she tint-sift trunk t't‘iti: Std and SAB _ ”I” ” ‘ ”I i” ”N‘ ”*? t 5}” ”
ugh“ '§-.;i;~;tl:.'.i._,‘t‘< 331': : ow imi st MW 1”. im. “L,” PI 3“ a It, an tor the tion.” the doctor said. “How much and pieces oi lead in his e3\e Presu- , ; :- a“
., - , ,, _, 33. . ~‘,' . i. ii. it t» t ,t‘t i i x — . V 3 .,t 3 H x . ; n wa
,‘V- .’ -.1.,“.~.";:vf “rah -~'-3,: 3 :, ,3 “menu. “mt, tundtpu VISION he gets depends on how much mabl) it was shiapiitl hunt the 3 3
r -" :1 .H . .§:‘;'—‘ -’-" 11". I I ‘ ‘\ " ’ ‘ ‘ “ n . . t i i . . . . ._ 1:: iv 3:435?
:'-.',3 'I"§I*i%% .. .31.“ _ 3 _3 333333333333, )3} 3m ”3‘”; "the 51:3 M3 N 1,3,; II, be tough the cornea swells. shotgun blast that Literated his U)! H; , 35$
‘3 zit; , p,- it. [ilk-rd!" mt to I‘titst‘, Hiiit' \l‘: i !2 might be in Van Meter anticipates that Bris- nea. Van Meter said Because the 3 . A a
t'"‘)lg 3 ,3 ,_ 313,: W “MM“ .3, on.” ”a: _;.:,.;3\- :.. "\PIUI‘t‘ “me,- me should recover enough to leave injury was to his eye: there was V e 31”” .
1:;i.":"t>:.‘:"‘i-”:“ '1‘? 5353‘ ~ .,~ at“ Lit-tame Zhe\ are amt-tie} ..i :.i~..: s; other than the the hospital today or tomorrow. but \‘t‘rt‘httle bleeding \ 3,4 3.:
”r ’a’ ‘ ~ it a ct at; tal‘iit' quilt {‘9 ti'aaiti/atioiis or he said it will be at least a week be— "He said he was Yer} glad to he . .. g *
”I 31:43::332 ~ , , - _, u" it v~ H” .t "‘L‘ 'net IIltW ‘ ”it Hit a », t s tlitt‘ litl‘tl that tore doctors will know if there will alive. the doctor said "lie was told ~ ‘ ‘ I? ,
.1 .3.‘ ; 3:.,.,.:,;,eLJ,-t_:arft,; _‘ 133W 3;; 333 “NH“ the\ “it, beanypermanentimpairment. that he could be killttilat an) time. , . ; 33 o
.‘ i * ' .- 3 _ 3 : 3 _ , , , .. : ~ : ~ ' andIthinkhei'ealizest is." ’ '. V
....<.:- ., . _ . Wt .. :t \ \iwt:;it:mt sit-t t\.': I: Wt Ut.’:.\t(lt’t alto He has a lot of comeal swelling .3 : 3.3 .,
-, - .» tan, -..‘ seam-an: > I 3 v, 3 3 / _ 3 i . 3 _ > 5, _ d ,_3
$933,216,; . , Ii; 4;“ an Altai ihtw earn; 5" "it .3 hit iiiizit said "It that may not go away, and the eye _Vdn Miler Mild “WU" “$5 W“ 3 G ;’ - 3
51'; 4'9"»‘x - . : it".1\ some iii any A K\ I; i» 'iilv‘f‘ 2'. mi ut the board could get infected," Van Meter said. SCIOUS Illrttutllth lht‘ ”l'dt‘dt "and , , >.‘ ' ‘ \
I";3‘~'?L;V’sf"‘i,3‘-_,:-3-;:3’ 355.5, i ;_ 3 _3 3 m. 3333. “3.133 a”. Wanton; !‘ . ’,‘~ mm} up for He said the right eye was not in. on the tloor and trying to stay out of ‘ l / t; . .
L :‘ 23’33’3‘4,.'ZL“L"‘.'L?L:.t-’I 3:525 t .‘ 2;: zit ” inmate lured. the Wit}? 1' 3,‘ ' ‘ v ~- 2' ~ 3 .
2‘57"a‘.-"t?-.S“i’-”t~‘;‘i',‘}‘ 3,” : , - manta,- M, m. ‘14-, 33 3 3 3 ., Although Briscoe was injured at ”is I understand it. the tellow a 3 '3‘ ' 5 ,. ».3”;.. ;
I"*.1‘;5""~"”"13'1"? t - ‘ t W HP, ,3 ,. A 3 I II' "'IVI II "““I ‘I‘ II' II ‘” about 6:25 am. Van Meter said he shot the shotgun at the tioor around » > 3 ‘ w. \ g
31:71]}: .-‘,“.::" 3.33;;9'153Jfi . ,3 .33 M- pomp“. 343 ‘I L” " ‘” ' ‘ “II” I““ ”ht was held hostage for more than two his head to N ate hlill He was intui- Q. - , I ‘
‘f’j’s 5,3. \‘tiiio utttl- mg g ,: ”““‘ hours before Davis let hint leave tionally not ll'_\'ll‘.;.‘. to llll llllt), he 3 N N “
_',..1,"-’L‘.'0. ”it - _ t“ it Hi i, emergent) room-:nBi a 0U 11am“ I fired. "Al me “me. I“. thought he 3 t ‘3’“!
2,143,313,3513‘;"‘;;:’_~,‘L-,:..”5t;y ' ’ I "‘I‘I‘” I‘II‘ III‘II Mm“ l' m i 'xt- » -- . (I‘l-l)l to the \an “‘5‘”. 53‘. riscoe 0 “I had been shot in the head. ‘ \‘an n... K ' ‘ ' I. ”I:
$2."?Tokugff‘r‘fliiigg,'"-;-‘.’_?‘;f':"' _ s, : 133,3,“ 37mm; men '_ “ ‘ “ " he was Sitting in his office when \letersaid “mummm ”n.5,,“
-_ {4 “‘.”;_:3,3-U‘,7:‘\.‘I‘I.r‘ _ .ircn'i'; .; .t “1‘33” ‘ \tl'”-(‘I‘Y”" L titlit'IA“ at . '=' :> tlx It .tttmg [)11Vl5 “barged ”.1" and ShOl 0n the '
: r t ».-"-‘A',:‘.‘--".r".-t:”t‘- ~~ ‘1 ' ‘ “ , -t 3 - _t-«im~ - - ~~ . . r‘ A , ‘ a” I I s \ rrn‘ n
I“ x - ire fire-t: me” [tin ‘ i”I i”I"““I “ L “ LL“ “I‘d“: Concreteflooraroundhim. Barker satin he did not ask about Doctors at the. Univeralty Medea! Con L. discus the .o Hills” of
{7' 51%,“.4: ‘ “ ’ “ ‘ ‘ . Hint: 'n ,.;~ “It NU)‘0l' .. - ~ ~ - . - ._ . . ' i a : n t -i am»: . t
3'33,v.;;3:.;.;; 112'.;;v,’...‘3r_;33;3- . ““3”, a, the tthItItt' l 3;“ Run“ “a: M 3””; “I ‘a‘udi~ (Briscoe) had pieces ot concrete Higgins sititatioiiiiitht lililltlllld the two men thJndeO yest: rdo. it he 5 too 9‘»( to" Cu
5%."gift”?*§'f;‘:,..-i”"*-.:E‘:_, : ' z , Ii..\'ll& 'he illll1.lll\t‘ to “H”, ,M :3 _ 3 _; , _ H M. 3. ‘tiod
» - -- ww‘ lt itit-es unis ‘ ‘ ' I ‘ ”
r. 3.33. 1‘5””; Kira-3;; . 3 j' II“; :. 3 ‘ ' t'ii::ti‘:it:,.t.t' : wa' no a real 3
Z‘t't"‘3I-”)—-:‘v.“:.-I.;V:I 14',,_' ”'5”"”‘” ' I \ tttiitl, .Niitl t't. ,l\\333 , 3‘“, ,3 ; .1313 S AShIOlld Ave .Chevy ChOSO
,4: 3","; 3-33.!” ‘,3~".’_-:r ‘ ‘ “' “ '
.~~,t.':-'r '.1 »,'--t-‘::‘.-.,w-' .» .ttvuu - "l \i‘
-. V‘Y‘t‘ 3' 3 “" ‘_‘I3.3]I3‘13‘3I)33Il"3f“ “" t‘ \ 3~ m ,3 it: student FREE HOT CHOCOLATE
$3211.," ”cuts? - ‘ ,, i” 1': ' ‘t 'L ‘ , _. . , ,, i ,1 i .
:1; .33.”,3 >4 151‘,” .._3_., ftii..i, t t. ., ' at : Int in \\ till a d
, ,W m; a KW, , , WW, b cute on COFFEE With any
. ,. : 3.131;, 3‘535-3' “112.; . 3, - 3 ,. _ 3 . . .
:»-: :2:-~': ‘ 7\,- a! 43.“, mm HM‘ but I W"; .i .3 \illtl> the Minimum $3.25 OWE d d I
RCdL‘T’: -» ”L33" ’ ‘ 1*”‘lnt' III'WIHIE \Wti '- t'LtI‘t‘ t-‘ia-ii-i-s m : t. .1. Lillitll‘N. "it 269-4693 .w \ 0 or er ur'ng Exam eek'
:32» ' ”i. ”I” If": 5': vii-i 'v-‘J-t - i tin t l“v .- - ~T 1' .. , - i i w ‘\ ~ ~”” " C
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. -‘. "'~.‘-‘. ”v.12 ‘t. int-:i‘ ‘et'hn'txi; t'ttlltt‘ sit: ,‘, at: (-2 n-tilement S”, V r" Hz»? M, a ,3“: CNECMS ‘ Jus“ ASk"
u-x .‘étvs- 1,- ac; ti . . , ,
7 5;.- :f’r'B-‘L;S;f}‘,’=I>-’:€,§ 1 ' tie-tn; .2!!!(’ ti \¢,'!‘\(' ti wha‘ tum: .- : Viv THE ADMINISTRATION — ; it ~“
: x‘. m“. «xWZZrtsr-‘a if;
(Luz... Mint MONSTER rim. sow: . .N :r
\ i. vt-t‘ ’.-~,/' N" . ," _~ ,5: 3 . ‘ ‘
‘f5-‘I. 71:17.". :Lz‘w_t-..;-__z-g . . l ,\3 t ._ 4.3, m4, . 3, ,. ‘ _3 t
:5:- .-:‘=—'t.,.‘.~}:,ai“;34 ‘gt-"figg’ , (6 Inches) (12 inches) SUBS HOT OR COLL _n at , r ( it . . .. t. t, ,:i
215;. t”“:’.-‘:-“‘~i:f<~“-ii'£ ‘ . snuff: rp‘ it ‘C mi.“ ‘1: it‘ "3 $3.50
flisifinl:f"’,‘»;;”££‘.,‘ . 3‘ . 3 R0351 Beef - - ~ ~ ~ ~ 32-25 53-25 Includes Lettuce. Tomatoes, Onions.
x? :3'”,”-$ 33“. ”‘37,; :15; 3 ; >
""“L‘“'3‘7 ':’”t ~‘- 5 Q ' ' Corned Beet. - - - , 52-25 53-25 Cheese and our own top secret dressing, WILDCAT SPECIAL—WWIt " mm?
3 .3794: h, _ . . a. A a , ., _, .
3f ”"35"“?”3'5”":‘,‘§”“‘7":'.=.‘g‘ , 7; t;- ,‘fi 77*""*:T”:;'L_L:':?-‘—_ Pepperonni . i .. . $2.25 $3.25 SIDE ORDERS ye,” ,_t 3‘3, 9 n9 :3 ,3,“ 54-15
" 3 = , , , ~ iS‘ a, : . r7 , 3b a. gr.
..1;»:-':3,;,.:\_.:.;‘.«;3.{-‘,,,,t.j.-’l 1 15mm"! ‘ 1“ _‘jflggjaianb Ham _,.,,:.,... $2.05 $2.99 Ede Scottie. LlietdOroke. M P .o (,3: _€[ ROB SPECIAL Tr we meat.
4-: w,3__,3.1,3;333;,.‘\ _—_—:— ‘9’.” "—‘i. , - - :—»——='— emma e at ca ea. . : ~ » L‘ J' ,: ,yt.
. ‘~3-’”.;“-'.”-_Ill.ll'_.\_-‘(',’A.l.‘§‘;‘:‘V‘;;3‘i,' Salami 3 3 ~ _ . 3 3 3 3 3 $2.05 $2.99 (mum) 333‘ 3.311: it chggce ol 4 .tit, t t 3525
”‘F'Kk“t“.‘j'Vt‘31.”:‘.’.-"”!‘l~."r‘.,, w , , - v - ,
_-.; 43.3; fiaéugmo Turke . . . . i . . .. $2.05 $2.99 Hotato Chips. . 35'
“Mt““h 5'? y , v A.“ 6 ft. Party Sub $55.00
- ~.~- w .. . - at! -<, 52 99 Hot Peaperl ,. , i J
x» Liverwurst . . . . . . $2.05 . 3
l ”‘5‘" ”LT-‘13:?‘-‘lt-‘."..‘»‘,Iit3"\5t( Kosher Pickle Slice . . . . : . 40' HOU RS
”3.5451233. I3"é"£‘£w> ; - - Tuna . . . : . . . . . . . $2.05 $2.99 Tassed Salad: .. . _. . .. a . so
"".‘-.'v'- t-\.'~.’*.:v"~‘ . . . . ,- V H .A
13”.”,i ;‘,""”t: SPECIAL OF “E Mom Cheese _3 3 _3_ $2305 $2.99 Salad of the Week, _ _ , 3 , 3 3 _ 3 _ 3 _ _ 33 _3 ___ 49: V ;,N3,>4U71 3. a "-3 93912 a pp
I‘LII‘"”"”":-~”‘L‘1'>I”5;L‘"-:1I”-”"i I ‘ De ert 75' FRH'U'U ‘Oam ti: ‘ 1m
-.;;<.t=.-;;,-tr;‘:,-:- ‘55“ if ——----------------- Italian $2.05 $2.99 .55 s a: f. , ‘
"11"»:xiii-aft“; 3.3.3333“ ----;--~- Milk ...,, , , ..,.. .,. :. .: . 55‘ oLNJ’“ llo m to 120m.
t‘" ‘
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5-} fiat’w. fgtt‘u"!t§ I 2 for $ 10.00
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*t ‘35-»: ~ - :. .tzhrS-uv'.‘ '2‘
”,1; fly ., ,. '
'J'.”:"‘3"t‘? §.t{t;,,t ‘ MEDIUM l3 PEPPERON! PIZZA
f: VJ" t"'-~'.'-.-‘-";3(t.'-‘ ".j' "’n‘? | .
:- , "-' z“ I W|TH 40 SLICES OF PEPPERON:
.3 3;“ _‘ ‘”1-,.;§n‘~..”ti:"‘a‘”if.
the: at, auv ONE FOR JUST $6.95 I
' i,‘fqt"3)'.;‘;|.:hl“"‘1:'.."‘:7l!::’”' t ' I
‘l.-.3.‘,,:.‘:_.'v"inglelv‘h'f‘zi_liijiiéf'zi: I : , 1 3: MW 33,, D ”05 m3 3, be 0, «0,3,1 .- . . 3, WC, at the I Woth P 1. d
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23-;3I1‘s'3-Itt {fizz i , . .; v 3-er bar ’1‘ s mac Nr. woww ' :'- ~ ‘ WW Good I . , '
" ‘ t ' "‘ ’ “ h B k d K T F Alb ht
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:3. I THE FOUR TOPPER I 3 : , One Line. . . . . . . . . . . . S 1.00 ea.
:r MN; ',-, 2,4: 11.. ~‘1 '3 c ”a * , x: ., 3
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T] ,s.,',r,.3;~-,,!,_r§,.3- I 2 for $10.00 I - : . am . 3 Two Lines . . . . . . . . . . $8.00 ea.
r’fit.’ aMJ-Vt-"';;t',Iii 13"!) ' -- -* ~ mt». t .» T ' ‘
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{yt 3, ' MEDIUM i3 PEPPERONI, BEEF, ONION, | , , 3 3. 3 _ .,: “C B' B] .. “K t k
.5." 4 JitLIt'f’.".-4,H.’3.v,‘n .p I ,3; ‘ :5 £3 E)“ . “E 3 ,’ M; y‘ 10 lg ue, en UC V
.3; ',’1.""4',"',’.I';;'<",’.'i"_/:"I"" I AND GREEN PEPPER PIZZA ' wt . ..-. «m- » «- « . H v
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t‘fé‘.” -'-;' I .fg‘f 3-, 93,-; ' I “v Metres December 3M! 1986 No SUbSll'U'tCHl (it wgm -..w h, Otter good
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. .. 3 _ Q i Ads
' ,. :. , . » : to shoo beto: e running
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I I 5 l .
KENTUCKY KENNEL Thursday, December 11, 1986 - 3
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