xt71c53f1v6j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71c53f1v6j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1988-11-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 14, 1988 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 14, 1988 1988 1988-11-14 2020 true xt71c53f1v6j section xt71c53f1v6j LNMVERSHW OF KENTUCKY



Members, University Senate

The University Senate will meet in regular session on Monday,
November 14, 1988, at 3:00 p.m. in ROOM 115 of the Nursing Building

1. Minutes of April 25, 1988 and September 19, 1988.
II. Announcements.


Overview of Student Recruitment Initiatives: Joseph L. Fink,
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Action Items:

a. Proposal to revise the repeat option section of University
Senate Rules, V — 3.3.1, to include reference to
correspondence courses. (Circulated under date of 25
October 1988.)

Proposal to clarify the application deadlines for entrance
to the College of Business and Economics, specifically
Section IV ~ 2.2.8, University Senate Rules. (Circulated
under date of 27 October 1988.)


Proposed revision of the College of Education teacher
education program retention policy, Section V — 3.2.3,
University Senate Rules. (Circulated under date of 28
October 1988.)


Proposed changes in University Senate Rules, Section III —
2.0 and 3.0 submitted by the ad hoc Committee on Course
Processing. (Circulated under date of 26 October 1988.)


Randall Dahl




The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday,
November 14, 1988, in room ll5 of the Health Sciences Building.

Loys Mather, Chairman of the Senate Council, presided.

Members absent were: Troy Abner, Charles T. Ambrose*, Richard Angelo,
James L. Applegate*, Michael Baer*, Mark C. Berger*, Frank C. Bickel, David
Bingham, James D. Birchfield*, William H. Blackburn, Glenn C. Blomquist*, Pete
P. Bosomworth, Darla Botkin*, Earl Bowen, Glen Buckner, Keith Byers, Roger
Calantone*, Joan C. Callahan*, Rutheford B Campbell, Jr., Tim Cansler, Edward
A. Carter, W. Harry Clarke*, Jordan L. Cohen*, Alan K. David, Leo S. Demski*,
Marcus Dillon, Richard C. Domek, Jr., Paul M. Eakin, Michael Fraley, James
Freeman*, Richard W. Furst, Art Gallaher, Jr.*, Thomas C. Gray, Pat Hart*,
Ronald Hoover, Alfred S. L. Hu, Craig L. Infanger, David C. Johnson, John J.
Just*, Richard I. Kermode, Doug Kramer*, Kenneth K. Kubota*, Gerald Lemons,
Linda Levstik, C. Oran Little, James R. Marsden*, Peggy Meszaros*, George
Mitchell, Arthur J. Nonneman, Donell Nunez*, Dennis T. Officer, Deborah E.
Powell*, Thomas C. Robinson, James Rose, David P. Roselle*, Edgar L. Sagan,
Kathryn Sallee*, Kumble R. Subbaswamy, Manuel Tipgos, James H. Wells, Charles
T. Wethington, Carolyn A. Williams*, Eugene Williams, Emery A. Wilson, and
Alfred D. Winer*

The Minutes of the meeting of April 25, l988, were approved as
circulated. Professor Jo Ann Wever, College of Nursing, asked that the
following statement be added to the President's remarks for the Minutes of
September l9, l988. ”We were able to increase the academic departmental
budgets. Our strategy there was that we knew there had been inflationary
problems, and we knew that operating budgets across all units of the campus
were unfavorable. What we did was to make small inflationary percentage
increases for all operating budgets and in the case of academic departmental
budgets we arbitrarily said that we would add something on the order of $500
per tenure-track faculty member to the department operating budget. We hope
you are feeling the effect of that. Why $500? One reason was it fit the
available funds. Another reason was that I had heard that people could not
travel and pay telephone bills. I hope you will be feeling that in the
conduct of departmental affairs in the coming year." Motion was made and
seconded to approve the Minutes of September l9, l988, as circulated and

Chairman Loys Mather made the following announcements:

First of all, two new degree proposals from the University have
been forwarded to the Council on Higher Education. These are masters
in Health Administration and the Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences both
of which are multidisciplinary programs. Secondly, there is a pro—
posal before the Senate which has been referred to the Academic
Structure Committee to establish a new educational unit. This will
be a Multidisciplinary Research Center. Also I would like to remind
the Senate of an announcement made at the September meeting that we
have an ad hoc committee in place this year which is reviewing

*Absence explained.


 University admissions policies. It is chaired by Professor Brauch
Fugate. I would like to add as a reminder that we see this as fine
tuning and not a major overhaul for our admissions policies.
Professor Fugate asked that I announce to the Senate that you are
invited to send comments to him regarding concerns or matters that
you have regarding the admissions policies and admissions standards.
You can send those to him at his office in the Department of
Mathematics or to the Senate Council Office. Also, at the last
Senate meeting we announced that the Senate is establishing an ad hoc
committee to review the status of women at the University of
Kentucky. This committee is now in place and will be chaired by
Professor Carolyn Bratt from the College of Law. We also are estab—
lishing an ad hoc committee on the status of blacks and minorities at
the University. Professor Juanita Fleming will be chairing that

As many of you know, we have a new "I" grade policy which took
effect a year ago during the l987 Fall Semester. The impract of that
policy will be felt this December. As a result of the new policy,
undergraduate students receiving an "I" grade in a course have one
year to remove that "I” and failing to do that, it will be converted
to an ”E" by the Registrar's Office. I would appreciate your help in
getting the word out to students and faculty that there is a new
policy. We have notified the faculty and deans, but we would appre-
ciate your help in informing students and your colleagues of these

You have probably read in the press that President Roselle had
sessions in October with the Board of Trustees and the Athletic
Association advising them on the status of the NCAA investigation of
the UK basketball program. I thought you would appreciate knowing
that he also held a special session with the Senate Council. This
was an executive session and consequently the members of the Council
are not at liberty to discuss the contents of that meeting, but we
felt you would appreciate knowing that he conferred with the Council.

One matter that the Senate Council has been concerned with over
the last several months is how we can improve communication and
contact with the members of the Board of Trustees. We appointed a
special committee of the Council chaired by Ray Betts to look into
the matter. He brought a recommendation to the Council which we took
to the President. It resulted in a luncheon being held at the
October 25 Board Meeting between four colleges, Home Economics,
Dentistry, Architecture, and Fine Arts, and members of the Board of
Trustees. Each of the four luncheon discussion groups included a
college dean, three or four faculty, a student and four or five trus-
tees. The President and the trustees indicated the meetings were
very informative and suggested they be continued.

Also, I would like to inform you that as of mid October, we have
a new group on campus known as the UK Association of Emeriti
Faculty. Its primary purpose is to enable faculty retirees and their
spouses to maintain their association with the UniverSity and to pro—
mote common interests on campus of the two groups. I am sure that


 you will be hearing more about this in the future. I think it is
going to be a very worthwhile venture and worthy of our support.

In terms of fostering communications between the various
University sectors, the Senate Council and the Community College
Council will be having a joint breakfast meeting a week from today.
This will be the second meeting we have had during the past year.
The purpose is to foster and improve communications between the
sectors. I thought you would appreciate knowing about those

I would also like to announce today the results of the balloting
for new members on the Senate Council. Those persons elected are
Robert Guthrie, Department of Chemistry; Marcus McEllistrem, Physics
and Astronomy; and James Boling, Animal Sciences. These persons will
begin a three1year term in January, 1989. Professor Guthrie has
already begun his term. He is completing the remaining two months of
the unexpired term created by the death of Mike Ram. The Senate
Council appointed him to fill that vacancy since he received the
largest number of votes on the first election ballot. [A round of
applause was given to these newly elected Senate Council members.]

Looking ahead to some future events--—Vice President Ed Carter
will be with us at the December meeting to discuss the University
budget and other related matters. I am sure you will find that to be
a very interesting and informative session. Finally, a date for you
to mark on your calendar is the annual Senate holiday party to be
held on Tuesday, December l3 in late afternoon. You will be re-
ceiving additional information and details on this at a later time.

The Chair called on Randall Dahl, University Registrar, for an announce—
ment regarding the Student Information System. .7 ’

Dr. Dahl's remarks follow:

I think you all know we are in the midst of our first on-line
advance registration. It is going very well. We are just short of
l3,000 students who have advance registered at this point. I would
ask you if you can to pass on to your students and colleagues one
piece of clarifying information. There is some confusion on the part
of students that if they are outside their original appointment time
they are no longer eligible to come to the Registration Center and
register. The way the system works is that once their appointment
time arrives they are then eligible and continue to be eligible to
register throughout the remainder of the advance registration
period. If you can say something to your colleagues and students
reminding them if their original appointment time has arrived and
they have not yet advance registered, they are now eligible to
register and should go to the Registration Center, room 230 of the
Student Center. It is open from 8:10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday
through Friday through November 23. I would also invite anyone who
is interested to go down to the Center and see how things are
working. I know you have been apprised of this through the SIS
Newsletter, but if you are interested in seeing what is going on and


 what is happening to the students, we would be delighted to have you
stop by. Thank you.

Professor Jesse Neil (Physics and Astronomy) wanted to know if students
had to have something from their advisor before registering. Dr. Dahl said
that was a college level decision. Professor Neil wanted to know how that was
carried out. Dr. Dahl said that the college dean's office makes that decision
and most of the colleges are encouraging students to see their advisors. On
the SIS work sheet, which is the planning sheet, there is space provided for
the advisor's signature. If the advisor sees the student, it is probably use-
ful for the advisor to sign the sheet so that he or she will know what advice
the student was given. That does not serve as an override for retrictions and
other changes. The colleges are given the invitation to register which is, in
fact, the registration permit. Those were distributed through the colleges in
hopes that would allow them an opportunity to promote and encourage the

The Chair thanked Dr. Dahl. He said there had been an orientation session
for new Senators before today's Senate meeting. Professor Nilbur Frye, past
Chairman of the Senate Council, led that meeting. The Chair felt it had been
a very worthwhile session and thanked Professor Frye for taking the time to
have the session.

The Chair then recognized Professor Jesse Harris (Psychology) for a
Memorial Resolution.

Leonard Norell 1926-1988

Leonard Norell, former Professor in the Department of
Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, died on May 9, 1988,
after an illness of several years that resulted in medical
retirement in 1983. He had been a member of the faculty of the
Department of Psychology since 1966, and served as Acting chair-
man of the Department from 1967 to 1968. He taught in the areas
of personality and human learning, and directed many master's
theses and doctoral dissertations during his years on campus.

Professor Norell was born on December 5, 1926, in New York
City and attended schools in Brooklyn, New York. He received
his bachelor's degree from Queen's College in New York in 1950,
and his master's and Ph.D. degrees in clinical psychology from
Ohio State University in 1952 and 1954, respectively. His first
teaching position was as an assistant professor of psychology at
Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 1954, and as an associate
professor in the area of clinical psychology at Oklahoma State
University from 1959 to 1966, moving then to the University of
Kentucky. '

Leonard began his academic career as a mathematics major in
college, but he switched his major after meeting his future
wife, Judith, who had become excited about the field of psychol-
ogy. Leonard and Judith married during their second year of


 college. This was long before the difficulties inherent in dual
academic careers emerged as an issue. The two received their
Ph.D.s together, successfully completing their final oral
examinations in defense of their doctoral dissertations within a
few hours of each other on the same day. After rearing three
fine daughters and developing successful careers, Len and Judy
were divorced in l973.

Leonard Horell was regarded as an able researcher and
challenging teacher. He won a Teacher of the Year award at
Oklahoma State University, and he held several research grants
from the National Institute of Mental Health and the Social
Science Research Council during his academic career. He pub-
lished extensively in earlier years on topics related to
conflict, empirically based explanations of repression, the
effects of punishment and reward, and stimulus generalization.
In more recent years, he developed jointly with Judith scales of
parent attitudes in child rearing, which have been used in
research by other investigators. He ventured also into the
realm of women's liberation in one of his research papers.

Professor Worell was very much a private person in his late
years, living a rather solitary style of life, and working much
of the time at home. He enjoyed music, reading, and long
walks. He spent much time in contemplation and in planning to
write a book. Len was regarded by some of his colleagues as
distant. He followed his own path and sought pleasure and con—
flict resolution in his own style. But for those who had
occasion to engage in relaxed conversation with him, Len will be
remembered as a thoughtful, insightful person who had consider-
able sensitivity to the persons in his immediate environment.

He also will be remembered by his colleagues and former students
as a stimulating teacher and as one who made a number of impor—
tant contributions to the research literature in the area of
personality and learning.

Leonard Horell is survived by his three daughters, Amy Beth
Morell of West Hill, California, Beth Ann Morell and Wendy Ellen
Norell of Boston, Massachusetts.

(Prepared by Professor Jesse Harris, Department of Psychology)

Professor Harris requested that the Resolution be spread upon the Minutes
of the meeting and that copies be sent to Dr. Morell‘s family.

Chairman Mather asked the Senate to rise in a moment of silent tribute.

The Chair then recognized Professor Mary Sue Coleman for a Memorial
Resolution on Professor Madhira D. Ram.


Madhira D. Ram

Dr. Madhira D. Ram, Professor of Surgery, University of Kentucky
College of Medicine and Associate Chief of Staff for Education at the
Lexington Veteran's Administration Medical Center died September 26,
l988, of heart failure. As many of you know, Dr. Ram fought
courageously during the last year of his life. After receiving a
heart transplant in l985, he returned to the University and served as
a faculty member with distinction.

Dr. Ram received his medical training at Andhra University,
India. Post graduate training was received at Guy's Hospital London
and the Royal Infirmary in Glascow. Prior to joining the faculty of
the University of Kentucky, Dr. Ram held appointments at the Royal
Postgraduate Medical School, University of London and at Case Western
Reserve in Cleveland, Ohio.

Dr. Ram's professional career was marked by a Ph.D. from Case
Western Reserve, memberships in the Royal College of Surgeons of
England and Edinborough and the Royal College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Canada where he was also certified in vascular surgery.
He was a member of 27 medical and surgical societies here and
abroad. Dr. Ram published l32 scientific papers. He was editor of
or contributed chapters to l5 books. Dr. Ram received the rank of
Professor of Surgery at the University of Kentucky l980.

During his ll years at the University of Kentucky, Mike devoted
his primary efforts to teaching, quality patient care and medical
administration at the Veteran's Administration Hospital. He served
as Chief of the Division of General Surgery from l979-l980 and as
Associate Chief of Staff for Education at the Veterans Administration
Hospital. Dr. Ram served unsel- fishly and with distinction on
innumerable University, Medical College, Veterans Administration,
Lexington, and State medical society committees. Dr. Ram was a
member of the University Senate and the Senate Council. He accepted
both of these duties with great sensitivity and seriousness of
purpose. His passing leaves a void for all of us who serve on those

Throughout his busy and productive career, Dr. Ram was noted for
his concern for quality patient care and excellence in education.
His contributions to the University of Kentucky, the Veteran's
Administration and his patients were many and much appreciated. He
will truly be missed by all of his many friends and colleagues. My
last contact with Mike Ram was particularly poignant. He was
evidently in great pain the last days of his life, but he worked as a
faculty member until the very end. One of his last acts was to
organize and attend a scientific conference in Lexington only three
days before his death.

Dr. Ram is survived by his wife, Noreen, 3 sons, Ravi, Ian, and
Colin and by a daughter, Chandra.


 Professor Coleman asked that the Resolution be spread upon the minutes and
that copies be sent to his wife and family.

Chairman Mather asked the Senate to rise in a moment of silent tribute.

The Chair said that while most of the senators were away with their summer
duties, there was a change that took place on campus which was the appointment
of a new Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. He introduced
Professor Joseph L. Fink for an overview of the new initiatives in student

Associate Vice Chancellor Joseph L. Fink's remarks follow:

Good afternoon. We in the Office of Admissions have been
engaged in conducting a series of sessions around the campus to
present information about improving admissions at the University to
attract good students to attend the University of Kentucky. We have
made presentations to the Lexington Campus deans, Medical Center
deans, and it occurred to us it would also be appropriate to make a
presentation to this group so that members of the Senate are aware of
some things going on to attract students who will benefit from some
time spent with us in Lexington and who will go away from the
University and distinguish themselves because of what they have
obtained from being with us.

I would like to make a few preliminary comments before asking my
colleague from the Office of Admissions to discuss some of the spe—

cific initiatives we have underway. First, there have been some
changes in the structure of the Office of Admissions during the
summer. I would like to introduce to you the three Associate Direc—
tors so that you will know who they are and will have some indication
of their area of jurisdiction. First is Don Byars, Senior Associate
Director of Admissions, who has been affiliated with the Office of
Admissions for l6 years and has a role in both admission policy and
in professional relations with the Office of Admissions. Ann Fister
is Associate Director of Admissions. She is in charge of opera-
tions. I will give you the distinction between her jurisdiction and
jurisdiction of the next person I would like to introduce, and that
is Randy Mills. Randy Mills is Associate Director of Admissions in
charge of recruitment. Randy basically deals with activities in the
Office of Admissions up to the time the student applies. After the
student has filed an application for admission, the processing of
that application falls within the bailiwick of Ann Fister. The basic
distinction is based on when the application is filed. Before the
application is filed it would be Randy Mills' jurisdiction.

We have two changes with regard to the admission process this
year. Both of these represent major changes and something we are
trying to communicate well to the high school graduates and others
around the state with interest in applying for admission to the
University of Kentucky.

First, this year we are requiring that each applicant for
, admission to the University submit a completed application form. In


 the past it has been possible for an individual to apply for admis-
sion to the University merely by listing the University of Kentucky
as his or her first choice on the ACT score report. That would then
constitute the application for admission. That is no longer the
case. This year each applicant for admission will need to complete
an application form. If any of you are interested in receiving a
copy of that and reviewing it, we would be glad to supply you with a

The second change is also a major one. Each applicant will be
required to pay a nonrefundable application processing fee of
$15.00. There was Board of Trustees action in the spring authorizing
a fee assessed for the applicant's admission to assist with financ-
ing the procedure that takes place in processing that application.

One of the goals we have for the Office of Admission is to get
more groups around campus involved in attracting good students to the
University. We would like to get more faculty members involved, more
staff members involved, more students involved and more alumni in-
volved. We have a number of things underway that I think will
demonstrate that we have made some progress in those areas while we
have some other things to do.

I would now like to ask Randy Mills to review for you some of
the activities we have underway in regard to recruitment and then we
will be glad to respond to any questions you have about the Office of
Admissions in general.

Randy Mills' remarks follow:

Thank you Dr. Fink. Our recruitment of the high school
graduating class of l989 actually officially began last spring when
we held the University's first ever Juniors Day Program. We felt
that the event was well attended as we invited over 4,000 Kentucky
high school juniors to campus. We felt like that gave us an edge up
in a nice start for this class of students who are currently
seniors. This fall, on Tuesday after Labor Day, we began a series of
what we call University of Kentucky preview nights. University of
Kentucky Preview Nights include representatives from each of our
undergraduate colleges, representatives of our Housing Office,
Financial Aid Office, Dean of Students Office, University students,
some faculty members, and others as well. We take the University of
Kentucky into twelve strategic locations throughout the Common-
wealth. We were very well pleased this particular fall that our
programs were extremely well attended. We had over 700 folks out for
the northern Kentucky program and probably about six or seven hundred
students here on campus for our Lexington program and good attendance
in other areas as well.

In conjunction with the UK Preview Nights we also hosted guid-
ance counselor workshops at these twelve locations where we attempt
to inform high school guidance counselors of academic programs at the
University of Kentucky, of specific changes in the financial aid
structure, the housing process or the admissions process. Again, we


 find the high school guidance counselors appreciate this effort of us
bringing our campus to them. We have also developed this past year
what we call the High School Guidance Counselor Handbook. This may
be an item that will interest you if you presently do not have a very
good resource piece that gathers the University in one document. We
will be more than glad to supply this for you, because we think from
A through Z, including the admission process through the housing
process, financial aid, academic scholarship, programs for under-
graduate colleges, contacts and phone numbers, etc. that this
particular publication does a good job for you of pulling this
together. The counselors were very appreciative of having this for
their files.

In this past week we had our first ever out-of-state University
of Kentucky Preview Nights. We felt we were very well received in
Charleston, West Virginia. Tomorrow night we will be in Sharonville,
Ohio, just on the other side of Cincinnati in an attempt to attract
the Dayton crowd to Sharonville and the Cincinnati crowd, eight or
ten miles up to Sharonville. We are finding that there is some
particularly good out-of—state interest in the University of
Kentucky. We have traveled a great deal more this fall and our
recruitment staff has put on more miles this fall than ever before.
We have attended over 150 College Day/Night Programs. Beyond the UK
Preview Nights that is just kind of our warm up. We have recruiters
across the state of Kentucky and in five or six states outside
Kentucky as well. We are still very very heavy in travel time right

In the way of a couple of on-campus events that I want to
mention, we hosted a guidance counselor appreciation day this past
fall, and it was our first home football game on Saturday, September
3. He had a luncheon for the counselors and spoke some with them on
campus prior to providing football tickets for them to the game. On
September 24, we hosted Academic Honors Day where we invited what we
would consider the cream of the crop of our prospect pool to campus
and again we were very well supported by all the academic units and
student service units and had a really good turnout. The weather did
not cooperate, but the important thing was that from l0:OO until l:OO
we had a very nice crowd on campus and feel we had a successful
Academic Honors Day Program.

I want to mention a couple of important areas and a couple of
our target areas this year in the way of minority student recruit—
ment. We have an opportunity to purchase names from the ACT Equal
Opportunity Search Program, from the College Board Scholastic
Aptitude Test or Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test. For rela-
tively newcomers in this business we are very much trying to become
competitive in the direct mail recruitment market. One group we have
targeted for this particular fall is the minority population. We
have made our first ever purchase of a group of outstanding minority
students in the state of Kentucky. We are doing this in cooperation
with the Office of Minority Student Affairs. We felt this would be
very successful for us. Also, just over the past couple of weeks, in
cooperation with the Office of Minority Student Affairs and Buzz


 Burnam, we have hOSted in the neighborhood of 300 to 400 outstanding
minority students in Jefferson County. Also, under Don Byars direc-
tion, we are working much more closely to try to tighten our
association with the Fayette County schools, in particular with the
minority student population in our Fayette County schools. We are
really striving to have some success in that area. We are quite
hopeful that some of the initiatives will bring some success and more
minority students to our campus. We have purchased over 20,000 names
this fall so you can imagine the mess in the office, but we try to
keep it in the back room as much as possible. When we have such a
constant flow of mail coming into the office and going out of the
office and so much material that we have to respond to, that
sometimes it is a little difficult to keep the office as tidy as we

A neat program that I was a part of a week or two ago is our
attempt to connect more with our UK Agriculture Extension Agents,
Home Economics Agents, Extension Agents, and 4-H Agents. We barn—
stormed from Western Kentucky, Princeton all the way to Quicksand.
Kentucky in Eastern Kentucky. I have been to lots of places in
Eastern Kentucky, but I had never been to Quicksand. We had a good
turnout of our Agriculture Extension Agents, and we provided them
with one of our counselor handbooks. I was contacted last week by
one of the Agents who had a great name for us. These are the folks
that are out there in the comnunity. They know the parents by their
first names. They also have the opportunity to interact with those
students in their comnunities a great deal. We think we have found a

good source in our University Extension Agents. They are a group of
folks that have not been utilized very much in our recruiting
effort. We think we can begin to utilize them more. Those are the
kinds of suggestions that we are always open to. We are alWays very
receptive in getting that kind of call or letter in our office.

I want to say something about phonathons for student recruit—
ment. I am a firm believer in using the telephone for student
recruitment. It serves as a very good forum for two-way communi—
cation. Last week our outstanding student group on campus,
Collegians for Academic Excellence, came into the office on four
consecutive nights, Sunday through Wednesday of this last week
including election night, and we contacted 478 high school seniors.
That is up from 337 the year before. We think this effort will pay
great dividends for us. Also, a date you may want to mark, and you
are going to be receiving information on this faculty phonathon for
outstanding students very soon. The memorandum should be leaving the
office this afternoon. The phonathon will be on the evenings of
December 5 through the 8. We have found that high school seniors are
very impressed when they pick up a telephone and hear that this is
Dr. Tom Jones calling from the University of Kentucky Physics
Department. They are very well impressed and we try to match pro-
fessors with students who have an interest in their area. Those
evenings of December 5-8 we will be most receptive to hosting faculty
throughout the campus community in an attempt to reach those very
talented high school students and attract them to UK.


 We have established some letter writing committees on campus.
We have a couple of admissions counselors that we did not have last
year so our recruitment staff has expanded. These folks are expected
to write personal letters to the students they feel are very strong
candidates for the University of Kentucky. They are picking up the
telephone and staying in touch with these stud