xt71g15t9x5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15t9x5w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-12-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 01, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 01, 1983 1983 1983-12-01 2020 true xt71g15t9x5w section xt71g15t9x5w ___ ___..______ __. .. -. ......» .- -. - - ._.- ,
. Val. tXXXVI, No. 79 Established 1894 University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky m. Sin-:0 l97t mm, mm, t to”
D E c Committee debates undergraduate competency exam'nat' ns
ByJOHN VOSKUHL place at the committee‘s regular would be a good way to determine would do is let us see how many stu entity-s ll‘t‘shlll‘il. xtitilwzrmrr t. the \illlilltlll..i'.lV .- .. ....
NewsEditor meeting in theStudent Center. the condition of the current general dean in recent years have grad ruororseiuor itin' fr'.i\:ti;..!\ 3! an»; m.- may.
John Stephenson. director of the studies program uated without taking a math murse He said \tipinsinntmi till‘..;‘\llt'l \tflplauthW
. ‘ The Joint Committee for the Re- Appalachian Center and chairman "We really don't have m, .1 V , at l‘K.‘ Stephenson said programming could he list“. .nn l»~ tillirr .itiztu- 'iw . ., ‘tm'
,. View of General Education yester- of the committee. said the L'nrversr- mum to 58;, that 'h' Al “n‘mu ‘1 think we should ask ourselyes it duct the sunny Although ‘lu- .m: ..wisuii-ml lL".l.ll “.g u- it .i
. da discussed the ssiblit of in ti- tv of Tennessee already admmisters ~ “f" M r“ (k’mg we re' lly n »d to do thi ' 1 Ray woult ir h 'll \\ . an ‘i r ' -- .. .. .. t .. » ,. .,
3," p0 y S - - now is not working Demski \lll d ’ fl 3’ Mm ' < t 1" l ”H “M W‘ “l“ " 'r' "‘ "“ -
""Jung a competency [85! M 4‘ ('Gmpelency {95! {O ”Kl”. second ”This k d { lh ‘ , 1‘ ‘ fi‘iofid Belts. t‘iii‘i‘ifi‘iiiiifi‘ filt‘fiiik'i' and illitih iii-rut wiit'fll'l I t.il. .It Rut, . ".r'gi‘tii'rawfltii.i' wt .iit'. . ., .3‘
determine how well the general semester seniors The test at LT 15 , m‘ ,0 mg would prm‘d‘) director of the l'niversity Honors he done or not llt'\.llll ltrlis ,i.. u: .i ., . -
. . . . Statisticaleiidence - “H "‘ "‘" ‘ "“" "‘
studies curriculum is educating UK prepared by the American College Program ‘lt we re domg it. let s Donald Saints .1.\\tli.1'tl ...i :i;.- .utlttitiu... Hun-gm ”suit-am..-
students. Testing program.he said Noaction was taken on then-st get all the relevant data we can pus chancellor tot ... .uimun .i11...'\ 1 .: t‘filnii'lllfi 'lir '0‘3..ttl'lllrt'
“It‘s about the best I've seen." _ , . , sibly use lfwet'iin't letsnotdoit said he didn't think .. tom alter an» ”iv ”mi n ... .1 'li:- - 'rci'
_ The committee. which reports to Stephenson said. "It instituted. it ugh? tommmwdlfio appointed “ Hetts suggested that detailed in grain could handle the aft f'ir" . .\t't'..l' yu‘ .il; .igiw ei:.i' gent-Li ml...
both th Universit Senate and Art ~ ' .. ee7 7’“, . 01d Student Center With hand- srtter fortheday. . tion to the students' overall academ- cation.
// a 7 115/, ' ‘ 7 ll icapped doors that cost about $3: ”I really believe the camp 15 a ic record, evaluation must include The proposal requires official
I, ,-/,/' ,xj ’“ O}? - ,7? ,i' y 400each. good deal. If you had to pay a be factors such as assessment of re- “conformity with recent state regu-
f/2 ‘e // ~'_' . l' ' Dorsey said 5A3 members at bYSItter and theh send the babXS't‘ search and laboratory performance. lations and otherwise updates re-
/i,/ A, »”'"'//' ‘3 f' 2. ”I large have put a '0‘ of work into ter and 31°“r Child t0 the m°V1$i professional behavior and inter- quirements for admission into the
,/:; // 1’ ~ ,. ' fi’ /’ preparation for the camp. The it would cost you a lot more than views. program."
1/ 1/. l’m . ’ 5/ Student Center addition will be $6.”Dor§ey said. . . , “A student might have acceptable “It is a recodification so the rule
7,; . . f ‘- closed Sunday so the camp can Deadline for applications ‘5 Dec. grades, but their behavior with pa- is more consistent to what’s in the
///; I; z ' usethe facilities. ?. For more information concern tients might be such that they catalog (Senate nasal." Harry Bar-
" 41/. /~-\ “The camp will start off by me the camp call 25743867 or step should not be permitted to work with nard, associate dean for teacher ed-
/ ‘ ' showing cartoons, followed by by203$tudent Center. 3 patients and consequently should not ucation and certificatron.said.
, (I 4, , Walt Disney's Robin Hood," she Student Government Assocra- continue in the program." Doug “The main reason for this revision
.7 5 /‘ said. “After the movie, the chll- hog. JMortarPthonlil. Panhellemlc Rees, council chairman. said. is to include the regulations on com-
" % ' dren will be assigned to a camp an unior a e enic counci s . petency in the Senate rules" Rees
,r; 2 helper and make Christmas orna- and Chi Omega, Pi Beta Phi and :fdthforactuallpetli‘fgmsjneee ‘5 to b? said. “It (the proposal) now makes
W}; 41/; ’ ' l '1! ments to take home at the end of Kappa Kappa Gamma sororities “Sam thafvatil‘dients' must :2th it clear that interviews are required
. /;”=-// ' « ‘ theday.” are sponsoring the event With 5 tel forsw med as to me [- ofall studentstobeadmitted to the
(Rhiannon Kernelmaphm “The ornaments will be easy to SAB. ”Emil? y int: 0: which evaluatio‘: is teaching certification program."
thcocairirpg If the Senate passes the proposal.
"1 'l i'. u. 'lr if. '1‘ ‘Ir rl. ll. 'l. i‘. ’la in 'l. ’I Hi ’l. Ill ‘1: '1. '1‘ Warm '1: ’l c ' guidelines willth into effect this I
~_' ' ‘ ‘ . The proposal originally came be- Spring. "‘
" LJS | . Ripping your hair out over M ° '
- 3 other and child recu eratm
‘ —.‘ ,'\ i 41 . . Featuring: F writing your papers? p g
' . ‘ ‘ (AP)Phyllis George Brown was sitting he visited Mrs. Brown briefly yesterday
i ‘ f" M fl ‘ Cine lmporvteol Clothing :' The WRITING up in a chair. feeding her newborn morning and noted a distinct resem-
"_ a. . e .. ”a; : CENTER h ' 1 daughter and making a normal recovery blance between mother and daughter.
~ ‘4, .. ’ , - .. L “In 9 P from a Caesarean section. her doctor “The baby is very cute and. yes, she
-' . _, 1‘? V "" 'sw““" 'Hon 3 Hours: Barker saidyesterday. has dimples like Mrs. Brown," Stone
.‘ :4 . t . ,‘ 00'08305 OAc.mr|.s 7 M 10.2 The wife of Gov. John Y. Brown Jr. said.
h t 0C“?! 0T l l f: 1 10" "a" and her daughter, Pamela Ashley Greene said the bab was sta ing in
- 3 3 ope: r as , Room 103 Brown. will be spending another four to , y y
3: . . O , . _~ w 10-4, 6-9 . . . Mrs. Browns mom and had slept there
- ..., . . . Six days at the Umversrty of Kentucky . .
_ _ ,~ g a 10.4 ———- . . . Tuesday mght. He said that was not un-
;~ t . Holiday Hours i‘ Medical Center. said Dr. John W.
~ .. - .. , , a r 10.4 FREE Greene who delivered the infant “has “Sual f“ "WW“ and "‘3‘ me baby
‘ _: ”if W. . 4 mortgage: I.” 3 “cm“... a“ day ' was not purposely being kept out of the
5' "4. g," ' ‘ .. . ,, V . woof-ti" m ""‘tm' “" 3 Phono Mrs. Brown's parents were traveling to hospltal snursery. V
5 . ‘ W” 225mm" “R ”a! P 7mm” .. l", 257-1356 ‘0' "‘0'. '"fOflhflflO" Lexington Wednesday from their home in Mrs. Brown “is also walking some, sip-
S ‘ tritium-m ‘ g F Denton.Texas. ping tea and is in excellent spirits,"
' 7‘ ,' . :3 Hospital spokesman Patrick Stone said Greene said.
” i. I. 'l- u. ‘r. i,, I.» m '1. 'li Neglegh 'Iegrezrc ”were in mg A:
a .@i a
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0.17 h ”on.
Aiii'v 'A H!"
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if more
iave to ‘ . ’ , .
icago cas noc s em ea W] e o razz e azz e
is as a
student The UK theater department gave ‘—'———_—'— vitality durirg Roxie's trill help .‘vlanc- Henderson sea-tits in tLi\r mt: .. \t‘t ,. trillin‘ 1h.» Uighur in 111,111. 1,11 “1, .1 111.111
intinua- 'em the Old Tall]? dame Tuesday make that scene ammg the best in drawn an mytuitllt' \hdrdk'lt‘r Tl'itli. .|.t:.' \go- w:t it; the-i mm. viii». tr :1... - .111 m1; 1‘ 1.1 .t i.‘ _. ._A
night With the opening or a free- ‘ theshow Matron Mania Morton hut lil‘lliit’r win. i-mr .it! t‘ltlt‘tia ninmfl that a.“ .L'wtu‘ '\ Mini-t
raduate wheeling. no-holds-barred produc- REVIEW Kevm Haggard is splendid as son's proyei'tton did not match those le';‘ Hangs 'iiumu Ming .if .i' .it mm“ u ”“1. .1.“ .11 1' ,u. .‘f
r1aver— tion of Kander and Ebb‘s ‘Chi- Amos Hart. displaying an acute onstage with her Then- um -4-\t- :xmr mum tuir T414 it :éw tn»; t .4 ‘ l t-
w‘“ not 0880-" comic flair for Amos’s mannerisms ral moments which worked it“. ,H 1 1 _ 11., . . ._. 1l‘ 1,111 1 1
1 A veritable Charleston of merry — and presence on stage Haggard overall the Matron \ianm tile: :w: '1'1‘1'” 13‘,“ 1".“ "'l“ "l-‘W‘ “11‘1“” 1:11,),1'1'111” 11115111, ‘
"‘9‘.“ 5 murderesses, “Chicago" Vows to “All That Jazz.“ Clark is both pas- brings impressive detail and timing appear to dOmlmtt‘ the mat ts ... ‘1‘“ “11‘“ “f“ "“- W"f’*-“¢' ' l '
ld't'ms be one of the best maimtage shows sionate and precise. radiating the to the role. Though he is mien the around ht‘r ”*" 11 11.5“)?“ ""“,“‘r“"““"‘“ g- ‘11,. ._ W 1 1 . my, 1
”‘8. ,8d' producedinrecentyears. steamy heat that marks the entire only eamestsongintheshow. "Mist She is not alone lt‘. this arm 13‘. 2““ '“f‘”“"“““ ““7; “‘“M \,_11,._:._\ .1 “.1“. H. 1”; 1.
artifica— Red Ebb and Bob Fosse‘s book is production. ter Cellophane." Haggard's Amos is fact, Ollt' of the thou .\ his: man. 1‘ "W" "l" “‘m‘l ‘ ”um" rm: .y. 11“.. _. r.” “1' ' ' ' N H ”
3f Edu— a heartless tale 0f 1W0 imprisoned Lisa Rene Asher‘s Roxie Hart so stupid that the audience cannot beers "The l'rll tilt-tit Ling“ .... up "1 “1‘1: l5 1‘ fir'ml‘ ": 1‘"""“""""" ' ‘
. . women fighting more for fame than picks up where Clark leaves off, even sympathize withhim the brass lkills the- \l\ niiirtii-rt-w-t "“1 ‘ " “3 "’~ -"" 'Y " “a
0mm“ for their lives After all. Chicago's Asher. an experienced singer and Alura A. Pinch dos well in both display the llullllx'l l.\ .u-tlthum» "
e regu- judges have not executed a woman perhaps the best in the cast, delivers her character roles. Her work as graphed. but the sllmt'l\ wizwtimi it“: \H “an“: 3.. m“. “1.1, mm. . . 11., . 1.1 .. . .. . ,. ..
t5 1'9- in 47 years so they should have little a seductive performance as the wife Hunyak the Hungarian is among the newr sit-p .itjt‘uxs th..t houndm t .,,. 3;. h, :mmmr my“ min-s i. 1M 11.. f. 1 .1.
'ltO the to fear. All they can do is capitalize gone astray. Her deadpan delivery. most engaging comic bits in the tween performing well and &.\.Tl)' 4..“ Mr, 1”. 1,, 1:1,“ [1, ”11,“. '1 it: 1 1.111111 ,1 1, ' 1 1 1111
h rul on theirnewscoverage. especially in the courtroom scene. show. so much so that it appeared thelrflllliillit'xllim w... 1,, 1m. 4,51 Hum»: “.11 M11, ,1 . 1. 1.1.,“ ) , .
f3 e . captures the bitter quality of Ebb co—actor Ken Sanders had trouble The weak projection illit‘ll til'ii'ttli: “mm“ “1, y ,1. :h-. .11 ‘ 11, ,. 1' i ., ' . ,
m “‘6 . But "‘8ng mefim‘vmemfigz’ffi andFosse’sscript. keeping a straight face during a m) s summit li'rm mm m: 3m ti..'.”£...§'.'..7;‘ .,.' 1 {1.3 ’.. .. [I “- . .‘
'y Bar- in :{atzaeenfiacgr syocgi‘itric ch11"- Rounding out the fine leading cast sceneasherlawyer. er's sass) musit “lilt‘ll n gum .. (ism? '. mm t. tll‘.‘i\i>t‘. 11".... M.” ’ '
her ed- ans/r But that 18‘ engm to sa the- is Brad Wills, who fills the theater Paul E. Mullins shows much p0 spirited pl‘l‘ifirllltlllt‘t' in the lmln', :.11. 1.: ,, \ ”MN” ”L“ .111 .1,” J\\lf\ 1 ‘11”. “111
, , ac e S" . . x as Roxie's smooth-talking lawyer. tential in his few scenes. particular located center stage the ikllltl til.i\~ Mm. “.H_;,H...m11ki\ {numb 1
eViSion atergoers won t be fascmated. if not . . . - . . , “1 HtH\ i till! i I\
h, notized b their entertaini Billy Flynn. Wills gives a frantic ly when. as sergeant Fogart). he _...__-__ , _.- .. 7 1
ncom- ttyegcher'. y ng performance that keeps the show and Haggard enjoy a lively chat 1 >1 . ' ~, -
Rees 5' moving at its vaudevillian pace. yet over Fred Casely‘s corpse. Robert K .5.» _‘
makes The fascination begins with the he also oozes a sleazy charm that Parker Curry dances up a storm ‘ . _.1 ,. 1 1 _
rqutred initial rise of the curtain and the suggests Flynn‘segocentricity. during the entr'act. and his brief 1 f‘ ” ' . 1 11,
£0 the striking opening image behind it. The production offers a strong scenes during the show are set A" . .. .. ___-‘r__,. _ “M...“ . _ ‘ . - . g“
- Trish Clark, dressed in a revealing lineup of UK theater veterans. pro- by a maniacal smile and perfect 205 . 7 ‘ ‘ - ‘ - ‘”
oposal, leotard and red boa. struts across viding wide variety of finely drawn air Mel Sowder attempts a new . v“ -. ? . r 1 1-
’Ct ”“5 _L the stage as killer-(tiller Velma characters. Vic Chaney is deli