xt71g15t9x97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15t9x97/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-04-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 11, 1988 1988 1988-04-11 2020 true xt71g15t9x97 section xt71g15t9x97  


Sports Monday


-; UK baseball team takes three from
. y - Vanderbilt. SEE PAGE 3.





Kernel critics pick tonight’s
Oscars.SEE PAGE 7.



Today: Mostly sunny
Tomorrow: Chance of rain



Kentucky Kernel

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Vd.XGl. No. 143 '

Established 1894

independent since 1 971

Monday. April 1 1, 1988

Athletics Association allocates money to UK

Executive Editor

The UK Athletics Association
voted unanimously Friday to donate
$4 million in the next two fiscal
years to help the University‘s finan-
cially-strapped budget.

Pointing to a dismal state budget
as the reason for approaching the
Athletics Association for funding,
UK President David Roselle said the
donation showed the “sense of fami-
ly called upon to support the Univer-
sity of Kentucky."

The state budget, approved by the
state General Assembly two weeks
ago, allocates $17 million and $23


million more in the next two fiscal
years to higher education than does
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson's executive
budget. That will mean about $2 mil-
lion more to UK in 1988-90.

However, University officials say
that UK will have a $7.5 million defi-
cit next year, which would have to
be made up in the elimination of ad-
ministrative support positions such
as receptionists, clerks and mainte-
nance personnel.

“You‘re just one more group
(we’re) asking for help," Roselle

The $4 million donation to aca-
demic programs from the athletics
fund will come in part from a $1 in-
crease in football and basketball
ticket prices and association re-
serves. An additional $10 surcharge
will be placed on each season foot-
ball and basketball ticket.

The Athletics Association will con-
tribute $1.5 million in each of the
next two fiscal years to fund aca—
demic programs. The additional $1
million will come from Association

During the last three years, the

Athletics Association has contrib-
uted close to $6 million to academic
programs. Most notably, the Asso-
ciation contributed $4.5 million for
the Lancaster Aquatics Center,
$500,000 for the Boone Tennis Center
and $500,000 for Otis A. Singletary

“We reluctantly visit the Athletic
Association one more time,“ Roselle
said. Eventually, the University
hopes to channel the money back to
the athletics program.

Association member Nicholas J.
Piscano said the donation was a
“noble action“ and one of the best
decisions the Athletics Association

has ever made. "I think it‘s a great

Association member William Stur-
gil agreed. saying the donation
showed proper concern for the Uni-
versity‘s academic programs.

In other Athletic Association
Board action:

0 The board named Chris Cameo
on sports information director.

Cameron replaces Brad Davis.
who is leaving UK to become assis-
tant commissioner of the Southeast
ern Conference

Cameron. the former associate
sports information director of pro»
motions at the University of Florida.
is a 1982 graduate of L'K where he

served as a student assistant for
three years in the sports information

0 UK Athletics Director (‘liil
Hagan announced that the l'iiii-ei‘si-
1y will have its basketball monitor
ing system "firmly in place" ill late

Hagan said the monitoring system
is a "compliance plan to ensure
ithei program is conducted lil
accordance with .\'('AA rules ”

The NCAA requested a iiioniloring
system of the basketball program
following a two-year iniestigaiion
into allegations of illegal activity re-
ported in the Lexington llerald-



Playing catch

Ed Tardio, an attackman on the UK La Crosse team, goes after
the ball during a game yesterday. UK lost 8-4 against Wright

Patterson Air Force Base. The victory moved the UK squad’s

record to 2-3 for the season.

Ar .v ~'
TIM SHARP/Kernel Sta”



Council won’t accept Chandler apology

Editor in chief

Black students and city council
members Friday refused to accept
the apology of former Gov. A.B.
“Happy“ Chandler for a racial re-
mark he made and continued to
push for his resignation from the UK

UK football players led a march
across campus and down Martin Lu-
ther King Boulevard to a press con-
ference at city hall. where Urban
County Councilman Rev. Michael
Wilson said Chandler‘s apology had
not come soon enough.

“Mr. Chandler said he had to be
taken to the woodshed that
indicated to us that it was not some-
thing to his heart." Wilson said.

Wilson was referring to Chandler‘s
words during a press conference

Thursday from his home in
Versailles. when the former Gover-
nor said his apology came after he
“was taken to the woodshed“ by
Gov. Wallace Wilkinson.

Chandler. 89, made the racial slur
— referring to the African nation of
Zimbabwe — Tuesday during an in-
vestment committee meeting of the
UK Board of Trustees.

The statement touched off student
protest Wednesday and a march on
the Administration Building. UK
administrators, faculty and students
denounced the remark. expressing
concern that it would be taken by
outsiders as a reflection of the
school's attitude and policy.

Students and city leaders echoed
that concern Friday. saying only
Chandler‘s resignation could rectify
the damage.

Wilson - joined by two city coun-


Staff and AP reports

The UK football team has ac-
cepted the apology offered by for«
mer Gov. AB. “Happy" Chan-
dler for a racial slur he used.
saying Chandler “wanted to hurt
no one by his unfortunate re
mark," head coach Jerry Clai-

"Governor Chandler's record
speaks for itself over the years."
Claiborne said in a statement.

The football team had b0y-
cotted Thursday's practice and
worn black wristbands upon re-
suming smug drills Friday. Ear—


Football players accept
Chandler’s apology

lier that day. at least 34 team
members joined about 50 other
UK students in a march from
campus to City Hall.

On Thursday, the team had
threatened to boycott the annual
Blue-White spring game if Chan-
dler did not resign from UK‘s
Boardof Trustees.

“There will be no boycott."
Claiborne said in the statement.
He said afterward that the team
had never actually voted to do so.

“The team never voted on the
b0ycott. That was some misinfor-
mation that was given out. i


SeeTEAMJ’ue 12


cil members and representatives of
the NAACP, Kentucky Rainbow Co-
alition and the Urban League —
called for Chandler to step down in
reading a three-page statement to
about 150 people.

. we honestly have to admit
that his statements and the harm
caused by them have done irrepara-
ble damage. not only to his legacy
but to the image of the common-
wealth and the University of Ken-
tucky,“ Wilson said.

“Sadly. it has also had a negative
effect on the collective psyches of
young black students in Kentucky.“

Wilson said some black students
»~ offended by the word — will be
less inclined to attend UK.

Chandler said yesterday that any
decision to resign would be his

Chandler, appearing on a special

one-hour edition of “Your Govern-
ment" on WLEX‘TV. said that Gov.
Wilkinson could advise him to re-
sign, but ”I'm going to make the de-
cision and I’m not going to resign.“

State Senator Michael Moloney D-
Lexington, said Chandler should re.
sign for the good of the University.

“I think for someone to be
effective as a Board of Trustee
(memberi. they have to have the
confidence and respect of the com-
munity," Moloney said. “i think
Gov. Chandler has lost that re-


But Moloney primarily blamed the
incident on the process of selecting
trustees —— appointment by the gov-
ernor. He said a lack of public scru-
tiny of potential members results in
too many incompetent trustees.

SeeSTUDENTS. Page l2

’1' Wm. ,-.-.- -- 1

Footbal players march from the team's dormitory to city hal Friday
to protest a racial slit by former Gov. A.B.”Happy" Chandler.

Executive Editor

The L'niversity released on Fri-
day long-term development plans
for (‘oldstream Farm, which in-
clude a continuing education cen-
ter, regional mall and residential
land area,

The 935—acre farm has been arr
gued about since the t‘niversity
announced intentions to develop.
lease or sell (‘oldstream more
than a year ago.

in December. the t'K Board of
Trustees decided to retain own-
ership of the farm. The BUT then
gave University officials the per~
mission to examine development

MPC & AsSOCiates. a land—use
analysis firm based in Washing—
ton D.C.. was hired to conduct a
land-use analysis. Its findings
were released Friday.

The University will release
those full findings to the BOT in
June. at which time the board
will decide what development
areas will be priorities.

UK Vice Chancellor for Admin—
istration Jack Blanton said the
development plans are it) to 25
years away.

In making its development rec-


Coldstream Farm
deveIOpment plans
long term in nature

Development plans for UK's Coidstream Farm. located near
the l-75 interchange. were released last week.

ommcndations. .\lP(' wanted to
develop ideas which would tultill
the land—grant mission of the l'in
vers‘ily. said Marilyn Swintord oi
MPt‘ & Associates

Swinlord pointed to the tlt’\t‘l
opment of a continuing education
center as a focal part of the de
velopment plans in addition
Swinford said a regional iiial‘.
would have a great deal of ill.
pact tor the north section of l.c\
ington by improving the iiiiiiistrv
at area there.


Swifoi'd said the group held 1:
focus group sessions where in:
versity faculty and stall xii-re
given the opportunity to register
opinions about what should in-

The L'niversily will release the
development plans to the my
planning commission on Thurs

('oldstream Farm was .tt'tlllll‘i'tl
in 1956. 19:37 and 1958 by the state
government during the adniinis
tration of A B. “Happy” ('han
dler. (‘liandler assigned the
property to [K for use by the (‘o
operative Research Station in the
College of Agriculture

, .4
"fits at

Dawn srsntmc Kemp a...“



Stint in Peace Corps
profitable, study says

Staff Writer

While the Peace Corps may con-
jure up images of the 1960s and flow-
er children out to save the world.
the times are a changin' and so is

More people are discovering how
beneficial a stint in the Corps can be
and statistics prove it.

According to a recent study by
Joseph O'Donoghue. returned Peace
Corps volunteers are consistently
out-performing their fellow workers
in terms of salary gains and upward
career mobility.

in his report, which studied ap-
proximately 1,000 returned volun-
teem, O‘Donoghue, a professor at
Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry,
N.Y., found they tended to out-per-
form natioriai average salary gains
for people working in education by
13.5 percent; health service by 40.1

percent; and government by lllti

For people working outside those
three areas. ()‘Donoghiie‘s report
cited salary increases above the av
erage by 68.8 percent

Perhaps the most surprising sta
tistic ()‘Donoghue found was ior
volunteers now working as bankers
where the average gain was over 189

in addition to the monetary gains
that come from a stint in the Corps.
many volunteers have found the es»
perience benefiCIai in terms of per
sonal development

Kay Roberts. director of interna~
tional affairs at UK. served in
Ecuador in 1902 and said her experi-
ence was very rewarding.

“It was a real maturing process
for me - i learned a lot about
adaptability and being flexible in
working with people." she said.

Roberts also said the experience
gave her some lessons in self-

Sec FEM 1-1. Page 9



2 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday.Apr1111. 1666



-Roiigious. Free Modtation Grain Free. Newmai Center; 6 pm;
Call 266-4916

ing. prayers. 6 messages; Free: 506 Couribia Ave; 6930 pm: Cd

cussion. parties. 6 pot luck dnner; Free; “tame/412 Rose St; 6 pm.
Cali 254-1661

with students. Free; Newman Center: 6 pm; Cd 2556566

~Roilglous: StudentMeetlng—dscusslonolloconingeventI-d
students invitedi; Free. Newman Center; 9 pm; Cd 255-6566

~Roiigious: '"Cornerstone Mudc Practice ~ enthusian b the any
reauiromenli; Free; 506 Coklnbia Ave; 6.306 mm; Cd 254-3714

oSports Campus Aeroble Free. K-Houso/412 Rose St; 3:30 pm;
Call 277-5190

m Gym Loft; 6:30 pm. Cal 2660102

valuable, Free; Aiunni Gym Lott; 5-6.30 p.m.; Ca 64156

- Seminars: Leaning Skills Program: Obiecttvo Test Tairhg; SiO/se-
mester. S25/sernester; 301 Frazoe Ha; 3-3z50 a.rn.; Cd 7-6673

~Spons» UKWornon‘sToririisysSouthCarohaFreem

0Concer15:l’ercusslon EnsembieCcncert; Free. SCFA - Recital Hall;
8 pm. Call 7-4900

-0ther Middle School Education Group Advteng Corierence.
Free. Dickey Hall 127; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Cd 7-2791

~0tner Internsthdr-Leamcbouihternoppomfltleswid
shadowing. Free; Student Center Theatre/206; 11 urn-3:30 p.tn.; Cdl

- Other Louis zoeiior Sickett: "Discussion of Recent Work in Political
Themes". Free; 117 Ponce Hall; 1 pm; Cdi 7-1244

Student Center 8011room;6:15 pm; Cal 7-6742



lcstrorntnolrcaeersewequQSOICoiimbloAve: 7:30pm:
Newmal Center; 7 pm; Cd 255-6566
0m lactiernzmro-dep.Protehi(haee~ProtehChern”:

information on this calendar of events ls collected and coordnated throudi
the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-

tucky. The Information is published as supplied by the art-campus sponsor. with ed-
itorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organiza-
tions or University departments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calen-
dar form must be tilled out and returned to the Student Activities Otflce.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday proceeding the

publication date.








-Serninars. Leaning Sklls Progran: Versatle Rooting Strategies;
$10.sernester or S25/sorriestor. 301 Frazee Ha; "-11:50 pm; Cut 7-

-Religlous Bible Discussion Grows - Great Cornmlsdon Students:
Free. Student Center 231; 7:30 pm. Cd 2543997

Iumblo Ave. 5-6 pm; Cal 254-3714

nl Gym Lott, 8:30 9.7714” 2660102

valuable. Free; Aiunanym Lott; 5-6.30

0 Religious: Cornrnuilon Service. Free. Newman Center; 6-6:45 9111.:

-Reirgtous: Student Faith Snaing - Upcorrihg Sunday's Gospel
Read 60iscussed;Froe.NewmanContor; 9-1091mCd255-6566

-Sports Campus Aerobics; Free. K-House/412 Rose Street: 3:30
p rn , Call 277-5190

oSports: UK Ping Pong Club: Free. Soaton Squall Corns; 7:30-10
Om Call 6-6161

OMovles Altered States; $1.95; Worm Matte. 6 pm; Cd 7-

-Movies Heavy Metal; $1.95; Woman Me. 10 pm; Cd 7-

~Concerts. Cheng Ensemble - Tradtlorid Chinese Mlle; $4. $2;
SCFA — Recital Hall; 6 pm; Cd 7-4900

-Lectures "Formal Servicesaid Wound Netting in a Nd Envi-
ronment". Free; Sanders-Brawn 112; 11 am: Cd 3-6040

corner Third Anriuaitiousingaidframortatloanr;Free.Studerit
Center 206: 10 a.m,-l p.m.; Cd 7-6596

-Seminars: Biocnerri: "iderttlicatlon eta Mam—Aux. Pro-
tein as an Organele"; Free. MN 463; 49:11.; Cd 3-5549

-Sominar& Loarilrig Skis Program Ewan Review.
Sic/semester or ”film; 301 Frmee lid; 3:30-415 pm; Cd 7-

requrorrient; Free. 506¢oiunblaAvo.; 6:30-6 9.11qu 254-3714



oMovles: Heavy Metal; $1.95. Worshan Theatre: 10 pm.- ca 7-



cSportm Aerobics; Free. Newman Center; 5507 pm; Cd 25

Writers; Free. NewmanCentor; IQ30-Noon:Cal 255-6566

btaAvo.; 9pm.; Cd 233-0315

6930 pm; Cd 254-3714






.m Gaierd Meethg Student Orgatlaotlons Auernbty.


OConcer‘ls - 4/11: Percussion Ensernbie Concert:
Free. SCFA - Recltd Hall; 6 pm; Call 7-4900

oConcerts - 4/13: Cheng Ensemble — Traditional
Chinese Music; S4. S2; SCFA - Recital Hall; 8 pm;
Call 7-4900

oConcerts - 4/14: Trumpet Class Recital/Poul
Kloniz; Free; SCFA - Recital Hall; 12:30 pm.

oCoricerts - 4/15: Authentic Mountain Music by
Lee Sexton and Marion Sumner: $5/public; s3/stu-
dent; 161 N. Mill St.; 6 pm; Call 7-4651

OConcerts - 4/15: Paul Kiontz/DMA trumpet Reci-
td; Free. SCFA - Recital Hall: 8 pm.

- Concerts - 4/16 Graduate Clarinet Recital/Anne
Binghan; Free; SCFA - Concert Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-

-Concerts — 4/17: University Concert Band - w.
Dale Warren. Director; Free; SCFA — Concert Hall; 3

-Concerts - 4/16: An Evening with Paul Martin
Zonn - Contemporary Music Festival; Free: SCFA —
Recltd Hall; 6 pm; Call 7-4900












~Movtes Altered States: $1.95; Worshan Theatre. 6 pm.- Cd 7-

oMovres Heavy Meta; $1.95; Worman Theatre. 10 pm; Cd 7-

°Other Jose Oubrerle "About the CltV'; Free: 117 Ponce lid; #30
pm Call 7-1244

- Lectures “Fetal Harm as Chic Nedect“: Dr. bai Cddtat; Free.
Peal Gallery. Noon; Cdl 7-5695

'Concerts Authentic Maintdn Mid: by lee Sextonaid Halon
Sumner $5/publlc. Sit/student; 161 N. W 81.; 6 pm: Cd 7-4651

oMovres. Appalsnop‘s Mariette m Arm. 1906-1966; Free.
Student CenterTheatre. 2pm.;Cd 7-4651

~Lectures Aopdacion Center aid Appaoclai Studet David
Walls John Stephenson. Ron Flor; Free. Student Center Theatre. 9
a at noon, Coil 7-4651

m 6 tin Free. “tome/412 Coknibia 7:30 pm.- Cd 277-


'MM flares; 51.95; Worm Me. 69m; 0d 7-




0Lectues - 4/13: “Formal Services and lntorrnai
Helphg in a third Environment"; Free; Sanders-

OLectues - 4/14: "Clltlcs and inflections in Mad-
ern Greek" - Dr. 8. Joseph. OSU; Free; Student Cen-
ter 205. 4:30 pm; Call 7-6967

oLectures - 4/15: “Fetal Harm as Child Neglect";
Dr. Joan Callahan; Free; Peal Gallery; Noon; Call 7-

OLectures - 4/15: Appalaclan Center and Appa-
laclai Studies: David Walls. John Stephenson. Ron
Eler: Free. Student Center Theatre; 9 a.m.-noon; Cali

OLecture - 4/16: “Intergeneratlonai Relationships
in (:1 Aging Society: Research Frontiers"; Free; 112
Satders-Brown; 2 p.m.; Cali 3-6040

OMeetings - 4/14: Large Group meeting — inter-
vastty Chrlsflan Fellowship; Free; 205 Student Cen-
ter; 6 pm; Call 276-2462

OMeetlngs - 4/14: General Meeting Student 0r-
ganlaatlons Assembly; Free; Student Center 106;
615. Cdl 7-1099

OSemlnars - 4/11: Learning Skills Program: Objec-
tive Test Taking: SIG/semester. S25/semester; 301
F700. MI: 33:50 0.111.; Call 7-8673

OSernlnas — 4/12: Biochem: ”.Camp-dep Protein
Klnase - Protein Chem"; Free; MN 363; 4 pm; Call

oSemlnars - 4113: Learning Skills Program: Versa-
tfle Readng Strategies; SlO/sernester or 525/semes-
lot; 301 Frazee Hal; "-11:50 pm; Call 7-6673

OSeminars - 4/13: Blochem: “identification of a
Mcrotubule - Assoc. Protein as an Organelle"; Free:

ISemlnars — 4/14: Learning Skills Program: Orga-
nizing Exam Review; SIC/semester or S25/semester;
301 Frazee Hail; 3:30-4:15 pm; Call 7-8673

OSerninars - 4/14; "A Seminar on Leadership
Styles": Free. Student Center 231; Call 7-1099

- Semlnrxs - 4/16: Learning Skills Program: Coping
With Test Anxiety; SIC/semester. S25/semester; 301
Frazee Hal; 3-3:50 pm; Call 7-6673

~Movies — 4/13: Altered States; $1.95; Worshari
Theatre. 6 pm; Call 7-8667

oMovies - 4113: Heavy Metal; $1.95, Worsharn
Theatre; 10 pm; Call 7-8867

oMovies - 4/14: Altered States: $1.95; Worsharn
Theatre. 6 pm; Call 7-6667

cMovies - 4/14: Heavy Metal; $1.95; Worsharn
Theatre; 10 p.m.; Call 7-6667

oMovies - 4115: Altered States; $1.95; Worsharn
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-8667

oMovies - 4115: Heavy Metal; $1.95; Worsharn
Theatre. 10 p.m.;Cal1 7-6867

oMovles — 4/15: Appalshop's Harriette Simpson
Amow. 1906-1986; Free; Student Center Theatre; 2
pm; Call 7-4651

oMovies - 4/16 Altered States; $1.95; Worsharn
Theatre; 6 pm; Call 7-8667

oMovies — 4/16: Heavy Metal; $1.95; Worsharn
llieatre. 10 pm; Call 7-6867

oMovies - 4/17; Altered States; $1.95; Worsharn
Theatre: 7 pm; Call 7-6667







oRellgious Celebration of Worth — m Student w
Free 502 Columbia Ave. 7 pm. Cu 233-0313

oRerigious CathoilcCelebratlonotttieMawFreeNeemanCen-
ter 6 10 1130a.m.;5.9309.rn..ca255-6666

doom mammoth-mnfieemmmmu

'MoleS Altered States. 5195; Worman Theatre. 7 pm: Cd 7-

~Coricerts University Concert laid — W. Ode Wm. Hector;
Free SCFA-Concerttia.3prn.

doom UK Fencing Ctub; Free. Aunni Gym; 7.30-9:30 pm: Cd


gm," 6mhee6060¢unoleAve..6-MOpm.-Cu
-Reluow Monday Everelg m - m. grow as-
0m W'Mm-Mbineorw
-6pons:CarwAerebics:Froe.K-tteue/4i2lesee; 3:306:11.-
shorts: Aldo Ob - leaner: "can. m
dominae Learmg a. Preuam Cap-lg Willi foe Ninety,
ICancene An be!" with m m lent - Germ



special events






oOther - 4/11: Mddle School Education Group
AdvisingConioronce. Free; DickeyHait 127: 9a.m.-4

comer-4m: internshlpFalr—Leam about intern
opportmltios and . Free. Student Center
Maire/206. 11 cam-3:30 pm; Call 7-3632

-Ottier - 4/11: Louis Zoeler lickett: "Discussion of
Recent Work in Polticai memes"; Free; 117 Ponce

MornborsortthroesmdontContoraollroom; 6.15

OOther - 4/12: We! 0. Prix “Two Winning Protects

tatlon Fa: Free. Student Center 206.10 a.rri.-1

oOtner - 4116 Architecture or Entortdnrnant:

-orrer - 4/15: Jose Oubrerle "About the City";

moo Caioetos": W 6ruce Morrison.

corner - 4/16: Robert Marvel "Alter Contextua-

Asian Wig acct: Mallet Corriputor Prograri;

oSports — 4/11: Campus Aerobics; Free; K-
House/412 Rose St.; 3:30 pm; Call 2775190

oSports - 4/11: UK Women's Tennis vs South Caro-

oSports - 4/12: UK Fencing Club. Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 pm; Call 272-1013

oSports — 4/12: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center:
5507 pm; Call 255-6566

oReiigious: Prayer of the Rosary for increase In
Vocations: Free; Newman Center; 7 pm; Call 255-

-Sports - 4/12: UK Cycling Club Meeting; Free,
213 Soaton Center; 6 pm; Call 6-2350

oSports — 4/13: UK Ping Pong Club. Free. Soaton
Squash Courts; 7:30-10 pm; Call 8-6161

oSports - 4/14; UK Fencing Club: Free; Alumni
9Y1“; 7:30-9:30 p.m.;Caii272-1013

-Sports - 4/14; Aerobics: Free. Newman Center;
5:50-7 pm; Call 255-6566

08ports — 4/17: UK Fencing Club. Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 pm; Call 272-1013
-. OSDOTTS - 4/18: Campus AOTOD'CS; FT”; 1(-
House/412 Rose 51.; 3:30 pm; Call 2775190



looking ahead





4/20-Other:uttieKentucky Wm









 Kentucky Kernel, Monday, April 11, 1008 — 3





UK football
players are
right in stand

The earring that dangles from
David Johnson's ear makes some
people a bit queasy. Perhaps they
are threatened by the unknown.
Then again, all racism is such a

Johnson is a cornerback for the
UK football team. He's never
been one to shy away from ex-
pressing himself.

That‘s why it should be no sur-
prise that Johnson was at the eye
of the protest storm last week
that followed A.B "Happy" Chan-
dler‘s racial slur.

“As athletes. we‘re asked to
speak about drugs and alcohol."
Johnson said. “If we‘re teaching
kids about that. we should also
teach them about racism.“

Strong words from a strong

Johnson and teammate Chris
Chenault were sitting in the
lunchroom last Thursday when
they decided Chandler‘s deroga-
tory remark would not be swept
under the rug the way those in-
sults have been for so many

“We talked to some other black
students and they said since you
guys are in the limelight you
should do something." Chenault

So they did. They decided to
take a stand. Be strong in the
face of ignorance.

Chenault and Johnson led the
football team in a oneday walk-
out from practice. At first. the
duo said none of the Wildcats
would return to the field until
Chandler was removed from the
UK Board of Trustees.

,"What it's come down to is
something has got to be done.“
Johnson said. “We‘re not going to
forget about it."

”We want it to be in the pub»
lic‘s mind until he‘s taken off the
board.“ Chenault said.

The players tempered their
protest to include just a bchott
of official games. That just
stirred up the ignorance on the
outside even more.

All weekend. "UK fans" cried
and moaned about their football
team making more out of this
situation than need be. As if
missing an athletic event is more
important than degrading a race.

Of course. the response to the
players‘ protest included

“I didn‘t say they‘re stupid —
they are stupid." Chandler said
of the UK players.

Chandler suggested that if the
football players spent more time
on the practice field. then they
might not be so bad. Like that's
the issue here.

Perhaps we shouldn't be so sur-
prised that the whole issue is
once again being missed. After
all. how long has it been ignored?
When David Johnson was born.
the entire UK football team was
lilly white.

It now appears Chenault‘s
threat to not play for this Univer-
sity unless Chandler resigns will
be severely threatened soon.

The big wigs at UK were dis-
turbed enough by the team‘s
threat to put some pressure to
bring about its end.

On Saturday. Kentucky coach
Jerry Claiborne issued a
statement that his players will
play in the Blue-White Scrim-
mage game on April 23.

Too bad this whole stinking sit-
uation didn‘t creep up a few
weeks ago. What if Ed Davender
and Winston Bennett walked
away from the basketball court?

“The basketball team is king."
Johnson said. “If the basketball
team stayed out of three minutes
of practice. ‘Happy‘ would be

Sympathizers for Chandler
state that "Happy" is a great old
man who has done wonders for
the whole Commonwealth. He
has. But time has passed him by.
His reaction to the uproar shows

“We called them niggers and
they didn't mind." Chandler said
of his boyhood.

They do now. When Chandler
was a boy. blacks didn‘t wear
earrings. Times have changed.

Does David Johnson's earring
scare you?

Sports Editor Todd Jones is a
journalism senior.








Jim White
Assistant Sports Editor

Voit is just dandy, Cats sweep Vandy

Contributing Writer

UK reliever Dave Voit was the
hero among heroes as Kentucky
swept Vanderbilt in a three-game
series at Shively Field this weekend.

Voit, the Southeastern Conference
Pitcher of the Week last week,
picked up a win and two saves in
Kentucky‘s three weekend victories.

The soft—spoken senior would not
brag about his banner weekend and
delegated the praise to his team-
mates. But his teammates were
quick to mention his heroics.

“He just did a super job," catcher
Robbie Buchanan said. “I think that
he's afraid about hexing himself.‘

UK Coach Keith Madison also was
proud of Voit‘s performance. "He
has really come through in the
clutch and been outstanding.“ he
said. “He‘s been doing that all

Voit, 5-0 this season. picked up his
fifth win in Saturday‘s first game of
a double-header. ln relief of starter
Doug Sutton. Voit came on with a
man on first and struck out two
Vandy batsmen while getting a third
to fly out.

Trailing 3-2 in the bottom of the
eighth innning. junior left-fielder
Mark Blythe homered off Kyle
Balch with the bases loaded for a
game-winning grand slam.

By picking up the win in UK‘s 7-3
triumph, Voit has now registered a
victory against each of the five SEC
foes UK has faced.

in 16 and two-thirds innings of re-
lief. Voit has not allowed a run in his
nine SEC appearances. For even the
worst of mathemeticians. that easily
transpires to a gawking 0.00 earned
run average.

In Saturday‘s second contest. Voit.
who gained his second save of the
season. was again the beneficiary of
a game-winning grand slam.

Buchanan hit a four-run shot in
the UK half of the fifth. a six-run
frame. providing the winning mar-
gin as Kentucky went on to a 12-10

Jon Hudson picked up the win in
that game. although he gave up six
earned runs in five and one-third in-
nings. Voit came on again to slam
the door on the Vandy hitters and
retire three batters without yielding

Voit has not allowed a run in 11
consecutive appearances. That
streak entails 17 1/3 innings of shut-
out baseball. He has given up only
six hits in that span.


UK shortstop Billy White tries to elude Vandy first baseman Jamie
Abbgy and second baseman Dede Malmo on Saturday. The Wild-

Lookiiig to keep pace with the
SEC‘s elite, Voit and his fellow Wild~
cats set their sights on sweeping the
series with the (‘ommrxlores yester~

Vandy used. two first-inning l'K
errors to jump out to an early 1-0

But UK got its offense rolling in
the fourth. After first baseman .lohii
Marshall grounded into a double

Women’s team wins in

seniors’ last

Staff Writer

The UK women‘s tennis team de-
feated Wake Forest in its last home
match for the seniors by a score of
8-1 yesterday at the Downing Tennis

“Today's match was dedicated to
the seniors." coach Susan Rudd
said. “We made up our minds that
we were going to have a big day for

The four seniors all posted victo-
ries for the Cats with Tamaka
Takagi leading the way in the N0. 1
spot, defeating Jackie Van Wijk in a
tight three-setter 6—2. 4-6. 7-6.

Chris Karges playing in the No.3
position downed Monica Kowalewski
6-2. 6-0. while Beckwith Archer
knocked off Laurie Jackson 6-2. 6-1
in the fourth position.

“I always thought I‘d look forward
to my senior year.“ Archer said.
”But once i got out there I knew I
was really going to miss it."

Helen Le Beller was also forced
into three sets before defeating the
Deacon‘s Karin Dallwitz 6—2. 3-6. 6-2.
