xt71g15t9z2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15t9z2p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-01-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1990 1990 1990-01-31 2020 true xt71g15t9z2p section xt71g15t9z2p  


Vol. XClll, No. 101

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Kentucky Kernel

Established 1 894

Independent Since 1971

Wednesday January 31, 1990




STEVE SANDERS - rm .7. A . pt

Frank Walker, director ot the Martin Luther King Jr Cultural Cen-
ter. said several events are planned for AfricanAAmerican Month

Longer than a month
Blacks say heritage should be celebrated all year

Contributing Writer

National African-American
Month begins tomorrow, brit many
of the caniptis's black student
leaders say that tltat people
shouldn‘t thiiik about about issues
affecting minorities only ortce a

“i ltate February,“ said Thomas
Aaron, Black Student Union vice
president arid direc tor of fiscal af—
fairs for Message Theatre. “It has
its good and bad aspects. It is bad
betause it makes people think our
story only happened irt February,
and that is a grave injustice,

"lhe gootl aspects are that it
designates a time period to recog-
ni/e a few people of colors ac-
complishments. Hopefully it will
be expanded to include other peo-
ple such as native Africans who
have contributed to this country."

RS1~ President Ricardo .\'a/ario~



Colon said that while his organi-
ration does not hat e any special
events planned tor National Airr
can-American Month. tour eusnts
are scheduled for 1 ebruaru.

The first llSl sponsored k'\k'l|l
is "Beyond tlte Dream l’art ll' .-\
celebration of lilatk History." a
teleconference oi tlistiiigtiishett
guests addressing .oriteiiiporary
issues facing .klr'r.aa-.\niertcaits.
The telecoiilert‘iite will be ltll1|i>l
row at l pin. {it tli.‘ (iltl Stutlsiii
Center 'l‘heatrc.

A ”(let lltisy l’ar'ty ' ls stlted
uled for l5ritlay from ‘1 p.iii.~1.‘.:‘~t‘
am. in the Student (‘t-riter (littl‘ttl

On Feb. .‘\ t 'on.er
ter 7 with .t ~tupitse ml at: i.
being negotiated itiat k \1
Week. a celebration cf the black
man, schediiletl for 'ia‘b. I“ "‘
also is plannt tl lo. tits lls't'

\lessaee 'i heatre.
first '\ll'“_t|!tr \l11'_‘f1_.ilt


t1. - i'. .-

.ytll perttirm Hrer Rabbit and art
additional children's play at the
\orth Stile branch til l.c\in;'ton
l’ublic library on i ch “.1

llie wanton} doesn‘t have ant
.illtei p ‘1 ltiriiiaiices sch. tlule l be
.'ltl‘-» it is under re orraiii/atii-zi
\ Hi i. said

Ili: King ('tiltiir‘al ('eitter ha-
i. .lo/en tf‘.c'lll\ plaririutl that .t7
1 i-i..-tl to appeal to all age- a.

i.:ii:.' to ltaiik \\all.er
(‘ttlti'ial ('etitrr [‘irtigraiii .wvr ha.


r .qitls include a lecture ll"lll a
.t,i-treiit\wri '.\1'll'c‘l.;tl‘l.t‘» ter
‘w'iiit‘il l"\ a t‘ttilr‘s»t'iii:il that! ‘t


Saba cluitl .
\“vc‘t‘i llllll‘ tlc'~tg'li'c‘tl l-n
i“t the faint". the stlti‘w:
ill be \ltl‘ \"

' ‘ lit the '1' f

yttit I

' .i
a phi» by it . .:

l..cti~_.'ii tthi’.l ti




Rumors about Gorbachev prompt Baker to reschedule talks

Assocrated Press

WASHINGTON Secretary of
State lames A. Baker 111 is resched<
tiling talks irt Moscow with Soviet
Foreign Minister Eduard .»\. She»
vardnad/e to avoid interfering with
a meeting of the Communist Party
Central Committee. Baker‘s
spokeswoman said yesterday.

The postponement coincided

with a report by tlte ( .ible New s‘
Network that Soviet l’resitlent \1ik
ltail S. Gorbachev had spent the
past eight days at his country home.
considering his resignation as head
of the Soviet (‘ornnttmist Party.
lltish admrrtistration officials an 1
intelligence sources told the Asst»
ciated Press that there has been
speculation for weeks that (iorba
chev would yield his party post
while retaining the presidenct

but that thev had no information he
»\Utll(l take the step

‘All I cart tell you is that it's a
rumor, and therefore its not Millie"
thing that I think that we should rel
spond to or react to,“ Baker told re
porters. “We‘re tollowing 1-‘ie
story. as i know vou are. and w e‘ll
have a corttitient if we ever deter-
mine it's something more than irist
a rumor."

Baker said that American diplo-

Flu epidemic slows down US.

Kentucky Kernel Wire Services

A particularly nasty flu is sweepr
mg the country. keeping millions of
~\merieans home front w'ork arttl
school arid threatening the lives of

The l' S. (‘enters for Disease
(‘ontrtil declared a nationwide flu
epidemic last ’l‘hursday based on
surveys of 121 cities.

Through last week. 111 percent
of patients of 135 (‘l)(‘ doctors na-
tionwide network were complain-
irig of flu-like illness, which is JUSI
short of an 11.8 percent peak last

“We don‘t know whether this
means we're going to peak early
and then disappear early. or w heth-
er it’s r|llSl going to be a worse than
usual flu season." said CDC epi-
dcmiologist Walter (illllll.

At least eleven people haye died
in Kentucky lroiti art outbreak of
the flu solar this season. according

Campus has not been infected

Contributing Writer

UK has been largely immune to
the flu virus that has infected rttost
of the state. according to UK Stu»
dent Health Services.

Only about 5 percent of the pa—
tiertts from Student Health Services
who were admitted to the Albert B.
Chandler Medical Center last week
had the flu, according to Lance
Churchi11,clinical service coordina-
tor for Student Health Services.

“We saw 1.168 patients, of
which 37 were influen/a cases antl
13 were f1u«like." he said. “We
have not seen art epidemic yet on
caitipus. btit it‘s hard to tell. Next
week could be different."

The next week will decide how
hard UK will be hit by the flti virus.

to the (‘D(‘_

ln Kentucky counties represent-
ing 4* percent of the state‘s poptila
iron are experiencing outbreaks tit
inllueit/a-likc illnesses. ac.oitiiii~.!
to state health oititials .\ ho all“
eyed physicans. schools and Hills
ing homes in 21 counties

Flu-like illnesses are those charr
acteri/ed by art abrupt onset oi te
yer exceeding 102 degrees and two
of the following syitiptoms' head
ache. muscle pain, eough. sore
throat or stufl y nose.

Physicians in 12 of 31 counties
reported outbreaks last week. said
Dr. Andrew Pelletrer. a (‘l)(‘ t‘til'
demiologist assigned to the Ken
tucky Department for Human \'ei~

’l‘he counties were (‘allowat
Christian. (flay. Fayette. l‘tlltttlt,
Hardin. Kenton. Madison. \lttsllil
Mctiifec. Pike and l’ulaski,

the outbreak had been int-s31.
confined to the eastern portion wt

according to Dr, .-\llen Sklar. a pity
sician iii Student Health Sery ltt'\

“The first week til February is
when most of the cases show up,
being the halfway point iii the sea
son." Sklar said.

“By the end of February no one
is getting the flu anymore.“

Evert if students have not coir
tracted the virus yet. they still
should take measures to minimi/e
their chances of catching it. metli
cal experts say.

“A person who is healthy and ae
me has a lesser chance of getting
the vinis." Sklar said.

"On the other hand. smoking.
drinking and lack of sleep increase
the risk."


symptoms are similar to

the state tllllll last week. Pelletier

He said more counties probablt
are upcrrencing outbreaks as .yell
but were not siiryeved

\lt‘\l ill] patients said that the \1‘
ms kept them in bed for several
d;i\ s.

ll arid the tlose lte got recently left
him ‘tlisoriented tor about two

1 hatl a batl cough. a tempera-
ture ot 11‘} degrees anti the
snakes.“ (‘oleman said.

the flu hit Sen. Trent Lott. R-
\liss., who said he got a bad dose
tthile home irt south Mississippi.
the illness even made him "glad to
Let back” to Washington for the
-.i.irt ot the second session ot the
lillst congress.

\bout to percertt oi the popula-
llii tluiinr iitost llti

lioii '_ is the

See l-‘l.l , Hack page

by flu yet

those ol the common cold, Sklar
saitl. Symptoms include a head-
ache. lever, sore throat and cough.

"You really can't tell the diner-
crice between the two, except that
the flu goes into muscle weakness
aritl gastrointestinal problems such
as nausea~ \timiting anti diarrhea
that you don‘t get with the common
cold." he said.

Students who suspects that they
have flit symptoms sltotiltl go to
Student Health Services. Sklar

“it you happen to get the flu, ytiii
iriight as well resign yourself to
staying in bed. drinking plenty of
fluids and taking medicine," Sklar

“ 1 he best treatrtient is simply to
let it run its course "

mats in \ltiscli‘n. Ht'tot it...
the same lllli'l r ti..~r all ‘ r- . :~~
know 1'l:_'lll ”tow 1’:.t' {‘1
rumor out there to lllls .‘il‘ '
lllill‘\ llll '.\ t‘ know V

He said talls'
were“ still \ery run. it

'\skcd about the ‘s\
White House ~po'i
l-itltvatcr saitl' '
We‘ve never heari‘i
have no informal. i'


\ ‘i it: it
1 l“. i' ll'. ‘ *':«' 'estiti'

'. 'ltlllli‘lll_ stiitl \1ar-
Izi- stile Hep.

‘s i\


to! 1.s_t:~se.1
w s utml and the war in
.r l .‘s: "i the \It‘\l1‘l'l‘.l- s.
‘1"T‘l "i' aiitll \ .trinexl r -‘
itiakes niore tnsn =


\oviets complete lll"!l ; .-

-l.tll{|l\i Hl‘\ 1,.



WATCHING YOUR STEP: Elizabeth ilaoeny. an Arts tit Scrences itirticr
near the Student Center yesterday afternoon toilowing her classes-


.valks clean the steps






Lange stars
in ‘Music Box.’
Story, Page 3.


UK on the road
at Miss. St.
Story, Page 2.




: Sunny.

High 56°.

Tomorrow: Sunny.
High 62°.




 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, January 31, 1990



Auburn game haunts
Pitino, UK squad


Execs: ve Ed for

Rick Pitino lOOKs at the stand-
ings and grimaces,

Had his t'k’ team held on to de-
teat Auburn L'niversity last week.
the Wildcats would be sitting atop
the Southeastern Conference. In-
stead. thy (Ins .ire loolxing tip at
t‘\ e others.

“l‘or .1 team that doesn‘t have too
mueh to hang their hat on as far as
postseason play is concerned, it
would have been a tremendous feat
for tour guysi not only to be in
first place, but to have a shot at
that,” I’itino said yesterday at llls
weekly new s conference.

But the first—year coach doesn‘t
like to play iffin' games, even
though his WildcaLs are only a halt
game out of first place tat 5—4” at
the mid-point of the season.

lle'll tum his attention, instead.
on Starkville, Miss, and the Mis-
\Iss‘ll‘t‘t State Bulldogs, the team
't K hopes will help end its tl-for-
i'iearoatl problems tonight.

I K totiltl have ended their road
woes at \tiburn, but the Wildcats
let a I "-point lead get-away as the

Tigers I‘IH ail-ed "~13“.


UK-Miss. St.

Records UK 99 (5-4).
Miss. St, 10-7 (3-6).
When: 8:30 tonight.
Where. Humphrey
Coliseum. Starkville,

Radio Live on
Cawood Lediord and
Ralph Hacker.
Television: None.


"We did have it in otir hands.”
l’itino said ‘\\'hen you see. some-
thing slip from your grips, it hurts.
But I told them, ‘\'ou‘re not out of
II. You've got to go down to Mrs-
sissippi State and beat them.‘

”And if we win tomorrow night,
then we have a legitimate shot at
looking at that lavorably. But it‘s
gonna take a big eltort to win at
Mississippi State."

"'Ihat‘s why the Auburn game
hurts so much," liK guard Derrick
Stiller saitl "II we win that game,


UK ion/vard John Pelphrey tips the ball away from an Ole Miss player
during Saturday's game, The Cats play at Mississippi State tonight.

then we are on top of the SEC,
which nobody thought we‘d be. But
nobody thought we'd be this close

“It was Just a very disappointing
loss. It really embarrassed me.”




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must be a nonsmokcr. taking no medication, and have no
known drug allergies to the study medication to

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between 9 AM and Noon only.






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And it will take a big effort to
win the SEC.

The Wildcats, who trail Louisia»
na State. Alabama, Georgia, Van—
derbilt and Tennessee, have to play
live of their final nine games away
from Rupp Arena. The CaLs t5-4 in
SIiCi trail the five teams. w ho all
have 5-1 league records.

See CATS. Page 5

Barry Reeves
Sports Editor

Lady Kats host Eastern
in non-conference game

Staff Writer

The UK Lady Kats will take a
break from their tough Southeast-
ern Conference schedule when they
play intrastate rival Eastern Ken-
tucky University tonight at Memo-
rial Coliseum.

Both squads will try to get back
on the winning track after losing
their last game, both to conference

UK (135 overall. 14 in SEC)
lost to Ole Miss 716-1 Saturday.
EKU (7-8, 3-3 in the Ohio Valley
Conference) also lost their last
game at home 79-74 to Middle
Tennessee State.

“We‘re hoping to bounce back
from our lack of execution and lack
of hard play that we’ve shown re-
cently," Lady Kat coach Sharon
Fanning said.

Fanning said EKU can put a lot
of numbers on the scoreboard.

“They (EKU) scored 90 points
against Georgia" in a 100-90 loss,
Fanning said. “That should tell you
something about their ability to

Junior Kelly Cowan leads the
Lady Colonels in scoring, averag-
ing 16.5 points per game. Jaree
Goodin. a (v: freshman center, and
senior Tracey Kindred also average
double figures at HR and I3. i. re




January 3k ICI‘IO

Poul y



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are $30 per year

Shepherdswlle KY 40165.


Phone (606) 257-2871.

The Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic year and
weekly during the eight-week summer session.
Thirdiclass postage paid at Lexington, KY 40511 Mailed subscription rates

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing, 534 Buckman St.

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel, Room 035
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CA. Duane Bonifer
Tom Spalding
Brian Jent

Tonia Wilt
Michael L. Jones
Barry Reeves
Kip Bowmar
Hunter Hayes
Steve Sanders
Julie Esselman
Mike Agin

Jeff Kuerzi

Judy Furst
Evelyn Quillen






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The Lady
Colonels' of-
fense revolves
around the 3-
point arch.
EKU is con-
necting on 35
percent of its 3-
point attempts
this season.

“They are the
best 3-point
shooting team that we will face,"
Fanning said. They've got five
or six players who can score at any
time for them."

EKU coach Larry Inman, who‘s
in his second year as head of the
Lady Colonel program, down-
played the significance of the intra~
state rivalry.

“We certainly enjoy playing out-
side the (OVC) against a team like
UK," Inman said. “But to us, it‘s
just another game."

The Lady Kats defeated EKU 83-
77 in overtime last year in Rich—

“We plan on playing (UK)
straight up," Inman said. “We‘re
going to come right at them and
show them what we’ve got."

The Lady Kats recent ills on the
court has followed some players
home. Senior Malinka Sallii and
sophomore Jamie Ilobgooil are stif—
lcring from the flu. Both players
are expected to see limited action

Kristi Cushenberry. I'K's third
leading scorer, has been having
trouble with her mental game since
UK‘s loss to Tennessee Ill days

“I haven‘t been able to get into
the flow of the game," (‘ushenberry
said. “I‘m going to start putting tip
more shots.”

Cushenberry (lid not attempt a
shot in UK’s loss to Ole Miss Sat
urday. Since the Lady Kats began
SEC play. Cushenbcrry dropped
from first to third in scoring aver—
age, mainly because opponents
have been keying on her.

“The only person who cart slop
Kristi frorn scoring is Kristi." Fan—
ning said. “Once she gets things
worked out Wllll hersell. she‘ll be

Fanning may give senior Kris
Miller the starting nod at point
guard in Sahli‘s absence. Miller is
averaging 3.7 minutes and 3.3
points per game.

“I know that I can come in and
contribute to the team." Miller
said. “I wish I could be playing
more, but then w ho doesn‘t. I ~itist
hope we can come out of here to—
morrow with a win in regulation. I
don‘t think I can take anymore
overtime games."



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Kentucky Kernel,

Wednesday, January 31, 1990 — 3

Kip Bowmar
Arts Editor


Lange, Mueller-Stab] give

stellar performance in ‘Box’

Assistant Arts Editor

“Music Box," a Costa-Gravas
film starring Jessica Lange and Ar-
min Mueller-Stahl. is a film that at-
tempts to make the audience won-
der exactly how well they know the
people they love.

This is what happens to Ann Tal~
bot (Lange) when her father
(Mueller-Stahl) is threatened with
deportation to his native country of
Hungary for war crimes he alleged-
ly committed during World War ll.

Mike Laszlo is a hard-working
Hungarian immigrant who not only
takes extreme pride in his adopted
country but also has raised two all-
American kids.

His daughter, Ann, is a successful
criminal lawyer who is raising a son
in an upscale suburb of Chicago.
Karchy Laszlo (Michael Rookeri
works in the steel mills where his
father worked and is a veteran of
the Viemam War.

Talbot’s world is thrown into a
spin when she learns that her father
may be deported for lying on his
immigration application. More im—
portantly, he will have to stand trial
for alleged heinous crimes against
Jewish Hungarians during WW ll.

Frederick Forrest portrays the
prosecutor who is convinced that
this respectable family man also is
the man known as “Miska" who
tortured and murdered countless

Talbot, against the advice of her
ex-husband and her own instinct.
defends her father against the accu-

As the trial proceeds, Talbot be-
gins to doubt that her father is en-
tirely innocent. She questions her
father about why they never had
any Jewish friends. He tells her that

Frederick Forrest plays the at-
torney who prosecutes a sus-
pected WW II criminal in “Mu-
sic Box."

he had friends that were Jews, but
then she asks why they were never
invited for dinner. “Because they
never invited me," he weakly coun-

Costa-Gravas does an excellent
job of pacing the film. Coupled
with screenplay by Joe Eszterhas,
the film's action unfolds in a way
that keeps you guessing whether or
not Laszlo will be convicted. The
audience feels secure of his inno-
cence but then evidence appears
that he indeed may be Miska.

The action occurs primarily in
the courtroom. This is a great relief
from the senseless car chase and
shoot-’em up formula that so many
films rely on.

Few recent movies have been
able to match the drama in the
courtroom scenes of this film.
When survivors of the Hungarian


holocaust testify against Laszlo,
and then when Lange poses her de-
fense of their testimonies, it makes
for some of the most emotional
scenes recently filmed.

One particularly riveting scene is
when a Jewish woman tells how
Miska and other soldiers stole her
virginity by gang-raping her for
hours. When Laszlo tells her that it
wasn‘t him, she replies by spitting
in his face.

As more and more evidence is
brought into the case it becomes
hard to determine whether Laszlo is

“Music Box" is more than a tale
of vengeance — it is a story of re-
membering crimes against many in-
nocent victims.

It can be read metaphorically on
many levels. It can be read as a
statement against the cruelty of hu--
inanity, or it could be interpreted as
representing an entire nation’s fears
about the war.

The film also is loaded with iro-
ny. A country, who only a few
years ago persecuted communists,
now attempts to prosecute a devout

The film is aesthetically pleasing.
The cinematography by Patrick
Blossier creates a great sense of
tension and release.

Whenever something seems to be
going well for Lasxlo the colors are
lighter. Then when something dis-
turbing happens, the film takes on a
dark quality.

One scene in which Costa-(iravas
and Blossier combined talents ex~
ceptionally well was at the grave
side of Talbot‘s mother. The actors
portray the cold so well that you
know that it is real. The camera
captures not only their fro/en
breath and llushed faces, but the ex~
perience of the harsh weather.

The movie was filmed on loca-
tion in Chicago and Budapest.
which adds to the reality. The film
contrasts the beautiful architecture
of Budapest with the atrocities. now





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planted firmly in our minds, com-
mitted there nearly 50 years ago.

“Music Box" succeeds where
many lesser movies fail by being a
work of art instead of thousands of
feet of wasted celluloid.

All performances in the movie
are first-rate.

Lange, to no surprise, plays her
role With great believabihty. But it
is MuellerStahl who nearly steals
the film with his portrayal of Law-

lo Forrest turns in his finest perfor-
mance since his role as the chef in
Francis Ford (‘oppola's "Apoca-
lypse Now."

The only problem l had with the
film is the ending, which doesn't
do jUSllCC to the rest of the movie.
The last five minutes become a
little sensational and hard to be-
lieve. The film should have ended
when Talbot has her iiioiiient oi cp

lnstead. (jostatiravas tries to tie
up too many loose ends. Unfortu-
nately _ lite doesn't always work that
way. This is a minor point, but the
tiliii is diminished from being ex-
cellent to simply very good.

Ilium Brit,” Iii/ed [’(i-IJ'. Lt
iii-roving (11 Matt (I ll'ur Mom's 8
1111.11 \‘rruiii/iirri ('mwrutx







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in Room 106 Student Center.
If your residence hall or registered student organization would like to

nominate a candidate please pick up information in Room 106
Student Center or call 257-1099 for more information.




Do you want to do something different, exciting,



and adventurous?




Wednesday oNoOover
Groovy Kool 8r
Grindstone Cowboys
Ros Bonghi
Dub Band

Big Wheel 8:
Day For Night
Serious George
330 High Or
the Earl Rays




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