xt71g15tb27s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15tb27s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1957-06-25  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, June 25, 1957 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, June 25, 1957 1957 1957-06-25 2020 true xt71g15tb27s section xt71g15tb27s    


Minutes 9: the University FacultyJ June 22, 1957

The University Faculty met in special ression in the Assembly Room of
Lafferty Hall, Tuesday, JUIB 25, at 11:00 a.m. In the absence of Pres Gent

Dickey, Vice President Leo N. Chamberlain presided, Member s absent were
Staley F, Admas, A. D. Albright, W; 3. Allison, J. W. Archdeacon, John Ca 9n11,
Briilkley Barnett, W. E. Beals, A. E. TIigr'e, L. L. Boyarsky, A, C. Rrauer,
D. G. Card, C. C. Carpenter, Frank J. Cheek, Jr., A. L. Cooke, F. 3. Coo3se n,
C. S. Grouse, O. M, Davenport, I"rank G. Uickey‘, J. C. Eaves, C. Home rd Ecke e1,
H, A. Ellis, gets cy ‘49 Estes, W. P. Gerrigus, L. w. Gildartg L. V. Ginger U. E,


Grubbs, Fred E. The ris, R. T. Haun= J. E. qernandez‘, Harald Jensen, a2rl
Vnuffman, A. L. Kirwen’, q. T. Koppius, J. L. TeggeZt C. T. Lesshafft, R. C.
McFarlan, L. L, Martin, W. L. Matthews, Roy Iiorelan ul Toerst? Sallie E.
Pence, 3. 3. Pickett, Niel Plummerg Helen M. Reed, J: E: Reeves, H. A. Ryl
Morris Scherago, Fwight M, Sc: nth Hill Shine, Roy E. Sigafusp Earl P. Slone,
W. E9 Spivey‘, D. G. Steele, Robert Straus , T. “. Stroup, W. A. Sutton, J
Lawrence Thompson, L. Hg Townsend, E. G. Tr im ble, Kenneth Vnnlandingham,
Stanley Wall and Ralph Weaver.

The minutes of the special meeting of May 23 were read 2:11 apnrOVed.

Dr, Chamberlain exnlained that the meeting he.d been called for the turnose
... \J I

of considering recommendations from the Graduate Faou}.ty for honorary degrees

to be conferred during the ir C13urtticn of President Dickey,

Dr. Weaver, Acting Been of the Graduate School, presented the for is sing
names fox consideration with the re comme;qdation that not more thm five noncr—
ary degrees be granted. The persons recommended are to be invited in the
order in which they were lieted~

James 3. Conant Jenas Salk

John H. Whitne" Agnes Ernect Meyer
Robert Frost Arthur H. Compton
Howard Hanson Luther Ha Evens
Hugo L. Black Turner Catledge

The University Faculty approved the recommendation of the Graduate Faculty
that the first five persons on the list be invited and in the event of the
refusal from any of these five that the next five will be taken in order.

Dr. Chamberlain announced that on July 8 beginning at 2:459 m. there
will be a meeting of the University Fa .culty in the Guignol Theetre for the
purpose of hearing a retort on the progress to date of the University Medical
Center and of its plans.

The Faculty adjourned.






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