xt71g15tb70f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71g15tb70f/data/mets.xml  France  1799-09-26 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie de Meymat, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Quartidi 4 Vendémiaire, an VIII, [26 September 1799] text Le Publiciste, Quartidi 4 Vendémiaire, an VIII, [26 September 1799] 1799 1799-09-26 2023 true xt71g15tb70f section xt71g15tb70f {.


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Q U A R T I D I 4 Vendémiaire ,

Wzmmmwer 23.11122”:















flow-9.1111: rid/ails 5111‘ [as llor'l‘mzry com/12,7503
envy/w! (3i'inlul"(Ii/mire ('1 [Ll com“

[I 47".fl/7II’S par [3x I'O‘VJL'yféffif.
(Ix; Iii/'(tmw. — (‘um’ml cm’rc 1’
1,4117}! ’1' dz: prince (f/mr/m‘. -—'/1’l'l'cs'ld/I.Ull dcs (1011.2: (lz'lz‘lgvluxm‘ (I: ('uzm

— .""'(0m"..mlz'03: pm‘ [a r0! “’0 Suede d'mt
"(1111/ cl '[ftlzwxs‘uz'xll—Louverflzl'e. — 13055111211 (16

4'; 1’4 vlux — 12‘1'scoyzi‘s [Irozzoizcé all Champ-

(Zd—JId/‘J par [6 preside/Ll du (ll'l‘cczoirc , [c jam“ L16 [ufilc (la [a jimzlsu‘iuu 1!: la. :25; MI: .1)













I T A L I E.
De Home , [c 13frucn’dor.

Tm. courier do Naples nous apportc dc nouveaux (Niails
.m 105 horrours commiscs par les myalislcs on come ville.
11, out mis J0 fcu aux pulais (1c plusiunrs nobles. LC due
6'3””. Tom 3: son frem , l’abhé Felomariui, Ia duchessp JCI
I‘mjmlo 6c plusicm‘s nnlros nobles, Ins habits (Mchiz'és, 105
chmcnx smxiHés do lmlr sang & de bmm , onL (Hé inhumaiuc-
11ml frninés dans les rues principalcs, & Icurs corps Iacérés
;\ (vaui—nmris om élf bn'ilés sur la phco.

631mblc: &moinos do AIGIIL—Ofivdlofic soul réf‘ugie's (Inns lc
unnzzstcrc do San!a-Pich‘a—St—Hajclln , oi: 1'13 50 sont furiiiiés;
unis ilsonl (ous élé égm‘gés Ics uns 5211' 103 auiros. Be: uvonp
i.» "rovizms furmfl on “12an. L135 '1-03'nlisic.
wilm‘cfit quarante lmnmms dc loi & ironic Inc-Evans. UH
mmbrc considérable dc citoymzs do toutns Ice:
oamfllvumnl dlrangkis, on bride's, on pondus.

Um :I bcaucoup chvrché Ia princessc Iiclxuonli , qu’on sup-
»030 avoir l‘ui avcc DIacdonuId.


classvs Sunl

De LI's'az/r/zc, [L3 IGfruc/z'alor.

7‘? (Inc dc Chablnis osL arrivé ici dc CagTiari. 1mm} do
' flgrn- (‘Sl aussi atlcudu (Inns pen a‘v'cc [onto 53 {I zuiim.

commerce dc noh‘o place commence 4'1 roprcndre do
, ‘H". U est arrivé dcpuis gufznze jaurs Pins do CPHL
mixes, avcc dos nmrchaudiscs &dcnréos dc Louie cspcco

De CAI/ms , I 9.4fruciidur.

Lo {161151711 011 chef 310mm!

m1 :lw-C

, est purli I'nva—dernim‘c
iout son dial-major pour in I‘frmhclin. (>11 (‘miL
l:P!'I"§--(1.(‘Ju{li'n i} aannm‘a I’cnncmi, :lfirl J: 20 Forcm‘ 51
“-"'1' IO siégfi do Tm'lono. L'zu‘méc ('sL dung his 1n"-iHmII‘Cs
iblmilvir .15 , & remit avcc plaisix' pins“ .' ”6.11m: qui
”III S'}Ii\'(‘l'lf. 111811de ('1 L1 vicfinix‘e. [.c 36:16:71} ()1 dual. a [‘nil ,
fil‘ l'rl‘drnqulion , mubm'qum' tunic Furlilloric‘ ; mais [cs Inhi—
mm mnl, encore dans 19 port. , Ck nous (*5pran
21h lilrfl‘lli‘fiHCl'fl.

I'm». Inih‘ioms (Ini S'riloicm (Hoignés dc GC‘HCS, dmls In
I‘fti'lif- qn'cl’lu no 1m 5274101160 inmpinémz‘nl , soul. prosrizm
M25 rmpfrfis. Us 57ml 1155011“; dc corntruurh' 31 la (Nil-I134: (1!?

Hr panic, (IL-5 (12 US out 121 ccrtiludc dc n'c‘n'rn
Drums. ‘

5 (111013113: {<31

Pas aban—
La (lisme qn’on épmnvo ici dopuis phlsinnrs mois, «51’
“1:! 43:0 si fimeslo :‘n I'nrmdo, es! Mm loin do ccssor. L05

1 , . , ‘
Unismnccs (1110 I’m] a lu‘ccs dc la Ih‘ox'cucc, Ic soul pays




qni pnisse aujmn‘d’hui on fouz‘nii' :‘1 1:1 Ligm‘ir‘ ,
prim: am: begoias dc i’anuéc. (1' He 515501.10 , 1
xii-roux calcul , dunno aux main-EH;
Ia cL’Jssc du pmu’flc la plus P‘ un’rn.
H U 5 S I E.

91: Pélui'y’lcmg , [a :2q,"ruclz'a'0r.

ans dcs me cus d’agiicr

Lés . z'mvmms SP (:oniiuzxmi Jam n03 1}“)1‘15 :wm: lupin;
gra'zde aclh’i'é; 'E (‘3! szcorvimrfi doCmnslarh {rm-s \‘uisscaux
(la “gue S; dcux fix-3:11.135 «1:11 #0sz L‘X'IJ!:}C1'SLU‘ lc-s colcs de I:
x .-


0:; assure qu’il y a nu dos ouvortnrcs do paix fixil'vs £1111
rtmlr do. \ 10mm par 10 gmvc ‘nmm'm ”31101115; «1710 EC t‘nbmet
‘ ww w J ‘ ‘ ‘ -
no ‘r mum on humsuu-H:m! aunmro 1:35 pl‘OpflSllY‘IIS (11:1 :n‘olent
M- 4mm :1 (ml ream! , icmnignni! Iv rloril‘ (1’3: {:(tmflum mnis

mull” 1” . M. ‘1" s, .. r .
(1110 u ..1. ., Cu. «no . L a. ("L An.”- ‘lmm . n mrmchomcnt
refuse d’enleudrc :1 ionic csperc dc 12<.:;.'zsiulfon.
J) A, N E :‘I

(Dye/171575119, I.”

'.> ’, L/‘I'm‘t‘iz 101‘.
La nouveHe do
RH“. aux (Hands
d'cn sm‘iir sons Ving‘l—q 211m: Imurc:=.
ims dc Iii;

ht Holificelhm {hilv par

1" . . 1
unpmcm (as
(:s 51 ions HHS VI:

A sum! (Tums 5M ports,
:0 coniimm.
app"('rn:!‘ni (311-3 PM
t‘l‘mzix'm; Ioill'ns: p'uv

"HS Iot-
Imll'c- ‘1' a
x‘ft‘t‘nits do PlCH'l‘SbulH‘g

:x (5231153
“)Z‘IS, 02:! my” i‘UI'III'O ‘
‘azzin—lxuil hwm‘vs.

17.11 1.": , mms
($10 publié, 8:
& dc Reval, diawzi cine il‘S yak

<1in sv trou—
Vou‘nt dzms Cc‘a (Zvnx s

d (*n sm‘lix' dams
nm‘ro .smnfslorc a (Vipédifi 1m (ton—-
nor an Immrc Infra], (3:11 so hwn’c, 0n (9 mnmvnl . &
.‘Nthhmlh , pmu‘ hix 1mm pzn‘i do CPL i'zcidvn! ‘

‘ C\' You.

(rompic (inc C). .‘L. R. Kora do INC-211‘ uti Liana dis; jmn‘s.
P R 17 S E; If.

”(W/I'll, [1: 11h /)1:c!;1.’ur.

La l‘éCDHC :1 6h; mirC-nmmonl :zEmmHmh‘ Jun; In Prusse
méridionalc (parlic I‘m flmcimnro Pnkgnoj. On 11'!” :n‘oilz
pas ()1! do puruiih' r'h‘pzn‘s thsimu';; :namzvs.

L“ 1:1. {3111‘ (Hm . mu fliuig do Lum‘hcsini , vionl (I'nl'rivr'r
dv srs Ezn'rcs , pri': 31*5’nscn, dams ccm' ccxpiizslv. {.0 ministre
do Cubiiml. . com“: «31‘ 1. hmgu'ifzt , P51 parli pour Brvslnu.

Lo pmi'mzsmlr ()jix'arilzs :13

‘l "HWY-YO {1H I'Ui 5011 journal

”fink; : l0 Noni /1'.‘l:”'l.'(:'l‘r* . 7);'.;}"\‘1'(/'/(’ , po/I'll'quc cl moral,

S. M. l‘cn arcmm‘cw {39.1me lollro :rL-s—Unitousv.

A L L E M A G N E.
Dc Fran 'JT‘l , [c 5ofruclz'dor.
Le corps dc lroupcs prusaienncs (111i 031. on marche sub


ARCR. ,I/I’?


1'1II0 Immmcs $0115 105 01'1I1'05 (I13
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I.I3 1'11131113I1111I31I1" I11 (101'11Ii13, Ii1'11I0111'1'1I —f"
'11-111130;; 1I11 1'11. 1I1~ 0111'1Ie . 1113111 (I 131.113 11131111110 5011 0:110:10

‘Ilél' .11 1105

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11111113.; 1'11 11151111110 111'11'1:11'I1.'1I.

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5':11':‘01'1I1-1', (311 é'.0i131.'1l 0111111 \1'11115 .1115 11mins; ([110 In I111—
'I,:11'II0 :1'.‘:1iI (€115 111111010; 1111’011 15051 11111111 (I011:l11'1 cl (I':11121'0
('1'1I1zl 111113 Iiigu: 11I'

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0.;‘1 i1111'11155'i11Ic


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I.13 11211013 1‘r
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$.1i11tu'1'viicti10], (311111111:i111I."111l 101‘—
IiII1'1‘iI3 ici. II 051 03 .1'11'LL"

11.-11' I0 1Ii1'1'::1 {111' 113 1I131'r1111i1101' 111115 I05 '11521111' 1\; (I03 (Iqui—

Im 0,1":11'11'31I I.:'.-':11111I)0-1
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111110115 11111311l: 111\ (I13 I11 111111I1Ii11110.

I .'3 11111.11 ii1'1—r.;1'1'.1".'.'zl (lo I' :11'1111313 (I11 I} I1i11 csl 0111:01'(' 51 N1311-
51:3'1ILI.‘IIuII01'505111.111Iu, :1v013 I0 CII1’L(IQ 11'1'3’
111:1}11' 1"1 .1 .1_'1 0111313. 0i1 iIs 0111. 05:1111i111i I05 ['111'IiIlcrili1111s (I0

0111: 11I~ L'1113 1Ii'.'i:;i1'111dC I':11‘11100 (I11 I1I1i11 0.5L 'gz1I13111911t
1101100 5 (I':111l1'03 [1111111133 v soul 011(5111' :1‘110111I'105.
.111'1'1I".":.'.' '1'11311 I.:-.111I:1I.1 13.51 plus £11111 1'I1111 011 110 I0
'11'1I.” 'C' ('51 1.1101111.111Iil1:i112111011501i13I)..1111b1'squi
c; 17 1113130111105

.. Ir. ‘I‘I'I l'

1&1'2‘1'1'131' :1 1i '
CHI 111-1'1I11 In via.

I II; (I1-;:"1‘11:1!:1ill1115::11ViIi-r1i1'05 (Ic 11011'0 111?}1ni'l13111011t sei'onl
‘ 11110I11111'sj0111‘s &11:11‘Li1'11111 ('11511il13110111‘

511.111.181-1311111111-511 .
3.1 1"..1101' ('0111'111'" (11:11:11'101 1110113: , ['111'1110111141 ci-1I0Vnnl Lor-
1111;11- 511'11 (I1-i'1 1.:11‘li5‘ 110111‘ I :1111100 (I11 301d

L .1I111r1 (I11 111i11013 (,I1:11.I.:; 1310“.

1:01. ".1 1.0;. 1'15:«'.('1;111!é1' (Inns I‘S environs (10. III. '111I11'i111. O11
cIIc CSI [1011

(I :1111'135 I05 (:3111i0"135‘
(1.. 0111' 111:1; 1111151112 1011101111 passage (111111101 ;
£11i'I1' 1" 1111' 11111' 11:11‘1'iI'I13 01111'1Iili011.

I113 1.1:1: (113 \\ 111-1131.11111va 1"; 11'3I131:l0.'.1r (Io .I3115i131'0,g:1g1113s
'1111'1'5'. 1I:11.s Ia coalition; 1131110111101Ii51'e 1111 C111 11s (10

.1. ' z. :'1 I11 soIdc dc I'Anglclcne 5 8c 10 deiuicr, :1 mis




becooIi 011111105 :'1 I11 (IIGPOSIIIOH (I0 1'0111'1101'0111'; 211305111111I1§3j1
11:11'lis (I13 II11111'1111'H1'1 110111' In 151115513 7 .511115‘ I1: 011111111: 1111I1'I
1111111L1I'11 5151101111 b'zu'icI5,‘ I05 30;,

Le I'11111011x 1W'I'11II01' , (3011s0iII0r—1I'01m a 031'
envoyé 011 511L550 , 5111131110, :1'1'01: 1111c 111i552i11115001'cll13.

:11111'05' 11000111 105' .5‘1'1i'11'c

:'1 ‘.’ i0m'10 ,

D1) 31‘1'11'13/lus‘, I1: 1"". 1'1'1/11/1-71/1'7111'112'.

([ui .'1\13i011! 1"1011 I1111I1'1' (i0 1111i111'“ I0 11'1.

L13 (2i—-I.I0'..'111L (.110 I;0:3.11I111l 81: I: ('i—1I1".:111I

(I'.'I.113111I11]313 .
10i11' 1I0I :1 1'1'1111I1Ii11111: (-11 1111i11'1'113j2'11115, $1111L 11.11'Iis 13011111.
1i11 110111‘ I. 'iII131111'1g1113.

I513 ("01:01:1I 1‘1 I1'1‘111'111117 :1i "i 111113 11I115i0111'5‘ 3111111;

II'1131'015' (I0 I:1 111"-111" 11:1Ii1111, hits .11
sont :1111‘111I115'11'i. I101111111111 .5'1'11I:1i11
11:1i11L 1311' 5.1'111111I13 1.:11' I15 .\11"I11I5. (.051 1111

.51 110 fails 1111-51.:-

11111Ii1'1‘5‘ (1'11 II11II:11I1I1I.
'::111<'11'111011I (I13 11":1'511'1
I111111111'.‘ (i1: '1]
:'1 (.50 :ms. Dun (I0 505‘ :11Ij111I'11115 011'. 1:5:

De PARIS, I13 3


an 1111'11251131'13' ('10 121 81113110. 7

—- 0 )1'1 11'i'..'111 (I'L"~1111;1Ii(31'1'111 gz'11131'111 :1.'I1)1'0.'111 11'11 1‘11111"1'1
05111101'1121111i113 (111i I11i 1105.0 I'01'1I1'0 (I0 50
0.1111111) £1:'11i.5'.

—- 1,0 g1'111'1:1I (I1111501‘1'115011101'11 I1I1'5513
(I 1315 I:1(i1'1‘1':i01'0 :I.II.'1i!'13 011 I113II11111I13. I'f:'.:'11iéc ('11111'111i012111it
I11ll1' (I0 311.100 110111111135, (I011L 1 1.0120 I..{115.5‘."s,& 713';
\113I:1is.li 11 V :11'01L 11110 (:i1111 join": 1'JI113 Ios 13703011111515
0.0i1'311l (. 0I.:1l1111'.05.
11:15 ('.'.1 110111I11'13110 pIizs (IC 9') ,COC. I51'11110 (111i (I11111113 130.: 1'1"-
tziiis (Isms Ia 1'13I:1Li011 (1i'1ici1311'c, (I11
1'I'.'\.'1I111';:I.<31‘7 11].»1110 11110 110110 perm 11’1'51 (1110, (I0 '3":
501‘; I1I1's.71.'5,15<1i110 1'13 (inIL'uI 1101I1‘ 110 11
11'131105: 11:13 111:»i1131'5210l. II 01.1010 1'1 LiI 10' 11's
501111i01's, 131' I03 11.115503 .1 I’ :11'i5'. L13 cr1111I1.- .I
Cimi I11'111‘0s (I11 111:1Ii11 j'115111111’1 (111:111‘0 1I11 S11i1'.
:1 0'11? I3I1'5501I'1111C111111 (Is- I1isc:1)'011 (I05 I13 001111110111301111311
dc l':101i0:1 : I:111I:1i(3 11"051 11:15 (I:111g01'(311$0.
I13 .12

111101305! '1111'0...131‘, Cx’ 1101.1: illsInIIc :111111111'1I I11:1

1'0131'11‘1' 5111-}...

1'11550 II1355011 11 151.13

L135 1113111105 110.110.0515 8-; I1:11.'1'1'('5‘ 1101111711111
(1:1'11'1' 1111:11'111'z'—g1‘11111

>7 11:11'11i11'1' 1'1'11'1 11'1'11'.

—— II (Iioii (Iéjfi al‘l‘I‘fL' :'1 II111'10111 , . iaui' 0011111I1'111 ".
OIIicicrs 1115505 8: 8 '1"gI:1iS.

—-I"III:2i(3111's (1'11101'1 15 011i (I1'jz'1 1310 0111011111115 (Inns I':'.Ii'.111
(10 01:1qu (301111'. IéxI..0pcII01i131'.

—I_.0 card 005111.111, .111 boul (I0 11 [011.1550 (I03 F1-11il'11135
0'11 50 1'01'111r1i0111. (I05 1'1‘91112i0115 1311131111105 , .1 610 {0111101
malin 1131‘ 01'1'I1'c dc In 1111Iic1'.

-—— I..0Hi11 .:11'1'611'1301111110:13'111'11.1'111111'i1111'11110111‘111'I:1111.'I'.f"11
(I0 Louis XVIII , ('CI'II 111.3151:1iI.C-I'1§I11gi13, 0i1 iI 0.51 1I1'l1'1'11'.
(1110 1:1 conspirnlion (111111 iI 0:;‘1 :101‘11..13 11"1'sl 11:15 (I0 511111 In“
II 111(13I0111I :11011 (10001111311 11110 I:1 J1131'50111101111i :1I.1i|i111[I!:
111(-1'I:11111301. 1I011011c1"13 0.51 1111 011111I ._(1'.13 :'1 1:11111Ii130 ,1111111'
DucIos; (1110130L I1011111 '10 Mail :1IIicI11: (Iu 1111'11I1s11113 110I1"I
(I011'1'111i1101' .1 01-110 01111'11'1111 13; & 101‘s :'1111'1'1 I11. :155'11'1 1"
10111. 1-111iL H111, iI (rioil \C‘Hl :11/(31: 1:1 force (11.11160 (511113011011

fOHIN‘G, ICS OIHI” .CV: 3 8C“ 51’! P("ISOIUIC.

-—- I Iiisimn‘s €011]1S1I13I1:10I1(3 011t1'l1:1101'11'35I'm‘nni—1I11'11U‘I’
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m‘hkl‘ll] ir'iililizii‘i'r iii: In 17". division, vionl, dc primmzccr 3111'

- :mrl (111 chi: ‘ (1C brigade Juiii'i‘iiiiii , caiiiiiizziiiliuil lc diipiht

gs !‘(‘Hl/7'lii‘i,‘S iii! 'VcrsniHirs, S: (112:; dcux 0011111 "

Jpn-pg. iSiil'bii-1'& ()1'1‘y. Le premier :1 (i'ié (:0111111111216 31

ixiiiv (in marl , (:1'111111113 convuiiicu dc pi‘iivzii'iczilimis, (17in—

~{iiiiicys & dc 111:111i1-11V1'vs liiniiiiiil 51 iizicililer l’i'1i!1‘éc di- lien-

i‘Hli 5111' ii: liri'i'iioii‘c tic la 1‘iipilifliillic 011 5111' Ciriiii (10 505

15115, C“ fiiisni'i'i iiiu‘miiuii'c (iiiiis 1C5 difl'éi'cmcs (11‘111113 dc

mire crivzilcriir iics chow-.111; {1111‘s, huts (Fig: 8-: ilH-L](‘.»F.’)HS
Iii Iiiilii' pryscz‘iie. Li‘s dt‘llx :11111‘05 out if‘ié I!,,;£Hi’.l1;5 dc
5. Clinics: Cupi'iaiix; 1'11:ii5 is Ciioyeu Bui'biei‘ 7 iii: ‘iill’i; 17011--

JMC (1g ”rigiigi-iicc (111113 l’cm‘rcicv do scs functions, :1 G"

.iiidiimzié, 1);i1‘ fin‘iuc do policc Currcdiot11le'iir1, ii irois 1110i;

1‘ [1151;117:111 b!)lli,(hl(1HCi 1.01115 ii pourm rcpi'i-iivh‘o ses finic—

iiiris. Juiu'diiiii (117'70110 dc 5011 jugcmcnt 1111 coziscil dc: 1'é-

1.1.”. "

' —--Di‘s brigaiiiis, (111 nmnbm (i'ciwiron 9.33 , 1 i9 {11111-43 ,
iiiiiiin‘i'n'i , dams 1:1 iiiiil [iii 5 11116 conliiifiiimiiairo , Ivs
.i\' diiiymces dc C2101} ii Paris. Dans [3 Premiere , i1 111':
ii iii i)ii(‘iIS,1li (ii'gcn’. (11)}7flf'iCI'élnt£11111‘élflibuiiilc; :iiissi

i‘ii'!‘i{§1ll!1]$1(1 1:1 wrunbiis U'GH'J‘HiiIC, (‘11 lo. szii‘diiiit 1113:111—

iiiiigg jiigilii’ii 1’;i1'1‘i\‘ée do hi


1101511111: ccile-ci 1,):11‘1il , e chef do In baiiiic (iCH‘HHH’ill :‘1
111110 \‘iJix 105 48,033 francs :ippm‘icnaut 51 iii nipub'iiiiic,
111111110 10 Ciziiiiiicieur fiiisuil (fin-film: difliculté ;..._.. 11110113,
.iiiii,1ic faiL pas IC 5111; nous SOUIUICS bien insiriiils; (11111119
[1192050 francs 8c <5:"‘):§:;i:C—- (vi 1). Lu 301111110 0:111". <19

I i 7 l 7
ii 0111 1011115 105 dcux \‘1111111'05 sur la gl'illlde roulc, -11

Hilf‘ilifllll 1131 11011 YO‘Yi’lgi‘.

—-I);i1is iii iiiiit Ju 1,” 3:1 Se jour cmnl‘i‘iéiilci‘:{xiii}, 10
iii: 1‘11 ignaca Sig , courier dc la Iiiiii'ic dc I‘uuilcs, :1 (:16
11111? ’4 dix Iieiii'cs (iii snii', pr'cs dc la Ferté—.i”i(-1~iiai‘d. Les
ii'igimds, 1111 IILIULI‘C d!) 18 ii :23, 1111' 0111 V016 11110 5011111112
ii" 38301111116; i’ont mica; 1111511i£c dc 1‘éli‘i:51‘;id(:1' YCI‘S
‘umiiim‘é, sous poiiie (TC-11c fusillc.

7’} '.:' i W] 1Y,]. i I“

—— 14 ac [111!115113110)! (”111111 c (c 11LC um (111119 , e 1)
11101111013 1m ni‘rfli} (111i applique in 111i 5111* 11-5 01:1339 51
)ilISiOHI'S cantons 8(1'1 ( 1101i mes c01111111111cs dc cc (1'8 1. .m—

1 1 ,

111111. ClWPCiilHlS cs! do cc 1101111111).

— La Ville dc :‘ICdCHlillit'k, Cums 1a l't‘l)[‘ii)ii([!10 baia‘xo ,

clé 3111~ wise mi~ 111111 {loiillc (111”illi50 ' l'ai'bi'c dc 1:1 libi-i'lii

- D 7
'ii 011,- ziliiitlu 5’»: in‘filir.
—-()n T‘s'ru'” i‘ l "I" ‘ ‘ ‘ .‘ Vii i'i'ii" i”
, i.‘__ 1, (line (5 :11niiiis ("11112111301111 H] 1 1.115 c.»
liU‘ICl‘S do in finite bii-liwc, :31 l’cxcclliiou (111 c01111‘c~-a:11iral

piraiinii SI':i:ii<'C

's ll‘iiiiiiinis—Unis. [310 parlic {10 in “111111181111 iiiuii (‘iHJ‘CiC
iiiiiis li-iil‘s iiiiériiis. A 1111 @1112! (‘OIIVC‘HH (111 (ii-xiii! (ii/SI}!'IU(‘!'

011-510 , s’c-mlmror 1.5.x; oliir-ir‘rs €< I‘r‘iiiiéiirc Iii mime:- 3 1‘.

“9 (”1‘1

1131111. Le 1111111 (105 conjuriis :1 (Flé Snisi ,- ics choirs .1
1131‘s ]){11‘ 11110 C(llll‘ inurliii’ic. Dix d’cnli‘c Ciix 0111 did c011—
tiiiiiiiiu ii i‘l1‘c fiizziiiés.
111111117 (/11 discours (1P 607111.73 pl'ési'i/cnl if” ili'l‘c’irlo/rc.
Nun crfllébi‘ons l’inuugurhiiim (in pie‘iliim', (111 [1111) 1r, and imir
110 iélll‘l’aIHTC 1‘131111111ii'7111m. 1.1:5 (‘lliifllh' (iii 10 11:111.! HHl lair. i'cliitcr
5JI!1HSSEIH(IC‘, miiis c’cst Ii; :12 :wimubrc 11:11: 1:1 unijcsié dii imill;ic
fliii: 101111111113. i

(It-‘10 (Tl)lnn1"iulOl‘a(iOIl([C In file ('1? Li r-f-p-iifliiliiv. si soiivciii (cl-1(1-

“' e 4111 milieu dcs (‘ili'iniS (19 in Viiiuii'c i"; 111: l’ulli‘gresse , i'vguil

UH Cai‘iit'tiare plus sévcrc, 111::13111111 11min; isiuiiuiiil , ilies i'iiiiiiis-

3111i- s (11H I’ciii'imuimnt. Qiicls poiipii‘s $111121[Ci‘i'c(”lip-isolliiUm‘
C il.\'(‘[’ 1:1 immune? & ladvcrsnv iL‘EII‘ Ext pviit—L‘ch 11Liossz1i1'u pour

10“! Icndrc cette éncrgie créatricc de Lent cc (llLi csi grand & sublime;



:;vlv;n-;§c conserv: :‘i 0 dc tmii Ce qui cslulilo 3»: 1101‘ "'ez ‘i'pw-
.s .3’ll)(?1‘11’ 6,; s‘iii :11 qutiquiri‘ois 1121113111 1111119330 [1... "1

. 1 1:51 (L111: 1'1 1. “amigo fru‘lune qu’clics so i‘ciiusiiiumi ifx.
5912111: ‘Ilt.

Q ii,- 111:5 (:Ei‘lflVCS pl‘f'i'in‘ul qiieiillics triumphcs{1171911101115 admit: 5
{1111' (it‘s tii‘nisims, liiiiii‘ Ii: gage ilcs dCSiiIH'QS (;.Jiisiliiiizizimit 1719+-
pumz , 1111i: gim'iciiie expi'ricuic \‘0115 :1 O‘hiil'iS‘l/IUC [.05. ii:111< if”
ruvci's. Hu 513i“ 111111112 (11:; om" ;5 [1:11]}? 1111mm 1101': 7 (like w 911--
pure Li iiiiiilre 1111i diiii cLi'asei nus c11110mi<.

Pciiiiii’: 111111 11mins admirable 1111 (hanip il'hommur, Inhqzic lu.
(1()'fl;71(m(i(f: ' IiHin'S eiiimuiics , 1111:: }1'11' 1'1 pun-m» {i 51.11.,oilt'r
[011518.11 [JLS , ii hkilel' 0.1116 [1111; 193 11511114; £1 10 a1 "imf v '31!
1011’05 1m i; :13“, £1 1511:1111”: pitii'iiiiicui‘ (1m biizilsn 4 {-211 me
inn hisiuiic, 1:115 .scrii 1119 are alienilrissmni-iit[ain-11). iii I‘i(".'i€
I‘JIC 111110 ('lin'i'e, 11:1 1-11-11» sensible: & Iii ilJiL-f-iiié 1'i 3; '
(c '1‘1111-11'13111 11: I c (I‘M: 1’0111 (LL-«0111.3 10s 11‘1!ii.-11; 1..
hl'iuc 11.9 111:. '1 Gian/1311‘. [es \‘m‘tus , [D11 illx'iiiiemcni, HW’ >11! 1.
lines} aunt 5.1 (mi : 11:5 Cliiciirs 110 iriippzirlicnncut 11155 clic; sum;
l’um‘ 23117 013m 59111 16 crime dc 17¢". :01‘.

(31’11 ('51 bun-111 ('15 ,

" iiuLi: ' . . i85 di'
' quc Ia 1111111, 1
.lgi‘ii‘c 1141i '4 11.113 1.1 la); '
i i't-Liis, (iiiillfI'I‘S 1112.0
Iii‘upi'c i 6; (pi ni'i {11:111101‘
l)1‘u,11'u caivi

hm: 11.121 i 5111‘ 1'1 raiiv

triii'iiiiiu ci) 1 :» liJiiibiL‘ ii iizi

duo 1i,

dc lél 119111111 111 ([1115 I" iéuxziun .1
5'11}? :1 1'.i! {11111, 11 117 , 111111; 1c 1101 ‘
dzinsiiisp'l iims 1111i iii,'
II JS in ! ll (LU “OHS.

.1911 impu' .13, pm Ionics :ifizt

{Vest «11' 1'11: iiuui'cmix rlciiiens (111v In my
$05 iii 1). ciii'iiii. H im'miu: (1 P 3'
151. 1 \113 il‘iinizirlies , i1:

giigncincmcnt const'uiiioimel.
Ci'i);,'i*1' , l‘t‘anllviS‘C‘z (L :15 (1:3 I111‘iif.ie;
dc l’;"uii;l..i3, 1‘-\)iit i:11‘i‘1.‘;‘ ‘ 'i'inlinix
toujmu‘) 113115 21531121 dc scs .4,
lepuukwns lcs Lurch“
1:1 répiibiiiluc; 111.1; L'xJIl;-K.K\\)i.3
bi‘ilici‘ 111,1111‘ C-He.
V0113 (~11\io:11.{i:2 221115 (1111110, {1101; 113 did 311 1111-: 15:"
wine . ((3 11111101116 (1") l'(i q-ii, (in 1111111 (1.» ‘
1213'131'11 ii“; 1.71: , 1119101111 \i .1: 1'5' 11i1‘ do .5, '3 . . ', . .i in:
\‘onioii‘ (1:1) lib-1'0 E . i .. Uri: . \l))'LZ i1 '.\ . ‘ .' ., 1".»E;
pzii'duuni'ni ; Vuyvz (111111; l'iii~1iii:ie aiig‘ni . '- ‘ . '5 1' Iii;
Lienle i'iinccs do supplies. siisiii‘ci‘i’i ii Li‘iisc i . :1 iii 1:11:11-
11iii011 111111 in i. ‘
(Qii’munsrnoiis bn‘nin (11‘ Chamber 11411: 102 « ' V ' wi-
(105 lei-.c.) i'111'ziiigi*i'i'~s, ilirs 02.1311111le 1111i 5111: ii '_ . w it iii
511115 11.15 pi‘iilii~i;s )i-xix I [11115 de- 1} - '- ;'
(1:6 lei-1101116111 9.1-305 (Luis Iii-111151”
Qiie Ics minus iii-a with \UUS
miiii‘i‘i‘s !
Hii‘b; cs, qua Ics {mi-is 110 In \Iiisri \‘ii‘ \'i 1;'isli'iiiii111. iii. Um .
ccau 1*i'~publicuiu, 1111c lo I’t‘j'uiiimt‘ a’cli'uigc dw din-1:11 [n.u“ 1.11



n11 pn.:2 In, rnmp1‘.c AI)! pI‘.'.--‘.r‘rvr:‘ I: 1103 ntIIrn‘Acs mi: 1.», (‘1 menu's C o N s E I L
(I1: II ‘111III11111; \'1)II1I1‘1)IeIIL IIII 11011121I . .3411! 5 I21 )‘.‘1)11I)Ii11111‘1‘II1‘~ .. _
1111:1111‘ 1‘1 1.211. :12 11111;. 22,11le QIICI CSL I'.1 II 1I1,‘ I1 III),-I‘i:: 11 II , 5171.111? 1/1! 7 I'.’,’/I(/1'I?.'I./1'1'1"1.’.
.111 1-1 1211 1).'11$I1‘.1-3¢:.'! I c 1:12't1.)‘1'~1 I1221‘ )16.‘ IIC 5A c1111:1'.;s

n); .II1r.1111Ir,‘ so IIII'I‘ 11' II).'. 21:11‘I 21-1‘1-‘1111111I51111‘1 1.I2..1-:I, s D'IIW'I'Y‘ I
(1.. .1 :1 . ..I.11<",\1I.1IIII‘P 4 '1 3 ‘_J II2'2)1, IIIII II‘I; ‘ .'. ‘. ' (IF'JIII'1‘-‘.I1:"


II'IIIIIIHO 1I21I)1‘. )21'.1‘I':III1‘I‘1' 1)IIIII.)II 11'11 ...‘

. . ..I.2I I)111 1.111.111“ ' .. I.‘ 1‘11111‘s .‘31I1‘I'I1I11I, 1I1‘sI‘I‘2IIIImI‘, I IIIIII1“ 1 VI. 1‘,'1‘:II1‘;
(I‘m I).:1.... 1‘1111 Hume-II (I1: IIEIII‘ ‘ ' ‘ IIEII .II' 12111111‘I1‘x' p211‘ 1I1)
Ifw': ‘2 II‘ ".lel‘l, [111 III I111I1" IIL \‘1'1 .125 111II 211‘ I III.1111)I11 j..— I
J‘.:I.‘. DI. . 1II‘; 2'1 IIY'IS I); II';1111.I; 11.1: 11:. II.. :‘1I112.‘s IIII (III‘wI- "‘)'IIIII'I
11.11: 1..- " 1111:111‘1‘1) II mIIIe Inii 'IIH 1):. .1110 1I". I. 1111 I31 2:211: I.’2I)‘1‘ (I1: p.37)“;
I1~. , 111.;:,I111‘1.~ (‘IC I1‘ll'.‘ III'I-I v1)l~1.‘ II'H'JI‘. 212‘1‘I‘. Ie (2011):. IIIIIIC I'I‘JHICS. .'1' I! . . 1 1 < (Hugh. ‘: .. 4. I . I
II‘{:-I.IIII. ‘. {11”le II 1).,53111I1‘5 (1:11 I’ El'i»:‘. II. IL". 2 ‘1‘1‘I1‘1‘. . . . , ... , ‘ 1' H “' ' '
Ix‘.‘..111‘1‘ :111‘5I 1‘1‘-1‘ 1111'. :1 1‘II'..1I1‘ 1I11 I‘1r'11..1‘ II'IIII I‘ ‘IeIr‘ 111.11? 10113 I':""IU (I'II II II II I" I ‘ (1“53'321 11...“ 21112‘2111 " i" ... . (Jul).
In: '1‘ I:1;'Is ()11L1"O 111111: 911 I1011‘eu1‘, & 1111i Ics 21 L'D'IICUICUI £1115 I):'I(‘ , (IUIII Iouivs i ' '
1121111125. ‘

POIH‘ I’2111 3.

Devan! Fun/1‘1 (1.! [1x [Mfr/1.1. . ‘ I , .
.. . .. ... , ., .
11 ..I" IIII‘C II1I3-IILI" 2' I2I 1‘1 1)11I)II11129 5; 1'1 I.1 1:1111‘.IIIIIII1)II (I0 I’2III 3; ((11.51) ”I? "It", ' ' (.‘.)‘U‘JL ' .'I I H": -.
)1 I1: '-;11: (Il' m'.|11)11:1‘1' 1I~ [..IIL IIIOII p1)11\'1)II‘ 2111 1‘-.‘I.’.I!II.-~L‘flH:IZI_ Iii: ""':"""; ""5 " I" "I 'I"' I'" I 'I‘
'21 '1'.‘ 1‘11 ,I“|1'III‘.".?. ' 2'1 CI‘IIII III‘. 1112121; 1":11'M1‘ III‘ IvVlV'IIIHICJ), {11:11:41)11.-—— I11'(")1;:;('II .'I ‘P'E’H: \I‘ I2! I(?::')IliI1I.’11‘..
' , 1:12." ,‘ ' 1’!) 1'1 1‘ I ‘1’1’11/1.‘ 11:1 (Ira/rum
, .1 12.1,), 2 II-(1-211I.‘.2‘1I .111” I21 1121211:- II.)::I.1<‘ \‘uh‘e I' 1 I‘ .
02.1112g1‘. I’1111".. \1‘...-z , I21 ”Hui“, : 1| (IIsriI. II.I1.‘ I21 IIII'II;'I"‘- 1;) ({III ())I‘_{’ 1.5 I1121111i531‘1115 21 1)1v.11.11‘1 , (2.1115 1111 IIIHIS.I
1;..1‘11.‘ Il (II) 1111-; 1’11111- chI-III.‘ 1.1 ..I .111: I'-.1111111 1‘1)11I.II.11I.': I’cs- Complr‘. (III sel‘vico (I )1IL IIs 1111! L'IL' 1‘I11:‘II1I‘ 1‘1: I'211. (I . 1
.III‘W- 5' II‘IX I" ‘I‘I'II" II ‘I I0 I“ ‘ "3 "”“'I5 ‘1” “III“ ‘I“ II 111111— dam. (1:121I11‘, mais , Ic complc LIL] scI‘IIc“ dc I'2m I7. - I1; 1111 rrI‘2II
II'.1 111‘. I.21'. 1):‘111‘z Io (Inns 11‘s I)-1'1. III: : 1III.‘< 2I<)I‘s, 1:11 II: \1)_\;121t ‘ ’ ' I?
I.: I" .III.‘ 1:1)1111111‘ 5111' 1122115, & \(ll1§ .\‘ .1111‘1'.‘z [/1'.‘ /(£ r11111b1111ue.’ P'CSS'O“8\"I')""'{"m"" 5'1""

C 0 I’ P 5 L L' G I b L A T 1 F [foil/‘51: 1111 '5 7'0/122'151121'111'1'17. ' 11%.;1‘ s

s‘ I: I L D r. s C 1 ‘1‘.’ Q — C I; V T 5 .\1n3l01‘dmn....0') ' ‘ ' 'I'Im‘s 1:1)1);2.... _ > . walllfl'fiil

L 2. .- ... I ' _f g' ‘._._ cde
180111101: [[11 3 'L‘Hd/‘nuau‘e. [db ”1 CUIU - - - - u), . . ‘ ”011.51, . . . . . . . -

I)’ 'II‘I‘I lump )50 (I 211)])11121'.‘2‘I' I21 rcsoI IIII. )1) (III '). J 112- . ‘.I1. 1.1

.'I11III I1)


I'm CHC].3.~31§0 1}(.y\-m1l.nm~ I21 qupsum dc I'I.‘11)1I).......I.)" ' _. I31)I)s —- . . . . .. .
').11111‘I! 5011)); (IIIIHIHISU'CS Ics I)I-’. ‘1‘13 (ICS 411101135 EEII‘II'IVI- - - - - - . - - ' . I31):- 13 t . . . . ,_
I'I‘I .‘1'2111 11101111111. (II'I“1II‘ 21rI'I\'1‘e 2111 II1‘11 (IC Ic-III‘ (I11‘1)1)1‘I2‘II01). 3'1"" C'rCCI ' ‘ - - . - Buns} (I1I3'1‘I'I‘II.';P,

5'1» 11).;121‘ ‘II j)I'(‘17(I 1Ir“.1\ IcsoIII‘Ii1 )IIs pm'tunt cIuIIIIsscIn'c ‘21L (:211II'I.......... . 72,112 11) c.‘

6'11." 1.11:2 IIIIIIIII‘ 1;)m1' 1 2'1I}I1‘111)I)Ie & 2'1 B02 lllVaIS. (.1211I1x CII‘WSI- - - -- 115113110111I1‘53I1‘. do I21 C21I555

1'1 (1‘11: 2'1 11-. 11min I21 discussion (III pI‘och sur Ics rc'coIII- Gf'IICS~ ' ' - - - - - - . - - III’S I‘I‘IIIH‘I‘S . -. -. . . .
1“ 11:..‘3 IIZIII ..Ix'1‘s. LIVOIII‘IIC . . . . . . . . .. 02‘ I'm. ........ Ic-(If. '

II 2111140 I CIII'm 1I31IIIIT21110532131‘3 nu (III‘CCIOII‘C pour IIII I3:‘1Ic........:"})1‘1“.. ' III’IB (I 'I'."- - - - . ~50 I IIIC.
(II‘:.1;1111'11‘1‘ 1'19.) I‘CIISI‘igszmncns 5111' I03 éIeCIimIs do In GII:I-- Lausunuc. _'. I113”) ~' I {Mug-1m). - . - - - - . . .gIII.
291011110, 8: 5111' I05 1111)}‘0115 1I'2IInéIIQI‘m‘ Ig 1110.10 dc 1‘ch I.)‘011._.l.... . . “1.1).. ' l’I2)SII‘1‘. ...... . . .5 I'.‘:‘.3 c.
culiou (I1- I21 111.511I‘c 111‘. I21 COIISCI‘IPIIOII. III2II'SL‘IIICH . . . . . .11'11'1‘ 01111111211): 1‘. .. . . .. bl I.

U n mommc ])I'1‘. 31‘1.I1‘ 1111 pray I. Ien1I21nI2I n al‘corder 1111 1111 3011103113- - ~ - ~ .. 'II’III‘ ' I)11' 2:1II 1i IIOI. .
m1Is 2III\ 1)III1:I.")s (III ‘IllISSIOIllI.’ III'SO Pour SC poul‘voir Cu lCIu- )IOIIIl)L‘I1II.1 .. " “ ‘ ‘ 'IIII11111‘. . . . . . . . 2b).. .'_
1;!212-1‘1111‘11I. —-—PLCH‘1'.’)_‘{(," .'I 24 IlClll‘CS. . PL." ‘HIC pru)‘ , 4' 5‘. I'VCI'zIIII....:)11 I. 131‘.

I)1‘3321I\‘ ‘1)1‘I21wsc (I'I:xl)05m‘ 1121115 I21 saIIc 2111 COIIS"II Ie I21- I‘TI'II ;, .. .. ‘:I1n12——1I.‘—.‘I.1 III" ManipcI III 11:1 . :1)
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