xt71jw86jf0m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71jw86jf0m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19831028 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 28, 1983, no. 417 text The Green Bean, October 28, 1983, no. 417 1983 2014 true xt71jw86jf0m section xt71jw86jf0m I I 1 H.
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    l0-28-83 No. 417
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f · I °$?}F CALENDAR
I . .
  I Oct.3O Standard Time Day ‘ I
j I A Oct. 3, Nov 7 Living Systems Saninars
  - Nov. Aviation History Month G y
  , National Stamp Collecting Ivbnth ` I
  Nov. 2 Daniel Boone's Birthday . A
  . Nov. 3 Sandwich Day _ I
  Nov. i+, ll Gallery Series I
  Nov. is Training at UK Q
l A Nov. 6—l2 French Conversation Week  
Nov. 8 Abet and Aid Punsters Day i
  Nov. lO—Dec. IO Jewish Book Month ‘
  Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, November ll. V
  Deadline for inclusion: l0 am., Tuesday, November 8.
  Emergency items can be submitted to the editor by f
y phone after the deadline (7—l6l) . - 2
I Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Liz Pogue, Rob Aken (editor)

l _
5 _

The following letter was sent to Judy Wiza in the Business Library.
Dear Judy:
I I wish to thank you and your staff (Dan Hodge and Paul Thompson)
V g for the excellent job of finding the names of CEOs and presidents of
E selected Lexington and Inuisville companies. I am very impressed
¥ * with the speed and thoroughness of the work that was done. The
; information provided will be of great help to Dean Furst and me as
we make contact with these firms.
p Believe me, your professionalism is most appreciated.
} Jon M. Shepard
Associate Dean
? College of Business and Economics
  New Personnel
l Michael Markiw has joined the Cataloging Department in the position
I of monographs cataloger. Mike was most recently a Slavic cataloger
in the Ohio State University Libraries. He studied Russian and German
at the University of Alberta and French at the Université de bbntreal;
1 his MLS is from the University of Western Ontario. His paper on
I "Distribution of Subject Headings ni an On—line Academic Library Catalog"
i was published in the Proceedings of the ASIS Annual Meeting for l982.
g   (Brad Grissom)
| SUNY at Buffalo's Automated Circulation System
' SUNY at Buffalo has recently created an in—house database of 500,000
records using their OCLC archival tapes. As Steve Roberts points out
in their library newsletter, "[tjhe successful loading of this database
is a significant milestone in the process of bringing the circulation
system up next semester."
Loading took nearly a month without maj or problems but with some minor
ones. Old archival tapes, because of disuse and age, were brittle and
sticky and therefore hard to copy. Periodic rewinding keeps tapes supple.
Records, stored on a GEAC system, are accessible by call number, a.uthor,
title, ISBN/ ISSN, LC card number, and OCLC number.
The library must now form a link between barcode labels and the stored
records. Records will be supplemented with barcode label numbers, local
call numbers, shelf locations, local copy numbers, material types, and
status. Barcodes can be entered through light wands, but other information
must be keyed in.

 ‘ They hope to have entered a large portion of the collection before
A bringing the system up, but some of the linking will have to be done
§ _ at the circulation desk. Returned materials and high use items will
A receive priority.
l ARL/SE Serials Project
? Ten ARL institutions in the Southeast have been awarded a second grant
·   for a cooperative serials project through the Department of Education's
I Title II-·C program. The group, known unofficially as the "Gang of 'I‘en," ‘
A consists of Emory University, Florida State University, Louisiana State
l University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, University of Alabama, University
of Florida, University of Georgia, University of Kentucky, University of
( Miami, and University of Tennessee.
Q During the current grant proj ect, the participants have developed plans
  for a cooperative serials collection development program and (in cooperation
2 with the Library of Congress) created a new "MARC Format for Holdings and
{ Iocations." The second grant (to begin in October l983) will fund the
g writing of computer programs and testing of the new MARC format to ensure
1 its utility for local computerized systems. _
? SOLINEI is assisting the "Gang of Ten" by performmg scme systems analysis
} and design on a subcontractual basis. Programmers will analyze the
2 specifications the participants have developed for detailed serials holdings
  statements and will design a "paper system" based on those specifications. ,
$ These activities will lead up to the second phase of the project, which will
  include the actual computer programming and a live test of the format.
  University Microfilms International Addendum
j { In addition to the new document delivery system (announced in GB #i+l6) , UMI
§ continues to offer OCLC ordering for dissertations, on-demand books, serials
I in microfilm, and UMI Reserach Press items. For more information, contact
‘ Laura Kleiman at UMI (313-761-4700).
On-line Searching News
DIALDG will load an improved version of the Sociolo-ical Abstracts database
late this year, offering "newly standardized fields for more efficient
searches," and spelling out all descriptors throughout the entire backfile.
An updated user's manual for the on—line and print versions has been
produced. (American Libraries, October l983, p. 614)
1 ACRL Forms New Discussion Groups
l ACRL's Board of Directors approved creation of the Heads of Public/Readers
l Services Discussion Group at the Annual Conference. The group will examine
* frequent problems in public services delivery and explore issues from a
management perspective. Academic librarians with coordination or management
responsibilities are invited to join; contact Peter D. Haikalis, San
g Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA 94l32.

 In Los Angeles the ACRL Personnel Administrators Discussion Group
and the Staff Development in Academic Libraries Discussion Group
combined to form the Personnel Administrators and Staff Development
Discussion Group to provide a forum for exchanging information,
opinions, and experiences. For information contact Nancy C. Kranich,
· Elmer H. Bobst Library, New York University, 70 Washington Square,
South, New York, NY 10012. (American Libraries, October 1983, p. 622)
` Thanksgiving Hours Update
I King Library will be closed November 25 for fumigation. In addition,
the Art Library will also be closed. Please note this change on the
'Thanksgiving hours listing. (Pat Lloyd)
"Green Bean" Copies
It has come to our attention that some units are not receiving an
adequate number of "Green Bean"s. If you are not receiving enough
V copies (or if you're receiving too many), please contact Cecil Madison
(7-8385). `
ACIS Executive Committee
The new ACTS Committee for the coming year was announced at the Oct. 17
meeting of the assembly. Dan Hodge of the Business Library was named
chairman of the committee. Pam Sogge of the Reserve Dept. and Dan Barkley I
. of Government Publications were named first and second representatives, _
Sandra Muenks and Patti Hornback third and fourth representatives.
The new committee would like to take this opportunity to remind the staff
  that ACTS is your organization. Please let the committee know about your
' concerns and suggestions for your work and for the library. Feel free to
contact any committee member with your inout or for more information,
(Dan H<>ds<-2)
· Art Review Gallery Series .
‘ (Head, Art Library, chair; Bill gbopgy
? Head, Public Services Div.; Evelyn Eiygng
· Head, Special Collections; NO;-ma Jean Gibson
President. ACTS) Cathy Hunt, Chair
i Edna Pray
I Jean Robinson
i §i.._S O hiC..C2EO_l Judy Wiza
{ Lynn Barnett
2 JODU BTYGDK Green Bean Editor
, Karmen Crowther _"`"""_"_"
. Tari Keller, Chair Rob Aka;-I
Frank levstik
~ Sandee 1VbAninch
‘ Mike Markiw
Lillian Mesner
~ Ebba Jo Sexton
Pen Sogge
. Terry Warth
‘ Mary Welch A

   if   E Peal/NF..'H Endownent Pro ' ect l V
l   * ,   J
  _ f Jim Birchfield ,l
Q Dlém Bm?   _ Jackie Bondurant, rms
; Mm <¤r¤¤€lS · l Ruth Brown, Chair
i Barbara Hala J ' Judy Griffin, Dev. Office
l A Cheryl J<>¤¤S » Brad Grissom
‘ [ RQX€mna Jmas . Faith Harders
l L Vlvv-an l’l;¤cQ¤¤w _ l Bill Marshall
g Janet Stith, Chair Q paul Willis
l , Bflan Cautta (2 Library Associate members)
  l Paula Pope
  Kentucky Review , I
  _ _ V Personnel
l Jim Birchfield · ""`—"
g Bill Goqper Jim Bimhrlaid
} JOYCE Gllmom _ . Anne Campbell.
l Brad Grissom, Chair I Pnil Dsis
1 Glam M<>€a¤¤¤ · Faith Baaaaxa, Chair
5 Connie Mulligan ism-s Olson
g Alan Schaplowsky Mss Shaw
J Judy Wlza ~ Emilie smith
  l Joan Gatewood
  King Building Addition/ Renovation I