xt71jw86jf16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71jw86jf16/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1994 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 69, No. 4, Spring 1994 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 69, No. 4, Spring 1994 1994 2014 true xt71jw86jf16 section xt71jw86jf16 4 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE
E Volume 69 Number 4 Spring 1994
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 US ISSN 0016-2116
Table of Contents
Beyond the Mountains - Deanna Severance 1
Notes from the School - Kate McHugh 4
Miscellanous Tidbits 7
Field Notes - Susie Hudgins 9
The Patterson Homestead Museum — Barb Gibson ll
Courier News — Barb Gibson 14
FNS Employees - Barb Gibson 16
Focus on Home Health - Barb Gibson 17
Communications - Peggy Elmore 21
Letter of Appeal 24
In Memoriam - Barb Gibson 25
In Honor Of - Barb Gibson 26
In Memoriam Contribution Cards 27
Urgent Needs - Barb Gibson inside back cover
Cover: Mrs. Marvin Patterson with couriers Dan Eldridge, Christina
Frazel, Elaine Rabin and Alla Katsnelson at the Big House, Wendover.
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
US ISSN 0016-2116
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $ 5.00 a Year for Donors
Subscription Price $10.00 a Year for Institutions
Editor's Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 i
VOLUME 69 NUMBER 4 Spring 1994
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing offices. .
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, KY 41775,
Copyright Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1 994/All Rights Reserved

Beyond the Mountains
Spring arrived in the mountains clothing the hillsides with
the most glorious dogwood and redbud! Although many evenings
‘ remain chilly, the days are bathed in the southem breezes leaving
me with the stirrings of rebirth.
The strategic plannings sessions of the Board of Gover-
nors, held at the offices of The Preston Group in Lexington,
reinforce that feeling of reformation. Board members Ken Tuggle,
chairman, Bill Hall, Bob Johnson, Jim Klotter, Leigh Powell, and
Dr. Anne Wasson, have spent many long hours with Preston
Group staffers Nancy Wiser and John Gibbs researching health
and education material; listening to Dave Southem, Mary
Breckinridge Healthcare President and Kate McHugh, CNEP
Director, present their vision for the future; discussing health and
education trends with leaders from the respective fields, and
deliverating the values of the leadership of the FNS. A final
document will be presented in the early fall.
The Executive Finance Committees of the Board of Gov-
emors and the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing
l met in Lexington February 4 and March 25. Much work is
_ accomplished between Board meetings. Many thanks to all the
members who volunteer such a large amount of time to the
Q Organization!
Q The Board of Governors met at Wendover April 22 and
f 23. Budgets were adopted for FY '95. The Board approved two
scholarships for local women who are long time employees of
i Mary Breckinridge Hospital to attend licensed vocational nursing
K school. I am so pleased that the FNS is able to foster the profes-
- sional growth of our own employees. Just as CNEP educates
S nurse-midwives in their own cormnunities to stay in their commu-
nities to practice, these scholarships for Ms. Vema Messer and Ms.
* Angie Sheperd promote our service in Eastem Kentucky in the
same way!
A It was a privilege to have Mrs. Jefferson Patterson attend
the Board of Govemors meeting at Wendover. Mrs. Patterson's
J previous trip to Wendover was in the summer of 1991. How we

value her presence! Her pictures adom our walls and keep the
memory of the conviction, commitment, and courage which {
created the FNS alive for all! [
This year of 1994 marks Miss Jane Leigh Powell's forrieth  
anniversary with the FNS ! A dinner party Friday evening honored  
her many accomplishments since she arrived as a courier in 1954. ’
Stories of the couriers were told in abundance after dinner by Miss
Powell, Miss Kate Ireland, Freddie Holdship, Alabam Morgan
and J uanetta Morgan. Our couriers listened in amazement. Satur-
day morning I inspected the kitchen because I was concemed that
Miss Powell's exuberance had encouraged pranks among these
mature couriers of 1994. I feared that as I retired for bed a food
fight was occurring and that Miss Powell herself had thrown a
bucket of water into the melee. Of course, it was only a dream
brought forth by the reminiscing. Wasn't it?
Miss Kate Ireland was presented with our first ever FNS
golf umbrella. How many times has she sheltered us from the
Dr. Anne Wasson was presented with a plaque
. commenorating her designation as Medical Director Emeritus by
the Board of Governors. We also celebrated Ken Tuggle’s forty- A
something? birthday.
April 25 Miss Jane Leigh Powell, National Chairman, Dr.
Anne Wasson and I joined Ms. Kate McHugh (CNEP Director)
and the FSMFN faculty in Nashville for the ACNM meeting and
FNS Alumni reception. What a pleasure to meet alumni! The class 3
of 1974 was present. Two of the three graduates are living, Linda
Jo Hanson and Ms. Mirian L. Toepke. Many thanks to Dr. Anne
for the time and energy she has committed to the Alumni Associa- _
tion. ,Q·
Barb Gibson, Dr. Anne Wasson and I attended a showing ,
of Mrs. Patterson's photography at the Patterson Homestead
Museum in Dayton, Ohio May 3. The presentation of our FNS y=
pictures was beautiful. We had the pleasure of viewing Mrs.
Patterson's photography of Finland, Scandinavia and Africa. Ad-  I
ditionally, the Breckinridge/Patterson photographic memorabilia _
was fascinating. We met many friends of Mrs. Patterson and we ,

were honored to meet Ms. Julie Davidson Cheshire, FNS courier
of 1953. Many thanks to Molly Williams, Director ofthe Patterson
Homestead for inviting us.
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Dr. Anne, Deanna and Julie Cheshire
May l the Washington Committee Derby Day Party was
held at the home of Mrs. Jefferson Patterson, honorary chairman
of the FNS Board of Governors. The highlight of the day was the
attendance of Mr. James Parton, one ofthe first FNS male couriers,
and his talk about his days as a courier in the late 20's. Mr. Brooke
Alexander was invited to the party but was unable to attend due to
April 8 Barb Gibson, Dave Southern and Roger Morland
attended the Berea College Appalachian Annual Conference.
Thanks to Ms. Judy Stammer and the Fund for their contributions
toward vehicles for Home Health.-
April l7 Miss Jane Leigh Powell attended the annual
 ' meeting of the Daughters of Colonial Wars held at the Mayflower
Hotel in Washington, DC. Thanks to the DCWs for their continued
  generosity to the FNS.
 I June 5 the Philadelphia Committee will host a FNS fund
 _ raiser in conjunction with the Radnoral-Iunt. Details in next QB.
. -D€CU’ll'LC1 Severance

Notes from the School
This summer promises to be exciting for those of us l
involved in the faculty of the CNEP. Four major initiatives are  
underway that I would like to mention to you. rl
The first is a study of whether to re-open a family nurse- '
practitioner option or not. Many of you fondly remember that I
educational pathway within the school. We are undertaking a
needs assessment that will pave the way for decision-making this
fall. We're considering this because of both the health care climate's
emphasis on primary health care and because so many of our 4
CNEP graduates work in under-served rural areas.
The needs assessment team is comprised of Nancy
Fishwick (former FSMFN faculty) from the University of Maine
and current CNEP faculty Debra Browning and Phyllis Long. lf
you get one of their guestionnaires, Please answer it promptly. ’
Our Rural Outreach Grant is nine months into its first year.
During this summer, Penny Armstrong has arranged for many new
rural sites to be visited by CNEP Regional Clinical Coordinators.
Our efforts are aimed at decreasing the rural nurse-midwives sense
of isolation by offering her continuing education opportunities and
access to our electronic bulletin board. We'd also love to interest
rural midwives in precepting CNEP students! A
Our third initiative is to implement the recruitment plan
written for us by Kathy Carr. In this fiscal year we are finally
financially ready to recruit nurses in a systematic way. In order to A
increase the size of our profession we must spread the good word A
about our long-distance home—based school. We will be mailing _
information to many thousands of nurses and attending many I
conferences. Let me know if you have good ideas for recruitment. i'
One of our most interesting unanswered questions in-
volves the characteristics of successful students. This summer we
will be developing an assessment profile that we will use on a  
range of students: fast students, slow students and students with
problems. This study will help us to tailor many aspects of school .
life to the needs of the students.

I thought you might be interested in a few more details of
* our student body, so we've enclosed some text from a grant we
i submitted this fall. Please read on to leam more about this great
  adventure in learning ....
[ In border towns of southern New Mexico and in the onion
k fields of eastern Oregon, in fishing villages of Maine and in the
South Bronx of New York City, women who two years ago had
little or no health-care are now attended by certified nurse-
midwives. These practitioners are providing high quality cost-
effective care in their own communities. They are graduates of the
4 Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing/CNEP.
% Class 1- 7 I
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Location 0f CNEP Students
Thirty percent of CNEP students live in communities with
’ populations of 10,000 or less. CNEP students are already highly
 I trained professionals who are respected members of health-care
W systems; as graduate CNM's they will continue to serve in these
 I communities where they are socially rooted and sensitive to the
  special needs of rural America.
l By taking nurse-midwifery education out of the univer-
sity where competition with medical students and residents worked
  to the disadvantage of nurse-midwifery, the CNEP has opened a
dramatic number of new clinical training opportunities. The
CNEP presently has clinical affiliation agreements with over 245
¤ training sites, including birth centers, community hospitals, small
private practices and public health clinics.

CNEP, through the distance learning, community-based
model of education, has extended nurse-midwifery education to Q
nurses in areas where there are no traditional educational programs  
and has greatly increased the number of nurse-midwifery gradu- {
ates in the United States. At present, CNEP alone graduates nearly j
one-fourth of the country's CNMs. Q
This model of education is already being duplicated by  
other nurse-midwifery educational programs, adapted by others or l
looked at by other nursing and nurse practitioner educators. In a  
milieu of economic constraints, it is also important to note that the 1
majority of program operations for such an educational model can }
be supported by student tuition. ,
To date, over 9,000 nurses have responded to this oppor—  
tunity by requesting information on the program. 433 students l
have been enrolled. 125 students will have graduated by May, *
1994. It is anticipated that 155 more will graduate during 1994. .
The mean age of the student body is 37. These mature
women are well established and respected in their home commu-
nities, frequently holding positions of great responsibility within
the health care system. They bring years of nursing experience to
midwifery. The distance learning model has enabled them to build
upon their nursing education and experience to become CNMs to
"give birth back to women and families." -Kate McHugh p
Age I
1I                ‘
• C. 1 C. 2 c. 3 c. 4 c.5 C. 6 c.7 I
Class E
Median age 0f Classes 1-7 ·

· Miscellanous Tidbits
  Debbie King, former courier and Boston Committee
l member says, "Our lives continue without much fanfare, just
‘ generally content. Joe worked hard all summer. During the week
{ he works for Conservation Services Groups, as he has done for two
! and a half years. On weekends for awhile he was working on his
E own, building etc...It helped to pay the bills but I did miss him on
§ the weekends! Joe has also gotten involved in the town."
! "I am about to enter my 14th year at the Massachusetts
+ Associations for the Blind! My extra—curricular activities include
$ involvement on the Boston Cormnittee of the Frontier Nursing
  Service and on the Alumnae Board of the Brimmer and May
! School."
! Mary Neal Wilson writes, "Mrs Breckinridge wanted me
to go up to St. Lukes as my best friend did. Its too bad I didn't go.
The boys were too much fun!"
"My daughter Mary Neel West, former courier now has
her RN license in Maine and is working in the local hospital."
Joyce Amoroso Chalfin, CNEP Level HI student wrote,
"I am writing to thank you, the staff of Wendover, for the
wonderful meal and hospitality that I and my fellow CNEP Level
III friends received on March 21. This was my second visit to
Wendover and I am always struck deeply by the sense of being
I connected to the history of Mary Breckinridge and her mission.
Thank you all so much for your work in maintaining her memory
and spirit of hospitality. I will remember the beautiful old house
~» with the bed recently made, as if Mary were about to come home.
_ I'll remember food and the feeling of welcome we received."
L January 10th was a special day for Dr. Joyce Fitzpatrick,
A Dean of Case Westem Reserve University's (CWRU) Frances
‘ Payne Bolton School of Nursing and Board of Govemors member
of the Frontier Nursing Service. The mayor of Cleveland pro-
‘ claimed January 10 "Dr. Joyce Fitzpatrick Day" in honor of her

 - I
efforts with the World Health Organization (WHO) that resulted T
in the nursing school's designation as a WHO Collaborating I
Center for Research and Clinical Training in Home Care Nursing.
CWRU is one of only ten WHO collaborating centers in  
nursing in WHO's Pan American Health Organization region, L
which covers North, South, and Latin America. The centers are
committed to advancing nursing development in primary health  
care through education, practice, research, and leadership. 1
Dr. Fitzpatrick was recognized as "one of her comrnunity's .
eminently fine citizens" and noted that the proclamation was a i
tribute of praise for and gratitude to her.
Fitzpatrick, the Elizabeth Brooks Ford Professor of Nurs-
ing, was appointed dean in 1982. She earned a B .S.N. at Georgetown p
University, M.S. from Ohio State University, a Ph.D from New p
York University, and a M.B.A. from CWRU. In 1990, Fitzpatrick
received an honorary doctorate from Georgetown. A fellow of the
American Academy of Nursing, Fitzpatrick is board president of
the Nursing Health Center.
National Association of Childbearing Center's 10th  
Annual Convention September 29 - October 2, 1994: Network  
with other birth centers, update your clinical skills, and impact on  
health care reform as NACC goes on the Hill. More than 20 hours
of continuing education credit will be offered. For more informa-
tion, please contact the Program Coordinator, NACC, 3123
Gottschall Road, Perkiomenville, PA 18074, (215)234-8068.

l mid Notes
j Finally, SPRHWG arrived! A most welcome event after the
  severe winter we had. There for a while we wondered if Mother
Nature had forgotten us but then Wendover came to life once again
  with all the bulbs and wild flowers in bloom. I'm not sure if it was
  just in our mind's eye, but everyone felt it was the most glorious
F spring here in the mountains in a long while.
  It's been a busy time for everyone. Maintenance con-
V structed a new drain from the Upper Shelf, and is continuing with
. the fire safety proj ect in the Garden House. Extra smoke detectors,
i alarms, emergency lighting and self-closing hinges have all been
  installed. The stair wells have been enclosed and soon we will have
j a new outside stairway from the second floor. The winter took its
. toll on the post office and so we are now in the process of putting
i on a new roof. Of course the mowing season has started which is
most time consuming. Luckily we were able to hire Michael Mase
  again for part-time gardening and mowing. Michael was with us
  two summers ago and was a super help.
i The housekeeping staff spent weeks doing major spring
  cleaning of all the other buildings. At times this was a bit difficult
for them as we have had a lot of tours and overnight guests that
needed tending. Somehow they had it all ready for the Board
Meeting in April. This year we were honored that Mrs. Marvin
Breckinridge Patterson was with us for a couple of days - all too
short a time. She kept us enraptured with her stories and memories
of Wendover in the late '20's.
Did you know that we have a Gift Shop with all sorts of
nifty FNS items? Normally we have on hand, sweatshirts, tees,
  polos, aprons, tote bags, coffee mugs, large umbrellas etc. as well
as photos, books, post cards and note paper. Let us know if you'd
_ like more information or a price list.

You all may not know Christine Collins, Wendover's
Head Housekeeper. She's at work everyday at 6:30 and stays busy
keeping everything sparkling. I can't tell you all the little extras she .
does for Wendover. She just goes along and does anything she sees
that needs doing.
Christine is a very lovely person, soft spoken and kind.
She has a wonderful sense of humor, with a touch of the devil on
the side. For recreation, she loves to go fishing with her son on the A
A short while ago we had a courier here by the name of
Dan Eldridge. Dan was a super courier, always willing to drop
what he was doing and run to Hazard or Lexington for the hospital,
pick up groceries for Cassie and generally help in any way he
could. Dan also had a touch of the devil.
One Monday moming, Christine had collected the laun- ‘
dry and decided to get a head start on the day. To the machines she ,
went, flipped open the lids and discovered one machine was  
already filled. On closer look, she discovered she could start her Q
day fishing! A number of goldfish were happily swimming around  
the largest aquarium they'd ever seen! Last report was "fish are  
alive and well, living in more modest accommodations at Stacy  
Fork". '
While he was here, Dan discovered the culinary delight of
circle pie and decided that he really wanted to have this pie the last
night he was here. Cassie, our head cook, is an expert pie maker.
ln order to make sure Cassie would not forget, Dan drove to her
house and saw that she had a garden figurine of aboy (called Butch  
by the Mosley family) in front of her house. Butch was quickly  I
confiscated, and a note was left to the effect that Butch would be _
held hostage till one circle pie was delivered to the Big House
kitchen. The terms of the hostage note were happily met by Cassie,  r.
the pie delivered and Butch was retumed to Camp Creek. Dan
certainly kept us on our toes with his delight in the bizarre and we
will be talking about his delightful pranks for years to come.
-Susie Hudgins V

Patterson Homestead Museum
On May 3rd, Deanna, Dr. Anne and I traveled to Dayton,
, Ohio for the opening exhibit of the work of Mrs. Marvin
Breckinridge Patterson at the Patterson Homestead Museum.
The Federal-style farm house was built by Colonel Robert
Patterson in 1816 and now serves as a museum.
The Museum will be exhibiting the work of Mrs. Patterson
I May 5-September 1. Exhibition hours are Tuesday-Friday 10 to 4
and on Sunday l to 4. For more information, call 513-222-9724.
The exhibition includes Mrs. Patterson's silver gelatin
prints of the Frontier Nursing Service, a series which was incorpo-
rated into a four-page photo essay for LIFE magazine. Other
photographs taken between 1930 and 1937 in the United States,
Finland, Scandinavia, and Africa are also on display.-Barb Gibson
p Marvin Breckinridge (Mrs. Jefferson) Patterson
  (The following was written by Tom Andrews, Community
  information Director, Visiting Nurse Service of Southern
  A woman who navigated hundreds of miles on horseback
t in the most rugged region of the country isn't easily intimidated.
Not by a jittery FBI czar in war time. Not by witnessing the first
i Nazi air raid on London, nor by broadcasting side-by-side with
Edward R. Murrow with history as your personal valet. Such was
_ everyday life for an extraordinary woman bom in New York City
on October 2, 1905. With hindsight, some believe that Mrs.
if Marvin Patterson was destined for a life of greatness.
 . The very word "pioneer" illustrates the adventuresome
spirit that intertwines Mrs. Patterson's life with the Frontier
 ,, Nursing Service. The word derives its meaning from an Old
I French expression for foot soldier. In her early twenties, a foot
soldier is exactly what Marvin Breckinridge became, to the etemal
I gratefulness of thousands of Appalachian residents.

Bom into a prominent family headed by John Cabell and
Isabella (Goodrich) Breckinridge, Marvin Breckinridge continu-  
ally challenged herself to learn about the world as if it had been
created with a void only she could fill. She attended Milton I
Academy in Massachusetts, using that start to embark on a life-  
long learning experience that would take her around the world in g
search of knowledge, both studied and experienced. After receiv-  
ing a B.A. degree from Vassar College in 1928, she matriculated  
at the New School For Social Research, eventually finding her way  
to the Clarence White School of Photography in 1936. Her pursuit 1
of academia also took her to the University of Berlin, the Universidad E
Catolica in Lima, and to American University in Cairo.  
As noteworthy as these academic achievements are, much  
of Marvin Breckinridge's practical education came through her E
decision to join the Frontier Nursing Service. During her studies Q
at Vassar, she learned about the work of her cousin, Mary
Breckinridge, who had launched the FNS in the backwoods of &
Kentucky, hard by the Appalachian Mountains. Barely three years i
after her cousin Mary had made her lifelong commitment, Marvin  
Breckinridge made hers: she saddled up as a courier for the E
Frontier Nursing Service, beginning a relationship with the inge- [
nious organization that continues to this day. E
As the legend of the nurses on horseback grew, so did the
need to document this unique method of health care delivery, both
for historical and for fund raising purposes. In 1929 Mary
Breckinridge asked her cousin to immortalize the story of the
Frontier Nursing Service on film. The result was The Forgotten
Frontier, which survives to this day as a timeless protrayal of the
bond that forever links grateful patient and dedicated nurse. In
1937, Marvin Breckinridge retumed to the treacherous trails that ·‘
had put her on the road to fame. She mounted a horse once again, _
to capture the Frontier Nursing Story in photographs. U
The publication of the Frontier Nursing photographs in ·‘
Life Magazine in June of 1937 strengthened Breckinridge's repu-
tation as a world renowned photojoumalist. Subsequent travels
took her to Sweden, Labrador and Switzerland, where she learned
of the Nazi invasion of Poland, the event that began World War II.

Two days later she was in London, taking the first war time
V pictures in an air raid shelter.
IV Her friendship with CBS Radio's Edward R. Murrow led
L to a groundbreaking job on World News Roundup, one of the most
  prestigious broadcasting assignments, and a first for a female
l joumalist. Her 1940 marriage to Jefferson Patterson, a diplomat in
1 the American Embassy in Berlin, forced a career change because
E of potential conflict of interest concems. The State Department
l had a regulation that censored anything written by a diplomat's
g wife. This led to the comments made by the FBI's Hoover which
clumsily expressed the dilemma that Mrs. Patterson faced. She
left CBS, choosing the life of foreign service with her husband in
Germany, Peru, Belgium, Egypt, Greece, and Uruguay.
Despite her worldly experiences, the backwoods of Ken-
tucky were hardly a distant memory. From 1936 to 1955, Mrs.
Patterson was a trustee for the Frontier Nursing Service, and was
appointed to the Board of Governors in 1955. She became Chair-
man of the Board of the FNS in 1960, serving in that capacity for
more than 15 years. Today, she remains active as Honorary
Chairman. Throughout the years the organization has benefited
from her many philanthropic gifts.
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. Dr. Anne Wasson, Deanna Severance and Mrs. Patterson at the
P Patterson Homestead Museum in Dayton, Ohio.

p   Courier News Q
  S r      
tl n A I `ee   i t . o
Left to right, back row: Dan Eldridge, Alla Katsnelson,  
Sasha Watson, Tom Doran. Front row: Elaine Rabin, Christina  
F razel, and Rosie Perera.  
The program is running along very smoothly and people  
are continuing to have positive experiences. During evaluations, {
these were some of the responses I received. 5
"I would defmitely recommend this program to my friends.  
I have had so many wonderful experiences and have learned so I
much. I would highly recommend it."  
"Tutoring in reading and writing was incredibly satisfying  
as was home health. The program is so unique in that one can  
observe almost any and every facet of health care in the region."  
"I was amazed by the opportunity to get involved and _*_
observe in so many areas."  
"Being able to 'try my hand' at everything I was interested  
in was great."  
"For me, there were medical related opportunities that I  
never would have found anywhere else."  

Couriers who have come and gone. . .
_ Matthew Cushing and Allison Voehl were the last of the
fall group to leave. Matthew is working in a book store and will be
attending Bryn Mawr in the fall. Allison also has a summer job and
*·- is very excited about attending Dartmouth Medical Center this
fall. Dan Eldridge is going to Paraguay for two months. Matthew,
~ Allison, Dan, I really miss you!
Alla Katsnelson, Newton, MA and Sasha Watson,
I Milton, MA were here from March, 14th until May 9th. Alla will
l be retuming to her classes this fall at Cornell University, Ithaca,
r NY and Sasha will be retuming to Barnard College, New York,
j NY. Christina Frazel, Chicago, H. graduated from Smith College
in the spring. She was here from mid—April until early June. Elaine
Rabin, Amherst, MA and Rosalind Perera, North Hampton, MA
were here from April lst until the end of May. Elaine will retum
I to Brown University and Rosalind to Smith College.Thomas
t Doran, Grove City, PA will be with us until mid July. He is here
  having a "growing" experience before starting college.
‘ The opportunity to spend time with Mrs. Marvin Patterson
§ during her visit to Wendover for the April Board of Governors
y meeting was a real highlight for the couriers. They enjoyed her
A stories of her early days at FNS as courier and photographer.
A Another highlight was listening to Leigh Powell, Kate
S Ireland and Alabam Morgan tell stories about all their mischief
I when they were living at Wendover. After those stories, all sorts
  of funny things started happening here. During the Board of
E Govemors meeting, the couriers heard about Mrs. Breckinridge’s
  love for chickens.They decided Wendover should again have
  chickens. A neighbor gave them two baby chickens one of which
»_ died and is buried in the rose garden, leaving one left who was
E named "Man-O-War". Man-O-War had been living with Dan and
L Tommy for two weeks when someone finally discovered there
  was a chicken living in the Bam. He enjoyed his stay having
  cheerios for breakfast and receiving royal treatment until the
  Wendover Manager found out and asked that "Man-O'War" be
  retumed to his original home. —Barb Gibson

FNS Employees
Geraldine Collins is
anotherdedicated person who    »__I)(    Q
loves working at FNS. Her job     ‘
title is Head Cook at the Mary    
Breckinridge Healthcare.  
She first began work in · 1     
1971 as cook for the midwives X  it ~ .  
at the Mardi Cottage and then N 0
transferred to the kitchen in the _ p H
hospital in 1972. Geraldine had 1 E
the opportunity to work with Eniree Napier, Virginia Whitehead,
Juanita Smith and Etta Mae Collett in beginning years as cook.
She is a native of Leslie County and lives at Grassy
Branch, Kentucky. She is married to Clay and has four children:
Freda Gilbert, billing clerk at Mary Breckinridge Healthcare; Lisa
Higgins, who works for Mountain Express Cleaners in Hazard;
Janice Brock; housewife and Jeffery Collins who lives in Clay
County, Kentucky.
Clifford Whitehead be- _   r _ ,_ .    I   I \»V,,
gan work at FNS in 1972 in the L         *7;  
maintenance department at the 1     °   9    
old Hyden hospital. He was I i l!     `   K
hired by Alonzo Howard and g K Q    I
only worked in maintenance        if
for a few months before trans- V I »  {       _.
ferring to security guard. ,     V`;.   i”;i `
Clifford was born here   i      V   '   ·
in Leslie County and lives at   9 it ‘
Essie. He worked in the coal mines for 13 years before coming to
FNS. He was also a school bus driver for the Leslie County Board ’
of Education along with his job at FNS. His wife, Virginia, works
as a cook in the dietary department at the Mary Breckinridge
Healthcare. They have three boys, Roy Lee, Roger and Randy, two A
girls, Diane and Gena, and eight grandchildren. —Barb Gibson

In the next few issues ofthe Quarterly Bulletin we will focus on one
KI particular area ofthe Frontier Nursing Service in order to better
acquaint friends and supporters with our stajf and services.
_ Home Health
The Home Health agency continues to grow with patient visits
averaging 2,200 per month. Soon we will be expanding our
program to include the Home Community Based Waiver Program
which is a program directed toward patient life style assistance.
Aides go into the home and do housekeeping chores, laundry,
cooking, etc. Mr. Roger Morland, new director of the program, is
excited about the expansion and progress home health is making.
Roger was born in England,   "” Q
in the heart of the country in the   1
county of Staffordshire. The young-  a _
est of nine children, he graduated        
from high school and immediately A i
followed his vocation into nursing. ` B
He majored in psychiatry and in- `   
tensive care and progressed into g  
nursing administration.
Roger moved to the United States in 1980 with his wife,
Carol, and their four young children, Clare, Helen, Anthony and
James (now all at school, university or working in England). Roger
has worked and lived in Texas, Arkansas, Florida, Alabama and
now Kentucky. During 1983, while working as Assistant Admin-
istrator/Director of Nurses in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas,
the Prospective Payment System was introduced by the Reagan
l Administration and Roger was responsible for interpreting the
Federal Regulations and devising a management system that
, would maintain the viability of the hospital. This he did success-
fully to the extent t