xt71jw86m62z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71jw86m62z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-02-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 08, 1993 1993 1993-02-08 2020 true xt71jw86m62z section xt71jw86m62z  




Ke ntucky Ke rn




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18 in Extension
to lose their jobs
in restructuring


By Brian Bennett
Senior Staff Writer


Eighteen employees in the Uni-
versity Extension program will lose
their jobs July 1, although adminis-
trators say they are committed to
finding new positions for those to
be laid of f .

As part of the Universitywide re-
alignment and restructuring plan to
handle recent budget cuts, Universi-
ty Extension will be divided into
credit and non~credit programs, the
latter of which will be transferred to
Lexington Community College.

Along with the transfer, 18 posi-
tions in non-credit programs will be
eliminated. The 18 who will lose
their jobs were informed last week
by letter, said Philip Greasley, dean
of University Extension.

The majority of the jobs to be lost
will come from the community edu-
cation department of University Ex—
tension, Greaslcy said.

One program that will be espe-
cially hit hard will be the UK
D0wntown Training Center, which
will lose all four full-time employ-
ees, including Adrienne McMahan,
director of the center.

“I‘m very heartbroken.“ McMa-
han said. “We've worked hard for
this program. But I understand the
University's position and its rea-
sons for the decision."

McMahan, who has been with the
program three years and has
worked at UK for 20 years, said she
doesn‘t feel bitterness about the de-

“My background is in higher edu-
cation so i know how these
things work," she said. “Still, I‘m
very disappointed this had to hap-
pen with a good department."

The 18 employees have been
promised hiring priority for other
jobs in the University. But the cur-


I’m very heartbroken.
We've worked hard for
this program. But I
understand the
University’s position
and its reasons for the
—— Adrienne McMahan,
University Extension


rent hiring freeze imposed by UK
President Charles Wethington in re-
sponse to budget cuts worries
McMahan, who said there have
been no ”written promises" that
those laid off will be given jobs.

“1 know there are some openings,
but it does concern me," she said.

Greasley said it may take some
time to locate positions for the em-

“Individual jobs across the Uni-
versity are opening all the time," he
said. “I hope all of these people
have found suitable employment by
July 1. But I don't expect everyone
to leave here June 30 and have a
different jobluly 1."

Wethington said UK will do its
best to find new jobs for the em-
ployees and that jobs may be creat—
ed when the program is transferred
under LCC. He said Chancellor for
the Lexington Campus Robert He-
menway would work out the de-
tails. Hemcnway could not be
reached for comment last night.

The eliminations in University
Extension follow last semester’s
decision to eliminate eight posi-
tions in UK‘s Design and Construc-

See LAYOFF, Page 6

Student seeks seat on
Urban County Council


By Lorl Coleman
Stati Writer

Education and experience are the
qualities UK student Wayne Mul-
berry says he is counting upon to
set him apart from the crowd as he
campaigns for a seat on the bexing-
ton-Fayette Urban County Council.

Mulberry, who is working to-
ward a master‘s in business admin-
istration, said his business experi-
ence, combined with his more
recent graduate studies, give him an
advantage against other candidates
for the position of council member
for the 12th district.

“1 feel like my 30 years business
background, where l was exposed
to constant decisions. cost and bud-
getary matters and the judgment 1
used during that time will give me
an advantage in the day-to—day
workings of the council," he said.

A newcomer to politics, Mulber-
ry, 51, admits there are some things
he must learn.

“I’m not sure about the salary of
a council member. I guess 1 should


Former tennis star Ashe dies of Al]


By Dana Kennedy
Associated Press

NEW YORK —— Arthur Ashe
was alert and full of questions in his
final hours, and he reassured his
doctor by making the 0K hand sign
shortly before his death from
AlDS-related pneumonia, the physi-
cian said yesterday.

Dr. Henry W. Murray and lawyer
Donald Dell, a longtime friend of
Ashe’s, held an emotional news
conference at New York Hospital
where the tennis legend died Satur-

"He used to say. ‘Don’t feel sorry


know that, but my purpose is to be
available for community service,"
he said.

Mulberry said he believes the
council members’ primary respon-
sibilities are to vote on issues con-
cerning zoning and budgetary mat-

“l have the educational back-
ground, current and past, that avails
me the most modern and up-to—date
technology," he said. “1 have a
strong interest in listening to and
communicating with the residents
of my district to insure that I am
working for and listening to them.”

Mulberry began working on his
MBA two and a half years ago. He
said he started back to school part-
time while working during the day.
Since his retirement from lBM in
January, he has worked on his de~
gree full-time and will graduate in

He held several positions at lBM,
one of which was regional manager
for the Northwest District in Seat-
tle. He staned his career with IBM
in Lexington, his hometown, travel-

for me,‘ " Dell said. “He clearly felt
he was not a victim. Whatever hap-
pened, he would rise to that particu-
lar occasion. It was just another

Murray said Ashe was fully alert
Saturday and asked questions about
things such as who the next U.S. at-
torney general might be.

“His last gesture to me was this,"
Murray said. making the circular
OK sign with his thumb and fore-

President Clinton moumcd the
deathofAshe,theonlyblack man
to win at Wimbledon and the U.S.

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971





Members of the Alvin Ailey Dance Ensemble lead a master's class prior to the group's pertormance Saturday evening at the
Otis A. Singletary Center tor the Arts.






African students Witness racial tension at UK


By Graham Shelby
Senior Staff Writer


It started at a funeral.

UK student Alex Mutonyi said
one of his biggest lessons about
black life in America came while he
attended a funeral last year.

“There was a small girl," the
Kenyan said. He smiled at the girl,
who was white, and she backed
away, holding onto her mother.
“You could see the fright in the
eyes of the child,” he said.

After he spoke in his accented
voice, the woman made a motion to
her daughter as if to say, “It‘s all
right. He's OK.“

The message was subtle but clear
and, according to Mutonyi and oth-
er black African students, very typi-

“There are people who are hesi-



tant to talk to me because l'm
black," Mutonyi said.

Until they realize he‘s not an

Then, he said. their attitude
changes. They seem to think, “He’s
black, but since he's not from here.
it‘s all right."

Mutonyi, a finance senior, said he
frequently is mistaken for an Amer-
ican and said that sometimes he's
not sure how to interpret Ameri-
cans' reactions to him when they
seem uncomfortable. “ls it because
I‘m intemational'.’ ls it because of
my accent, or is it because I‘m




JAMES CRISP! Kernel Stall

MBA student Wayne Mulberry, who retired trom IBM In Janu-
ary. Is seeking a seat on the Urban County Council.

ing from place to place throughout
his career.

Mulberry said UK is an important
component of his campaign.

“I have a unique view, both as a
student and as the parent of a stu-
dent. 1 am keenly aware of the role
UK plays in the welfare of Lexing-
ton as a whole," he said.



“He was a friend of mine. l‘m
really sad about it." Clinton said as
he walked to church in Washington

After winning a tournament in la-
pan, tennis star Martina Navratilova
offered a prayer for Ashe.

“1 ask that we stop for a moment
of silence here to remember an ex.
uaordinary human being who tran-
scended his sport. his race. religion
and nationality and in his own way
helped to change the world," Nav-
ratilova said. “We will always re-
member you. Arthur."

He said he has been campaigning
door-todoor. Mulberry said meet~
ing the members of the 12th district
is his primary goal throughout the

Mulberry‘s wife Greta also is a
student, majoring in nursing. They
have f0ur children.

)8 -re1ated pneumonia

Ashe, who contracted the AIDS
virus from a tainted blood transfu-
sion, was credited with helping
break racial barriers in professional

“It was thanks to him that 1 could
have a career in tennis," said
Frenchman Yannick Noah. who’s
black. “lt was him who, when l
was young. gave me the dream."

Ashe announced that he had
AlDS last April at a news confer-
ence prompted by a newspaper‘s
planned story exposing his condi-

See ASHE, Page 6

Nelson Massone, a political sci—
ence doctoral student, reported
similar treatment. ”There's always
been an ambiguity in the way he
been treated," he said. “That’s one
of the odd things I've often no-

He said when American blacks
learn he is African, “some people
are excited to talk to you, to see
you, some could care less."

Massonc. a West African. said
the behavior of Americans - black
and white - toward him and each
other is different for him because
“the social tensions of this country
have nothing to do with me."

in his native Gabon, “racial ten-
sions exist," but within a much dif-
ferent context. He said people in
Gabon are not even identified by
color. “There is no such thing in
our terminology as black or white,"
as a reference to people, he said.

People describe each other physi-
cally as looking African, Asian or

Muthoni Kihiko, a microbiology
senior from Kenya, said she was
surprised by those who had nega-
tive associations with people who
looked African.

One day as she was walked
across South Limestone Street.
“this car passes. and some boys just
screamed out ‘nigger.’ " The car
sped off.

But Muthoni said the incident re-
mains vivid in her memory. “It just
keeps ringing in your cars. Did I
hear right?"

Kihiko said she was angered and
offended by the incident. Other Af-
rican students had differing reac-
tions to slurs. like “nigger." that are
particularly American.

See HISTORY. Page 6

Council to make decision
on tuition increase today


By Brian Bennett
Senior Stall Writer


The state Council on Higher Ed-
ucation will decide today how
much more students will pay for
their education next year.

The student body presidents of
the eight state universities will
make a final push against a tuition
increase by presenting petitions
and delivering a speech at the
meeting, which is expected to be-
gin around 11 am. at Kentucky
State University in Frankfort, Ky.

The council will approve one of
the following measures:

-Option one would keep the
rates already approved for the
1993-94 school year, which would
mean about a $40 increase per se-
mester at UK.

-Option two would allow the
council to set tuition annually in-
stead of biennially. Under option
two, tuition would rise $100 per se-
mester at UK for 1993-94.

-Option three calls for tuition to





be based at benchmark institutions
and raise tuition $180 per semester
at UK.

The presidents of the eight state
universities endorsed option two at
the end of the council’s November
meeting. The council held three
public forums and a statewide call-
in show last month to get the input
of students and their families.

Despite near unanimity of stu-
dents at the forums against tuition
increases, top council officials re-
peatedly have indicated that option
two would be approved.

The student body presidents tried
to continue the lobbying effort after
the forums by sending a letter to
the council stating their support of
option one.

See TUITION, Page 6




Partly sunny today; high around 50. Mostly cloudy tonight; low around
30. Becoming partly sunny tomorrow; high in the mid-40$. _



”Natal-lira No.1 TmtadyVoluntears. Story. Papa. '

Starclub shows potential on sell-titled album. Review, Page 3.


















2 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday. February a, 1993













'l. . .iiili..- ...i iii .Il ii '.l. ‘l : i, ilili ill. tttii Ktlllutky Kernel All will i-‘H 'l‘i 1‘ - W "W“ i” it“ i" liti'llll |v-' i :

phi i ii i-ur‘lli .ii.i 5i iiiiiti i i..- iiiii I i |.t' .ill iiitiiiiiiutiiiii to 5A8 in room 203 of the \tuili-iit Lt‘lllt" l wiwk liritir It'l’ilf'lll .1! 0/7

Monday 2/8

for Spotlight Jazz individual
shows are on sale at TicketMas-
ter; general public. students. fa-
culty and administration; call 257-

for the Next Stage Series are on
sale at TicketMaster: general pub-
lic. students. faculty and adminis-
tration; call 257-8427

0 Exhibit: ‘Winter Revels': Head-
iey-Whitney Museum: thru 2128

0 Exhibit: Fernando Botero Draw-
iggg; UK Art Museum: call 257-
5716: thru 3-7


Tuesday 2/9

- SAB Movie; W
(Germany): free: Student Center.
Center Theater; 8pm; call 257-

- Performance: Chamber Music
Somety. Fresk Quartet: $10: 8pm:
SCFA Recital Hall; call 257-4929
. Gallery Tour and Poetry Read-
ing: ‘Wlnter Revels“. Free; Head-
ley-Whitney Museum; 10:30am;
call 255-6653

Wednesday 2/10

- SAB Movre: AflygLfigns
Mil; $2; Student Center.
Worsham Theater; 8pm: call 257-

Thursday 2/11

- SAB Mowe: AW
Thrgggh It: 52; Student Center.
Worsham Theater; 8pm: call 257-

Friday 2/12

- SAB Mowe: M
Through It; 52; Student Center.
Worsham Theater; 8pm: call 257-

- Lexington Philharmonic Orches-
tra: Thomas Nee. guest conduc-
tor. and Daniel Mason. Violin;
$24. $18. and $15; SCFA Concert
Hall; call 233-4226

. Gallery Series: MUSIC of Black
Composers: Free; UK Library
Peal Gallery; 12 noon; call 257-

Saturday 2/13

- SAB Mowe: M
Through It; $2: Student Center.
Worsham Theater: 8pm: call 257-

- Performance: Sine Nomlne
Singers. 'Songs and Romances
for Valentine's Day. II; $10-
regular. Sa-senior Citizens. stu-
dents. and children; SCFA ReCItal
Hall; 8pm; call 257-4929

Sunday 2/14

- SAB Movie: Afimm
hrgugh '1: $2: Student Center.

Worsham Theater: 5pm; call 257-


- UK Jazz Ensemble and UK

Wind Ensemble: ‘Jazz Meets

Classical‘: Free: SCFA Concert

Hall: 8pm: call 257-4929

Arts Professions


Byron Temple
Friday 12:00-12:50

Monday 2/8

0 Campus Rec: Table Tennis
Doubles: Seaton Center: call






Tuesday 2/9

0 UK Men's Tennis vs Notre
Dame: 7pm

Wednesday 2110

0 UK Basketball: Wildcats vs Ar-
kansas; at Arkansas; 8:00pm;
call 257-1818

Thursday 2/11
0 UK Men's Tennis vs Tennes-
see: 7pm

Friday 2r12

' UK Women's Tennis vs Pur-
due: 2pm

Saturday 2/13

0 UK Basketball: Wildcats vs No-
tre Dams; at South Bend. 2pm;
call 257-1818

0 UK Women's Tennis vs Notre
Dame: 11am




2-12 |993

M Aflfihflumfi'mofl


A" 5*?” Guiltiest“...


Contributing Artist/ Michael Shaver






Tuesday 2/9
- Workshop: Through the Eyes
of Women, Action. 7-9pm;
M.L.K. Cultural Center, Student
- South Campus Blood Donor
Rally - Complex Commons;

Wednesday 2/10
- North Campus Blood Donor
Challenge - Holmes Hall. 2:00-
- Central Campus Blood Donor
Challenge - Haggin Hall. 2:00-


Monday 2/8

0 Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; 8:30pm: Alumni Gym Loft: call

Tuesday 2/9

' Bible Study: Black Campus Min-
istry. Bible Study (Weekly meet-
ings); free: 7pm: Student Center.
Room 205; call 254-1811

- Meeting: UK Cycling Club - All
are Welcomei: 8pm: Seaton Cen-
ter. room 212: call 277-5252

- Dancmg: 'Dance the Night Away
- Swrng Lessons': $5 per semes-
ter; 7pm—beglnners. 8pm-
intermedlates: Barker Hall. Dance
Studio: call 277-0664

s Meeting: AMA‘s First SOClal
Event - Meet and mingle with fa-
culty and students. 7pm; 3'5. 120
West Maxwell, call 258—2816

0 Student DiscuSSion' Love and
Relationships 7 30-9230pm:
Catholic Newman Center; call

~ Discussmn Fostering the Moral
Development of Our Students;
7:30pm: Catholic Newman Cen-
ter. Apt. 10; call 255-8566

Wednesday 2/10

0 Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es: 8:30pm; Alumni Gym Loft: call

~ Meeting: Encounter (Religious);
Student Center, Room 359; 7pm;
call 276-2362

- Contemplative Prayer / Medita-
tion Practice; 5pm; St. Augus-

Thursday 2/11

- Last Day for filing an applica-
tion for a May degree





D'Clm yyyyyy


The Fresk Quartet

5‘20!ij S premier Wet



Beethoven Quonat op i8 no o
Bartok Quartet no A
c'ioilrovsky Quarter 00 ll no I

MJebruoryl 199!
Recital nyldmwoiorycmerlorthemr and em
KW! munch“ with ID cards






tine‘s Chapel; call 254-3726

0 Holy Communion; 5:30pm; St.
Augustine‘s Chapel: call 254-3726
- Canterbury Club - Supper and
Fellowship; 6:30pm: St. Augus-
tine's Chapel: call 254-3726

- Seminar: Dr. Mike Mendenhall;
‘An inhibitor of Yeast Cyclin-
dependent Protein Kinase May be
a Cell Dryision Cycle Checkpoint
Regulator'; 4pm; Medical Center.
Room MN363

Thursday 2/11

. Meeting: CN2 - ‘Catholic New-
man Center Night‘: Newman Cen-
ter. 320 Rose Lane; 7:30-8:30pm:
call 255-8566

Friday W12

- Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; 6'30pm: Alumni Gym Loft: call

Saturday 2/13

- Mass: Catholic Mass; 320 Rose
Lane. Newman Center; 6pm; call

Sunday 2/14

. Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; 1pm: Alumni Gym Loft; call

- Mass: Catholic Mass; 320 Rose
Lane. Newman Center; 9:00am.
11:30am; 5:00pm. 8:30pm; call

. Holy Communion; 10:30am.
5:30pm; St. Augustine's Chapel;
call 254-3726


"I Is. "setters. m Cnu
m was sort-vs. My .-
m ”I nit-wt
Mm". ”Hull.” IR are


m :l’ebruary 12th a llth

m: The University Of

Kentucky's Student Center


m. :auntnq at. 6:00 le.

on frlday. and again at 9:00

ads. on Saturday

m 185.00 for the



iti-’ o—‘w-h-v-«n~~~~

-m..-, . ;



thovoting power of black men.



ment at 101 Barker Hall.



litters ;_

UK sociologist wins'nationalaward for book on Klain women

"Women of the Klan: Racism and GW- tn the 19203;“ ----- a book written by UK- sociologist Kathleen Bloc.
recently was named the Outstanding Book on the Subject of Human Rights in the United States by the Gas
lavas Myers Center for the Study of Human Rights. . .

The center each your offers awards for scholarship on the subjecr of tolerance In the United States.

Else 5 book, also nominated for a Pulitzer Prize last year, is the first in-dcpth study of the role of women
in the Ku Klux Klan during the first part of thc20th century ~.

She said women played a large role in the Klan, capecially in states like Indiana and Oklahoma where the
Klan was most powerful during the 19205 Many women Klan members acrivatcd boycotts against black,
Cutholic- and Jewish-owned businesses

“I found some Surprising things," Bloc said. “A lot of women in the Klan were supporters of women's
suffrage. This was mainly because they wanted to increase the voting power of white women. to counteract

It shows how movements can be progressive and reactionary at the same time.”
Blce has been a UK faculty member since 1981.

UK bronchitis/pneumonia research needs volunteers

UK is looking for adults ago 18 and older to participate in clinical trials of the effectiveness of medication
in treating bronchitis and walking pneumonia.

Volunteers will receive free medical examinations, chest X-rays. frcc antibiotic treatments and follow-up
care. Every participant in the study will receive an antibiotic; no placebos will be given.

Participants must have one or more of the following symptoms: fcvcr. cough. headache. hoarscncss or flu-
likc symptoms, and must be willing the complete a 10-day series of antibiotics.

Dr. Richard Grecnbcrg, associate professor of medicine. will conduct the investigations. He said pneumo-
nia of ten begins with mild symptoms that may become serious if left untreated.

Those interested in being volunteers should contact the department of infocuous diseases at 257-5467.

Army ROTC scholarships available

Two and three-year scholarships worth up to about $9, 000 annually are available m the Anny ROTC to
students with at least a 2 5 grade point average. The scholarships are available to almost all academic ma-

This is a national competition with no limit to the number of scholarships won at each college or universi-

Applications will be accepted through next Monday and may be picked up at the Army ROTC Depart-

AAUP to hold meeting Tuesday .

The American Association of University Professors will hold a meeting for assistant and associate faculty
members Tuesday at 3: 30 p tn in 245 Student Center
At the meeting, there will be a panel discussion of the steps and procedures that faculty need to know
about before the promotion review year.
Topics will include dossier requirements, sources of information about promotion criteria, kinds of
records to keep and avenues of appeal. The panel is made up of senior faCully who have served on area com-






Jan. 30:
-Mangionc, Paul L.; 37; 182 St.
James Drivc; alcohol intoxication.

-Mycrs. Robert S.; 26; 307-A
Euclid Ave; suspended operator’s

Feb. 1:

-Brucggcnmann. Andrew P.: 22
401 Wcrncr [)rivc; possession of
marijuana. pilSSL‘SSKm of drug para-

oWoqums. Ronald; 34: 347 S
Upper St; alcohol intoxication.

Feb. 5:

Carter. Jumcs Curtis; 19; Haggin
Hall, D326: DOSSCSSIOD of forged
instrument; second degree criminal

-Lynn, Jamcs; no age given; Ft.
Campbcll. Tcnn.; possession of
forged instrument; second-degree
criminal trespass.


Feb. 1:

~Posscssion of marijuana. loss
than 8 02.; 370 chncland Hall; Bill
thclcr, reporting officer.

-Thcft by unlawful taking, less

than S300 (misdemeanor): Alumni
Gym; jacket l‘cmovcd; Kevin Todd
Vanovcr. complainant.

-Thcfl by unlawful taking. loss

than S300; Alumni Gym locker
room: itcms not listed removed
from locker; Brian Scott Redford.

-Thcfl by unlawful taking. less
than S300; Kastlc Hall; snack foods
and coins removed from first floor
vending machine; Vaughn B.
Lcakc. complainant.

~Thcfl by unlawful taking, more
than $300 (felony); Doll College
of Dentistry; items not listed rc-
movcd from bcnch drawer; Alice E.
Curran. complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking. more
than $300; 705 Woodland Ave;
items not listed removed from stor-
age room: Eric R. Polly, complai-


~Third—dcgrcc criminal mischief;
Euclid Avenue; damage done to vc-
hiclc while it was parked on the
street; Cynthia R. Brooks, complai-

~Thcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; 641 S. Limcstonc St..
second floor; items not listed rc-
movcd from desk: Ronald J. Hu-
stcddc, complainant.

-Thcfl by unlawful taking. more
than $300; second floor hallway,
Chemistry-Physics Building; items
not listed removed; Robert A. Den-
nis, complainant.

-Thcfl by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Sports Center North;
items not lislcd removed from vchi-
clc; Kevin E. Bailey. complainant

Feb. 4:

-Thcfl of scrvrccs; Kasllc Hall:
unknown persons have been mak-
ing long distance phone calls on a
local telephone; Susan A. Camp-
bcll. complainant.

-Sccond-dcgrcc criminal trespass;
Donovan Hall; subjects not listed
were observed attempting to gain
entry into Donovan Hall; UK Po
licc, complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; 220 Pharmacy Building;
items not listed removed from
room on two occasions: Sharon 1.
Nations. complainant.

-Thcfl by unlawful taking. less
than $300; 800 Rose 51.. Room 68:
items not listed removed from
room; Chcstcr L. Newly. complai-

McCloskey says Guard’s C-l30 crash
will lead to more access to information


Associated Press

EVANSVILLE, Ind. —— Thc fatal
crash of a Kentucky Air National
Guard C-l30 transport plane last
year is expected to result in new
rules broadening access to informa-
tion on military crashes, says ch.
Frank McCloskcy (D-lnd.).

McCloskcy said he expects the
Pentagon to release broader disclo-
sure rules within two months based
on a section hc inserted in last
year‘s dcfcnsc bill.

McCloskcy. a member of the
House Armed Services Committee.
said he was concerned family mem-
bers of the 16 people who died in
the Feb. 6. 1992. crash would not
find out the true cause.

The new rcgulullons wrll “basi-
cally mean that about all informa-
tion that was not of a legitimately


classified naturc would be released
to the public,“ McCloskcy told the
Evansville Courier.

While the defense bill with
McCloskcy‘s section was signed
into law Oct. 7, the Pentagon has
180 days to write the regulations
needed to satisfy the law, McClos-
kcy said.

The military currently generates
two reports aftcr crashes —-— a public
accident report and a safely report.
The safety report, which includes
opinions on the accident's cause. is
not released to the public.

Air Force investigators cvcnlual-
ly dctcrmincd insufficient air speed
caused the Evansville crash. The
plane‘s tail section hit the rear of
Jojo's restaurant. sending flames
shooting over the Drury Inn hotel.

McCloskcy was allowed to see
the confidential safety report on the

crash but could not disclose its con-

Under the new rules, the leaders
of the Senate or House armed scr-
viccs committees would still be al-
lowed to request to see the private
report. The law also would still al-
low thc military to withhold infor-
mation which could “compromise
national security" or undermine the
ability of investigators to continue.

However. the law also would rc-
quirc military officials other than
those conducting the investigation
to determine what goes into the
public report.

The law also would stipulate that
public statements of causes or fac-
tors leading to the accident can‘t be
used as evidence in lawsuits against
the government and aren‘t consid-
ered an admission of guilt.

Read the Kernel




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arts, crafts
on display


By Nina Davidson
Staff Writer

The Kentucky Gallery of Fine
Crafts & Art opened a New Mem-
bers Exhibit of mixed media on
Thursday, featuring the work of
nine artists from Kentucky and

The exhibit contained a wide
variety of materials: clay sculp-
ture, fiber art. oil paintings and
vine sculpture. The vine sculpture
pieces by Debra 1.. llille were
original. consisting of dried vines
that look like twigs wrapped into
different shapes. Animal bones,
feathers and weathered wood
were also incorporated iitto the

llille said she began working
with natural materials like vines
because “I live in the woods,
(zutd) l wrutted to find something
that I could do at home iii my
own studio." She collects materi-
als like bones arid feathers lll the
woods near lici home in Berea.

Another reason llille said she
uses orgiutic materials is because
she feels strongly about protect-
iitg tltc environment.

“1 really believe lll reusing iUltl
recycling." she said.

llille titled her studio "lizu‘tlt
Spirit Studio“ iii honor of the nat-
ural spirit of her work. She said
hopes people will leant respect
for the earth through her work
arid will “help to heal it instead of
hann it."

In contrast. 'l‘eresa Kearn's
work serves a lighter purpose.
Kcarn‘s ceramic plates are deco—
rated with whimsical. humorous
designs. ()ne plate depicts two
blue dogs leaping over each other
while milkshakes roller skate
along the edges.

Keam said her goal as an artist
is to “take the everyday function-
al things people use and try to
bring a little life to it. a little fun."

Kearn did itot always want to
be art artist. “I grew up wanting to
be an archaeologist. then l ended
up being zui artist. I decided I
wzutted to make the imit‘acts rath-




er thzut find them." she said.

Bonnie Meyer Day also took an
unusual route to an. Both her par-
ents were taxidermists. but she
said she thought it was a “natural
progression to work with animals
in clay."

ller clay wildlife sculptures are
detailed and realistic. The rhino
head arid cheetah head look au-
thentic and, of course. are mount-
ed on the wall like taxidermists‘

llille, Kearn and Day are joined



This untitled piece of art by Owensboro, Ky., native Mary
Anne Bona is one of the works displayed at the exhibit.

lslaitd Records


By John Abbott
Staff Critic


l was ready to be disappointed.

'lhere they were on the cover.
Four English pretty boys who had
picked up instruments and made
the horrible mistake of thinking
they had actual musical talent. I'd
seen (and hated) dozens of similar
“musicians" before.

They have a reasonably catchy
song making the rounds on late-
night MTV. So what? All that
proved was that they‘d accidentally
stumbled upon a decent hook and
managed to build a song around it.
Plenty of other bands have had sim-
ilar luck before: They‘re called
one-hit wonders.

Did I just describe Starclub'.’

No, not really. Though Starclub
is less likely to be art integral part
of music history than liMl" is, it‘s
art tunusing bunch of guys with the
potential to be a terrific singles

The ntain difference between this
group of linglish pretty boys attd
the other annoying groups of ling—
lish pretty boys is that —— cart it he.’
— this one scents to have a grain of


Staff reports


lzunes lletfield. Lars Urlich. Kirk
Hammett arid .lason Newsted have
found the secret to entertainment.
~Don‘t worry about the critics.
~l)on’t worry about the critics.
'Mttsl importantly. have fun.
Metallica certainly does have fun.



into the crowd. into the “snake pit."
even iitto the line waiting to get in.
The anticipation for Friday night‘s
Metallica concert was so great. fans
couldn‘t wait any longer to yell and
scream for their favorite band.

Dressed irt black T-shirts. black
jeans and black shoes. the crowd
and hand alike released enormous
amounts of energy. The key: the in-
tense music that has become popu-
lar music.

The crowd of more than 12,000
tilled Rupp Arena with enough
cheers. fist pumping and enthusia-
sum to make Adolph himself proud.
From the first notes of "Enter Sand-
man," the band‘s most popular re—

by six other new artists. as well as
the artists exhibiting iii the Ken-
tucky Gallery‘s permanent collec-
tion. The other new artists fea-
tured include Victoria Alvarez
(jewelry). (‘arol Haley (wood).
Gale llarunzm (oil paintings),
Darlene llellard (comshuck) arid
Cynthia Yeager (dried flowers).

The Kentucky of Fine Crafts &
Art. locum! (ll [39 W. Short St. is
open/mm It) rim, to 6 pm, Mon-
day through Saturday. The exhibit
will run until March 14.




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