xt71ns0kw865 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kw865/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1966 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1966 Vol.32 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, April 1966 Vol.32 No.7 1966 2019 true xt71ns0kw865 section xt71ns0kw865 3% , 1
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Jublrshed In the Interest of C ommunrty Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers :
, 1555225335553232355335235:25253;552;5533532253552555:33?3:";32522:523532325232325:EsE2:52323232E2?25252?;325525525Efaééiaéirijzefi3:52EsisEEEE55535535553355555E53535E?353535332FE?£3552535253355233552523535:555$:SEES33553E555553555533E5;5:E555E3353:5255525522E3:EEEEESEsiiiEsifzizfz“:32?2E2?:25is?E5:SEES52E;55E;355332E332E232Ea523:5:5535552:Es£§§292523§252':j:Eaiziifzia5233522EsE252E35;E33;$532E332E232332523;E5355232E5?352352:52253?:3;3:225:5225E3322553535555E3?55:355:3252E532$5525553553;2:2;553:332253155353sz22';235:EIE=E=i=5:E=E:5:5:E=5=5IE=E=3=E:£=E:E:E:1:3:£:s=5:s:é=§:~::==s:-.‘:
g; The Kentucky Press Association recognizes .
the fundamental importance of the implied ,
trust imposed on newspapers and dissemina-
. tion of public information. It stands for
'5; truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the
g presentation of news, as set fon‘h in the .
4“” 5;; . Canons of Journalism. It advocates strict _ ' '
fig Egiiiigggé" .I ; ethical standards in its advertising column. ‘1? '
': '=a=;;;:..js:"'=‘j: . It opposes the publication of propaganda ,5.“ j _
. g 3;; under the guise of news. It affirms the OlJ- ~ ‘
. i: ligation of a newspaper to frank, honest and if». '
.- .» 51.51:: i fearless editorial expressions. It respects ' 3“ l
’ X equality of opinion and the right of every
' - -:. individual to participation in the Constitu— 7 '
' ,. Iional guarantee of Freedom of the Press. '35
it believes in the newspaper as a vital med— I
. imn for civic, economic, social and cultural ‘ <
community development and progress. ”
4 ' 311;: .
Publication Office: X "
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School of Journalism '
University of Kentucky 1 _ ‘ _ .. , , -..
Lexmgton, Kentucky ‘ ., &W'.."/’_j‘
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@fiagezk Ml “are” fighfiéviislgli’wfiyl’fi fiwwrx‘izlw‘ .
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Kentucky 5 Showcase: Man-O-War, Mecca of Derby Visufors .
. From Over the World l

 1 ‘ .
1,, ,. 1 .1111 11111111111 1‘ «if? v _‘; - , 1 ‘ - f i - 1 I ' '
1 1 1 1111111 11111111she -. . - ' " ~ - ’ ‘ ' ‘
1 ‘11 . 111i ‘ 1 11 ‘3 ”t 1 Rafi—mm , A ,.,W_,._._,_,__,___m___ 7——
11 1 .1 11 11 1111 11111111: p m" S ' "WWD_W“J’" 1"-
1 1,‘ ‘i‘iii‘gi‘i’ t 1
1 1 1i1 1:1 11111:». 1 1
1. iiit 11.1.1 111“ 1 ‘
111"'i1 111 1‘ 111111 1 1 i
1 . 1. ‘111‘11111111'1 1 .
1‘9. 111 1 11111111111: . 1 1 Cl 'f‘ (I G ' -
11 111 11111111111 1:1 1 Th K k P + AS We See It + GSSI Ie Uldellnes
. 1‘1 ‘ . “1‘1? 1 ‘ ‘
1-1 111 1 1111111111111111111111 1 e entuc y fess After nearly six months of wrangling Ena‘
1 ,1, 1 ‘1 1111 "111111111115 1 - the Equal Em loyment 0 ~
1: 1 11 1 1111111111111 ‘ VOLUME 32’ NUMBET 7 Vlehmcn To succeed Commission willp soon issugpomllm) l
“1 1 1' 1 ‘1 111111111111 1311111 1 ‘= Portmann In June . . 1 1 - revised Four
1111 i 11 1 111111111 11111‘»1 1 Official Publication 111111111 guidelines pertaining to male and female iieivspapei
11: 1 1 111111 .1 ‘ Koaiaoiu moss Assoaiatioa ma. M We went” tdveteee “he'd See his is the 1
‘11 11111111111111 Keetetkt Free meme he a of the CW“ Beebe Ate eh 1964. The cis- statutes iii
11 11. 1111111111“ 1 , use... is. mm“, sinus so hem‘eh e the meet eeeheeheeee wee sites- at the h
11.- 1: 11‘ 11111111111111 1. MMember A 1 1 ”\EQE’ iiously opposed by newspaper organiza. guiding ir
1 1 ‘ . i 1 3 1 :3=5==:5:5;::5:::2:5:=;a‘-' ' 2:; '5£23sEIEIEfE1525353553351315331:Ei."z§:'=\‘2'35§i’:5§§5=§ ' . , . . ' .
i1 11 1 1111111111111 1111 reexvil::;1::rCh:1:il:ger:f éifiiitiehr: 11%,, tions and largely ignOI ed by most new.
‘1 i 11.11.; 11‘» , ""=‘;::: 2
:1 1: ‘ 11111111 11111: 3. Kentucky Chamber of Commerce so. p‘pe” . . . , House B
, 1 111 11111111 1 Better Business Bueau Lexington The W“ W‘“ brute
1 1 1 11:11 1‘ ; aiming Memie. to the metee Ah meefec to COMM“
1.111‘1111122 Naiioaoi Newspaper Assoaiatioa , timmmett m “dimheime” notice AN AC
:1 1 111111 1: Associate Memeet Fig eitemem classified page has beau Comm
111‘ 111 1 11 National Newspaper Promotion Association Viiffié‘; eliminated. Also eliminated is the pres powers 0f
1 . ‘ _; tehheettm 0mm e sequioomoisi that mi. inciivid1111iiaaau; a.
i i ii 1 ‘ . §C"°°' °‘ J°“'"°"S"‘. W help wanted ad specify that the job ii‘iheeommi'
1 v 1 111111 _ 1 University of Kentucky, Lexington 52525E5355;32335E;E33355355225EEEEEEEZEEEEEEEEiigi:5;53:::;:::;I;:§E§3§E§3252331721’ "t '
1 1 i .1 1‘ ‘11 : 1 . open to melee and females by use of me Seem“
1 ;. ‘ i i K i k P A - i- i it such “M e F the
1; 111 e" "C y The emeehme with he mheeei the eta?“
‘ .1 1 .3 i Lousy sooue. President “IV- Job Opportunities Advet'hetes-11‘r‘115hmg
1 . i 11‘». Messenger. Central City at: Help wanted advertising may not is he‘metieee
1 1‘1 . 1 1 Edwards M. Templin, Vice-P763319“ ...f: 11"“,1'1"'1111111;;1;;‘1;:1;_51;'_11.1.1::11:15:.1s_,§_;13}§‘;'11:13:5917% dicate a preference based on sex unless 115 legislat
1 1 1 . i : Herald—Leader, Lexington 2252s: s;a2:22:25:2222;252:2322:- ,é'slit-i.2::2gagaieisizzi".s.:i:;::.;=::11:252;:seiIelitists-e . . . . . b1 f'
1 11 1 1 1 .11 Victor B Port Secreta M ager a bona fide occupatlonal qualificationsem Y H
1 ' ‘ ‘ 1' . “Tame “ ’y‘ a" ' Arthur John Viehman Jr. - . . .- ‘ '
'1 1j ‘ 1 ‘1 i ‘ Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer makes 1t 1‘1.th t0 speclfy male or female. “.1301: 611:3]
111 1 1 1 11 University of Kentucky, Lexington Arthur J01” Viehnrm Jr of F11111k- Advertisers covered by the Civilw 10 t e
1 1 1. 1 i1 111 District Executive Committee E -t th ‘t t1 ‘d 1 ‘1 1e ‘7 1 1 1‘ 1f 1 Rights Act of 1964 may place advertise determine
i 1 1‘1 1 ‘ Chairman, Howard Ogles, Favorite, Frank- 01 ’, e. S a 8V” e sa es mpelwsm 01 ments for lObS open to bOth sexes 111rgenc183 2
‘1 '1 t '1' 11 1 1: _ lin ( Fourth); First, William T. Davis, Lyon an 1nsmance company, has been ap- columns classified by publishers under governmer
111 ‘ . ‘1 1 1 1 County Herald, Eddyville; SeCWdo CEOIEC pointed secretary-manager 0f the Ken- ‘Male’ or ‘Female’ headings to indicate agency W1
11 1 , 1 1s ' 1 M. Wilson, Herald-News, HardinSbng; tucky Press Association and hte Kentucky that 50111 c 1 't . , . 'd . 111011 The
1 . 1 11 11 1 Third, Al J. Schansberg, Voice—Iefiersonian; Press Service ( e 9 CUP‘" ons are consr elet‘ I
1 111 ‘ 11 ‘1 1 Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trimble Democrat, H' .' , . , _ d b more attractive to persons Of one sex that the leg
1 1 1 1 1 Bedford; Sixth, S. C. Van Curon, State Jour- ls appomtment Wd§ announce y than the other. In such cases, the com-“me in V1
‘11 . i 1 ‘1 3 Ml, Frankfort; Seventh, Warren R. Fisher, Larry Stone, Central Cltye presrdent 0f mission will consider only the advertisiii219991350ns
1 ‘ 11 Mercury, Carlisle; Eighth, Louis DeRosett, the Kentucky Press Association; George of the covered em 10 or find not held-0f this Act
11 1 1‘ 1i Adair County Newss Columbia; Ninth, James M. Wilson, Irvington, president of the - . . lb 11) y a, c ( ide t
1‘ 1 1 1 g T. Norris, Jr., Independent, Ashland; Tenth, K t 'k P S - , d D‘ R b .t ings usec y publishers. I quao
111 1 1 111 11 1, R. Springer Hoskins, Enterprise, Harlan; en “C y ress ens/Ice, an 11' 10 e1 That statement is so simple and 5010 exercrse
1‘ .1 1 1‘1 :‘ 1 State-at-Large, Ben E. 300% III, Todd Murphy, dlrector of the Univer51ty 0f relatively correct that one might almos‘i' Seetion
111 11 :1 1 ‘ 1- 1 County Standard, Elkton; State-at-Large, Kentucky School of Journalism. wonder why it took a crusade to ac-ihe legislai
1:11 11 1‘ :1 1 James Lee CranOfds Tribune—Times, C01" Professor Victor B. Portmann, whom com lish it I (1) Per
11 1 1, 11 1 bin; State-at—Large, Warren Abrams, Cour- h ,1_ d‘ h , b , _. t , p1 ' , i
1. . . 1 fer-Journal, Louisville; Immediate Past Pres— e 51 ccee 5’ as een 5696 ary-manag- It IS 110 longer necessary, accordlnl)‘.900ks and
1 1 ‘ ‘ 1 11 ident, Maurice K. Henry, Daily News, Mid- er 0f the newspaper organlzatlons for 24 for newspapers to publish a “disclaimer"iiflte gove
11 1 1 1,1,, dlesboro. years. He will become secretary-manager notice on classified pages saying thatitate, ever
1 _ 11 11.1—_—___— emeritus of KPA June 10 when Viehman separate “Male” and “Female” classifi-institution,
1 1 1 11 Kentucky Press SerVIce, Inc. formally takes over management of the cations “are not intended as an 11111319111111 and;
i 1 . 1‘ George M. Wilson, President KP1A'1KPS central office in the Journallsm ful limitation or discrimination based Oiiiuclit for I
‘ 1 1 Breckirm'dge Herald-News, Hardinsburg Building on the University Of Kentucky sex.” 12) EX?
1 l 1 ‘ i Landon Wills, First Vice—President campus. 1“ g a g lOOkS, recc
. 11 1‘ s ‘11 McLean County News, Calhoun Miss Florida Pi. Garrison, the secretary , if public
1 .11 1 William T. Davis, Second Vice-President and office manager in the Kentucky Doffing the hat as a mode 0f g1‘eetmglicers of t:
._ ‘1 i 1 Lyon County Herald, Eddyville Press Association central office, will con- 15 “Of always customary among ménl‘i‘erificatior
1 1 . 5. Victor 3- Portrnann, Secretary—Treasurer ' ' h .' This western tradition is considered dls‘: .
1 1 1 1 1 1 tinue In t at capacrty. _ Aenues anc
1 1 1 1 1 Florida R. Garrison, Assrstant Treasurer Professor Portmann, who previously courteous in some of the eastern Ilal10115-1gencies oi
‘1 ‘1 1 1 Board Of Directors had been retired by the University from ——_'——’ Section ‘
1 1 Chairman, Tommy L. Preston, Democrat, his position on the School~of Journalism fessor Portmann for his long service tor permit -
1 1 1 ‘ Ezflfllggnall/I MihnKDl’fhe, SED’W?31‘SChOa faculty, will receive retirement pay from the newspapers of Kentucky during Lrohibited
- ‘ ‘ 1 ; auri e . e , , ‘ .. . . . .. . . . .’
. 1 ; Middlesboro- Niles O. Dillijhyghan-[iu Elgmgféf: the press assocration and its affiliated spec1al program at the mld—summe1 K6111, Section
. 1 Dawson Springs; James M. Willis, Messen- press scrvice. tucky Press Association meeting atlile copies
1 gar, Brandenburg; Officers exuoflicio. Specral tribute will be paid to Pro- Cumberland Falls State Park in June "Ogether y
l 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 P1
1 1
. 1 ._, ‘

 __ a} ; , L 7‘53}, ,.,_._ I .. . L. I,“ « ‘ . .1 l; l
l j
d L Wh' h l N 4
W of W Enacte aws IC nte rest ews pa pe rs _;
nnent opium-ma. 1. ;
:0011 issue YBViSeil Four bills, important to Kentucky mendations with the Governor. The com- advertising of the terms “wholesale” and l
t0 male and female newspapers, were enacted into statutes mittee shall file an annual report with “wholesale price” as used in trade and . i
sing under Sec. 704 by the 1966 Legislature. While these the Governor not later than September commerce, and : 'j
ct of 1964. The gib- statutes have not been formally publish- 1. Each annual report shall contain a WHEREAS, it is desirable and neces- V, ,1
;uidelines was stren- ed, the Press publishes them for your copy of the audit reports on the various sary that the use of said terms be con- "j ;
iewspaper organiza. guiding information and files. agencies or the substance of the audit trolled to prevent innocent purchasers
ored by mOSt news. —— reports and a summary of recommenda- from being misled, deceived and de- l 3
.House Bi” NO. 454 tions made in regard to them. Each an- frauded thereby, ,
‘63 will bring some nual report shall be open to public in— NOW, THEREFORE, Be it enacted }§ 4
All reference to re- COMMONWEALTH Of KehtthV _ — spection after it is filed with the General by the General Assembly of the Common- .
sclaimer” notice on AN ACT creating a Legislative Audit Assembly, except that the portion of the wealth of Kentucky: 3'
pages has been Committefelhestablishitrig theddlutiesl :hd annual report containing recommenda- Section 1_ As used in this act: ‘ f? ,
ninated is the r . powers 0 e commi ee an eng a we tions, comments and narrative statement . “ ” ‘ f ;
hat each individuilaudhoh appropriating funds to operate shall be released only upon the approval qufihfitvxhlffilsljlfor 3:3); 2f i'eslele :if g l
cify that the job 1‘s"thescoiflmitlteeTind‘cettrr);ogttilts finihon: of a majority vote of the committee. retail. ' l ,}l :
. _ ec10n . ein en 0 15 c 15 o - . _ u . ,, il ,
°f o. of H .. .gwlesaWe i I .
as will be as followslehe state government for the purpose 0f inspection until the Governor has re- phfedislxeb ohnegoewfie mire: ionr 1:618- : l ?
nities Advertising— furnishing the legislature with factual in- ceived a copy. CiiahtitiZS :f the roducef/ or mani— j l ., ..
tising may not in- formation necessary to the discharge of Section 11. Recommendations sub- flacturer and who psells the same in l .5
based on sex unless; its legislative duties. The General AS‘ mitted by the legislative auditor shall be u'intit 3 (31. bulk to retail dealers for ,l ‘1
iltiOll‘dl qualificationlsembly finds that adequate information confined to seeing that the laws adopted qu; 053 of resale 13' l l?
ecify male or femalemlshOt available for each session through by the General Assembly dealing with p p . ' ll f f : i ' ,;
ered by the Civill’thh the members 0f the legislature can the expenditure of public money are Sectlon 2' No se ere}: mans en: (1)1 may l :1: l
nay place advertise- determine the needs 0f the various carefully observed, and that the attention goods, wares or .merlc a}? 156 s a a _ ‘l :5 é
n to both sexes in agencies and departments 0f the state of the General Assembly is directed to vertise, Clalm orflmpzll t at any sale or I .E
)Y publishers under government, and the postauditing 0f each cases of apparent violations of the law ohherd'transfer 01 goo s, wfares or fin (131- , i3
readings to indicatelgency Will fumiSh necessary informa— and to those instances where there is need C an 1.58 1s a 5:91 or] trans er atl W che- “ 5
ons are considel‘€(l,fi°“' 'The General Assembly also finds for change of existing laws or the passage sale 0] at a W oesae price un ess t e I (5‘ ’1
persons 0f one sex hit the legislative session is hOt adequate of new laws to obtain the efficient spend- sale or transfer 15 made to a transferee l: f‘
uch cases, the com- time in WhiCh to review the financial ing of public funds, and to the manner for resale and unlcesslthe'tiansferee has a l pi.
only the advertising‘operations of each agency. It is the intent 01. form of appropriations which will 331191 3 P9921213 til (1)1. usrnessh P1125113“; t3 if i
loyer and not head-ll this Act to provide the legislature with avoid anV improper expenditure of KRS.1.3 --4 l 0t ldng Kilt} 15] Ct f5 a l
1ers.” adequate factual information by which money. ' Prohlhlt a ilcense _“:1.°f:lsa fr rom : :5
i 50 simple and 50m exercise its valid powers. Section 12. A member of the General makmh any 5a e to an 1n 1V1 uai. . ll , ‘ 1 ~
it one might almos‘l Section 7. The committe may direct Assembly may, by written request and Section 3. No person engaged, in selling i 1
k a crusade to ac-jllle legislative auditor to: by written notice of at least six days, goods, wares or merchandise to 1nd1v1dual E g: 7."
(1) Perform an audit of any accounts, request the committee to direct a special consumers, shall incorporate in hlS busr- l l ‘
ecessary, accordinly.‘bool l‘adioy E02111]; GEEorge W 1:! tChail‘man of the 11011 if ar
1 ‘ 1 . $211 ’1 . as a mit hi . er mediu 1 liter .- , - r0 ter Th L 011.
1 : 1 ,1 Obtaln in’ . V10 athH- In - S sewwes t m, 01‘ per- . pnse: Vlce - ’ e ebanon P 1102111
1 1 1‘ _\:,11 lUnCtIVB . - . Order to vlded 0 be adv . 1‘1301’1 pr631dent. El . ll
1 1 1 1-1; "Beessqr lellef, 1t sh] , hOWeVer 6rt15ed. r , The And a hott Gap any pa
' 1 1“ 1 y to flue al not be pllbl h ’ that SllCh 1 p 0- bur erson News a ' 1
1 ‘ adequexte ~ ge 01' prOVe t 1.3 a brief a Person ma 5‘; Secretary; 3 ’ Lawrence. “anon (l1;
1 1 1 1 1-1 1 lemedy at law does n hat 'an Opening of an Officgnouncement of th: Springfield Sun t11.811068 L. Edelen, The mtended
‘- 1 ‘ 1 H 0“ se 3' —~_ 0t ex1st, Office locatio11 Or ch 01' 0f any Change of William Matthe aSurer' 1POlitiCa1
1 1. c a ' .‘ W , . n
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III NO. 4l0 11nd may cause to 1)::ng of Office hours 1211111511613 was nam:d Shelhy Sentinel 1 Th1
1 11 1 1 ‘ 111 . ,AN ACT I'elatin pholm direCtOI‘Y and C1 131611 in the tele: usmess manager. 0th a. dlMetor and “Ckets t
11 . 1 1; tismg g to POlitical adVe SecuOns thereof b“ assmed adVel‘tisin Were N. A, Pen. er dlrectors elected eVents 01.
1 1 1 1 1 Saction 1 A11 W 'tt r’ of practiCe and lififiame, address typ: Earmllton- and nggr-bNews Democrat This p
- 1 1 . ' 1'1 . ' 1 ’ E . 1 S 1 1
1 1 1 11 culals’ adVertiseme en or printed Cir- Slgns on the doOrs 0.6 hours. Modest 11m Ela’ LaCrange 0ranf107 The Old- ”em to
1 1 11 ments with l'eferencztts’ Or Other state- ?f the licensee’s offlcVeVlndowsy and walk H.The DEW bUildin1g 1 by the N
1 1 1 ‘ 1 1 group of Candidat 0 any Candi date or In which he maint . 01‘ on the building lghway 55 just off, OCated on State 1C°Vern01
1 11 eleCtiOn to any pubis for nOITIination or out his name proims,“ Office setting fourflnit high Speed 16.4: Will house a COrporatL
1 1 1 mOHWealth Shall inchOffice in this c0m_ Gordance with KRS 51151101131 title in ac- set Press plus phot Falrchfld Web Off— 1°= Publj
1 1 1 ,1 and the addresS of :hude the Signature mfd addreSS Shall not 13375: Office hours Enemt,’ COIln Said ‘2‘]??Cha'nical equip- purPOSes
1 1 1 same purports to be ,6 ngter, Or if the V10(lt;ti0ns of this Subse t? C0nsidered as “netém will be £0 pfll: flts principal £1116 pen;
1 mittee Organi . 1SSue by an A) Each . . 0 Ion, mem er n In or the e' ht 11.0
1 . ’ za Y 00 _ . VioL ews a . _ 1g 1n mak
I 1 1 socmtion, the tlon or other similar :1 thls Act Shall be (mo? Of suhsecfi0n 1 of Commeircia] prgngers, 1t Will also accept Williams
I 11 1 11 Signatures and :ime dshall include ths_ hot less than “Voplllmsdhable by a fine of ___Il_g. 1111110115
1 1 e a dresSeS of e ars Her 1111 red and f' The l __ 1 5
tWO of . . mOre than 0 fly do]- . on Y 1'eztson :1 10°16. A1
1 Page 2 _ The Kentu k 01 by unpriSOnment £26 thousand d Ollars dont Own an elephangtréat many families ilssippi,
1 1 1 C y P 1688— APRIL r not legs than one 361/611 been Ofel‘ed a 15 that they have New Yo
1 1 > 1966 0an and $1 a Weekn elephant for $1 'DemOCm‘
1 C4.» ~ ' 1100 for t1

 u .l l
Political Advorfifiing MDTA Program Available Freedom Of Information Bill ‘
ers Loses DedUCtlblhty Three new Manpower ~Development Seems Verge Of [>055an l
Deductibility of political advertising and Training Act projects for weekly Unanimous approval by the House l i
n twelve months 01- loopholes were firmly closed March 15 newspapers have been approved by the Government Information subcommittee ‘2 .
«vhen President Johnson signed the Ad- Department Of Labor, including the first of the Senate-passed Freedom of Infor- : ’
tained herein pro- ministration’s tax bill, An amendment by on-job training program for a weekly to mation bill has put the measure on the l :
on of educational Sen. John J. Williams (R—Del.) forbids develop a single unemployed beginner as road toward an early vote in the House ' t
not laudatory of the corporations from claiming tax deductions a reporter. - and led to predictions that a public .
n With whom he is for ads in political handbooks or maga- MDTA provided funds to employers access law will be enacted this year. 3
ractice Of his Pro- zines, or programs, newspaper ads or to reimburse them for job instructor fees Chairman John E. Moss (D., Calif), I:
)ntain no solicitation brochures published by a political party and instructional fees. Trainees receive forecast endorsement of the bill by the '3 ‘5
author of any such ‘lor the benefit of a party or candidate. wages paid by the employer, at a rate full House Government Operations Com— . l
ror, WhiCh has been Momentum toward such- an amendment approved by the Labor Department. Wis- mittee at its next meeting. I
it by the appropriate gathered speed after the Democrats put consin Press Association pioneered in this Moss predicted the bill would pass the 'i 1 -
‘out a 178-page SliCk covered book which field when it contracted last June for an House after the Easter recess, and that
-——‘ {contained $15,000 per page ads for $81,212 program to train 50 pre-appren- the President would not veto it, despite l ‘
per Plant ‘major corporations. Republicans put out ticeship printers. Administration opposition expressed at “El: ‘
peration ra similar, though less expensive, book Nebraska Press Association has now Te' hearings last year. Rep. Florence P. 1 fl
will take place in earlier. tcelved 3.11.01: fNPElASlml'lllr 13‘“ leszssambl- Dwyer (R., N.].) cranking minority mem- . l l.
«lay 1 for a central Sen. Williams, always a contender that awn; 12016:]; . tWI fhalgf} PE: ber of the committee and a co—sponsor l l ,
peratively owned bv 'corporation ads are non-deductible under 1;]ng cesllip pr1n ers or _ wee ' Of the F01 hill, t01d a reporter that It ‘ l V. '
kl . ’ law, said both politicians and advertisers W1 ‘pay $193193 m trammg there was a White House veto, it would l . *
miefigftpigelfex have disguised ads as allocations for “re- COStS and DUbIIShFTS 1?; pay $3?,750 m be overridden by Congress. l
lected president of search” or “e du cation.’ He points out that Evageiéat a late od $$1. 30 per hfiurfforlthe The bill is S. 1160, sponsored in the l .'
ewspapers Inc now corporations buying ads in political rrs k thee' sfan .' °r_1tl e ma 13 Senate by Sen.- Edwin A- Long (D., l *
dent of the Jefferson llournals will have to pay for them out of wee s.t feiteha tggtgzgnees w1 Iéecelve 55 Mo.). He obtalned unanlmous Senate ' , _‘ _".
1 Louisville, said the .profits, and adds that if they do so they 5:?“ 0 e “ rate pal Joumey' passage last year, but too late 1n the ses- l
operation in July. will risk prosecution under the Corrupt The first editorial tra' . 1 . th t s10n for House actlon before ad]ourn- l
paper will compose Practices Act which forbids politica