xt71ns0kwc4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kwc4n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1986 1986 1986-12-09 2020 true xt71ns0kwc4n section xt71ns0kwc4n l . ‘
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,. . , _____v___,m ,-.~,_‘_,-. . _
l Vol. XCI, No. 73 . n ' ’ - ‘ ~ . <, .
E5 C WNW! ‘894 U ”’“W °l K'"'°“"E~;» *fl . . Independent since Wit “infirm
O O O O y '
9 Llablllt y Insurance Officials face jOb 0f offsett'n
discussed by senate ‘s. ..:....V $5 5 m'll'oii blld (Ill ,0“
1‘) ”ll-\IH'UUPI‘IK motions and students who are 'it» $9.. 3y " '"h : ‘ a y
Assistant News Editor Dealinga suspensionor expulsion. l gray; y"? d fiaiélhggdhld? least dls'yuhhhh phhflhhy 1” ”Ry ”p‘yr' lh" "hh‘yy’ “hhv'y‘h fund revenues. y '
’ Without liability insurance. an in» f; . . ~ . ‘h'hhhl lhhmwlu'”."" h" "hh The "yhhr'h‘ll '5 an estimate "“th h." '
this the chancellor for adminis- structor could be held liable tor a {a .2 5/ UK President ()tis A Singletary The objectives of the plan will be comparing the state-s actual reve- V ,

‘ ”film" til”? -I ”1’0” yesterday [0 student‘s injury while ('tmdut'lllli3. a at , ‘. V will discuss with the Board of Trust to avoid laying oil any eXisting em- nue in the lust fiscal quarter to
the Uh'VerStll' Senate detailing the laboratory experiment. yy~y’ fyy : ‘ ees today how to most effectively: ployees. l" have ”0 delays V‘W termi- What that revenue “'1” PWJW‘M “’ ' 5 y
t ntverSit} 5 Progress in findim lia- The Universitys administrators ”a: ”J” deal with a $5 3 million rEduction i}, hhhhh“ ”l CaPhat Projects funded h} be V. . , » :
bilitvmsmaiice : d : d ’ « . . . x.. ' . . ‘I . the (:eneral Assembly ittttl to in'ttttl Because Kentucky's constitution . ‘

V, V an Boar of Trustees are uttered the Universnv s budget from state . -' y y' ’
Senate members. In turn, took the bvIiabilitvinsuraiiei- _ . -: fundin’ - delaying or terminating "mandated prohibits the state from going into :

opportunity to air tlit‘lt‘ htlmplaints “The reason they're not under— l The teduction - a little more than academchVprograni Imuymwh begun debt. cuts had y” he myydyy' (‘ariar - * y ' '
about not having any liability insur- writing you." lllanton mm h, be- 1 reent of the l'niversitv“ $4884 lll 1986-81. said. Higher education lost $11 8 Illll‘ . .

. ance for errors and omissions made cause they think \‘our p0sition is .331. in? 1986 8" V V b 5 - blngletary said it was too soon to lion. and [K will receive only $197.4 y y.

- l)\'anlnstrllt'tt)r .. r . , '. , . .. W m‘.'°h ' ‘ opetatini, udget — comment on exactly how the L'niverv million of the $202.9 million it was ‘ ,

, . - l I 11 h ked more riskierthanatiustee s. “Will have a severe impact" on UK 5m: would implement tl‘lt cut 11 t d b 11 198i (‘ I As , ' ' _
. " Rue» am rea y 5 0c Blanton outlined for th- .‘e 11‘ ~ - ' ' " ' ' ' ‘ ' - y - 5: yy oca e yy 19 y ,em-ra . n --
. said John Jast a biology rofessor h . . . . : -y. x n.‘ y: JACK BI'ANTOK affecting every aspect 0f the bmver- Ed Carter. 3550013” vice presi' semblv. . : y ' y'

. _ p . t e foUi avenues the lniveisitt is Slly said Jack Blanton Vice chan- ' ‘ ' ‘ _ y ‘
‘ "It seems to me that we (instruc: : V . . _ . '. . _ - dent for administration and planning (‘arter said St 1 million will come - - :
pursuing to t)l)l.tlll liability insur» . cellorforadmiriistration - n ' ' ' _ _
i in” “ ho teach Iabsi are in a far ance. iiisuiance by the beginning of next H . :d ll th ll 1‘ de . and w. ad a $4.5 million re- from the (‘tillllllUllll) college system V
! greater risk than someone teaching Overall. Blanton was optimistic school yeah” hesatd. ch :cbeelllo y‘- de Clthéige' fans‘ gee “ha ’1 h implemented with- and the other 5:; «1 million will come . ' ’
I l‘:ilL‘.ll.\ll. ' he said. relerring to the about the chances of purchasing ylia- thhhh ”"1 he lh'hks th‘y l'niver- cellors hay: dhe VthssVi. (Vin. VvchVe C it: out some impact." However. he said hyhm the lyh ‘y‘hhhu’ “hd [my ’yhyyh ’ 'y
‘ it"s-\thtlt') that students cotild hurt bihtyinsurancebvthel'aliol‘1987 Shyhhghlhm"”‘SU'hh‘y‘yh-‘yFem- nd of N e b: twirl l-nyd hhnce' the the only action being yakyyn right yyyllyyyymylyy :' - - ‘
i tlletiist'ht's (lttlllg ltil) experiments. . - ”my ")th ”My lyhllymyhylty ‘5 taking sud et Cllylvvsglldll (l1 95]]: 0“ now IS a delu“ In my"! hmy‘hyh ph-V' Blamt'” Nttlt the titltei $1 itiillion y . y
"1 am aiiia/eil something still hasn‘t "The bad news is that we hoped to to obtain liability Insurance. Blanton g u )9 an e : ments for the bond issues on the so: was absorbed by a reseru- ltllttl set '> - : y
; lx‘t’lltltilit' ' have liability insurance by the tlllle said hethinks willbe successful 5‘ : . -. . . W‘y‘yhml’ull“ “1'“ a 1”“ “”9“ PW’ “Mllt‘tm‘ltb' >119h“"'“*“’”~‘ . y ‘ ‘
. V V V . . .2 _ : - in letar . readin limit a ie. : .- . ,. ,. ’
' The t iiiversity s 11.000 faculty and we entered this school year." Blan- The l “WW3“! '5 trying ‘0 buy th‘ release said UK will implemeiyiyt .1: 19“ ”l‘hl‘Pdm‘t-W“”hit“ 10“" .-\.s to why there was a deficit in , ' V ~ _
. stall do not hau- liability coverage ton said. “The good news is that l ~‘y‘"y‘”"'" hm” a firm called SC“:- short-term plan" to deal with the re» t'arier said the hiiduet cut is the “my luml,‘ ”I dyynyy think me’yyyyy ’ y :- ' -
lor makinL (ii-i isions on tenure. pro~ am 99 percent sure that we “ill have set-“St RANCE. hack page duction. “The plan will produce the result oi an sax .3 million shortfall in s,“- m "(.ij'L hack pagf 'y . ‘. . .
R k . 2 scholarsh'p as 'r ' ‘ y
F I; y om students I h d . - . ‘
t 5 , . ,. r . a va ue R 0 es experience
5 » . ". ,. . ".5 Slal‘l'\\rilei‘ : - y
V 1 . V . Q B) l).\i\'ll.\SSI-IRT ———‘—-— ‘1‘
V é ' , '- ’~ 3 It all things go as planned. by Stall Writer .5 , . - . - . .
: . é V . .4 ;- ~ next .‘.larch Lexmgton will no I “as dlSBppOllllLtl » ' ~
. i ,4» f ‘ = ' .~ ' it i toms-i lx‘l'tldltill't'e Although the) didn't “H‘- one “I that I didn’t get a '
. , V» g V . : .. V The luture “i WRFL. until tag-i the coveted [{hodes scholarships. . V . " ' .
. , ., _ .. -, ' y y 5 § .2 night known as Radio Free Lex- 1“” lyK students “he made it to the 5klt0larShIP. but l y : , y y .
, nil: .: .. ' yy . 1' y g :i f Int-HUI]. depends on the acquisition regional finals 0' the c“Ihl’ehh‘th _ _ ' ' ' ~
-s .2; .. ' » ‘ ' ~' ‘ - - ' .
5 . . i. y: . .. ‘ f} ? iii an additional $7.500 a year to feel honored lt)‘ tht' chance “' parttc- realize that [I “ah d »
3t .jt: V V VVV . .. :V it . .VVV. meet the stipulation placed on 1patt“lnlllt'\\'llll‘l\klll(l(‘\pt‘l'lt‘ll('t‘ really tough
’ ' 5: ‘ '1. Lexmuion Mayor Scoity Baes-I- “It was a gut-\t't‘enchtnu \wt-k. hut . . - - .. y _
:2 :5.- ~"32V'VV 'V ti . V {217: er'srecentdonation. it was worth it.“ said Anne Gallo: LOUtpellllOT‘l. V ,
1;? g t V 13%. Bugger and the University both way.an Englishlltt‘l‘illul't’st'lllttl‘ Roland Mullins _
$1 r -‘ - y' donated $20 000. and both agreed "h was “k“ i‘ ”may “"3“” ”th R ‘ y ,_ y ‘ y .
”I Ch” .’ 2,, t a . -,.. ‘ , , , S ‘ ' ‘ i
it} n g j, j ' ‘::. 3‘“ to donate an additional dollar for said Roland Mullins. an electrical I“ des (hhldr llndllsl
the ,~ 2; , ‘:: CV01." dollar up to $7.300 raised engineering and mathematics >9 _
£53: ~33». ” it. " Z by the organization for the next "h”- : .
. it??? ‘e. I] ;.", . ‘ 33" three years. "Th" 11‘“ lhit' " it” “1"" 5'“ (IU'Vk' hm” ”Why lh‘y hwy yh‘h yh'yy‘ ‘lh‘y l
1 i3, .. V' . . 3:.- . l; : 7 ‘ And as former Student Govern- l)’ and t‘hdt‘d 5" :tht'ttpll.‘ h “11> h‘ “““hhhl "4 y
. . yy ‘ it . ' iiient AsSUCIatIOnPl'951(l(‘lll.ltthli it tt't‘tttt‘tttttttts lctttoun lwcaus‘e oi that built mommy and .‘.1:.:.;i:.s _ ‘
, gfkikh ., t. , . ‘ ‘ .a ' Cain said. "It's time for the slit: ‘3” the ”“9115" hl'l'Vll.‘ lmy it “Wk' “‘1‘ ‘l l” W "y“ywh‘” ”my ‘y""\ ‘h‘ y
. Viki ’. . .' ‘ '1, . dents to put their money “he”. and then all this tremendous activity A“ ““‘l’h‘lh' "1: -” 'y‘hlt ‘ y
«’4; .: ‘f :g . theii ears are." comes to a select-hing hall." Mullins "1 ‘httth it ‘ tt'llL‘UJl 'hi” :‘ ‘thls‘h' » : '
‘”§yv~ , yf - ‘y Jack Blanton. vice chancellor Siltd- “hm" W'lhh hhw m". (y‘hhhh‘h‘yy _
&’e 1 2i : . for administration and University Galloway and .‘.1iilliiis were among =“ ”t" '"'¥="’-:' “"4“ - ‘:‘i'i ““5 '
a y??? yi’ adVISer of RFL's Board of Direc- 12 finalists ill the (ireat Lakes re tttot-tt 11:: t» 4: Hm- t oi lllt' | lx‘ lloi.
;;:i.y..s% , y . ,;_'.__......W....,.( y‘h ’ tors. said they must have "stable glon. winch includes Illinois. Michi: ”t" t""—t'~t=: W" “-it‘ v: ‘ ”‘ftht‘t‘ . - :’
:. : . y y .. ., . . . funding forthisthingtogo.” gan. Wisconsin. Indiana. ()lllt) and "1 'ht' ”\y >t“"“*“"- ""‘h'ltlfl‘ ”M, .
V}; . c : . VV He said the success of the radio Kentucky. The finals lor the region chose the students who wotilz‘ it-ti
Egg: station depends on student volun: were held in Chicago, ”93“”! Lyhy ‘h the blhhh‘m‘y ‘yh'hl’hh ’ .
if a"; teers who are willing to donate Scholarships were awarded [0 333 tion . ' ' . .
:éé-Vyif. $.31, a: V theirtimetoraisingthemoney students — four finalists from each "It t-lcat t) ttttttt'itl"-‘ W" tltttth'.‘ "' "
5": a'WS 2,: f y 11' the students don‘t raise the 0f the nation's eight regions — from ”tt‘t'd't‘i'dillt“: llt'N-Wl , ‘ * . y
.1313 3’ g; '::”; V V y: V_V V funds. the organization “Ill “’59 amt 1m £0130 regional finalists na- [it"h )ilVitl 1980 “.15 the List iiiiit‘ .
‘l‘h‘ft.%‘ .; '::; y g .' . ‘Jy..-:.2'y y the mone) that has been condi- hWWlde: Finalists were lhteerewed h'”h "l *‘"“‘“‘1k~‘ y hhhh‘h“ ”m". ‘ ' y
.g, grit-2B 2* f‘ " ‘ lionally donated by the Universi- Saturday on qualities of intellectual from l'K :\ t'h student hasii ' won . - . . '
at. 3y '1' yy » i Iy and Baeslei‘. attainment. character, leadership a Rhodes scholarship tor inoie than 'V . _
if a?” _' 4. V: ' “ y : And according to Paula Antler» mPthcal vigor. 2'.‘ “my“ . yi y '
9’ V '. v.43 ... ._ iii?- son. student publications adviser. N0 0‘ the {Our scholarship Wih- “‘1"th hhh G‘hhh\h-\ ”my” N. : '
353:. a .. . , y 3’ ' "515.1100 is not an outrageous ners from the Great Lakes region ’1 :h“ ”’“5‘ "”‘yh‘yh‘h "“h‘l'h‘my‘ y‘” . ' | ‘ . .
.. 8 g : '2 ”y ‘i’ amount of money to expect a live in Illinois and attend Yale t'm- 'titVt‘ “W" hu‘l- “W“ “"“‘ """hhmh ‘ , " .
‘:Ky .132! .. 5 3' ,,- . a radio station to raise if it wants versity. ‘lhhhh‘yd‘y h‘ys‘hh ' y ' , '
V? . V :~ ,9 ..- s [Osur\vi\ieV" Another winner lives in Michigan "1 .. _ .. _ _ h' 1 y _ : -
, . v...“ V3,?“ Although Kenny Arington. and attends HOP" (“”93“ ”t ”it" _ wk” yyhhy‘yylyCUSfy; .yyyyyyyy y"; ' y' , ' ‘~
,.V , .. . . - chairman 0f the board. said m. land. Mich. while the othei lives in '(V‘NV'hV ”I “”_~‘""‘ .‘y yy “h‘lhhnmyyyy . . . '
. , r" t; has contacted the SGA anti the Ohio and attends Sianiord l'niversi- ‘l "m “yummy“ Wyn“ 5d”. , . ' y’
‘ Ml: V '- . r .. V. Student ActtVttes Board about l)’- (manila) \‘mi 5m. in, a Campiami ' . .
. a... ya?" a. matching the funds. Mark Beaty, The scholut'shtl» Pit} l"" ‘1‘“ about he t‘tlt.1l)¢)>llilill oi the it-aioii- ~ y y:
i . . a “2...... ,. . . “ ii! .i: a“, a“ i . . a“... preSIdem 0f RFL, said the ram“ years and h" optional tllit‘tl )t‘ui H! .il >t'lt-t'lio11 t'tlllllllilll‘t‘ Slif‘ >ald ll“
. “V . its ' ». station does "0‘ want ‘0 rely ”h study at Oxford L 'h‘ymy’y’h‘y .. V cause si\ ol the eight members were ‘ i '
rm. 1: (55mm ‘ afi a... i" . that funding toget offthe ground. h was a great h""‘"' l” t-‘Jt- ('i‘l' law school graduates and the other ' y :‘
. g “:y y: ‘ V. ”’y -'1~ .ny0 one .w'lh‘h our organiza- lotfaysVtht‘l. . . .. two were scientists. "it wasn't a , . ,
. . “4V .. . : .4 tion is looking for Student Gov- leas thD.‘ lhdl l lit" tht> titt‘i \ariedeiiouuhselectioncommittee “ . .
«:mhw a: . . he to _ ernment or the Student Activities t'lutltnsV-satd. "1 was (thapiwntvd :
W - V¢ Board as a necessary source of that! didn't get a scholarship. but 1 “There were no poets. no piiiio- . ,
:.f3~:_-;:."“W:'ta;:~.;.;f-. _ . ' funding. realize that it was a really tough sophers. no historians and no nitisi-
. V .. t . “The first year is going to be competition.“ cians,”she said. ~ , . .
i . .. « ' the most difficult for us." Beaty , y : y
-. . . = V .- .- . . V \l V i said. ”We‘re going out with a . “We didn‘t expect to even be nom- “I don't think they were prepared
. ' : % . 1.. ‘ " 2 brand new Project and we‘re mated from the state level." (iallo- to talk to us about our lields " slii- '
. ., . . . 3. :g’ .. ' V 3;. . N. looking for support." way said. “But once we were candi- sald.
- : V . .V .V He said the response to vester- dates. we had to believe that we . '
. . . - could win (.alloway said she also dot-sift .
K V V . V out.” non-cum day 5 article 1" the Kentucky ' think it was lair that onlv one oi the
VennyV Agington Radio Free lexmgton s choir- for the proposed student-run radio station, Se RFI P 9 "h [Wk m" d3.“ “l gearing ”P 1“ Ptght metttlx't‘s was telltale. “In my
"rm 0 t e board discusses how to raise mone WRFL, last night in the Administration Building. e " age feel that flu)? “9 were shaking on opinion. yes. it did thave an effect ,
the plane. she said. This desire and on the outcome). but who‘s to say?“
Q ° UK h' '
_ ’ .
students in arc itecture college Andrews sprains ankle
f ° (1 ' b ° ' " ‘ ‘ "
In prOJ eCtS to e tlme-consumlng “l «gg 30 up By 1‘II(V).V\I.\SJ.slI.l.l\'.-\.\ the tall and was taken to the Medi-
~ «gsséiéw Staff Writer cal Center. where he received 14
ll) (iltrl'lt‘lllfix mm: ii iii; ' ~ - , .. _ . , . . . . Shhyhes'h‘ysa‘d
(‘oniributinu \t'iiii-r oV in interesting posuion on cam of w hich will hd\ 0 taken a semester w . p.-. 1.- The Uh Wildcats continue to be Blackinon is expected t“ return m
puVsV. . th V V h to complete and will involve numer~ "‘::; '. :Q «,~« _‘ ’ plagued by injuries. practice today
Is 0"".1' pace w ere one may ous scale drawin s and detailed s». - : Y t - ' : - 5 : ~ : - : ~
l,l|llL‘ .iitei iiiosi buildings have expect to be biimmpded bv mice models before the in.” dr ft i f‘ . ‘shteyts sri. . : . P' :5 erday afternoon. 59"“? guaid h?" Chapman. d lieshnian gh‘hd'
hm.” mm mm" M. m“ mng ”.5 held aloft bv parachutes or attacked ished t a is in ._ V\ as VVW .5 ‘dhtkAndydyyy'b suffered a sprained missed praClICtt ytmlel‘day due '0
common to hear roaring rock son 5 . . '. _ - ~ . - . , . : ~s . .~ _ : fl! ”8 nee urmg practice. pm" he “35 suffering from an ”Hy
reverlwixitiixg ironi l’ence Hall is gaping array ”y student built lh'hg thf‘tt little. as an entering lt‘Sh- ,L “Eh“ «aw V Andrews “had his leg planted dur- pucted tooth. which was removed
Itrchiteetuic students tork i [h ' . . man. first saw- the upper—level pro: cfiifif "év>5i‘»3u«.;*'._ ._ ’ mg a drill when one of the other Sunday. He is expected to return to
‘n 1 ‘ ‘ \ (h 9" Wh) do architecture students 190's. his reaction was “1 don‘t see ; ':::‘tae gist“) .. " players fell on the outside of his practice today
1) it“ > . spend so many hours in the building him 1 could ever do something like “it. . y shy . :. -y. yr right knee“ said Brad Dav' UK ‘ ' . '
l” “WV 1’ L‘ "94'”! lmPt’SS'ble ‘0 com red to students With or in - " -' ~ *1.-. -‘ ‘ . ”.‘uz..f=‘»”¢'~‘ " - ‘ - . ls‘. w'th W'Mh’h Bennett. a senior
pa ma] 5 that. But with time and experience « “T‘s . ' : 'i :: assistant 5 ts inform li d ' '
\Hllk .it‘t‘tiss cantpus at any hour, otheriieits? under his belt he now produces mul- y tor ”or y m .m. gmyard’knwe; M me season mm a"
day or llllllll. without seeing some Much of the answer may lie in the tidiniensional projects similar to y injured and Cedric Jenkim. a
SIR" ”t Ht‘ltVI‘.‘ happettlng on some elaborate projects they must com- thoseheobserved asafreshman Andrews was treated in the thy ~ junior center. my with an ankle m_
low] M ”k. h,ur_sh,ry structure plete each semester. Some examples Even, student's work is very per- cats‘ training room and taken to the Jury. the loss of Andrews leaves the
across limit the Journalism Build- of these are miniature cities. com- sonal and individualized. Many of M- ., .. UK Medical Center for X-rays. Wildcats w'lh only seven scholarship
”‘3 plete With trees. sidewalks and the same materials are med by all fii* i ‘ : 3y? 1y»: where the sprain was diagnosed. players available to play.
a rtment il ' . . . ' 3i." _ _ .
”mu. V. t'hristmas tree in the mi d- Pa bu deSV the students. However,the manner He 1, expected to be out for Jenn", “had his cast removed
_ The fourth- and fifth-year students in which they are organized to form . 3 "i ~. .. .. . . .. . . .
die of campus. the architecture are designing ways to attract tour- recognizable structures . dif t: ' . t=’-‘*«X’*§’§i§ abtmthreeweeks, D‘V‘S-“ld- last mm‘yi' on“ “'d‘ He '3
' . , ., ,. . u . l . V fo as - . .
gcuyltyllylyiy d: hwy”? lighted. 5.3m ism from the popular General Butler ferent. 3 very ’33” y if: 1“” ”$ng Guard James Blackmon was also :2: m utkrlliemrillciwm In
Us: I: 5“ ng architectureVsenior. State Park to the “downtown" part ”W'e‘re not jus‘ maklm m ti): ’thflyfiy {3‘ “I’m 8‘ yumy‘l plaice w ‘ a '
h imth mg is always gomg on OfCarrollton. Ky. plans here. That‘s generic We‘re 1M.“ . ' Jail“ ll “math. and m
t m. . V , - t W 'Durlig I loose hull. he grabbed and they expect lam to be back the
Some of their ideas include hotels. " for the ball nd fell the floor " match {in part
Pence Hall and its inhabitants restaurants and dimer theaters All Secrnomcis P 9 y ’ - . to - ' onddtlh «the d
. . not ' Dan: said. Blackmail cut his chin 1n January,"Muid.

 ' t . e E
’ ’ -1 2 — KENTUCKYKERNEL Tucsdly, m9, 1,“
I H Id f IS WCEk
.- ‘I» \ ‘
- cause stress among students I .1.
‘ 1 . _ , “We e
- ‘ . . ‘~ ____—..___ ‘ \ WK 2‘1 s.
‘ " l' s ’lml llll't' til \(‘dl .tpioill .t.~\ t‘tkllslltmt‘l' r3~- ' ' ‘ . "‘l‘i1’1i1..."w_;i1..‘1g«‘
. : 1 . ' 1 1 1 . 1 . . . . swag . 1:
1. . ltlutt t-\.iiiis .oe iiukiiip .iiouiid .2.»\ ins! \\.ilk outside oi d hout ., ,1. 1.. . . . 1, 1:” .. «1:
_ 1 . ’ . g - 'li.» eoinei .llltl t‘h: isiiii.is iiiiiiie For the ol lump rope 1‘" ..‘ . __ Iii? . Q;
.’ ’ ’ _. tii.itei\ t-il'mh 'r "to ”H lllt‘ Kt‘ HEALTH OF IT when ll other people are -M . . I * ”'1 1 ‘ 1 t
- - ‘5. ‘ . mt-s'ei mi Jill .1 :u- .t 'hoitoiii around. In .iii unobtrusive relux- eggs? ‘ , ' '» '_
.. .t . . - 1”; out in; \tlllit‘ l‘or mun) uliou e\ei‘eise. eirele _\our teet . .55, 1'. *‘t11
‘1 . .‘T I’ people tau-h oi these L‘H'lll.\ pro- . . . . . by rotating them at the ankles. .’ . 1 ‘I1.1j.135'3 ,1, . ..I‘

.; .. ' . 'lllt't’.\ .i iiuiiihei' oi islt‘t'sxrt‘ldlt‘tl “ml” ”“0” "1" PM" mm ”M” \H‘l ’ule \oiu‘ toes. tighten and ’ . 4) v.2 ' 9" ..

\- ' ’ ' " ' ' ‘ ‘ ' .. l‘lll kills l‘tl‘l"Hllll’llltill g ‘ ' 33‘ ~ . ~32”

1 ' . ’1 ‘- \.!!‘.plit.lt\ ”N” ‘ “ . " p (l ‘l' k l't‘lil\ )our huttoeks. tighten and ”fix .1“ ‘-

' - .5 t. \ll't‘\\ is .teiiiied .is' "An inter ”l mg ”no M I’ll”) Wop} ll ‘1“ i~.-lu\ siomueli niuseles1 or inhale _ t“ is,“ ‘ 4‘ 1
‘1- 1- 1 ’ '.‘- .."11‘1 . ‘ .1. Ltd: ln-tm-eii lite situations re ”1 ““m'd‘wfl l“ mut 15m“ " l’t’l’ tiiid ('\ll£llt‘1\lii\\l} uiiddeepl}. ”V

'- {I‘m-‘- .' l _ .1 .. .l >4 lt‘.itllll\llllt'lll .iud the “l L,” ”“51 “n“ .( ”’1‘" l)“ lll' It you lime troiihle sleepiiitl. ..2

. ' 1. -. lit mw » ..h. .'x rt. .ope l' is the ”1‘1”“, ”'“wl-lI”\m “l‘ml‘ “55‘ .ittei'studyuptr) thetollomng: ‘

II : 1' .I i... ”I Mm H “up“ rm“ to goiimul eoneeiiis .ilmut stIiuess1 .A'l‘ukeamu'tii huthoi'shower. . _ 1
" ~' (. ' ’7’ -’ .':. ..‘. t '.t'iif\ .ittil \liiiitili l'dllk‘l' llliill “1“}me Iltlddlul" sltttl} 5“ 1“ 1)“ ,Drmkdu|1155m“;“'minilk 3:...» 1 " . 1 .

- j'" 1’ «n.- anu .u \llllllIll themsehes. M1” “I‘M .»\ll{ VSIK‘INI some time dome, some-

’ ' l . {'1 '.‘.1 ‘ rouse -!ie~~.~. I): .loou Bo- some “I” “n ““1””; mm “Ml“ tllllltl routine tliiit does not take »~11,,1 .

’ :1\\t~i.ko l 5 \t‘\\\ .iiid World ”I‘m" ”u'lu‘l" mueh ront'eitti'ution . *.

.’ '. \'-1' 5’ “WW“ ”Wt.“ "‘ "‘"llml Stress /Bw"k 1'”: mm “mm mm .zt‘oiiseioiisl) (inert 1\oui‘ mind i 1 .. .

‘ ~ 1- .793“ .3." ‘.?-1.'«, ..'ltl \l.ike lt “elk For You,“ *itiull‘ertosks . 1trom negative thoughts and ‘ .1
- -. . 1 ' '. _' -- \l NM. ”.14 /I‘.Slal)llsll .i v. gnu: time and Wm is
. ,‘l. ..'t-_. . “ “ ’ " . .. ‘ .. ‘ ‘ .. ‘1
‘_ K1; ‘. \li‘t'ss is .i Illil'llltil reaction to pldLel‘” “IUd-‘mg' . . . ./S(‘\’(‘l‘ill times a (l.l)' spend a “I
’1'. I L-I 7-"’-I’~’. Att‘ 4”” VH' ”N‘tl d certain .I/Fm?‘ ~‘_"‘_“ I‘m’lpil‘iuk _ 3““) tee. iiiiiiutes tltlltlL‘. some slow. . '= '1“ ..

,3 ’ f". 1}?“ if .iiiiount oi it .is .i llt‘LlLill‘H‘ inl'lu— “("1” "l 0' Sl”~‘*‘""((_‘ll'1*‘luI‘t?Il§ deep, ”1.1mm“. hI-wmnm to. d ~- pt , v.
is»? “.514 j" t'llt't' Hoomer ll it is interfering tor QT“ “In” )0“ ”(U 1" le“ miiiutts ' ’ . t 1 7" “l”
..'1": ‘*. l ' " .\ ”.1" ‘lie \'\.l_\ \ke «I like to lunc- for “mp -‘ rel‘l’fml‘“ , .. _ I ’ IggI“. . .
e I HI you then it should he ile.ilt VHlll . “Kathe! than “mum: “m' » _ . - «551%
..' -"Ir~‘._-"_»'n, 1‘. pm- anyone Ah“ h (erwncmg stantl). set aside .i (Ifill) -oI-iiiiiIi- . 1 Egg?“

:i"_' 1523:; I‘ [1'13 ’.t'.1.tl.\t' illtt'l.t('liti.l trowen the “l‘I Y‘firr} ml“ l" [l ‘ ”‘0”“I”l~d The (in-Lem.“5 N.“ Year's ‘1‘. a. I; .
1’1".- -» "A .‘7.’ .‘f- .- :‘e..;ii\ iii tiiiols .iiid the .ll)llll\ to 5““ ‘l “”m” tor l 1" mm ‘m season iii this L'oiiiiti'\ is the long- . ’né’lfi“ 1
-' .' . r 1‘ ' '1 ' ‘1\'til(l\\(tl‘l‘\'lng 'll ‘lll\‘ other time ‘ . » - . ”t"w% ‘
f ;- 1'1‘, ‘ ”'31: rope \‘llll them. lk'i’lltilm some ol ‘ “H 'd l I) -I ." 'th I“ est. and lor man}. the most ex- w—w- ,‘

‘ ,- - 3' '2 [H "m .t‘... iiiioi'iiz.i'ioii \sill " ‘ e" 0 “1p! ll“ “I (l ’ X‘ll.'l\'(‘ that \\e eelehr'ite 'ill . ~" 5 ~, we}? ‘ w.
1: _' *3 . I“ '.~ . ("-1 ,H’H ’ \ fee or other ('ulleiuuted drinks. :1“; l ‘ - _ gtvfigtii
. ’1‘. . 7" 'l ' '-.-,' ' :- l3“ ‘ *tlw'l’f‘ “”1‘“ (NPWUI til“ 91“?” or d mill tip and down Klan) people e\perienee in- g “fig; 5; ”firgz
II, ; 1 s...“ ~.;i.s IIN My” Will}. you t t stdIiis.I bun lgll {IxtlLIlzt MN. “.01.”? dun”; ”“5. time . I s I
'=-‘ ‘51. i; 1w. :iuh' Ht z'..;1«1l1 partie mnI H “1‘: . “HEW” ‘3'“ mo l Past memories llout into our _ . 31f” 11:5
.' ’ .' ..31.1;_ - Wu: \lll'ltitlt'!\1 hock. 5““ 'llli“ Mlllptlj' k l . 1 minds and hearts. and we may ,1 .- . 1 ‘ gigs; 1593;?
' ; "wk ’Hxi". .. :v in. .llxtilnllllal “R“! ier I d” ”n my, )0“ 0 spend quite 2i hit ol lime thinking .1 ,3»): ‘ new”. 'fflf‘mf

’ " ’ reduce your amieh ll'tVC a soft *3" - ‘2 3 “w? ‘ .14 .. ”all!

1,, .; . .’ 1m... \.\1 ~ ~. ;\ t‘s : .1 uer\ous ~ ‘ 2‘ ‘ 1 about lust the Wu) \\(' “(int e\'- ' . 1 A, ”.1". ‘ “‘3‘. ~. --,_K'.5. W
;'. ,aI ,' 1- ._ 3 IR , I 1 1 I k “I h 1”, drink or get some exercise hven ”“huigmm 4.4 r» 1 a; ..va
'1 1 _', '. up... an.- ! ..., xiii“ :...:i§.; your ”“delrf‘l? amounts ‘llk‘lllfighxll “III It is the time ol )eur tor luniily ”1‘; __ (fl 1, V ‘ :15; "ofirfii‘gf W M ‘ I
p :.::-.;~.-~ 'tit- h-sk mil. naming ”edible mllli‘mlr d-l’Sili- H II. gatherings. including the feelings s»- ., _ ‘viiétfif
. .. 3' ' ’.‘ ” ~‘» . ..w «t. mem r V‘ ‘l 2“” H“ 'l ml " assocuited with being Wltl‘l or " ' ‘ .1 ‘ 9.1 “fix" a "is;
~- ' Z" ' . , utcs ago » ... ' 1.x”: 3&3” $3.; .3 '
. , .' 1 , 1'? 1I. - in... {11.1} mp. i'".t‘.".t't‘ tituitl ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 l I“ . l' k’ \\'llh(lul your lanul}: There are , s . . . _ (1:31.. $111; 1*... ' New.“
.- .1‘ I” . 1'.I;1=.:'.' 1i. ’!('\ t \lt‘likllzll.‘ upset «on. n 5”” fill“) _d U It‘ltm ling: many extremes during the holl- - *va'ri'“: Weds" ‘ “5”” - ' " W
'. - T-t' . ' ... '. (ml s W‘ m H! .i‘..i";'he.i i: l“? ‘ I»‘”” “' h“|”'Ik "1:1; ] Il‘m “_ da) season. such as loud. drink. ’ .. ' ‘I' f1 * $.11 .19». 5'2"“ I11.» 2'" , ”I M, ‘1“.
1I '- ’ ,_’1 _ . : 3- 4...: inevuu ‘ name .i 1" ”mm mm “'5‘ an ml“ ”In“ ml‘teivmg.huyingwte 1 n; 1. _ M, 1 1 '- “W 12341:; . .1. .I _

; .. ‘.1 .1 stress to it” 4|ll‘t‘;ld_\' stresslul sit~ l“ "1 ‘om' “nli N. 1 ‘l‘dll\ - . ‘. .- : -?-.-"‘.'-z1v-‘. <1 1W J _ .. ‘v 1 .-;2§.»1;x~ :; ( ,1 , 2

. r . -' A . . "ion ‘ x ( IX I L “p“ ‘ .;.°e.3'”?% 1 . .oz‘w’wv ' 221.1. .1.»..2s I 3,”- -
7.3 1 - I; \ .11 ”m. in... us! realm-.1 “"‘ . . . i l l . those who have Just completed u Aummm 1 1 11
" :;1,- \"il lune .1 M muster s “ortli lif’l llml‘ ‘IH “I. [In lllllur mm“ semester ol' school Lllltl (‘Llll’l \\.’I|l . d
L: » .:I '7 ..g l't‘utlllr}; u. (to in .i text tt;t\>. C u»‘ 5 if] no“ “l I “ C e e to “get out ol' here." the holidays Ra'n ance
“fl" .:,-: -‘_'. -. I 1 .,. n let-m :;.--.~: M... :. tio ;l lousy I'las‘s 1“ {hen ‘Imm’nh‘lxl llllull): can mean l'un. truiel. parties.

.. a ‘ , , . . . ., -‘ are ie ure o e ).i 1' ' -. 1 .1 ~ ~ . . 1 11

1 1 1 .I 1‘ .1.- i. I w. . wall‘ we...» 1... ton Ldtll nllfx‘t’dpl'alht‘l'lll‘tll(I€lIall\ slersIepiiig Ilutt and lxlalJltl‘! [hmt Wade Brittingham, ll. tries ,0 catch roin up from o dept.“ Opus...” 1.... 1,. n1. .1... 5 1.1.. .

»- .. '. " '1 ~ ..ucie dim. .m. i ..t" to slap '1‘ ' ‘ ‘ ot ers. tie very tru itioiis t a . .. . . . 1 , 4m >
" *' ' ‘ ' ' ’ ’ ' “ ‘ ' ‘ t t icolCentei t‘sltfl'u. .

..- .5 'f . f 1 , J 'h. .11... 1.1.1.}? NUdMHt-l. I1“ «md “l :(lMH’ I15 d an, supposed to proVide the “1"“ drops while waiting for his mo her 0 pick him y uy
.’.1 2 1‘" 'x 1- “)“, - x-.

. . I: 1. K, l’... this .o-i :i-ei e\ii;i.isied1 de glll‘hm‘ ‘1’; 39105 pm ULll.nlL.u1 der and delight ot the seiison can
.‘ '1'; ' ,- tut-“mt pom. .sti'it'keiz .itid over p‘lI'Ienf‘] I) K: 1t“ ”r” id ‘Ilm dredge up teeliiigs ol depres'Sion.
. .21". . 1: 14.. ..m; ml .11.: I\uu :‘i- mun; on ph-‘M‘d' chillt-Il“ ’ltm‘ (mull; ginger1 loneliiiess1 (tisuppoititilienl _____,_—____.__—___—1___..___ use, 1. “HAW

.‘jI -' .1 .1 wt; a'tt‘;i\ tw'tee ..iztl o: t‘oke “”1””? ’5 ’ll“ Mn“ ‘5 ”m“ U all(l.lIlet’l)1lltu\\Ul'(l15'lVI{I‘:SS. :

. ’ "- -. '3": \wt. " .z\ 34 artizktiiu more .ileo lh""’l”“"”‘* Stresses ;i\'1\tK'l&llt‘(l Wllll the 1... .. ., l
‘; 1 1 2'5"} 1' ln . hit: ll‘~ll.il1 or ll_\l!t:_‘ ll tor the 1,,\ liezidsttiiid ”r similar exer» holldit) season may inelude: 'l " "Il' ‘ ’ I
'.-'_ 11'" *, 1;: .-‘ ;.;-.~ ‘iz'n else to bring lilood hack to the . l"""»""’ 9% I." " l
'- . \'*”“‘ tt'ii‘v‘ti‘ W” ‘Y .I\‘ N‘ head \t-t-si‘Rrss lam-5 ‘» "r. .2 ' .‘ l
. . I-" 5 H1; ( . , 1v . (v . I) . «v . (I . (.v «7 . (v . (v . (v o 17 ' ‘ ‘= »l T ' '

: . ' 1"..~'.- l ’ .
xii. l. '1‘.) A . ~’ ‘5 ’ I 1 ' ‘1 .“ ‘ .
.11 -. ;- 1 ‘1‘ . ‘2. . STUDENT ACTIVITIES BOARD : - 4 1
' ;. ' *4" ‘J ." t" t 1 v.11; , 1- g
. t ..r" a . 3T "‘r e .. i
,1 . . .114 2”“ e1 WISHES YOU HAPPY HOILDAYS 11 . 1. 111.11 5
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' . . . .. 1- - ' h . ».;r _, 7 . ‘ , . .‘ .. . t
-1 -_ .1 . « v»; ;' «- inc : t \' i

5 / I. 4'“ 1 ; ._ ‘1 . .

z ;-:'1-j~'1"~.~ ' - 1 l ”3}... Free Refreshments 8. .t ., l

. -. = 2‘; .,L {3 ~ 2 Holiday Musuc! . 1, . . 1
' --/.‘.- .-’.“ 2 :.r, ... '

,_ ..‘, 1. . 4115-141, _ e 1.3,; Student Center Great Hall “”~ l

2v ' » r -" .. w.’ .‘ in? .

.g 1-...» .1 m t 5-“. 2 Wed., Dec. 10 l la.m. - 2p.m. ..11.1.I. “' l
“. 7711 ‘ V' 1. 1» , :12 ' ’i'itl't 1i ._ l

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 KENTUCK YKERNEL Tuesday, December 9, 1986 3
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‘ Wilma Daugherty
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