xt71ns0kwh0h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71ns0kwh0h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1910-12-02  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 2, 1910 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 2, 1910 1910 1910-12-02 2020 true xt71ns0kwh0h section xt71ns0kwh0h «mm-.70."... ....... m...—


State University of Kentucky.
December 3,1910.

The faculty met at 3: BO P.M. at the usual pla those
present being President TM1eritus Patterson, Acting CPresident
White, Professors Anders01, German, Hamilton, Healy, Hooper,
Jones, Kelly, Lafferty, Tc? cenzie, Mathews, Maxson, Miller,
Mustaine, Patterson, Penc ce, Peter, Pryo1, Rove, Scovell,
Snow, Stout, Terrell, Wile on Zembrod.

The minutes of the lee meeting were read and approved.
The standing committees were then called for in order for
reports. Committees 1, 8, E and 4 had no report s to offer.

Professor lacxen7vc for the C7ommittee upon Class Standing
arfi Examinations reported that it had been decided to begin
the regular term examinations upon Friday, December 16th; the
three hour classes to be examined in the morning and the two
hour class s in the arfternoon as in previous yea"s; the after~
noon classes to be examined first upon Friday the sixteenth.
Upon Thursda.y the twentywsecond it had been arranged to give
all those examinations which on account of conflicts could not
be given upon the regular schedule for previous days.

Committees 6, 7, R and 9 had no reports to offer,
Professor Miller for the Committee upon Athletics simply
calling attention to the published reports in which it had
been shown that the results of the Thanksgiving game had not
been entirely satisfactory, yet the financial condition of
the Association was excellent.

A resolution was presented by C.W.Mathews as follows:

"Whereas it is learned that in many cases univer
sity students are influenced to absent themselves from
a reunion with their respective family circles on
Thanksgiving Day because of the football games regular—
ly held on that day, and

Where a it is eminently fitting ard desirable that
a lniversity faculty should heartily cooperate in pro~
moting the observance of this time honored, national
family festival;

And further in view of the fact that many univer~
sitie es of the country hav e successfully made such changes
in the eir football schedules as to bring the closing game
of the seas on upon another date than Thanksgiving Day;

There fore be it resolved that it is the sense of
this faculty that a similar change be made in the schedule
of this University, and the 00mmittee on Athletics is
hereby requested to arrange that the final football game
in 1911 shall fall upon the Saturday preceding or follow~
ing Thanksgiying Day."




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minutes of the Faculty, December’8,1910. 15.

After a brief disCI JSSlOD, upon motion of Professor

' Anderson, seconded by Lieut.Kelly, it was ordered that the

resolution be referred to the Athle tic Committee for report
back to the faculty.

There being no further reports from regular committe cos,
the consideration of the report of the Committee upon Class
Standing and Examinations deferred from the last meeting
was then taken up, being presented by Professor 1% ac1ren nzie
as follows:

""our Committee on Class Standing and Examinations
ospectfully recommends that the following rules be adopted
by this faculty', that all exisiting rules which conflict with
these shall herewith be annulled, and that these rules become

operative upon ad.option.
l. the eentigrade scale be used for recording all

larss— —room gr ades.


2. That 75 be the lowest grade given for satisfactory


3. That a CONDITION signifies a final grade which is
more than SO but less than 75.

4. That a FAILURE signifies a final grade which is SO
or less.


. That a DEFICIENCY signifies either that a study rem
quired for a given degree has not been pursued in
this University, or that credit for said study has
not been obtained from any other institution.

C. That a FAILURE can be removed only by taking the study
again in class. This must be done as soon as the
study recurs in the University schedule.

7. That studie es in which a student has failed or is
deficient, take precedence of all others in the arrange~
ment of his course.

8. That a CONDITION must be removed by passing an examina~
tion, either regular or special, as provided in Rules
9 and 10. A CONDITION not thus removed becomes a

9. That the regular examination for the removal of
CONDI TIO"9 shall be held the third week before the end
of the term following that in which the CONDITION has

10. That a special examination for the removal of CONDITIONS
obtained during the previous second term (January to
June) sha ll be held on the first Faturday of the first
term (September to flT nuary).

A conditioned student may take the regular or special
examination, as noted above, but cannot enter both



 Minutes of the Faculty, December 2,1910. 16.

examinations. If he is unable to pass he examina~
tion which he enters, the CONDITION becomes a
FAILURE. A student who desires either a regular or
special examination must notify the Registrar and

the head of the department concerned (at least two
days before the examination is desired), so that
arrangements can be made for the examination. Unless
such notice is received, no examination will be held.

11. In the event that a student's .k is poor, yet not
such as to make it necessary t ' ' * him from the
University, e shall be warned and p seed on proba~
tion, or advised to withdraw.

12. No student with more than two CJNDITIONS, FAILUPRS
or DEFICIENCIFQ shall be permitted to register as a
member of a higher class.

13. No student with any CONDITION, FAILURE, or DEFICIEHCY
Will be admitted to the Senior Class or be assigned
to any Senior work.

It was moved that the report be adopted as a whole,
but upon call of Dr.Scovell for a division of the question,
it was ordered that the report be taken up section by section.
There being no objection to the first twelve sections as
read, it was ordered upon motion of Dr.ficovell, seconded by
Professor Pence, that the consideration of section 13 be
deferred and that the first twelve sections be adopted as

a whole.

Professor Rowe presented the names of three candidates
for the degree of B.C.F. who were unable to complete their
work in time to graduate with the class in 1910, with the
understanding that they be recommended to the Board of
Trustees at their December meeting and be considered members
of the class of 1910 in accordance with precedent. The
candidates presented were:

John Stanley Dawson
Pherman Harry Stivers
James William Waller

On motion it was ordered that these men be so recommended
to the Board of Trustees.

Upon motion of President Patterson, seconded by Professor
ilson, it was ordered that the faculty adjourn to meet at
:30 on next Friday, December ninth, to take up the unfinished
usinese of this meeting.

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cretary of the Faculty.