xt71rn305f4h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71rn305f4h/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199508 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1995 text GLSO News, August 1995 1995 2019 true xt71rn305f4h section xt71rn305f4h I
( i I
Lexington’s first experiment with a PARTICIPANTS 1 . O . I ‘
Pride Month instead ofa Pride Week People with AIDS in Kentucky l The GLSO is Still lOOkith
was a lot of fun and would have been and surrounding states have new for replacements for our layout
a big success if more people would hope, according to drug studies editors, Whose pending‘
have attended. Remember several currently being held throughout the departure to BOStOH Will leave I
years ago there was a mOVie “What if state. The Kentucky AIDS us typesetter—less. l
There Was a War and Nobody Consortium (KAC), a group of i The lucky volunteer willl ;
Came.” Well, thlS year several physicians dedicated to the advanced treceive numerous scans and
people worked very hard to throw a care of persons living with gra hiCS in addition to CO iesl
party for the community and nobody HIV/AIDS is now in the process Of lof Péuark XPress and Adibel ’
came. . administering various drugs and drug l Ill t d ,d f f t ' L
Queer Jeopardy, Wh‘Ch has 501d combinations to persons in varying l ustra or, an sea 5 O on S _ :
out at the Actor’s Guild in the past, stages of the AIDS progression. The for elther MacmtOSh or an, l
moved to the Kentucky Theater so KAC physicians include many IBM-compatlble PC. ‘ l
more people could enjoy the fun. doctors in private practice as well as i And, of course, you’ll getl l
however, it attracted the same those at the University of Louisville the fulfillment of knowing yOU' l
amount 0f PEOPle that “did atthe 01d and the University of Kentucky. do your part for your ;
location. The Pride PiChiC’S AIDS Volunteers of Lexington community. ‘1
attendance was 150, down from last (AVOL) works with the consortium ‘ For questions please i
year’s 400. Fortunately, the picnic in an advisory capacity. contact Mar at 26é—5904 or i
did make a net th‘ 0f $77-76 Current studies being conducted P t t 27); 5845 W ’ l ‘
toward next year’s Pride Week.. The by the Kentucky AIDS Consortium ‘ e era a - t ' e are, I
Inter-Faith Service was attended by focus on several promising new utlng on you. ,l
65 people, down from 125 last year. drugs including Delavirdine, H 7 7 7 fl , l I 7 ‘
The other events experienced the Nevirapine, 935U83, ddl, AZT, ddC JJJ‘JSLIDE AUGUST:
disaPPOinting tumoms, bUt by far, as well as several new protease Beyond the Beltway: State of the I
the big loser was the Lexington inhibitorsv “Having local drug States-Aprogress Report on State V
Volunteers Awards Banquet. studies brings hope closer to home.” Legislature Activities in ‘95.,,.,.,.2
TSGRA has never made money Stated Kim Belcher, AVOL Hope Community News 3
» on sponsoringtthis event and views it Coordinator. Dr. Richard Greenburg Local Softball Team Gets National
as a communlty SCW‘CE- However, MD, the director Of the University of Invitation 3
while in the past they have 105‘ an Kentucky’s drug studies added, “The N .
atlonal News 4
continued on page 8 continued on page 8 WWW .. , fl , V , “W," W,

 3’5'1’ffi’fi'itUV/t’9’} BEYOND THE BELTWAYI advocacy; 10 non-discrimination
fig/';’:;,:{r;; fl’ia/M/jipr/g/{lé STATE OF THE STATES measures that were specrfic to sexual
bro/4’7”"? 3/." [flail/G, A L k At orientation not killed due to anti-gay
:"C’fl’zif’I'yIHE, 2112917"! U “230 ll attacks; 35 non—discrimination
ffi/égfi/ Ky 324:5”; Gay/Le; la lsexga SSileS measures that were not specific to
/{;/;{m fiI//r&/{:n//ljlc: At TLC Sign? an Loca sexual orientation, but included it in a
ViéyftLtSBiANIij’rcg CV6 S m 1995 broader list of categories; and one
j’,’ if‘J/Wfiie’gwfi/rxllg Washington, DC, July 12, non-classified measure (a measure in
If???“ 5ERV‘CES, '{j' 1995...Anti-gay attacks through state Hawaii calls for investigating ways to
7:? .yi’g/yr'a’3ift’fifé‘f/I' ‘42Q/15,¥:5.%}.:*r legislation were pervasive during the offer more equal benefits to
,/RGAN,[ZAT|0N,,; 1995 state legislative sessmns, and gay/lesbian employees, but the intent
9;. ." .. ,1. seem to be on the Increase according of the legislation is to undermine
to state organizers. Meanwhile, gay, court arguments for same—gender
GILSQ N@W§ lesbian and bisexual advocacy orga- couples seeking the freedom to marry

. nizations were adapting to the in that state).

PUbl'Sl‘Ed Monthly by the changing political climate and Many of the anti-gay measures
Lexmgton Gay/ Leg-3'3” successfully defeated many anti—gay advanced this year focused on the
Services Organization measures while pursuing limited areas of family and education _

R0. BOX 11471 advances toward non-discrimination. curtailing rights to adoption and
Lexington, KY 4.0575 These are the summary findings of foster care and mandating only
Beyond the Beltway: State Of the negative references to gay-related
lnterim Editor: States l995, the flfSt annual survey issues and individuals through the
Peter Taylor by the Gay and Lesbian Task Force educational system.
(NGLTF). Beyond the Beltway IS a “The Radical Right is Success-
. . state-by-state survey 0f gay-related fully exploiting emotional flashpoints
LaYOUt EdltOi‘S/CO-EdltOl‘S: legislation that moved forward around children in the context of
Tammy D. Strong/ during the 1995 SBSSiOhS, With details family and education,” said Robert
Elizabeth A. Gilliam of other non-legislative activities that Bray, NGLTF Field Organizer,
offer a fuller picture of the political “These are areas where myths and
Cilso Annual Dues and landscape facing misinformation about child abuse, .
Newsletter: $15 gay/lesbian/bisexual p60ple at the parenting abilities and the existence
Dues and Newsletter for state level in l995- of diverse family structures ignite
Couples: $20 Gayjrelated legislation moved fears and inspire extremist
Newsletter Only: $10 forward In '33 states,‘w1th 30 states legislation. In the name of ‘family
. _ _ ' being the Sites of anti-gay measures values,’ the Radical Right frequently
3:35New:2':threatening:2: or on of gay .0
don’t necessarily represent those of the related measures, While .18. states care for our own families and
GLSO Board of Directors. Submissions advanced non-discrimination Children.”
are welcome. All submissions become measures that include sexual 1995 also saw a number of
the property ofGLSO and must indicate orientation in some way. This measures advanced to permit
:TglfgaT:SZ?Seasddrte;: ofrtiléelautlligr. :35 document tracks '97 gay-telated statewide ballot referenda in those
submissions and ads to meet publishing measures that experienced legislative states which do not currently have a
requirements, as well as the right to movement this year, With 39 anti-gay mechanism for voter initiatives.
reject any submissions. Placement of measures; 12 non-discrimination These measures are frequently
adyertising in yGLSO NEWS denotes measures that were vetoed, killed or supported by anti—gay Radical Right
2:31;;:Sp,e:::posnseex;:f:rr;:r;teation nor indefinitely stalled due to anti—gay continued on page 10
GLSO News Page 2 —

 7e .
LOCAL SOFTBALL TEAM C.O.L.T.S. will be made public and distributed,
GETS NATIONAL INVITE Mark Cross so that individuals can utilize this
Outrageous Acts, the overall AVOL {001 as they decide Whi'Ch businesses
winner of the ldle Hour Monday Mike Yaden to patronize and which organiza—
Night D—Leaguc. recently placed in UK Lambda “O“:to SUPme- . _ _
:55“:l 5‘ EM“: Mid“: ED" SW White the peyfirfi'écéfniliilifdmoaéii‘iirfif .
uali ier. t oug t ey missed irst Lexington MCC to see ‘ ' . '
. - ~ , a ‘ . , gays, lesbians, 0r bisexuals :
boy”ranLupe,“:hCIICIprelréarmatnhceemin t2: RIC Kausrud fired from their jobs, lose their i
invitation to play in the “D” League Front Runners housing, or face harassment or 1
National Tournament in Colorado in Joe Uecker violence,” says Cindy L' Abel, ‘
September. TSGRA Executive Director. “The views of 1
Thus, Outrageous Acts is Terry Mullins the radical right cannot be allowed to
looking for sponsors and donations Rainbow Bowling League ”lake hostages ‘Ot the tair-minded
towards this trip, so they can Steve Rosenberg Citizens 9f our Clty’ by Silencing the
represent Lexington in this national Congratulations to these people V01?“ 0f tolerance and FCJCCtmg the
event. If you or someone you know for all of their extra time and hard has“: values 0f OFFSOC‘C‘Y’ SPCh as
would like to help, contact Sharon work _ we are all in debt to them. ' recognition of indIVidual dignity and
W- 511369-0838- V STONEWALL CINCINNATI {ZSPCSOEféheriixe “2:: fmnmfij
BANTEUlfiEISYZARIZOVl‘e/Iillgii “ KICKS OFF ,, individuals and organizations in
g p p I BUYCOTT PROJECT Cincinnati that believe in and
awards at the 1995 Awards Banquet, Cincinnati, OH _ Stonewall romote human ri hts for all
sponsored by the Tri-State Gay Cincinnati will officially launch the p60 10 n Bu cott Progect materials
Rodeo Association which took place “Buycott Project” at its quarterly Such) 'is survye card: and “thale
on June 25' membership meeting on Tuesday, 27 ou” cards (to tile ivenib customers
i Wasson Award: Lexington June’ at 8:00 pm, at St‘ JOhn’S then frequentingg an establishment
i Volunteer of the Year Unitarian Church, 320 Resor Street on the Project listings handbook)
v Linda West in Clifton . 5 will be available for volunteers to
i GLSO The Buycott Proyect W’” take and distribute at area places of
) Lee Stormbringer identify businesses and organiza- businessv
l Fairness Ifixington tions. that have anti—discrimination
Lou Vickers pOll‘Cles that prevent discrimination
f Lexington Men’s Chorus against employees and customers or
t Wayne Goodin members on the basis of .race, For
a ' _ gender, age. color. religion,
; Pnde CenterfiCommittee disability status, marital status, NATE a MAL NEWS
Shea hlder sexual orientation, or ethnic, XHL r “L \
“ RISC national, or A alachian re ional
5: Michael Blevins origin. A listingdef those whog have please see page 4
0 agreed or refused the sign the survey
GLSO News Page 3

 tier/Ti. iN/iL NEWS
._.. L . \Q L. . \s . L L4
REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN to include lesbian and gay history, with acknowledgment of
ORGANIZATION INCLUDES employees under their office non- their sexual orientation. (2)
LESBIGAYS IN NON- discrimination policies. Currently, acceptance of diverse sexual
DISCRIMINATION POLICY 229 US. Representatives and 64 orientation and the awareness of

Washington __ The campaign Senators — a majority of the 104th sexual. stereotyping whenever
arm of the Republican party largely gong?“ .—. prohibit hanti-gay sexuality. and/or tolerance 0f
responsible for the GOP takeover of discrimination in their offices. No divers1ty is taught: (3) Elimination
Congress includes lesbian and gay federal law protects people from of sexual orientation name-calling
employees in its personnel policy being 'fll’CC-l, lretused work or and Jokes in the classroom and (4)
againstjob discrimination, according otherwise discriminated against on support for the celebration of a
to information provided this week to the baSis of sexual orientation. 7 Lesbian and Gay History Month as 'a
the Human Rights Campaign Fund NATIONAL EDUCATION means of acknowledging the contri_
(HRCF). After HRCF representa- ASSN' SUPPORTS A GAY buttons Of lesbians, gays, and
tives met with US. Rep. Bill Paxon HlSTORY MONTH bisexuals throughout hi‘s‘tory. v
(R-N.Y.), chair of the National 0“ JUlY 6’ 19959 the 22 million LESBIAN CAMP NOT”A
Republican Congressional member National Education PRIVATE NUISANCE
Committee (NRCC), NRCC Staff Association. Passed Resolution B-8 Ovett,Miss.(AP)—Ajudge TCtUSCd
provided HRCF with a copy of the on ”Sexual Orientation Education.” to shut down a feminist retreat
NRCC’S equal employment which supports the concept of a Wednesday, saying disruptions to
opportunity policy, which prohibits Lesbian and Gay History Month. neighbors did not rise to the level of
discrimination on the basis of sexual The resolution states lh part, a “private nuisance.”
orientation. “The National Education The case of Camp Sister Spirit

“It’s good to see that the Association recognizes the has drawn national attention among
Republican party’s campaign arm importance of raising the awareness homosexual groups, who contended
has taken astep toward recognizing and increasing the sensitivity 0f neighbors only wanted lt closed
the fundamental value of fairness. staff, students, parents, and the because ll is operated by lesbians.
We hope to see more Republican community to sexual orientation in Ever since it opened two years
candidates support the same values,” 0‘” society. The Association ago Oll a former pig farm near this
said HRCF Executive Director therefore supports the development rural southern MiSSiSSiPpl town,
Elizabeth Birch. “We had a of posititve plans that lead to residents have grumbled about
productive meeting with Chairman effective ongoing training programs disruptions caused by seminars and
Paxon that set a positive tone for a for education employees for the music festivals, and about media
dialogue on these issues. Non- purpose 0f identifying and attention brought 0“ by camp
discrimination is an area where we eliminating sexual orientation complaints Of gay bashing. And
can find common ground With stereotyping in the educational some neighbors have said women at
Republican, Democratic and setting.” the camp were trying to recruit their
Independent voters.” According to the resolution, daughters.

The NRCC’s employment programs should address such topics While Chancellor Frank
policy is similar to policies in most (1) as accurate portrayal 0f the roles McKenzie said lh his seven-page
Congressional offices. HRCF has and contributions of gay, lesbian, whngthatthe camp broke nolawthe
lobbied every Member of Congress and bisexual people throughout said neighbor concerns were _

continued on page 5 _
GLSO News Page 4

 hasn’t gotten out of hand.” v marriage this summer. The editor or
NAMQNAL NEWS GAY MARRIAGE 1N ITHACA? De Gay Krant reports “The minister
i ‘ ” contributed By Shelley Ettinger of justice and the secretary of State
“genuine” and warned “activities in While the lesbian and gay for internal affairs have announced
the future are subject to scrutiny by community waits and watches events that the marriage rules will be
i the courts.” in Hawaii, where a move to legalize changed [The] new rules, will
i “We’re just really grateful that the same-sex marriage is working its include gays and lesbians without
t judge listened,” said Brenda Henson, way through the court system, a New any restrictions, and will be sent to
t who operates the retreat with her York college town is about to take parliament before the summer
t lover, Wanda Henson. They have the leap on its own. holidays.
i said authorities have repeatedly By unanimous vote on July 5, More than 100 Dutch cities and
I ignored complaints about the City council in Ithaca, NY.— towns already allow gays and
E harassment, that once included home of Cornell University— lesbians to record their relationships .
) finding a dead dog draped over their approved a resolution endorsing the in a symbolic “marriage register.
a mailbox. issuance of marriage licenses to The registers were created following
a Their attorney, David Daniels, same-sex couples. lobbying from the Friends of De Gay
' said the ruling shows, “in The vote wasn’t binding. BUt the Krant Foundation.
d Mississippi, that gays and lesbians COUDCil is reportedly preparing to Gay marriage is legal in
have rights just like everybody else.” take stronger action. Denmark, Norway and Sweden but it
Eleven neighbors of the camp filed A vote to formally instruct the is technically “registered
suit last year in Jones County City clerk to issue licenses to gay or partnership” and does not include the
d Chancery Court seeking to have the lesbian couples who seek to marry is rights to adoption, church weddings,
1t retreat closed on grounds its expected later this summer. artificial insemination or in-vitro
0 presence was disruptive. All but five The council’s action was fertilization. When the rules are
)f had dropped out of the case by the prompted by the case of two men, ratified, Holland will become the
time McKenzie heard testimony in Toshav Greene and Phillip Storrs, first country to allow gays to marry
'it May. Who applied for a marriage license under the exact same laws as hetero-
ig Michael Barefield, the lawyer last month and were turned away. sexuals.v
:d for the plaintiffs, said the ruling Ithaca Mayor Ben Nichols, who ONE-THIRD OK GAY Vows
:d showed only that “at this point, it describes himself as a socialist, said Lansing, Mich. (AP) __ A third
—— the constitutional right to equal of the nation’s voters believe that
rs Are you being discriminated protection extends to gay and lesbian two people ofthe same sex should be
llS ' , marriages. able to get married if they love each
n, against in Kentucky clue to Meanwhile, Ithaca City other, a new poll showed
ut , , 3 Attorney Charles Guttman “is Wednesday.
nd y0Ui SEXUGl orlentotlon. consulting With a gay-rights lawyer The poll found 33 percent
lia 0“ the issue,according to a New YOTk believed same—sex marriages should
np Repori, H NOW Times report.” Guttman observed be allowed, while 63 percent
nd ' that the state’s marriage law does not disagreed, EPIC—MRA-Mitchell
E.“ Call the GlSO Discrimination Project, eXPn-Citly mle 0m same—sex RescatCh said' Four percent were
err . _ . , marriage. v undecrded.
and help to put our discrimination NETHERLANDS To LEGALIZE Robin Kano, a spokeswoman for
nk on {he books. GAY MARRIAGES the National Gay and Lesbian Task
lge According to De Gay Krant, Force, found the 33 percent figure
he 276_5393 Holland’s leading gay newspaper, encouraging, even though gay
are , j The Netherlands will legalize gay continued on [”1809
e 0
_ GLSO News Page 5

 ‘1'.“ g St 1995 QB ALFALEA
GLSO W elcomes Back Area Colleges
\ o . ‘
Wednesday Thursday Saturday ”in,”
‘ e p ’I .
M 1 2 3 4 5 -- a, ,
S M T wy T F S 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM Lex.Merl‘s 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontmnners ‘ i . ‘ '
z 3 4 5 6 7 fl} Al-Anon 6:00 PM Frontrurlners Chorus Rehearsal AA '
12 {(7) ii; lg l3 3‘: 1% 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- (Woodland Park) 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt.
2 2 2 2 ' E i in Southland Lanes) 8:00 PM G IL b'an G .
g( 7 AA 3”“ ‘1’ RESTAURANT
557 S. Limestone
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lexington, KY
6:00 PM MCC-Greerlleaf 7:30 PM Pride Ctr. 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM Lex.Men’s 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontrunners
Motel Taskforce Al—Anon 6:00 PM Frontrunners Chorus Rehearsal AA 253‘001 4
7:00 PM Dignity 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl— (Woodland Park) 8:00 PM I—HV/AIDS Sppt.
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian "mg (Southland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian Grp.
Renowned Weekend Brunch:
13 I4 15 16 17 18 19 . b/ b I) /( I) f
lrnperial Ct. (ICK) Mtg. 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV SpptGrp: GLSO News Deadline Integrity (St. Augustine's) 9:00 AM Frontrunners 5 er V, n 9 U 8 er r y U C W ea
6:00 PM MCC-Greenleaf Al—Anon 6:00 PM Frontrunners 7:00 PM Lex.Men‘s 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 10:00 AM Men's Network k b .
Motel 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl— (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal AA IOU/KG 85, eggs ”Md/(ll GINO/01
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian mg (Southland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 7:30 PM P-FLAG .
AA AA ‘ 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. 5panl5h ome/efle,
Grp. ’
20 21 _ 22 23 24 25 26 and much more...
12:00 PM WV Pride Picnic 7130 PM Fairness MBGK- 7230 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/PHV Sppt.Grp. 7200 PM Lex.Men's Log Cabin Gay Republicans Log Cabin Gay Republicans Nat,
(CoonSkin Park, Charlesto— mg (Alfalfa's) Al— Anon 6100 PM Fronmmners Chorus Rehearsal Nat. Cc>r\lvve.l-ltior11I (Cigcirmati's Convention (PCihlcEnati's Westin
n, WV) . . _ _ . mun ole ate a
u - v Man '01 uc 8‘45 PM Rambow BN1 .(W‘m‘and Park). 8'00 PM HIV/AIDS SP1“- 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontrunners Wednesday 15
600 PM MCC-Greenleanotel lng (Southland Lanes) 8-00 PM Gay/Lesbian Grp. AA , .
7:00PM D’ ' AA 8:00 PM COLTS Mt .
7:00 PM £235me a Internatlonal N lght
27 28 29 30 31
S t ber
LOECdbindeRedefiP-andm- 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00 PM Lex.Men's S M $1, ii? T F s Breads and desserts
§3$§°"‘C.m°mlw§“ W ”Anon 6200 PM Fronmers Ch‘m Rehearsal 3 4 5 e 7 2; S baked daily in our kitchen
2:00 PM GLSO News Folding 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowl- (Woodland Park) 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt. 10 n ,2 n H 15 ,5
6:00 PM MCC-Greenleaf ing (Southland Lanes) 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian Grp. 17 18 19 20 :l 22 23
Motel AA 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
7:00PM Gaynsbmn thfifiest gm] FREE EVENING PARKING.

 Pride Week —from page 1 PLEASE, drop us a line, give us a f j
average 0f $200 a this year, the tOSS call, or talk to us in person. Because, 'f’:"“‘ m
was to the tune Of $450. This IS unless there is an influx of @bose WDO DON’T
‘ more than double any 0f their volunteers, the same people will be [7m ffilbo pOLI‘nCS WILL fr,
‘ previous losses. The biggest reason planning Pride Week next year, 86 DONG 1N BV pOLlTICS. m‘
for this was that aftet last year’s seeing as how, with few exceptions, _ FRENCI) pROVGRB I'll
event (and during the mtttat planning it has been the same people for the di
stages of this year) they received lots last three years - although many C
of requests from the community to others have been invited _ and we If you don't try and ‘
end the evening With a dance. would like to make next year’s the make it happen who I?
Frankly, the dance flopped. TSGRA best ever. _ TM. 7'“? I S;
incurred a lot of extra expenses to do ha Wl ' A 0
this and not even the people that AIDS Drug —fr0mpuge 1 m— h'
requested it came, let alone the rest best treatment is here.” Dr. free at 1-(800—365-2470. ]
of the community. The other reason Greenberg said that currently over 80 Recent data from the fix
for the loss is that banquet people are enrolled in studies and he Department of Health Service’s 5‘
attendance was down. 64 people expects to see that number increase Division of Epidemiology indicates ht
attended compared to 104 last year. to between 200 and 300 by the end of that there are currently over 1500 W
The banquet has experienced steady next year. individuals living with AIDS in a;
growth in the previous three years While many of the studies Kentucky. This number does not H
and looked as if it was on its way to require maximum and minimum T— include persons who are HIV
becoming what an event like this cell levels, there are studies that positive or have T-cell counts above a
should be; the community event of admit clients regardless of their T— 200 or those who are HIV positive 5
the year. We hope that this setback cell status. If you are a person living but have not been tested. This data P
does not keep TSGRA from with AIDS or know someone who is, may be a very conservative estimate i
continuing to sponsor this uplifting and you are interested in receiving about the prevalence of AIDS in
affair. free treatment in a clinical drug trial, Kentucky. 7 t
As the title of the article asks, where call the Kentucky AIDS Consortium F
were you? We would like to know. for more information. In Lexington S
Were there mistakes made in the call Dr. Richard Greenberg at (606) (
planning that kept you away? Was a 323-6327 or (606) 257-5467. In (
month too long? Was this just a blah Louisville contact Dr. Anna Huang (
year? What did keep you away? MD at (502) 852-513], or call toll- (
0 f
SUE STRONG, Ph.D. Prec|ous Furs .
Licensed Psychologist .
All Breed Pet Grooming
(606) 255-4864 E .
Fax (606) 255-5385
110 Woodland Ave. 27 7 .9365
Lexington, KY 40502
GLSO News Page 8

 l June 21-26. It has a margin of error Clinton said. “They’re entitled to be
NAH®AL NEWS of 3 percentage points. About a treated like everybody else.”

T 8 dozen or so cities, including New But the president didn’t mention
from page 8 I York, San Francisco, Seattle, Helms by name and avoided some of
marriages are banned in every state. Minneapolis and Madison, Wis., the harsh rhetoric he often unleashes
However, Glenn Clark, executive allow same-sex couples to register in on Republicans. In fact, he urged
director of the Michigan Christian a domestic partnership. Americans to be less caustic in their
Coalition, said allowing the Marriages, however, are criticism.
marriages would be “just another regulated by the state and allow When talking to someone witha
step toward eroding the moral fiber couples to filejoint tax returns, cover different view, he told Americans to
of our nation.” each other on their medical ask themselves: “Is it the language of

l Younger voters, those with insurance and other benefits. v respect, or a language of a suspect?”
higher incomes and those with more CLINTON DEFENDS GAYS Instead Of harping on the worse in
education were more likely to say AGAINST HELMS society, “We ought to find the best
such marriages should be allowed, Washington (AP) — In a and celebrate it,” Clinton said.
he said Only 2i percent Of those graduation address to seniors at “Instead Of having Shllll VOlCCS
with a high school diploma or less Georgetown University, Clinton of discourse, we need a chorus of
agreed, compared to 44 percent 0f restated the themes of his last presi- harmony,” Clinton said. ““1 a chorus
those with college degrees. dential campaign and urged of harmony you know there are a lot

Of those earning $25,000 or less Americans to set aside their of difference, but you can hear all the

a year, Ohl)’ 24 percent agreed With differences and work “in a chorus of voice.” V
same-sex marriagesi while 38 harmony” to solve our nation’s
percent Of those making $60,000 to problems. “My friends, with all our
$75,000 agreed With the idea, as did differences, let us find new common
48 percent Of those making more ground,” Clinton said at Georgetown
than $75,000. In age groups, 56 University. WE WELCOME YOUR
percent 0f the l8- t0 24-year-olds At the same time, he argued that SUBMISSIONS!
said “YES,” and that gradually his political agenda is better suited .
declined over various age groups to than Republican plans to preserve If. you would like to
only l8 percent for those 65 and what he called “middle-class values contrlbute to Items in 0111'
older. and middle-class dreams.” Community News, National

‘ Jeffrey Montgomery, president He indirectly criticized Sen. News section, or if you
Okll‘le Detroit Triangle Foundation, Jesse Helms for sugggsting the know Of a newsworthy item
said the higher percentages for government should think about .
younger people showed a cultural spending less money fighting AIDS. yours . or . another lesbrgay

Shift, due in part to the media. The Republican for North Carolina organlzatlon ls dOIng’

“Younger people are seeing more said the disease is brought on by contact Peter at 273-5845,

and more popular entertainers who “deliberate, disgusting, revolting or Elizabeth at 277-2528.

are Willing to come out and have conduc.t'” . .. _ Or, send e-mail to

done so and seeing other entertainers Clinton, argurng that polttrcrans

who aren’t gay or lesbian who are and the public must be more tolerant, bee@ms.uky.edu.

giving ”'16 strong message that it responded, “Gay people who have

doesn’t make any difference,” he AIDS are still our sons, our brothers,

said. our cousins — are citizens. They’re

The telephone SUTVC)’ 0t L000 Americans, too,” he said. “They’re

voters nationwide was conducted obeying the law and working hard,”

GLSO News Page 9

 a statewide non-discrimination politicians this year attempted toturn inS]
measure when it passed a law campaign rhetoric into state poltctes. stat
STATE OF THE STATES banning discrimination based on On the local level, there was no and
from P115792 sexual orientation in public and ‘Contract with America’ to deter ga)
activists. who have initiated a private employment, credit, housing legislators from delving immediately “351
national campaign of state and local and public accommodations. into explicit, anti—gay measures.
anti—gay ballot measures. “Rhode lsland served as Thankfully, gay activists have risen PFC
Most of the non—discrimination inspiration to the rest of the country, to the occasion, frequently B0
measures that moved forward were where activists were frequently responding successfully to increased pr
not targeted only at anti-gay discrim— under assault by the Radical Right,” attacks even in states that have a mi1
ination, but included sexual Bray said. “It was encouraging to limited history of gay political CUI
orientation in a broader list of other see a state take an important step organizing.” act
characteristics. Even so, NGLTF toward valuing all citizens equally, Some hot spots from 1995 fro
views the inclusion of sexual even in the face of vicious anti-gay legislative sessions: Bil
orientation in any non-discrimination maneuvers to kill the bill.” Alaska, South Dakota and Utah: the
policies on the state level as _ -. All advanced measures that Ga
23”. ‘mponam Skip toward “Homosexuals put themselves in harm’s woum. .bar .thc legal ta]
fairness. Many of these non- _ , recognition ot marriages SC
discrimination clauses were way' The criminal element has found {Mt performed between W5
included in hate crimes and that it is an easy group t0 prey UDOD.” - individuals of the same Wl
health-related legislation. Texas State Rep. Warren Chisum’ leader of gender. These measures he.
Due to the nation’s health the Conservative CCIUCUS were introduced as pre- rlg
care crisis and lack of a i, r emptive strikes against a t0
federal solution, dozens of health— Of the 97 measures, 15 have pending court case in Hawaii that is 3P
related measures were advanced on been signed by governors so far challenging that state’s prohibition ba
the state level. (seven states continue sessions until against same-gender marriages. t0
“Years and years of organizing the end of the year). Of those Alaska’s measure has not moved ali
and education on the issues of AIDS measures, six were anti—gay from the committee to which it was tie
and anti-gay violence has clearly (although one of Montana’s assigned, although it has an iS
paid off,” Bray said. “Gay advocates measures was stripped of anti—gay opportunity to move during the 56
and our allies are vigilant in language prior to passage); one wasa second year of the state’s two-year
addressing anti-gay violence through non-discrimination measure specil‘i- session. Utah’s measure passed and SP
avariety ofhatecrimesprovisionson cally targeting sexual orientation was signed by the governor. re
the state level. Meanwhile, we also (Rhode Island’s measure); and eight Meanwhile, South Dakota’s measure th
recognize the history and continued were non—discrimination measures was narrowly defeated after it
existence of anti-gay discrimination that included sexual orientation in a
in insurance and health care broad list of categories (these were W
practices. Our work has succeeded predominantly related to hate crimes E
in some states where non-discrimina- and health care).
tion clauses in health care policies “This survey documents what WANTED
are routinely advanced.” activists have been telling us all year A
One measure that directly — the national climate of divisive-
tackled the issue of anti-gay discrim- ness and intolerance is playing itself W. U n
ination needs to be highlighted. out at the state and local level,” Bray 0
Rhode Island this year became the said. “lnvigorated by mainstream AS A VOLUNTEER.
ninth state in the nation to implement electoral success, Radical Right m" Mum-7 af 266—7904
GLSO News Page 10

 inspired the organization of the law (which prohibits consensual introduced this year that enhances
state’s first lesb