xt71vh5ccb9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5ccb9k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19280302  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  2, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  2, 1928 1928 2012 true xt71vh5ccb9k section xt71vh5ccb9k THE KENTUCKY KERNEL





Journalism Instructor Is Appointed by Mayor to Attend
Science Convention



KY. MARCH 2, 1928


Chosen As Delegate






"Justice" Will Open At WILDCAT QUINTET
Clarence Darrow, Guest of Dean Anderson,
Romany March 12
Discusses Psychology ana Sterilization Bill Reynold Ackerman and Miss WINS DISTINCTION
Jeanette Lampert Have


Leading Roles

(By Kady Elvove)
him. "Acertain kind of people some hog can do nothing but lap up slop
You've heard of him, have you not ? of whom are not even scientists think poured out for him. The improve-thMiss Marguerite McLaughlin,
Galsworthy's "Justice" will open
Fifteen Hundred Students Ffom structor in the department of journal Clarence Darrow that elderly, big,
Blue Team Surprises Southern
they can breed everything by ment did not make the- hog a better ivionuay mgnt, aiarcn
is antrying. So far they have been forced animal. It was only an improvement nounced by Prof. C. M. iz, it director
Over the State Are ExpecConference Contenders by
giant whose low
ism at the University, was singularly
ted to Participate
Reaching Semi-Finahonored by the appointment by Mayor rumbling voice has brought terror to to limit their experiments to dogs, for the use of man, and for his
of the Romany theater.
and the like, and not human ibe-'- efit only.
O'Brien as one of the three delegates all conventional thinkers; the "greatFaced with the problem of deterDiscusses sterilization Bill
mining an appropriate successor to WIN TWO VICTORIES TO
from Lexington to the second .annual est criminal lawvpr in Ampriosr." who mgs.
FEATURE OF EVENT convention of the American Academy by his own personality saved two "For example, these scientists have "Now according to this bill talked Barrymore, the original creator of BE DOWNED BY 'OLE MISS
of Political and Social Science, to be young confessed murderers from the evolved from countless experiments about in the legislature for Kentucky, role, the local direction of "Justice"
chair; the
the same
Will Hold Contests for Band, held in Philadelphia, Pa., Friday and who shook satirical mocker of religion with Razorback and nothing buthogs, methodare going to apply legislature has done exceedingly well in finding Next Year's Team Promises Big
to criminals. The
the whole nation in his a Razorback hog of
Saturday, May 11 and 12.
so able a man as Mr. Reynold AckOrchestra, Piano, Chorus
Things As Jenkins Is Only
Formerly the proposes to sterilize a criminal who erman to fill the part. The selection
The other delegates from Lexington denunciation of fundamentalists and fit only for killing.
and Violin'
Member Lost
are Dr. Thomas B. Macartney, dean their views during the Scopes "mon- Razorback hog could take care of it- - has been convicted three times and of Mr. Ackerman was due not only
self and hunt its. own food. This new send him out into the world unable to his ability as 'an emotional actor,
of Transylvania College, and Dr. A. key trial."
The department of university ex- W. Fortune, pastor of the Central
to bring forth more of his kind. Well, but also to his physical perfection,
He doesn't look like an avowted
Kentucky is proud of her Wildcat
just what is a criminal? It used to his appeal and the natural reserved basketball quintet, and justly so.
tension announces the dates for High Christian church. The ''delegates were pessimist, a defender of seemingly o
omean anybody who was a Christian intensity of his personality.
Journeying to Atlanta last week, the
School Week, and State Musical Fes- named in response to a letter from hopeless causes, a philosopher who
, in Rome;
has become
then anybodywho was not
With the cast of "Justice" includ- Blue and White entered the South
tival, to be held during Easter holi- L. S. Rowe, president of tbe organi- at the weaknesses of man. Hissneers
masa Catholic; ana! still later anybody ing such shining lights as Mr. Ack- ern conference meet as the "dark
zation, received Saturday. by Mayor
jwho was a Catholic. Now it means erman and the popular Miss Jeannette horse" of the tournament, and in fact,
O'Brien requesting that Lexington be sive head, with its stringy, dark hair,
High School Week is to be held this represented at the convention.
and the dark Mephistophelean arched t
a fellow who takes a drink. These Lampert, the Lexington public seems thought by many of the critics to be
year on April 4, 5, 6, and 7. Fifteen
fellows rash enough to drink a little assured, in the very near future, of a almost an outsider for titular honors.
eyebrows above his wise, blue eyes,
liquor would be the ones sterilized if genuine dramatic treat.
hundred high school students from
is very verile. He more nearly re- After the first game with South Car
various parts of Kentucky, with persembles an awkward mountaineer in ,
it were put to a vote by Baptists.
olina, which she won,
Ken-haps five hundredor a thousand visThe idea that a carpenter will trans-- 1
his dark WTinkled suit, his blue shirt,
tucky took her correct position as a
galluses. Last year
mit the ability to saw logs to his son
itors from all parts of the state are
powerful contender. On the following
through the germ plasm is entirely
expectd to take part during High
he celebrated his seventieth birthday,
night, Kentucky really surprised every
School vVcek, an annual affair cobut there is nothing feeble about him,
false. It's true that the germ .plasm
one by defeating the Georgia Bullmay have something to do with a
nor does he suggest in any way that
dogs by the overwhelming score of
nducted by the extension department.
Eight Varsity and Seventeen he is a real manifestation of the
sysThe chief interest during this week
man's capacity and his nervous
By these victories the Wild
Re- Evil Spirit as many good churchmen
be a series of competitive events
he has a very unstable nerwill
tem. If
Freshman Basketball Men
cats had advanced to the semi-finbelieve.
vous system, his son mignt be a Davis and Auxier Meet Centre round of the tournament, and; excite
in debating, speaking, scholarship and
ceive Coveted Insignias; Will
music engaged in by high school studrunkard or a poet. Perhaps he would
Visits Dean Anderson
in White Hall This Afternoon ment among the followers of the Blue
Be Entertained by Alumni.
dents. The program extends throughmake an excellent preacher or poliMr. Darrow visited Dean F. Paul
at 3 o'CIock; Rankin, Hanrat-t- y was feverish. However, Missippi's
out the school year with a series of
five had been showing up remarkably
College of EngineerEight varsity basketball players Anderson of the
Go to Berea.
elimination contests now being held were awarded letters and seventeen ing yesterday en route, to Florida.
well, and everyone realized that this
because a man follows the
in various parts of the state.
was the supreme test for the
business of a criminal and has been
freshmen were awarded numerals at He was accompanied by his only son,
This afternoon at 3 o'clock in White
Music Festival
lads. On Monday
convicted three times doesn't mean
a meeting of the athletic council in Paul ("I always had plenty of
hall, James S. Davis and Raymond cohorts from "Ole Miss" night, the
Mr. Darrow explains gooa
were met,
that he lacks intelligence and must Auxier will uphold the affirmative of
The third annual State Music Fes-- . Daddy Boles' office, Thursday after- money,
and the Blue and White failed, 41,23.
humoredly. "That's why I have onlyi
therefore not be allowed to
tival is to be held in connection with noon at 4 o'clock.
! I1?!'8311?' "Resolved
that the United However, the defeat came only after
The men wbo received the letters one son"). The noted lawyer exhis kind Hh conviction doesTt le.
High School Week, on Friday and
" '?we caP,tal a terrific struggle and "Ole Miss
unnn hi, mentality hv anv '
Saturday, April 6 and 7. The events were the ones who went into the pressed a great deal of interest in
- new
uu , w.
that she" had been in some bas- means it depends upon the kind of
and were defeated by the the sterilization bill, now up before
in the Music Festival are to be comformal declaration of war,"ketbalI fray.
Tawyer defending him." Here the
petitive contests in band, orchestra, winners of the Southern Conference the Kentucky legislature.
"The things people don't know
fender and liberator ofWny criradJynM in
at At
piano, chorus, violin, and various tournament, February
inr.ls chuckled knowingly. "When
miscellaneous individual contests both lanta. They w.ere Paul Jenkins, Ir- about Jbiology are very numerous,"
DphatW T.poo
raui 'eniuns, axniete extraorain
Mc- - says Mr. Darrow, speaking with all
am defending a client, I don't seek to ky. Doctor A. G.
vocal and instrumental. Already 15 vine Jeffries, Cecil Combs, Paul
Weidler, of Berea ary, and twice captain of the Wildyears of dealing
bands and 15 orchestras have regis- Brayer, Lawrence McGinms, Hays the authority that
College, is to act as the only critic cat quintet, ended his career in Uniwill all classes of men have given
(Continued on Page Eight)
versity athletics last Monday night
tered for the contest. It is expected Owens, Claire Dees and Stanley
and judge of the debate.
that nearly 1,000 high school stuThe second debate will be at Berea when he and his mates went down
Paul Jenkins, captain, completes
Mississippi. However, Paul is the
dents in band, orchestra, and chorus
tonight, when Pat D. Rankin and W.
his last year, and Claire Dees has
alone will participate.
H. Hanratty, of Kentucky, defend the only regular lost through graduation,
Company, of played his second year on the varsity
The Baldwin Piano
negative side of the same question, and the Wildcats of next year should
Cincinnati, has announced a $500 up- squad,' while the rest of the' players
against Berea College. Doctor B. A. really be a quintet among quintets,
right piano as a prize for the best have played only one year.
Fraternity Initiate Disturbs
MAY 1 Wise, of Centre College, will be the With this aid ofCoach of the frosh
The freshmen who received the nustars
performance for any school
Mauer should
judge at Berea,
in the State Musical Festival. A merals were Jake Bronston, William
Prof. W. R. Sutherland, of the Uni- have the most outstanding five in
large number of schools are hard at Campbell, Pat Gormley, Henry Hayn, Prominent Alumnus Contributes
Organization Pictures Are More versity, will judge the third debate, Dixie. There are numerous abilis
Occupants of the Alpha Gamma
Kentucky could
work on various phases of music with Leon Hoffman, Roy Harvey, Oliver
Large Number of Books to Delta sorority house on East MaxAttractive Than Ever This which will be held at Centre College that "as the difficultyoffer this year,
McGinms Ben Martin,
a hope ot winning the grana prize. Johnson, Louis
of learning a
College of Engineering; Many well street were badly frightened
Year; Subscriptions May Be between Centre and Berea.
Miller, John Murphy, Wil
Various trophies in the way of cups, Herbert
early Wednesday morning when a
The Triangular Debating League of new system of play, and a team comVolumes Are On Way.
Taken to Annual Office.
liam Speaks, Carey Spicer, E. W.
pins, and medals will also be given.
prowler was discovered searching
Kentucky was formed by the Uni- posed almost entirely of sophomores.
William Grott, Clifton Waddill
However, the Wildcats need
The festival last spring brought out
through the back yard with a
Mr. D. F. Crawford, formerly GenThe Kantuckian, the annual publi- versity of Kentucky, Centre College, They made a very creditable no alibi.
and Martin Wilson.
Kenthe best high school talent in
flashlight. One of the girls was cation ofvthe University, has been and Berea College, and, as the name
At this meeting Bernie Shively, B. eral manager of the Pennsylvania
Much of the work done
awakened by noises made by the completely sent to press with the ex- suggests, promotes debates between and they are looking forward to
professional, lind this L. Pribble, John Mauer, and Fred railway lines, West, and at present
running away with the Southern
smacked of the
marauder and aroused her schoolception of the advertisement section. these three institutions.
con president of the Locomotive Stokers
year in view of the much wider inter- Major were offered new
were From all present indications the book
The Kentucky Intercollegiate Ora- championship next year.
company oi nttsDurgn, nas notmea mates, and the fair
est, it is expected that even better tracts at increased salaries.
Combs and Jeffries Star
until police arrived to will be ready for distribution about torical Contest is to be held at Centhe College of Engineering of the all
Tne alumni will entertain the play
talent will participate.
tre College, March 17.
Returning to the past tournament,
May 1.
ers at luncheon at the Lafayette ho University that his will provides that investigate.
on Railroads
Reduced Rates
m the first game, it was just too
The nocturnal visitor was capAmong the outstanding features of
tel, Saturday at 12:15 o'clock. The his library of about two thousand
much" "Pisgah" Combs and IrvinerJef- The railroads of the state have an- captain for the varsity squad of 1929 volumes is to become the property of tured without a struggle and offithe annual is the literary section editnounced
fries. Combs tallied eight baskets,
fare from all points will be chosen at this time.
the College of Engineering.
cers asked the frightened ladies ed by Frances Robinson, Dave Alexwhile Jeffries was not far behind with
He is sending at once bound sets what should be done with the capin Kentucky, and this will probably
On View
ander, and Martha Connell.
five field goals, The Illinois system
of the following:
swell the attendance. Last
recognized him
There are a number of clever pen
tive. The
Proceedings "American Institute of as a pledge of a University fraseveral special trains were ran from
and ink drawings appearing through- Number of Photographs and Mo- of offense was something new to the '
parts of the state and the
fans at Atlanta, and Jeffries, as the
Electrical Engineers."
ternity and he explained that, as out the book, and these are done by
saics Date From Thirteenth
most spectacular player of the Blue
Proceedings "American Society Menumber will probably increase this
Joy Pride and Pauline Adams. The
a part of his initiation requireCentury
and White, drew many compliments
chanical Engineers."
ments, he had been instructed to cartoons are by Herman Baker and
Copies The Kernel
from the gallery. Combs was
Louis Clifton, of the department of
find an ace of spades that had been
John Ottley.
The exhibit of Italian art is now
Print of Miss Warwick In
university extension, who is in charge
scorer of the game, and
Testing Materials."
The various, class, sorority and fraburied in the backyard.
Two Hours
was next, with 12 points.
Proceedings "American Railway
of the State Tournament and State
ternity pictures are to be mounted being shown at the Art Center in
The prisoner was released. The
Musical Festival, is working hard to
Engineering Association."
Carolina center, scored 17
fate of the ace of spades is still a differently this year than formerly, keeping with the interests of Italian
The Birmingham
Proceedings "Master Mechanics'
get things ready for the tournament.
and this feature adds to the attracti- month at the University. A number points for the losers.
FesFebruary 20 contained a picture of Association."
He plans to hold the State Music
veness of the book. There are many
Defeat Georgia
Proceedings "Master Car Builders'
tival in the Men's gymnasium in or- Miss Sara Warwick of the Univerbeautiful and interesting campus of photographs of mosaics and old
On Saturday night, the Wildcats enmasterpieces have been placed on1 exlarge crowds sity, who is from Talledega, Ala., and Association."
der to take care of the
views also.
tered the semi-finround of the tourwas one of the winners in the recent
Mr. Crawford is also sending unexpected.
Subscriptions for the Kentuckian hibition which are worthy of consid- nament by defeating Georgia
eration because of their beauty, col10
beauty contest.
bound sets of the following books:
should be given in promptly at the
The Bulldogs had been able to tally
blending and old
Proceedings "Illuminating Engin- Herbert Carter, a former student
Hop building any office in betweenArmory or The mosaics date Italian style.thir- only two field goals until Coach
from the
of the University, and a member of
New .Law
2 and
teenth to the sixteenth century and game sent his substitutes into the
receivthe staff of The
(Continued on Page Eight)
3 o'clock.
in the second period. Georgia
Third R. O. T. C. Frolic Eagerly
are in most striking contract to moded the copy of The Kernel containing
Anticipated by All Who
ern art. In them is to be found a had a giant team, but the tenacious,
the pictures of the winners in the
certain perfection of line which is guarding exhibited by the Wildcats'
Quarterly Publication to Con- beauty contest and exactly two hours
Attended Last One
defense gave the foes
clearly defined.
Those from the
The Kernel
later he had
tain Many Articles of Unischool of Lorenzetti will most likely little opportunity to get set for a shot.
The third Cadet Hop of R. O. T. C.
print of Miss Warwickand had it in
versal Interest
At the half the score was 19-When
'Dulcy' unit will be held Saturday afternoon,
15 appeal to the modern taste.
To Be
the first edition of the paper, thus acOne of the most colorful of the the subs went in, the score was
March 10, at the Men's gymnasium.
The next Quarterly edition of the complishing quick work and excellent
"Ole Miss' Plays
paintings is one of the Madonna
Harry McChesney, business man- The hours for dancing will be from
Th,e third annual Women's
banLaw Journal, which appears this photography.
The game that spelled disaster to
3 to 6 o'clock.
Mr. Carter was graduated from the ager of Strollers
quet sponsored by the Women's Ad- Adoring the Christ Child, from the
month, has a most interesting article University in the class of 1925 and organization of the student dramatic
campus, is makThe Kentuckians, an orchestra ministrative Council of the Univer- brush of the famous Filippo Lappi. Kentucky's .championship hopes this
on "The Contract Clause in the United was prominent in journalistic circles ing a trip this week through the that has satisfactorily played for sev sity, will be held Thursday, March 15, Fra Angelico
has created a large season was played Monday night.
States Constitution," by Professor during his four years on the campus. mountains of Kentucky to make ar- eral university dances of late, will at the Lafayette hotel at 6:30 o'clock. number of the pictures in the exhibit- "Ole Miss" presented a remarkably
The following chairmen of com- ion, the most beautiful being the fast five. They made seemingly imJohnson, of Washington and Lee, and He was editor of the Kentuckian in rangements for the spring tour of furnish the music. The committee on
arrangements is composed of Hunteu mittees have been appointed: Miss Monks Receiving Christ. Both Lippi possible shots from every argle. and
a former graduate of the University his senior year, and was a member of "Dulcy," which has been chosen for
adver- the 1928 production. It is possible Moody, chairman, A. H. btevenson, Joy Pride, decoration; Miss Geraldine and Angelico were artists of the fif- took advantage of every Wildcat fumof Kentucky. Other articles of equal Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary
ble. The Wildcats fought as only a
Cosby, program; Miss Virginia Sharp, teenth century.
that Pineville and Corbin will be in- and W. D. Simpson.
"Some Problems in the tising fraternity, here.
interest are:
Italian art is probably the best Kentucky team can, but thoy could
cluded in the tour.
Ask anyone who attended the last ticket, and Miss Martha Minihan,
of Wills," by Dean Evans;
known of all the characteristics of not halt Mississippi's uncanny shoot- "Dulcy" will be given about March military frolic how good it was, then hotel.
"Incidents of Title to a Draft with Will Give
26 in the Woodland Auditorium, but date the girl with the reddest dress
The final arrangements have not that country, and everyone is invited ing. Jeffries was the only Wildcat
Bill of Lading Attached," by Colvin
it will only be given one night in and hat, and try to find her after you been completed, but a good time is to see the good examples of paintings with an eye for the baskets. He was
Rouse, Student Editor in Chief of the
Lexington, according to an announce- get there.
promised to all, and the women stu- and mosaics at the Art Center dur- guarded so closely that he found it
Tfpntuekv Law Journal.
next to impossible to get many
dents of the University are cordially ing the month.
Mrs. Murbach, of the romance lan- ment made this week by McChesney.
This number will also include the
Cary Phillips, Missippi forThe second act is rapidly being polattend.
following notes: "Dependent Rela- guage department, will give an illusLose invited to will be on sale next week
Girls' Rifle
ward,, pulled several sensational
ished, and
members of
tive Revocation," by Dean Evans, and trated lecture on the Oberammergaus as well as the director, are the
shots, and led the scorins
Louisville at $1.25.
"Death by Sunstroke Under the Passion Play before the Circle
with 15 points. Jeffries was right be
on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 that the student body will see one of
Workmen's Compensation Act," by
hind with a total of 14 points. The
o'clock. This meeting will be held in the" best productions this year that Each Team Composed
Mr. J. W. Jones.
been given by the organizahas
The girls of the home management score at the half was 0 in favor
Members, Only Five Highest
In addition to the above mentioned the lecture room on the second floor tion. ever
house of the department
of home of Mississippi. Although the 'Cats
Scores Counting
and to student notes on current cases of the Physics building. Mrs. Mur
"Les Deux Sourds," a very amus- economics will have Mrs. Horlacher came within two points of tyinsr the
Kentucky, there will be the follow- bach saw this famous play, which de
The Girls' Rifle Team of the Univer- ing one-aFrench play, was '"given and Prof. L. J. Horlacher for dinner score in boys second half, the "Muddy
ing book reviews: One by Prof. For- picts the ilfe of Christ, the last time GIRL SCOUT TRAINING
put in a few of their
1 by four members
COURSE PROVES POPULAR sity was defeated by a score of
of the Cercle Fran-cai- s Saturday night.
rest R. Black, of Black's Cases and it was given and will give her personpoints by the Louisville Gfirls'
at their regular weekly meeting fit is the custom of each group of extra special circus shots, and the
also Black's Treatise on Constitution- al impressions of fhe drama and the
Miss Ray Mitchell, reginal director Rifle Team last week in a telegraphic yesterday afternoon.
The roles of girls that live at the house to enter- Blue and White was hopelessly out y
al Law; Professor Roberts has re- quaint town of Oberammergau, beauof the Girl Scouts, is now at the Uni- meet which extended over a period of the chief characters, two deaf men, tain faculty members from time to of it.
"The many. She will show a group of
views of the following books:
were taken by Valerine Comley and time.
Law of Contact in the Lower Courts tiful slides from the Keystone stu versity conducting a course in Girl five days.
Each team was composed of 10 Louise Schmitt. The other parts
The hostesses for this dinner will W.
of Medieval England," by R. L. dios, as well as some pictures of her Scout training which will enablfe the
Henry; "Suretyship and Guarantee," own. The talk will be in English. students to act as, summer camp di- members, only the five girls making were taken by Mary Louise McDow- be Miss Dey, house supervisor; Miss
by Prof. E. C. Arnold; "The Outlawry The public is cordially invited to at rectors. All the girls taking this the highest number of points being ell and Jennie Williams. The mem- Mary Alice Steers, Miss Emily Bencourse are eligible to take the river permitted to count their scores.
bers of the cast performed exceeding- nett, Miss Josephine Skain, Miss Lucy
of War," by Zollman, and "The Law tend the meeting.
Following is the members of Ken- ly well their interpretations of the Benson, and Miss Louise Broaddus.
cruise which the club is planning.
Faculty and Students Are Vacof Radio Communication," by Davis.
The classes began February 23, and tucky's team and the number of points French characters, and the French
Dean Evans has also written a review
cinated on Account of Small
will continue until March 8, meeting they scored:
dialogue was very witty.
of Prof. Max Radin's recent book on
Pox Epidemic
College every afternoon in Boyd Hall from . Wells 88, Pansock 85, Wilson 88,
Dean W. S. Taylor, of the
Roman Law.
Keyes 81, Johnson 8G, Geary 90, Skin- LAW COLLEGE FACULTY HAS
of Education, returned today from 3:30 until 5:30 o'clock.
Over half of the student body and
Much interest is being manifested ner 88, Rice 87, and Ebert 82.
Boston, Mass where he attended a
Murray, Ky., (K. I. P. A.) The faculty at West Virginia University
convention of the superintendence de- in this training course and it is hoped
basketball quintet of the Murray have been vaccinated against smallGood
partment of the National Educational that it will be given annually.
The faculty of the Law College of State Teachers College closed its pox as a result of an
order issued by
Association. Prof. Dale Russell and
the University of Kentucky held their season here this week with seven vic- the head of the infirmary, when it
Miss Sarah Blanding, dean of wo- weekly luncheon at the University tories and as many defeats.
Dr. Floyd Reeves, of the College of STROLLERS WILL MEET MONDAY
The was discovered that Arthur Rose, a
Seventy-fiv- e
per cent of the girls Education, were also with him.
men at the University, will return Cafeteria last Wednesday.
A round-tabl- e Murray boys
482 points student at the university, was sufscored
Strollers will hold a special meet- next Monday from Boston, where she
pledged to sororities made their
discussion was held immediate- against their opponents' 470.
The fering from the disease.
per cent MAY REMOVE LAW REQUISITE ing in the Little Theater of White is attending a national convention of ly afterwards concerning the ques- Murraymen have entered the Mississtandings, and seventy-seve- n
Mr. Rose, now under quarantine at
hall Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. deans.
the men who are pledges of frations of the law department. The law sippi Valley Conference tournament. his home, attended classes for two
Miss Blanding is representing the faculty has a meeting every WednesDean Pound, of the Harvard Law All members must be present.
ternities made the required grades
days after he was broken out with
State Association of Deans of Wo- day following the luncheon at the Law KERNEL STAFF WILL MEET
for initiation last semester. This fact school, has offered to remove the
smallpox, thinking that he had
men, of which she is president, as building, as a sort of
booame known Thursday, when Deans usual requirement that a student, in.
and a large number of the
Blanding issued their order to take graduate work in law,
well as the University. She is on the
Melcher and
students were exposed to this disease.
All Masons are invited to attend a entertainment committee at the conto the various sororities and must either have practiced law three
There will be a meeting of The
Everyone who had not been vacThis is an unusually years or taught law three years, and snlbker to be given by Square and vention.
Kernel staff Monday afternoon at 3 cinated within the past three years
Dean W. S. Taylor, of the College
Su Ky will meet Tuesday afternoon o'oclck. Every member of the staff was asked to report
good average for the students, and will permit George Ragland, Jr., to Compass, Masonic fraternity, at the
at the infirmary,
shows that the freshmen have really enter for graduate work without Mining building; Tuesday, March G, of Education, was also in attendance in the Trophy Room of the gymna- - is expected to be present. No ex- and about 1,100 students receivqd the
either of these prerequisites.
at 7:30 p. m.
at the convention.
'sium at 5 o'clock.
cuses will be accepted.
been burning the midnight oil.
preventive measures.

ben-ca- ts










56-3- 9.








33-1- 6.







semi-fina- ls





Mil-war- d.

be-f- or






Co-ed- s'



Es-te- s,





Italian Masterpieces
at Art Center

one-ha- lf

Birmingham Paper
Publishes Picture









Appears This Month

Is Date
Set for Cadet

33-1- 6.


Strollers Make

Annual Banquet

Arrangement for
Tour of

30-1- 0.



"Passion Play"

Match With


Entertain Prof,







Virginia University
Is Under Quarantine

Percentage of
Pledges Make Grades


chick-enpo- x,







Subscribe for

Published By And For University Alumni

And Help the Association


James Park,





State Wins Second Place in
First Intercollegiate
Athletic Committee
by President.

Mrs. Rodes Estill, '21



The first local Field Day was held
May 12, 1893, the record of events

L. Kirk, '24

being as follows:
dash, Hodby
'93, 10



11 inches.

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott,
H. Townsend, 12

WaylaBd Rhodes, '15
W. C. Wilsn, '13

3-- 4


Running high jump, Knox, 4 feet

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11



run, Roach, 2:20
Running broad jump, Hodby, '93,
18.3 feet.
Quarter-mil- e
run, Redmon, 59 4



Putting the shot, Bryan, 28 feet,







3:17 2.
One mile run, Hill, 7:36 4.
Pole vault, Hodby, '93, 7 feet



The contract for the erection of the Memorial
Building, which is to be built as a memorial to
those Kentuckians who lost their lives in the
World War, has been let. This beautiful building
will be built in the form of an auditorium on the
campus, of the University. The building is being
begun with a feeling of assurance that all the
pledges to this fund and also to the Greater Kentucky Fund will be paid in full. This building
Will be the only substantial memorial in Kentucky
erected solely in memory of those brave Kentuckians who gave their lives for their country.
The University believes that you will keep faith
in this undertaking. Do not disappoint your Alma


race, Hirby and Or-minutes.
On May 30, Decoration Day, an Intercollegiate Field Day was held on
State College's grounds in which
State College won second place. Redmon, '93, winning the quarter mile
run and Hodby, '93, the broad jump.
The events with the winners were as
dash, Montgomery, C. U.




3-- 4



Running high jump, Will Woodard,
Centre, 5 feet.
run, Chick, Centre, .2:11.
Putting he' sho