xt71vh5cft27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cft27/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 15, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 15, 1985 1985 1985-03-15 2020 true xt71vh5cft27 section xt71vh5cft27 3 . t “ .’ (suresso- . * . . .’, (aphid; lN:;‘.-’ toga» _ . _ .. _ .. . _._,., . .:_ . . . .. . . ':
Cats (1 f at Washingt n H k' s 'n reg' nal
By ANDY DUMSTORF Walker helped‘the. Wildcats to a the free-throw shooting would Walker became the first Ken» Washington coach Mary Har- the court prmed to be the dif— ‘ V ..
Sports Editor first round wrn In the NCAA have been very costly. but our tucky victim as he was fouled by shman said. ference in the early going of the j ;
West regional tournament. guys just couldn't miss." Washington forward Detlef Washington junior forward second half. . . : ~
SALT LAKE CITY —- .Kentucky. 17-12 for the season The victory moved the Schrempf at the 3:54 mark. The Patti Fortier agreed with Har- for the game, Kentucky outre» '- ‘ -, . '.
“Nobody knows the road to Lex- hit 17 of 21 free-throws tnthelast Wildcats into tomorrow‘s second Wildcats then were fouled ten shman. “They (Kentucky)started bounded the Huskies 37-35. " ' - ,’- y
‘ ington better than we do." said four minutes. and 30 out of 40 round game with Nevada-Las more times by the Huskies. each off in a man (-to-man defense) Hall said tomorrow‘s game will '. z ' 1
coach 106 3. Hall, after the for the game for 75 percent. Vegas. 28-3. who defeated San forabonus situation. and then dropped back into a definitely be a change from the ’y . " ,
-- ”‘ Wildcats claimed a 66-58 victory Walker scored a game-high 29 Diego State earlier last night. The Huskies could not match sagging zone. and we just deliberate offensive style the y ‘ .- v. . I.
over the Washington Huskies last points and pulled down a game- At one point, Washington nar- the Wildcats' success at the chari» couldn't adjust.“ Huskies used last night. ‘ . ' ' .
night. high ten rebounds. rowed the Wildcat lead to one at ty stripe, however. hitting only The Wildcats shot a dismal 38 “We‘re going to face a yery 3' . _
C'UlCh free-throw shooting in ”I don’t know how we won. 49-48 on a Shag Williams jump six in 16 attempts. percent from the field at 18 of 47, talented ball club that likes to .' -' ~ ‘ ’
the last four minutes and another but we worked hard and Kenny shot from the corner with 4:14 “We didn't deserve to win it — but the defense held. according to run." he said. “They do things . ‘ ‘ f _-
outstanding night for second- Walker was outstanding." Hall left. butrthe Huskies were forced we just couldn‘t hit our free- Hall, in blocking out on both the well and they‘re all good , .' ' .
., .- team All-American - Kenny said after the game. “A letup in to foul the rest of the game. throws and other shots." offensive and defensive ends of athletes." ' .
85 W . . . GALUS renovates - ,‘
. ,. ~ g. _ ad mlnlstratlve ru es . p . . - . , ,
. 5' 3“": *" - . . as ‘ . ' ' '
.3 . has ' . 3r:- . ._ / ‘3. 'mm Group also plans NEXUS hot/me tape, - . -_
' -t. 33333 ’ ' mformatzonal pamphlet for freshmen . . ~ ~ .
v" as. ' n ' ‘i ' , » .;~ .
' H _ i . ByKAKlEl'HCH liaison reported on an nuns L'p— . . ~
g, 0 . Staff Writer date" presentation by Dr Alan f -
* * " ides 4-,... “verso - . g ( it ’ Cohen and Dr Sandy Joseph which _
* * * * ,. ' N! .- ' ’3 ~‘ ”'1 The organizational structure of the GALI'S and Lexington (iay- Services ‘ g
* * * * * J * “I If, 51"" / i} Gay and besbian L'nion of Students Organization cosponsored at the . _ ' .
I * * * . a ‘ ”so... ‘ ,3" _ ,e . :59 3" ' " ‘ has gone through what spokesperson Student (‘enter - '
* * * * . I“ ”,5.-is"? .t- 3 ‘ " ' . Lois Waly called a “quiet revolu- The group discussed plans for pro- ' ‘ ,
~ * * * * * ' _. . - y _ .2; : 1 tion.“ duction of a tape for the Niexcs in- . , ' ‘.
. * ' ‘ ‘ 3" f ' j 1- f . i Wesly said the group was “bogged iormationai tape hbrary‘ and formed .
i ** * * * * . 1 . ,. , ~ 3 . {fife} , f. r"? ' if 'a "z f ' i 4 down in bureacracy." The new orga- a committee to prepare a brochure ' - -
’ " * * * * “" "r’gl” “if/(em -" i 5 i ’ nizational structure. which outlines about GALL'S for distribution at - ‘
'5 * * * * 3. ' ..- ‘ ‘_ . a liaison system overseen by a Freshman Advising Conference and
* * * * _ . :, chairperson. was designed to help Orientation '
‘ * * . _ .3 ' - 3" give a “more informal setting for A fundraiser. ieaturing a drag . »,
* * * .5 ,- ~' " ' . meetings." show by The Imperial (‘ourt of the .
,4" “i - . GALUS was formerly led by a Bluegrass l-Inipire. will help defray ‘
~ ' 1 president/vice-preSident/secretary the costs of producing the brochure. . _
, ' . . ' " and treasurer. The student organiza- The fundraiser will be held at the - ~
’ .~ . .21 tion constitution outlining the new (‘ircus club tonight. with doors open-
, . f / ,3" .- . chairperson/liaison structure was ing at 8 pm. and the shOw begin-
, -s’ 5- 33 If I. f approved by Dean Frank Harris on ning at9p m
n __ a ' t 1...; wt”; March 5. The group also demded to nomi- - '
a 1.", kg; .. . V, A! ‘ ~ [If f "1 ,3 x2”; , . Steve Abrams. a senior in the Col- nate Susan Brothers. president of
3.4. ' ' ~' .sig... . ‘_ y . -. “3 _ , _. I f ' fl ,. 45.; .. i" *9” lege of Arts & Sciences. was elected Young Democrats. for the Robert F ‘ '
if” ,._.. . _...._.__.. : uric ' i W 9";gfiwu4 I "’ ‘ "W” .______._., ___., is ’1 as chairperson at their meeting last ZUmVanlt‘ Student [fights awards ‘
““"”‘"' MW“ night in 118 Student Center. Other for her efforts to get the sexual . .
Flag fans members. who prefer not to be iden- orientation clause added to the stu- ‘ ,
tified. will serve as administrator dent code '
Eric Hart, a nuclear physics freshman. and Jay May. a busi- Field from their room in Haggin Hall. The two were cheering and University liaison. Wesly was GALUS‘ next meeting will be held
ness freshman. watch a girls softball team practice on Haggin the softball team while packing to go to Fort Lauderdale. elected as group spokesperson. at :3 pm the first Thursday after
In regular business. the University spring break 11‘. the Student (‘enter '
J al's ce' es grant to repeat media ethics conference ' '
By KAREN MILLER who teach ethics in journalism ching ability, capacity for aSSimilat- why we received another grant.“ he David Hawpe. managing editor of Herbert Drennon. dean of the Col- ‘ , ' '
Staff Writer schoolsacrossthecountry. ing the subject matter and their said. the Louisville Courier-Journal and a lege of Communications. said the . .
“The gift will bring about 35 edi- commitrnenttoethics instruction.“ Representatives of the ethics com- participant in the last workshop. workshop brought positive attention ‘ ' y _
A 322.980 grant by the Gannett torS. journalism professors and phi- The first workshop was held last mitteos of major professional news said, “I think it was very successful to UK. . 'y .
Foundation to the School of Journa~ losophers from more than 20 states October and Lambeth said it was organizations also will partiCipate. and it gave me an opportunity as 3 “It's particularly important he . , ‘
lism for an ethics workshop in Octo- to UK," Lambeth said. “to discuss verysuccossful. Lambeth said. working journalist to test some of cause it makes other professionals ; ._
her was recently renewed; the what improvements can be made in “After advertisingedfor the lfirst Ampéidg thosteh ngtsips toedbepiep {ny ideas d‘ktlht: teachers of journa- atomsst the clountry- agape oft ng—t . ‘ . - .
money Will support another teaching of ethics in journalism and workshop we receiv 130 app ica- rosen are e soma . ess ism aroun count-y. i 5 ex reme y- impor n jus .0 e _ . . 5
workshoptobeheld this summer. to identify research and creative ac- tions for 20 positions so we took the Managing Editors. the American So- The workshop is important to UK. this group of people together in this a 3 . '
tivity that needs to be done in this top 40 to participate, and divided ciety of Newspaper Editors. the Hawpe said. “It had to be a great environment and have them get to ' _ . -
Edmund Lambeth, director of the area." them between the workshops." he Radio-TV News Directors Associa- honor for UK to play host-to a con- know each other “ ' ' . ‘
School of Journalism and director of He said participants applying to said. “Those who attended the Octo- tion, and members of the Society of ference of this type of national tm- The workshop will be held from g . . . '
the workshop. said participants for attend the workshop are chosen by a ber workshop gave it outstanding Professional Journalists. Sigma portance and 1 was pleased to con- July 13.18 at 1701 (arnahan House .. . _ . y -
the July 13-19 workshop are those panel of judges who evaluate ”133- ratings, and this was one reason Delta Chi. ' tribute." on Newtown Pike . _ . . .
\ W ca emic sc 0 ars i
U K student “If A d h P '
victim of \‘\\\‘iili applications due today
\ III ‘ By LIN] S. KADABA er” than . the state‘s criterion. I I . ' 1'
IObbery .‘ ® ‘ W! ‘ 3‘ Contributing Writer Harders said. . . .
x ‘ x | Graduate and professtonal school ‘ 3 . ,
‘ \ \‘6 g _ Applications for the Academic Ex- applicants also must each submit -
Alleged th leves ‘ ' \ cellence scholarships — designed ex- one letter of recommendation. . -
‘ | .. prossly for those who already attend . . .
. |\ . _ Completed applications should be .
tOOk $1 at gunpOInt \ ’. E 5 _ t UK areduemay‘ returned to the Office of the Vice .
‘ l .. - - - Chancellor for Academic Affairs in . .
\ l— ; . For a long time the UnivetStty . . . . . ,
Sta“ Reports . 9.3 . has had no scholarship money. or it the Administration Bu'ld'"g
3 “ ‘ (the money) was geared toward en- _ .
A UK female student was robbet: \ {1- tering freshmen," said Faith Hard- Harders said she has received , ‘
it. guppomt Wednsiadynon Us? )1 ers, assistant to the vice chancellor about 150 applications About 250 '
tmes one near K P?“ (82111:; § ‘ L C. - 5 for academic affairs. ”This opening scholarships will be awarded. Three
Drive. according to U 0 cc TIMO'DEArKemK‘vr-Mm is a relatively large amount of faculty members will judge applica-
Paul Harrison. . money to everybody who is in tions and winners will be notified by .
The student. whose name was not school.“ May 1.
.1... by me ......... Speaker sees no connection . . ‘
robbed of 81 just before 2 pm. by The scholarships, available to all
Gary Wayne Scott. 19. of 531 Shelby . full-time undergraduate. graduate
St.. and a juvenile. whae name and and professional students with a
address were .0. releases 8033 e ween SW88 ener, l HESSCS mmrmum trade mm m...
were charged with first-degree rob- will cover in-state tuition for one .
bery. By SACHA DEVROOMEN for this type of food in the United is safe. Azarnoff said. and the re- academic year. Applications are lad artist Hm McAdam -
H . 'd a hand revolver Senior Staff Writer States.“ Azamoff said in a lec- Stilt of those studies have deter- available incollegedeans‘ offices bah-Ohio M obs. m.
amson sat , . ture spomored by the College of mined aspartame is safe even in Adult part-time students (those M ‘ m m “— ._
held by “navaf‘lghwgwm'unfl n‘fi Heathen: you think may be Pharmacy. "There is no evidence large doses. older than 25) also are eligible for M." 1 - ‘
mkit “min; "old M beat- caused by the change of sweeten- to date that there is any type of Pam Fahey. spokeswoman for unscholarships.
. .. . ers in soft drinks may be caused serious consequence from using the UK Medical Center. said it
a Vdrliile 13:33: :3). 5:33:13 by the clause of the overall for- aspartame. There have been indi- would be difficult to find either a “We want top-notch students who A“ can. vi be mu
mfimeaschdrgedwithrobbery ' Initiation of the drink. said an of- viduals reported to have symp doctor or researcher who would are contributirg to the University “mug...“
The u were 'W heat of the company who man- toms such as headaches. but dispute thou findings. because community.“ said Barbara Why. in It. to m In the “-
138W Id Thornton and several ufactures aspartame. more there is no concrete evidence as- neither the FDA nor the CDC director of special mm, and ad- I": “on M 0.. .~
by Lt. . .. commoniyknownas NutraSweet. pat-tame has caused their prob- have agroedwith any of the com- - . for the Coll c of Arts ‘ Sci- m “ of 0‘ m, fl
otherUKpoltceonColfaxStreet a .. . . . . ., . . vtsmg . e8 _ . 1..
ti fter“ the incident Har- it is not confirmed it is re- lem. platntsthatwet'efiled. coca am m earlier interview. moo-0.
31.“! me ' ‘ nd lated to the product." said Dr. He said the Center for Disease Azarnoff said the Food and The “a” committee will look _ -
"9°" “1dr ”“1 "'e “9°“ ‘ Daniel Anmoff. pt‘osidatt of Control in Atlanta. Ga.. recattly Drug Athninibtration requires all for wen-W “ma wm, mod-
moneyworotocouuod. GD. SearleandCo.‘s product de- mmined about 000 complaints. food additive: to be tested for tf‘nancialneeds should.
Scott and :5“ pleaded not “rm; velopment division. who spoke "Although it may be that certain safety. Stude- on humans are not as l '
Yamaha“ mm cur- yuterdny before about 350 people individuals may have an unusual required before approval. al- . ‘5 include an say on - _...
“W W" in a crowded lecture hall in the “tivity to the product. niece tiiough Saute did do that, Azar- “”18 ““w‘“ m n m “‘6 “3‘ 3 . .3 .
rentlybetngheldinthel-‘ayette . . goo.atramcript antinc . y - “g
CollegeofNunimlndHellth fimdonotprovrdeevidaice ndfuid. 'd to t The 1.1 . .fi“. .. 3-
Cotltty Detention Center on 810.000 . It s tetncn. financ _ g _ fl «1":-
hohd each The juvenile is being m“"“""“ “h“ ”u" f" “‘9 existence °‘ "V“ *“NWWW'G'M My statement reqtlruthesigmturuof nut-lunatic 1‘- 3e
“a m “PM“ CM” JM“ unaided}; Ant-hairyidum hum ' in -°' ' mm m by it: the snide-e. parent- and can be , «ti-nab!“ . 1
DcntantlonOuttcr. . ‘ u ‘ More an“ 10° “M“ were FDA " 5° milligrams per h- “1:0de25. Althotghfinnn- _ ..Jfl,,.h._ .
“11m (up-rum) is the mat date on caper-tame to provide ad- locum per day. A per-Ion weig .. _ fl 3 .....
A starch 2i pea-m hearing w W W ma mu m 1 mm” cit-l need willbu fm. curd!“ “11.-.! A -. .1 a...
setforSootundHlll.lerbmutd. " “W m M Summit-v1 nltlondmedywillbetmchbroud - 5 , -W‘
I 9 i

 z-Irmvxmmm fl, 1"
'. ‘ 4 L ‘“' ¥ 3“ . refit,“ _ Continued frommeone
’ ‘ I. ’ ‘ ,, jg. . ing so kilograms (about 130 lbs.) could take in as much
’ ' .‘ y , M_ as 3,000 milligrams day. A diet soft drink contaim 219
1‘ ~ . - 1- \ ;_:f.,..jf> . 3% Aspartame, the generic name for NutraSweet. was
. 2 ‘3; ‘ ' “Am“ n‘ss" eccidently discovered in the Searle laboratories by a re-
g: a searcher who found the compound had an extremely
‘ sweet taste. It was approved for dry use in tint and for
. carbonated drinks in 1983.
g g Aspartame is the artificial sweetener which tastes
- I“ * W moet like sugar, Azarnoff said. “Unlike other sweeten-
‘ . ~ fig»... ers. aspartame is indistinguishable from sugar.
« ' M “Of all studies, aspartame came as close to sugar as
Q“ . ' other sugars available." Azarnoff said. “There is no af-
m tertaste.”
“.- ' ’ f ‘3 A booklet, sponsored in part by the Student Govem-
' _ . ._ ,‘ ment Association, will be available in about a month.
_ *‘I ‘ ‘ according to Steve Thornbury. SGA pharmacy senator.
,, ‘ . --.-- h...‘ ~ 1 f» The booklet will contain the three lectures Azarnoff will
Efikm ~ ~ present while speaking at UK. Anyone who would like
33335 g‘ . ’ p more information and the booklet on aspartame should
- ‘ 5‘ g " 2:, write to Steve C. Thornbury. Senator of the College of
, '} a. " w Pharmacy on Gladstone Avenue.
ma _ r, 2
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Hayes Johnston, computer science sophomore, feeds his dog Icon a snack for his owner to return from lunch yesterday. Sheraton Miracle Mi'e Inn
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The Sands Inn
' Guliside Miracle Mile inn
. ' Home of the FSU
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By STEVE SWIFT _____—__—_ Schnarr. in a separate interview, described the deci- ’ 0
Associated Press sion as “cold water in the face. " I] Mlle
LOUISVILLE _ Doctors dashed artificial heart rec“, “Dr. De Vries’ decision is shared by “you'gdteliinf; a mar; :ebecan’: titilialie itttot his 0;: Resort
. . . . . . . _ . 0 . r - n
“W ““1“.“ 5mm?” “Opes 0‘ mew?“ “‘5 5°“.5 the medical and nursmg staff at the :8de w "g gum a ‘ e “pse' °°‘ 9450 s. Thomas Drive. Panama City. Fl 32407
wedding With a deClSIOI‘l that came like cold water in _ _ . .
theface,“ his future daughter-in-law said yesterday. hOSpItal. The View Of the ent ire Family members had comidered holding a mock wed-
Implant surgeon William C. DeVries. despite family heart team iS that Schroeder ’S digggmgtemghiffigeegogt tehe tliospital, 1‘: ds‘gltom ”1?: V64; /
objections. decided it would be too risky for the federal - a - _ 'ev r, rvrne an narr 53‘ g ».
retiree to make the 90-mile trip to Jasper. lnd.. tomor- medical recover y WOUld be megvhagbfigngcfieflsmvyfiu M t W /Q ..
row for the weddin of Terry Schroeder and Julie ' ' ' n 0‘ ioeder s e, ar gar e . on ed’m' 1 ' " '
Schnarr. g . J e0pard1zednby a tnp ofthat day night diathewmildn’tallowthetrip. I l \l‘ 1 I i J“ , ,
. . . magnitude. The family was disappointed and asked DeVries to j ;, V
Schroeder. 53, has been recovering at Humana Hospi- Bob Irvine tell Schroeder, Irvine said. “He asked Schroeder if he ~ A. r
tal Audubon from a series of strokes in December. as _ _ . ’ understood and Schroeder indicated ‘yes.’ He is aware
well as a flu-like illness that drained his strength in director of public relations, that the decision has been made and. basically, why,"
- February. He received his Jarvik-7 pump Nov. 25. Humana Inc. Irvine said. .. , <
“Dr. DeVries‘ decision is shared by the medical and ’ Schroeder has been out of the hospital twice for Add [38831ng toh W ‘ “3%
nursing staff at the hospital, The View Of the entire — wheelchair rides and twice for rides in a customized your punc W11 .7. EL 1' n27 “5:
- heart team is that Schroeder's medical recovery would van, which is equipped with the 323-pound Utah drive Everclear 190 \gflh
be jeopardized by a trip of that magnitude." said Bob Schroeder, meanwhile, had said in November that at- machine that provides puffs of air to power the heart. proof grain 5“". » ~
Irvine, Humana Inc's directorof public relations. tending the wedding was among his goals for survival. The trip to Jasper would have been made inthevan. alcohol 1- _ -. é:
' The only other living recipient of a mechanical heart. He was fitted for a tuxedo last month, but DeVries had . ‘ . . . ' '- "
Murray P. Haydon, was resting yesterday after mild said his decision would be based on Schroeder‘s condi- Since the strokes on Dec. 13' which left him “nth
discomfort 24 hours before. A small amount of fluid, ap tionthis week. speech and "Fem” problems, Schroeder has been '- .
parently resulting from surgery on March 2. was drain- The implant team believes it is in Schroeder’s “best struggling t0 wtn freedom fromthehospital. - . ’
edfrom Haydon‘s right chestcavity, Irvine said. interest. from a medical standpoint and in terms of his . . m *" _ » 2W3??? '

' “In that fluid was very little blood. Dr. DeVries indi- continued recovery, that he not make the trip," Irvine In January, he suffered m'ld seizures caused by dam- W ’ " - 1,?53;
cated the problem is not serious and that Haydon slept said. age from the strokes. - _
well through the night.“ he said in a taperecorded . Saturday will mark Schroeder's 112th day on the arti- In early Feburary he was headed toward a move into ‘
statement. fIClal heart. The first recrpient. Barney Clark, died on a transition apartment only to lose ground to an unex- ------------------------------------

. Haydon, 58, undierwent lslurgeryl')liltdayslafte‘iz‘drecte-iv- his 112th day with the device. plained feverand the flu-like illness ['IIEH" P'SIII If”.
ing is p astic an meta eart. 0c ors p ugg a my Mel Schroeder the . . ' . .
. . . . , patients eldest son, conceded the . . . Foryourfulloolm'15~ XE Evercleer Everclear Poster Offer

' Elle ":1 h: :Sfidaggfigegrsegpfir 1:31;; Tgrzfigl decision was DeVries' to make, but he said the Schroed- Doctors have said recently that Schroeder is-making m_eend$3.00irielieck.morieyorder 5003rdAvenue West

' 9‘3 w ‘c p g ers were unhappy with it. Progress under a nutritional Program and PhySlca‘ flit} ormayomMaaerwdorVimo: Seamewriseiis
cavrty. ' rapy, but they haven’t indicated when he might be dis-
‘ The fluid drained Wednesday wasn l related t0 the “The family was unanimous in opposing it. That‘s all charged. He would receive 24-hour nursing care at the W—————~——1_~—
- . previous problem. Irvine said. lwanttosay."he said. apartment.
. cusne___. __ _. .. __ _._ zip__ _
. O O
. ' Collins to meet With com any to discuss plant “Mm—mm
' . Mia-mag; Vat. Amal— __ __. "_pr ___.
. ' ~ By MARK R. (‘HELLGREN Knicely said the negotiations were confidential and no with 15 companies and six industrial prospects before Wmmwmoouwmwuwouummm
\ ~ Associated Press mention was made of a meeting with Mitsubishi in a departingJapan next week. mmm,mm'mmwfivfir&
' partial itinerary released before the governor left Ken- “We are obviously targeting automotive industries in mmmnmmmmmm
FRANKFORT — Gov. Martha Layne Collins said yes- tucky on March 7. our visits,“ Collins said during a news conference con- ""-"""""'""'-'-“-----------
terday she will meet with officials of the Mitsubishi Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America announced earlier ducted via long—distance telephonefrom Japan.
’ _ ~ Motor Co, about locatingaplant in Kentucky. this year that it was considering four states, including Tobacco, too, has been a major topic of conversation.
. Collins also said the state is one of two under consid- Kentucky, for the location ofa new plant. Collins said.
~ . eration for investment by another “well-known“ Japa- On the other topic, Collins said Kentucky is one of two She said '1‘. Kuriyama, the director general for North
' nese firm. states under consideration for a major investment in American Affairs in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
' ' On a more specific trade item. Collins also said she the relocation ofaplant. told her specifically that some restrictions on the impor-
- , 2 has been given assurances by Japanese foreign min- Collins said the Kentucky delegation met with offi- tation of tobacco intoJapan willbelifted.
‘ istry officials that the nation would lift restrictions on cials from the company, which she refused to name, on Other talks have included Kentucky’s export to Japan
. _ the importation of tobacco from the United States. Thursday in Tokyo. which is 13 hours ahead of Eastern of coal. grain, sporting goods and other manufactured
' ~ ' . Commerce Secretary Carroll Knicely. who is accom- Standard Time. products. Collins said.
" . ' panying Collins on the two-week trip to Japan. said Ken- An inspection team from the company will viSit Ken- “I'm trying to cover allthebases."she said.
' - , ' tucky has been in contact with Mitsubishi officials. who tucky within the next month and make a final deciSion Competition for Japanese investment and export of see the
. ' - are ”moving in some rather definite directions and we shortly thereafter. she said. American products to Japan is “very fierce," Collins _
' . think those will beforthcoming fairly soon," Knicely said the Kentucky delegation will have met said. H|neys
' ”SPa'ksD Adv ”h
_ . Bennigans t. tnc ay enture. ‘3 9'
1.,1 Hyafl.
I I -. ‘ 1' eam or e , Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a little Hlney
at Hyatt Regency Lexmgton's le'e Pub!
- $ eig lied and Ophelia they will make a
special appearance as celebrity bartenders
' . . . ’ . Saturday. March 16 from 8:009:00 pm.
' - Ihose famous wine makers from Midway will
. serve up Lexington's linest green beer and
. ' Search For The Gold March 8-17. l And lust look all whal you can win lilo could win two nights and threedays in Palm other special drinks
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5r 00¢)- id - ' m f l d ‘ hm 'e ”0‘ Caribbean than smother airline Hotel accom "om 9—1 cm
. -5. in go .lnslantprircso -nnig.iil's not an lid - - . ‘ ' P3. the s ClGl drink he 5 nd r n beer
' ' Prize—2 WI .000 . . . . De p e a g ee
7 merchandise and enterour free trip giveaway "sefo . Id -. “"3103? caffh WWW Plim‘k'd hyl‘he Bmi “90’ Palm will continue long after the Hineys have split!
. lb loin the search. come by an) participating "mezm‘? pmes “ 1‘" given away ’r Beach “mm” _
, . Bennigan'sand receii'cillriasurt- 3“ ( ' V e m
r . R .. \l.
map and one new clue each day . ITIHN N" o - i ll
‘l‘hemore cluesi'ou have. lht‘ h; . WinAFreeTrlp l‘orTwo. 9:“..."7. I n 1 "_‘ '
hettervour chancesoffinding ‘8 \‘5 ' ' . . _ St Patrick‘swcekend alliennigan's meanwvenmore \- of. ‘. , ,2”
N 35.. “‘- ' - . 2- - , Alw Amon Friends” ‘
mew“ grl|d.\thcniou '2 __J ‘ surprises. Ifyoli recenealucky lnp grim-at clue. ays 8
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armloentcr lllt' "- ' r); _ . toregisterforthedmwingal l0p.m. hardening.
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Find This Ad‘s ‘» ' _'; ff '7 . motlfmtn.) \tiu must be present in win. 2395 nicnrrw no“ new
Hidden Clue. ‘ “ 4 Nomrcm necessary run mallswaimlealarlyoeniooamWs Sourresirldlmsmoly e rascal—non . ‘
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. \(1 0 Local artist McA dams works successfully m many media
0 . - .T
‘ - Reporter '
mmw-ammwdwgw . . "9 U" W MW“! . " »
~ ‘ . _ Heather McAdams is a part—time ”I” CHE“! PLEEZE. . . .
row.6reoAuetkiI-dM).Owtetm.Wflowu- (if. I . film ustructor at UK. dental illus- 5““; g r" Q} // T. , . ’
it» let - m e. Main at. out tonight 4 p... to run. “E’T . trator. community education teach- _3,‘ Q J’ i ' .‘ _.
pm. to sea ammo’ammkmmqmaeaa “it «it ' ‘ er. weekly cartoonist for the Chi- “HT T“ RT 3 ' ‘
lngoT-ehlrthnWll-‘T . . _ cago Reader (The Windy City's ~ ‘ Jo}: 2 I ‘ 5©U - H T .T T I

. . , answer to the Village Voice). perfor- ~.;-_ A W.“ ”' V? ,1, . WJRE ' ' ' * T'
Is:- m end In. -— ll S. M_., W end w- mance artist. junk salesman. work- ' §§§§§E’ 9‘ ' FT? ' \/ /§‘ @M T q ' i. T ' ' '
row.mun:(mdt'n'nm.9p.a.ble.fl.aem;,g 552‘ , ~, ~ er in clay, pastel and needlepoint, §5§§5’ “7 ‘ \ K9 W a W‘gW‘ , - . . - y W'

.. W ~ c '1 W movie star. Chairperson of the :Eiii , 1%" A C; / . iUiQD ".‘J 3 . ,T ~.'
mun—at in. we. rwumewmn. Board for Dizaster Produkshuns, 222,-! - — . 7‘. la" ML .Ai» Q; . ‘ ~ ' ‘
40)9:9p.m.tole.m.flaver. ' and ardent supporter of the lunch \1 ‘ T W To; L” ii " T . . .

. W . W . counteratWoolworth's. ’ ’TT ’ l | // % .¢\\ . x T ,W T

W. ‘amwu mu? ”WM W. w “I want to support dime Storm." { W x W WW\\\\‘\ W//‘W 0/ / T” {\R :Ti . . .
WW,””'“‘”“‘_ ?_ 31%;» , _ _. she says. “I don't want to see them [Tl/03 .' t c . ' 3) iii Vim? i \ i . . ' _

.. ”of“. .«.. 0 . die. I always try to buy some sup "l i 5 . i '1 EQJ :1 JTVJ 6' ", _‘ '
a.“ M "‘ w " wafiwm ”We“. plies at Woolworth‘s." She does not / g j cw § 1 = i / : 4' .T
M “W m We). M . MW.” .‘ W W i wish to see small. personal efforts of 3? g 9 i \.W ‘ -' ~' ;
mm-W"-"'?"‘-"‘“‘“. ., . , . ._ r . any kind fall by the way. “I do .=. o ' i_- _ .
- . -- -~ - ..-...... W~~~~WWWW things by hand, not by pushing but- 1’7 ' ‘ ' ‘. “ ' .‘
m “ a W waWQMW~ tons. I guess I like to support the fi 3:3” " f . .. -W . .
Mlflpflhw‘OJ.”W-' . .. 51‘". W .. . .“TT .. W. » ~ “ wholeideaofpersonalization. .-' b 4 -_: .0 / . . . ..
m ”monuments“ ._ ’W,W ldontknowwhatlddowithmy x ,- a/ ,l 0. ..,
Ml'libuifi‘MQwM; __..W WWWWWWW . . . time if I couldn-t make thingS. ltvs ‘ :-. ° W W ‘. _ ~ , - . ‘_ ,

: as ,~ W. W -L:?3.f}:iTwi“%wi~~ WW szWWW ,- ..T an effort not to make art. It's like a .. . [I &' y ' . i a , ~ . . ‘
Livery—”W; w ,. . T. 1m “m nervous habit, working off nervous ‘—',.-. ' l?! . . _' .
reck‘n’MJpfli‘WTefw ' ‘ a ow.i““'"*”‘“’”‘”“f€ energy." That attitude shows in Q '— I~ , J . _ . .' i

- , ‘ . McAdams‘ stupendous (“I‘m just ‘ 3r \. l V . '. _ '2 >
new. no —— W m w. W «M. The outer Men drowning in it") body of work. con- . ,, ’I“ - \ ~14 . . ' ‘
(mck'n'roll),99.m.tolo.m.uem. . . ‘ ' sisting mostly of ink and pastel (g. ’ ' \ I ‘ '

— “' drawings. ceramic pieces. and I? _ / '- _ 1
Spirit: m — m Hue Mela In“ N W. lee Mot films. They are busy. crowded. ka— "I . ' .
(Tode),9p.m.ioto.m.Noeuer. . ‘ _ ' ’ leidoscopic. full of incendiary en- ‘ / . .
~ - W; T; . _ ; ergy; her lines are lightning zig- m ‘ £1 / ' _' ‘ . '.
not we cu — ”WN‘ W and m, it. zags. hercolorsawithering glare. - - . _ , , .
MOW(MM0.W~QRQIMW¢H”MW; Populated by Picassoesque hu- . - ' -
mum, ' , ' . . y . mans depicted in hilariously surreal ' W .
situations. they are the PTOdUClS Of a This original Heather McAdams drawing began as a photograph of a young couple in a bank. T' . .
feverish imagination (“I don‘t read '_
. 0' stories. My mind is so filled with _____________________________
0. ‘ ideas that it just interferes"); postcards bearing prints of her ‘ T'
A ‘ every image is full of motion and de “I don ’t know what I’d do with my time if] wk ' ' ‘
. ‘ tail. as if the artist‘s hands could not , . .-\s well as teaching film classes at T . T
. T N do enough. could not work fast could" [make thmgs- [ITS 0" effort “Oi ’0 make Hi. the artist also produces and dis- ‘
" enough. or . I ’S [1‘ V ' ‘ tributes her own films ()ne of these. - .
, _ Even as she talked. her hands I t keaner OUSWhablt, working Off , "Scratchman [1" won her a Ken- *
_ were busy working — she was incis- nervous energy. . . . I ll want to see something lucky Arts Counctl Fellowship grant. -
My mu. c. _. m. m b a n “W m . m m ing a floral pattern into a pair of » - ~ - :\ highly entertaining McAdams « .
tossed in for “a“ m at.“ w, W I. W 2:45. 5:” 7:” clay bikini panties. “I‘ll want to see SO bad’ and no one 5 done I” 50 I d0 1" nght piece is “Fake Previews." promotio— .
9:50. ":55. Aka at w; mo. 3,“. 3. 7’W 9:8: "30.) m M‘r- something so bad. and no one's done NOW, I wanna see cement underwear!” nal materials for films which do not ,
ING:5. ‘ it. so I do it. Right now. I wanna see H M A exist » .
1h. WT“ _ an M in on M d“ m.” w cement underwear!“ eather C dams Her most astounding works. how- .
brook down social barrier! . M m a. day h m m Alt, What McAdams “wants to see" is artist over. are large pastel drawings. ' _
Shaody (“tad up," “w. Germ"). w a. W qu 1:65, 7.45 often a motivation for her creativity. ___—___- which showcase her intoxicating
9:35, 11:3.)MMM; 7, ' She claims to have been obsessed good or bad. “It's just another part stares brought on by the unorthodm color and electromagnetic dream - . ‘
M MP.‘ shocking, m m at. of Mummy“. w for a long time with a game she of the communication." mix of colors and patterns in her apr images . W
I. WM:WJ ‘ ‘ played in junior high. which consis- She at first thought her own obses- parel. but is now unashamed of her An example is "Pretty Nasty Ac- _ >
w -11.]. W W .3 ”a. M 6m, b ted of looking at uncaptioned photo- sion with self-portraits a bit strange. clashing. rainbow clothing. “People t'itient.” a mural-size depiction of a ,
comparable to a M Mlle“ m. M" W M: ,qu 0:3. graphs of people in situations. and until she heard of Frida Kahlos. wife who stare . . cut themselves off multiplecar collision executed in '
5:40, 7:50, 10,12.) . , trying to guess what was going on in of Mexican mural painter Diego People in Kentucky are OK about gorgeous m)pical hues: it looks at ,
ml... -- mmmmimdutedqbq MM w ,0” the picture. McAdams would find a Rivera. Kahlos also exe