xt71vh5cft8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cft8r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-10-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 1991 1991 1991-10-03 2020 true xt71vh5cft8r section xt71vh5cft8r  

Vol. XClV, No. 191

President Visits state to help Hopkins


needed in
Bush says

Assomate Editor

LOUISVILLE, K}: M Republi—
ean Larry Hopkins‘ gubemalorial
campaign received the boost it
asked for from President Bush yes

Hopkins ot'lieials hope Bush's
Visit will help Hopkins move ahead
ol Denioeratie eandidate Lt, Go».
llrereton Jones in the raee tor gov
ernor Reeent polls haxe shown
Hopkins trailintz Jones in most are-
.l\ ot the state.

Both Bush and Hopkins told
nearly l‘tltlt; people attendinpv the
ttitid—ra.ser at the Kenttiek} Fair
and l{\posiuon Center that their
lfle'lltlslllll would benefit the state.

“When (iovz Hopkins ealls new
year. he will have a lrierid in the
White House," Bush said.

Hopkins said he would uttlt/e
that triettdsh

am going to eall on him w hen
I'm governor ol this state to help lh
with our eoal industry in th: state
of Kentucky and help us with our
agriculture and to help us get iobs
in our state." Hopkins said.

Hopkins is Kentueky's 6th Dis-
triet lLS, representative. whith in~
eludes Lexington.

Howexer. the two did not discuss
issues while the} were together yes»
terday Hopkins said tutitl-raisers
are not the time to discuss issues
with the president

Hopkins and Bush both said Ken
tail} was merdu: tor a. Repuhliean
l‘rettroerat» have llk lit the

Vans :1 tl‘

ke) to the (ioiernor's
si'ite Republiean l.ouie Nunrt was
tti tilltec from 206“ to l‘Vl

And we \e got to do something
about that.' Bush added

'lt we eat: change the govern-
merit o: the Smiet l'riion we ean
ehangge lll; government in Frank
tort‘ K) j Hopkins said

the man Hopkins narrowh beat
at ill; primary. l,:irr\ i'orey took

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Thursday, October 3, 1991


Former Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Forgy‘ Republican riomtnm; Larry rlftQL m: ”mg pregideny Bush rig-s»? may

center stage for awhile yesterday.
Both Rush and Hopkins noted his
presence and support.

\t on: point the three mixed their
hands. his prt/et‘it'hters alter a

lore} \Ltl.l lll~ presenee itid n-tt
tl[‘\!.ll‘_-‘ Napkin" hat rather te show
rip“. “a,“ \l‘ 'lt‘ ‘,.. I... 2") t ".11"

myth-i wt
t'rt t“ . !

.t ’if it‘ til \ Kl i~ t ‘\t_

R;'l‘1ll“t,.llt t'o‘uirttur l 'l\l‘ sartl
int l‘,l‘.l
ed fr it xtwrtatit‘ti \‘etretarx \.utt:t:,‘l
Skittrt ' -l
(ier‘ \" .

Hrh 1“ 1 latex alt !
own 't"‘~l' wr used th: opportunity
to tails Ill“>'l’ ill“ \' “A \‘~ .\r‘_ l l inlet
and hr» l- was W :t ' "Mia

\ t

”it _ r tit-tiplc on ths stale
twr'tt‘r ’ 1'


\l llls


STD occurrences
at UK increasing

Contributing Wrttn'

Students (llVell‘WWl issues eon
lemme datme. sale se\ and sexual
l\ traiistuttted diseases yesterdtu at
lltt‘ l is Student (‘enter tlllrllltl a
setiunar talletl “Don‘t \Vorn, Be

l'ls'K .Student Health \‘enit'e or
Lam/o. tht \L‘lltlltal as part ot l l\ s
Sesual Health and Salet) Week
The seminar alerted students to the
growing numbers ol sexuallx
transmitted diseases among their

Pant Woodrum, an leear vete
ran of the Student Health Semee.
said a Significant number of [K
students are. diagnOsed with a sexu
ally~transmitted disease (STDt at
UK each year Because (llCOl’lfldt‘W
utility, the exact numbers are kept
private, She estimated. however,
that the number of students affected
by STDs has increased in recent

“The number ol students seen for
gynecological problems has tripled
in the last few years," Woodrum
said “There has been an increase in
certain Sills. espeeially human pa,
pillomaurus and chlamydia"
among students

llttl‘tttt [‘Llpllltt'llawlth Illl‘Vt l\
llt'll tanses eerivtal warts.
t" totreasml rnk ot aerateal
wotnett Hinton usiiallx
\trus lll women with a

lll' ’-t'il~
:etil t'llllil strains ot the \'ll'll\
\ ltl t‘
taut 'r it»
tlt‘l ‘t' lllt'
pap «near .lllvl sereetune tl request

ml \hnnlruttt \lltl
t ‘u‘tttw lia~ perhaps
1‘ wt \t'll m the

the most
l'tt' H! \‘, l' \\
attwt ant; to C\Pt‘l1\ ls taiisetl h}
\; \ll.tll\ transmitted haeteria ()urte
ottcrt people iriteeted with thlar
rnytta show no svmptottis. although
thex tan transmit the disease. If not
detettetl t hlamydia tan lead to Ill
lerttlttx or both men and women


Sexual Health
and Safety Week




in all. there are about it) STDs.

Woodrum said, although many of

them eause neither symptoms nor

The isstte ot sextially-transmitted
diseases is int'reasttii‘h important

See HEALTH. Back page


He eited his plan to cut nuelear
weapons On domesue issues. Bush
etted his Arneriea 30th program it
reform edueation and he enlist/ed
('ongress tor not .ittine ("l .":l\
grime paekagie

While i't l,;‘:ll\\tll\‘, He
atldre-metl the litternattotta' f‘rirtt-s \1

't-t\r\t~l; '11- i "11"."
t.‘ . ,,

"Sl‘l fussr w «21-!

e panmamr- :rlt. \t unlit ‘l‘.
c ~ltnrie' g-

., ..ix’1\"\““ )1)».er


f Hopkins support
_ l‘If'A :wr
ih' ltl}.'"’ _' x

s: lltllt

aunt :nr

a low" lI‘l tur“
taker .\ tth ii t 't

Hut llapwn o -'

itarid raising it'aplirts said he re
a/esli exert the preside :eannot put
hut: on equal “Ha". ta! tooling \Allh
his .spponent


‘We don't m we:
:J‘ With Buritfitt ."
.azel alter 'l stir." it

.z'tl almtzl :t‘ 'tt't-‘r‘wg
ail an:
that h ",'

tort»: \

’ i ‘t r I
rm.» 1‘ ‘ n".

Vt‘r‘! :Tllt‘tttlt‘tl. ‘i‘
stat" l’W‘tl _t\t‘,

(3‘ 1“

Th‘ Vottrwr “\ttrttd ."


80 Hang Park‘ a UK student ate out is she looked ll ~irrelavs
that were part of UK's Sexual Health ll‘tl Safely Wont

see Bush
up close



The pol‘; alw W s


trailing by it perexrzr

County, where tit: spg-ye‘

raiser was
{Ktlls shtt‘w

hell it gtt
l \

llt.‘ \altl, ltthexfi

tun: :rzi; _- :

won’t benetit trom ltg- “‘

'\. 'l!
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:' tar-lat: I‘ta

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:l xpktrt- and "t“
‘_:\': ttsitetl 2a
pater: gtr‘? ‘rro‘t t.

«'.l‘ ‘l'

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transfer“ s pet ii

8v KFl LE \' “VWPHAU

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Its lllk,t\\ .4't
lituiio‘t "v1! itix
'l t’t lift‘
t‘tiiht t
w lrastealh


mite are
‘l‘ ' toastittttt "t
a”: it ~i \ -..‘
ortuuuiiux alleges
trotted ‘miewiti: t:
that ll:‘
to l t t
:rtunttx .otl 'tte
Judieial Hoard «To ’

Walker and :he

.lllt 't.3‘ KR. t.\

1’\ t;‘;\‘st‘tl

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‘l‘lfllflfl'f Wit 't‘


i‘ llrllCKl ‘(lttuilltVlJHK

its llll\\‘r\ll‘» thv

Wade is a lreslimatt
’tours earned ow:
l t‘(‘ last year

\‘tik rei'ulaltom l,’











UK’s men’s tennis team looking for-
ward to tournament. Story, Page 2.

A video and discussion about mascu-

linity and dating expectations titled
“Stale Roles and Tight Buns“ will be
held at 8 pm. in Kirwan Il lobby.

‘Deceived' full of
twists and turns.
Review, Page 3.


-w 1


‘ L




 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, October 3, 1991

se‘ ” . T ' "w . * . n * -
An' 1 ." i‘ 3} , .«\ 4'“ l' L ’m-u

UK tennis tournament features talented field '

Staff Writer

li‘ 17K tennis coach Dennis Fmery
Is trying to build a reputation tor
l'K‘s team, this weekend‘s Men‘s
Fall liiyitatioiiai Tennis 'l‘otirna»
nieiit art is is a step ill the tight di-

l'ls'. currently ranked No to iii
the nation. has lll\'llt‘tl some top
notch coiniwtition to the event iitr
eluding No it Notre Dame and Its
nationallytanked doubles team at
Itayid DitUclJ and t‘htitk Cele

l‘il ticia. also ranked No. 1 an {its
country in singles Cttmlk‘lllit‘li :s
the highest—ranked iiidiyidtta! ilt\ .t
ed to the toumament.

“This is the best this tt'iirn;tiit.-t;.
has eyer been," Emery
”“c‘yc really struggled to ixttid
this tournament tip. and with lt‘dilis
like lndtana and Northwestern
those types oi teams coming
shou‘td b. a realty
merit "

Emery said \tirthyyestern and it.
diana are ow oi the tougher teaziis
in the region I‘hosc tvw teams
along \Hlll \otre Danie, make the
tte'td stronger and draw attention to
't'K‘s tournament, he said The oth-
er schools are itiakiiig titer: iirs'.
trips to Lexington

"it's rcaiiy important because we



erg-a: lt‘ttt‘tla




“The guys on this team will be the toughest
players to beat in this tournament."

Andy Potter,
UK senior

are trying to get the point that we
can charge admission to the match-
es, and brtriging in the best teams iii
the country is the only way it e are
going to be able to do that."

l'ls senior Andy Potter said the
tiicoiiiing competition is good, but
they should not forget that L'K \\ili
ptit some tough players on the court
is ys ell.

"The guys on this team will be
the toughest players to beat in this
tournaiiieitt." Potter said.

't’otter. ranked 45th in the touii»
try. is l K's highest-ranked indiyid-
uai competitor. Potter will team
with senioi Scott Htilse to play done
bles in the tottniaiitent.

Finery said he is "cautiously opti
iiiis‘tic” about his team.

“We are rated 10th in the countiy
preseason. and that's the highest
use'ye ever been preseason." he
said “We hay e three seniors this
year. so for the tirst time we haye a
tot ot' experience that we’re throyy



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tug at people ‘

['K's third senior is Sammy Sti-
nett. who Wlll play singles. Emery
said Hulse. Potter and Stinett, who
is not ranked nationally. should give
Us a solid base oi e\perience.

“When these guys were treshmen,
they played down iii the lttteup on a
team that was ranked sixth in the
country,“ he said. "The next year,
they were forced to play into the top
of the lineup, and the team lllllSth
21st iii the country.

“We have never had the kind oi‘
depth that we have this year. We
have eight players that have all
started and won ior its consistent-

ly ..

The tournament begins tomorrow
morning at b‘ with the iirst and sec-
ond rourtds at the Downing Outdoor
Courts. Quarteriinal arid semifinal
matches are Saturday and finals are


POP goes the Weezer
‘cause the Weezer goes








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Senior Andy Potter practices tor the UK Men‘s Fall invitational Tennis Tournament that begins today at
the Downing Outdoor Courts. Potter is ranked 45th in the country. He is UK‘s highest ranked player.

Cats’ Hanson gets chance at NBA

Senior Staff Writer

Reggie Hanson dnbbled on
courts all over the South as a stu-
dent from. North Carolina to Sont-
erset. Kyu, to Lexington and now to

Today. Hanson is out oi~ school
and he might dribble on one of the
toughest courts oi~ all. At 5 pin,
Hanson is scheduled to report to the
NBA‘s Orlando Magic training

Some basketball disciples pre
dicted l‘K‘s i'oriiier stand-out cen
ter/i’orvyard might be a late pick.

Departed Wiidtat and current
Charlotte Homet Res Chapman
said his i‘ornier rooiitinate could
make an NBA lCLllli

“I think he‘s got great chances."
he said.

But testimonials do not seem to
matter to those involved in the sport
that Chapman said “stops being a
game alter you leave college."

The Pulaski County High gradu-
ate was not selected in the NBA's
I\\t)rrt)ilnii draft in June.

Nevertheless. scouts tor the Mag—
ic iik‘ed Hanson's work ethic and
versatility enough to invite him to
try out tor the team

Hanson is one of six players in-
vited to the \lagic's camp.

Trayis Stanley. assistant director
oi public relations for the team. said
Hanson had deiinite athletic ability.
but his NBA position is one the
Magic have already tilled

“With Reggie. he‘d be playing



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the same position as 21 Dennis Scott
or Jerry Reynolds and they're pretty
much solidified,“ Stanley said.

Another potential submarine be—
tween Hanson and a financial slam-
dunk in the NBA is that he would
have to sky over three highly-
regarded draft choices to make the

The Magic used its“ three draft
picks to select Brian Williams oi
Ari/ona, the No.1] pick, former
l.SL' center Stanley Roberts. the
No. 23 pick. and Chris Con‘hiani of
North Carolina State. the No.36

Plus, said Stanley, “We can only
carry 13 (players) and we already
have nine guaranteed contracts."

For Hanson to make the team.
said assistant coach and scouting di-
rector John (iabnel, “he would have
to catch otir eye to the point that \y e
teel (het is a player we need to
keep.“ It Hanson makes Oriando‘;
lirs‘t cut oi lo. his first ‘s'howmg‘
will be October it against the De»
tron Pistons.

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Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, October 3, 1991 - 3




Staff Critic

Il' excellent actors, worldelass di-
reetioti and a nearly llziwless story
line make a good mthe, th“n “De-
t'eived" delivers.

“Deeetved,” the tiew 'l'ouehs‘tone
lilm starring Goldie Hawn, is in
every sense :i thriller tilled wtth plot
twists and Jump starts

Adrienne Saunders (Hawn) lives
happily in a beautiful New York
aptirtiiietit With her husband Jack
(John Heard). and their beautiful 5-
year‘old daughter, Mary {Ashley
l’eldotil. She is ;i successful artist.
.ittd her husband is the eurtitor ot’ (In
Egyptian :irt tiius'euiti iii the tiny

The stage is' set. Km» comes the
mystery and the thrillt

First there is LI lit/.arre murder-
s'uieide ot one oI the tirt authentica-
tors' tor the museum. Then there‘s
the \IIMtPIK‘dLIIILC ol gt 34.5 million
.ittetetit tieeltltiee. Fingers begin
thlIlIlIlg :tl Jziek. thltI Adrienne gets
suspietous Alter a series of ”iron-
.itid hes, Jack and
Adrienne get into what looks like
their ttt'st tight during their six years-
‘: [iteltl'illtlc It also maybe their ltist.
Kat‘s stottips out oi the apartment.

" s the door. 14km; the Volvo l‘or



'lhe eomhinntton ot‘ is}
rind lltllittév sllil'.\. are too
With. rind the etir takes .i dive.

rashes and Non s up

After the funeral. Adrienne he»
gins her seareh for the answers to
Ills Itt}\lz,‘tlittts questions that htite
been phigumg her life In the rest of
the Iilm. we I:tIIi)'.\ our heroine
through her quest tor truth

fie ashtit :ihnut ll: mn She ' s ito
.tiedmti. t‘teht ttittious lor her huh
lile head Lllllle\ and space} eiegle
But in "Dawn-ed,” she is ;i true dnr
:rtittt :irttst PUIIIIIL' ot‘t intense looks
.ttid suspit’ious eliitiees Ll\' II she
were young through the terror herr
s it i yerttutilx «its eonxitit’ed.

lletird pltns Ill\ near stht/ophren»
it th:irtit‘ter yerx helie‘~';il\l\ It's




tuna/int: how his manner changes
slot} hire to reveal his

\\ ithtti the
true identity.

the direeumi is an extellent elr

tort by Damian Harris.

He keeps

the mood dismal by using earth

tones throughout the



night to make the mysttr;v toil

\Ittry Agnes Don: uhue's

line pulls the IIICkC toeether

m ikes the tot; il Hort \ irl

mustard and t'ores‘t green
\VUI’I‘. together WIIII the hil ILI of

\It W‘s



Overall. the stor} Iuie \‘tlpllktlit‘W

the viewer, and tmxurl the t‘ll.I
there are so Itiiltl‘s' Insists ind sur
pri/es' you cant help hut ‘eerh it‘f
the good guys.

'"Decetxed" is the tint til IIli‘\lf

that makes you utitit in thseuss

. r






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Goldie Hawn portrays a woman who must contront many mysteries
concerning her husband, played by John Heaa'd gabove; after his
death in Damian Harris' new film. 'DeCeived
covers truths which endanger the lives ot net 115'


Hawn .9 Character {1"
it hw daughter



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.7,.., ”5t" :7

"i: Fittden‘ Ae‘ .
' eEIJQK)’ "it a” (wet 'rade er the Dam :cw' :"
f 3". no “diwdua‘ or the
a 7‘} “’3' as a* O'ga"i23’l0"


outdated «amen 9' ‘My 06 Kentucky Herve“ w” r was or “we w t, "1'
~~1trtnerty or Du'Dose‘y rt was tamn ”or" 3' ax‘Na rant 5‘ “n: "i w a
('1‘ zed the hows wé-‘i: : Pr . t: M! "7"

~33" 2 tr 8 t" S'akg wt’i!


3,9 hope tear on»
n 49"., VS c'ganazattcw mt w “ 'a‘mr p'cm‘m
"at a J alumna”; tasrs'n


-_ “a”, I
. 12,“,an A“ v ' r): 8133':
' C Wat's A‘tmanda Gihqnt‘s than 'M
" ”~43 "Jilin
ass-e A sell ‘rprinIn r A 'on. t‘t-és 9‘
I I [to r , t

“417/ {KI/r V . "VAL

1'3".“ fit» wt v

. r 7,’~
‘ K ‘I 7
. r’u , ‘-
1 pg Labor won Arte Meadows 1 U ”it t
, I , ,
.577, u’"" 4'4 ““ t I
train Ryan ,nrtpatlerI it“: t
1' 7, 2w
. perm. xy, wk

Sennte Stuart

'- 442m;



loiii Joanne l’itttio. (lit‘ohii (‘uri‘_\ .uid
I1\L‘I7\II \e\\toti .is tlie7\ lend the WW
SK l.il\itit’) (‘Itissie .uid l \Itle I‘Illl
Run/Walk on ()etoliet if

Iliute _\oiu ehildi'eti. gttitidthtldi‘eti .utd
_\out lt‘ietids tuitl \ktllh oi t‘itii lot I K's
('hild I)e\elopiiieiit l.ihi’tu_\ tuid the
IIllilItllIlIlt‘\ Book I‘.lItIU\\llIL‘III I'lllltl,

| shirts to .ill participants. \\\.uds to

lust \.uiie

('it7\ State /tp
I:\etit. _I iK .I I \Itle .J Both

Ietiiii ('ztpluttt:
le.uii \Ietiihets. l

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4 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, October 3, 1991

‘lili d


wrong — even
at University


V s -. :v v “‘.v .
TN" to a. t i h -.t‘

One of chili’ihoo.l\ earliest
xt-nx is that e heaters lk‘\ .‘r proxpei
We are taught pia:
:rzat cheating is ‘~\.’.'l‘.'

.s no e\eeptio::s on:

\ . WK ‘l‘ , I,‘.\\_1H “J?“
..i l.\\.i . ins ».

.irx‘. xt'tizw
no t s. as

:xitll‘rt' c .‘L

to i‘c‘ !i‘t:it‘llc‘tt -..»: «fa ".‘t’e i‘k'i“ Kit
t‘ .i\ii‘i_;_ .0 ’ " ‘
A: car ptix
iii xa‘» it“. ‘.
i's‘xillc‘i‘iih i \1‘

i'..:.‘txn \‘ill.‘l

't\i:\i‘ic' i'.t\i\_ .1 {‘l't‘ie'\\\‘i' \‘i

.teteai screens at L is. has L'lle. t n-
eed tea" ":i it‘xta:i.«.
etieatitig li‘. h ~. 1.. I w ‘tx ’..' "'
years .‘l teaching.
LEKC some of his eoli..tgitex V‘o
..t..ig“‘.i ehealeix .it t; I. t:-...':i
.tttttiititan'ti‘se rut‘, ‘.i;'e
ass that come w itz“, prosegiit-
_ ‘,i).i\l,\ woiiic‘. lie to axon!
1:.e priscsx lt‘. :he future
It's the most unpleasant part of
‘ if. a umserszty ”
elf. itiakeu it
i’titi :‘7t‘ic‘\\tr.’\ tit" .' ith'e’ it‘ VD"
41.x e‘.t\\ it‘ it‘t‘k iilc‘ i‘Zl‘ii‘i' ‘.\.i‘~ H
itliil.‘~ Wells. w to ., hairs the
\latherizatiex Depiruneiit said
many or his colleagues consider the
.In; advised a drawback to
eating .heater'x
“I"e heard professors in this tie~
paz'tzrien: an}. o’lierx reel that th; red
‘ tbs: the: w.it;idr_~.1.‘ y
i i i v‘t‘iis \L: ‘
’l‘\e heart people make that ~ '_
"l? Whether Ibex really it

‘ .: charge.

\ .

lax: spin; .h
'rtt turning a r;-
‘iiirttie his Riolo
Rawls director
‘ w! Bioloe..al §eren.*ex

-" exit'iene; with Daytx and.


Tic ree.tttiiri-."itlt‘tl :

etc .if‘it'

no and s. .7

~vx,i i,\ ». t ,0,
tie ktiitcas it

'tn; 1.. ‘ ‘. ‘ the tar,


By Wayne S. Davis

1:... a cheazing prof-kin tr
«e \lar.y students are tony
iilsllii) Jon 2 do i‘tltiug‘i’ l\‘
:t l’roseeimtig a eheatrie
'Zitisi illxleixlt‘itii litxi


seliiiti: and take our academic r;
t-ortsibiiaies seriously repor: eases
lyilk‘siiliiL' it: tttlt ei.l\\t= \HEN .lil

adt:.inistralivt discourages

ii. .‘i r 'portinl

1 spring. a student was cheat
wriiy final exam lle devised a
\xteni and turned 1!] an
ml, which all the answers “fr"
,1 another student We ealight
iritl _i..ithered the cyidentr
the .tiiilent was failing any
the director of the School of
lentil \tlt‘ltct‘x and i decided
’.‘at enteriri' a grade iii "if the
ant-tint penalty we eotild psi-e

-. is an lllxtllflclt‘lll xtlfklli‘n lot a
the rules T‘TlHltit'
ricottintenil to the dean
Wit-lent be suspended its

air .a' . lion
lit ll A‘
'haf Th”
t‘..‘ \‘I‘li or expelled ..
The dirt» tor of the School of llio
it‘tllti'li 9 l‘llt ex wrote to the acting
dean of the ('ollege of Arts and Sci-


“I've heard professors
in this department and
others feel that the red
tape is such that they
would rather not
institute a charge.
Whether they really do
that or not. ldon't
know. Personally. i
avoid it like the

— Mathematics
chairman James
Wells on prosecuting

a cheating case.


\ .inon followed the guidelines of
tn. \‘tudents Rights and Response
bilitiex handbook. But Davis said
h.) thtriks the way administrators
apply the penalties encourages stu—
dents who are failing a course to

“ they will not back tip the facul-
ty when the faculty is trying to do
sortiething about cheating." Davis
said. “They _iu.st consider cheating
acceptable. and that ix the way
thingx are to be done here A per
stir. who is failing a course is e.\r
peeted to cheat. and tio penalty is to
i‘s‘ dsx‘sx‘si.“

Despite his criticisms of the .xyxA
terti. DaVix- said he thinkx students
should be \iewed ax innocent until
prowl gi:.i:y

“l approve of due process. Stu—
dents art entitled to it it used to
be that the professor would walk
met and take the persoti'x text and

.i ,:,it we've got here now lx
'ri: ittiiilllll\if‘clit‘f\ discouraging
from anything
about it That's tux! an intolerable
situation We can‘t operate a uni—
:erxit) thix way This policy has to
e'htt-‘it'J H iLlle stltt‘.

Ikoix said other tactiltx members

tee‘ the same way about how cheat-

prolessors doing

erx are dealt w ath

‘l talked to wine tl‘i my cot»
. \rtd he: said that
it this policy does not change that
in hix big claxxex he will dismiss
liix proctors .ti'lii sit up front and
read “is during an
e\;ittij Davis s;ii.f

new spaner

"it studentx
something about the tl‘it‘ttl'rtg that
is genie on he s.ii.l he
them to the dean ot tb‘ ('ittl.'ge of

.-\rts and Scien.

c‘ttlllL‘ tll‘ 'itt \il\

xvii T;‘l.‘t






‘ & __—__
\\‘ll“‘llltl.ktliulllfllllllllllll ttttttlt tuliiiiittllll“lll l‘ illl‘l‘ll‘mlill’I'll”!



Davis said he thinks that cheating
may increase when students leam
more about the policy.

”If a student is passing there is
the sanction ..- a grade of ‘lZ.‘ But
it a student is failing anyway. it
doesn‘t matter. They might as well
cheat anyway," Davis said.

“You either have to have an hon.
or system or we have to have sane
tions against cheating You can't
operate a [Yiiiversity without one or
the other."

Russell Groves is the academic
ombudsman at 1K, 21 position that
was created by many universities to
deal with the problem of cheating in
the classroom. Being a realist.
Groves recogni/es that cheating
as much ax he would like to deny it

never will go away

“Not completely,”

“it's st‘irr‘icthing we ear. w: ik on.
The solution comes not from
threats. but leadership from stir
dents and faculty. And it may sound
oldlashioned. but frotn upperelaxs-
men As far as us or the l‘mver—
stty building a system to prevent
cheating it w ill never happen “

The onibudsnian‘s office handled
34 cases of academic oflenscs last
year. which includes both cheating

Grove s said

and plagiarism. He said that there
were probably more that were han»
dled within the colleagues and by
instructors that they never heard

Groves said he doesn't think fa—
culty members should look the oth-
er way when it comes to cheating.
but he can see their perspective on
the issue.

“I certainly understand the iTlls<
tration of various members of the
faculty who want to prosecute
Cheating." Groves said. “I think that
same frustration is shared by the
large number of students who see
cheating occur.

“But our systetn . not only at
the l.7niversity. but in many
puts in many safeguards to protect
the rights of the accused That‘s
also true w'ith instances of cheat

Even honest students at UK prob
ably have seen others cheat.

“(lnstructorsi try to keep a close
eye on it. but I haven‘t seen any It).
stances where they've cracked
down on it." said Brian Young. a
marketing senior. “In larger classes.
maybe 15 percent will do it if they
know they can get away With it."

Gina Yost. an education senior at


UK. said she has seen students
cheat in her classes, although she
doesn't understand why they do it.

“Cheating ts kind of stupid. it's a
waste of the student‘s money and
time. it defies the concept of col—
lege in my opinion.

”It sounds comy. but they are let—
ting their grades get in the way of
their education,“ “They
don‘t come to college to leam. Viust
to get grades."

Yost said she thinks people who
enroll in classes with close friends
are more likely to cheat because it
is easy to share answers on tests,

“Multiple-choice tests make it
easy to cheat. and they don‘t show
how the students think." Yost said
“The format of the tests needs to be
changed, A student can just memor
i/e ll) answers in a row on a multi-
rile—choice test."

Yost said she has never seen any
one caught cheating in one of her

“I don't know if that is because
they don’t see it or that they just ig-
nore it." she said. “I hope it‘s not
because they ignore it. i Just think
there are too many people in the
roorn for them to watch everyone.”

essor says policy favors cheaters

crices. pointing out the student was
failing the course and recommend—
ing an. static-ta zit suspended for a
semester Siispenxion is the least of
the three \dllsilttlls mentioned in the

the dart wrote to the student
that he reieeted our recommenda—
UN? for suspension The dean also
wrote the direi tor and me that he
did not follow our teeortiniendation.
lie wrote that. euept under truly
e\traordin;iry circumstances, the
dean‘s oltite imposes an i when
the student has no prior acadctttlc
of fe rise

The dean's policy is a secret. llttr
known to faculty and students. lliis
policy is not mentioned in our olti
ital booklet of Students Rights and
Responsibilities or the cheating
flow sheet we rett‘iye from the ma
\it.‘llllc ombud'x office \eaher dis
utneiit mentions that the dean ean
ittipose an ”-‘l for cheating, escept
‘il the chair has dcterttiined that an
‘l' grade is the appropriate penalty
itlow sheet page 2. underlined in
the originali " Alter serious tonsid
eration. the director and l deter
mined an “z'l was .in inappropriate

in be slapped down in the dean
was the ultimate lllsllll to our ititeg
rity and cotnpetence


“Those who are passing a course face a sanction for
cheating; they may receive a failing grade. Those
already failing face no real sanction and would best
be advised to cheat on their exams as long as the
present policy remains."

— Biological sciences professor Wayne Davis on
UK’s current policy regarding cheating. He
asserts that there is no real punishment for
students who cheat and are already failing a

The dean's policy has set a dou~
ble standard for students. Those
who are passing a course face a
sanction for cheating; they may re
ceive a failing grade, Those already
failing face no real sanction and
would best be advised to cheat on
their exams as long as the present
policy remains.

It caught and charged their "li‘s
could not be removed by repeat ()pr
tion; otherwise they are the same as
any other “l7. “

There ts no asterisk for an aca-
demic offense. The reader of a tran
script has no way of knowmg an ac»
ademic offense occurred.

An internal code makes this in-
formation available only to the reg-

When I met with the acting dean
and the associate dean and chewed
them out thoroughly for this outra-
geous action and policy. the asso-
ciate dean told me she thought the
deans of other colleges had similar

The present unwritten secret poli-
cy is so absurd that UK could be
come fodder for the late night TV
comedians, We desperately need to
establish a serious policy on cheat
mg and then go by that policy.

We should recognize that suspen-
sion for a semester is a trivial sanc—
tion. The suspended student gets a