xt71vh5cg033 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71vh5cg033/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station  Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 2001 journals  English College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station  The Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 114th Annual Report 2001, June 30, 2002 text 2009ua018 The Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 114th Annual Report 2001, June 30, 2002 2001 2001 2022 true xt71vh5cg033 section xt71vh5cg033 AR—114


The Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station


Annual Report
200 l




College of Agriculture
University of Kentucky 0 Lexington, Kentucky 40546









To His Excellency,
The Honorable Paul Patton
Governor of Kentucky


1 herewith submit the one hundred and fourteenth annual report of the Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station for the period ending December 31, 2001. This is done in accordance with an
act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, titled, “An act to establish Agricultural Experiment Sta‘
tions, in connection with the Agricultural Colleges established in the several states under the provi—
sions of an act approved July 2, 1862, and under the acts supplementary thereto,” and also the act of
Kentucky State Legislature, approved February 20, 1888, accepting the provisions of the act of Con—


Very respectfully,


M. Scott Smith, Director

Lexington, Kentucky
June 30, 2002







Purpose of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station ...................................... 7
Statewide Research .................................................................................................... 7
Regulatory Services .................................................................................................... 8
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Projects .............................................. 11
Publications .............................................................................................................. 16
PhD. Dissertations ................................................................................................... 29
MS. Theses .............................................................................................................. 30
Financial Statement ................................................................................................. 31
Staff .......................................................................................................................... 32




 Purpose of the Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station


As a Land Grant institution, the University of Kentucky
is responsible for serving the people of the Common—
wealth of Kentucky. The College of Agriculture, with its
research, teaching, and extension activities, has developed
a structure and organization to provide the mandated Land
Grant services in agriculture and related areas.

The Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station has been
providing research results to farmers and rural residents for
more than 100 years. The continued advancement of Ken;
tucky agriculture attests to the benefits of applying new
knowledge and technology. Much of the research leading to
increased quantity and improved quality of Kentucky’s agri—
cultural output was performed by the Experiment Station.
College researchers also have successfully addressed prob—
lems of agribusiness, consumers, international trade, food
processing, nutrition, community development, soil and wa—
ter resources, and the environment.

Although much Experiment Station research has imme—
diate application to agricultural and natural resource—related
problems, scientists are also involved in basic research, gen’
erating new information to help solve present and potential
problems. The ability of Kentucky producers to be competi—
tive in domestic and world markets requires an expanded
base of knowledge in emerging areas of research applicable
to agriculture, food, and natural resources.

This Annual Report lists Experiment Station research
projects and publications completed during 2001. A faculty
list is also provided.

The research programs of the Kentucky Agricultural Ex—
periment Station have benefited Kentucky’s agriculture over
the past century, and the results of present and future re—
search will continue to serve Kentucky’s primary industry.

Statewide Research


Research activities of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiv
ment Station were conducted at Lexington, Princeton,
Quicksand, and Owenton and in counties throughout the
state in 2001.

Efforts are constantly made to ensure that the research
studies have application to the problems of all Kentucky
farmers and other clientele groups. Locations of the experi—
mental facilities provide conditions representative of most
sections of the state.

Campus—Laboratories and specialized equipment for all
research program areas.

Coldstream—Maine Chance——Spindletop Farms—Beef
and dairy cattle, poultry, horses, sheep and swine, forages
and grain crops, tobacco and turf.

South Farm—Fruits and vegetables, ornamentals.

UK Animal Research Center (Woodfmd County )-—This
farm was purchased in late 1991 as a location for develop—
ment of staterof—the—art food animal research programs. The
farm is in Phase I of development as a research facility.

At Princeton (Caldwell County) the Research and Edur
cation Center facilities and the West Kentucky Substation
Farm are devoted to research on grain crops, beef cattle,
swine, fruits and vegetables, forages, and tobacco.



At Quicksand (Breathitt County) the Robinson Station
is the location of research on fruits and vegetables, orna‘
mentals, forages, grain crops,,tobacco, and wood utilization.
Quicksand is also the headquarters of Robinson Forest,
which spreads over parts of Breathitt, Perry, and Knott coun—
ties and is the site of forestry and watershed management

At the Eden Shale Farm, located in Owen County near
Owenton, experimental and demonstration studies are con—
ducted on forage crops, tobacco, fruits and vegetables, and
beef management.




Regulatory Services


The Division of Regulatory Services is charged with ad—
ministering state laws pertaining to manufacturing, process—
ing, labeling, and marketing of commercial feed, fertilizer,
seed, and raw milk. The Division’s primary objectives are to
protect farmers and consumers from poor quality, mislabeled,
or misrepresented products and to protect agricultural busiv
nesses from unfair competition.

Feed, fertilizer, and seed are monitored through manufac‘
turing and retail channels for compliance with state laws. Label
review, product and facility inspections as well as product same
pling and analysis are important parts of this process. Raw
milk is monitored during marketing to ensure an accurate and
equitable exchange between producers and processors and to
ensure the integrity of milk from farm to processor.

Ten regulatory inspectors and one auditor cover the state
collecting samples, inspecting facilities, and auditing records.
One specialty—products inspector is dedicated to monitor‘
ing and sampling small—package and specialty feed, fertil«
izer, and seed products throughout the state. Another in—
spector is dedicated to the milk regulatory program, audit—
ing records and monitoring activities of sampler—weighers,
haulers, testers, and lab facilities.

In addition to regulatory programs of the Division, serv
vice testing is available through the seed, soil, and milk labo—
ratories. These and other activities in the Division are per—
formed by a dedicated and professional staff who perform
laboratory analyses, provide computer support, and process
and compile reports in addition to performing various due
ties required to administer effective programs.

Auditing Program
H. 3. Spencer


Audits of sales and fee payments were made on 311 of
nearly 440 feed, fertilizer, seed, and milk firms in Kentucky
to verify inspection fees. Fees are assessed to help defray costs
of inspecting, sampling, and analyzing commodities in ac—
cordance with state laws. Fees are indicated below. Cash re‘
ceivables were substantiated on 2,428 fertilizer reports, 2,964
feed reports, 840 seed reports, and 38 milk reports. Reports
were checked for accuracy and compared to field audits of
the submitting firms. Additional fees of $12,900 were found
as a result of the audits.

2001 fee schedule for industries regulated by the Division of Regu-
latory Services.



Industry Fee Assessed per Unit
Feed 35 cents/ton
Fertilizer 50 cents/ton


Milk (handlers and producers) ...................................... 0.5 cents/100 lb.
Seed tags 4-24 cents/ unit


Division of Regulatory Services 2001 income from fees, Iicenses,and
testing services.






Industry 2001 Income
Feed 717,012
Fertilizer 596,011
Milk 63,187
Seed tags, licenses, and service testing ........................................ 365,231
Soil Service Testing 143,722

Total $1,885,163


Feed Regulatory Program


Steve Traylor

The feed regulatory program provides consumer protec—
tion for purchasers of livestock feed and pet food products as
well as monitoring a marketplace environment that promotes
fair and equitable competition. The Kentucky Commercial
Feed Law outlines standards of quality, safety, and efficacy of
commercial livestock feed and pet food industries through
specific labeling requirements. Labels should identify the pur—
pose, a guaranteed composition, ingredient list, and direc—
tions as well as warning or caution statements required for
proper use. A statewide inspection, sampling, and testing pro’
gram monitors feed products for accurate labeling.

The feed program is also involved in ensuring safety and
wholesomeness of animal products used for human consumpr
tion, and it participates in a nationwide effort by state and
federal agencies to ensure food safety and promote consumer
confidence in our food supply. The feed program and the
FDA are working on a ruminant‘to—ruminant feeding ban
of certain mammalian proteins, promulgated to prevent es-
tablishment and amplification of Bovine Spongiform En—
cephalopathy (BSE or “Mad Cow Disease”). Activities in
this area include inspection of renderers, manufacturers, and
distributors to ensure regulation compliance.

2001 highlights:

0 Administered actions on 3,807 official samples of com—
mercial feed involving 23,889 official tests to monitor
about 3 million tons of commercial mixed feed and feed
ingredients distributed in Kentucky.

0 Administered a cooperative program with the FDA to
inspect 17 feed mills that mix restricted drugs in feed and
to inspect these mills for compliance with FDA’s national
ESE Rule. An additional 196 BSE inspections were con'
tracted with FDA for mills not required to be licensed
with FDA. Approximately 90% are complete.

0 Conducted 7,500 label reviews and maintained product reg—
istration for about 15,000 products from 900 companies.

0 Participated in FDA Good Manufacturing Practices and
BSE inspection training.

 Fertilizer Regulatory Program
D.L. Terry


The Kentucky Fertilizer Law ensures that fertilizers sold
in the state are clearly and accurately labeled, enabling cona
sumers to make informed purchases of fertilizer and to be
assured of its quality. The law also protects the legitimate
fertilizer industry from unfair competition.

2001 highlights:

0 Administered actions on 3,491 official and 178 unoffi’
cial samples of fertilizer involving 10,382 tests of approxiv
mately 852,000 tons of fertilizer distributed in Kentucky.

0 Reviewed labels and registered 3,600 products from 527
firms, including 212 who manufactured custom blends of

Feed and Fertilizer Laboratory
Robert L. Beine


The goal of the Regulatory Services Feed and Fertilizer
Laboratory is accurate analytical results in a timely fashion.
In 2001, 3,807 feed and 3,669 fertilizer samples were re‘
ported, including official regulatory, service, and inter—lab
check samples. The laboratory also assists the soil lab in
analysis of manure and litter samples.

Approximately 50 different types of feed tests and 24
different fertilizer tests were performed. The laboratory also
participates in several check sample programs, including
the AAFCO Check Sample Program for feed, Magruder®
check sample program for fertilizer, and specialty programs
for microscopy, mycotoxins, UAN, phosphate, minerals,
and others.

Inspection Program
F. Herald


The inspection program strives to promote industry com—
pliance with consumer protection laws administered by the
Division. Inspectors strategically located throughout the
state carry out this responsibility in respective assigned ar4
eas. Their primary duty is to visit manufacturing plants, pro—
cessing facilities, storage warehouses, and retail sites to col—
lect official samples of feed, pet food, fertilizer, milk, and
seed. While visiting these firms, inspectors also review
records and offer assistance in improving operations to
achieve compliance with the laws.

2001 highlights:

° Nine inspectors completed 5,511 feed, fertilizer and seed
inspections of processing, manufacturing, and marketing
firms in the state.

0 Emphasis in the feed area included feed mill inspections
for compliance with FDA’s BSE regulations.

0 One inspector visited and sampled small—package specialty
feed, fertilizer, and seed products in urban markets.

0 Six inspectors made 313 visits to determine compliance
with Kentucky’s Farm Milk Handler Law.

0 Inspectors collected the following official samples for
laboratory verification of appropriate constituents and





Feed 3,807
Fertilizer 3,491
Seed 2,691
Milk 7,536

Milk Regulatory Program
C .D. Thompson


The mission of the milk regulatory program is to ensure
raw farm milk produced and marketed in Kentucky is bought
and sold using accurate weights and tests. The program's pri—
mary function is to monitor milk handling systems from the
time a producer’s milk is sampled and weighed, through de—
livery and laboratory testing, until payments are calculated.
The program provides support to the producers and proces'
sors of the state’s $248 million dairy industry. Industry par—
ticipants are licensed by the Division and monitored accord‘
ingly to maintain compliance with the law.

In addition to regulatory functions, the milk program co—
operates with other agencies in educational projects to pro‘
vide additional services to Kentucky dairy producers and
processors. Additionally, the milk program operates a labo‘
ratory that is available for Kentucky producer and handler
service testing.

2001 highlights:

' Reviewed and issued licenses to seven transfer stations,
19 milk handlers, 19 laboratories, 63 testers, and 363 samv

0 Analyzed and administered action on 7,536 official

0 Distributed 1,428 samples to licensed laboratories for
comparison purposes.

0 Conducted 14 pay—record and 22 raw milk receiving mani—
fest audits.

0 Conducted 39 inspections at 19 milk laboratories.

0 Collaborated with Kentucky Cabinet for Health Services
Milk Safety Branch to train sampler—weighers.

0 Trained and examined 69 new sampler—weighers and 14
new testers.

' Conducted 21 inspections of raw milk transfer stations.

0 Conducted 780 sampler—weigher inspections.

Seed Regulatory Program
D.T. Buckingham


The seed regulatory program ensures Kentucky farmers
and urban consumers of quality seed while promoting fair
and equitable competition among seed dealers and seedsmen
through inspection and analysis of products found in the
marketplace. The Division, which administers and imple—
ments the Kentucky Seed Law, promotes compliance through
facility inspections, sampling, and analysis of seed offered
for sale. The law requires proper labeling of seed which in—




cludes kind, variety, and lot designation; purity percentages;
noxious weeds; origin; test date; and a germination guaran—
tee. The Division is also responsible for maintaining regis—
tration of seed labelers and dealers in the state.

2001 highlights:

0 Performed 1,742 inspections and sampled agricultural,
lawn, turf, and garden seeds at more than 600 wholesale
and retail locations.

Collected and tested 2,691 official seed samples.

Issued stop—sale orders on 541 official seed samples and
114 violative seed lots at seed dealer and seed processor

Cooperated with the USDA-Seed Branch regarding ship;
ments of seed into the state that were in violation of the
Federal Seed Act.

Reviewed and issued 184 agricultural permits and 54 veg;
etable and flower permits to label seed.

Registered 399 seed dealers and 28 non—certified custom

Conducted one regulatory hearing for serious infractions
of the Kentucky Seed Law.

Provided training to firms on labeling requirements, mix—
ing procedures, and batching records.

Seed Lab
C. F inneseth


The Division maintains the only seed testing facility in
Kentucky. This seed laboratory conducts all official testing
and provides service testing for producers, dealers, retailers,
and homeowners. Lab capabilities include purity testing,
weed and crop seed identification, seed counts, accelerated
aging, test weight, fluorescence testing for ryegrass, mois‘
ture content, tetrazolium, herbicide tolerance, endophyte,
and germination. More than 14,000 different tests were per;
formed in 2001, a 21% increase from the previous year.

2001 highlights:






Sample Type 2001 Completed Samples
Official samples 2,691
Service samples 6,214
Tobacco 1,914
Other certified crops 408

Total samples 8,905



Soil Testing Laboratory

F]. Sikora and D. Reid (Lexington)
Paula Howe (UK Research and Education Center, Princeton )

Soil testing provides farmers, homeowners, greenhouse
operators, surface—mine specialists, and others with scien—
tific information about the fertility status of their soils. In
partnership with the University of Kentucky Cooperative
Extension Service, the soil laboratories—located on the
Lexington campus and at the Research and Education Cen’
ter in Princeton—perform routine tests and chemical analy—
ses on soil samples from across the state. Subsequent unbi—
ased lime and fertilizer recommendations are made based
on nutrient need for specified crops, using fertilizer response
data determined by years of research conducted by the Uni—
versity of Kentucky College of Agriculture.

The lab also offers analyses of poultry litter and animal
wastes for farmers and farm advisors, water and nutrient so—
lution analyses for greenhouse operators and floatrbed seedr
ling producers, and nonaroutine soil tests for University of
Kentucky researchers.

2001 highlights:

0 Developed a new computer program for county Exten—
sion offices for receiving, printing, and managing soil test
data. Installed the program in 54 counties and conducted
seven training sessions for 125 agents and county office
support staff in use of the new system. Presented infor—
mation about the computer program at the Cooperative
Extension Service Conference and to the American So—
ciety of Agronomy.

Provided information through five radio broadcasts with
University of Kentucky Agricultural Communications
Services, a Kentuckiana Crop Production Seminar on soil
testing, and a presentation at the Southern Soil Fertility
Conference on nitrogen and soil fertility.

Participated in field days and various meetings giving pro—
grams on agricultural nutrient effects on water quality
and provided assistance in six training sessions offered
throughout the state on nutrient management planning.
Soil laboratory analysis included the following types and
number of samples in 2001 as compared to the previous year:











Type Number % Increase from 2000
Agriculture 32,872 27
Home lawn and garden 6,578 6
Strip-mine reclamation 57 104
Commercial horticulture 601 11
Greenhouse 46 -47
Research 14,363 5
Atrazine residue in soil 4O —69
Animal waste 194 —5
Nutrient solution 30 -55

Total 54,781 14



Smulo 2.- LJ-a‘.‘ u.~<


Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station Projects


Agricultural Economics

Agricultural Industrialization and Globalization: Implications for
Rural Economies—Angelos Pagoulatos

Analyzing the Industrial Organization and Financial Economic Per-
formance of the Global Agribusiness Sector—Steve Vickner

Analyzing the International Competitiveness of the US. Agricul—
tural Processing Industry—Michael Reed

Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private
Land—Ronald Fleming

Cooperative Partnership for Small to Medium—Sized Beef Producers
in the Eastern Cornbelt: Phase II—Lee Meyer

Economist for State Development Board—Timothy Woods

Electric Utility Deregulation and Rural America—David Freshwater

Enhancing Farmers’ Income through Polyculture of Paddlefish with
Catfish in the Southern Region—Lee Meyer

Financing Agriculture and Rural America: Issues of Policy, Struc—
ture, and Technical Change—David Freshwater

Fruit and Vegetable Supply’Chain Management, Innovations, and
Competitiveness—Timothy Woods

Impacts of Trade Agreements and Economic Policies on Southern
Agriculture—Mary Marehant

International Agricultural Market Structures and Institutions, 2000—
Michael Reed

Kentucky Center for Cooperative Development—Timothy Woods

Marketing Systems Approach to Removing Distribution Barriers
Confronting Small Volume Fruit/Vegetable Growers—Timothy

Meat Processing and Marketing for Local and Direct Markets—Lee

Responding to Expressed Needs: SARE/ACE Regional Training with
the Sustainable Dairy Systems Manual—Steve Isaacs

Risk Management and Profit Potential of Alternative Production
Practices, Enterprises and Technologies—Carl Dillon

Rural Economic Development: Alternatives in the New Competi—
rive Environment—David Freshwater

Rural Labor Markets: Workers, Firms and Communities in Transi-
non—David Freshwater

Technological Progress in Agriculture, Farmers and Rural Commu-
nities—David Debem'n

US. Consumer Demand for Dairy Products: Needs—Driven Methods
and Analysis—Leigh Maynard

Wages, Jobs, and the Environment: Policy Choices for Rural Areas——
Angelos Pagoulatos

Work Crew Performance Model in Vocational Agriculture—Steve


319 Program Site-Specific Nutrient and Biosolids Management on
Agricultural Lands—R . l. Barnhisel

Accelerating Development of ScabeResistant Wheat Varieties—DA.
Van Sanford

Amount and Quality of Herbage Ingested by Cattle Grazing Tall Fes—
cue Clover Grasslands—-C.T. Daugherty

Analysis of mRNA Polyadenylation and Metabolism in Plants—AG.

Analysis of Senescence—Specific Genes Using Arabidopsis Enhancer
Trap Lines—S. Gan

Breeding for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat for Ken—
tucky—D.A. Van Sanford

Breeding Grasses for the Transition Zone—TD. Phillips

Career: AGL 15 during Embryogenesis—S. Perry


Cellular and Molecular Biology Initiative in Dark Tobacco—GB.

Characterization, Classification, and Use Interpretations of Kentucky
Soils—AD. Karathanasis

CHS Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Oversight—E. D’Angelo

Cloning and Heterologous Expression of Cytochrome P450 Genes
from Maize (zea mays)~—M. Barrett

Cloning Epoxy Fatty Acid Genes—D. Hildebrand

Comprehensive Guide to Corn Production in Kentucky—M. Bitzer

Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research Inc.—A.G. Hunt

Corn Breeding and Genetics: White Endosperm Breeding, Genetic
Variation in Food Quality and Hybrid Performance Tests—CG.

Dark Tobacco Breeding and Chemistry—P. Legg

Defining Optimum Seeding Dates for Establishing Bermudagrass and
Zoysiagrass Fairways in the Transitional Climatic Zone—D. Wil—

Defining the Roles of Interactions between Plant Nuclear poly(A)
Polymerases and Other Factors—A.G. Hunt

Demonstrating Commercial Potential of Zinc Finger Proteins for
Generating Value-Added Crops—BF Hildebrand

Determining Rates of Several Nutrient Sources for Optimum Crop
Production and Soil—W0. Thom

Development of a Basic Soil Morphology Training Course for One
Site Sewage Disposal Treatment System PersonnelflA.D.

Disease‘Resistance Properties of Tobacco Cultivars That Express E.
coli—A.G. Hunt

Dow Chemical Company Research Agreement—J. Chappell

Effect of Tillage and Land Use on Physical and Chemical Properties
of Kentucky Soils—G.W. Thomas

Engineering Oilseeds for Epoxy Fatty Acids Accumulation—D.F.

Engineering Soybeans for Increased Value—D.F. Hildebrand

Enhancing Soil Crop Management with an Electrical Conductivity
Sensor—TC. Mueller

Epoxy Fatty Acid Accumulation in Soybean Oil—DP. Hildebrand

Evaluation of On—Site Wastewater Treatment Vertical Distance Sepa‘
ration Standards in Kentucky—AD. Karathanasis

Evaluation of Perennial Forage Crop Varieties—R. Spitalen‘

Evaluation of Soybean Varieties and Breeding Lines for Use in Ken—
tucky—T.W. Pfeiffer

Forage Crop Genetics and Breeding to Improve Yield and Quality—
N .L. Taylor

Forage for Advancing Livestock Production—TD. Phillips

Foreign Gene Introduction into Soybean—GB. Collins

Fragipan Influence on Hillslope Hydrology and Soil Water Quality—
].A. Thompson

Fusarium Graminearum Infection in the Morphological Components
of Wheat Spikes—D. TeKrony

Genetic Engineering of Soybeans for Increased Oil Content and Ep—
oxy Fatty Acid Accumulation—DE. Hildebrand

Genetic Engineering of Dark Tobaccos—a SubaProject of Cellular
and Molecular Biology Initiative in Dark Tobacco—J. Chappell

Grain Quality Laboratory—CG. Poneleit

Herbicide Persistence in Southern Soils Bioavailable Concentration
and Effect on Sensitive Rotational Crops—WW. Witt

Identification and Characterization of Genes Regulated by AGL—15,
an Embryo—Expressed MADSrBox—SE. Perry

Identification of Plant Genes That Confer Enhanced Capacity to
Tolerate Oxidative Stress—D. Falcone

Indirect Benefit of No-Till Wheat: Enhanced Yield of Rotational No:
Till Corn and Soybean—L. Murdock Jr.




Integrated Grass Filter Strip-Permeable Reactive Barrier Systems for
Groundwater Protection—E. D'Angelo

Introgressing Alleles from the Wild Species G. soja into Soybean—
T. Pfeiffer

Investigating and Improving Dense Pubescence Germplasm—T.

1PM of Weeds, Clover, and Endophyte in Tall Fescue Grassland——
C.Ti Daugherty

Isolation of Axillary Bud Specific Genes—R. Dinkins

Kentucky Watershed and Water Quality Education Project—W0.

Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship—M. Rasnake

Making No—Till Wheat Production Profitable—L. Murdock Jr.

Manipulation and Regulation of Oxylipin Formation in Plant Tis—
sues—D.F. Hildebrand

Metabolic Engineering to Study the Regulation/Plasticity of and to
Modify Diterpene Metabolism in Trichome Gland Cells—OJ

Microbial Ecology of Nitrate Reduction in Fragipan Soils—MS.

Mineralogical Controls on Colloid Dispersion and Solid-Phase Spe—
ciation of Soil Contaminants—RI Barnhisel

Molecular Regulation of Isoprenoid Metabolism in Plant Pathogen
Interactions—J . Chappell

Molecular Regulatory Mechanism of Two SenescencevSpecific Genes
in Arabidopsis—S. Gan

Multiplicative (Linear’Bilinear) Models for Genotype X Environment
Interaction in Crop Cultivars—P.L. Cornelius

Non-Transgenic Methods to Create Mutations in Specific Protein
and Oil Genes—DE. Hildebrand

Nutrient Management Booklet for Land Users—W0. Thom

Phenology, Population Dynamics, and Interference: A Basis for Un—
derstanding Weed Biology and Ecology—W.W. Witt

Philip Morris Tobacco Curing—G. Palmer

Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization—NL. Taylor

Potential Impact of Global Warming on Seed Germination Ecology
of Summer Annual and of Winter Annual Weeds—CC. Baskin

Poultry Litter Management for Corn Production—M. Rasnalce

Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization—NI. Taylor

Precision Agriculture: Explaining Spatial Variability in Grain Yields—
T. Mueller

Precision Agriculture: Evaluating Nutrient Removal as 3 Basis for
Nutrient Management—J. Grove

Precision Agriculture: Evaluation of Topography Attributes on Corn
Yield—RI Barnhisel

Precision Agriculture: Quantitative Soil-Landscape Modeling to De-
fine Landform Management Segments—].A. Thompson

Precision Agriculture: Remote Sensing of Pasture Mass and Qual—
ity—M. Collins

Predicting Solute Transport Parameters from Pore Characteristics of
Kentucky Soils—E. Perfect

Precision Agriculture: Variable Rate Nitrogen Using Yield Maps——
L. Murdock Jr.

Reduction of Saturated Fatty Acid Content of Soybean Oil—D.F.

Relationship between Photosynthesis. Assimilate Supply and the Size
of the Reproductive Sink—DB. Egli

Resilience of Nitrogen Availability and Retention in Soils of Ken-
tucky Certified Organic Farms—M. Coyne

Role of Ammonium—Potassium—Calcium Exchange Interactions in
Regulating Nitrification Rates in Soil—MS. Coyne

Seed Biology and Technology Investigations—UM. TeKrony

Significance of Loline Alkaloids in Ecosystems Predominated by
Grass/Endophyte Associations—LP. Bush

Soil Biogeochemical Indicators to Assess Water Quality in Wet-
lands—E. D'Angelo

Soft Red Winter Wheat Breeding and Variety Development for Ken—
tucky—D.A. Van Sanford

Soybean Genetic Engineering for Increased Disease Resistance—GB.

Soybean Tissue Culture and Genetic Engineering Center—GB.


Species and Crop Management Effects on the Yield and Quality of
Round Bale Silage—M. Collins

Structure and Function of Terpene Cyclase—J. Chappell

Studies of and Efforts to Engineer the Metabolism in Plant Tri—
chomes—G.]. Wagner

Studies on Decreasing Tobacco—Specific Nitrosamines in Burley To—
bacco during Curing—HR. Burton

Studies on Modified Air—Curing for the Production of Burley Tobacco
Having Decreased Levels of Tobacco«Specific Nitrosamines—H.

Switchgrass as a Biofuels Crop for the Upper Southeast—M. Rasnake

Technical Assistance for Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Manu-
script Preparation in a Project on the Ecophysiology of the MVC'
orrhizal Symbiosis—M. Barrett

Turfgrass Management Practices in Kentucky—D.\W. Williams

Use of Yeast Cell Wall Preparations to Absorb Toxins Present in En—
dophyte—Infected Tall Fescue—LP. Bush

Yield Potential and Long—Term Effects of No—Tillage on Wheat Pro—
duction—J. Martin

Animal Sciences

Animal Manure and Waste Utilization Treatment and Nuisance
Avoidance for a Sustainable Agriculture—CL. Cromwell

Breeding to Optimize Maternal Performance and Reproduction of
Beef Cows in the Southern Regions—F.A4 Thrift

Detection of Estrus in Gilts and Sows—L.A. Edgerton

Development of a Swine Model to Evaluate the Reduction of Anti,
biotic Resistant Enteric Bacteria in Domestic Livestock—MC.

Development of Peptide Blockers to Enhance Cheese Production—
C.L. Hicks

Dietary Regulation of Cationic Amino Acid Transporter Protein Ex-
pression in Cattle—JC. Matthews

Effects of Dietary Fiber Type and Amount on Large Intestinal Volar
tile Fatty Acids and Water Balance in Horses—EM. Lawrence

Enhancing Food Safety through Control of Foodborne Disease
Agents—MC. Newman

Evaluation of Supplemental Chromium on Glucose Tolerance and
Performance of Swine—MD. Lindemann

Forage Protein Characterization and Utilization for Cattle—ES.

Formation and Treatment of Ovarian Cysts in Dairy Cows—W] . Silvia

Interaction of Structurally Modified Food Proteins in Processed Meat
Systems—Y. Xiong

Management Systems for Improved Decision Making and Profitabil-
ity of Dairy Herds—D.M. Amaral—Phillips

Mastitis Resistance to Enhance Dairy Food Safety—R]. Harmon

Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients for Lactating Cows—
D.L. Harmon

Modifying Milk Fat Composition for Improved Manufacturing Quali—
ties and Consumer Acceptability—S.T. Franklin

MolassesBased, Strategic Supplementation Program to Enhance Beef
Cow Reproductive Performance and Calf Weaning Weight from
Endophyte—Infected Tall Fescue Pasture—DC. Ely

Molecular Characterization of Carbohydrate Utilization by Anaero—
bic Bacteria—HJ. Strobel

Nutrition and Health of Dairy Calves—ST. Franklin

Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency—
M.D. Lindemann

Organic Chromium and Anionic Salt Supplementation in the Diet
of Transition Dairy Cattle—IA. Jackson

PostrHarvest Biochemistry of Methods of Minimizing Methanethiol
Dimethyl Trisulfide in Soy Protein Products——W.L. Boatright