xt71zc7rnk25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt71zc7rnk25/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19290510  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 10, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 10, 1929 1929 2012 true xt71zc7rnk25 section xt71zc7rnk25 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL

'it- -

'Cats Will Play Two Tilts
With Volunteers





Prof. Carl Lampert, Prof.
Frank Fowler Broadcast
This Week




Hour Is Changed





R. 0. T. C. Head
Major Meredith to

Be Field
Day,RevicwinR Officer












Spend Week End at

Students Take
Trip in Army Plane



Stlldent Journalists
Publish Tuesday's
Lexington Herald


Mortar Board
Annual Initiation

Last Issue For Year to Appear on Campus May 21

tentative staff for the
of the Kcntuckian has been chosen WILL ANNOUNCE
by Virgil L. Couch,
who states that other vacancies may PLEDGES MONDAY
be filled by calling at the KcntuckA



According to an announcement by
the editors of The Kernel, the last
issue for this semester will appear Old Rivalry Will Flame Anew
on the campus on Friday, May 24.
When Umpire Say "Play
Due to the change in schedule for
Ball" at 3 o'Clock
examinations the members of the
staff will not have the time necesRAYMOND RHOADSTO
sary to edit an examination-wee- k
Issue, hence there will be no Issue
the last week of school.

of Peace


il LirllrilJull


Final Kernel

Search Is Being Made for
Kentucky Hero in Time



Editor Says That Vacancies
Will Be Filled Next

me senior
class of the College of Engineering
'inff Tiivtnntnn of 9'in Wortnnclnr
afternoon for the thirteenth annual
senior engineers' inspection trip
rmy-si- x



May Day, with its elaborate
gram of festivities planned by SuKy
Circle, was crowded with social and
mirth-makin- g
.fraternal, beautiful and
events from early Friday morn-Jn- g
tUi.nU ..th.,n (notnolni
to yet earlier Saturday mornA 1? A
wcre accompanied by Dean F. Paul
ing. From the time the seniors, AT
MJ Anderson,
Prof. W. V. Freeman,
clad in their caps and gowns, marProf. D. V. Terrell, Prof. J. B. Dicker
the Administration
ched from
gymnasium Penrose Ecton Top Sergeant- ,-;
building to the Men's
?s ?hfflnrTcity on
to be officially recognized by Presiof Organization, Acts as ithe itinerary of this year's party.
dent Frank L. .McVey until the endplants which
The manufacturing
ing of the "Gingham Dance" at midwill be visited there are the several
in events
night, there was no let-u- p
different Ford plants, the Packard
epoch-makin- g
in the opinion
University of Kentucky students.
DDAicrc niTToir'T atmo Motor Company, the American Car Above Is a photograph of Major
and poundry company, the Detroit
After the opening of the general
Water Works and the General Mo- - O. R. Meredith, commandant of the
recognition of
convocation by the
Waller Jones Receives Award tors plant.
university R. O. T. c. unit He Is
the senior class by Dr. McVey, which
for Three Years' Service
Tne Detroit Alumni association successor to Colonel Hobbs who was
was responded to by Claire Dees,
will give a banquet in honor of the formerly In charge of the military
as Drum Major
class, there was an
president of the
forces here.
visitors Thursday night.
address by Dr. McVey of "What
Major Meredith will be the main
Sunday morning the party will
Should a College Student Get Out
The University band held its an- College Course?"
Wednesday night at reach Niagara Falls. There it will reviewing officer on University field
nual banquet
of His
day which will be held during the
Aftpr thp address. Omicron Delta 6:30 o'clock in the gold room of the inspect the Niagara Falls Aluminum latter part of this month.
Company, the Niagara Falls Power
Kappa, an honorary fraternity of Lafayette hotel, with about sixty-fiv- e
Major Meredith was graduated
U. S. Battery
the outstanding campus leaaers, neia members of the band and guests Company. and the
with high honors from the United
present. Penrose Ecton, top sertheir pledging. For the first time geant
Monday the engineers will leave States Military Academy at West
and senior member of the
in the history of the organization,
Niagara Falls for Buffalo, N. Y., Point in 1908. Before coming to the
the fraternity pledged an honorary band, presided as toastmaster.
following places of interest ln in ,908- - Before coming to the
Major Meredith, head of the mil- and the ,iii h tridtari
tvio t orHn University he was associated for
Breathitt. Dean P. P. Boyd, of the itary department of the University, Company,
the American Radiator three ?iars with the Chemical
Arts and Sciences College, was spoke on "The Spirit of Cooperation
the General
Electric fare fflce ,al 3uarrv Heights, Pantaken in as an associate member, Between the Music Department and Lamp Works, and the American j ama antu ont- and the following undergraduate the Campus R. O. T. C. Unit." Dean Brass Company. Monday night they
students were pledged: Jack Mc- - Melcher gave a talk on "The Spirit will
attend a banquet of the Society
gurk, Penrose Ecton, Hayes Owens, j of the Men's Band."
of Heating and Ventilating EnginStanley Mllwarci, u. js.. .Barnes, o. v,
Misses Charlsey Smith, Mary Lewis eers of
the United States and CanFinle.v. William B. uess, jess m. Marvin and Laura Pettigrew were
the BufLaughlin, Frank Davidson, George called upon for short Informal talks. ada, and Thursday nightwill give a
Toy Sandefur, Guy A. Miss Pettigrew, the preseift sponsor, falo Alumni association
White, B.
dinner for the Kentucky students
Stone, Paul McBrayer, Clay Brock, gave an original poem. Other speakprofessors.
Will Ed Covington and John Charles ers were Prof. Carl Lampert, head and
Thursday night, May 16, the party Sydney Smith Guest of Honor
of the music department; Stanford will leave Buffalo for New York
Speaks on Experiences in
Major Wilson Honored
Evans, senior In the arts and scien- City for a general sight-seein- g
Mexico During Revolution
Major Samuel M. Wilson was ces college; Prof. Elmer G. Sulzer, Friday night the New York Alumni
Sulband, and Hugh
director of the
of Madera.
awarded the Algernon Sydney
Club will give a dinner-danc- e,
junior in the arts and sciences the majority of the party will and
Medallion, given annually
reto that citizen of the state ''who college.
turn to Lexington Saturday, May 18. t El AteneoCastellano, University
As a part of the evening's program
has done something of note for the
The students making the trip are: Spanish Club, entertained with an
advancement of the best ideals and Mr. Ecton was presented with a cer- R. M. Alverson, S. W. Anderson, K. j informal banquet at the New Chim- the best citizenship of the commu- tificate of efficiency, honoring his B. Baker, L. E. Ballard,
G. W. ne corner inn lasi weanesaay
work as assistant director of the
D. H. Beetem, G. S. Bell, ! ening. About fifty members and
The highest honors a University J band during the past year, and his J. .C. Boston, J. P. Boston, E. M. suests were present. The guest of
of Kentucky senior can receive, were four years' service as a member. Bowling, R, W. Bozeman, J. H. But- - nonor ana principal speaKer was
presented by Dr. McVey to the four This certificate will be given each ler, E. F. Cecil, G. C. Cook. E. B. Mr-- Sydney Smith, who talked on
most outstanding senior students. year hereafter to the senior most Cornett. R. O. CroDDer. C. W. nan- - "Experiences In Mexico during the
The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Me- worthy of the honor.
lei, R. C. Darsie, C. H. Dees, T. W. Revolution of Mnripra."
The Spanish scheme was carried
A gold baton in the form of a Elam, W. T. Ellis, P. M. Fister, R,
dallion given to the most notable
senior v.'oman was awarded to Miss watch charm, was presented to for- J. Framme, H. V. Fried, C. W. Gill, throughout the entire banquet, the
Margaret Gooch, of Lexington, and mer Drum Major Waller Jones, se- E. T. Gorbandt, D. A. Hemphill, H. room being decorated with Spanish
the Sullivan Medallion bestowed to nior in the College of Agriculture, S. Hergott, B. L. Humber, A. S. pictures and the tables had miniathe most outstanding senior man by the members of the band as
Johnson, T. A. Kendall, W. S. Kin- ture bulls and matadors and other
was presented to William H. Glanz, . token of his three years of service ney, J. C. Laughlin, H. J. Lichtefeld, Spanish trinkets.
to the University band. Hugh Ad-- J. T. Ligon, J. C. Iilndley, J. G. MarThe program consisted of the
of Louisville, former editor-in-chiThe Kentucky Kernel. The John cock presented the charm in behalf tin, L. L. Massie, J. W. May, E. D. building of a "Spanish Castle," by
Skain prize of $100 for the outstand- - 0f the other members of the band. Moore, J. R. Moore, J. P. Mullaney, members of the club and of the
ing senior woman was given to Miss '
E. M. Newman, M. L. Nollau, E. S. talk by Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith, who
Lucille Short, of Mlddlesboro, and
Quisenberry, C. B. Rex, F. O. Terrill, was in Mexico at the time of the
the G. F. Vaughn prize of $100 for (
H. A. Thornburg, Q. J. Treadway, Madera revolution, told of some inme senior man was tjivcu iu uuiub
L. J. Wachs. W. Walter. W. S. War- - teresting experiences relative to the
Hester, of Mayfield,
nock, G. A. Welsenberger, N. W. troubles of the Mexican government
period. Between
Sigma Delta Chi, professional
Boone burn. J. D. Williamson, R. Wood- - during this chaotic meal Miss Pettifraternity at the Unlver- the courses of the
grew played a solo on the violin.
The cabinets of the University
Professor Zembrod, who has travel(Continued on Page Six)
Young Men's and Young Women's
ed in Spain, made a short talk and
Christian Associations will meet in Two
told of several experiences he had
joint session at Camp Daniel Boone
while in foreign countries. Mrs.
to make and discuss
this week-en- d
Smith and Professor Holmes, of the
TlnlvarcHo Qnan4cV
plans for 1929-3- 0.
The party, made
up of both this year's and next Frances Watson and Edward made a talk in which they thanked
year's cabinets, will leave this after- Goldsmith Accept Invita- the club members for their interest
noon and return Sunday.
iand splendid cooperation.
tion of Lieut. Umstead
Both of the cabinets will meet to- Students and Citizens Have
er and e . tej ... .
. .. W
llr tomorrow morning win Tonl aevoiea Francis "Pickles" Watson and Ed- De
xjumiuci ui Phnnniv
McVey Speaks; Dean Weist to business meetings and Saturday ward Goldsmith left Lexington Sat-- v
i afternoon
and night to recreation urday morning for Los Angeles with j
Presents Trophies.
and stunts.
Lieut. Stanley Umstead, of the army
This is the first loint Y. M. and
The fourth annual banquet of the
air corps, flying a new Falrchild i
The Tuesday morning
College of Commerce and the Lex- - , Y. W. camp to be held for the
monoplane, from The Lexington Herald wasedition of
publishBoard of Commerce was held Pse of making plans for the
nieht In the ballroom of I ing year. If It is successful it will New York to Los Angeles. Lieut. ed and edited by The Kernel staff
Umstead. sfopped In Lexington to and members of surrounding col- the Phoenix hotel. More than 300
persons, representing University stu- nual affair, according to Miss Lewis, pay a brief visit to his parents, Mr. lege newspapers,
It has been an annual custom,
dents, members of the faculty, mem- Y. W. secretary.
Chaperones will be Miss Marga- and Mrs. C. S. Umstead, of Green-dal- e. of some years' standing, for The
bers of the Board of Commerce and
Herald to give the students of Jourvisitors were present and enjoyed ret Lewis and Mr. Bart Peak, Y.
At 10;30 o'clock, Lieut. Umstead nalism actual practice in putting out
addresses by several distinguished W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. secretaries, respectively, and Miss Marie zoomed over the city and landed at a real newspaper. The courtesy
was secured
C. L. Thompson, president of the Barkley, of the home economics de- the Lexington municipal airport. He from The Herald
Board of Commerce, presided as partment, chairman of the Y. W. C. made a rapid automobile trip to through Prof. Enoch Grehan, head
toastmaster and welcomed the stu- A. advisory board.
his parents, and returned to of the Journalism department, who
Virgil L. Couch and Penrose Ec- the field. At the field Francis Wil- is at present in California on sabdents and visitors. James Gates, a
son and Edward Goldsmith, both batical leavt. This was the first
senior In the College ot Commerce, ton will be directors of the camp.
speaking for the students expressed
students in the University and mem- publication of The Herald edited
appreciation to the Board of Combers of the Sigma Chi fraternity, without the presence of Uncle
inmerce for the banquet and the
Holds were inspecting the plane. The army Enoch.
A telegram was sent to Professor
man asked the students if they
terest shown by members in the
commerce students at the Univerwanted to go along and they and Mrs. Grehan to tell them The
quickly accepted the invitation.
sity. A short talk on "Scholarship
Kernel staff was putting out this
and Business" was made by Presi I Mortar Board, women's national
Francis Watson, a senior in the edition of The Herald, and to exdent McVey. In this talk President senior honorary fraternity of the Arts and Sciences college, has re- press good wishes of all the students
McVey showed why industry in the campus, held its annual initiation cently successfully passed the army assembled. A midnight lunch was
United States is ahead of that of at 6 o'clock last Monday night at corps examination at Dayton, Ohio, served by The Herald to all the stuany other country.
the home of Miss Sarah Blandlng and will receive his assignment to dents assisting In the publication.
The principal address was made on the Richmond road. The active an army aviation school for training Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, of the
by Paul Clay, of New York City, vice chapter assisted by Miss Marguerite some time In July. Edward GoldJournalism department, was chap-eron- e.
president of the United States Cor- McLaughlin and Miss Blandlng, in- smith, a freshman in the Univerporation. His talk was on business stalled the following new members: sity, has applied for entrance in the
Those who assisted from other
colleges were Martha Lindsey, Cy
conditions and the general business Misses Elizabeth Cramer, Lela Cul-11- s. air corps.
Sura Elvove, Maude Van Busklrk,
Greene, R. K. Salyers and Fred
Dial, of Richmond; Mary Ellen
Emma Jane Stevens, In the Col- Alice Saldinf, Jane Gooch, Alice
lege of Commerce, was presented Whlttinghlll,
Cook, Elizabeth Sorrell, R. Purlm,
with a silver loving cup given by Frances Skinner, Kathleen Fitch
and Paul A. Cundlir, of GeorgeDelta Sigma Pi, Beta Gamma Sigma and Dorothy Threlkeld.
Miss Ann Callihnn, of the art de- town; Edward W. Hughes and John
Following the initiation Miss partment of the University, and Kelly Ryan, of Winchester, and Enos
and the faculty of the College of
Commerce, for having the highest Blandlng was the host for a dinner Miss Virginia McVey, daughter of Swain and William Cawyood of
scholastic standing of any of the party to the active chapter and the President McVey, will sail on June Centre College, Danville,
graduates of the commerce college, initiates. Members of the active 5 to spend the summer abroad. They
this year, James Edward Gates, a chapter are Misses Katherine Best, will spend mo$t of the time in Paris,
senior in the College of Commerce, Cynthia Smith, Mary McFarland, where they intend to paint. BeAlpha Gamma chapter of Alpha
was presented with the Delta Sigma . Lucille Short, Lydia Roberts, Mary fore returning to Lexington in time
PI key for having the highest stand- - . L. Marvin, Murjorle Kimble, Emma for school next fall, the Misses Cal-lihChi Sigma, national honorary cheming among the men students In the Jane Stephens, Isabel Craig, Helen
and McVey will visit Buda- istry fraternity, held its
These presentations were Shelton, Margaret Gooch, Bernice pest, Vienna, Prague. Dresden, and Initiation services Saturday afternoon. The initiates are Henry J.
made by Dean Edward Weist, of the Edwards, Betsy Worth and Mrs. other points of Interest on the
College of Commerce.
Lola Robinson.
Pold and Harry Williamson.

Senior Council Members to
He Chosen Today

KY., MAY 10, 1929

The University radio program for
Wednesday nights has been set up
President McVey Speaks to one hour and now the musical pro- Northern and Eastern Factories Will Be Inspected
Seniors at Graduates Class gram will be broadcast between 0
by Group
Exercises in Men's Gym
and 10 o'clock. The feature of this
week's broadcast will bo Prof. Frank
Fowler's talk on "Recent Dramatic
U. K. CAMPUS LEADERS Criticism," on Thiirsdnv from 12:45
tn 1 n'rlnrlr.
Prnf. Carl
the music depart
Margaret Gooch Lampert, head of on "The Meaning Seniors Will Return to LexWin. Glanz,
ment, will speak
ington on Saturday,
ana Major AVilson Receive
of Music."
May 18



Blue and White Expected
Come Through With


Smart Victory

1930 Issue

Captain "Baldy" Glib will lead the
scrappy University ball club against
Tennessee's Volunteers this afternoon at 3 o'clock on Stoll field in
scries. This
the first of a two-gaian office in the basement of the
Men's gymnasium. The day set for Prof. W. S. Wehb Is Presi- will be the fourth encounter between
athletic teams of the two InstituIs Tuesday, May 14,
final try-ou- ts
dent, of Kentucky Chapter
tions this year and finds the 'Cats
between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock.
on top by virtue of a scoreless tie
of National Honorary
Following is the staff to date:
in football which marred an otherHugh Adcock, associate editor; Edwise perfect record for the Vols,
wards M. Templin, assistant edltpr; DR. CLARK WISSLER
and two victories in basketball.
Laurence Shropshire and Sam AlIS ORATOR FOR 1929 Kentucky fans will miss seeing
len, sports editors; Ed Veith, Jr., and
several of Tennessee's football luLawrence Alexander, photographic
and feature editors; Austin Gresh-ma- n, University Fraternity Found- minaries perform on the diamond
because of withdrawal from school.
ed March, 1926, is Only
military editor; Lois Purcell,
Dodd, quarterback, and McEver, the
literary editor; O. K. Barnes, joke
One in State
"Mack" of "Hack and Mack" fame,
editor; Edna Smith and Kathleen
j have dropped out, but Hackman, the
editors; V. F. Utley and
Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholPaul Davisson, art and technical arship fraternity, will hold a meet- "Hack" will appear either behind
editors; J. Henry Lewis, business ing today and announce the pledges the plate or in the outfiedl.
manager, and Brinkley Barnett, for this semester. A few pledges
A scheduled game with the powfaculty advisor.
have already been decided upon but erful University of Cincinnati nine
is they will not be announced until last Saturday was called off because
The staff of the Kentucklan
now in search of the man who has Monday when the whole number will of rain, giving the Kentucky squad
done the most constructive work in have been selected.
Kentucky toward restoring peace
The present officers are Prof. W.
Rhoads will probably start on the
following the chaotic condition of S. Webb, president; Madison
mound for Kentucky today, with
vice president; W. R. Allen, McBrayer taking his turn tomorthe state after the World War. To
this man will go the honor of hav- secretary, and Jesse E. Adams, row. The outfield will be picked
ing the 1930 year-boof the Uni- treasurer. The officers elected for I from Kellogg, Kelly, Layman, Mur-(ph- y
versity of Kentucky dedicated to next year are Prof. W. S. Webb,
and Trott. Johnny Cole will
president; Mary Lewis Marvin, vice ihold down first base with CovingA portrayal of campus life will be president; W. R. Allen, secretary, ton at second, Gilb at short, and
found in the feature section, com land Roy B. Sherman, treasurer.
'Toth or Mauser at third. Barnes
prising approximately thirty pages.
The Kentucky chapter, the only J will do the catching,
Plans are also being to include pic- 'one in the state, was organized in i For Tennessee, Waller will replace
tures of members of the junior March, 1926, and the following were
at first, and Hembree will
class in the annual, as well as se- charter members: W. R. Allen, S. ,Dodd in place of McEver at short.
nior pictures.
E. Leland, F. L. McVey, J. B. Minor,
'Darden will start at third and
Fraternity sections will include Glanville Terrell, C. J. Turck, and J
cuts of the pins, and on the opposite W. H. Stephenson. Of this original Vaughn at second, with the outfield
page with the pictures of the mem- group only three will be left in the chosen from McCormick, expected
bers of the fraternity will be a University next year, two of them Lawson and Davis. It is
Bridges will oppose Rhoads in
now being presidents of other insti- that
sketch of the coat of arms.
game kith
or McThe art work of the Kentucklan tutions, C. J. Turck, of Centre Col- the first working theWalters
second. Hor-to- n
will be a portrayal of the scenes in lege, and L. B. McMullen, of Monor Hackman will receive their
Kentucky between the periods be- tana State Normal.
fore and after the World War, and
This year's Phi Beta Kappa orator ' slants.
All of the old rivalry between the
is being completed by a prominent will be Dr. Clark Wissler, curator of
artist in Chicago. There will be Ethnology at the American Museum I Vols and 'Cats should sparkle and
pictures of the outstanding events of Natural History, professor of An- , gleam from base to base, from field
on tne campus lor the past year, thropology, Yale University, and an ;to field when Gilb and Hack, the
including certain traditions on the authority on the American Indian. famous half of the Hack and Mack
campus. Stories of the events and His subject will be "Fundamental i combination of football fame, renew
acquaintance of last
traditions will accompany the pic- problems in Anthropology." He re- their
tures and there will be a true rec- ceived his Ph. D. degree from Col- 'Thanksgiving day. Fans will long
! remember
the scintillating plays-ord of the activities of the senior umbia University and his A. B. at
class for whose benefit the book is the University of Indiana. He was which the sons of Tennessee and
recently elected to membership in Kentucky ran up and down the field
The number of pages of the an- the National Academy of Sciences, under the muddy skies of late Nonual will be increased to a sufficient which is the most coveted distinc- vember. The score ended Just as it
number that there will be no events tion that can come to an American began that day, but today may see
omitted. Everyone who sees any Scientist.
'a different story, for the Dever- eauxmen are cocked and primed for
event or knows that certain things
the encounter, pawing the earth in
are about to happen that would be
their zeal and emitting loud rumbles
of interest to the students and
of victory.
should be recorded Is urged to report to the editor or some member
Although the 'Cats are weak on
of the staff immediately, in order
the offense, it is hoped they will
that it may not be missed.
manage to make a few timely hits
All organizations in dramatics and
behind the
pitching which
music will be included in the book, D The annual initiationRegiment of big Ray Rhoads will give. When he
Company, Fourth
which has not been done heretofore. Scabbard
and Blade, national hon-he- ld shoots the pill across the plate so
at 6:30 o'clock last Monday fast that it looks like the proverbial
orary military organization, was pea, when he floats the laziest slow
night in the gold room of the La- ball in the state across the pan and
fayette hotel. Kenneth Baker act- then turns in a
well, go ahead and see for youred as toastmaster for the occasion.
Major Victor Dodge and Captain self just what happens to the opHonorary Junior Fraternity Plnney were the guests of honor posing batters. It will be a rare
Replaces Mystic Thirteen
for the evening. Major Basil Spauld-o- f treat, as the man said when handed
on U. K. Campus
the military department of the the Christmas candy.
University, gave a talk on the Sols-so- n
offensive in the World War.
Lances, new honorary junior fraternity, organized on the campus Col. Charles H. Morrow spoke on
to assist in the Freshman "Campaigning in Siberia with the
last fall
Week program of the University, Japanese Allies," and Major Genpledged ten men who are outstand- eral George B. Duncon, retired army
ing in campus activities Friday officer, delivered an entertaining
night. Lances will replace Mystic talk on military leadership.
Thirteen which was ruled off the
Officers elected at the meeting for
Representatives for
campus last year.
next year were Paul McBrayer, pres- Junior
Next Year Chosen May 3;
The list of pledges follows: E. T. ident; Hayes Owens, vice president;
Riley, of Frenchburg, College of. Howard Fitch, treasurer, and C. E.
Senior Members mm ue
Engineering. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Colvin, secretary.
Selected Today.
Stuart Augustus, of Louisville, College of Engineering, Alpha Tau
Four sophomore representatives to
Omega; John Prewitt, Kappa Athe Student Council were elected
lpha; William Trott, of Lexington.
Thursday, May 3, by members of
College of Arts and Sciences, Delta
the sophomore class in the Colleges
Tau Delta: Ralph Woodall, of Somerset, College of Commerce, Pi
Phi Beta, honorary musical and of Arts and Sciences, Agriculture,
Kappa Alpha; Harry Day, of Lex- art sorority, held its initiation at the Education, and Commerce. Those
ington, College of Engineering, Al-- 1 Church of the Good Shepherd Sat- elected were: Arts and Sciences,
pha Sigma Phi; Ben Harrison, of urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Fol- Tom Riley, Agriculture. James Dye;
Education, Conrad Rose;
Ravenna, Triangle; Earl King Snff, lowing
Initiation a banquet was merce, Rex Allison. These menComnf Aft Ctollntr CnVaira nf Arte orwl ! given the
in honor of the new initiates
Sciences, Sigma Nu, and Jake Bron-sto- n, in the palm room of the Phoenix represent the Junior classes In tne
Student Council in their respective
of Lexington, College of Com- hotel.
colleges next year.
President and Mrs. McVey were
Elections by the Junior classes are
includes: also guests of honor. The banquet,
The .active chapter
Frank Davidson, president, James at which about 48 were present, being held today to determine the
senior representatives for the conv
Dorman, Clay Brock, Pete Drury, also served as a celebration
of Foun- ing year. These elections today are
Julian Elliott and Harry Bolser.
being held separately In
The requirements for Lances are a ders Day for Phi Beta.
differThe new initiates were Misses ent colleges and are In the
standing of 1.3, and prominence in
charge of
Nellie Mack Offutt, Emily Hardin, the following
University affairs.
students: Arts and
Gladys Bell, Nanette Hansen, Jean-nett- e Sciences, H. J. Scott; Education,
Kimberlin, Margaret O'Con-nel- l, Will Ed Covington; Law, J. W.
Elizabeth Poole, Evelyn Cun-dlf- f, Jones; Engineering, James HarriIL K.
Buena Mathls, Mary McDowell, son; Agriculture, James Shropshire;
and Marie rawley.
and Commerce. J. W. Bratcher.
The freshman election to deterTen delegates from the University FATHER OF UNIVERSITY
mine the sophomore members of
STUDENTS DIES AT ATLANTA the council next year was held last
attended a Play Day given by the
Womqn's Athletic Association of the
week but due to the fact that the
Ellis Gooch, 45 years old, of LexUniversity of Cincinnati Saturday,
election was held without any disMiami University, Western College,; ington, time inspector for the South- tinction with regard to colleges, it
Oxford, Ohio, and Sacred Heart col ern railway, and father of Margawill be necessary to hold another
lege, of Cincinnati, were also rep ret and Jane Gooch, students at the election. The date of this election
University, died suddpnly in Atlanta, has not been determined, but will
Kentucky was represented by Jean Ga Sunday morning. The body probably take place sometime next
was brought to Lexington Monday week,
Grubbs, Pauline Back, Mary Dod-foLois Frazar, Lettie Bliss, Lou-et- ta night and funeral services were held
According to the revised constituGreeno, Ruby Rodgers, Eliza- at the home, 709 Hambrick avenue, tion of the council, next year's presbeth Skinner, Carolyn Smith and with the Rev. T. C. Ecton, pastor ident will be elected by all the
Louise Thompson. Miss Helen Skin of the Calvary Baptist church, off- members of the council at an elecner, director of women s athletics, iciating. Burial was in the Lexing- tion to be held sometime before the
ton comotery.
acted as chaperone.
elose of this semester.
editor-in-chie- f,

Scabbard and Blade
Initiation, Banquet
Held at Lafayette

Lances Pledge Ten



Phi Beta Banquet

Girl Athletes


* "t







Salycrs, Cy Greene, Fred Dial, of
Georgetown; Misses Mary Ellen
Cook, Elizabeth Sorrcll, Messrs. R.
Purim, Paul A. Cundlff;
Edward W. Hughes and John Kellcy
Ryan, of Winchester; John Rldgo-wa- y,
of Morchcnd; Enos Swain and
William Caywood, of Danville.

Davis, J, C. Flnlcy, Dwlght
Jess Laughlln, James
Shropshire, J. D. Williamson, William Hclzcr, James Hester, Fred
Flstcr, John Benson, Ralph Hardi-ma- n,
C. E. Colvln, G. B. Flnlcy,
Hayes Owens, Stanley Milward, Paul
McBraycr, Howard Fitch, Preston
Glueham Dance
Ordwny, Robert O'Dear, Leonard
Founders' Day bnnquct nt the Phoe- - .SuKy Circle of the University
nix hotel nt 6:30
with the annual gingham Weakley and Laurence Shropshire.
Friday, May 10
PI Knppa Alpha Mothers' Day dance Friday evening, closing the
Mothers' Club Meets
The Delta Tnu Deua fraternity dinner at the chapter house on Rose May Day ceremonies. Miss Martha
need, Queen of the May, presided
The regular monthly meeting of
I over the
the Delta Tau Delta, Mothers' Club,
Music was furnished by "Willie was held Monday afternoon at 3
Willis and His College Orchestra," o'clock at the chapter house on Lex.of Richmond. Va., and chapcrones ington avenue. The business meet
'nm Viloo Mnrrmnrlta MfI.niinhllll. ing of the afternoon included plans
Mrs. Edward F. Fnrquhar, Mrs. M. for a tea to be given on June 3 at
the fraternity house in honor of the
O. Cundlff and Mrs. J. W. Smith.
graduates' parents who will be here
As an Interesting part of the evfor the commencement exercises.
ening, two plcdglngs were conductThe hostesses for tills event will be
ed, that of the SuKy Circle and
the members of the club who live
honorary Junior organizaLances,
in the city. The remainder of the
The active members of SuKy are afternoon was devoted to the annual
264 W. MAIN ST.
Misses Mary Brown, Frances Baskett, i election of officers,
Mildred Little. Lucille Short, Mar- I
garet Wilson, Martha Mlnlhan, Ann
Fraternity Officers Announced
Rodes, Messrs. Henry Bowman, Fred
The Delta Tau Delta fraternity
Conn, Frank Davidson, John Cess, wishes to announce the fraternity
William Glanz. Robert Gibson, Joe officers for the c6ming year: PresiTurner, James Hester, Austin Graves, dent, Walter Vest; vice president,
Jamc3 Whitfield, William Young.
Laurence Shropshire; treasurer,
This year's pledges to the Circle
Trott; corresponding secretary,
are Misses Eunice Jane Denton, Carlos Jagoe; recording secretary,
Mary Elizabeth Fisher, Hayes
Margaret Cundlff, Messrs. 'Leonard
Robert Allsover, Malcolm Barnes,
Stroller Dance
Vernon Chandler, Ted Cassldy, Ben
The Strollers entertained with an
Harrison, Robert Porter, Slade Carr
Informal dance Saturday night in
and William Kelly.
During: the month of May we are giving-- our Steam Vapor Per