xt72804xh563 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72804xh563/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19590915 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1959-09-sep15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1959-09-sep15. 1959 2011 true xt72804xh563 section xt72804xh563 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, September 15, 1959.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Pres-
ident? s Office on the campus of the University at 9:20 a. m. , CST ( 10-20 a. m.
CDT), Tuesday, September 15, 1959, with the following members present:
Governor A. B. Chandler, Chairman; R. P. Hobson, Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci,
Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Dr. William C. Wilson, Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Dr.
Paul B. Hall, Floyd H. Wright, J. Stephen Watkins, Ben Butler and Wood
Hannah, Sr. Absent: W. F. Foster, Clifford E. Smith, Harper Gatton and
Robert R. Martin.  President Frank G. Dickey and Secretary Frank D.
Peterson were present.

      A. Vice Chairman Presided.

      The time of the meeting having passed, Mr. Rober, P. Hobson opened
the meeting and proceeded until Governor Chandler, who was unavoidably
delayed, arrived and assumed the chair as Chairman at 10:30 a. m.n, CST.

      B. Approval of Minutes.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Board of Trustees in regular meeting on June 16, and in called meeting on
July 10, 1959; and the minutes of the Executive Committee on August 14, 1959,
were approved as published.

      C. Treasurer' s Report.

Mr. Peterson submitted Treasurer, s Report as follows:


               UNIVERSITY             OF KENTUCKY

                             LEXI NGTON

                                          September 12, 1959

Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President
University of Kentucky

Dear Doc tor Dickey:

         I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky for the two months period ended August 31, 1959.
This report contains a balance sheet and related financial statements
which present a complete financial picture of the period for all funds
of the University.

         The Current General Fund budgetary operations for the
period reflect income realized for educational and general purposes
in the amount of $4,385,252.94, or 30. 7% of the budget estimate of
$14,264,613. 10. The expenditures, including encumbrances out-
standing, amount to $2,419,083. 73. This represents 17. 1% of the
total Current General Fund Appropriations of $14, 131, 574. 80.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Frank D. Peterson
                                          Vice President
                                          Business Administration



University of Kentucky
    Balance Sheet
  August 31, 1959


I. Current Funds
    A. General-
       Cash in Bank
       Available Balance, State Approp' s.
       Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
       Deferred Charges
       Accounts Receivable
       Unrealized Income

         Total General

     B. Restricted-
       Cash in Bank
       Petty Cash Advances

         Total Restricted

         Total Current Funds

II. Loan Funds:
       Cash in Bank
       Notes Receivable
       Inve stments

$ 1,032,140.70
    257,205. 00
    52,666. 20
 10,474,603 56

$14, 084, 920. 58

$   667, 020. 18
     14,579. 50

$    29,777.91
     54,500. 00


$16,361, 109. 79

Total Loan Funds

III. Endowment Funds.
        Cash in Bank
        Inve stments

$   149,418. 45
_ O -0 .. -20  --

$     8,739.67

Total Endowment Funds

$   235, 155. 66



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
 August 31, 1.959


I. Current Funds:
   A. General-
       Reserve for Dept. Req' s.
       Reserve for Inventories
       Reserve for Aux. Enterprises
       Other Liabilities
       Appropriation Balance
       Unappropriated Surplus-
         Division of Colleges
         Medical Center
         Agr. Exp. Station

$   966,910. 39
    57,009. 11
    66, 212. 40
 12, 357,082.42

$ 87, 071.01
  4, 073. 90
  289,356. 35

380,501. 26

Total General

$14, 084,920. 58

B. Restricted-
   Outstanding Check Liability
   Restricted Funds Balances

$    12,896. 22
  2,263,29 2.99

Total Restricted

  2, 276, 189. 21

$16, 361, 109. 79

Total Current Funds

II. Loan Funds:
    Principal Balances
    Expendable Balances

$   109, 002. 58
     40,415. 87

          Total Loan Funds

III. Endowment Funds:
     Principal Balances
     Expendable Balances

$   149,418. 45

$   228, 242. 1 1
      6,913. 25

Total Endowment Funds

$   23 5. 155. 36



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   August 31, 1959


IV. Plant Funds:
   A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
      Available Bal. State Approt s
      Cash on Deposit, State Treas.

      Total Unexpended Plant Funds

B, Retirement of Indebt. Funds-
  Cash in Bank
  Cash on Deposit,State Treas.
  Cash on Deposit,Trustee
  Due from Other Funds
  Unrealized Income

      Total Retirement of Indebted-
        ness Funds

C. Invested in Plant-
  Construction in Progress

Total Invested in Plant

Total Plant Funds

V. Agency Funds:
     Cash in Bank
     Inve stment s

$17, 734, 886. 16

$19,726,496. 04

$     2,260.00

1,097,780. 09

$ 3,213,336.23
39,490,962. 00
11, 135,905.36


$   116,906.36
     16,411. 52

T otal Agency Funds

$96, 158,831. 60

$   133,317,88



University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
   August 31, 1959


IV.  Plant Funds:
     A. Unexpended Plant Funds-
        Reserve for Plant Req' s.
        Plant Appro. Balance

    Total Unexp. Plant Funds

B. Retirement of Indebt. Funds-
   Funds Balances

    Total Retirement of In-
      ness Funds

C. Invested in Plant-
   Bonds Pavable
   Due to Other Govern. Units
   Net Investment in Plant

Total Invested in Plant

$14,986,319. 74
4,740, 176.30

$19, 726,496. 04

$ 1,097,780 09

1,Q97, 780. (99

$11, 175, 00 0. 00
  62, 343, 255.47

$75, 334, 555. 47

Total Plant Funds

$96, 158, 831. 60

V.   Agency Funds:
      Agency Funds Balances

$   133, 3 17. 88

Total Agency Funds

$   133, 3 17. 88


          University of KenLucky
      Statement of Unrealized Income
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
  July 1, 1959 and Ended August 31, 1959

             GENERAL FUND

I. Educational and General:
    A. Student Fees-
      Incidental Fees and Tuition
      Training School Fees
      Adult & Exten. Ed. Fees

          Total Student Fees

   B. State Appropriations-
      Division of Colleges
      Medical Center
      Geological Projects
      Agr. Experiment Station
      Agr. Extension Service

         Total State Appropriations

   C. Federal Grants-
      Division of Colleges
      Agr. Experiment Station
      Agr. Extension Service

         Total Federal Grants

   D. Endowment Income

   E. Sales & Services of Ed. Depts. -
      Division of Colleges
      Agr. Experiment Station

         Total Sales and Services of
         Educational Departments

   F. Returned Checks

         Total Education and General

   Service Enterprises:
     Post Office

   Auxiliary Enterprises:
     Men' s Residence Halls
     Women' s Residence Halls

         Total Auxiliary Enterprises

         Total General Fund Income


$ 1,328,000.00
     36, 000. 00
     136, 000. 00


$  129, 172. 16
       330. 00
    13, 106. 4 0


$ 1,198,827.84

$ 1,500,000. 00  $  142, 608, 56 $ 1,357,391.44

$ 6,116,600.00   $1,716,600. 00 $ 4,400,000.00
    978,500. 00     285,000. 00   693,500. 00
    187,300.00      155,700. 00      31,600. 00
    827, 000. 00    260, 000. 00  567, 000. 00
    972, 000. 00    253, 000. 00  719,000.00

$ 9, 081,400. 00  $2,670,300. 00 $ 6,411,100, 00

$   146,009.60   $   84,905.60 $     61,044.00
    867,473. 00     303,776. 00   563,697, 00
  1,955,811. 00    975!355. 00    980,456.00

$ 2,969,293. 60  $1,364,096. 60 $ 1,605,197.00

$    43,919. 50  $     8,700. 00 $   35,219.50

$    20,000. 00  $     3,555.51 $    16,444.49
    650, 000. 00    197, 698. 16  452,301.84

$   670,000. 00  $  201,253. 67 $  468,746,33

$                $    (1,705. 89) $    1,705.89

$14, 264, 613. 10  $4,385,252.94 $ 9,879,360. 16

$     4,000. 00  $     1,280.16 $     2,719.84

$   224,751.00   $   49,920.47 $     174,830.53
    442,674. 00      24,980.97      417,693.03

$   667,425. 00  $   74,901.44 $   592,523.56

$14,936,038A 10  $4,461,434.54 $ 10, 474, 603. 56

(negative figure)





         University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
  July 1, 1959 and Ended August 31, 1959


ture s



I. Educational and General:
   A. Gen. Admin. Offices $  213,159. 09  $  42,360. 12  $ 2,143.23  $  168,655. 74

   B. General Expenses-
       Student Services  $  334,209.09  $  51,202.27  $ 5,601.83  $  277,404.99
       Staff Welfare        120,000. 00     16,601. 70                 103,398. 30
       GeneralInsti.Serv.   159,245.30       11,071.77   Z1,870.46     126,303.07

       Total Gen. Exp.  $  613,454.39  $  78,875. 74  $27,472.29  $  507, 106. 36

   C. Instruction & Dept.
       College of Agr. and
       Home Economics $   421,993.21   $   60,999.26  $ 3,222.87  $  357,771.08
       College of Arts and
       Sciences          2,202,733.59     296,204.94    28,527.42   1,878,001.23
       College of Com.      277,510.02       41,397.56    1,611.80     234,500.66
       Col. of Education    517,674.55       77,256.93   13,183.49     427,234.13
       Col. of Engineering  583,621.32       87,197.49    8,644.68     487,779.15
       College of Law       132,994.66       20,122.98      470.70      112,400.98
       Col. of Medicine     502,165. 10      44,493.37   20,950. 16    436,721. 57
       Col. of Nursing       23,438.00        4,221.61      260.43       18,955.96
       Col. of Pharmacy     109,191.66        3,650.13    4,745.30      100,796.23
       Graduate School       22,825.00        3,405.34       20.35       19,399.31
       Univ. Extended Prog.  516,625.92     47,422.34   12,544.47     456,659.11

Total Instruction and
  Dept. Research

D. Activities Relating
   to Educa. Depts.

$5,310,773. 03  $ 686,371.95  $94,181.67   $4,530,219.41

$   55,168     $    7,235.10   $           $   47,932.90

E. Organized Research.
   Univ. Research
   Agr. Exp. Station

   Total Org. Res.

$ 184,499. 70

$   25,615.05
   317, 083. 48


$  124,886.41

$2,521,272.70  $ 342,698.53  $124,810. 76 $2,053,763.41

F. Extension & Pub. Sei
  Univ. Extension &
  Public Services
  Agr. Exten. Serv.

  Total Extension &
    Public Service

,v. -



$   25,993.96

$ 1,893.65

$ 389,952.89
2,468, 174. 26

$3,345,651.50  $ 480,955.76  $ 6,568.59  $2,858,127. 15

(continued on following page)



         University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended August 31, 1959


ture s

Enc u m -


    G. Libraries        $   517,897.09  $   88,623. 73 $ 16,398.93   $   412,874.43

    H. Operation & Maint.
        of Phys. Plant  $ 1,544, 199,00  $  167,419. 17  $252,968. 16  $ 1,133,811.67

        Total Education-
        al & General   $ 14,131,574.80  $ 1,894,540. 10  $524,543.63  $11,712,491.07

II. Service Enterprises:
       Post Office     $     27,580.00  $    4,336.84  $     212.40  $    23,030.76

III. Auxiliary Enterprises:
     Men' s Res. Halls  $  202,800.00  $    9,643.33  $ 13,563.70  $    179,592.97
     Women' s Res.Halls    412,117.66       22,364.66     13,768.91      375,984.09

       Total Auxil. Enter-
       prises         $   614,917.66   $   32,007.99  $ 27,332.61   $   555,577.06

IV. Student Aid         $     4,000.00  $      600.00   $            $     3,400.00

V. Working Capital      $    75,000.00  $   (56,645.49) $ 99,798.55  $     31,846.94

VI. Clearing Accounts   $     1,787.39  $    25,988.98  $  3,314.32  $    (27,515.91)

VII. Debt Service-Bonds
      Retired           $     6,252.50  $               $            $      6,252.50

VIII. Debt Se rvic e -R e s e rve
      Funds             $    52,000.00  $               $             $    52,000.00

   Total Departmental
     Appropriations    $14,913,l112.35  $ 1,900,828.42  $655,201.51  $12,357,082.42

(negative figure)



         University of i eentucky
  Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended August 31, 1959

Plant Appro-
p riations

Expenditure s

Encumbrances Balance

I. Unexpended Plant Funds:
  Holmes Hall-Univ.Appr. $
  Medical School
  Medical School Fed. Grant
  Med. Sch. Libr. Acq. & Sup.
  Medical School Building
  Alpha Tau Omega Bldg.
  Men7 s New Dormitory
  Northern Extension Center
  Western Extension Center
  Med. Center Heating &
  Cooling Plant Proj.
  Med. Sci. Bldg. Equipment-
  Southeastern Ky. Extension
  Women' s Dormitory
  Architect Services
  U.K. Medical Center Hosp.
  Outpatient Clinic Ambulant
 Construction-Exp. Station
 University of Kentucky Study
   of Utilities System
   University of Kentucky Ex-
   pansion of M. King Library
 University of Kentucky Roof
   Repairs, Memorial Coliseum
 Reynolds Property
 Misc. Boiler Repairs-Univ.
   of Ky.
 Medical School Clearing  3,2
 Medical Landscaping
 Steam Line Renovation

 Total Unexpended Plant
    Funds                $ 4,.

44, 781. 49

100,000. 10
19, 163. 58
335,213. 14


5,671. 07

8,094. 12

(16,900. 0 0)




31,893. 27

   532. 20
 1,291. 26


          $   44,781.49
21,617.94   (18,980.95)

              68,106. 83
9,174.85      9,988.73
             29,527. 72


4,031. 80



830. 15

3 13 3. 17

7,683. 66


13,965. 20

5,000. 00

    205. 00
100,000. 00

100, 000. 00

6,500. 00
178,347. 00
1,500. OD
1 00, 000. 00

6,500. 00

  178,700. 46
  (1,994. 87)

    5,000. 00

      Z05. 00

3,478,347. 00
  100,000. 00

944,894.42  $  49,428.33   $  155,289. 79 $4,740,176. 30

11 . Retirement of Indebtedness
    A. Debt Service Fund-
       lstP.W.A. BondIs. $
       2nd P. W. A. Bond Is.
       Dorm. Rev. Bond Is.
       Aud. -Field House Bond
       Libr. & Serv, Bldg.
       Bond Issue

36,939. 60
17,993. 40
24, 723. 25


63, 158. 78

8,995. 00

$ 36,939 60
    8,998. 40
    24,723. 25


11,971. 28

80,598. 31

80,598. 31

Balances Carried Fortd. $  223,413. 34
(negative figure)


60,182.50    $

$ 163,230.84



         University of Kentucky
  Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended August 31, 1959

Plant Appro-


Balances Brought Forvd.

$  223, 413.34


60,182.50   $

$   163,230.84

    Stad. Add. Bond Is.
    Dorm. Rev. Bond Is.
    (456 Rose)
    Journ. Bldg. Bond Is.
    Dorm. Rev. Bond Issue
    (476 Rose)
    Dorm. Rev. Bonds of
    Stu. Dorms. U of K.
    Stu. Dorm. -K. S.
    Stu. Dorm. L. C.
    Stu. Dorm. P. S. K.
    Stu. Dorm. PEA
    Dorm. Rev. Bonds of
  Dorm-Rev. B.onds of
   Dorm. Rev. Bonds of
     1955 (C oop. Apt s. )
  Dorm. Rev. Bonds of
     1956 (Six Sor. Dorms.)
  Dorm. Rev. Bonds 1956
    (Six Sor.Dorms.)Res.
  Dorm. Rev. Bonds of
    1956 (336 Clifton Ave.
  Dorm. Rev. Bonds of
    1956 (Holmes Hall)
  Dorm. Rev. Bonds of
  1956 (Shawneetown
  Apts. )
  Dorm. Rev. Bonds of
  1957 (468 Rose)
  Dorm. Rev. Bonds-342

  Total Debt Serv.   $

B. Sinking Fund Reserves
   with Trustee:
   Dorm, Rev. Bonds of
   1956-Res. (Holmes
   Hall)                $
   Dorm, Rev. Bonds of
   1956-Res. (Shawnee-
   town Apts.)

19,758. 26

6,289. 80
29,048. 50


20, 154. 57
10,311. 62

78, 224. 50

40,077. 61

201,958. 15

19,758. 26



20, 154.57
10,9 21.46
10, 311.62


40, 077. 61


201, 782.30

52, 217. 00

52, 217. 00

18, 750. 00

18, 750. 00

8,324. 00

8,324. 00

63,000. 00


120,000. 00

120, 000. 00

8, 166. 00

8, 166. 00

     26. 00                                         26. 00

938, 451.09 $   60,358.35    $             $ 878,092.74

15,860. 87  $


$   15,860.87

74, 667. 59

74. 667. 59

B90,528.46 $              $



Balances Carried Forward $

$  9 0, 528, 46



         University of Ihentucky
  Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended August 31, 1959

                          Plant Appro-

Balances Brought Fo'rward  $  90,528.46






$  90,528.46

Dorm. Rev. Bonds of
1952 - Reserve (Don-
ovan Hall)
Dorm. Rev. Bonds of
1954 - Reserve (KeenE
land Hall)

Total Sinking Fund

Total Retirement of In-
debtedness Funds

Total Plant Fund Ap-


84,358. 10

     44,800.79                                       44,800. 79

$   219, 687.35  $                $              $  219,687.35

$ 1,158,138.44   $   60,358.35    $              $1,097,780.09

$ 6,103,032.86   $  109,786.68    $  155,289.79 $5,837,956.39




         University of Kentucky
  Statement of Other Fund Transactions
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended August 31, 1959

Restricted Funds:

    Funds Balances

Loan Fund:


Endowment Funds:


Agenc Funds:
    Balance s

Combined Totals

Balance s

Disburse-    Balances

July 1, 1959     Receipts       ments        Aug. 31, 1959

$2,672,181.74   $  660,059. 03 $1, 068,947. 78 $2, 263,292.99

$  109,002.58   $              $             $   109,002.58
    39,925.60          649.23         158.96     40,415.87

$  148,928.18   $      649.23 $       158.96 $   149,418.45

$  228,242.41   $              $             $   228,242.41
     6,851.00           62.25                      6,913.25

$  235,093.41   $       62.25 $              $   235,155.66

$  163,473.05   $  173,224.95  $  203,380.12 $   133,317.88

$3, 219,676. 38  $  833,995.46 $1, 272,486.86 $2,781, 184,9 8



       Mr. Peterson explained in some detail the balance sheet of the Gen-
eral Fund and the Plant Fund. He briefly explained the operating statement
of departmental appropriations. Board members being advised, upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, the report of the Treasurer was received
and ordered put to record.

       D. Investment Authorized.

       Mr. Peterson stated that, with the approval of the President, he had
invested $500, 000 of University operating funds in nine-months Government
Coupon Bonds at interest rate of 4-1/4% and that this investment would mature
in time for the University to use the funds needed during the fiscal year, and
at the same time pick up in excess of $15, 000 in interest.

       Upon motion duly made, seconded and ca rried, the investment was
approved and authorized.

       E. E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company Contract Approved.

       Mr. Peterson called attention to a contract between the E. I. duPont
de Nemours and Company and the University of Kentucky Agricultural Experi-
ment Station. The University agrees to continue the operation of the green-
houses that are presently covered by duPont films and make any needed repairs.
The University will also advise duPont on the performance of the films, op-
eration of greenhouses and response of various crops grown under the films.
The duPont company will pay to the University $1, 200 as reimbursement of
expenses in carrying out the project.

       The contract was recommended for approval, and upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, was approved and authorized executed.

       F. President Dickey Discussed Courier-Journal Editorial of September
8, 1959.

       President Dickey stated that he desired to report to the Board that the
editorial appearing in the Courier-Journal under date of September 8 had been
answered.  He read a preparedTstatement answering the editorial as follows:

                                               September 10, 1959

      The Editor
      The Louisville Courier-Journal
      Louisville, Kentucky

      To the Editor:

      The University of Kentucky is appreciative of the strong stand which
      The Courier Journal has taken relative to the need for classroom
      buildings for the University.  Your editorial of September 8, 1959,



however, raises some questions which, if left unanswered, would
indicate dereliction of duty on the part of present and past admin-
istrative officers of this institution.

Your editorial says: "We cannot help but wonder, however, why
Mr. Peterson has waited so long to discover and publicize these
obvious needs. For the past ten years this newspaper has been
calling attention to the classroom situation on the Lexington campus
in a vain effort to encourage more state funds for this purpose; and
during this time we cannot recall once having heard Mr. Peterson
lift his voice. "

In late 1949, the University in presenting its biennial report to the
Governor and members of the General Assembly, printed the fol-
lowing statement which was distributed to all newspapers in Kentucky
as well as to the Governor and the GenerafAssembly: "Beyond
dormitory requirements, the most urgent needs are a Chemistry-
Physics Building, a Journalism Building, a Pharmacy Building, and
an addition to the University Library. . . . Temporary buildings
and others of non-fire-resistive construction, of which there are
several on the UK campus, are bad risks. It is poor economy to
house valuable equipment, some of it irreplaceable, in a building
which originally cost one-half or one-third the value of its contents,
and which can burn in a matter of minutes.  Possible loss of human
lives cannot be measured in dollars and cents. "

When the 1950 legislature did not make available funds for these
buildings which were indicated as being those most urgently needed,
the University undertook to build the Journalism Building on the
basis of a revenue bond issue.  This building was the only one of
those mentioned which could be expected to "earn" revenue to retire
the bonds, since the printing plant could serve to assist in the payment
for this building.

It should also be pointed out that the Griffenhagen recommendations
of 1947 were printed in the same brochure which carried the statement
quoted above. These recommendations further emphasized the need
for new classroom construction by saying: "The university building
program should include an addition to the library and a physical
science laboratory and classroom building. . . A plan for building
construction should take account of the urgency and importance of
buildings to the operation of the university.  The university' s enroll-
ment has greatly increased since the winter of 1946. "

Since your editorial indicated your opposition to the construction of
the Coliseum until classroom needs had been met, perhaps a word
of explanation should be made regarding the decisions surrounding
the construction of the Coliseum. At no time did the University pre-
sent in its list of most critically needed buildings the Coliseum or a
similar structure. However, in 1942 the General Assembly appro-
priated $400, 000 for this project. The site for the Coliseum was
acquired then and some funds were held over for the erection of the
building. During the administration of Governor Willis an additional
$600, 000 was made available and the contract for the foundation and
steel structure was let. In 1948, Governor Clements recommended



to the General Assembly an appropriation of $1, 700, 000 and the third
contract was made for the completion of the building. I believe that
it can be seen that the construction of the Coliseum was not the whim
of a single individual, either at the University or in Frankfort, but
rather a long-term concerted effort on the part of the public and Gen-
eral Assembly to provide this type of facility at the University.  In
spite of the fact that $2,700,000 of state funds were appropriated for
the construction of the Coliseum, the remaining $825,000 of its cost
is still being paid off in revenue bonds which run until 1982. The
Coliseum serves the University in many ways and is the only auditorium
which will accommodate the full student body and faculty in a convoca-
tion. While it is true that the Coliseum serves as a home for some
of the athletic events for the University, it isalso the only building on
the campus which is available for educational and cultural programs
for the benefit of the students, faculty, and community.

In September 1951, the University in a brochure which was once again
sent to all newspapers and members of the General Assembly presented
its needs, including funds for faculty salary increases and new build-
ings. The presentation said: "A new science building is needed to
provide modern facilities for teaching the physical sciences. Buildings
now in use are outmoded as science laboratories, but they can be used
for other purposes for years to come, thus relieving the present
overcrowded classroom situation. "

In cooperation with the other five state-supported institutions in Ken-
tucky, the University in 1954 presented its building needs to the state
through a brochure entitled, "Working Together to Serve Kentucky".
In this publication it was pointed out that the six institutions of higher
learning had 'urgent building needs" which included physical science
buildings, library facilities, and classroom buildings.

The University of Kentucky presented its building needs again in a
bulletin published in August 1955. A committee of the faculty prepared
this message to the people of the Commonwealth, saying, "The Uni-
versity' s enrollment is on the rise. The great flood of students is
yet to corne , . . . Kentucky has delayed too long in providing for
your sons and daughters.. . . Expansion is needed now and the money
invested in this way will return large dividends, "

In the preparation of budget materials presented to the Division of the
Budget in the Department of Finance in both 1956 and 1958 the primary
building needs of the University were listed and discussed with the
personnel working on the preparation of our budgets.

In all these statements presented in 1949, 1951, 1954, 1955, 1956, and
1958, the urgent need for classroom buildings has been brought to the
attention of the public, just as the needs have been presented in 1959.
During the past decade, as these needs have been indicated, the state-
ments have been presented by various members of the University, s
administration.  On some occasions they were presented by President
H. L. Donovan; on other occasions, Vice President Leo M. Chamber-
lain or Vice President Frank D. Peterson have been the spokesmen
for these building needs. In every instance these men spoke not for



themselves but for the University. For these reasons, it seems
unfair to say in your editorial in connection with construction projects
which crowded out some of the Universityv s most urgent needs that
"we cannot recall once having heard Mr. Peterson lift his voice,"
and "if Mr. Peterson agreed (with The Courier-Journal' s opposi-
tion to the Coliseum construction or the stadium enlargement) he
kept it secret. " The evidence of countless statements made during
the past ten years by University administrative officials relative
to the building needs of the University stands.

        In the Griffenhagen Survey of 1947, the recommendation was
made that the University of Kentucky move immediately to acquire
additional land to replace that which had been and would be taken from
the Experiment Station Farm for the purpose of expanding the sites
available for University buildings. In the time between 1947 and
1956, when the Coldstream Farm was purchased for the University
of Kentucky by the Commonwealth, almost 150 acres had been. re-
moved from experimental and research use to provide space for ad-
ditional University buildings. It was, therefore, mandatory from
the point of view of land utilization to provide new land for the Col-
lege of Agriculture. Any land which is to be of maximum benefit
to the University must be close to the institutional staff and students.
According to prevailing land prices near Lexington, the sum paid
for Coldstream Farm was not exorbitant and there were no "curious
circumstances" surrounding the acquisition of this farm. The
land was purchased only after a full investigation had been made of
this farm and others which were available and the purchase was
made upon the recommendation of the research personnel in the Col-
lege of Agriculture and a special committee composed of Commissioner
of Agriculture Ben J. Butler, Commissioner of Finance James W.
Martin, Dean Frank J. Welch, Mr. Frank D. Peterson and myself.
Prior to the acquisition of Coldstrearn Farm it is interesting to note
that the Commonwealth of Kentucky had spent only $169, 000 on the
acquisition of land for the University of Kentucky since its founding
in 1865.

Your inclusion of Spindletop Farm as a purchase of the University is
not an accurate statement of fact. The University holds title to a
small tract for which the Commonwealth paid $150, 000; however,
nine-tenths of the total acreage was purchased and is held by the $en-
tucky Research Foundation, on which they now owe $700, 000. The
purpose of purchasing Spindletop Farm for approximately half of its
appraised value was to enable the Research Foundation to use the
property as an investment and make a profit which would be placed
in a building fund for the University' s use and benefit. In other
words, the purchase of Spindletop would serve the very purpose of
which you are an advocate, namely, the construction of much needed
buildings on the campus.

Your editorial indicates that you have previously asked "if it was
wise to build a fraternity and sorority row while students were attend-
ing classes in dangerous buildings.,  Let me assure you that if the
University had had a choice in this matter the classroom buildings
would have come first. However, I am sure that you are aware



that the fraternity and sorority buildings have been built by bond
issues which are being retired by the rentals paid by the occupants.
The building of fraternity and sorority houses has been termed by
the Board of Trustees of the UniversiLy of Kentucky as an impor-
tant part of the total housing program for this institution and these
fraternity and sorority houses are considered as small dormi-
tories to assist in the housing of the rapidly increasing enrollment.
These houses are the property of the University and will remain
so even after the bonds have been retired. Not a dollar of state
funds has been used in the construction o