xt72804xh57p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72804xh57p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19610721 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1961-07-jul21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1961-07-jul21-ec. 1961 2011 true xt72804xh57p section xt72804xh57p 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, July 21, 1961.

        The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in the
President' s Office on the campus of the University at 10:30 a.m. EST,
Friday, July 21, 1961, with the following members present: Dr. Ralph J.
Angelucci, J. Stephen Watkins, Robert Hillenmeyer. Absent: Harper Gatton,
and President Frank G. Dickey, being sick at home. Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain,
Vice President of the University, served in his stead and met with the Board.
Secretary Frank D. Peterson was also present.

        A. Temporary Chairman of the Executive Committee.

        Vice President Leo M. Chamberlain explained that the Executive
Committee was without a chairman due to the expiration of the term of
Mr. Robert P. Hobson, who has been chairman of the Executive Committee
for a number of years. He suggested that the members of the Executive
Committee name an acting chairman for the meeting. Upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, Dr. Chamberlain taking the motion, Dr. Ralph J.
Angelucci was elected Temporary Chairman of the Executive Committee for
the meeting.

        Dr. Angelucci took the chair and expressed delight to the members
of the Committee to have Dr. Chamberlain meet with the Board and also
extended a welcome to the members of the press who were also present for
the meeting.

        B. Approval of Requisitions and Purchase Orders.

        Mr. Peterson read the following letter:

                                                       July 10, 1961

President Frank G. Dickey
University of Kentucky

Dear President Dickey:

From April 1, 1961 through June 30, 1961 the following requisitions and
orders were processed for the purchase of merchandise, supplies, materials
and other items for the use and benefit of the University of Kentucky:

        S. D. Orders.                   Inclusive 539-776
        State Requisitions              Inclusive 1696-2129
        Emergencies, State .....    . . .  Inclusive 611-806
        Special Orders .Inclusive 7460-9203
        Job Order Vouchers.             Inclusive 14571-14889
        Stores Vouchers                 Inclusive 2805-3379
        Vouchers ... . .. .. ... ... .  Inc l us ive 21324-28849
        Orders by letters               Inclusive 369-588
        Athletic Orders .Inculsive 95-134



         Emergency Purchase Orders. . Inclusive L1466 -L1881
                                                B1033 -B,200
                                                PR 430-PR 514
                                                RB 502-RB 690
                                                J7Z1 -J975
        Stores Material Requisitions. . Inclusive 13986-18585
        Food Storage Orders .Inclusive 1973-2392
        Requests for Quotations.     Inclusive 1206-1695

The requisitions, emergency requisitions, special orders, vouchers and
other documents are made a part of this letter and are available to the Board
of Trustees for inspection. All purchases have been made in accordance with
approved policy of the Board of Trustees, and I respectful ly request confirma-
tion and approval of the purchases as listed conforming to the Statutes
requiring action by the Board of Trustees.

                                       Very truly yours,

                                       Frank D. Peterson
                                       Vice President
                                       Business Administration

        Members of the Executive Committee having an opportunity to exam-
ine the documents referred to above, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, the purchases listed in the letter read and made a part of these-
minutes were ratified and approved.

        C. Budget Adjustments.

        Mr Peterson reported certain budget adjustments which had been
approved by President Dickey and recommended that the amounts suggested
be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus of the General University
Budget to the various accounts recommended:

        Office of Coordinator of Planning and Research, which will take care
of Dr. Litkenhous' office, his assistant, secretary, and other expenses, the
sum of $31,650.00.

        For Office of the Dean of Men, for an assistant to the Dean of Men on
a ten-months basis $4,250.00.

        For Office of School Relations, Account 275-1 an increase of $400.00.

        For the Office of the President, Account 20-1 for an additional posi-
tion of secretary for Miss Chloe Gifford $3,600.00.

        For the Department of Radio, Television and Films, Account 690,
$2,000.00 for production of University films.

        For Southern Regional Training Program and Public Administration,
Account 1480 an increase in accordance with Regional Agreement of $900.00.



          The University and Educational Archives, Account 2370 to take care
of semi-monthly payroll, $ 300.00.

          For Announcements, Catalog, and General Printing, Account 220 for
additional printing cost,$ 3,500.00.

          For the Centennial History Account to take care of the salary of Charles
Talbert and secretary, $ 12,000.00.

          For University Honors Program, Account 180, $ 1,500.00.

          For the Office of Dean of Women, for salaries f or two additional
sorority housemothers $250.00.

          For Summer Science Institute to take care of miscellaneous expenses
including travel, secretarial help, and other items,a sum of $2,000.00.

          For the Physical Education Department, Account 650, for salary con-
nected with Dr. Seaton' s salary adjustment by going on a full -time basis in
the Department of Physical Education instead of continuing to coach Athletics
Track Team $1,500.00.

         Members of the Board asked some questions concerning the appro-
priation for the Coordinator of Planning and Research, Dr. E. E. Litkenhous,
and they were advised that Dr. Litkenhous was originally employed by the
University as consultant to the University on research and that he had never
been employed as Director of the SpLndletop Research Institute. The Chair-
man asked Dr. Chamberlain what was being done in regard to implementing
and activating the Spindletop Institute. Dr. Chamberlain advised that there
was some slight delay in getting this program underway. Dr. Litkenhous
was employed by the University during the year 1960-61 and was paid by the
University; however, Dr. Litkenhous spent much of his time in the interest of
the Spindletop Research Institute. The State of Kentucky did make available
during the year $22,000.00 to repay the University for expenses incurred by
Dr. Litkenhous.

         Members of the Committee being advised upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the Budget Adjustments were authorized and approved.

         D. Central Bank Named Depository.

         Mr. Peterson explained that in carrying out the rotation program
authorized by the Board of Trustees in 1960, it was necessary to pass a reso-
lution certifying that the Central Bank, Lexington, had been designated as
depository for certain funds. He recommended that the Board authorize the
resolution required by the bank, signed on behalf of the University.

         Members of the Committee, being familiar with type of resolutions
required by banks for corporate bodies, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, authorized the resolution approved and signed.

         E. Request of State Highway Department.

         Mr. Peterson explained that the State Highway Department is in the
process of building a new highway by the Robinson Substation, Quicksand in



Breathitt County, and it would be necessary to take six or seven acres of
land and also to move and reconstruct certain buildings, water tank and
drill a new well to replace existing facilities that wi ll be affected if the
request of the highway is complied with. Mr. Peterson explained that the
University is willing to cooperate with the Highway Department and make
the land available for the going rate of this type of land and also to permit
the buildings to be moved and reconstructed, but there was some difference
of opinion as to the cost involved. The Highway Department has had ap- -
praisors working on the problem and they appraised the amount to be about
$16,000.00. The University does not desire to make any money out of the
dealbutthey do desire to have the buildings moved and reconstructed, the
water tank reconstructed and a well drilled at no cost to the University. The
Highway Department will be given an opportunity to either move and pay for
these facilities or reimburse the University to the extent that it can pay for
the work involved.

         The State Highway Department has filed suit, a friendly action we
think, to ascertain what are the University rights in regard to deeding a
certain portion of the Robinson Substation land acquired from the Trustees
of the Robinson Foundation. When this is decided it will probably give the
parties involved the answer sought. The Attorney General has been apprais-
ed of the situation, and an answer has been filed in the suit. This informna-
tion is being brought to the Executive Committee for their information.

         F. Injuries Reported.

         Mr. Peterson reported the following injuries by reading a letter:

                                                    July 13, 1961

Mr. Frank D. Peterson
Vice President
Business Administration
University of Kentucky

Dear Mr. Peterson:

We have the following accident cases which have been referred through
the department heads with the recommendations that they be considered
by the Executive Committee and the expenses involved be approved for
payment. The cases are as follows:

1. Sam Stone, an, employee of Maintenance and Operations Division.
   Mr. Stone was injured on February 25, 1961, when he slipped and fell in
the Coliseum, bruising the right elbow. Treatment was given at the Health
Service until May 4, at which time Dr. Dozier referred Mr. Stone to
Dr. Keazns Thompson for reading of X ray and diagnosis. He then went to
his personal physician for treatment, who in turn removed the fluid from the
elbow. The following two bills have been rendered and are recommended for

   Dr. Kearns Thompson, Lexington, Kentucky
5/4/61   Orthopaedic consultation, diagnosis and
             recommendations                                 $ 15.00



    Dr. Kenneth R. Andrews, Lexington, Kentucky          $25.00
 5/8/61   Office visit and treatment    $10.00
 6/2161   Office visit                       5.00
 6/26/61  Office visit and treatment      10.00
                             Total         $25. 00

 2. Frank Hornsby, an employee of Maintenance and Operations Division.
    Mr. Hornsby was injured on March 16, 1961, whil e working in the Plumb-
 ing Shop, New Service Building. Left ankle sprained, and after reporting to
 Health Service was sent to Lexington Clinic for X ray and treatment. The
 following charges have been submitted by the Lexington Clinic and are recom-
 mended for payment:

    Lexington Clinic, Lexington, Kentucky                    $ 32.50
           Care of sprain (3/17/61 through 3/31/61) $20.00
           X ray                                   10.00
           Ace Bandage                              2.50
                             Total               $X2 T.  

3. Earnest Lee Anderson, an- employee of Agricultural Experiment Station,
   Farm Maintenance Department.
   Mr. Anderson was injured on April 22, 1961, at Old Sheep Barn, Mercer
Farm. He slipped and fell while helping tear down the barn, suffering cuts
on face and corner of the eyelid, as well as the right hand. Emergency treat-
ment was given at the James B. Haggin Memorial Hospital, Harr odsburg,
Kentucky, and further treatment by Drs. Meredith, Keightley and Moore. In
connection with this accident the following charges have been received and
are recommended for payment:

4/22/61   James B. Haggin Memorial Hospital                 $ 4.55
              Harrodsburg, Kentucky

          Drs. Meredith, Keightley and Moore                $11.00
4/22/61   To Hospital - Service          $ 6.00
4/25/61   Office Visit                     3.00
5122/61   Office Visit                     3.00

If in order, please present these accident cases for consideration by the
Executive Committee. My recommendation is that approval be given to
pay the respective charges made for services rendered in these accident
cases, on the usual condition that the University assumes no responsibility
of negligence in connection with these accidents, and that such approval
establishes no precedent.

                                          Sincerely yours,

                                          George R. Kavanaugh

        Dr. Angelulcci examined the cases reported, members of the Board
being advised upon motion being duly made, seconded and carried, the Execu-
tive Committee, Board of Trustees, huthoritzed payment of claiftis referred to
in the letter above copied with the expressed understanding that the Univert
sity does not admit negligence in relation to any claim involved herein named.
Neither does it admit liability in any case herein named nor* do'e s it establish
a precedent.



         G. Surplus Property Reported.

         Mr. Peterson read the following letter:

                                                     July 11, 1961

President Frank G, Dickey
University of Kentucky

Dear President Dickey:

I attach hereto information on several items surplus to the needs of the
departments indicated, as follows:

      Agricultural Engineering Department

        Gasoline Engine Demonstration Unit

      Division of Maintenance and Operations

        Ingram Road Roller
        Case Shop Mule
        Towpnoter Fork Lift
        Onan Power Unit
        Clark Fork Lift

      University School

        Surplus school-owned books in elementary department

I request that these lists be submitted to the Executive Committee at its
next meeting and recommend that the items indicated be declared surplus
and authorized disposed of.

                                          Very truly yours,

                                          Frank D. Peterson
                                          Vice President
                                          Business Administration

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried., the Executive Corm..
mittee authorized the Business Office to dispose of the surplus property by
taking competitive bids for all property other than books, and authorized '(
books offered to the elementary s chools of various school di stricts, and if
they do not desire these books then they be destroyed.

        H. Transfer. of Check to KRF Approved.

        Mr. Peterson stated that he had received a check for $406.00 from
Mexico Institution for student expenses at the University. The check was



made payable tc the University of Kentucky and the program is being car-
ried on through the Kentucky Research Foundation. Mr. Peterson stated that
because of the amount of the money that he did not wish to make the transfer
without Board authorization. He recommended the transfer be made.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommenda-
tion was concurred in.

          I. Approval of Contracts.

          1. Mr. Peterson submitted a Supplemental Agreement to Contract
No. .SAE-9357 Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D. C.
Mr. Peterson explained that the Supplemental Agreement changed the ending
date of the contract of October 2, 1961, to June 24, 1961, and recommended
that the Supplement be approved.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Supplement to
Contract mentioned was approved and authori-zed executed.

          2. Mr. Peterson submitted Contract No. DA15-014A11-6946 Modi-
fication No. 3 with the U. S. Army, Fort Knox, Kentucky.

          Mr. Peterson explained that this was a Supplementalagreemetitto
an existing Contract which provides for the continuation of the University
providing instruction at Fort Knox for army personnel. He stated that this
Contract was the same as the one herebefore approved and the only change
was to extend the date from August 31, 1961, to August 31, 1962. He recom-
mended that the Supplement be approved.

          Board members being advised upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the Contract was approved and authorized executed.

          3. Mr. Peterson submitted the proposedContract between the
University of Kentucky and the Salmon Corporation through the Mereworth
Farm, Fayette County, Kentucky. Mr. Peterson explained this Contract is
for the developing, promoting, testing, and breeding of Silver Husker 15,
Registration No. 11077189. He stated that the University and the Salmon
Corporation had purchased this registered Hereford bull May 29, 1961, for
$3,000.00, the University paying $1,500.00 for one-half interest.

         He briefly outlined the provision of the Contract and stated that
the University was amply protected. This Contract is in the interest of
research work being carried on by the Experiment Station under the over-
all supervision of Dr. Garrigus. He recommended that the Contract be

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Contract be-
tween the University of Kentucky and the Salmon Corporation through the
Mereworth Farm, Fayette County, was authorized approved and executed.

         4. Mr. Peterson submitted the Contract between the B oard of Agri-
culture of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the University of Kentucky
Agricultural Experiment Station. He stated that the Contract involved a sum
of $25,000.00; that the University of Kentucky agrees to (1) operate and main-
tain an Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, (2) cooperate and work closely
with the State District Veterinarians, (3) to provide certain reports and ac-
counts of expenditures to the Board of Agriculture, Frankfort, Kentucky.



(4) conduct the laboratory operation in compliance with the profe ssional
ethics as set forth by the American Veterinarian Medical Association.

          Mr. Peterson further explained that this Contract had the effect of
 making available to the Agricultural Experiment Station for diagnostic work
 the 'sum of $25,000.00. He recommended that the Contract be approved and
 authorized executed.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Contract was
authorized approved and executed on behalf of the University.

          5. Mr. Peterson submitted negotiated Contract No. K18058C-61
between the Department of Army and the University. He explained that the
agreement is for the loan of an Analog Computer, U. S. , A.R.M.L., No. 640-Al
with component parts. This instrument was purchased in November 1955 by
the Department of Army for use at Fort Knox and the Fort Knox officials are
willing to loan it to the University for research purposes. The purpose of
this agreement is to reduce to writing the understanding which the University
has and to permit the inventory of this piece of equipment in with the equip-
ment owned by the University for insurance purposes. Mr. Peterson recom-
mended that the Contract be approved and authorized executed.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Contract was
authorized approved and executed.

          6. Mr. Peterson submitted Memorandum of Agreement between
Purdue Research Foundation and the University of Kentucky and stated that
this Memorandum of Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a working
agreement between Purdue Research Foundation for and -on behalf of the Mid-
west Council on Airborne Television Instruction with the University of
Kentucky acting as Resource Institution for the area.

          This Contract reduces to writing the relationship of cooperating,
planning, conducting, and evaluating the Midwest Program of Airborne Televi-
sion Instruction. It provides for the reimbursement of certain expenses to the
University. It is a continuation of an existing contract. Mr. Peterson recom-
mended that the Agreement be approved and authorized executed.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Agreement was
approved and authorized executed on behalf of the University.

          J. Discussion of Retirement Plan and Study of Committee Report.

          Mr. Peterson stated that the Board of Trustees more than a year
ago had taken up the matter of a retirement plan for the University of Ken-
tucky. After much discussion, President Dickey appointed a Retirement Plan
Study Committee as follows: John C. Ball, Vincent E.. Nelson, RalphR.Pickett,
David A. Sheets, M. Rodman Sullivan, Donald L. Sproul 1, and George R.
Kavanaugh. Chairman. The Committee has made a report, copies of the
report having been mailed to members of the Executive Committee and others.

          Mr. Peterson stated that he was willing to discuss the Retirement
Plan as recommended by the Study Committee. He then told the Committee that
the recommended Retirement Plan for the University of Kentucky is a Funded



Annuity Retirement Plan.

       1. It is a funded retirement annuity plan.

       2. The TIAA.-CREF type of annuity is recommended as its character-
          istics are specifically applicable to colleges and universities. One
          benefit is that it permits faculty and staff to change fr om one insti-
          tution to another and yet build. up a retirement program.

       3. The retirement plan is designed for all full-time employees, and
          mandatory as employees become eligible to participate. By having
          one plan for all employees, both Groups I and 1, faculty and staff
          will receive retirement benefits on a uniform basi s.

      4. The premium payments to the funded annuity are j ointly shared by
         employee and employer on a percentage basis as determi.ned, the
         entire amount accruing to the benefit of the employee and available
         to him, according to the terms of the chosen option of payment, at
         the time of retirement. Retirement benefits are thus recognized
         as a social obligation by both employer and employee.

      5. The funded plan, by premium payments over a period of 30 or more
         years, is designed to purchase at retirement age an annuity payable
         monthly equal to approximately 50% of salary at retirement.

      6. The combination of the "fixed" purchase type of annuity 'TIAA) and
         the "variable" type of annuity (College Retirement Equities Fund)
         should bring maximum benefits to the employee at retirement.
         The fixed type of annuity is designed for stability, a relatively
         "fixed" return on premiums paid into the plan; whereas CREF, the
         "variable" type of annuity, the premiums to thi s plan being invest-
         ed in equities (or common stock), will fluctuate with the national
         economy as affected by inflation or deflation.

      7. The cost of the new plan can be determined annually and budgeted in
         the amount required to pay the institution' s part of the total pre-
         miums. There will be no accumulation of future liability for retire-
         ment benefits as at the present under the "change-of-work" pro-
         gram. In other words, the c. ost of the new retirement plan will be
         paid currently.

      8. The recommended retirement plan is to replace the present
         "change-of-work" program. All new personnel will enter the new
         annuity program and receive retirement benefits solely on benefits
         derived therefrom. All present employees under 65 years of age
         will enter this plan and make contributions t o it, but will be pro-
         tected as to total retirement pay by the present "change-of-work"
         policy. The purpose is to make an orderly transition from the pres-
         ent retirement program of the University into the funded retire-
         ment plan without financial loss of retirement benefits to present
         personnel. The "change-of-work" payment (which is recommended
         henceforth as a "pension") will be lessened by whatever retirement
         benefit is butt up by premiums paid to the new program.



           Mr. Peterson caLed attention to the fact -hat the Committee is
 recommending two groups at the University. Group one includes the
 feaching and administrative Staff of the University and group two includes
 the office personnel Clerical, secretarial, maintenance and service). He
 explained that this is a compulsory retirement system for all eligible
 persons.- He stated that group one would make individual contributions of
 5% of their salary and the Institution would match this with a 10% contribu-
 tion; for group two the UJntverg.;ty would make a contfibuti on of 3% and the
 Institution would contribute 7%. He stated that the calculations of the amount
 required to put the system into effect were.bas:dupona six and one-half mil-
 lion dollar payroll and that it would be necessary to have a fund of about
 $436,000.00 to take care of the faculty and administrative off icers and a fund
 of about $124,000.00 to take care of the non-academic employees referred to
 in the program. Other discussions ensued and various members of the Com-
 mittee felt that this was a tezhnical matter and that further study should be
 given to the report and brought to the attention of the full Board of Trustees
 at iLts -next meef-ng.

          Mr. Peterson stated that the report of the Committee envisions a
retirement system that would cover both group one and group two. He report-
ed that Mr. Clifford Smith read the report and felt that further study should
be given to whether or not group two which includes the office, clerical, and
secretarial, maintenence and service personnel would be put under the State
Retirement System as state employees. Mr. Peterson stated that he had
done some checking with President Dickey and others and they were of the
opinion that the personnel at the University would very much desire to be
included in one program.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was suggested that
President Dickey and the Chairman of the Executive Committee of this meet-
ing, Dr. Ralph Angelucci, call on Governor Combs and ask him to appoint a
committee of the Board of Trustees to study this report as made by the Com-
mittee and be able to make a recommendation to the full Board of Trustees at
its next meeting which will probably be in September.

          K. Purchase of Property.

          Mr. Peterson submitted the following letter:

                                                 July 21, 1961

President Frank G. Dickey
University of Kentucky

Dear President Dickey-

I attach hereto a plat of property belonging to Flora E. Lewis, 641 South
Limestone Street. This lot is 55 feet by 125 feet and has a one and one-
half story bricok residence on it. The house has been made into two apart-
ments which rent for $85.00 and $130,00 per month. This property has.
been offered to the University for $19,000 and I recommend its purchase
for the University.

I also attach plat of property at 404 Rose Street owned by Rodes and Edith
Feeback. This lot is F0 feet wide and 150 feet deep and is surrounded by



University property on both sides. It contains a one and one-half story
brick residence and can be acqu red for a purchase price of $24,000. Its
location is very important to the future expansion of the University, and I
recommend its purchase.

I attach plat of property at 703 South Limestone Street which the Univer-
sity has negotiated to purchase from Mrs. Deborah Leach May for $14,000.00.
The lot is 43.75 feet by 110 feet and contains a one-story brick residence.
I recommend that its purchase be authorized.

I attach Sale and Purchase Contract between the University and Robert
Edwin and Viola Ferno Harberson for property at 701 South Limestone
Street. This property is 45 feet wide and 110 feet deep. The University has
offered $15,250 for its purchase. I recommend that the purchase be author-
ized for the University.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        Frank D. Peterson
                                        Vice President
                                        Business Administration

          Members of the Executive Committee discussed each piece of
property and its value to the University and being advised upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the property was authorized purchased at the
prices stated and the Vice President for Business Administration was
directed to consummate the purchases.

          L. Approval of Free Fee Scholarships.

          Dr. Chamberlain stated that it had become a custom to waive cer-
tain fees for foreign students. He stated that he was inreceipt of a letter
from the Chairman of the Foreign Student Committee recommending that fees
be waived for Mr. George Shammas, Jordon, and that the fees for Miss Zehra
Inci Ozdeniz be waived. He said that Miss Ozdeniz comes to us from Mi'dway
Junior College with a high academic record and he recommended that the fees
for these two foreign students be waived.

          Upon motion duly made, sec onded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in.

          M. Loan of Membracid Collection to National Museum.

          Dr. Chamberlain reported that Professor Alfred Brauer and
Dr. John M. Carpenter had recommended that the W. D. Funkhouser Men-
braciid Collection be loaned to the National Museum, Washington, D. C. It
was stated it was the thought of the people in the Zoology Department that the
Membrac id Collection would be more beneficial at the Nat ional Museurn than at the
University at this time and that the people of the Museum would take care of
the collection. Dr. Chamberlain recommended that the Board concur in the
recommendation and approve the loan.


          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Funkhouser
 Membracid Collection of the Department of Zoology was authorized loaned
 to the National Museum for an indefinite period.

          N. Nepotism Rule Waived Temporarily.

          Dr. Chamberlain reported request of Dr. Ernest McDaniel that
Mrs. Betty R. Begin be approved for six months employment to do statisti-
cal typing and billing for the Kentucky Cooperative Counseling and Testing
Service. Mrs. Begin is the wife of Dr. John J. Begin, Associate Professor
of Poultry.

          Dr. Chamberlain also submitted a request from Dr. William A.
Seay, Acting Dean and Director of the Agriculturai College and Experiment
Station, that Mrs. Mable L. Brandon be given appointment as acting librarian
in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics for one year.
Dr. Chamberlain explained that Mrs. Brandon is the wife of Dr. Alfred
Brandon, librarian in the Medical Center. Mrs. Brandon has a masters
degree and has done outstanding work with the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics. Dr. Chamberlain concurred in the recommendation and
recommended that the Board make these two exceptions.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the employment of
Mrs. Betty R. Begin and Mrs. Mabel L. Brandon on temporary basis was
authorized approved.

          0. Consultive Services Approved.

          Dr. Chamberlain stated that Dean W. L. Matthews, Jr. had been
requested to do some appraisal work for an outside firm and that it would
not require a long duration and that it would not interfere with his regular

         He also reported that Dr. Joseph J. Mangalam had been requested
to do consultant service for Colorado State University