xt72jm23bw88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72jm23bw88/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1925 yearbooks ukyrbk1925 English Benson Printing Company, Nashville, Tennessee Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection Volume Twenty - Six of The Kentuckian text Volume Twenty - Six of The Kentuckian 1925 2012 true xt72jm23bw88 section xt72jm23bw88 QIJp> 1025 iKtttiitrktan (Snptiright hy Bprbrrt (Eartrr ntii) Im. B. >ktmtpr 3o Ir. Jtewk 3htfi HaUtmr 3t ia nur yurunar in yrparuting tljta bonk to gitir tn unit, rrabrr, anb frilnm rlaaamatr, a gliuiyap nf mtr uuiufraity life aa mv Ijaur lutrb it; tbr final year of nur uniu?ratty rarrrr, as uu> bain? ruartpb it 3f in tiir baya that are tn mm? mbrn tl)r ntttnnry, Ijaa bmt nimmrn by, tin* y^ara, anb tljf reumnbraurpa nf nur frilnm rlaaanwn Ijaur fabrb intn a lja|r bnjnnb rrrall, ynn, rpabrr, arr abfr tn tab* tljia, lljr 1325 SCrntnrbian, anb, ypruaing ita yagpa, liue nnrr again in ynnr minb tyf l?ayyy baya nf nur atu-brutry, ive, tly? ataff, mill Ijaut lwu aurrpaaful in nur unbrrtabing. (fur labnra mill unt ljaue brrn in nain. Wthn of looks i ii Kt\)UtUB III Popular Unmen IV V (fDrnamgattoita VI On! On! U. of K. TROY PERKINS C.A. LAM PERT kick pass h' run till the battle is won and we'll bnnghomethe Mcfo- n f ' i J ,b i,- (' J i ) kU- u-o 1 _ C0PVRK3MT 1925 BY FRANK H.CAOTER a W.H.9KINN6R r-q l fi J ^3 -fey y 0/7 U. tf K i J \ im ? are =Nl *J-jL right for t, r-i i -v - he fight to- ^tL_b- rih*>-1" * - Hold thai /Mr //>7 m J Bvenu 1 | J -%w-mm- shine lYe'/I /S^/ fight fjhl -v----1 * >e'l/roll to fh & afloat =3=./J )irv>* i>f June 2, 1Ml, known as the "Morrill Land Grant Act," under which act P ihlif lands were donated to the several states and territories which might provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and mechanical arts. Kentucky's allotment of such lands was 300,000 acres. When the Commonwealth, however, established the Agricultural and Mechanical College in 1865 under this act, it did not make it an independent institution, but a department or college of what was then known as "Kentucky University" (now Transylvania). The Commonwealth had, in 1863-64, taken over "Bacon College," located at Harrodsburg, and changed its name to "Kentucky University," and in 1864-65 this new institution was transferred to Lexington and consolidated with old Transylvania University, the oldest institution west of the Alleghany Mountains. When this union of the two universities was effected, old Transylvania gave up her name and the name "Kentucky University" was given to the university, resulting from the consolidation. It was at the time of the consolidation of "Bacon College" with "Transylvania University," under the name of "Kentucky University," that the Agricultural and Mechanical College was established and also made a college of "Kentucky University." This connection with Kentucky University, however, was severed in 1878, and the Agricultural and Mechanical College, more often called State College, was located in what is now Woodland Park until 1881-82, when the location was finally changed to campus on South Limestone street. The development of the University of Kentucky is shown to some degree by the changes in its official titles, which were as follows: Kentucky University, Agricultural and Mechanical Departments, 1866-78; Agricultural and Mechanical College (State College), 1878-1908; State University, Lexington, Ky., 1908-1916; University of Kentucky, 1916. The presidents who have served the university are: John Augustus Williams, 1866-67; Joseph Desha Pickett, 1867-68; James Kennedy Patterson, 1868-1909; James G. White, acting president, 1909-10; Henry S. Barker, 1910-16; Paul P. Boyd, 1916-17; Frank LeRond McVey, 1917. The first graduate of the university was William Benjamin Munson, B.S., in 1869. Mr. Munson resides in Denison, Texas, and is president of the Denison Cotton Mill Company. The first degree granted to a woman was B.S. to Miss Bell C. Gunn (Mrs. Charles Kay) in 1888. John Wesley Gunn was the first graduate in civil engineering, in 1890, and Professor J. Richard Johnson was the first graduate in mechanical engineering, in 1893. The first buildings on the present campus were the Administration building, the Old Dormitory and President Patterson's home, built in 1881-82. Other buildings have been erected from time to time as need required and funds permitted until there are now thirty-one university buildings. The latest are the men's new dormitory, built in 1921-22; the Stadium and the men's new gymnasium, erected by the students and Alumni Association in 1923-24. Some of the changes that may interest old students and alumni who visit the university from time to time are: In the administration building, the conversion of the old chapel into a library and study hall to relieve the congested condition of the Carnegie Library (the university convocations are now held in the men's new gymnasium) ; the giving over of the first floor to the administrative offices and basement to the university postoffice, book store and cafeteria. The old dormitory, now known as "White Hall," and the second dormitory, now "Neville Hall," have each been converted into offices, recitation rooms and libraries. The expansion in the engineering shops and the conversion of the old quarters into a recreation and lecture hall called "Dicker Hall." Since the completion of the men's new gymnasium the former gymnasium has been reconstructed and is now. the alumni hall and girls' gymnasium. Other interesting changes, too numerous to mention in the limit set for this article, must be omitted. The university has at present ten general administrative officers; 156 officers of instruction, and 89 on the staff of the Experiment Station and Agricultural Extension, with a total enrollment of 3,567 students in 1923-24. 12 ENTRANCE TO OLD STATE EXPERIMENT STATION THE HISTORIC CANNON JA ) ITH the passing of the year we shall, as Seniors, he graduated from our Alma Mater into the dashing, fighting wo rid, where success or failure will come to us in the great issues of life as we cope nobly or ignobly with them. Here at the University, for four years, we have prepared ourselves for the engagement with life, acquired friends and cemented those bonds by sacrifice and loyalty to Kentucky. At the University we have succeeded well. Let us then carry on so that, as time progresses, we may look back on our achievements here as a beginning, and indulge in the hope that a 11 of us o f the CI ass of 1925 may, in future years, look upon his or her life and see in it a life that has been of service to the world and a beneft to fellow man. 23 ACRA Barth Akers Barbour Arnett Baughman Atkins Balantine BARNETT Berry oenior CI ass A. S. ACRA, A.B. florence, KY. Eastern Teachers' College, 1923; History Club; Education Club; Y. M. C. A. O. M. AKERS, B.S. in C.E. louisville, KY. A. S. C. E. EDGAR ARNETT, A.B. henderson, KY. MARY ELIZABETH ATKINS, B.S. in H.E. louisville, KY. Yr. W. C. A.; Home Economics Club; Agriculture Society; W. A. A.; Philosophian Literary Society. MARU E. BARNETT, A.B. frankfort, ky. LOUISE BARTH, A.B. louisville, ky. BETTY HOUSTON BARBOUR, A.B. X (1 maysville, ky. JAMES CLAYTON BAUGHMAN, A.B. K A stanford, ky. Manager ot Opera (3); Rifle Team (2); "Kernel" Staff (3); Friendship Council (2); Manager of Glee Club (3, 4); Pan-Hellenic Council (4). THOMAS A. BALLENTINE, Law # K T calhoun, ky. Phi Alpha Delta; Mystic Thirteen; Lamp and Cross; Men's Student Council, '23-'24; Vice-President Men's Student Council, '24-'25; Baseball Manager, '25; Su-Ky Circle. JOHN SNELL BERRY, A.B. * A 0 berry, ky. Second Lieutenant R, O. T. C. (3); First Lieutenant (4). Bayless Bradley Bunch Br-1 avi BlLLITER Branaman Bird Brewer Brentlinger Brabrant Senior Class T. GARDNER BAYLESS, A.B. 2 A E lexington, ky. Lamp and Cross; Strollers; "Kernel. EMMET BRADLEY, A.B. ATE lexington, ky. Alpha Delta Sigma; Sport Editor "Kernel" (2); Sport Editor "Kentuckian" (3). MARION ESTEL BUNCH, A.B. ATA OWENSBORO, ky. William James Society; Patterson Literary Society. REGINA A. BRYANT, A.B. ATA calhoun, ky. Stroller Eligible; Y. W. C. A.; History Club; Education Club. WM. OVERTON BlLLITER, B.S. in C.E. 2 A E williamstown, ky. President Junior Class; A. S. C. E. (3, 4). DORIS BRANAMAN, A.B. ATA LEXINGTON, KY. Romance Language Club; Y. W. C. A.; Education Club; Track Team; Athletic Association; "Kernel" Staff. L. F. BIRD, B.S. in M.E. fort thomas, ky. GRACE BREWER, A.B. LEXINGTON, ky. H. L. BRENTLINGER, B.S. in C.E. * K T chicago, ill. S. A. BRABANT, B.S. in Agr. A Z owensboro, ky. Benson* Blue Beam Black Beard J. Bishop Bonar O. H. Bishop Bicknell Boren lenio r CI ass THOMAS BENSON, B.S. in C.E. williamstown, ky. Triangle Freshman Football; Football Squad (2); Presl dent Dicker Engine Pi; Treasurer A. S. ririg Society (2); Tau Beta C. E. (4). MILDRED BEAM, B.A. X 0 BARDSTOWN, KY. Romance Language Club; Education Club. MARY MATILDA BEARD, A.!5. K K r SHELBYVILLE, KY. Mortar Board; French Clul); Martha, '23; Er-minie, '22; Mikado, '21; Woman's Glee Club (2, 3). BERNICE KERR BONAR, A.B. MILLERSBURG, KY. Mortar Board; W. S. G. A., First Vice-President (4); Junior Representative (3); Y. W. C. A.; Philosophian Literary Society; Romance Language Club, Treasurer (3); English Club; W. A. A.; Women's Executive Council. DWIGHT L. BICKNELL, A.B. in Eng. 2 B S BEREA, KY. Alpha Delta Sigma; Lamp and Cross; Phi Mu Alpha; Associate Editor "Kernel" (3); Editor-in-Chief (4); Band (1, 2, 3); Glee Club (3). JOHN WILLIAM BLUE, B.S. in Agr. a r i> MARION, KY. Men's Student Council, '23, '24, '25; Block and Bridle Club; Representative to Midwestern Student Conference, '24; Agricultural Society, '21, '22, '23, '24. MAURICE R. BLACK, B.S. in C.E. n K a BARBOURVILLE, KY. A. S. C. E.; Dicker Engineering Society; Tau Beta Pi. JOHN 15. BISHOP, B.M.E. ATA PROVIDENCE, KY. Band, '22; A. I. E. E.; A. S. M. E.; Masonic Club. OSCAR H. BISHOP, B.S. in Met. A 2 * LOUISVILLE, KY. Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Rho; Norwood Mining Society; A. S. of M. and M. E.; Romany Theater Stage Crew, '24. RALPH EOREN, B.S. in C.E. PADUCAH, KY. Triangle Class Basketball (1); Class Baseball (1); Varsity Basketball (2, 3, 4); Varsity Baseball (2, 3); Mystic Thirteen; Dicker Engineering Society; A. S. C. E. - Bullock Burks Bigler Bush Brewer Bl i'ler Bush art Carson Broadus Carroll Senior CI ass ROBERT D. BULLOCK, A.B. ATA COVINCTON, KY. Patterson Literary Society; Pi Sigma Alpha; Y. M. C. A. Friendship Council. CHARLES ROBERT BIGLER, B.S. 2 a E LEXINGTON, KY. HELEN BREWER, A.B. ASA MAYFIELI), KY. Y. W. C. A.; Philosophian English Club. G. F. BUSHART, A.B. FULTON, KY. GEORGE W. BROADUS, Law K 2 OWENTON, KY. LOUISE BURKS, A.B. x a CAVE CITY, KY. Theta Sigma Phi; Mortar Board; Assistant News Editor "Kernel" (3), Associate Editor (4); Vice-President Y. W. C. A. (4); Vice-President Philosophian Literary Society (4); Woman's Pan-Hellenic Council (3, 4); Stroller; Librarian (3, 4); English Club. LUCILE BUSH, A.B. MT. STERLING, KY. Mortar Board; Y. W. C. A., Vice-President (3), Cabinet (4). Delegate Blue Ridge (3); "Ken-tuekian" Stan* (2), Art Editor (3, 4); Class Representative W. S. G. A. (3, 4); Philosophian Honor Roll (1, 2, 3); History Club; Education Club; W. A. A. ELLEN V. BUTLER, A.B. 2 B T lexington, KY. English Club (3, 4); Y. W. C. A.; Library Assistant (2, 3, 4). LOUISE CARSON, LL.B. A X fl bowling green, KY. Kentucky Law Journal Staff, '24; Exchange Editor Kentucky Law Journal, '25; Mortar Board; Philosophian Literary Critic, '24; Chairman Civic Department, '24; President Philosophian Literary Society, '25; Women's Administrative Council. '25; Historian Mortar Board. '25; Delegate Mortar Board, '25; Giftorian Senior Class, "25. BETHYE CARROLL, A.B. HENDERSON, KY. Evansville College, Castalian Club; Kentucky Club; Varsity Basketball; Track; Annual Staff; Athletic Assistant; Botany Club; Education Club; Catholic Club; Y. W. C. A. Carter Cartmell Coates Casner Cassidy Chappell Campbell Chenault Caldwell Chambers Senior CI ass FRANK HERBERT CARTER, A.B. in Jour. somerset, KY. Lamp and Cross; Alpha Delta Sigma; Editor "Kentuckian," '25; Junior Editor, '24; "Ken-tuckian" Staff, '22-'23; "Kernel" Staff, '22 News Editor, '23; Associate Editor, '24-'25 Stroller Publicity, '24; Freshman Baseball, '22 Varsity Baseball, '23; Lieutenant R. o. t. C. '24-'25; State Press, '23-'24. LANA M. COATES, B.S. in Acr. K K r RICHMOND, KY. SAMUEL M. CASSIDY, B.S. in Met. LEXINGTON, KY. Class Football, '20, '21; Sigma Rho; Norwood Mining Society; A. A. E.; Captain, R. o. T. C. (3); Major First Battalion (4); A. i. M. and M. E. THOMAS W. CAMPBELL, A.B. A T 0 CLINTON, KY. SAMUEL B. CALDWELL, A.B. 2 A E PADUCAH, KY. Mystic Thirteen, '23; Strollers, '22-'23-'24; Pi Sigma Alpha; Track Team, '22-'23; Pan-Hellenic Council, '23-'24; Student Council, '24-'25. WILLIAM F. CARTMELL, A.B. MAYSVILLE, KY. DAYLE CASNER, B.S. in H.E. 2 B T PROVIDENCE, KY. Phi Upsilon Omicron; Home Economics Society; Treasurer Women's Athletic Association, '23; Secretary Agriculture Society, '24; Class Basketball, '24; Y. W. C. A. FRED CHAPPELL, B.S. in E.M. PINEVILLE, KY. Triangle Norwood Mining Society; A. i. M. and M. E.; Dicker Engineering Society; "Kentuckian" Staff (4); Football Squad, '22. MARGARET CHENAULT, A.B. X fl RICHMOND, KY. Theta Sigma Phi; Mortar Board; Pan-Hellenic Council (1, 2, 3, 4); President (3); W. S. G. A. Council (3); Woman's Administrative Council (3); Associate Editor "Kernel" (3); English Club; Stroller Eligible; Rifle Club (2); Philosophian Literary Society. ALVIN LEE CHAMBERS, B.S. in C.E. NICHOLASVILLE, KY. A. S. C. E. (3, 4); Dicker Engineering Society (2). R. Clark Coleman Clark A. Cooper M. Cole Coleman L. Cole C. Cooper D. Cooper Cromwell Senior CI ass RHODES CLARK, B.S. in M.E. lexington, ky. Triangle L. J. CLARK louisville, ky. MARY LOUISE COLE, A.B. AAA louisville, ky. ELSIE COLEMAN, A.B. stanford, ky. ARTHUR LEWIS COOPER, A.B. Pre-Med. mt. vernon, ky. Pre-Medicai Society (Secretary), '24-'25. FRANCES FIELD COLEMAN, A.B. k k r lexington, ky. Pi Sigma Alpha; Mortar Board; T. W. C. A. Cabinet, '23; President y. W. C. A., '24; History Club: y. W. C. A.; Delegate to National Convention, '24. IDA LURLINE COLE, A.B. in Educ. lexington, ky. Y. W. C. A., '22, '23, '24, '23, '24, '25; Athletic Association, 25; Education Club, '24, '25. DOROTHY COOPER, A.B. A I' A lexington, ky. "Kernel" Staff (4); Secretary Woman's League (4); Athletic Association; Y. W. C. A. C. L. COOPER, A.B. lexington, ky. ELIZABETH CROMWELL, B.S. in H.E. k k r cynthiana, ky. Mortar Board (President); Y. W. C. A. Cabinet, Secretary (4); Pan-Hellenic Council: Phi Upsilon Omicron; Woman's Administrative Council (Vice-President); Agriculture Society (Vice-President); Home Economics Club (Vice-President) (3); W. A. A. Darnell M. B. Daniel W. W. Daniel Davis Day Dees Dobbins Dewhurst Duncan Depew Senior JAMES SAMUEL DARNELL, Jr., A.B. K A FRANKFORT, KY. Pi Sigma Alpha; Lamp and Cross; Mystic Thirteen; Tau Kappa Alpha Speakers' Bureau (2, 3, 4); Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (2, 3, 4); Advisory Board (3, 4); Junior Orator; Winner of Crum and Patterson Medals (1); Patterson Literary Society: Representative in Southern Oratorical Contests (1, 2), Winner (2), President (3); Stroller President (4); Cast of "Lady Windermere's Fan" and "Seventeen." MORMAN BECKHAM DANIEL, LL.B. CLINTON, KY. Track, '22; Member of State Champion Team, '22; Henry Clay Law Society; President Horace Mann Literary Society; Debating Team, '21-'22; Student Council, '24. OWEN WALLACE DANIEL, B.S. in M.E. 2 B 2 WEST LIBERTY, KY. Dicker Engineering Society; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E. ELIZABETH MACON DAVIS, A.B. FAIRFIELD, VA. History Club; Y. W. C. A.; Woman's Glee Club. CLARICE ALBERTA DAY, B.A. A A e LEXINGTON, KY. Pan-Hellenic Representative, '25; Sub-Cabinet Y. W. C. A., '25; Woman's Athletic Association; Education Club; History Club. Class CHARLES L. DEES, B.S. in M.E. and E.E. oblong, ill. Triangle. MARY LUCILLE DOBBINS, B.S. in H.E. LEXINGTON, KY. Agriculture Society; Y. W. C. A.; Home Economics Society; Secretary of Home Economics Society (3, 4). THOMAS B. DEWHURST, Jr., A.B. K A LEXINGTON, KY. Track (1, 2, 3, 4); Class Basketball (1, 2); Class Football (2); Shaler Geological Society (1, 2). THOMAS DUNCAN, A.B. K 2 LA GRANGE, KY. Alpha Delta Sigma; "Kernel;" Pi Mu Alpha; Su-Ky. MARY E. DEPEW, A.B. in Educ A Z LEXINGTON, KY. Kappa Delta Pi; Xi Delta Phi; Philosophian Literary Society, Department Chairman '24. Secretary-Treasurer '25; Education Club; English Club; History Club. Downey Elliot dorrah Ellison Doty Eyl dodd L. Edens Downing C. Edens oemor CI ass WILLIAM N. DOWNEY, B.S. in C.E. LEXINGTON, KY. A. S. C. E. (3, 4); U. E. S. (1, 2); Tau Beta Pi. CATHERINE ELLIOTT, A.B. LEXINGTON, KY. 1924 Graduate. GLENN U. DORRAH, A.B. PRINCETON, KY. MARGARET DOTY, A.B. A Z RICHMOND, KY. Kappa Delta Pi; Secretary and Treasurer Girls' Rifle Team; Philosophian Literary Society; Glee Club; Education Club; English Club; Stroller Eligible; W. A. A.; Y. W. C. A.; Woman's League; Class Basketball. ANNA ELIZABETH DODD, B.A. f2 P lexington, KY. Philosophian Literary Society; French Club, Vice-President, '24; English Club; Catholic Club. EVA DOWNING, A.B. lexington, KY. JEANETTE FRANCES ELLISON, A.B. ASA WILLIAMSBURG, KY. Philosophian Literary Society; Y. W. C. A. MARY BELL EYL, B.S. in Agr. lexington, KY. LUCY ELLEN EDENS, Law BURKSVILLE, KY. Philosophian Literary Society; Y. W. C. A. CORTEZ D. EDENS, B.S. in C.E. "2 B S burksville, ky. Cadet Officer (3, 4); F. Paul Anderson Engineering Society; A. S. C. E. (4). G. K. Fisher L. W. Franklin G. Fisher Frank Faust H. B. Franklin Fowler Freeman Flege French Senior Class G. K. FISHER. B.S. in M.E. flemingsburg, ky. GLENNIE B. FISHER, A.B. in Educ Z T A carlisle, ky. Administrative Council, '24; Y. W. C. A.; Woman's League; Education Club. L. WATTS FRANKLIN, B.S. in Acr. atp MARION, ky. Agriculture Society, '21, '22, '23, President, '24 WALLACE FRANK, A.B. in Educ. louisville, ky. WAYNE FAUST AS* owensboro, ky. Lamp and Cross; Keys; Thirteen; Delta Sigma Pi; Baseball Numeral. GRANT L. FOWLER, B.S. in M.E. 2 B S ashland, ky. Band, '22-'23; Dicker Engineering Society; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E. R. K. FLEGE, A.B. A X 2 louisville, ky. II. B. FRANKLIN, B.S. in Agr. berea, ky. MAX FREEMAN, A.B. burgin, ky. CECIL DALE FRENCH, A.B. in Law * a e louisville, ky. Second Lieutenant R. O. T. C. (3); First Lieutenant (3); Military Science Cup (3); Scabbard and Blade (3, 4); Colonel R. O. T. C. (4); "Kentuckian" Staff (4); Cadet Hop Committee (4). Frost Gary Fremd George Fuller Gersting Galloway Gilbert Garrison Gillon jenior CI ass BASIL FROST, LL.B. * K T central city, ky. Phi Alpha Delta: Assistant Varsity Track Manager, '23; Varsity Track Manager, '24; Kentucky Law Journal Staff, '24; Business Manager Kentucky Law Journal, '25; Y. M. C. A. Council and Cabinet, '24-'25; Henry Clay Law Society. W. R. GARY, A.B. lexington, ky. LOUISE GEORGE, A.B. covington, ky. Member Philosophian Literary Society; Rafln-esque Botany Club, Secretary: Education Club. LYDIA K. FREMD, A.B. eminence, ky. KATHERINE FULLER. A.B. lexington, ky. ELIZABETH GALLOWAY, B.S. in H.E. utica, ky. Mortar Board: Phi Upsilon Omicron; y. ay. C. A. Cabinet (3); W. S. G. A. (2); Sophomore Representative (4): President Women's Administrative Council (4);' Secretary Agriculture Society; Home Economics Club. CATHERINE GARRISON, A.B. lexington, ky. G. WALTER GERSTUNG, B.S. in M.E. 2 B S louisville, ky. Dicker Engineering Society; Cadet Officer (3, 4); Rifle Team (3, 4); Society A. S. M. E. and A. I. E. E. ESTHER GILBERT, B.S. in H.E. K K r owensboro, ky. Vice-President Junior Class; Woman's Administrative Council; Stroller Eligible; Home Economics Cluli; Agriculture Society. JOHN WILLIAM GILLON, Jr., LL.B. winchester, ky. Phi Alpha Delta; Tau Kappa Alpha; Varsity Debating Team, '23; Editor-in-Chief Kentucky-Law Journal, '24-'25. L. GlOVANNOLI A. Gordon R. GlOVANNOLI M. A. Gordon GODBY Gray GOOSMAN GORMLEY E. Gordon Green Senior CI ass LEONARD GIOVANOLLI, A.B. 4? a 6 LEXINGTON, ky. ROBERT GIOVANOLLI, B.S. in M.E. * a e lexington, ky. Keys; Thirteen; Tau Beta Pi; Sophomore Class Treasurer; President A. I. B. E. MARY AMANDA GORDON, A.B. K A AUBURN, KY. Theta Sigma Phi; Stroller Eligible; Yr. W. C. A; Pan-Hellenic Council (2); Philosophian Literary Society; "Kernel" Start (3, 4); W. S. G. A. (3, 4). MARY AGNES GORDON, A.B. K A WASHBURN, N. DAK. Botany Club; Mortar Board; Treasurer Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; Blue Ridge Delegate (3); President Woman's League (4); Athletic Association. C. B. GODBEY, B.S. in Acr. middlesburg, ky. FRITZ GOOSMAN, B.S. in M.E. AS* richmond, ky. CLYDE WILLIS GRAY, A.S. in M.E. petersburg, ind. Triangle Freshman Football, '21; Dicker Engineering Society, '21, '22, '23, '24; President Men's Student Council, '23-'24; President Scabbard and Blade, 24-'25; President Senior Class; Radio Club; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E. ANN E. GORMLEY, B.S. in H.E. lexington, ky. EDNA CRITTENDEN GORDON, A.B. AAA walton, ky. FRANCES GREEN, A.B. X n lexington, ky. y. W. C. A.; English Club. Grobmf.if.r Hall Guthrie Hambleton Greensbaum E. Hanson Hagan M. Hanson Hagyard Hays Senior Class B. ARTHUR GROBMEIER, B.S. in C.E. carrollton, ky. ELIZABETH S. GUTHRIE, A.B. ASA mt. sterling, ky. Stroller Eligible; English Club; y. W. C. a. ZELMA R. HALL, A.B. in Educ. ASA georgetown, ky. Girls' Basketball, '22-'23; Beauty Contest, '23-'24; Y. W. C. A. JOHN SPAULDING HAMBLETON, A.: springfield, ky. ALVIN GREENBAUM, A.B. sam louisville, ky. ELIZA M. HANSON, A.B. in Educ. boyd, ky. Kappa Delta Pi; Honorary Educational Fraternity. SARA ELIZABETH HAGAN, A.B. brandenburg, ky. Philosophian Literary Society; Sub-Cabinet of Y. W. C. A.; Education Club; Georgetown College and Kentucky College for Women. ESTHER HAGYARD, A.B. lexington, ky. MARY ELIZABETH HANSON, A.B. lexington, ky. JOSEPH K. HAYS, A.B. s a E rochester, ky. Member Stroller Cast of "Seventeen"; Stroller Amateur Night, '23; Assistant Business Manager "Kernel," '24; Advertising Manager "Kernel," '25; Phi Alpha Delta; Sigma Upsilon (Honorary Literary). Hedden Heath B. Helburn Hendricks Hobson J. M. hocker h.ubbuck C. T. hughes hukle ellen hughes Senior H. P. HEDDEN, B.S. in C.E. 2 X waddy, ky. LVD A LOIS HEATH, A.B. Q P paducah, ky. Girls' Athletic Association, '22-'23; Y. W. C. A, '22-'23-'24; Philosophian Literary Society, '24-'2r>; President Omega Rho Sorority, '24-'25; Pan-Hellenic Representative, '24-'25. EETSV DOROTHY HELBURN, B.S. in H.E. paris, ky. Mortar 'Board; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Stroller Eligible; Agriculture Society; Home Economics Society; W. S. G. A., Secretary (4); Executive Council; Women's League. H. E. HENDRICKS, A.B. in Educ. smith grove, ky. JOE HOBSON, LL.B. n k a frankfort, ky. Phi Alpha Delta; A.B. Degree fYom Washington and Lee University. Class J. M. HOCKER, A.B. SOUTH CARROLLTON, ky. CLARENCE E. HUBBUCH, B.S. in Agr. ATP LOUISVILLE, KY. Alpha Zeta; Agricultural Society; Block and Bridle. CHARLES T. HUGHES, A.B. 2 A E REPTON, ky. Football, '22; Basketball, '22; Baseball, '22; Track, '22; Varsity Football, '22-'23-'24; Varsity Basketball, '22-'23-'24; Varsity Baseball, '23-'24-'25; Varsity Track Team, '23-'24-'25; Keys; Lamp and Cross; President Men's Student Council. ROY MILLER HUKLE, B.A. in M.E. 2 B S LEXINGTON, ky. Radio Club, '22-'23-'24; A. S. M. E., '25; A. I. E. E., '25; Lexington Club, '22-'23-'24. ELLEN HUGHES, B.A. X a LOUISA, KY. Y. W. C. A. R. E. Jaggers Karrick L. Johnston Kane H. Johnson Kash E. Johnston Kavanaugh R. Jones Keller lenior RICHARD E. JAGGERS, A.B. in Educ. cub run, KY. Kappa Delta Pi; President Education Club, "24. CI ass ETHEL MAE KARRICK, A.B. in Educ. salt lick, ky. Y. W. C. A.; Education Club at Eastern Kentucky Teachers' College; Y. W. C. A. Undergraduate Representative; Secretary Horace Mann Literary Society; Athletic Association. I LILLIAN B. JOHNSTON, A.B. LEXINGTON, KY. FRANCES MIRIAM KANE, A.B. LEXINGTON, KY. Mortar Board; Theta Sigma Phi; "Kernel" Staff (3), News Editor (4); Secretary State Press Association; "Kentuckian" Staff. HENRY CLAY JOHNSON, LL.B. hazard, ky. Phi Alpha Delta; Tau Kappa Alpha; Debating Team Berea, '22; Debating Team U. K., '23-'24; Student Speakers' Bureau, '24-'25. ELIZABETH JOHNSTON, A.B. LYNCH, KY. ROSCOE C. KASH, A.B. ST. HELENS, KY. Pre-Medlcal Society; Strollers; Y. M. C. A.; Cosmopolitan Club; First Seventeen-Year-Old Senior in History of University. GEORGE R. KAVANAUGH, A.B. ATA BLACKFORD, KY. Delta Sigma Pi, Scribe (4);