xt72jm23f91b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72jm23f91b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1977 1977 1977-12-06 2020 true xt72jm23f91b section xt72jm23f91b  


130,000 coal miners
begin major strike

(‘ompiled from
Associated Press dispatches

Thousantk of the nation‘s coal
miners went on strike yesterday
without waiting for the midnight
expiration of their contract with the
Bituminous Coal Operators

But bargaining continued on a new
contract, although United Mine
Workers President Arnold Miller
vowed the miners would “stick out"
a strike “until we win out."

Most of the early walkouts oc-
curred in West Virginia and Ohio.
Kentucky mines reported full crews
on the final shifts.

UMW officials in eastern Ken
lucky vowed that the 10,000 UMW
miners will stay on strike as long as
it takes to win a contract.

.J.B. Trout, District 30‘s
representative in eastern Kentucky
said there would be no picket lines
because, "We don‘t need picket
lines. Our men all go out at once, and


they'll all stay out."

Robert Carter, District 30
president, said coal operators would
be surprised when they find total
solidarity among the union mem-

“The operators think that became
our men were out for 10 weeks on a
wildcat strike this summer that
they're not going to feel much like
striking now, and they'll agree to
anything," said Carter. "No way,"
he said.

Carter said major stumbling
blocks to an agreement include
operators‘ demands for penalties for
miners who engage in wildcat

The operators also demand that
local unions be held responsible for
royalty payments to the union health
and retirement fund in the event of a
wildcat strike, (‘arter said.

Morris Feisbusch of the coal;

operators association said 28 of the
approximately 1,800 mines operated
by BCOA companies were closed



Privately Miller has said he
foresees a strike of three months
and sources say the coal indmtry is
prepared to accept a work stoppage
of at least a month. The effects of the
strike are not expected to be felt
outside the industry for some time
because of large stockpiles of coal.

Miller accused the BCOA of trying
to break the union, whose 130,000
members produce about half of the
nation‘s coal.

"All of our economic proposals are
on the table, including one calling
fora substantial wage increase,” he
siad. “I serve notice right now that
the longer the strike lasts, the less
likely it will be that we will reduce
these demands."

Miners wages now average over
$00 a day.

At the White House, Deputy Press
Secretary Rex Granum said
President (‘arter had no intention at
this time to invoke the Taft-Hartley
law in the coal dispute.

En guard —lIIIlKlght

Indiana s “amt Itadford Wish" scrambles for a way ball. fouling out with 20 points to lead Indiana‘s attack

to get a pass of to Mike “OOIISOII while Truman as they fell to the \ViIdc-dts‘jg-6.LS[0[-y on page 5_
(‘Imtor defends. \ioodson (lid well when he did get the

Research project examines


University of Kentucky
Lexin ton, Kentuck


Volume LXIX, Number 76
Tuesday, December 6,1977


an independent student n





Phone directories arrive


high blood pressure in state

Kernel Staff Writer

High blood pressure among Kentucky
youths will be the subject of a new study
at UK which was recently awarded
federal funding.

Program director Gordcn Guthrie,
assistant professor of medicine, said the
study will focus on the function of the
adrenal gland in Kentucky adolescents.

"For some reason," said Guthrie.
“Kentucky high school students have
higher blood pressure in cornparision to
other high school students. A fair per-
cent of those students have blood
pressure which medical doctors would
consider high."

“Kentucky is a hotbed for hyper»
tension,” and Guthrie, a condition
associated with tht stress of high blood

“Hypertension is known," he said, “to
be the major cause of stroke and heart
attacks. Kentucky has a high rate of
stroke and heart attack victims com-
pared lo these in other states

Kentucky Sens. Walter I). Huddieston

and Wendell Ford announced recently
that the School of Medicine has received
a $33,160 Public Health Service Grant for
the program.

Faith Miller, press aid for Huddleston,
said the grant is from the National
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, which
is sponsored by the Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare.

The institute funds similar research
projects throughout the United States,
but L'K's research on the adrenal gland
is the first of its kind.

A group of Bourbon County irigh school
students will be a part of the study that
will measure the function of the adrenal
gland in relation to hypertension.

Working with Guthrie will be Drs.
Theodore and Jane Kotchm. The em—
phasis of their research will be on other
hormonal and hemodynamic
measurements in the students. They will
also test the relationship of
psychological effects. diet, and stress to
high blood pressure.

It is not known what exactly causes
hypertension. although many believe
that it could be the amount of salt in the

diet. Guthrie speculates that high blood
pressure could involve the adrenal

The adrenal gland is associated with
salt and water in the metabolism.
“People of Eastern and Central Ken—
tucky enjoy a lot of salt in their diet,“
said Guthrie, citing areas associated
with the phenomenon.

It sufficient amount of information is
discovered, Guthrie believes that the
studies could lead to a preventive
measure of hypertension. As of now,
however. the studies will try to prove the
realtionship of the adrenal gland to

The project came about after it was
known that the students with the
potential of high blood pressure were
available. Jane Kotchen conducted a
survey that identified the initial
population of high school students who
had higher blood pressures than that of
their peers.

The grant is renewable for three years
and has a total value of $90,000. The
majority of the costs will pay for
machinary and technical support.


The long—awaited campus telephone
directories have finally arrived.

According to a Student Government
iSG) spokesman, distribution of the
books began last Friday. While there is
not a directory for every student on

campus, books will be distributed for
each dorm room, for each off-campus

student and for each faculty and staff

Off-campus students can pick up their
directories in the SG office, Room 120 in
the Student Center. The books will be
delivered to the dorms.

Faculty and staff members will
receive their directories from UK
(‘ommunication Services, either by
truck or in the mail. The directories had
been delayed beca use computer tape; of
the listings had to be remade, according
to the spokesman.






.\ tornado flipped a house trailer,
shaking up a ('entral Kentucky
family. damaged houses and uprooted
trees i'isterday while heaiy rains
lashed other parts of the state.

The chaotic weather was generated
by a strong low-pressure system that
moved rapidly across the state.

The tornado struck before dawn,
cutting about a lOOyard-wide swath
across portionsof Rockcastle County.
The twister damaged trailers, homes,
barns and other buildings and
uprooted trees along a strip that
stretched 25 to 30 miles, said Larry
Burdette of the Rockcastle County
Civil Defense unit.

Burdette said no injuries were
reported, although one family was
tossed around when their trailer
flipped over.

In Lousiville. about 150 persons
were forced to leave their apartments
in the Lang Homes housing project for
several hours because of high water.

l'tility companies In Kentucky
generally have enough coal to last
three months during a nationwide

- coal strike, state Energy Com-
missioner Damon Harrison said

Harrison said there is a liitle-know
segment of the economy that could be
affected by a lengthy walkout: many
thousands of homes which use coal as
the basic heating fuel.

“Our guess is that there now are
between 70,000 and 90.000 such
houses," he said. The Department for
Human Resources is being asked to
help in a survey of coal-heated homes.

“There could be individual suf-

fering in the event of a long coal
strike,“ said Harrison.

The last coal strike, in 1974, lasted
about one month. The energy com-
missioner said one of that duration
this time would not cause any major
disrupting in Kentucky.


President Carter's first year in
office drew mixed reviews yesterday
from George Meany, who told the
AFL—CIO that the administration's
pluses are clouded by high unem-
ployment and continued slack in the

“While the Carter administration
and the Congress have increased
spending for public works, youth
employment and public service jobs,
the result has not been enough,"
Meany said.

For the first time, Meany also
urged Carter not to reappoint Federal
Reserve Board Chairman Arthur F.
Burns, who he said was “the first
barrier to restoring economic health
to America."

Three times In six weeks a shotgun
blast has entbd a man‘s life, andeach
time his wife or girlfriend has
disappeared~appurently abducted
by the mystery killer or killers.

A total of 27 murders in south-
western Pennyslvania. near Pltt~
sburgh have gone unsolved over the
past 20 months. Police have few clues
and no motive for the murders. They
are not even certain whether the
killings are related.

John Feeny, l7, and Renee Gregor.

16 were parked in his van along a
rural road Oct. 22 when Feeny was hit
once with a shotgun blast. Thegirl has
not been seen since.

The latest rash of killings are
centered north of Pittsburgh, but an
equally puzzling string of deaths
involving young women has left fear
in households south of the city.

.‘iotorists stopped for routine traffic
violations may be ordered by police to
get out of their cars, the Supreme
Court said yesterday.

In deciding a Philadelphia case, the
high court's six-member ma'prity
ruled that such orders are justified by
concerns for police safety—concerns
it called “legitimate and weighty.”

Justice Paul Stevens, in a strongly
worded dissent in which Justices
Thurgood Marshall and William J.
Brennan, Jr. joined, said such police
actions threaten the constitutional
rights of motorists to be protected
against unreasonable searches.

“To eliminate an y requirement that
an officer be able to explain the
reasons for his actions signals an
abantbnment of effective judicial
supervision...and leaves police

discretion without limits," Stevens


(‘Ioudy and cold with I chance of
snow nurrles tonight. Little or no
accumulation expected. Highs in the
mid 203. Clearing and much colder
ton ight with lows five to I0 above zero.
Increasing cloudiness again
tomorrow with bum: in the 20:.
Precipitation chances 40 percent

i‘ompiled from Associated Press dkrnlfllfl



. .V..-W,_.._.z......_..;,.:.¢;&.. 2.

.,\‘ s.‘*."9...fvl.«v(fi."

Door jam

The gale-like winds of yesterday‘s freakish
winter thunderstorm made even opening a
door a questionable proposition. Kelly
Pfiefler. Business senior [left]. struggles to


escape the office tower yesterday. A top-
pled bicycle in the foreground is further

evidence of the strength of the gusts.

July “It."

finely ,‘









I new in color Hm Elk-r w Photon-nut a." u...
Inc who! Sum Durham flu mi

M“ m

ldltor Associate Editor IOU“ m 1,... y...

0 0 Diet Gabriel lute Mitchell onto insom- In: "m.

c an nun-a.
mm mm: Ital! mm m um:
c l m Joe Kemp William Fun-lo Thomas Clark


UK buckles, admits
7 more med students

t'niversity officials have decided. pending appeal,
to be ready to squeeze in seven third-year medical
students next year at the already jammed Medical
School rather than lose UK‘s portion of an $84 million
federal grant program.

By bowing to federal pressure, the University loses
its authority over admissions requirements of the
seven extra places it has been instructed to leave
open. American medical students, transferring from
foreign schools. will fill those spots. To be accepted.
they must meet standardized national requirements,
and will not have to pass the University’s own criteria.

in planning to enforce the regulation, the Depart—
ment of Health Education and Welfare (HEW) in

effect authorizes double standards for those who want'

to attend US. medical schools, and uses quotas to
achieve that duplicity.

Many transfer students began their education
abroad beca me they were unable to meet domestic
entrance requirements. U.S. institutions should have
the right to find out whether the transfers can meet
those standards as third-year students. In doing so,
American schools can maintain the quality of their
own programs. In a profession as crucial as medicine,
schools should not have to use standards any lower
than what they are capable of meeting.

The t'nivasity is vulnerable to this type of federal
extortion because of its dire financial situation,
especially at the Medical Center. Other schools, such

to keep the'r integrity and refused to play along, losing
the HEW money. At UK. officials apparently felt that
operating without the funtt would be harder than
adding seven more students.

The University‘has applied to the HEW for a waiver
of the transfer requirement, which was tacked on to
the. Health Professions Educational Assistance Act
after pressure from foreign medical students and
their parents.

In asking for a reprieve, University officials are
stressing the lack of room for additional students at
UK. The Medical School’s enrollment is about 25
tperc ent greater than what the building was designed

The No. 1 building priority at UK has been the
proposed Pharmacy Building, which would alleviate
classroom space problems at the Medical Center. The
project's construction, to be financed through revenue
bonds, has been moved up to the next biennium after
being originally scheduled in 1980-82.

isven if the University’s appeal is not accepted, the
enrollment of transfer medical students will not be
certain until the Health Professions bill is finally
passed. Early next year, a Senate-House joint com-
mittee may strike the transfer requirement, or
provide a suitable alternative, returning to US.
medical schools the right to apply their own standards


as lndiana University and UCLA, were able to afford

Temptation is there

Will U.S. join South

WASHINGTON— The news of the
South African government‘s
squelch ing of a free black press had
scarcely arrived here before our
State Department made noises of
disapproval. Such sountb are in
compliance with the president‘s

population to revolt; We have heard
Vice President Mondale say it‘s
America’s policy in South Africa to

see that “that every citizen shall
have the right to vote and ever vote
should be equally weighed'.‘


Nicholas Von Hoffman


policy of clucking over human
rights. and they seem to have about
as much effect in Johannesburg as
they do in Moscow.

(in sober second thought, though,
it may not be a good idea to ask
consistency of the government in the
matter of human rightsebroad. By
teasing Mr. Carter and Mr. Vance
with being less zealous about human
freedom in some countries than in
others. we risk pushing them toward
a moral and political adventurism of
a dangerous sort. The ad-
ministration is already over its head
in gun~running and intrique in such
places as Ethiopia, Somalia, Chad
andthe Sudan. They don’t need to be
egged into doing more.

Our inability to discipline our-
selves to stay out of what doesn’t
concern us is equatorial and sub
Saharan Africa is not so freighted
with trouble. however, as what is
waiting to booby trap is in South
Africa. There we have seen UN.
Ambassador Andrew Young visit the
country and encourage the black

Alarmed establishment

That has alarmed the foreign
policy establishment to the extent
that George W. Ball, one of those
types who has spent his life ferrying
from jobs on Wall Street to jobs in
the State Department, has taken to
the typewriter and warned that this
is not a practical objective. (See
October’s Atlantic Monthly

Mr. Ball, who does have an eye for
the realities of life, took a similar
position'when serving in the Johnson
admin'stration about the war in
Southeast Asia. .

He quite plaisibly points out that
the 4.5 million whites who live in
South Africa aren't going to give up
their power and their money so
there’s no use leaning on them
unless we want to see a lot of people

That doesn‘t mean he is more
willing to renounce our trying to
arrange domestic affaisrs in that

equally to all who apply for admission.

sad country than the administration
is. Maybe it is because Ball favors
allowing Americans to continue to
invest in South Africa and opposes
imposition of economic sanctions
that he feels we have to devise and
force the implementtion of a
domestic program forthis distant
land very few of us can claim to

Mr.’ Ball, who is 'a respected
personage in the choirs and cloisters
of American foreign policy for-
mulation, wants the United States to
use its power to achieve Jim Crow
social justice: “Here is where
America’s leverage should be
tellingly applied While pushing the
South African government to get rid
of the noisome garbage of internal
‘pstty apartheid’—that vm array of
demeaning and often mindlessly
vindictive restrictions imposed on
nonwhites—we should put special
stress on adequate education for the
blacks... education to prepare the
younger generation for an ex-
panding political role... so long as
Afrikaaners insist that development
should really be separate, we should
insist that it really be equal.”
(Emphasis Mr. Ball’s).

This idea is worse than Mondale’s.
At least Mondale proposed in-
tervening, Indeed running the af-
fairs of another nation in the name of
a great and grand principle that a
crushing, large majority of
Americans share—one man, one

Along comes Mr. Ball, former



firm. \\‘i


My son was mentioned in your
article about Maranatha last week
and i just want to say that, as a
parent, 1 am glad my son is involved
in Maranatha... and as a former
graduate student in chemistry in
Lexington, i am glad that

, Pitt‘itiiiiibi



Maranatha has a fellowship on the
UK campus.

My son has been part of
Maranatha Ministries for several
years now and in that time, 1 have
seen him grow from a callow kid into
a real man because of the spiritual
guidance he has given.

Maranatha ism lit crty and college



P 1C

11 “or .

campmes throughout the eastern
United States. Some of the most
.oremost leaders in the charismatic
renewal have recognized it as a
dynamic and life-changing ministry.
i am proud that my son is part of it.

Joseph E. Smith
2434 Jefferson Ave.
Paducah, Ky.

African explosion?

undersecretary of state, present
partner in the international in-
vestment banking house of Lehman
Brothers, and he desires us to
meddle in another’s internal affairs
to perfect a system of Jim Crow

It would not be fair to Mr. Ball to
attribute his policy ideas solely to
business interests. American in-
vestments in South Africa aren't so

No, this is the practical and decent
man of affairs, national and in.-
ternational, blending idealism and
reality into a mishmash that has

very potential of turning into
political plastique and blowing us


here are so large.

Black income in the United States
is shrinking compared to white
income; we all know about black
teenage unemployment; between 10
and 30 blacks are murdered by other

The temptation for American
public figures to play games on the
Southern tip of Africa is so large
because our own racial problems

death of young black males in the
segregated inner cities of America.

By parading about offering
solutions over there we may per-
suade ourselves for a time that
we‘re doing something here.

White leaders may even be able to
prod a few black leaders into ac-
cepting meddling abroad for ac-
complishment at home... for a time.
But then, when the racial warfare
gets worse, then what will we
prepared to do?

blacks in the segregated African

township of Soweto every weekend;

murder is the single largest cause of

Copyright. 1977. by King Features

It's scandalous to label
Maranatha group as cult


The Maranatha group is one of the
most religious organizations on the
campus that preach and lead people
to the savior Jesus Christ.

We all know that habits are easy to
form but very difficult to break. The
group considers it important to help
its members break some of the daily
habits which generally lead people
to destruction and then to teach
them to grow spiritually.

They strongly believe that it is
impossible to become a real good
Christian without first giving up










those old habits that go contrary to
the Bible. This belief is emphatically
stated in the Holy Bible, James 4:4
as follows:

“Ye adulterers and adulteresses,
know ye not that the friencbhip of the
world is emnity with God,
whosoever therefore will be a friend
of the world is the enemy of God.”

in reality, the Maranatha group
does not make any set rules or laws
to guide its members, but simply
follow the led-down guidance from
the Holy Bible.

Gene-ally, born-again Christians
believe in commiting their entire
lives to their savior Jesus Christ and
using the word of God as a guide in
their everyday living. Anything
short of that becomes an

ltis true that no two people behave
exactly alike, and two instuctors (of
the same subject) may not approach
their subject matter in exactly the
same way.

Maranatha is a charismatic group
that believes in presenting to people
the naked truth about salvation
without any compromise or
adulturation. They believe that time
has come when Christians should be
real Christians or not at all. They do


not welcome 50-50 Christianity.
which is what many people like.

The Scripture clearly warns
against this in Relevation 3:15 and
16. Those who want to be hot are
advised to be hot and those who want
to be cold may remain cold. God said
he would throw out the lukewarm.

One thing really baffles me in the
article written by Nell Fields
(Kernel Nov. 28). She claims to be
reporting what ex-Maranthans
revealed to her. But an investigation
through the people she interviewed
showed that she was only interested
in “Painting Maranatha black."

Shehid many positive points made
by these people, and as a result,
these people are very unhappy with
the article.

Some genuine Christians are
really beginning to wonder why she
is so concerned about the with-
drawal by some people from the
Maranatha group.

She failed to understand that a

withdrawal of membership from a
group is nothing strange and that
there are several factors that could
be responsible for this action, in-
cluding ordinary individualities d

Trying to identify the Maranatha
group as a cult is not only a scandal
but an 0pm expression of lack of
gfler knowledge of the word of

The simple fact that one does not
like the way of worship in a par-
ticular religious organization is not
enough to declare it a cult.

it would have been a serious
argument if she had used the Holy
Bible as a bisis for her reasoning
and possibly pointed out some ways
the Maranatha group deviates from
the truth as written in the Holy

May the Lord have mercy.

Frank Udoh is an architecture

The column




7 [a a...

. ‘ v A:¢;t,oamkl"'""


Charles Main has not written a
column for this week. He is home
recovering from injuries suffered in
a single-vehicle [and single-
telephonc pole] accident on Sunday

He has promised to be back next
week with a column and a new
picture [he looks a little different

now]. Metro Police reported that
damage to the intersection where

the accident occurred to still being

Asked to comment on the ac-
cident. Main would say only “leave
me the hell alone."

,p.. .

.,,.- ,p

 Egypt cuts relations
with 4 Arab nations

Compiled from A P dispatches

Egypt broke diplomatic
relations with Syria, Libya,
Algeria and South Yemen
yesterday in retaliation for
their decision to form a

Fear and loathing in Rome

Former Kernel Managing Editor blazes career in Italy

Editor's note:

One of the toughest

graduati- school at t'oluiiibia

i” i' F r fv' .f‘.‘

f‘.l "Hi:

‘ So you call yours

a writer? It you call yourself I]

a writer, thcn ca ‘1 us!

, .
.. lttl‘tllify inl‘e'irlfn‘

16, l977il



careers to launch and be successful at
in the l'nited States is journalism.
Deadline pressure. screaming editors
and overwhelming competition lace
thousands of would-be Pulitzer Prize

When former Kernel Managing

Editor John “in Miller joined the
horde last year after graduation. he
stumbled through a side door on his
way to a career. Namely, he went to
Miller detailed his discoveries and
insights in a letter that will he of in-
terest to journalism students. world
travelers and culture freaks
every it here:


flow I ended up in Home — as
graduation approached, I went into a
panic and started looking for a job
everywhere. I spent a week in New
York where i went to 16 interviews with
magazines and publishing houses.
They were all very nice but had no

openings 1 applied for an internship on

the Daily American 1 DA. in Rome) and
about a month later I found out that 1
had been chosen. l hadn‘t sent my
grades, only my resume and clips.
Luckily. they didn‘t ask any questions.

So. on June 8. lsailed to Europe on
the Queen Elizabeth ll.

I worked for the [).-\ for three months.



June through Augmt. Half of the time

the paper was closed down because of
strikes which is nothing unusual for

We worked from 10 am. to 5 pm.
Since we were a morning paper. the
staff‘s motto was “Yesterday‘s news
tomorrow." At that time there were
nine other interns. mostly from

(in Aug :20. the l)\ officially closed
for good or so we were told ()wncr
t'hantal Dullois gave us our tickets
homeatidsairlguod bye. I moved out of
my apartment onto a trieiitt's t'fllltil
and shipped home all my clothes Then
I heard that a new papei was opening
so I applied for a job

This may sotllld strange. but i got the
tub largely llt‘t'llust‘ ol the Kernel I had
no clips ithey were on the way home
with my clothesi. so I just told the
ownu‘s what 1 had done at the Kernel
and he hired me All those seemingly
wasted hours had finally paid ott

The newspaper. the International
llaily News is owned by a young.
"hippie capitalist." Robert (‘un
ii iiiwiam. At It; he iiiadt- his fortune in
ltaly from being a minor rock star and
from a printing plant that his father
who owned the l).\. gave him, He is
bearded and a snappy dresser.

The son assures us that there is no
('lA money involved, which was once
suspected. i tend to believe him
because of oui salaries and because he
never inteittii-es. :ii the editorial con-

.\ly title is news editor. That means
that l and the managing editor decnle
what stories go where i also lay out the
news pages edit the copy and write the
headlines tor news. I am the oldest
editor I‘ll be 3.3 in December.

('oiitinued on page 5

“For Your Hair"


The Kernel is a good oppor-

unity for solid newspaper exper-


Come by ‘ 14 Journalism

Building. Anytime.




LALLcINEMAs- -EVERY DAY ‘TlL 2-30 ram-sum


1'},than ”A”. w DarbyOGilland {My

lI-mn 1' it!
.0; it: m t. wntinismrs “People




“m sun at,





GiilllCl ”li' all;

to the Middle East to urge the
Arabs to ”keep an open
mind" on direct negotiations
between Israel and Egypt.

Officials said the Vance
mission next weekend also
will be aimed at showing US.

Vance will urge all Arabs
states he visits to follow
Sadat's lead and deal with
lsrael. officials said.

So far. Syria has not
responded to American
overtures for a Vance stop in






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but at an economical price.

Just heat 'em up - then eat ‘em up!
Come see what‘s cooking in our kitchen.





I'M! All”

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; “resistance and con- support for those talks, Damascus. But US. officials
._ frontation-front" against scheduled to take place in saidthiswas entirely because _ _
t President Anwar Sadat's Cairo in mid-December. SyrianPresident'Hafez Assad 277 759] Of 278 77”
peace initiatives with Israel. On his trip, Vance will was occupied With the Just-
0 Diplomatic envoys 0f the make stops in Lebanon, concluded meeting of the so- I-
3. four nations were summoned Jordan and Saudi Arabia, as called “rejectionists” in I
. to the Egyptian Foreign well as in Egypt and Israel. Libya. . I
._ Ministry and given 24 hours to Arrangements for a visit to Vance Will go to the Middle I
e leave the country, the Middle Syria are still up in the air for East even if Syria does not I
e East News Agency reported. “technical reasons,” U,S. wmd up his on his itinerary, I
Cairo’s action came after officials said. they said. I
the four nations and the us. officials said, while Meanwhile, Philip c. I
s Palestinian guerrilla showing support for the liabib, the undersecretary of I
movement, meeting in Israeli-Egyptian talks, Vance state for political affairs, is I
Tripoli, Libya, denounced will try his hand at patching holding talks in Moscow with I
Sadat‘s one-man peace the split caused by Sadat's Soviet experts on the Middle I
campaign as “high treason" dramatic initiative. They said East. He is due to join Vance I
and said they would “freeze” he intends to emphasize U.S. tomorrow in Brussels, where I
their diplomatic and political interest in a comprehensive the secretary will attend I
relations With Cairo. LibyaT settlement, not a separate North Atlantic Treaty I
on its own, had already agreement. And while organization meetings beforeh I
broken relations with Egypt prospects for a Geneva eading for Cairo on the I
when Sadat made his visit to conference have dimmed, weekend. I
t Israel. D. I
l Despite the harsh rhetoric,
. however, the anti-Egypt V}tscoq‘nt I I
f summit, at Syria’s insistence,
had carefully kept the door 1 amln I . .
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. peripheral Arab states as Box 1001. Lexmggon, Ky. 40588 I
'3 Morocco and Sudan. I
In Washington, the State
Depm'nem said it would SENIORS " TAKE A LOO K! i ingredients--
have no immediate comment I
on the Egyptian move, but the Youare rapidly approaching graduation. and now is the time I
State Department anmunced to decide how to put your degree to work. Consider the I
yesterday that Secretary of '°”°W‘"9°p°°"”""l953 I
StateCyrusR.Vanceisgomg POSITION PREFERREDMAJORS 55111226 I r.-II