xt72ng4gn18t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72ng4gn18t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1879081 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1879-08-jul1. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1879-08-jul1. 1879 2011 true xt72ng4gn18t section xt72ng4gn18t 

University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes - 1879, July 1

Settlement to July 1 st 1879 with James G. White, Treasurer of Agricultural &
Mechanical College of Kentucky, by the Executive Committee of said College

James G. White in account with the A & M College of Kentucky

Cash from the State Treasurer ................................. $4950.00
Fees of Students ..........  ....................... $1295.98
Rent of Dearville .........   ........................ $36.00
Produce of Garden .................................  $16.45
Cash from sales of wood and trees ................................ $21.95
Cash overpaid for Student Labor in November .................. $4.00



By:      Salaries of Professors (half year) ...............     .......... $3875.00
      Salaries of Tutors (entire year) ............................. $200.00
      Salary of Treasurer (half year) .............................. $62.50
      Salary of Superintendent of Farm (half year) ............ $87.50
      Salary of Janitor (entire year) .............................. $270.00
      Fees refunded................................................. $33.75
      Room    fees paid to James M. Moore ........................ $30.50
      Student Labor.....................................$505.67
      Advertising, including announcement and catalogue .... $241.48
      Postage, envelopes, and wrappers .......................... $54.60
      Seed.....................................         $72.26
      Engine Lathe..................................... $75.00
      Coal.....................................         $80.38
      Provender for house .....................................         $78.38
      Lumber......................................................... $19.80
      Commencement Exercise .................................... $35.00
      Miscellaneous expenses ..................................... $71.96
      Cash on hand..................................... $530.60

      The Executive Committee, by order of the Board of Visitors, have proceeded to
settle with the Treasurer to the 1st July 1879 - have examined his books and vouchers
and tested their correctness - and hereby certify that the foregoing statement, resulting in
the balance in the Treasurer has to on this day of $530.60 is correct. July 1, 1879

                                                      J. P. Metcalfe
                                                      Chairman, Board of Visitors

For a detailed statement of the receipts and expenses detailed included in the foregoing
settlement see Books of the Treasurer. The vouchers allowed him as credits are noted on
the following pages - see also vouchers on file for items of expenditure.


Vouchers allowed in the foregoing settlement as credits to the Treasurer, July 1, 1879.
1. Sept. 18, 1878 Paid Post Master for stamps and wrappers .       ................ $4.65
2. Sept. 23, 1878 Paid same, stamps, wrappers and envelopes .       .............. $9.95
3. Sept. 25, 1878 H. H. Gratz for printing & adver. In 20 newspapers ......... $72.00
4. Sept. 25, 1878 Paid James G. White Jr., two books and chalk .     ............. $2.25
5. Sept. 26, 1878 Paid S. H. Wilson, 200 circulars and sending them off ...... $3.81
6. Sept. 27, 1878 Paid James M. Moore, Janitor, two months salary ........... $30.00
7. Sept. 27, 1878 Paid James M. Moore, for use of rooms for students ......... $20.00
8. Sept. 30, 1878 Paid H. T. Duncan, (Treas.) for advertisement .     ........... $2.50
9. Oct. 9, 1878 Paid A. R. Wright, student, for labor   .      .................... $2.80
10. Oct. 18, 1878 Paid Professor Crandall for Engine Lathe ..................... $75.00
11. Oct. 18, 1878 Paid Livestock Record for advertisement ...................... $12.00
12. Nov. 2, 1878 Paid James Crawford, Superintendent, for labor 10 students. $61.59
13. Nov. 2, 1878 Paid Post Master for stamps ....................................... $8.00
14. Nov. 2, 1878 Paid T. H. Gatewood, student, for labor ........................ $8.50
15. Nov. 13, 1878 Paid James M. Moore, Janitor, salary and room-rent ........ $35.00
16. Nov. 13, 1878 Paid James Crawford, Superintendent, sharpening
       8 plows & for 1 barrel corn ....................................................... $4.50
   17. Nov. 16, 1878 Paid Transylvania Printing Co. for cover and binding 750 copies
      announcement........................................................................ $7.50
18. Nov. 16, 1878 Paid James K. Patterson corn $20.25, seed potatoes $18.47. $38.72
   19. Nov 16, 1878 Paid A. G. Karsner use of grain drill .............................. $2.00
   20. Nov 26, 1878 Paid Miller & Burton room-rent returned .............................. $10.00
   21. Nov 30, 1878 Paid McChesney & Martin, 18 bushels seed wheat ............ $17.85
   22. Dec. 6, 1878 Paid Louisville Daily Evening News, advertising ............... $15.00
   23. Dec 6, 1878 Paid Courier Journal .................................................. $57.30
   24. Dec 6, 1878 Paid James Crawford, Superintendent, for 7 students for
      labor...    $43.04
   25. Dec 10, 1878 Paid James M. Moore, Janitor, salary ............................ $30.00
   26. Dec 16, 1878 Paid J. W. Richardson & Co., coal for Chemical Laboratory. $14.50
   27. Dec 21, 1878 Paid same 432 bushels Coal @     14 cents each .................. $60.48
   28. Dec 21, 1878 Paid G. W. Dunn, student labor ................................... $5.12
   29. Dec 21, 1878 Paid W. T. Scott .................................................... $6.50
   30. Dec 23, 1878 Paid Treasurer Kentucky University, balance on advertising
      account...         $16.72
   31. Jan. 9, 1879 Paid James M. Moore, Janitor, salary ............................. $30.00
   32. Jan. 10, 1879 Paid Prof. A. R. Crandall half year salary ...................... $625.00
   33. Jan. 10, 1879 Paid Prof. J. A. Shackleford half year salary ................... $625.00
   34. Jan. 10, 1879 Paid Prof. J. D. Pickett half year salary ......................... $625.00
   35. Jan. 11, 1879 Paid Pres. James K. Patterson half year salary ................. $750.00
   36. Jan. 11, 1879 Paid Prof. James G. White half year salary ..................... $625.00



37. Jan. 11, 1879 Paid Professor James G. White Treasurer half year salary .... $62.50
38. Jan. 11, 1879 Paid Dr. Peter half years salary ................................... $625.00
39. Jan. 11, 1879 Paid T. A. Jesse shoeing two horses .............................. $2.00
40. Jan. 11, 1879 Paid E. R. Spottswood for lumber .................................. $19.80
41. Jan. 14, 1879 Paid James Crawford, Superintendent, half years salary....... $87.50
42. Jan. 14, 1879 Paid E. T. Elgan, Tutor, half years salary ........................ $20.00
43. Jan. 14, 1879 Paid M. L. Pence, Tutor, half years salary ....................... $20.00
44. Jan. 14, 1879 Paid N. J. Weller, Tutor, half years salary ...................... $20.00
45. Jan. 14, 1879 Paid N. B. Hays, Tutor, half years salary ........................ $20.00
46. Jan. 16, 1879 James Crawford Superintendent for labor of 5 students....... $13.54
47. Jan. 16, 1879 Paid H. H. Brown for 3435 lbs. hay .............................. $13.74
48. Feb. 4, 1879 Paid James Crawford Superintendent for labor of 7 students. $12.98
49. Feb. 11, 1879 Paid James M. Moore, Janitor, salary ........................... $30.00
50. Feb. 25, 1879 Paid President Patterson, mucilage & capes on books ....... $1.75
51. Feb. 25, 1879 Paid William Purnell, printing, stationary, etc ................. $13.50
52. March 5, 1879 Paid N. Hadden, room-rent refunds ............................ $5.00
53. March 5, 1879 Paid James Crawford, Superintendent, student labor,
   11 students..... $29.52
54. March 5, 1879 Paid E. E. Eagle, 1 barrel corn .................................. $2.50
55. March 8, 1879 Paid H. H. Gratz, Gazette, printing blocks ..................... $5.00
56. March 10, 1879 Paid Prof. Dr. Peter, 30 bushels coal & alcohol ............. $6.25
57. March 10, 1879 Paid E. E. Eagle, 3 barrels corn ................................ $7.50
58. March 10, 1879 Paid James M. Moore, Janitor, salary ......................... $30.00
59. March 10, 1879 Paid James G. White, Jr., sundries for use of college ....... $11.35
60. March 22, 1879 Paid Post Master, by President for college,
   500 stamped envelopes .    ...................................................... $16.10
61. March 24, 1879 Paid Professor Bailey 3050 lbs. hay ............................ $10.68
62. March 24, 1879 Paid James Crawford for amount 11 cents each for bed
   clothing...          $3.65
63. March 24, 1879 Paid Milward & Co. for lounge, mattress, & pillow ....... $4.75
64. April 1, 1879 Paid E. Young for 20 bushels seed potatoes ...................... $10.00
65. April 1, 1879 Paid James K. Patterson 31 bushels potatoes for seed ......... $15.50
66. April 5, 1879 Paid James Crawford, Superintendent, 18 students labor...... $73.97
67. April 9, 1879 Paid James M. Moore, Janitor, salary & room-rent ............ $35.50
68. April 10, 1879 Paid J. B. Morton & Co., box of glass ..........  ................ $2.15
69. April 26, 1879 Paid Hutchison & McClellan 2 empty coal oil barrels ....... $1.75
70. April 29, Paid J. G. Darden student fees returned (over paid) ................. $6.25
71. May 6, 1879 Paid James Crawford, labor 21 students ......................... $109.63
72. May 9, 1879 Paid James M. Moore, Janitor, salary ............................ $30.00
73. May 10, 1879 Paid E. E. Eagle, 8 barrels of corn .............................. $22.96
74. May 10, 1879 Paid James Ramsey, wagon maker and blacksmith account ... $13.25


75. June 7,
   June 7,
   June 7,
   June 7,
   June 7,

76. June 7,
77. June 7,
78. June 7,

1879 Paid A. B. Hays, tutor, work for two classes ..................... $40.00
1879 Paid E. T. Elgan, tutor, work for one class ........................ $20.00
1879 Paid N. J. Weller, tutor, work for one class ....................... $20.00
1879 Paid C. G. Blakely, tutor, work for one class ..................... $20.00
1879 Paid M. L. Pence, tutor, work for one class ........................ $20.00


Paid James Crawford, labor of 19 students ................. $133.98
Paid James K. Patterson, seed corn & expenses to Frankfort... $6.05
Paid James M. Moore, Janitor, salary .............................. $30.00

79. June 11, 1879 Paid J. H. Shockley, student care of horses .........    ............. $4.50
80. June 11, 1879 Paid Burton, student fees refunded ................................ $5.00
   June 12, 1879 Paid King, student fees refunded .................................. $7.50
81. June 17, 1879 Paid T. A. Hornsey, sundries ....................................... $8.60
82. June 17, 1879 Paid J. B. Morton & Co., Paris green for bugs, etc .............. $9.51
83. June 17, 1879 Paid Major, Johnston, & Barnett, work on catalogue .......... $36.15
84. June 25, 1879 Paid Post Master 750 1 cent wrappers and
   750 1 cent stamps..................................................................... $15.90
85. June 25, 1879 Paid Odd Hallows Hall Co. for commencement day ........... $20.00
86. June 25, 1879 Paid DeLong & Co., garden seed, seed corn & twine ......... $8.74
87. June 25, 1879 Paid Charles Neassman, orchestra at commencement ......... $15.00
                              Treasurer's Total Credits ..................... $5793.78
                              Total Debit of Treasurer ...................... $6324.38
                       Balance in Treasurer' s hands July 1, 1879 ......... $530.60