xt72ng4gnt0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72ng4gnt0t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 198401 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Wax Bean, January 1984 text The Wax Bean, January 1984 1984 2014 true xt72ng4gnt0t section xt72ng4gnt0t ’_   I \\` \,< `\_L>/A/""*·\ \> Copy la
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The Unive/wxlty 06 Kentucky 'Léb/zcuuleé S1€cc66 O/zgcmizcttiom Auppiiemewi to the
QTEEQLEQEZ January yg84
(Wax Bean edition)
The Executive Board of the Library Staff Organization (LSO) of the
University of Kentucky for the 1983 calendar year was composed of the
following people:
Karen Groneis (Mathematical Sciences) ~ President
Perry Bratcher (SOLINET) - Vice—President
Cecil Madison (Mail Room) — Secretary
Barbara Hale (GPD) ~ Treasurer
The 1983 year started with a combined membership drive kick~off and
Valentine's Day Tea. Dues remained at $3.00 per year and membership
totaled 102 by the year's end. Business left over from 1982 (concerning
a volleyball set and a microwave oven) was finished. A volleyball set
was purchased with funds raised for that purpose in 1981r After a
meeting with the Departmental Representatives, the Executive Board
decided that LSO would not sponsor the purchase of a microwave oven for
the Staff Lounge in King North.
An informal group began meeting after work on Fridays at
Starthrowers and then, after Starthrowers closed, at High on Rose.
These get—togethers provided an opportunity to relax and to me¢t people
who work in other departments of the library.
a questionnaire was sent to the staff to survey interests and
solicit ideas. Five Brown Bag luncheons, coordinated by Jean Baugh fron
the Cooperative Extension Service, were held throughout the gee;.
The Spring Fling honored the new staff memberse Gifts were
presented to the retirees individually; in keeping with their wishes not
to have any formal recognition.
Dues provided only a small portion of the money wweaei to ;1¤3.¤t
the organizationls social activities. The Spring Bale Bale? thetraex
Sale, and the Christmas Bazaar (with the "door prize" snggegted by Laii
Kennedy) also raised money for LSO, A new coffee pot mas purcbwvedr
Summertime activities included the annual picnic helg»aL ¥p2"?“et»p
in June and a trip to the State Library in Frankfort in A gust. Tu;
Director's Office co-sponsored the trip to Frankfort and shared Lge $~w
rental expenses.
The staff and library patrons donated money and eanr»d.g;o$e For
the three Thanksgiving baskets that were made and delivered Monev was
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The number of people who helped on projects for LSC this year was
high! At the risk of omitting some names, I shall list the names of the
people who really made LSO successful this year —- those members who
pitched in and/or took charge when something needed to be done.
Book Sale (April): Norma Jean Gibson, Ron Weber, Anne Harley, Sandee
McAninch, Gwen Curtis, Barbara Gardner, Teresa Smyth, Cathy Hunt, Joan
Gatewood, Sara Farley; Emily Pugh, Karen Jefferson, Patti Dacci, Mary ‘
Geyer, Toni Powell, Diane Brunn, Perry Bratcher.
1 Spring Bake Sale (March) and
Christmas Bazaar (Nov.): Andrea Bryant, Cathy Hunt, Perry Bratcher.
Thanksgiving Baskets (Nov.): Pam Fields, Sonja Higgins, Patty Hornback, ,
Perry Bratcher, Loraine Bates, Karen
Christmas Gift Fund (DecJ: Barbara Hale and Departmental .
Representatives ·
( Special thanks to Anonymous and Anonymous and Anonymous (whose
names I inadvertently omitted for their help). Although you are
p nameless, we°re grateful to you. ·
J Paul Willis, Director of Libraries, provided financial as well as
_ moral support to LSC this past.year. His encouragement and interest
were crucial to the organization. Our most sincere thanks and
” appreciation to him for all he has done.
) Last, but not least, an extraordinary, extra-special thanks to all
» the members and friends of LSC for being concerned, interested and
supportive of the organization during 1983. Without you, LSC would not _ .
The 1984 LSC officers will be ‘ A
Barbara Randolph (Acquisitions) — President
Norma Jean Gibson (Reference) — Vice—President
‘ Karen Jefferson (CSR/Acquisitions) - Secretary
Laura Olson (Reference) - Treasurer
we hope that they also enjoy the support of the staff and of the
j library administration. Best wishes and good luck to them!
A ~ Karen Croneis j
p Note: The full Annual Report may be obtained from the 1984 Secretary, - I V
Karen Jefferson. j (
4, A
_ I  

L SANDY ( A€WU$iti9nS ) and RICHARD CLEMMONS on the birth of their
daughter Jenna Lee, born on December 7th.
5» GAIL (Acquisitions) and JOHN KENNEDY on the birth of their son Clay
Parker, born on New Year's Day.
ANN (Student Assistant Cataloging) and MARK JOHNSON on the birth of
their son Trevor Gatewood, born on December 27th. Proud grandparents
are JOAN (css) and TOM GATEWOOD.
JERRY and JANICE GILBERT on the birth of their son Jeremy Matthew, born
on Thanksgiving. Proud grandparents are HARRY (Architecture) and MARY
CHRISTY ROBINSON (Cataloging) on the loss of her mother Evelyn Lepper.
On behalf of the staff LSC made a contribution to the American Cancer
BARBARA (GPD) and GRACIE (Agriculture) HALE on the loss of their _
A grandfather, James Hale.
January 4, 1984
Library Staff Organization ——
I want to thank you for the Shi].lito's gift certificate which you
presented to me at the recent Christmas lunch. I appreciate your
thoughtfulness and I will put the certificate to good use. A
Let me thank the staff for a successful 1983 in the library and
wish you the best for 1984. Q
Sincerely, ·
Paul Willis
Dear Staff Organization
Thank you so much for the donation to the American Cancer Society
in memory of my mother, Evelyn Lepper.
Cancer is a very depressing and hopeless disease at this time and
each and every contribution to the Society is on additional step in the
fight against it.
Many of you expressed sympathy and words of care and encouragement
while my mom was ill, and at her time of death. I want to thank all oi
you for those expressions and again for the contribution to the American
Cancer Society.
Sincerely, ,
Christie Robinson, Cataloging V

 January 15, 1984
Dear Karen:
I know your term of office has expired, but I don't know the name
of the new president, so I'll send this much overdue note to you.
I want to express my appreciation to the members of the Staff
Organization for inviting me to the lovely Christmas Luncheon, which I
. enjoyed very much. It's always good to come to the library — it means a
' great deal to the retired members, as well as the present staff.
_ Sincerely,
_ Catherine L. Katterjohn
Mso|cAn.<:aN·rEn December 29, 1983
Karen S. Croneis
I President
Library Staff Organization
I University of Kentucky Libraries
y' OB—9 Patterson Office Tower
  Dear Ms. Croneis
On behalf of the patients at University Hospital and the volunteers who
planned and delivered the Christmas gifts for them, I want to thank you 1
I and each member of_the Library Staff Organization who contributed so
generously toward the patients' Christmas. I l .
L This year we gave the patients poinsettia blossoms with Christmas greens
in milk glass vases. We have learned from experience that the patients .
appreciate a plant or flower which they can see and enjoy in their rooms
more than miscellaneous wrapped gifts. These were distributed by two
volunteers from the B Nai B'rith group on Christmas morning. One of
them dressed in a Santa Claus suit which did a lot to cheer up the
patients. 4
Please express to each member of your organization the gratitude of the
staff and the patients for your generous contribution.
With every good wish for the New Year, I am
Mary J. Ireland,
Director of Volunteer Services
MJI:hs _ _

1983 4
Balance brought forward, 1983 · $179.56 `
Receipts ` “
Membership dues $301.50
p Booksale 95.99 .
Coffee & Donuts 11.25
Bakesale _ 71.50
Donations (picnic) _ 75.00
Pictures 27.50
State Library Tour ~· 19.00
. Christmas Bazaar/Raffle - 192.21 _
Christmas Luncheon (non—members) 45.50
_ Medical Center Donations ”"l22.35` $961.80
4 _ $1141.36
Expenditures A
Valentine's Day Tea $40.51
Spring Fling 40.00
p Picnic ` 187.11
A Volleyball Set & Games 79.74
Cards, Memorials & Gifts ’ 189.42
Staff Lounge Supplies 18.08
Film Processing 11.39 .
*Christmas Luncheon 121.78
Coffee Pot 30.00
Medical Center Donations 122.35
4 State Library tour (rent of bus) 56.00 .
Bank Charges 43.00‘ $939.38
BALANCE l $201.98
· Respectfully submitted,
r 1
Barbara Hale, LSO Treasurer
January 17, 1984
*does not include rent for tables and chairs

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