xt72rb6w0x0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72rb6w0x0t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1995-09-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 11, 1995 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, September 11, 1995 1995 1995-09-11 2020 true xt72rb6w0x0t section xt72rb6w0x0t U N IVE RSITY
O F KE NTUC KY University Senate Council

Office of the Chair

10 Administration Building
Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0032
Office: (606) 257-5871 or (606) 257-5872
FAX: (606) 323-1062


25 August 1995

TO: Members, University Senate

The University Senate will meet in regular session on Monday, September 11,
1995, at 3:00 PM in room 115 of the Nursing Building (CON/HSLC).


Remarks: President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.

Introductions and Remarks: Chair

Approval of Minutes: 13 March and 10 April 1995 (circulated).


Past Chair
Ombud Report — 1994-1995

Consideration of and Action on the Kentucky Advocates Position Paper
(circulated under date of 28 August 1995).

Betty Huff

US Agenda: 9.11.95



An Equal Opportunity University



The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 pm, Monday, September 11, 1995 in Room
1 15 of the Nursing Health Sciences Building.

Professor Gretchen LaGodna, Chairperson of the Senate Council, presided.

Members absent were: Benny Ray Bailey, Michael Bardo*, Thomas Blues“, Douglas Boyd, Bill
Brassine, Carolyn Brock*, Dean Brothers, Mary Burke*, Lauretta Byars, Joan Callahan, Ben Carr,
Edward Carter, Shea Chaney, Louis Chow, Eric Christianson*, Scott Coovert, Frederick DeBeer,
Richard Edwards, David Elliott*, Robert Farquhar, Richard Furst, Beatrice Gaunder, Lynne Hall*,
James Holsinger, Edward J ennings*, Craig Koontz, Thomas Lester, C. Oran Little, Jeff Lowe, Douglas
Michael, Karen Mingst, David Mohney, Maurice Morrison, Wolfgang Natter*, Anthony Newberry,
Clayton Paul, Tom Pratt, Shirley Raines, Karl Raitz, Amy Rasor, Thomas Robinson, Scott Safford,
Horst Schach, Janice Schach, David Shipley, Todd Shock, Sheldon Steiner, William Stober*, David
Stockham, Michael Uyhelji, Craig Wallace, Jesse Weil*, Chad Willett, Eugene Williams, Paul Willis,
Emery Wilson*, Mary Witt*, Linda Worley, Susan Zaringer.

Chairperson Gretchen LaGodna called the Senate meeting to order. As Chair of the Senate
Council she welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the 1995-96 academic year. She stated it was
wonderful to see the continuing senators back and also the newly elected senators who will be working
with the Senate and possibly attending for the first time. She introduced Dr. Fitzgerald Bramwell, the
new Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies. Dr. Bramwell was given a round of applause.

Chairperson LaGodna then commented on the renovation of the room and stated President
Wethington needed to be thanked, since the money came from the President's special funds. The
renovation is greatly appreciated.

Chairperson LaGodna stated it is traditional that at the first Senate meeting the President share his
thoughts and expectations for the University for the coming year. It was her pleasure to present Dr.
Charles T. Wethington.

Dr. Wethington was given a round of applause. The President's remarks are attached to the

The Chair stated President Wethington would now take questions from the Senate.

Professor Tom Garrity (Medicine) asked if there was still a moratorium by the Council of Higher
Education in reviewing new programs being setup by the University of Kentucky and if there is, what is
the outlook for it?

* Absence Explained


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Minutes, University Senate, September 11, 1995

President Wethington: I do not know if moratorium is the right term, but there is still in place the
criteria that have found five of the eight public four year institutions in Kentucky to be not in line with
the affirmative action goals set for the those Institutions by the Council on Higher Education. The plan
for meeting affirmative action goals is to be considered during 1995-96. I anticipate there will be
considerable discussion of those plans and quite likely the plans will be revised in some fashion. We
cannot continue to not seek approval for new programs at this Institution. I believe 1995-96 is the year
when some change must take place, either by the seeking of an exception to the existing plan or the
revision of the plan to reflect a more realistic expectation on the part of colleges and universities. The
regulations are still in place. They will be considered for change in 1995-96 and I anticipate there will be
some opportunity to have programs reviewed during the coming year.

Professor Loys Mather (Agriculture) said that in an earlier announcement about the Robinson
Scholars Program the President noted that the students would be identified at the end of the eighth grade
and be in a mentoring program during their high school years. What would be the shape of the
mentoring program and who would be involved?

President Wethington: The program has not yet been put into place so I could only at best give a
general idea. The idea is to identify students at the eighth grade level with potential and promise and
hold out to them the promise that if they achieve a certain level of success during their high school
career that a scholarship at the University of Kentucky in Lexington or one of its community colleges
will be there for them to show those students that college education can be a reality. A plan of this kind
will involve the entire University, and clearly the community colleges in the east Kentucky region will
have a considerable role. Chancellor Zinser has expressed interest and we have had some discussions on
the way the Lexington campus can be involved in the effort. Since it is envisioned that some of these
students may eventually come through a baccalaureate degree and go into possibly medical or other
health education fields, clearly the Medical Center should be involved in the effort. In whatever ways we
get it done, we must have a careful mentoring program housed in east Kentucky that works with the
students, their high schools, their counselors, their administrators, and helps them come through the high
school experience and on into our colleges. You are on target with the importance and necessity for
that. Obviously some of the funds identified for the program will be used to finance that part of the plan
and during 1995-96 $50,000 was set aside with the idea that it be a fund to help get it started, help
identify people, and help put the framework of the plan in place.

Professor Bradley Canon (Arts and Sciences) stated it was reasonably certain the University is
going to lose some research funds in the not too distant future. Is the University making any plans to
cushion this or to generate any funds on its own? In particular the uses for which overhead are put, such
as graduate fellowships.

President Wethington: I will ask you to talk with Jerry Bramwell more after the meeting. That
issue is being addressed and talked about regularly. We are not about to give up yet in terms of
accepting the fact that the research funds are going to be less next year than the previous year. We do
know that clearly in some of the research areas we are going to see significant cutbacks. We also
believe there will be some potential for enhancing our research efforts in some other fields that may
bring some additional funding. We are not looking at this from a perspective of assuming the defensive


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Minutes, University Senate, September 11, 1995

posture; we are going on an aggressive direction of trying in whatever ways we can to seek new and
expanded sources of federal funding to try to keep that pipeline flowing. Your point will not be ignored
and I will be happy to continue to keep my discussions open with Jerry Bramwell and others, as we all
must, to determine in what ways we might be able to assist with or to bridge some short term concerns
we might have. We have had some cutbacks in recent years and have addressed those through some
bridge funding that has worked for us. We will charge Jerry Bramwell and company to insure that be a
part of this look during 1995-96. We want to continue pushing in whatever ways we can to try to keep
the damage from being done at the federal level and, as we get more competitive and more aggressive
possibly, we will hopefully find new ways of bringing dollars to this Institution.

Professor Jim Applegate (Communications and Information Studies) said he knew President
Wethington was serving on Jerry Richard's committee, looking at the status of higher education.
Headlines, actually fairly good ones in one respect, in that they publicize the fact Kentucky does trail
other states in the SREB region in support for higher education making a case that something needs to
be done. What is the role of that committee and will it play a positive role as far as making a case with
the state legislature?

President Wethington: I think Speaker Richards intended when he set up the task force to achieve
a greater level of support for funding of colleges and universities in 1996. I believe we have the
potential of raising the visibility of higher education and focusing on some areas of lack of support, and I
believe those efforts will be successful. The last meeting was a particularly good one. At that time the
Southern Region Education Board (it is always good to bring in some objective outside group that is a
respected outside group) came in at the legislatures' request, not the University Presidents' request, to
make a report to the task force about Kentucky‘s effort during the last ten years and what has been
happening in this state. SREB data makes a very compelling case for the fact that we have led the
Southeast in enrollment growth during this time, our state appropriation effort is down near the bottom
in the Southeast, and that during that same period of time our tuition has gone up. Everyone thinks it
has gone up at some breathtaking pace, but it is way down the list in terms of the Southeast in
percentage and dollar increase in tuition over that time period. It is a very compelling story for the fact
that we in Kentucky have grown in enrollment, been at the bottom in terms of state appropriation effort,
and that data can be interpreted very well to say that Kentucky's colleges and universities have done a
good job over the last few years with what they have had to work with. It would be very hard to escape
that conclusion. We plan to use that, in whatever ways or whatever groups. For instance, we would
like to see that used again with the decision maker's conference in Lexington. This state is too good to
be hidden and we are going to keep using it in the next few months. The advocates for higher education
are being more aggressive this year, that lay group that is out there in support of our colleges and
universities. They are being more aggressive in helping us than they have been in the past. You have
been asked as a university senate to take a position on a position paper. The University Board of
Trustees has taken a position. Chambers of Commerce are taking a position. A position paper, which if
funded, would bring higher education to the level of support of the states that surround us now, not full
formula funding, just get us up to the level at which states around us are funded. I think we have a shot
at something like that, since this states' revenue is moving along at a pretty good pace and since we have
an all time record of contingency going into the 1996 session. It is always easier to seek support when
there is some money on the table and it appears that there will be some money that will be able to be


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Minutes, University Senate, September 11, 1995

divided up among the states' priorities in 1996. The task force has a lot of issues on the table, any one of
which could cause us to be fighting among ourselves again and we need to avoid that in whatever ways
we possibly can and keep focusing on this case for additional support in 1996.

President Wethington was given a round of applause.

The Chair stated that, as reflected in the President's remarks, it is pretty clear to all that there are a
lot of challenges facing the University this year. If just a few are listed, we are talking about: continuing
funding issues; undergraduate and graduate enrollment management; maintaining student financial
support; coping with federal cuts in research support; increasing diversity in race and gender across
student, faculty, and staff groups; improving our retention and graduation rates; continuing to improve
our quality of instruction, and we could probably add a number of things to that list. She feels that all of
these issues, as well as some of the other ones that the President mentioned, will undoubtedly surface
and resurface all year. They will ultimately shape the direction in which this Institution is headed. They
are the same forces that seem to be changing the face of higher education across the country. It is the
hope of the Senate Council that the Senate as a total body will give careful thought and deliberation to
all of these issues. We are going to make a very big effort to provide forums for healthy debate in the
Senate: for the presentation of alternate positions and arguments and to avoid embracing simplistic
solutions. We all know that good decisions require diverse voices and that includes student voices as
well. We hope to increase the participation of faculty in governance this year and define ways to identify
and encourage faculty leadership at an early point in people's careers. Aside from the usual academic '
issues and priorities, the Senate Council has identified several areas that we would like to give special

focus or attention in this 1995-96 year. These include, in brief, entry and exist issues for faculty and
specifically what is meant by that is on the one hand pursuing recommendations of the ad hoc committee
on retirement that was chaired by Chet Holrnquist last year. We will be working with the Administration
on some issues in that area. On the other end, the review and evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of
the current faculty title series.

The second area of focus has to do with the improvement of diversity and campus climate issues
for students. As the President pointed out, this is a particular challenge in today's environment and there
is room for a lot of study of issues that affect campus climate for students.

The third area is that of maximizing the effectiveness of outreach programs and distance learning
methods. As you all know, in practically every college we are doing a great deal more in very rapid
fashion. It has a lot of impact on a number of things that have to do with faculty and the quality of
teaching. We want to spend sometime addressing that.

Everyone in this room today, and people who are not in this room today, will be part of how
successfully we move toward these goals this year. Our work will be accomplished through our
standing and ad hoc committees of the Senate, and through your elected Senate Council and I hope most

importantly the work will move forward through some very active debate and discussion in this body as
a whole.


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Minutes, University Senate, September 11, 1995

Chairperson LaGodna then made the following introductions: Cindy Todd, who has guided the
Senate Council for 23 years; Professor Emeritus Gifford Blyton who generously has served as
parliamentarian of the Senate for at least 25 years and is absolutely essential to the work of this group;
Susan Caldwell, the recording secretary of the Senate; and a newcomer, Betty Huff, who is our new
Registrar and serves as the secretary of the Senate. In the back of the room as usual are the two
sergeants at arms; Michelle Sohner and Jacquie Hager.

The Senate Council members are: Jackie Noonan, Enid Waldhart, Don Frazier, Tom Gam'ty,
Karen Mingst, Jim Applegate, Brad Canon, Mike Nietzel, and Jan Schach, Chair-elect. There are two
student members yet to be appointed. Shea Chaney of Student Government is an ex officio member.
Loys Mather and Debbie Powell are the Board of Trustees representatives and are also ex officio Senate
Council Members, as is Ray Cox, the past chair.

The Committee Chairs are: Roy Moore, Rules and Elections, Ted Tauchert, Admissions and
Academic Standards, Carla Craycrafi, Academic Planning and Priorities, Deborah Slaton, Academic
Programs, William Griffith, Academic Organization and Structure, Jan McCullough, Research
Committee, Horst Schach, Academic Facilities, Doug Poe, Institutional Finances and Resource
Allocation, Allision Carll-White, Admissions Advisory Committee, and Lou Swift, University Studies.
The two ad hoc committees; The Ad Hoc Committee on Women chaired by Carolyn Bratt and the Ad
Hoc Committee on Minorities chaired by Lionel] Williamson.

Chairperson LaGodna stated the minutes from the March 20, 1995 and April 10, 1995 had been
circulated and needed to be approved. There were no corrections to the minutes and they were
approved as circulated.

The Chair then recognized Professor Donald Mullineaux to present a memorial resolution in honor
of John J. Bernardo.

Memorial Resolution
John J. Bernardo

John Joseph "Jack" Bernardo, a professor in the area of Decision Science and Information
Systems, School of Management, College of Business and Economics, died July 12, 1995, of
a heart attack. He is survived by his wife Joanne Horsmon Bernardo, two sons, John
Bernardo and Jeffrey Bernardo, his parents, James and Christine Ross Bernardo, and a sister
Joyce Taylor.

Jack was born August 12, 1943 in Du Bois, Pennsylvania. He attended Pennsylvania State
University and received a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering in 1965. He then
worked for Western Electric as a department chief. He received a Master in Business
Administration in Marketing fiom Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1969.
He then attended Purdue University where he received a Master of Science in Econometrics
in 1969 and a Doctor of Philosophy in Management Science and Economics in 1972.


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Minutes, University Senate, September 11, 1995

Following his graduate studies, Jack became a faculty member at University of Notre Dame
from 1972 to 1976. In July 1976, he joined the College of Business and Economics here at
the University of Kentucky.

As a teacher, Dr. Bernardo was highly regarded by the many students and colleagues he
had during his 23 years of teaching. He blended theory and practice very well in his
classrooms. He had chaired a total of nine dissertation committees in the Management
Science and Production Operations Management areas. He had also been an active member
on 29 other dissertation committees including areas in Marketing, Management, Economics,
Finance and Accounting. He was known to students as "Dr. B." who always provided
intelligent advice and patient guidance.

As a researcher, Dr. Bemardo's scholarly contributions included a wide range of interests,
with a remarkable reputation in the areas of multi—criteria decision making and production
planning and scheduling. His research had resulted in several monographs, many invited
presentations, and numerous published articles. His journal articles had appeared in Decision
Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Financial and
Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Operations Management,
Computers and Operations Research, and the International Journal of Production
Research, among others. Three times, Dr. Bernardo had garnered Best Paper Awards from
the national Decision Science Institute. He had received 13 grants and contracts totaling
over $366,000 in support of research activities.

Dr. Bernardo had served academic associations in numerous capacities including track
chairman, session chairman, doctoral consortium faculty, doctoral awards committee
member, international programs committee member of national Decision Science Institute.
At the University of Kentucky, Dr. Bernardo had been Director of the MBA program,
Director of Graduate Studies, Director of International Business and Management Center,
and served on numerous university-wide committees.

Dr. Bernardo also had substantial international experiences. In 1989, he served as an
advisor to the Government of Indonesia and the Asian Development Bank in evaluating the
Business Management Programs of Indonesian universities. From 1992 to 1994, he helped
the University of Zagreb and the Economic Institute of Zagreb in Zagreb, Croatia to evaluate
their MBA program. He advised deans, selected faculty members and university
administrators of several Kazakhstan universities and the Academy of Management, Almaty,
Kazakhstan on academic program development, faculty development, research direction, and
firm development activities that the universities could employ to aid the transition to a market
driven economy. In 1993, Dr. Bernardo advised and lectured in the Program Magister
Manajemen of the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia. In 1994, he served as
Academic Dean of Education for the American Twinning Program in Malyasia.

From the perspective of Dr. Bemardo's impressive career as a teacher, scholar, and
administrator, it may seem trivial to mention such things as his avid interest in sports. He


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Minutes, University Senate, September 11, 1995

coached a KICKER soccer select team which won several state and regional tournament

Jack Bernardo was a valued colleague and delightful friend, a dedicated teacher and
researcher, and a devoted husband and father. His untimely death has shocked and saddened
the entire College community. He will be forever missed by his colleagues and friends.

Professor Mullineaux asked that the resolution be included in he minutes of the meeting and that a
copy be sent to Professor‘s Bernardo's family.

Chairperson LaGodna asked that the Senate stand for a moment of silence in recognition of
Professor Bernardo.

The Chair recognized Professor Enid Waldhart for a special resolution.

Professor Waldhart said this was a much happier resolution that had been prepared by Professor
Jan Schach, who is the chair-elect of the Senate Council and Professor of Landscape Architecture.

SEPTEMBER 11, 1995

Traditionally, at the first meeting of the University Senate in the fall of each academic year,
we recognize the leadership and work of our retiring Senate Council Chair and presiding
officer of the University Senate. This resolution is offered to thank and commend Professor
Raymond H. Cox for his effective and capable leadership during the 1994-95 academic year.

Professor Cox‘s term in office occurred during a time of transition for the University with
several searches being conducted for key administrative positions. Throughout this time,
Ray served as a strong liaison with the university administration, especially President
Wethington. Ray's leadership was particularly effective during the search for the Chancellor
of the Lexington campus. Not only did Ray serve as a member of the Chancellor search
committee, but he endeavored to ensure faculty representation in the search process. He
pushed strenuously for the inclusion of the Senate Council and a cadre of research faculty in
the Chancellor interview process.

Ray again demonstrated astute leadership during one of the more sensitive discussions of the
year, the proposed staff senate. Ray did an admirable job of representing the interests of the
faculty, support staff, and administration during the ensuing deliberations. When the
contentious issue of open records emerged, Ray encouraged the development of written
guidelines for access.

Ray worked energetically and thoughtfully with the various committees of the Senate to
meet the needs of the faculty, particularly in shepherding the Holrnquist ad hoc Retirement


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Minutes, University Senate, September 11, 1995

Committee work. He also guided the selection and placement of the memorial bench
honoring Bill Lyons and arranged the dedication ceremony.

Ray's concern for the welfare of students was always foremost. He was instrumental in
bringing the debate over the plus/minus grading system, which originated in the College of
Arts and Science, to a university-wide discussion. In addition, he facilitated the electronic
availability to students of course evaluations of faculty.

Despite the immeasurable volume of requests and paperwork associated with his Council
Chair's duties, Ray never overlooked his commitment to students. He was always available
to his students no matter who was in the Council ofiice or what was going on.

We thank you, Professor Cox, for your eloquent and congenial style and for always being
respectful of the faculty's time as attested by your presiding over the shortest Senate meeting
on record! Please accept the sincere thanks and recognition of the Senate Council and the
University Senate for your continued dedication to the University community, your laudable
leadership, and your interminable spirit of cooperation.

Dr. Cox was given a round of applause.

The Chair recognized Professor Enid Waldhart for the first action item. Professor Waldhart stated
this was the item to which President Wethington had referred. It is a position paper that has been
developed by the Kentucky Advocates for Higher Education, the statewide citizen's group whose sole
purpose is to promote and advocate higher education in the Commonwealth.

The position paper is designed to assist in their efforts to inform and work with the gubernatorial
candidates and members of the General Assembly.

We have been asked to formally endorse this position paper, as have faculty Senates at all other
State supported institutions and other interested groups.

The Senate Council has unanimously approved this paper and recommends it for your approval as

Chairperson LaGodna said that before the discussion began, she would ask that comments be either
in support of the position paper or not in support of it, rather than editorial issues that we have no
control over. The floor was opened for discussion.

Professor Elaine Reed (Medicine) stated she was in support of the position paper as it is, but would
like verification about what role this statement would play when the total educational pie in Kentucky is
looked at.

Professor Loys Mather (Agriculture) said his understanding was this was the first time the
advocates have asked for Senate approval, they have these statements in the past, but they feel the stakes


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Minutes, University Senate, September 11, 1995

are rather high. They felt they would be in somewhat of a stronger position when they went to
Frankfort, it they could say not only is this a statement for the advocates but in addition we have the
Senates from all the State Universities also endorsing it. It was simply for added support for their

The Chair said she did not know whether anyone has the full answer to how that will affect other
aspects of funding.

There was no more discussion. The motion to endorse the paper was unanimously passed and the
paper is attached to the minutes.

Chairperson LaGodna made the following announcements:

On July 10, 1995 the Senate Council acted for the Senate on reinstating a Plan B option for the
Masters of Science in Biological Sciences to accommodate two students who were eligible for that

The United Way Fund Drive has now begun and there are many activities planned. She urged
everyone to participate. One of the most fitting ones for faculty will be on Tuesday, September 26, at
the faculty club there will be held a complimentary continental breakfast.

At the April 10, 1995 meeting, the Senate voted to approve three proposals for changes in

application deadlines. At that time it was brought up that there are remaining educational units with
application deadlines, they agreed to changes and those were recommended by the Admissions Advisory
Committee and circulated to the Senate for approval by mail. This was a little unusual, but it fell outside
the time of the Senate meeting. The Senate Council then approved pending objections and the changes
will be implemented for Fall 1996 for all educational units with application deadlines.

The meeting was adjourned at 4: 17 pm.

Secretary, University Senate


Address to University Senate--September 11, 1995
Charles T. Wethington, Jr., President

I. Introduction.

I appreciate having the opportunity to address the Senate,
as we begin a new school year. I am delighted to have everybody
back on campus in force--full of enthusiasm and curiosity. I
can safely confess to you that I sometimes find myself, usually
near commencement, looking for a brief respite from the hustle
and bustle of activities. But by the end of summer, I can hardly
wait for the opening of the fall semester. As usual this year, I
am excited as we begin, unusually optimistic about the
University, and pleased to have this chance to appear before and
speak to the Senate.

In the time made available to me for this purpose, I would
like to do three things£ (1) take a brief look back at last year,
hoping to give you a quick state-of-the-university report; (2)
offer some thoughts about important challenges confronting higher
education across the country; and (3) focus some attention on a
couple of things that we need to do or begin to do as we move
into and through academic year 1995-96.

II. A Brief Look Back at Last Year.

1994-95 was another year of substantial progress at UK, I am
pleased to report:
(A) "Quality and "accomplishment" are the words that best
describe what we observed in 1994-95 concerning the UK_
student body. The Lexington Campus freshman class was the
best ever enrolled at the University. Its average score on
the ACT increased from 24.6 to 24.9; more importantly, its
average score on that examination surpassed the national
average by more than four full points. It included 135
Kentucky Governor's Scholars, 106 high school
valedictorians, and 56 salutatorians. And, as you already
know, the 94-95 class included 81 National Merit Scholars,



 an increase of 13 over the prior year. In this regard, UK

ranked 7th among all public universities and tied for 18th
with Duke among all universities. While these are the most
notable signs of progress toward attracting high quality
students to the University, they are by no means the only
signs. We are attracting excellent students to Lexington
Campus from our community colleges, are attracting excellent
students from around the nation and world to our graduate
programs, and find our professional schools selecting very
high quality students from huge applicant pools. The "UK
student" is clearly getting better and better academically
every year, an undeniable fact that speaks loudly about the
institution's growing reputation for academic excellence and

(B) The work of a university faculty is very difficult to
highlight in a few words. The best of it occurs virtually
without notice--behind the closed doors of a classroom, in
the quiet of a laboratory, or in one-on-one sessions with

' students that occur hundreds of time a day in the informal
meeting places of this institution. Still, the signs of
excellence in the faculty of this University are clearly
visible. For example, 1994-95 found four of our faculty
members holding prestigious Fulbright Fellowships, one of
our young faculty members receiving the National Science
Foundation Career Award, and another holding the highly
significant Sloan Research Fellowship; it also found one

of our many outstanding scientists in the Medical Center
receiving international recognition for his pion