xt72v6986g5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72v6986g5t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19440324 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-03-mar24-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1944-03-mar24-ec. 1944 2011 true xt72v6986g5t section xt72v6986g5t 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, March 24, 1944'.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m.,
Friday, March 24, 1944.   The following members were present:  Judge
Richard C. Stoll, h. P. Hobson, James Park, H. S. Cleveland and
e. D. Palmore.   President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D.
Peterson were also prevent.

     A. Approval of Minutes.

          1. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes
             of the Executive Committee of February 25, 1944,
             were approved as published.
                        * * * * * * * * * *

     B. Statement of President Donovan about Summer School.

     President Donovan read the following statement concerning the
operation of the summer school and method of paying for same, and
requested advice from the Executive Committee:

          Had the budget which the Governor recommended to
      the General Assembly been approved, it was our inten-
      tion to recommend that the Summer Quarter be taken
      into the University financially.   The University has
      always operated on a two semester basis (or three
      quarters since 1942) from the standpoint of its state
      appropriation.   There has been a small sum of $10,000
      appropriated by the General Assembly for the Summer
      School (Summer Quarter), but all other expenses of this
      quarter have been paid out of student fees. This has
      resulted in a very unsatisfactory financial arrangement
      for the Summer School.

            We are requesting.your permission to make up the
       budget for this next year so as to include all profes-
       sorst associate professors, assistant professors and in-
       structors for the' first summer term. For the second summer
       term, the Dean of the University will be expected to employ
       the minimum number of teachers that may be required to
       operate this term.   This period is the term when we have
       the smallest attendance in the University and the number
       of teachers required to instruct students who are enrolled
       will probably be considerably less this year than we
       normally have used.   If you approve of this plan, it will
       guarantee every member of the teaching staff now employed



     for the academic year an extra month's salary,, which at
     this time is very much needed by the members of the staff
     due to the increase in living costs and taxes.

          Should the Governor recommend that the University
     be included in the call for a special session, and if the
     General Assembly should approve of the budget for the
     University recommended by the Governor at his regular ses'-
     sion, we should like permission to employ all members of
     the teaching staff on a twelve months basis, if they so
     desire.   If any member of the teaching staff prefers em-
     ployment for three quarters only, this arrangement could
     be made with him.

     The Executive Committee received the statement and informally
     directed the President to proceed as outlined in his statement.

     C. Discussion of the Wenaifr-Gren Aeronautical Research Laboratory
and Contracts.

     President Donovan stated to the Executive Committee that he had
been interviewed concerning the operation of the Wenner-Gren Aeronau-
tical Research Laboratory.   He stated that the records show that the
Laboratory was a gift to the University of Kentucky from the Viking
Foundations which Foundation is principally financed by Mr. Axel
Wenner-Gren.   The building was accepted by the University of Kentucky
on July 12, 1940.   it was a complete gift without conditions except
the Laboratory was to be named in honor of Mr. Wenner-Gren.   He
stated that the University of Kentucky entered into a contract about
October,. 1940, with the lviawen Motor Corporation for the operation
of the Laboratory.   The University of. Kentucky has, since April,
1941, made certain contracts with the Army Air Forces, Materiel Cen-
ter, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio; Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Corporation;
and the State Highway Department and that all these records had been
discussed by the Executive Committee previously.   He stated these
contracts and purchase orders appear to be of interest to some peo-
ple.   He stated that the documents and contracts are in various
files of the Board of Trustees, and it would appear desirable to com-
pile related papers.   In order to make them more accessible to
those who might be interested, he recommeadcd that they be copied
in the minutes.

     The members of the Executive Committee discussed the matter
pertaining to the Research Laboratory contracts, purchase orders, et
cetera.   They re-read some of the contracts, letters and documents.
It was related that the College of Engineering could not finance the
operation of such a large laboratory and that the agreement had
served to secure outside financial aid, that many students in the
College of Engineering had received training in the laboratory and
much assistance had been received by the College of Engineering
through the operation of the laboratory,   Since the University of
Kentucky participates financially to the extent of receiving all
profits realized on University of Kentucky contracts, the Comptroller



was requested to secure a financial statement of the operations of
the laboratory as relating to the contracts and purchase orders be-
fore the Committee.

     The Comptroller related that he did have in his files a state-
ment of expenditures and receipts on Government contracts by the
ilawen Motor Corporation, showing a net loss, but had not received a
statement on Pratt & Whitney contract other than invoices from the
Ylawen Motor Corporation.   It was suggested that it would be well to
have a complete statement from the Mawen Rotor Corporation on all
contracts to date.

     The Executive Committee, after a discussion, accepted the Pres-
ident's request.   Upon motion made, seconded and unanimously car-
ried, they passed the following resolution:

     Whereast there appears to be sufficient interest in the docu-
ments concerning the operation of the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical
Laboratory, and papers pertaining thereto, be it resolved that con-
tracts, letters, and purchase orders are hereby re-approved, au-
thorized, accepted, and ratified, and the Secretary is directed to
cause to be copied in full in the minutes of this meeting, con-
tracts, agreements, purchase orders and letters made, or written,
and entered into by the University of Kentucky with any individual
corporation or Government agency and that these documents shall be
held in the files of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.

Note 2f Secretarl of Committee, Memorandum of laboratory equipment
and services furnished College of Engineering, operating costs, re-
ceipts and expenditures of kawen kotor Corporation or Government
agencies, transmittal letters, invoices, Government vouchers, gen-
eral specifications for electric aircraft accessories, etc., have not
been copied herein as they are thought to be routine documents and
not of sufficient interest to warrant inclusion in detail.     Such
documents are on file,



                      UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

College of Engineering
Office of the Dean
                                         July 20, 1940

  Mawen Motor Corporation
        500 Fifth Avenue
             New York, New York

   Dear Sirs:

       Referring to our recent correspondence, we wish to confirm
   our understanding with yTou as follows regarding the operation
   and maintenance of the "Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research Labo-
   ratory" which is now being constructed on our campus:

        (1) We have shown you the plans and specifications for
   the laboratory and informed you generally as to the equipment
   to be installed therein.

        (2) You are to have the exclusive use, in so far as you may
   require the same, of the laboratory and equipment (except Rooms
   13 and 14 on the plan) for testing and developing aircraft,
   automotive and industrial internal combustion engines of conven-
   tional or unconventional design, whether such engines belong to
   you or such other persons as you may determine.   The University
   is to have the exclusive use of Rooms 13 and 14 for engineering
   research, to the extent it may reauire the same for that purpose,
   but, if and to the extent that such rooms are not so used by
   the University, you shall have the right to use them In your
   testing and developing work as aforesaid.

        (3) You are to pay all the servicing charges incurred in
   the operation of the laboratory building (such as electricity,
   water, etc.), excepting steam needed for steam heating purposes
   which will be supplied by the University's central heating

        (4) You are to pay all the necessary maintenance and opera-
   tion expenses of the building and laboratory, including replace-
   ment and renovation costs of the equipment in the laboratory,
   and fire insurance.   Title to any new equipment (as contrasted
   with equipment used for repair purposes) installed by you shall
   remain in you, and you shall have the right, in your sole dis-
   cretion, to remove such new equipment, either in whole or in
   part, upon the termination or earlier cancellation of this agree-
   ment, without detriment to the building property.



     (5) You are to employ, at your own expense, all the techni-
cal staff deemed by you necessary for the operation of the labora-
tory (which may include, with the consent of the Dean of the Col-
lege of Engineering, such students of that College as mays in
your opinion, be needed, subject to the approval of the Dean as
to hours and rate of pay).

     (6) There will be scheduled from time to time, under the
supervision of the Dean of the College of Engineering and Profes-
sor A. J, Meyer of our faculty, research and testing courses
(which will not interfere with your use of the laboratory) for
the benefit of the curricula of that College, under the joint
supervision and instruction of members of the faculty of the
College and such members of your technical staff as you may se-
lect.   Such training courses are to be limited to bona fide stu-
dents of the College of Engineering.

     (7) As part consideration for your agreement to operate and
maintain the laboratory as set forth herein, the University agrees
that you shall have the privilege of the laboratories and shops
of the College of Engineering in carrying on your testing and de-
veloping work as aforesaid, provided such use does not interfere
with the use of such facilities for the purposes of the University,
it being understood that you will pay the costs of materials used
and the technical services involved therein, whether received
from, within or without the College personnel.   If and when you
exercise this privilege, you are to employ, if and to the extent
you deem their services necessary, selected engineering students
of the College with the approval of the Dean of the College.

     (8) This agreement shall take effect on October 1, 1940, or
on the date the laboratory and equipment are ready for operation,
and is to continue for a period of ten years, provided, however,
that you may, at any time, upon six months' written notice to the
University, cancel this agreement, and thereupon at the end of
such six months' period all your rights to use such laboratory
and all your-obligations to maintain and operate the same shall
forthwith cease, subject, nevertheless, to your right to remove
any new equipment you may have theretofore installed therein as
stated in paragraph (4) hereof.   It is understood that you may
assign all of your rights and obligations under this agreement
to another person, firm or corporation, with the consent of the
University, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

     If the foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding,
kindly so indicate by signing the ealosed carbon copy of this
letter and returning it to us.

                               Very truly yours,

                                    UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
                           ( Signed)
                                    By Richard 0. Stoll
                                       Chairman of its Executive



Dated: Sept. 5, 1940.

     The foregoing correctly sets forth our understanding.

                                   MAWEN MOTOR CORPORATION

                       (Signed)   By  Geo, Carlson

                   *       *       *       *

                                    October 7, 1940

  Mawen Motor Corporation
  500 Fifth Avenue
  New York, New York

  Dear Sirs:

        Referring to our letter to you, dated July 20, 1940,
   and accepted by you; wherein you agreed, upon the terms and
   conditions set forth in our letter, to pay the operating
   costs of the aeronautical laboratory which has been donated
   to this University by the Viking Foundation and is now in
   the process of construction, we wish to advise you that
   there have been certain changes in the plans and specifica-
   tions of the laboratory from those referred to in our letter
   of July 20, 1940, and, in particular that the used floor
   space of the laboratory has been increased, (although the
   outside dimensions of the laboratory building remain sub-
   stantially unchanged) and rooms 13 and 14 referred to in
   paragraph (2) of our letter are to have installed therein
   dynamometers for testing engines.

        Will you kindly, by signing the carbon copy of this
   letter and returning it to us, confirm the fact that such
   changes do not in any way nullify our agreement as set
   forth in our letter of July 20, 1940, and that you still
   agree to pay the operating costs of such laboretory, all
   as set forth in our said letter.

                                     Yours very truly,

                                     UNIVEiSITY OF KENTUCKY

                           By (Signed)   James H{. Graham

   Dated,               1940

        The foregoing changes are acceptable to
   us, and we hereby confirm our agreement with
   you as set forth in your letter of July 20,
   1940'.            1i    MWENOTOR CORPORZT ION
          (Signed)    By Geo.p Pgslast .



                               Jauary 13, 1941

Lt. Col. E. R. Page
Air Corps, United States Army
Miaterials Division
Wright Field
Dayton, Ohio

My dear Colonel Page:
     In accord with our conference here on January 3, 1941, and
your inspection of the laboratories of this College, especially
the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research Laboratory, we offer to
undertake such research studies or projects which you may desire
to assign to this College and which may be agreed mutually as being
within the scope and limitations of our laboratories and of our
ability to render you a proper performance.

     In submitting this offer, it is the desire and the interest
of the College to utilize its facilities to the utmost in the de-
fense program, through really effective research work in aeronautics
and metallurgy and also in the advanced training of technical per-
sonnel; and we feel that there exists no more effective way of at-
taining this objective than through a sympathetic cooperation with
the efforts of your department at Wright Field.

     As we understand your procedure in general, you will present
to the College, from time to time, a series of research problems
or projects with outline specifications and the major objective of
each project and then we in turn will submit for your final approval
and authorization our statement of the gross costs involved in
the execution of each particular project, together with our ac-
ceptance of its execution.

     Confirming my verbal statements to you, the Wenner-Gren Lab-
oratory, a part of the College of Engineering, University of Ken-
tucky, while under my general supervision as Dean of the College,
will be under the direct charge and management of our Professor
A. J. Meyer, whom you know through past associations.  Furthermore,,
this particular laboratory was first conceived and planned prior
to the inauguration of the defense program.  Therefore, in order
to provide for the costs of maintenance and operation of such a
laboratory, the University entered into a contract with the Mawen
Motor Corporation for use in their program of development work
and this Company has purchased and installed the 150 H.P. electric
cradle dynamometer and one of the inductor type dynamometers and
the accessory equipment directly necessary therefor.   The building
and all other equipment planned and installed is a gift of the
Viking Foundation to the University.

     Professor Meyer and I estimate that the Wenner-Gren Laborato-
ry, as it is now equipped, is of sufficient capacity to carry with
proper management and selection at least twelve research tests or
projects concurrently.   In light of present conditions and pros-
pects, we also estimate that the Mawen Motor Corporation will need
to carry at least three to five tests or projects at any one time



during the next twelve months. Therefore, I believe we can carry
the two projects you mentioned and probably four additional ones of
equal scope without interruption or cramping. I may add here that
the Iiawen operation and personnel will be entirely under control
and management of Professor Meyer.  I may also state frankly and
without reservation that I believe the more you and your associates
observe and inspect the Mawen projects and their future development,
the more satisfied they will be for their's is likewise a research
or development problem, which they are carrying forward with con-
siderable faith and at their own cost. While I am not an authori-
ty, I have gradually grown a considerable faith in their project
from personal observation and now believe it holds considerable fu-
ture possibilities, if properly handled.

     I am sending you, under separate cover, another set of de-
wriptive plans of the Wenner-Gren Laboratory and attached hereto,
for your information and records, an extract of the minutes of the
Board of Trustees of the University which contains the Viking
Foundation's offer to the University, the terms of my Agency to
act for the Foundation, and the Mawen contract with the University.

     You will note that the Foundttion's offer was without any
reservations or restrictions whatever, except as to the funds in-
volved. Some two months after the acceptance of the Foundation's
offer and in anticipation of the events and the needs that are now
with us, the Foundation authorized me to complete the extension
of the present building and to equip completely the large dynamome-
ter room and the two vacant small dynamometer rooms and to add
other important features, all at an additional estimated cost of
4700COs which sum has been paid to me and expended by me personal-

     As stated heretofore, the Mawen contract is the University's
method of financing the maintenance and operation of the laboratory.
It antedated the inauguration of the Defense program and we trust
it will continue after that program is consummated, as it is mani-
fest that an engineering college of our size cannot operate such
a laboratory without outside financial aid.

     In conclusion, I can say that after your visit I discussed the
whole situation with Judge Richard C, Stoll, Chairman of the Execu-
tive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University, and he
stated that he was willing for me, as Dean, to allocate and dis-
tribute all items of operating and personnel costs involved on
behalf of the University, and I believe the Mawen Motor Corporation
will concur likewise and will abide by my judgment in all such

     I am glad exceedingly for the cpporturity of meeting you and
 thank you for making us the visit and hope that future developments
 will bring you here often.

      I will present you, in another letter, some further kdeas con-
 cerning the technical training program, for your consideration.
                               Yours trulyt
                                   (Signed) James H. GrahamyDean



                                      March 18, 1941

Nawen Motor Corporation
500 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York

Dear Sirs:

     Under date of July 20, 1940, this University addressed a
letter to you prescribing the terms and conditions for the exclu-
sive use by you of certain "stipulated facilities" of the Wenner-
Gren Aeronautical Research Laboratory and this letter, accepted
by you, has been what may be termed an "operating and maintenance
contract" between you and the University.  Under date of January
13, 1941, the University addressed a letter to Colonel E. R. Page,
Air Corps, United States Army, offering to perform research studies
or projects for that Corps, which might be within the scope of the
Laboratory and its personnel.   A copy of this letter has been given
you.   In view of this letter and the possible developments there-
under during the immediate future, we feel that a plan or operating
procedure should be formulated for the Laboratory and therefore
suggest as follows:

     1. If and when the Air Corps, United States Army, or any other
similar Agency of the United States of America, shall offer to the
University of Kentucky, a research problem or project, which may be
within the scope of the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research Labora-
tory, in whole or in part, and which shall not be declared or desig-
nated by the said Corps or other Agency as being of a confidential
or secret nature, then Professor A. J. Meyer shall prepare there-
for a schedule of operating procedure within the laboratories and
a detailed estimate of costs. of the entire problem or project, in-
cluding the costs of all labor materials, service charges, etc.,
and shall submit these entire, through Col. James H. Graham, Dean
of the College of Engineering, to the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity and to the President of the kawen Motor Corporation for
approval.   When and as the aforesaid problem or project has been
authorized finally by the said Corps or other similar Agency for
execution, then all procedure in connection therewith shall be
regulated and distributed and payment of funds derived therefrom
shall be disbursed, in full accord with the aforesaid schedule and
estimate of costs.

      2. If and when the Air Corps, United States Army, or any other
 similar Agency of the United States of America, shall offer to the
 University of Kentucky a research problem or project, which may
 be within the scope of the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research Lab-
 oratory, in whole or in part, and which shall be declared or desig-
 nated by the said Corps, or other similar Agency, to be of a con-
 fidential or secret nature, then Professor A. J. Meyer shall pre-
 pare a schedule of operating procedure within the laboratories
 and a retailed estimate of costs of the entire problem or project,
 including the costs of all labor, materials, service charges, etc.,
 but shall submit only the luMp umM of the estimated costs thereof,



through Col. James H. Graham, Dean of the College of Engineering,
to the Board of Trustees of the University and to the President
of the Mawen Motor Corporation for approval in lump sum, declaring
therewith the problem or project to be of a confidential or secret
nature. When and as the aforesaid problem or project has been
authorized finally by the Corps or other Agency for execution,
then Professor A. J. Meyer shall report the distribution of costs
in lump sum and without a description of the process, through Col.
James H. Graham, Dean of the College of Engineering, to the Board
of Trustees of the University and to the President of the Mawen
Motor Corporation for approval and all funds derived or received
from the executionthereof shall be disbursed accordingly.

     3. When aftd as the Air Corps, United States Army, or any other
similar Agency of the United States of America, shall authorize
for execution within the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research Labora-
tory any research problem or project declared or designated by the
said Corps or other similar Agency to be of a confidential or
secret nature, then all personnel,' including engineering students;
connected'.with the execution of the problem or project, directly
or indirectly, shall be approved by the Dean of the College of
Engineering, Professor A. J. Neyer and the authorized representa-
tive of the aforesaid Corps or other similar Agency, and a safe
place shall be provided for the care of all documents, records,
plans and other data connected therewith and these shall be under
the direct charge of Professor A. J. Meyer or the authorized repre-
sentative of the Corps or other similar Agency, if such be stipu-
lated, at all times.

     4. The aforestated suggestions are not intended to interferb
with or to direct your regular or routine schedule of laboratory
operation as defined in letter of July 20, 1940; but are intended
rather to prescribe a procedure to be followed during the emergency
when and as the Air Corps, United States Army, or other similar
Agency of the United States of America, may offer research projects
to the University direct, and applicable only during the term of
execution-..of such offerings.

     S. The aforesaid letter of January 13, 1941, stated that the
operation of the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Research Laboratory shall
be operated under the direction of our Professor A. J. Mleyer.
It should be further understood between us, that if and when Pro-
fessor A. J. Meyer is not thus available, for any reason, then we
shall agree as to a substitute or a successor, who shall be accept-
able to and approved by the Board of Trustees of the University as
a member of the faculty of the College of Engineering aT the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.

                                   Yours truly,

                                        (Signed) James H. Graham
March 22, 1941

          (Signed) By Geo. Carlson,President.



                                       April 5, 1941

E. R. Page, Lieutenant Colonel,
Air Corps, United States Army
MIateriel Division
Wright Field
Dayton, Ohio

Ny dear Colonel Page:

     When you inspected our laboratories here early Imt January
with the thought of assigning sorxe research problems to this Col-
lege, you questioned me concerning operating conditions if and
when any of the problems so assigned should be of a secret or
confidential nature. I answered you that all such work and
operation would be in direct charge of Professor A. J. Meyer and
you replied that you knew him well and that it would be all

     Under date of January 20, 1941, I received a blue print
resume of your visit with us - Serial No. EXP - M-57-518-54
and Reference - E. 0. R. 57.   As this contained a few very minor
discrepancies, I forwarded to you copies of the Viking Foundation
Offer, of my Agency therefor, and of the operating and mainten-
ance contract for the Wenner-Gren Laboratory as executed between
the University of Kentucky and the Viawen liotor Corporation of
New York, together with a personal resume of the transactions.

     However, it occurred to me afterwards that you might desire
an undertaking of a more defined operating procedure and there-
fore I drafted, in letter forms such a procedures which I felt
would cover the entire situation and addressed same to the Mawen
Motor Corporation.   I herewith enclose a copy of this letter,
which has been subscribed to and signed by the Corporation in
due form, for yotr  information and files.   In effect, this ar-
rangement places the regulating procedure for the Laboratory
within your jurisdiction at your discretion.    If you desire a
signed copy of this letter, we will furnish it,

                                       Yours truly,

                                       (Signed) James H. Graham



                    UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

College of Engineering
Office of the Dean

                                         April 12, 1941

       President Thomas Cooper
       University of Kentucky

       My deaw President Cooper:

            This letter is merely to inform you concerning
       the present status of the proposed research con-
       tract between the University and the Air Corps,
       U.S.As You will remember that the Air Corps at
       Wright Field approached us last January about a
       number of research projects to be done within the
       laboratories of this College; and especially within
       the Wenner-Gren Laboratory.   In due course, we sub-
       mitted one proposal as a pioneer effort.

             I am now informed that the procedure has been
       worked out by the Air Corps and that we may receive
       soon the formal contract for execution.   If this
       occurs prior to the next meeting of the Executive
       Committee, I can assure you that the cost estimates
       included therein are safe and reasonable, and I
       herewith recommend that the contract be approved

                                      Yours truly,

                                   (Signed) James H. Graham
                                             James H. Graham


U.S. Standard Form 33 (Revised)             Invitation No.W535AC-19115
   Approved by the Secretary                Contract No. 41-9825
     of the Treasury
     January 17, 1939

                        (Short Form Contract)
CVR:MwOIFJK: rel .
War Dept.,Air Corps, Materiel Division, Office of Contracting Officer,
Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio                  April 15, 1941

                                        CIRCULAR 41-1910

     Sealed bids, in triplicate, subject to the conditions on the re-
verse hereof, will be received at this office until 10:00 o'clock
a.m.,E.S.T. APRIL 28, 1941, and then publicly opened, for furnishing
tile following supplies, and/or services, for delivery at F.O.B.
WRIGHiT FIELD, Dayton, Ohio.
                           (Signed) DEnnis MlcCall
                                       ENNIS McCALL, 1st Lt.,A.C.
                                                 Contracting Officer.

Item        Articles of Services     Quan-   Unit Unit      Amount
Nto.                                 titv          Price   Dols.   Cts.


Bids on articles advertised under this Circular Proposal are request-
ed based on delivery FO.B. WRIGHT FIELD, Dayton, Ohio.

For description, other terms and conditions, see Continuation Sched-
ule, Sheets 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

PROCUREMENT AUTHORITY. The supplies and/or services to be obtained
by this instrument are authorized by, are for the purpose set forth
in and are chargeable to the following Procurement Authority; the
available balance of which is sufficient to cover cost of same:
                        AC 11 P 71-13&1 A 0705-01

Address all invoices to Finance Officer, Wrighiit Field, Dayton, Ohio,
who is hereby designated to makze payment.
AUTHI. FOR PURCHASE: 185881 dated 3-14-41 - Power Plant Lab._ Miscl.
                      Chg.332-1-31 (06-A) - Proj. 71.-2- Item 532-1 -
                      lot 20596.