xt72v6987787 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72v6987787/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19840706 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 6, 1984, no. 434 text The Green Bean, July 6, 1984, no. 434 1984 2014 true xt72v6987787 section xt72v6987787 I//ifi I I i;°?$`qL
‘ 7-6-814 No. Mau
July 10 Fire Alarm System Check
Dia Del Bibliotecario .
. July 12 ‘ Sir William Os1er's Birthday
I I 4 July 17 Purchasing Procedures I ‘
  A July 19 (lpm)-22 Agriculture Library Closed ’
July 2N ~ Research Accounting _1 V
‘ July 25 Building Effective Work ` (
· . T ` »Relationships
1 July 26 S Improving Communication Skills
; July 31 Travel Procedures ° A
J August 3 Deadline for luncheon plans for the 1
g Fall Library Faculty Meeting
August 2M Fall Library Faculty Meeting at
Carnahan House A ` A _
Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, July 20, l98¤.  
Deadline for inclusion: Tuesday, July 17 at 10 a.m. S
Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwick, · h
. Rob Aken (editor) ·

I'd like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for
N the fine job done by Rick Garrett in Administrative Services. ‘
;Rick always has a pleasant disposition and is willing to ·perform
tasks and help out in any-way he can. I know there are many of
us in the library system who wonder what wed would _do without
Rick. Just today he brought us some shelving for the periodical
room, a catalog cabinet from the Art Library, and boxes for our
sbinding shipment. And he _takes great care with his mail
deliveries, making sure we receive OUR mail and not that intended · A
for the Math library or wherever. ·‘ ,‘__ V"
Perhaps any other person could perform the duties that Rick does,
but few could do the work_so efficiently and with such a pleasant
attitude. The library system has a real asset in Rick Garrett. V
A ‘ . Sincerely, ‘ ‘ I
Cathy Hunt A ‘ ,
. * * * ‘ if A
p Sandy McAninch I I - . I
Government Publications Department ` » .
A Dear Sandy: ` I I ` I _ . I
I want to thank you on behalf of the Reference Department. staff W
for the splendid workshops on GPD sources which you conducted for ·
us in May and June. All of us have increased our awareness of
the riches in the document collection, and our service will
·· . undoubtedly be the better for it. ' -
You paced us just right, too, I think; I hope your considerable‘
I pedagogical skills get frequent exercise. ’
Please igive our thanks to Barbara Hale for her, part` in the
·instruction. And, more generally, our thanks to ycu and your ]
— entire staff for your expertise and your willingness to share it, ,
‘ Sincerely,   . ‘ »’
Brad Grissom I "

Q iNroRuM
i August Library Faculty Meeting
l The fall library faculty meeting will be at Carnahan House on
g Friday, August 2N beginning at 8:30 a.m. Coffee and donuts will·
§ be available. Lunch will be provided by South-Van catering and
? individuals will have a choice of either a Hot Brown or Baked
Q Ocean Catfish. The price for either is $5.60 with salad, drink,
Q and dessert included.
§ Please let Carol Marcum (7~380l) know by August 3 if you plan to
Q have lunch at Carnahan and if so your main dish choice. We will
i collect for lunch at Carnahan. V
i Tari Keller, Gail Kennedy and Toni Powell (chair) are serving as
; a committee to plan the automation portion of the agenda. Please
j send any suggestions to them. (Paul Willis)
b Agriculture Library Hours
A The Agriculture Library will close on Thursday, July 19, l:0G
p.m. in order to be treated for termites. The library will
remain closed on July 20 and not reopen until Monday, July 23.
Regular Summer hours, through August 2 are:
Monday—Thursday 8-6
Friday 8-U:3O
Closed weekends. (Toni Powell)
Softalk Routing
Softalk, the monthly magazine for IBM Personal Computer Users, is
available now through the staff journal routing project. lf you
would like to be added to the routing list for this magazine,
please send your name to Alan Schaplowsky, Acquisitions —
Department by July 20. (Gail Kennedy)
Check of Fire Alarm System
The fire alarm system in both buildings of M.I. King will be
checked between 7:35 and 8:00 a.m., July 10. It is not necessary
to exit the buildings at that time. (Pat Lloyd)

 c ..z.w:§,{§ ` ‘ · i . , · , V  
3 o
LC Catalogs-Monographic Series
, GPD has a three volume set of the 1982 LC Catalogsy
* Monographic Series to offer to any department or branch that
could use it. Contact Sandy McAninch (7-BHOO).
-“ Paperbacks Move ·
The Paperback Reading room (5th floor, King Library South) will.
· be locked as of June 27, l98H and no longer open to the general
public. The collection of paperback books will be moved to E
level, core section of King Library South and available.for use
as of June 27, l98¤.
National Software Lending Library
Membership in the National Software Lending Library, which loans
public domain software by mail, is $75 a year. Programs may be ‘
Q copied onto your own storage media and kept.
2 Public domain software collections, recorded on diskettes or o
g cassettes, are currently available for the following
Q microcomputers: Apple, Atari, Commodore, IBM PC and PC Jr.,
¤ Texas Instruments, and VIC. Collections for Timex/Sinclair, TRS
‘ 80, and CP/M computers will be available in the near future.
( NSLL also collects and lends demonstration copies of proprietary
software, educational video cassettes, data bases, computer club
newsletters, periodicals, and books about computers.
See the current news release and partial public domain software
listing in Reference.
A ' New Books ` A
Biggs, Mary, ed. Publishers and Librarians: A Foundatiggwfgg
Dialogue (Proceedings of the U2nd Conference of the Graduate
Library School, 1983). Chicago: ·University of Chicago,
198}-I. (Z/716.6/.P83/l98H)
Futas Elizabeth, ed. Library Acquisition Policies angmj;oce~
dures, 2nd ed. Phoenix: Oryx, 198H. (Z/689/,fU9!l98&$
Katz, Bill and Ruth A. Praley, eds. Reference SSrvigesmA§minis~ »
' tration and Management (The Reference Librarian, 3;,
_ New York: Haworth, l982. (Z/7ll/.RNU8/1982)
V - ' ‘ I;] ._.•?, v ' .; ’ .'¢'Il' .l.,i,,_¤7? :"'1'» _' , *_ , >_ , ,_ _

 _; - M I ‘
§ Subject Index to SPEC Kits, l973—l98N. (Ref. Vertical Pile)
§ Vondron, Raymond F., et al, eds. Productivity in the Informa~
Q tion Age: Proceedings of the H6th ASIS Annual Meeting.
§ White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry, 1985.
E (010.78/Am35p/.20/l983)
Q The following training programs are available to UK nonwfaculty
g employees. Programs are held in room l5 (basement) of Memorial
} Hall. To enroll contact Rosemary Veach (7-185l).
I . -
% Purchasing Procedures July l7, l0 a.mi ~ noon
§ Conducted by Tom Fields, Director of Purchasing, this workshop
g shows how to use DAV's, requisitions, purchase orders, and
5 receiving reports to make departmental purchases within
3 University guidelines. -
3; Research Accounting July 2Q, 10 aim, ~ noon
l Conducted by Rita Carter of the Research Accounting department,
this workshop provides instruction regarding correct business
procedures to use for PADR's and account ledger sheets in
relation to special Research Accounting requirements.
Building Effective Work Relationships: July 25, 8:3G~Q:3d
‘ A Seminar for Secretaries ·
  A This workshop focuses on interpersonal relationships in the
office and the basics of interactive communication including
dealing with different people, completing projects on timer and
understanding and helping your supervisor. Specific tesnniques
will be discussed for applying gentle pressure to get projects X
out on time.
Improving Communication Skills: July 26, 8:33 a.m. ~ noon
V A Supervisory/Management Workshop
Supervisors communicate with their staff in many ways, some of
which he/she may not be aware. This workshop examiner the
various communication problems and suggests techniques to improve

, Travel Procedures July 31, lO a.m. - noon
. Conducted by Leanore Grinager of the Pre-Audit Department, this
workshop provides information about UK travel procedures and
regulations and proper completion of the travel request form and
· expense voucher.
Ten Years Ago in "The Green Bean"
Library Annex materials were moved from the Reynolds Building to
the third floor of King North. The move of this annex collection
(which included Acquisitions, Cataloging, Archives, GPD,
Newspaper/Microtext materials, and others) took about three
l weeks.
i The Music Library took over administration of the Music Listening
Center from the School of Music. _
i ‘ Faith Harders joined the staff as Map Librarian.
i (For more information, contact the Director's Office.) A
Q Arizona
i Head of Acquisitions, Arizona State University.‘ Salary: $2U,5GG
minimum. Deadline: July 20.
l caiiropnia
A Assistant Head of Public Services, University of California at .
‘ Berkeley. Salary: $18,636-$32,796. Deadline: Aug. Bl.
U Head of Manuscripts Division, University of California at `
Berkeley. Salary: $22,776~$32,796. Deadline: Aug. EL.
j Serials Cataloger, University of Georgia. Salary: $l5,3OO minimum.
? Deadline: Aug. l7.

 if \ ' "*·*~ -"" `*" ' *** '‘'`   ' """ " vw" " rr *"`Z.,:   Qi"1ZT'"j ' _ _rr, , __r_ _ r _ ' ' ''''' _; ` I ’ l` - Q
A 6
.  ~
Q iiiinois
E Assistant ILL/Reference Librarian. _ Northwestern University.
_ L Salary: $16,000. Deadline: Aug. 15.
i Preservation Officer, University of Chicago. Sa1ary:‘ $2U,250—
E $32,500. Deadline: not specified.
. Missouri A l
Science Librarian, University of Missouri-Columbia. Salary:
j $1M,500 minimum. Deadline: Aug. 1. ,
New Jersey
_ General Reference Librarian, Princeton University. Salary: not
specified._ Deadline: July 25.
Reference Librarian (Business), Rutgers University, Newark
Campus. Salary: $l9,2M9-$23,507 minimum. Deadline: Aug. 15.
New York
, Research and Development Librarian, New York University. Salary:
i $21,000 minimum. Deadline: Aug. l.
Assistant Director for Public Services, SUNY Buffalo, Salary:
$34,000 minimum. Deadline: not specified.
North Carolina .
Assistant Librarian for Planning and Finance, University of North Q
> Carolina at Chapel Hill. Salary: $28,000 minimum. Deadline: g
` Aug. 1. g
Texas t
Reference/Collection Devleopment Librarian (Social Sciences), ·;
Rice University. Salary: $17,000-$20,000. Deadline: not E
specified. 2
Resource Development Librarian (Social Sciences), Texas A & M Q
University. Salary: $18,000 minimum. {

“ Assistant Librarian, University of Virginia. Salary: $18,000
minimum. Deadline: Aug. 15.
· I West Virginia _
Head, Children's Department, Kanawha County Public. )'Sa1ary:~
$17,00M-$17,668. Deadline: Aug. 1.
Circulation Librarian, Kanawha County Public. Salary: $15,600~
$16,22U. Deadline: Aug. 1. ‘
Branch Chi1dren's Librarian, Kanawha County Public. Salary:
$15,600-$16,22N. Deadline: Aug. 1.
Library Director, Glenville State College. Salary: not
specified. Deadline: Aug. 1.
(If interested, contact Ann Short.)
Library Technician IV, grade 6, Collection Development.
Library Tech. VII, grade 9, CSR
Library Technician V, grade 7, GPD
Staff members interested in being considered for the acting head
of Acquisitions, please see Ann Short, John Bryant or Paul Willis ‘
by July 13, 198M. (Paul Willis)