xt72v698940x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72v698940x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1936-04-06  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 6, 1936 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 6, 1936 1936 1936-04-06 2020 true xt72v698940x section xt72v698940x  



Minutes of the University


enate a April 6, 1936

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Tne sniteisitJ bec»te net in tLe Léctclc Room of McVey Hall Monday
i1 0, Wltn PreSLdent McVey presidingr The meetin was called on week
ly, in order to con51der a matter that ight need to go to the Board
of Trustees on April 7°

The minutes of March 9 were approved as reade

President McVey reported that the Council on Higher Education had
't on that all graduate work done by the

had a meeting and paSEVd a resolu i

state institutions be done at the University of Kentucky and that the

fiist two years of undergraduate work of the Colkge of Education be
transferred to the Teaohers Colleges. He stated that at least three of the
Teachers Colleges endorsed the principle of the University recognizing the

graduate work that is being done in the Teachers Colleges and that both
time and credit be accepted at the University; also tFat where it was
requested the degree be conferred at the University. It wa~ mentioned that
65 or 70—persons had been granted master’s degrees at the Teachers Colleges
and would be embarrassed in the future by having degrees from an institution
no longer granting degrees, and that it would be a friendly gesture on the
part of the University to recognize this work and offer them degrees from
the University. President McVey said that he recognized the fact that

this was somewhat irregular, but that it was an unpreCedented movement

for the state institutions to cease to grant advanced degrees and refer
them to the University” After some discussion the following recommendatior
from the University Council was approved:

“We recommend to the Board of Trustees:

1. Students now enroled as candidates for master"s
degrees at Western State Teachers College,
Eastern State Teachers College, Murray State
Teachers College and Morehead State Teachers College,
will, upon transferring to the University of
Kentucky9 receive credit for time and amount of
work done toward the master’s degree in the
University of Kentucky.

2, The University of Kentucky will recognize the
completed work of holders of master's degrees
from the Teachers Colleges by granting to them
the master’s degree of the University of Kentucky.“

President McVey announced that he had asked each mean to give him
the names of instructors in his college who were giving graduate instruction,
by departments, with the degrees held by each and the field that he covers,
for the purpose of selecting a graduate faculty.

A recommendation from the College of Education that persons who take
graduate work in education without meeting the language requirement be
given the degree of M. A. in Education, was referred to the Graduflte Faculty
for recommendation to the Senate.

3.)”. _.._. .._




































Minutes of the University Senate 0 Continued, April 6, l9j6

Dean Taylor made a report on the work of a committee appointe by
President McVey to cooperate with Dr. Laiham Hatchor anfl the Superintendent
of Breathitt County Schools in an experiment with the curricuium. After

some discussion the following recommendations of the committee were anoroved;

1. That a committee of the Senate be appointed to
supervise the curricular offerings of these schoolso

2. That for the present not more than three schools be

approved for such an experimenfel curriculumo these
three to include the Breathitt County High Sehgol9

Annvi ie Institute, and Pine Mountain Settlement
School, and these three to be accepted only when

and if definite requests for such approval are
submitted by the boards of education of these schools.






